The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 12, 1916, Image 7

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a 3
Farmers Column | ’ GET
| a Value of Forested Areas Frequently What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To DON T FOR
| VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION Overlooked—Timber in Some Say This Week,
CLARENCE SCHOCK | Yakupse INFONS Crs, tne Mote profitable’ Crop Us
* RRR 010) Ch oI (0 D8 +). CHECHEN —- NATO eketon GF photos hid brief
4 , } 3 ys Al Strawberries, raspberries, and black- A permanent woodiot is an essential FREE starch and TOport on
o — berries are of a very perishable ma- part of a well-equipped farm, In heav- When you need any- pi ay tor NEW BOOKLET,
ture. They must be picked just right, ily wooded States especially. farmers thing in the line of READ PARES 11d 3 before applying
{ and if allowed to become overripe ure likely to overlook this fact and : AR IE ati
they become soft and are rejected by ockles Iy ut, uisuse or clear up tueir neat and attractive D SWIFT & 00
customers, This is a loss to the [orest areas.. It does mot occur to Printing. : PATENT LAWYERS "
jrower. The strawberry must be re- (hem that it may be advisable to al- wan a — 303 Seventh St., Washingtsn, D. C.
set every three or four years ior the ow thrifty, immature timber to mature ————— .
best success; while the raspberry ana iather than to remove it ai a lows; TC
blackberry should be reset every five und that it is often better to practice TE
or six years. This always means & [utemsive agriculture on areas already t has no ch
large amount of careful and painstak- (leared than to clear additional areas a
ing care, which are in growing tuber.
A cow should be dried off for six The one direct economic reason for This may be +] age of
i weeks before calving. It may take (Le use of land as woodlot is that on dust, and sooodos and soot
| two weeks to dry her off, that depend- some areas timber is the most profit- | fron factory chimneys, eat
| ing upon the persistency of milk flow. able crop that can be grown. This, of FLLOSOI'Y {
To dry a cow off the rich feed has to course, is especially true of poor and Wao oles ot da“ grawleahis you can fight Rn winning batts 4
| be removed and the cow allowed to rough land. Where all the land 19} vlawva ko, don sin © farbortich’” de with ids battery of Bissell’s. he
. . ’ | pasture short grass or eat hay. Some adaptable to more valuable crops the beshia leit twnera nuchbershoft: uf “em
1N er al nes | milk is oes in the quarters at each woodlot should occupy only a small | karichliofe. Ube the Bissells Carpet Sweeper for
I milking at first; then a milking is part of the farm area, jo : aga J dally sweeping—clean thoroughly once or tusfies
| 2a en tho’ IrkIBY Ye ning ov p at or the eT. Bred EN | Ich hob shun uft gawunard farwos or
J g { There are a great many indirect com-| 0. ich) in droovel shoffa mit tswa 8 week with Bissell's Vacuum Sweepem
ery other day, and afterward omly a
little milk is taken, as seem to be nec- |

siderations, however, which justify the | eibgleit
maintenance of a
a heira, wun se duch gawis
permanent woodlot | 1.4; groovel hovva kenna mit ainra.
« Result, sa immecdately closn houwss, whe
dust henna e Chwnon.
essary. There is no specific rule for'on the farm. The most important ones, | Der: karl Znokt. far droovel ‘grik
such work and it requires the best a number of which are: (1) For con- OF) SAILORS fae, Maovel: Eh
SET OUR PRICES. tedgment and erverifue’ of (hs Bitdad. b. | farkumen en shwartz awg. Boney waar Suro wind the pose Morell studs Sur op
’ jue Pp ‘ Bei of howe age for fuel, Tos, | Es wart ols g'sawt “de belft fun da any oe of dbeoleg devios. Wels Corpet Swaper ne eased
Sr and other farm » i (2) asa | leit wissa net we de onar helft laebd.” fo wagestndben by 9 years of ontheinotery serves.
It is an easy matter to grow a crop 'hreak for buildings or crops; (3) as a | Yeh tswoivel Solis well da nind helt a
of strawberries, but quite another thing shelter for stock; (4) for protection alee bizodl rieind Pads Wasnmn Sooper 1 0 hand pooped toolben meaekise x)
FF to sell them profitably. Strawberries, ' of land from erosion; (5) to furnish > ” Galsit* fd: voushiaboht. . 56 that hos samen poor thes met dectde chamess, 5 geved ne
| e yeipsie eals £ Ss "a
a s to sell well, must be packed carefully ' work for men and teams during spare fevel wok de. aosht Bro bam amb of seater of set. Rasy to sposatng to samy fers seem te rosy 0 s
in boxes and placed on the market time; (6) for purely esthetic reasons | Ee e : augty aed Troep clean.
soon thereafter. ~ Few towns are well and f enti oo for which | de menner doona wun era letshta gaid. ®
as 204. OF Torrestion Dburponed, | or karl os nemols wase w ga- | Coll ame fot 0a dosnamatente,
Harness and Horse Clothing, i= MOUNT JOY, PENNA. equipped with “strawberries duis the reasons ‘wlone =. farm withia welder | PF 507 0s nemols wase wun &F go: Ip without muy cbiipden.
tbat nunk hut grickt farkumen tsu feel. ed
strawberry season. Any individual who cated grove of trees, however small, | Tn anizhis Al 1a. toot holt o
. . YY 10. cnar os cn se Dy ”
will plant one to five acres will fimd ill sell for more than one without. | ; FOR 3ALE BY
pi gnub ous de kolleckshun-bux.
a ready market for all his product at Thus a woodlot may at the same

Es is uftmol dar fol os leit kronk


1 Te
| home. For home market strawberries time increase the general prosperity of | . : 5 ’
Fa lv vi ia . . . sin weil de duckder es geld breicha. {
{ should be nearly ripe when picked; the farm, add to its comfort as a : : : : \ $ ' : i
| but for shipping they should be picked’ home, and enhance its value as an. in- En monich weibsmench winshd se { 6 |
B | : > 2s ’ grt $y ® | ware en mon, und en monichar mon | 52 E. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa
. KE | m little greener. It is an easy matter vestment. sl Soi a | Be - oe 2 -
to pick a small area, but when several The reason farmers have not given | jin je : _ maidel nna io V
it! Mer ko warlly e ) ‘ 0s
PROFESSIONAL | acres have to be picked every day it gs full consideration to the woodlot as | I Fridawes ; t il ue = uals
| is not easy. Shortage of help is the it deserves is that they have not had | a] why ee jong Wi Tile. 08 50 2
| : : * PLS a chance.
Undertaker | wain trouble. Wha picking for sBip- complete enough knowledge of the mar- > dowel . toned: Be hols wap !
ping a field should be picked every day ket possibilities of various woodlot | gi a in or Aa > yy ; aa
if possible, but for home market, to | products and of the rate of growth and! uh > OY 0p. muwesd yu dar S2
; | moonet.
and pick over the same ground every other | jossible yields per acre of properly! i o ht ds relcka os -a@orda
day is often emough. It is well t0 cared for stands of different species k id Ju Se tic 08 ds
see that the boxes are well filled. | and ages, or that they Lave considered gn! Pm So iiss. Sock. us : :
Embalmer The capacity of brooders amd hovers | only the present need and have mot re Kod pi eel Bl Boos Se Ea
i a . 2 5 se " 3 rar oxi
is oftem overestimated, 3 ae BIE 105. abead. Special attention is a Ai > HEMI Ey eee rE Ir
= to two thirds of the number of chick- i i by: the For Service | 5o0 :
ALL WORK RECIIVES MY PERSONAL ATTENTION a oo ary | 10% being given by Tie Eoresy Service "Of en rool gleiha de wil Ken WE CAN FURNISH A HOME WORTHY
s ens commonly adv Ww m | to these questions and to the question 3 .
Bell Phone 43-RS$ . ear he dame? ie : Co os rein a shreiva kon, oyyer farkumen THE FAIREST JUNE BRDIE
Vitor inn 2 lage unlel, Tie Seu of feproved methods of markerdg MR/E LC ; checks shreiva ko Next to the Affection For Her Husband, the Young Bride
Sunday and night calls responded te immediately ger from fire, due frequently to care-| formation about the uses of various oi DN Ee C ’ — : Se pin hy wo On We New Ho ® ui Its
West Malin Street MOU NT JOY PA lessness and lack of attention, is com- | kinds of wood and the markets for Fs 15 uit dor fol 0s dor Dapere 08 Cons Her Aoughts, and Jpiorosis Un 1. New me
At D. H. Engi®’s ’ . siderable in cheap brooders and hovers, | we has been compiled for a number| Dl OR Ward is, dawenichar sin #4 Urpiamngs. Se
: : : ; | buwa waerd. You may travel the country over and not find a stock of
I while there is some risk in the best | f States. In some cases this informa- ? : a ; i
grades, although proper care will re-| ; h b ublished by the State Es sheind dale leit gooka om de Furniture, Carpets and Rugs to compare either in eauty or
» ! 3 i 3 n : .
duce this to & minimum. Individual | von - or : y try Re. | kolleckshun-bux in de karich we en price with the delightful and magnificent assortment of the new
: , Foresters in Wood-Using Industry e- Spring Goods now on display.
gammel-mosheen; wun se en cend nel
doona eckshpeckda se en dawler waerd
salichkeit rous greeya.
Ols en rool is en fraw era mon lae-
hovers in colony houses or several
ome one large house are
general satisfaction on
rh in | ports and in Handbooks for Marketing
giving quite | woodlot Products. A new bulletin pre-
small poultry | pared by the Forest Service (Farm-
Our Inexpensive Location Saves Our Customers $10,000.00 An-
Bed-room Pieces,
Bureaus, $9.00 up; Chiffonieres, $6.50 up; .

farms, while the pipe system of | ,.o in 715. Measuri d Mar- . ight
’ brooding is commonly used in large NS I ns. hand dich. gun gs almay krokadld mit em. A el re Nia Closets, $15.00 5
y : > , ining- : , $18. ; , $18.
commercial poultry plants and where | book of practical information for farm | Det N i iol hoe ick Het 0a up; Serving Tables, $8.00 up; Extension Tables, $7.50; Chairs,
une a 8 200d from extensive winter brooding is 4one: ers regarding the measurement of tim- hi S er:Xar) Vi 48 nemo y $10.00 up.
Ww 1 ’ Gasoline brooders, brooder stoves that ber, the forms in which woodlot pro- 1 . Living} Pi A al iment of Miss}
i i : + { or g-Room Pieces, n endless assortme o ssion, Oak
higmy refined, fully pro- burn engine distillate oil, and a 86p- | qucts are sol), the metliods of sale, Wan mer gute laiva wella missa and Wicker Odd Pieces, at real bargain prices.
tecte from outside con- | | erate individual hover heated by © Bhan the way to Gada market, Ape OE WE sheer dote shoffa.
tamination. Use gener- | | coal fire are coming into more general | | Wun mer dorich der karich-hofe
other just published (Farmers’ Bullet-
in 711, The Care and Improvement of | lawft mocht’s em wumera don dom ol|
| de sindar fargrawva sin.
ously for sealing jellies,
jams and preserves if
you would have them
perfection when opened.
The sanitary, dustproof
package contains 4 big
cakes for 10 cents.
use, each with a capacity varying '
trom 200 to 1,000 chickens. These (, Woodiot) contains information in-
large individual brooders are used in| tended to assist the farmer in manag-
colony houses, and when the chickens |. his woodlot so that it will yield |
wre weaned the colony house is used (ho pest quality and largest oar Y YOU
es a growing coop, which requires 8 of timber of which it is capable. Some Mount Joy People Have
smaller investment than the long, PiP~! The farmer too often considers oaly Learned How To Get Relief
ed brooder house and allows one 8 ' the Jocal and immediate uses of a mms
rear the chicks on range to good ad- | woodlot, overemphasizing them amd dis- |
vantage. regarding other fumctions that might
ers prune their young trees (00 heavi- ultimately prove to be more importasst.
larly performed as winter pruning. Af- For example, where agriculture is po
Westernberger, Maley & Myers
125 and 127 E. King S82, LANCASTER, PA


Clearing Out Sale !
The Atlantic Refining Co. How many people suffer from an
aching back?
How few know the cause?
If it hurts to stoop or lift—
If vou suffer sudden, darting pains |

Are You Undecided
ter the shape of the tree has been ob-
tering heavily wooded regioms, timbe:
If you are weak, lume and tired.
Suspect your kidneys.








tained through winter pruning, the jg likely to be comsidersd ealy am im- Watch for nature's signal. c~ :
where to buy your bill of Bamber? | filling out of the branches and the cymbrance. In long settled farmimg' The first sign may be headache or X or an u mps s
If so, all yeu have to do is look at | trunks should be accomplished by sum- | regions, where most of the timber has dizziness, - aj .
the prices we are ting f wer pruning. This is especially true peen cut and only a few trees are left, Seapt? painiul, or too frequent . "
: 3 uring :
. Pp quoting for during the fourth and fifth years after the farmer may prefer to save the Nervousness or a constant, dead-| At Very Low Prices
planting. As a rule, most fruit grow- rempant for the shade it gives to tired feeling. |
HIGH GRADE LUMBER ers prune ther young trees too heavi- | stock or buildings or because it im- Avert the serious kidney diseases. s .
5 stoc L 8 I S a oak . u : 1
roel Iv during die Gust years. Growih be- proves the appearance of the farm. Tn 1rctt the wien: inevs with § SPECIA]..-Good Rubber Heals at
as well ag eve ng that 18 10-| oo, excessive, especially in length, prairie country, protection to grain A remedy especially for sick Kid :
cluded in building, for imterior or | and the branches do not become prop-' crops, orchards, stock or buildings, to- neys. : & Only 25 Cents Per Pair
exterior work, from the Timber in | erly braced at the crotches of the gether with service as a conyenient one, i No Joy by your 8
: g * nroping Gd y Dee) Sinle: of [or foun. oo nron. | ITiends ¢ ghbors. &
your foundation to the Shingles on | tree. If summer pruning is done be- supply of wood for frig DSUMPLIOn, | pranry Krall, Mt. Joy street, Mt. . % ay
tween the middle and latter part of 'may cause owners to place a high! Joy, says: “My kidneys acted much ® R > W rk 5 ~ ie i
your roof. | June, when the growth in length has ' value on their woodlots. In moun- 00 Jrea)y aad, oy pack wn He Q epalt O a pec CL x y
| F : 5 inches. by eut- : J iy ie to 3 awfv pain. rie a inds of Q
reached from 12 to 15 inches, by eut igiugus epiony dear ay populated ids oR without rents until 18
8 = ting off the terminal buds, it will im | manufacturing centres the woodlot may ..03 poan’s Kidney Pills. They §
variably check the growth in length 'pe valued for its wood-producing ca-' cave me fine relief and I dom’t %
Dealer in and increase the thickness of the trumk pacity alone. The temptation is to hesitate to recommend them to any-| ix

one.” |
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney reme y—
cet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same &
that Mr. Krall had. Foster-2Milburn | OQ
Further, it tends to
checking the
pruning may
forget or underestimate those functions
which are not obviously and immedi-
ately beneficial. As a matter of faet,
and branches.
| produce fruit spurs by
| How of the sap. Summer
Coal, Lumber, Grain, Harry Laskewitz




. | also be practiced on older or beari t ss obvi functiens are often
FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, 8A LT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER | 100 0° Prices of BASt of Baro ue re a es biwe | 0, Prove, Bulls, NV. ® EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
large Feed oe 1 t cash ce paid for | 3 ——— Gainers. 0
A sock of Sonetanly om Higses i of the fruit. In this case there i® of the greatest value in the long rum. 3
\ very little occasion for cutting and For example, many of the Minnesota Coming Events | & STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING
Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty pinching off the terminal shoots, 88 farmers who totally elcared their lands July 27—Exeursion to Bethany Or- | Bell d Independent Telephones
older trees make little or mo wood | would be glad to have their woodlots | phan Home, Womelsdorf. , €il an naep P
FLORIN, PENNA. growth. Cutting out a number of fru back again for protective and other | Aug. 1 to 10—United Brethren &
. { spurs will give a larger food supply purposes; and farmers In the Central Campmeeting at Mt. Gretna.
SE EE — mee———= | for the remaiuing oues, and the sise States already regret the abuse which | August 5—Auto and Aeroplane ex coe
A of the fruit borme is greatly increased. has rebbed their woodlots of the ea- Aaibitions, Middletown fair grounds. 0O000000GO000000000000C0000000C
I Pe Lacity to yield a weod crop of in-| Aug. 2 to 12—Stoverdale camp |g
i 8 ; creasing value on the poorer soils ef neeung. : 5 8 ~~ :
r ®| The Great Landis Reunion of 1916 3.0 rh It is, therefore, greatly to | AuBuSt §—F. &. S. excursion to Wil 6 : ¥ t
aw i a ‘Phe sixth amnual Landis family re- Che interest of all farmers to cemsider iow Grove. a py y 1
. : Lr oi se intere of 2 a rmer s ar xb.a Q
paion will be held in the Sunday not only the present bu he possible “UE 5 13 ® Is the ouly 4 1 sell—¥t re hat ’s Fx
% E M School room ef the Salem Reformed titore asefalnew bE a fain Woodloh ng. 15 t« & yt y kind ural univer
£ Shurch, % b ¢ i ? sag. 15 t * : 5 bast
i For Every Man Crrch, ib and Chew serces, Allen chia . 2 rs. ¥irrors. Nall Ral
HA town, Saturday, August 19, 1916, WE 8
i] a 3 . . ~Iin a a > a ridin? o
x We never were better neady at the season’s start. & A most cerdial invitation is extend- Rooster Walks Backward ° Ein & : Picture Frames Ladies’ Desk
: : ed to all bearing the name of Landis Since some weeks ago, when the Q ‘thar Tah
Sennit and Split Straws in soft and stiff finish, $1.50 to $3 or related or imtermarried imto this fen was operated on for the removal AG Sept. 2—{ s Fic 8 Extens Other Tabks
French Palm and Porto Rieo hats, $1.50 to 82 family to attend . this wunion or bring of 3 four-inch sliver of bene lodged im z 13 LITOW a X Naventorts. China Closets
; : such al as may not bave fhe Sala Sept. 8—Lebanon fair, Q on
Panamas, $3.50 $35. $6 > WE ny z its eraw, an Orpington reoster belong- t 12 to (5 Hanover Fal Q Yitchan Cabinate :
” special motice. An excellent program ing to Johm E. Orphal, of St. Mmys, _ ° 1° M —~ ta ay Ls & § AJICHCTH L aviicts
Plain shapes, Brown and White, J to i singi 3 i : . ? : Sept. 18 to 22—Carlyisle fair. Er Nn $tez. i: ~ a
pes, wn $1.50 $2 of speaking, singing and reading will py walks backward. That the chick- iS. 15 to $3 Allentows fal = Io Fact Anything in the Farsi
SREg. To GERlie i 10lle siaply ger smrted wong alm alo ln oF Cer oon Car U ire Line
BR oe sparing aaything to make this the mess isabi a3 ikas Cs ' : 2
=Ueipe. Sula]. dissbitly oE2 Bat Wig. ay 10 99-Lancaster alr. f

| suecesatul reunion we bave yet bad.
Any further particulams will be glad-
will eventually leamm to go =head is

Oct. 3 to 6—York fair.


iof of William Whisstiead, who | hs
0 VY ab [5% wiv i 4, | Oet. 10 w 13—-Newpor fat. |
ng er aaS BD, Jnntis of vuceds « B ———t——— js EMBALMING
| retasy M. 8. Lands of Coopersburg, | Now Im Mexico
Pa. | Engagement Announced She Daneaster County soldier Des
- | ‘The emgagament of Miss Ceeil RE. | that were encamped zt Mi Gretms the |
i of ten om
Timely hint to preparedness mareh-

144 North Queen St., Lancaster. |