The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 12, 1916, Image 5

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tn a lh ENCE





| Page Ive THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. Wednesday, July 13th, 1016 #
’ HH Vay. mre ——ay | RELIGIOUS NEWS fl 3 A
| We Won't Sell Yona {vziverv Woman Wan? — HEAT El ASHE S, |Waortuary
| py. RET News From Our Many Local Houses i L ECT] Th [P A d S
4 i DR Tab sh Warehi A S 2
| Hail In surance Ys: TE 17k of Worship DIZZY. NERUN I) = 2 6 60] BS | ar ware tore
, ° y ig £5. Luiheran Church HY eviaii W OO full page // x
v y m : J * 7 )
olicy aT rotten envoy, Sota | Sn LY achine Shop % Garage
| i NAL HY vening at 6 o'clock during Ti! Mrs. Wynn Te 214 11¢ 1 « ay \
wn the Harttord Fire Insurance Co, ‘ ater for dom and Anerst E Pinkh eo é
Yooratior e . nkh ms : le . etree
after your tobacco is ruined ot ended by i ; = . Compoun: iielped Hei y y : . :
| Pin! Co, ro € Luke's Episcopal! Church Du~ino( hanes nfl ife \ We Handle The ARRCO SERALIT For .
{ See us before the Hall storm AR. he ' r for na WAT Rev. L. C. Morrison, Rector i - I rel X A ol -
| strikes yours. jsore tf i eyes. Economic ith Sunday after 'I'rinity, July 16 Richmond tor tal ol oo M ; ae 2 ‘oq : \
03 ers : \ nond, \ 1 King 1 aa) ael w J ( AMY NOY ITO y
c. all druggists, or 1 t Sunday School, 9:15 A. M. seven bottles of L » E. Pinkhan | | & Buildir [1 Ol [Ke gpa A ail 1g Roofs A
—— e Paxon Jollet Company, Boson, Jie Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:3p - V e ( x
AM LIL [| Pow ind 1 feel like |B v-
| 7 Advertise in the Mount Joy Bulletin Evening Prayer shortened form) Je, new woman. I al- Q
| Henry G. Carpenter * 5B OF DNR vin Pra Sura, Sem) LIM ways had a headache 2 Th. \ Af 1
| Read the Mount Joy Bulletin. and short sermon, 7:30 I. M. | 5 % | ine dha Chis D 8 JA TQ) ip 1 1 fi
| . i . : : i OR we So during the Change { 4% J / \UL | I i 1\ L
| OPP. POST OFFICE MT. JOY, PA Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin I'he Rector will be at Churchtown | CF NEE ||| of Life and was also wed wa Wo ye ol age and 3 ha ! 10 4
| in the morning for celebration of Holy : ali troubled with other | was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam [¢
4 . -_— Con 0 bh 1 reac © oe 11] HHH } Al eelir - RR » { nD 1 1 Ni
ETN 00mm | tn Bu Wp hd | (Iliff bad § IES eo Redsecker. The fuser? Will be leld of 2 “I'10eS Right, Give Me a Call.
8 " evening se ice. Mi ra onaman of | LH [| ap no Chursday morning at en o clock with i
= St. John's staff, Lancaster, will con- | : : : » lls, nervous {interment in the Mount Tunnel ceme- |? reer —
® mn : =n : i fe s end heat | )
duct the 10:30 servce. | tery $
a » 1e8, Now I am | yy
- { . a Fd : ig hte ge | in better health | TT g 1 ( i TIA]
: Spraying Removes weal-All [ian I ever was and recommend your Mrs. annie Long Laudis | & B\/] 1 [ [111 [1d y Ir opr.
, m The pernicious little blustiowered| remedies to all my friends. ”’— Mrs. LENA Mrs. Fannie Long Landis, widow of [8
el a sy : . 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va. | the late Jacob B. La fed Satar-| 2 ~
# mint known also as selfheal, ‘heal-all | WYNN, 28 he late Jacob B. Landis, died Satur-|A > - i
Sa ; : > Sh | While Change of Life is a most roi | toh. : 20 Folock: 2 { Bell Phone 125-13, FLCKIN, FA.
m or carpenter weed mars the beauty of i. oo £ i | Gay night at 11:30 o'clock at the home |
| me lawn The plant a5 re cognized | x ported or ens Sxisents, the [of her son Samuel K Landi at!
ii | Teeny 3 Die N. recog annoying symptoms which accompany | BOM, BAN ue CO OOOON SOOOOOCO0CCOOO00000000C00000CO000000000000
m DY its upright spike of little two- lipped | it may be controlled, and normal health | | Lancaster, Lufirmities, due to ber ad- |
= flowers and by the stooling habit it| restored by the timely use of Lydia LE. | vanced age of eighty years, was the i i
. n frequently assumes on lawns. In fields | Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. | cause of her death. Deceased is sur- |
um oo bar : : Such warning symptoms are 4 sense rived by Benjami I § °
= it may attain a height of more than a vived by two: sons, Denjamin LL. oi . y
W B | foot. 3 5 of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, | Erie, Pa., and Samuel K., with w Bo 4 This IS the Brooder that Requires 5
. £ Whil h B » Heal-all: ordinzid b al backaches, dread of impending evil, | be. wads Kor. hom al SOB n| . ra
: ; eai-al-orcmarlly may. be removec iimidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation | RT INI En Seven tee S L tl :
: 1 e t e Oy S are @ by the use of an iron sulphate spray, | of the heart, sparks before the eyes, | grand and thirty-two eat-grandchil- | Biyp LEN ol Weighs Weighs OWED SRCODER 0 l C
| = . ’ . . @ one hundred pounds of the chemical te | irregularities, constipation, variable ap- | dren. Brief funeral services were held Coal”
| E fifty gallons of water. This is the | petite, weakness and inquietude, and |at the home of her son on Tuesday |
® fig hting in Mexico, u minimum strength for effective use, | dizziness. ties { afternoon at 2:30, with furthe: Servic. (“about 25c a week”)
B state authorities at the Penns yivania | For these abnormal conditions do not | [es in the Reformed Mennonite Church | says W. V. Lancaster, of
: Bl! Stoo: College Foon fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- fon lost. Tames atrast. at this ololock. Lyons, N.Y. ‘Ihaveno
= WwW not start Ssome- Beaty College: A nughily Senger 39-1iy5his Comnound. : trouble to keep my “Blue
= BM lution may affect the grass temporari- | Interment was made in the Landisville | Hen’’ Brooder at the right PR
2 : Woh | Reformed Mennonite cemetery. { temperature. Ihave over
m ly, but it will kill the weed. WwW , = In ! | P!
’ Bn ® om | TWO 'DAYS' BIBLE MEETING sean 200 chicks in it now, some
3 a t ing ere erc - " Spraying is recommended by the bot- | es M7. Jacch H.C | four weeksand fhe thers
| baa : Virs. Jaco ein
5 ° m 20Y department at State College durimg| Will Be Held at Elizabethtown July Lizzie 18. RTI ore “4 Groiand twelve days’ old. A hap-
; E pid p : = clear weather, Rain may wash the | 14 and 15—The Program of. Zod 8% Ler howe. if Bast Donegal pier, more contented ot
" t th th t zal I Pians Are Completed Sie 2 I you never saw.”
. m phate from the plants. Dew, how- : . oH cha chill’ ine
an S, 118 iS e 1 nm ever, is desirable. A hand SPI. with | x 5 ne re a [omar Soa Ren esta & ” .
: £ yO-di » g Se le | use on Sunday night iron eart |
u : Blo veneer eit ann ep, oll States Son Bibiajlesi an Sunk aight fen he Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony .50
3 f d - ton Meeting will be held in the Elizabeth- | trouble, aged 58 years, 11 months and |
gested. . ' |
x or you to advertise = mag eetadilp ign omni Rig gl nina Brooders Are Better at
¥ I | cream en eG Eee enna 15, with program as follows: | the Mennonite Church. She is surviy- than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire.
* sie Bee ne hi diitDies]
and boom your busi- Brood Bows on Blue Orins FRIDAY MORNING 9 by her Jusind #54 ens denghier | Thglt aoa is 2i¢ Suey greater than others ; the regulator is automatic
B' The Penna. State College School of 9715,: Devotional; Address of Wel : Bugle pe home. Also Pie broiber,| and certain. y the fagrem, she
° Agriculture and Experiment Station come, S. B. Landis; 9:45, Sermon, | {Dale : Brlbolder of .Sewyills, Agenss foe | Bie Jen" Bo {Hos ais Gall and See Sample
| ) | Cumberland county and a sister, Miss aod Hot-watty), Bound Tray Jaen patos .
ness. I ry an a in {is conducting an experiment to com-|Bishop John Ebersole; 10:15, Bible] ¥ i Rtiotd Yaa os a Rovad Ty Missors Incubators, <, and Get Gatalog B
. | pare the cost of winter and summer | Teaching on Preparedness, Daniel fi site ur holder of Bonrerstow B The 356 ROW eX uibyiiae peo
: | feeding of brood sows amd the cost of | Kauffman, Scottdale; 11:00, Holy Bo 8 ns Lo Tio wae ? ; TS.
the Mount Joy | keeping brood sows for ome year. Dur- | Kiss, Noah Mack, New Holland; 11 a! o'clock at her home and at 10 ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGEN
ling the winter part of these sows were | Adjournment, | o'clock in the Old Mennonite GChungh H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA.
fed alfalfa hay alone and the rest 0 West Donezal street. Interinut JOHN E. LONGENECKER, MT. JOY
? 0s 18 ; FTERNOON i ade i NE .
| shelled corn and alfalfa hay. The besu Oy . Ab Ee GON : wi be ’ made in ihe comelary at
i 12:30, Song Service; Devotions Kraybill’s meeting house in Hast Deon- P. EE. WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT JOY.
8 gains were made when shelled corm 1:00, Devotional Gatherinz, 8
B | supplemented the alfalfa hay., tend y ring: a i : 5 TT
inst sows Lave been olaced bl Shettler, Johnstown; 1:45, at —-
8 S p on ue- and What Is It? Daniel Kauffman; Nits, dennie Nissley 2R0000000000000000000000000000000000OCOOVOLCOOD00C
mm | grass pasture for the summer. In ad-|, . : . ) ;
‘ Bo tion to the bluc-grass they are feb 2:30, Power and Beauty of a Pure. Jennie, wife of Dr. 8. R. Nissley of ’
8 g 5s oy e Life, Noah Mack, New Holland; 3.30, | Elizabethtown, died on Monday at 9 Ever bod re] Car=The Ford
=| two pounds of corn daily. It is pes- : io : : 4
| . es Adjournment. | o'clock from a stroke which she suffer-
E | sible that the corn may be eliminated “en : : : .
: It ed on Friday. She had been ill for
S| 2 il . : EVENING nearly a year. She was 62 years of
8 8 This experiment should furnish some| 6:30, Song Service; Devotional ; | and was a resident of Elizabeth-
AS EE A | interesting data both as to the rela-|7:00, Holy atrimony, Daniel Kauffman, | oo all her life. She was & doaghicr
tive values of feeds and the cost of | Scottdale; 7:45, Sermon, S. G. Shett- {of the Inte Abrolags Redsecker and!
| maintenance. ler, Johnstown. was a member of the Christ Reformed
Sp ee SATURDAY MORNING { Church for many years. She is sur-
reatest { Pians Are Compieted 9:15, Devotional; 9:30, Brotherly | vived by her step-daughter, Mrs. Cath- |
. . | Plans have been made by the len- Love, (In German), Noah Mack, New | erine Beidelman, wife of the Hon, E.
W Id S l re | bers of the Masonic Ilaternity of Al Holland; 10:15, Problems of the | E. Beidelman, of Harrisburg. A brother!
or legheny county to erect their memorial | | Church of Today, Daniel Kauffman, [J C. Redsecker, also survives. The]
. at the Masonic Home at Elizabethtown ; LT , 3 | funeral will take place from her late]
’ ; : ] Scottdale ; 11:00, Shepherding the E |
Service and Mileage Tnvelizate and he #round will be broke Flock, S. G. Shettler, Johnstown; | home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock a :
Is What Tells Agents Wanted | week. The coiner-stone will be Rid) 11:45, Adjournment. | and will be conducted by Rev. D. M.| I have the agency in this section for the universal The
. BLACK BOB TIRES kept 3 on Labor Day, Mondny, Sepwmber 4, AFTERNOON | Myer, pastor of the Christ Reformed '&§ porg J can make prompt deliveries in Roadsters, Touring, Se-
5000 Miles Guarantee in repair until worn out— with Yory elaborgic ceremonies, 0 A an = || Church. The deceased was married % gang Deliveries, or whatever your needs may be.
REE OF CHARGE | This is the Pittsburg group of build- 12:30, Song Service; Devotional; thirty-seven years ago and was buried
| ings and is known as the “Allegheny 1:00, Family Altar, Noah Mack, New|, per wedding gown. Interment took
Ti C 1316 Callowhill St Phila , | County Memorial.” It will consist of Holland; 1:45, Influence of Literature, ace in Mount Tunnel Cemetery Also have the agencv for SAXONS
cCreary Tire Co., il St., . &| Coun and; 1:45, lufluen £0, place 1m Mount J
> | three buildings and will have a front- Daniel Kauffman, Scottdale; 2:30, be Ang the well known and popular priced
Both Phones—Pilbert 3946. Race 3579. age of 215 feet and with a depth of Child Rights. 8. G. Shettler, Johns- | Mrs. Morris: Rutherford
70 feet. The buildings will be con- town; 3:15, Gleanings, S. B. Landis; Mrs. Morris Rutherford, aged 29 MA X WwW b . | | ) ( YARS
june21-3mos. nected with a covered passageway. The | Adjournment. ears, oO wlizabethtow died
— ecte ; ¢ d passageway e Fen y OF lizabethtown, died al the See me before you make a deal for a car this Spring
q EE , | structure will cost between $90,000 EVENING General Hospital, Lancaster, Wednes-
VI. E1111 111 1 i TORS , INID
AAT 10 1 - | and $100,000. The memorial will be 6:30, ‘Sono ‘Service: 7:00. Parenial vening at 11 o'clock, from a com-
° finished i e gener: style at oe ye wos the douchie the © lat
Fa I'l X ] ers be Spite » % 8 3 al o 2 : 2a 7:45, Sermon, Daniel Kauffman, Scott- : i ye al potbe roof th ate BELL PHONE MOUNT JOY, PA.
0 1Ce 0 character so as to conform with Grand dale; 8:40, Adjournment; Moderator, Samuel Anna Caley, and was j
= Lodge Hall. Bishop Pete Nisley; Secretary, John born October G6, 1887, in Lower Swa- 3 WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF
ee % y tara township In 1906 she was mar-
: Rutt; Choristers, Amos F. Eby and ra tov a
= Clam Bake at Marietta Samus Shoteberver ried to Morris Rutherford of Elizabeth R o_o 3 . . aw .
: CALL CONESTOGA GLUE W RKS An all-day outing and old-fashioned Aue otane ty town, and since that time has resided cpairing, Overhauling, Painting, Remodeling
cl PUI repens
Rhode Island Clam Bak was held at there She was a faithful member of 3 1 ~ 1 7 | 1
Dufty’s Park, one-half mile morth of Pay Your Obligations } ibethtown Church of God. De- at Right Prices. ve Us a Trial
i Marietta on Thursday by Donald C As a result of the failure of a = SITY 1 baad 1 : ~ 0 "(\ M n COT eON -a
Ma 4 sda) 3 : ceased is survived by her husband, two ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO A CS S
Duffy, of Marietta, it being an annual number of citizens to make good their sons, Robert and James, two daugh- SU : hi { : ! ACCESSORIES
: affair, TheFe were many men prom- subscriptions made to the Lancaster ters, Romaine shel Mary. 1 Fome: .
inent from Lancaster, Philadelphia, Y. M. C. A., about six years ago, dur- four brothers, Sumuel Caley of Middle |)
Harrisburg, Marietta and other places, 1s 2 $100,000 campaign, the girectors town; Harry Caley of Newport News, 1 Z er
to Have Your and it was a decided success in every | have begun action against the delin- \ = o.oo Caley, Norfolk, Va.: Al VY -T O PX
way. The visitors that arrived by |auénts. Claims have been handed to bert Caley, Montreal. Canada: five oO U N J Y, .
es train were conveyed to the park in 8 magistrate for collection. sisters. Mrs. Harry Fishburn, Middle- <O00000C00030000000000000000C0000000000000000000000C
D ead Anim als n automobiles. Among the features in- i . - town; Mrs. Wm. Imler, Middletown; m— ———————
m | troduced was the “sea fish” by Profes- RICH CHURCHGOERS. Mrs. Cora Albright, Toronto, Canada; ,amnamamnmannanannananacnncennOOO0000CO00000000000RRE
Removed Promptly a sor Sipple. A number of speeches 3 Mrs. Charles Moyer and Miss Gert-
= | were made, and it- was a general suc- Non-Churchgoing Is Not One of the ..4o Caley. of Geary, Ind. Private - M
) 8 : y, of y, Ind. i ake Y
| PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO SIZE ® (ccc in every way. Sins of the Plutocrats. tiara sereni wae Lod Sunde ab our Old Kodak
\¢ AND CONDITIONS a eA =e i“ Among ihe sins of tne Plutocrats ternoon at her home on Setabridge iE? AUTO G RAPHIC
» = - seems that non-churchgoing cannot ™ > i 3
= Good Flace for the Purpose 3 street, El wn. Privat n
101d ¢ le This was discov SS .
= T. Everett Harre arrived last kriday 2g ge 508 Zu yas ii $orerer of ment was made in the Middletown | A wisit to my store,
. § at Hound Top where be will spend the merald' (Clhilengo) 1 was spurred | cemetery. 3 the old back discarded
: @ | Sulumer writing a uew novel lor the on to an investigation ——erette— +1
Lorenz Lamparter Cec comm we tw me fc stodact Eo St toa and the new one clapped
irms t sale of t one 0 ir ge chi considerable extent in the eastern on-that’s all there is to
WN . 1 the T
PROPRIETCR oving picture. rights of his novel to , fif yf this ei counties and the n district and to it My s
a = e Vitagraph Comj He will pe f 1 attending rch. The Home some ext he Midlands. Tt is Q Tain y stock] of auto
3 5 raid to T DE : ad din hea k so oronhi ~ .
4 Bel Piione i A NCAS TER. PA nd, Phone . |. ; he doting 0 tOUX Up the Challeng 1 a oo gar! 8 on, d graphic back’s; isjjcom—
i No. 8 . 8! or Be : : ants o he Beier Rie or Fo ; oD ars =th & plete Price $2.50 to $4.5 ~cording to size.
i BN Vitagra n Long Isl wd at Los f tter \ from the soil. Th re is
SIE Tg: | Aneeles, California. Mr. Harre was wrot EON | EE he, Ne : W. B. BENDER, Mount Joy, Penna
CE T—— pnait RR 1 S Seq T : a i Srens | Shirly as c ut twenty s in!
EE EEE = > td Mr. Earnest A f New ' all that h 1 ery reg- usually considered a fair yi The Q
2000000I0OBOACACINX York city. ular Dr. seed rate is usually about three © GEOOOOCOOODOOCOOOOCCOOOOOCC
. e y Park! . 3 \ Arihi ¢ four pounds an acre when drilled in
: Sa Nowy oF d in t} in this rows from ten to twelve inches = Ee
: EB iraiture of Ed en :
he . S. Sena ) ¢ ollev sos thas tn thie “ — -
J j 188 1s annual custom, ted To sirike eitv. are nhenomens: wealthy and “Berle”, from which Berlin has i A BS RT ST | 4 IC K LS =

caught her name, means uncultivated
land. Slavonian Wends. the earliest
settlers on the sandy plain, could
coke i} Stil cna : a ive-.and izht add make but little out of the soil. The
| ents. Its item heretofore always has 6 Kennec ys 2H I y might aad the population In 1832 was only a quarter |
| been restored in conferemce. names of several representative fam- .
| of a million; less than forty yean
| ——r GD e— | {lies such as the Dodges, the James-
es, the Jesups, the Hartleys, and the later it was 300.000, and now it run:
When he says, “I stand for straight! _.’ rg ; ay into two millions. The man who gave |
tokeses—three of four of whom are
Americanism,” the nation’s most prom- | Sivkegte Soe a. wis not only ars to Berlin its present form was Fred |
= . erick II, but Frederick the Great and |
iment ex-president understates his PO-| tend church bpt are contributors to | tarted 1
sition, He Bot. only stands but he the maintenance of the church.” | a bLiiri Popy the Se. oti
As! | alty.
I will continue the furnitgre from the agricultural bill the appropri- Whose. names. ar jely
business on the second floor of ation fer seed to be distributed by! guch as Beokeieiies. the Vanderbilts.
the Engle Building, with a com | members #f Congress to their constitu- the Goulds, the Morgans, and the
plete and up-to-date line of all
kinds of furniture. Prices are
very reasonable, When in meed
of furniture call and see me.
Repairing and Painting a Special







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