SALE REGISTER A FREE notios of your sale is in serted here for any leagth of time, ANHERE provided we print your sale bills This is excellent advertising becaus- GOING? ft is read by #0 mamy people aud WELL! BUSEY bring The Dugeey; Saturday, July 8-—At the stock | yards of the Florin hotel, a carload of Adams County fresh cows, heifers, | bulls, and shoats by Mr, Elam 8. | Myers. Minnich, auet. Saturday, July 16—At 7:30 P. M. at the Cross Keys Hotel, Marietta, a large lot of real estate as follows: | No. 1, the Musser residence in Marietta; No. 2, the Hauer dwelling in Marietta; No. 3, the Taued prop- erty in Marietta; No. 4, five lots of | ground in Marietta with planing | mill, lumber sheds, etc, by Henry S. Rich, assignee of KE. S. Musser and Mill Lumber Co. B. J. Myers, atty. Tuesday, July 18—At the former | Red Lion stables in Mount Joy, a | large lot of fresh cows and spring. | ers, heifers, stock bulls, and shoats by C. 8. Frank. Minnich, auct. Friday, July 21—At their stock vards in Mount Joy, their usual The JA Stamps we give you with all purchases will buy a handsome Suit-Case, a Traveling Bag in fact, anything you need but your ticket. START A BOOK TODAY! auct. RT har a WEDDING BELLS Both Phones Mount Joy, Penna. Prof. H. K. Ober of Elizabethtown College Takes a Bride Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. Ne. 9 Cedar Shingles always on hand Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lathes, Etc. Agent Risser—~Shank Slate & Cheet Iron. Bellaire, by Rev. H. K. Ober, of | fmases quickly and cheerfully | Elizabethtown a few days ago. de on BUILDING MAlb.ualk hd all kincde of CONCRETING King—Fisher VORK. On Thursday at the parsonage of SEE ~ | the First Methodist Episcopal church in Marietta, the pastor, Rev. FOR SALE 3. E. Deacon, united in marriage | with the ring ceremony of the church, Miss Antoinette Fisher, of Bananas, per do& .......ccc....lB@ Lancaster, and Samuel King, of] Pineappies .......... seoceececs dle Strasburg. The couple were unat- Also choice groceries of all kinds tended. They will reside at Stras- at a reduced price. I will mention ane few things: { Sei J ly 1 Oth Gorn, the best ee E Toric Lenses Salmon, 10c, DOW .....cesceevnee Pretzels, 12C, NOW ...ceeevsseeee A glance at this picture will speak | for itself as to the advantage and mer- Longhorne Cheese, 26¢ Not less than 1 Ib. at the price. Sunny Monday Soap ......8 for Felg Naphtha Soap .......6 for W lits of the Toric glass over the flat . D. EASTON | glasses which are being rapidly dis MOUNT JOY, PA. carded. : OPPOSITE SCHOOL HOUSE. TRO | The following advantages are obtaim- LEY STOPS AT THE DOOR ed through their use: Naa ~ | 1. The glasses can be fitted closer 100 1 0 to the eye without having the eye lash- DAY = (es coming in contact with the lemses Band causing the lenses to be clouded. Ww = TXT Ffr KF SEASHORE 1 2. The Toric deep curve meets the EXCURSION I need of the eye when it rotates in the various directions, giving the widest ° ° Atlantic City { field of vision. Cape May, Wildwood 3. Scientific research has proven satisfactorily that the deep toric curv- Ocean City, Sea Isle City, and Other Resorts ed surface gives the wearer at least 60 per cent. more field of sight against Saturday, July 8th $4.30 From Mount Joy 16 per cent. on the old flat type lenses. ASK ABOUT THEM 25 cents additional to Atlantic City via Delaware River Coming Monday § Brae Reitte, JULY 10th, 1916 | For details as to time of CHANDLER’S, DRUGGIST traing or stop-over privileges, see Flyers, consult Agents. Mount Joy, Penna.| az Similar Excursions July 22, DON’T FCRGET DATE August 5, 19 and September 2. Pennsylvania R. R. eo, R. Huber, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 5 L ter Office: 155 B. Ji 8 Olin vo AGRI 0 00 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY | Are You Going to the Picnic July 25th? If you are you would better buy some of my IMPORTED SE- LECTED OLIVES at this special One cent sale on Saturday, July 8 only. Quantity limited to each purchaser. I 1 — - 100 TO TT SELECTED QUEEN OLIVES 13 fld. ozs, 35¢ or 2 for 36¢ SELECTED OLIVES stuffed with spanish sweet peppers, 10 fid. ozs, 35¢ or 2 for 36¢ E10 E10 0 YE This sale is to introduce this brand of -goods. GARBER’S DRUG STORE MOUNT JOY, PA. E. MAIN STREET L 2% aul XK OE on 5 sl Th ‘ | eroft Stove Works, Middletown, Pa. good lot of fresh cows, springs, | heifers, stock bulls and some shoats | 0d Um Bg dl S by J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, | Miss Mary Shank was united in| or Lehigh Portland Cement, Roef- | marriage to Mr. Clarence Risser, of | | West Main Street | eae Wood, Meta! or Mustin| Wald, For aie, For Real FOR SALE—A good 2 and 3-horse Osborne binder, cheap, Call on Mrs, Emma Reed, Anchor, Pa. at WANTED—A woman to do cook ing asd assist with general house work. Good wages. Mrs. B. B. Wolf, | 124 8. Queen St, Lancaster, Pa. | juns.3t | WANTED—A young man ex perienced in pouring irom, to oper ate Arcade Molding Machine. Win- june 8-3t. WANTED—25 men to pack tobac | |eo. Apply to E. L. Nissly & Sons | Florin, Pa. mayltts | NOTICE—I am prepared to do ab | kinds of hauling, plowing lots, and | work of that kind. Charges ver | | reagonable. Jacob Brown, Mt. Jey. v| Carpen- | WANTED—Experienced ters. Xpply to Hoffer Bros. Hliza- bethtown. July 5-tf. IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE To SELL, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE IT ADVERTHED IN MY LIST J. BE. SCHROLL | FREE? | | | | | | | THE COST OF A Hail Insurance Policy in the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. is small compared with the loss to you caused by hail without one. Call at our office or telephone and | let us call and explain the benefits | of thig insurance to you, Henry G. Carpenter Manager of the ‘Chas. H. Zeller Insurance Agency. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BELL TELEPHONE MT. oY, PA. DAY SEASHORE J EXCURSION ATLANTIC CITY Cape May, Wildwood Ocean City, Sea Isle City and Other Resorts 5 Saturday, July 8th $4.30 FROM MOUNT JOY 25 cents additional to Atlantic City via Delaware River Bridge Route. For details as to time of trains or stop-over privileges, see Flyers, consult Agents. && Similar Excursions July 22; August 5, 19; and Sept. 2 Pennsylvania R. R. CO00000OCO0000000000000000 | | | | | | III DOBOOOOOC Krall Meat Marke | J always have on hang anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, | | Bologaa, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Priceg always right. H. H. KRALL MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK ore in New York in g ny place in the ust know how. Yor can see 1 “ENOW HOW?” One full week of “Sight Seeing” | will st v hing worth | while in the big $45. 00 covers hotel accomodations, cost of sight seeing trips, theaters, roof gardens, etc. We even pay all your carfare | around the city. Write for { booklet A “Seeing New York | At Yimimes Cost.” 2 E. TOLSON, =r = Hotel Bristol, New Your ¢ City. FSTER S PILLS DIAMOND BR AND. | ! Ask your Dr st for i rs Blam nid) | | Sen Sa: wh Always Rel a ie | SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVWHERT SIGNS R. F. Eshleman | THE AP THE STORE THAT CIVES NO DISCOUNTS NES BULLETIN, ” MOUNT JOY, PA. CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. OVER 1,000 MEN'S SUMMER SUITS G0 ON SALE HERE SATURDAY wr ener AT REAL BARGAIN PRIGES On the first day of July— Right at the very beginning of Summer— With at least four to five months of wear before you, ere the weather man tells of colder ways. We come to time with « bona fide Clearance Sale of Men’s Summer Suits that affords a number of the very best kind of bargains---upwards of 1,000. In fact, they are doubly big bargains, for these very plain reasons. The alarming scarcity of wool, brought about by the constant demand for the European armies.-- And the fact that prices have soared almost beyond any record, quality for quality If you are able next season to ger a suit of the same quality as right now and not pay at least $3 more for it, you will be extremely 1 ncky. Jn plain figures, you'l} have to pay $18 or more to get as good a suit then as $15 will buy now. p Add on the size of reduction-and see by how m ich you are actually the saver. THERE ARE TWO LOTS The first is composed mostly of what we call *“ odds and ends,” or one or two of a pattern. There are between sco and 600 of these, including Pinchbacks, ever y one from onr regular stock, of our regniar high standard. We reduce them only because of the fact that the sizes are “run down.” But that dosen’t lower the qual > of the Suits the slightest--the quality’s THER E $20--$22 Suits $14.98 $18 Suits $12.98 $15 Suits $10.98 Avother sarga:n-A:. d Just as Good It's a lot of about 500 Suits that came in this month, but should have i, shipped at least six weeks ago. . Inanordinary year we wouldn’t have accepted them, coming in after such a delay But in stressful marketconditionslike the present, the maker wouln have been only too glad to have them taken back, because the scarcity aad high price of cloth would make them worth a good deal more to him than we paid for them, according to our order placed last winter. So we decided to keep the Suits—to sell as many as we could to the end of June in the regular way and then clear up the rest by giving substantial reductions. These are not Suits bought for “Sale” purposes, but are right up to our regu- lar standard, the high standard that we demand of SreryiaIy we sell made expressly for us, out of patterns we ourselves selected. If these Suits had been shipped when they should have been, there woulda't be a one left—of that we feel quite confident. But that’s ancient history —the thing you want to knowis what wearegoingtysallthen for. Nall cazn hareara the priess, $25 Suits for $20 $18 Suits for $15 22 Suits for 18 15 Suits for 12 Understand, in this second lot the sizes are ia much better shape than in the other, and you will get a good selection, whether in loag, regular or stout size; in light, medium or dark shades, or in worsted or cassimere c loth. Get in the Swim--It Starts Saturday GROFF & WOLF CO., 26-30 N. Queen St. LANCASTER’S FASTEST GROWING STORE