—— le PAGE FIVE THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA ‘SUN 600 OO THE WAH [3 ON While the Boys are fighting in Mexico, why not start some- thing here, Merch- ants, this is the time for you to advertise and boom your busi- ness. Iry an ad in the Mount Joy gULLE TIN YR NOE 5 OO PE 0 OFT Te 0] MOUNT JOY, PA. 3 s 1916, on which occasion Brother that is felt by the Masons of York we erecti f such: an. instit n Dallas M. De Huze, a guest of the | County. He called upon Past Grand | tion has iting or Too pe on Bm | tomes and a member of Cassia|Master Pownall to express hig im- menisersiiip of the ate Pays m| lodge, No. 273 of Ardmore, de- pressions of the Homes, Brother . Mermomite Conference, under » livered hig lecture on “Scenes in my | Pownall in a pleasing and entertain- | whose auspices the home being a lite as a soldier in the Civil War” | ing manner, of his deep interest in| uit for many years | and illustrated 1t with a large num-| Homes, that he had visited a num- | Approximately $50,000 will be ex- B ver of lantern slides, depicting not|ber, but nowhere did he witness | |, qeq on the building and furnish- m | ouly many stuiling scenes ol the | that which is presented here with its | ing. The structure will be of brick m| War ol the Rebellion, but also the broad acres, massive buildings and op (olonial style. It will contain | m | brincipal commanders and di- | happy community enjoying a real seventy-three bedrooms, in addjtion fle AS of Ve Lag ie sougrutuleted we Grand / to a chapel, dining room, kitchen H : Lodge of Pa, the Committee and | ang numerous bathrooms. It will £|elecion of President Linco In| Superintendent, on the accomplish-| have a length of 11 feet and 36 feet M| 1500, upon the South resulting in ment of this preeminence, lin width and three stories high. | fj thre formation: Of the Confederacy, | (Op Wednesday, June 21, 1916, the| The hoard of trustees ig composed | m| tie lring ou Fort Sumpter, the call gomeg wag called upon to mourn|of Henry C. Krupp, Souderton; | wl {2,000 yolunieers, Lue disaster of the loss of one of our earliest Henry B. Lapp, Fricks; A. G. Gross, | =| Cull Kun, with its realization Of Guests, in the death of Brother Cad- | of Doylestown; Joseph Oberholtzer, | B| camp lite, F100 11 101 OE 01 O10 1 TO NT Greatest Tire Investigate World's Service and Mileage Is What Tells Agents Wanted time. Men dying by the scores from year, | Mingo feed, per hundred ...... 1.75 BLACK BOB TIRES kept | starvation and exposure, men in-| June reports indicate that the, Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 3.50 : ; ; . | feste y rermi > i AT i othy Hay, per ton ........$24.00 5000 Miles Guarantee it repel gntil wort out yiosied wig yest, Tae ons pias vise throushont ig will | Timothy Y, pel .. $ i | neglected, 2 3 é » be about sixty per cent. of an aver- FREE OF CHARGE, [sleeping on the bare ground €X- ,00 crop and about seventy per WHY NOT ENJOY THAT FEEL. - ° ® | i rad . : = Vg Las i McCreary Tire Co., 1316 Callowhill St., Phila. ~ § vo:ce to sun and som. sizposure, cont. in the seach bet. PANIES EVERY | Both Phones—-Fiibert 5945. Race 359 g neglected wounds, scurvey, a Twenty-seven counties Teport the PANIES y . . Jirrhea and starvation caused the 4s fw + = BOOOOOOOOOOOO00000000OOSO000O00OO00000000O0000000000 death of hundreds daily who were condition of whea up o or above 8 [eats ; as 4 the average and present indications al nsurance june21-3mos. f | buried in fronches like dogs. . To are for a decided increased produc- . _— . Andersonville, he was remove 01%; LL SE er Pol CNT 1 BOWL Charleston, S. C. and there SUbJeCt bogey foag curl is unusually prev- OlLICY Joe 0 Stu i nos ne ny alent in many sections of the State of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. under tne 1lnaouman brute arrett. He was next removed to Wilming- and trult growers claim that Me we sell Notice to Farmers CALL CONESTOGA BLUE WORKS Automobile Truck to Have Your Dead Animals Removed Promptly # | PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO SIZE : AND CONDITIONS PROPR{ETER LANCASTER, PA ind. Phone No. 647 Beil Phone No. 880 Lorenz Lamparter : 10 1 OO 0 CTI RN SA I Re 5 CR I Cr m— I will continue the furniture business on the second floor of the Engle Building, with a com plete and uptodate line of all kinds of furniture, Prices are very reasonable, When in need of furniture call and see me. Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE D. H ENGL BOOO0000C West Main St., MOUNT JOY, PA. B OB00O0000O HON NIICO I IDOOTHOO00D Past Grand Master of New York. : a . | District Deputy Grand Master, ome EWS! sro: George Hay Will be Erected for the Old Folks | at the services. Brother W, Suner- Near Souderton, Pa. Kain presided | | (man Kerchner delivered an able ae a WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. instructive sermon. What will probably be the most = PRESSLY FOR THIS PAPER | : y g , o BY A GUEST AT THE At the conclusion of the services, | complete and modern old folks | Brother Kain addressed the audi-|home in the State owned and HOMES {ence, expressing his gown pleasure Operated by a religious sect is now of all accompanied | Peing erected by the Mennonites of Even the delivery of an illus. and that who \ trated leciure is not too dificult a /bim in being present .to conduct Bucks, Montgomery and Chester proposition of solution for the these services and witness the suc- counties, on an elevation of 600 guests of the Homes, as was-demon- | cess of these Homes, and gave as- feet Shove sea level in Franconia township, Montgomery county, mid- strated os Tuesday evening, June 20, | surance of the deep interest in them way between Telford and Souderton, danger which threatened (he |w,jaqe; G. McMullin. Brother Mc-| Deep Run; Levi tnd Wilson Moyer, | arcnough a Woy of Little over sixteen 1710: Although totally blind, he was conia; Garret S. Nice and Isaac M. | his Fiolem Was of a kind and genial disposition, | Clemmer, Salford; Martin Hunsber- | aroused and he OY in the Lin | Which secured him the respect and ger, Providence; Charles . wip, / | esteem of everyone at the Homes, as | Spring City, and Joseph Bechtel, of regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, Hoos equally true of him among a | Philadelphia, representing Bally de tousd lus carly esperiences in lar, ircl friends and i t-| congregation of Herford. and the making of a lA/8° Circle of friends and acquaint: soldier. Landing at Yorktown, they fances in his Lauve oy. : | MY warched (0 Giuster Point, whencein He Was born in Philadelphia on | SALE REGISTER the rigors of Winter, they ex-| October 17, 1836. [Followed the oc-| A FREE notice of your sale is in- oe ioncss the hardships and discom.|cupation of bricklayer and builder | gerteq here for any lemgth of time, forts of soldierlite. Thence to | that city for fifty (50) years, un-|,rgyided we print your sale bills. Williamsbury, scouting towards | til 16 years ago, when he wag strick-| ynig 15 excellent advertising becaus: Richmond, engaging in raids and |? With blindness. [it 1s read by so mamy people anc skirmishes for food. Then to Ports-| He was a member of Apollo Lodge ,yrey pring the buyers: mouth, Va, and on towards Peters- NO 386, Harmony Chapter, No. 52,| guiyrday, July 15—At 7:30 P. M. burg, capturing and burning sup- St. John’s Commandery, No. 4, Kia the Cross Keys Hotel, Marietta, plies being forwarded to Lee's T. Philadelphia Consistory, 320, and ; jarge lot of real estate as follows: army; burning bridges, storming LuLu Temple, Mystic Shrine. (No. 1, the Musser residence in fortifications and rifle pits and tear- He is survived by his widow, |Marietta; No. 2, the Hauer dwelling ing up railroad tracks. Then on to|a brother Isaac of Mount Holly, N. in Marietta; No. 3, the Taued prop- Bermuda Hundred, encountering the J., and a sister, Mrs. Susan Newlin erty in Marietta; No. 4, five lots of army of the James, and in June |of Philadelphia. | ground in Marietta with planing 1864 at the battle of Petersburg,| His remains were interred in Lau-| mill, lumber sheds, etc., by Henry where he was taken prisoner while rel Hill Cemetery, ‘Philadelphia. S. Rich, assignee of E. S. Musser | on picket duty. He was taken tothe mts A A nin ie {and Mill Lumber Co. B. J. Myers, head-quarters of General Wise and : |atty. then to those of General Beaure- he hg eutu Nowe. 3] mrt Al AR ni gard, at both of which he was] re 5 | . | wl ; |i ; i { . E. Hauer Pays: | critically questioned and sent to the | 18 bails Ly iatmers is gall (0 bevel. d A y 13c| Provost Marshal’ fice, . brought about a larger acreage of | Lard, per 1b. ..... aia s office, and im JE i b 75 to 90c a ik. ! corn planting in many sections, | Potatoes, per bu. ..... pres prisoned in a miserable slave pen | ta 4 : : | Butter, per 1b Lud dle along with captured slaves. From | The first cutting of alfalfa is Bow | BE Mi Nor. 20¢ | ele ey reis eleven there he was sent to Andersonville, 8°08 on in Pennsylvania and farm- Ga., where he was confined in that | €Ts are leporting a fine crop. The | Brandt & Stehman Pay: | most horrtile of prison pens, with acreage is increasing steadily each | Wheat, per bu. .................T6¢ : LOO, per Wl versa snins Gusvons 830 its dead line, its water supply a Year. little i whose waters were| Caterpillars are said to have de-|Oats, per BU. yuurssisvunavisns dl polluted with the sewage of Stioyed a Dortion of the apple crop | Brand: & Stehwan Sen kitchens and the rebel camp above. |in Bucks county. |Bran, per hundred ............$1.30 The place was filled with miserable Farmers have had unusually bard Shipstuff, per hundred ......... 1.40 | filthy, ragged and half starved men | luck with pigs this spring and many | Mixed feed, per hundred ...... 1.40 {and vermin. Here they experienced were lost at farrowing time. | Middlings, per hundred ....... 1.656 |the indescribable tortures and in- Farmers throughout the State re- Gluten, per hundred .......... 1.50 human mas treatment meeted out port that the apple trees were more | Cotton Seed Meal, 41 per ct... 2.10 by that notorious friend, Captain abundant with blossoms than for Linseed Meal, per hundred ... 2.00 | Wirz. The scanty supply and many years and indications point to Beef scrap & fish scrap ....... 8.00 almost an average crop which will Union Grain, per hundred .... 1.76 be twenty per cent. more than last Larro feed, per hundred ....... 170 miserable quality of food, with none at all for two to {four days at a interfered with the peach blos- rains have severely h ti of the Ho ALG the fertilization of capture of Fort Fisher, but ten Sori miles of Wilmington. The march of | v these ten miles, through the picket | There has been a marked increase lines of the U. S. Army was attend- io the acreage of tobacco planted in led with every kindness and a lancaster county and a correspond (ton, N. C., about Henry G. Carpenter OPP. POST OFFICE MT. JOY, PA | $60,000 HOME FOR MENNONITES | plentiful supply of food which con- tinued until their arrival at Camp! Parole at Annapolis to again ex-| perience the humane treatment of civilization. The visiting season shows no abatement in the wide spread inter-| est in the Homes, as shown by the] many automobiles that daily trav- erse our boulevards and the pages | of nameg that fill our register. In| addition to the many individual and | small parties who came during the) week, we were honored on Wednes-| day, June 21, with a visitation of 73 | members and families of the New-| | port, Perry County Automobile Club, {many members of which are mem- | bers of the Fraternity. They arrived | {about 10 A. M., were courteously |received in the Assembly Room by | Superintendent, N. Franklin Heckler, | who extended to them a hearty wel- |come and explained to them the | great accomplishments and things in process of accomplishment, which {go to the making of this greatest of |fraternal Homes. After a general tour of inspection, they were serv- ed with dinner and departed with pleasurable recollections of this por- tion of their itinerary. Friday, June 23, 1916, wag marked with a large visitation from High Rock, York County and vicinity and also one from West Chester, The event of Sunday, June 25, was the visitation of York Lodge, | No. 266, for the purpose of conduct- ing the religioug services. There | were 80 persons in the party and | |they were accompanied by Brother) George Hay Kain, D. D. G. M, for | District No. 42, Brother W. Sherman | Kershner, Pastor of the Heidelberg Reformed Church of York, and a member of Evergreen Lodge No.|TC SELIs WHY DONT YOU HAVE 170, of Freeport, Il, and Most Wor-||T ADVERTISED IN MY LIST shipfal Brother W he 3 Pownall, | FREE? ing decrease in the oats acreage. |macoaaCaCRGRERCPCAGIGACACACACT IF) Printing Trade Extension Campaign at Chandier’s | Lhe first count in the Trade ik | tension Campaign going on at Chan-| dier's drug store, was completed on Wednesday, June 25. The contestant who is enrolled as No. 15, received | the first awaid, consisting of six Are You in Need of silver teaspoons, one butter knife, Tags [ one sugar shell and a gold locket. | Cards | This Wednesday, June 28, the award | Blan'3 will consist of one gold neck chain | Fol rs and cross and six silver oysier | J Do gers forks. Covering a period of sixteen | Raceipts away to the one having the greatest | Envelopes number Of premium deposit checks. | The Bear Cat Racer will be award-| ed on July 19, to the boy having the greatest value in premium de- posit checks. Those collecting pre- mium deposit checks, which are given for everything purchased at Chand: ler’s Drug Store during this remark- able trade extension campaign, are expected to report every Wednesday and have the credits awarded in their ‘ pass books. This Wednesday a special service check valued at one hundred times the amount of purchase will be given on all toilet articles, which includes talcum pow- der, soaps, ag well as perfumes, ete. een AEB | Subscribe fo: the Mt. Joy Bulletin Mt. Jor's Best :aper—Bulletin. Advertise In the Mount Joy Bulletin | Call at this office Good Work Is Our Specialty weeks similar awards will be : | ] a ASR See EE Ses RsR sche Iad | Your Job Printing Business | —— If We Can't Please You IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE REAL ESTATE Dsn’t Come Again J. B. SCHROLL.! Read the Bulletin. Statoments Bil: Heads Invitations Packet Heads Letter Heads a The Peoples Hardware Store Machine Shop 4 Garage We Handle The ARCO SEARLIT For Building or Repairing Roofs Also a Lot of Ueavy Lumber Prices Right, Give Me a Call. g Levi W. Mummav, Jr, Propr. Bill Phone 125-13, FLCRIN, PH. “This is the Brooder that Requires BU ve So Littl BROODER HESTER Weighs | Weighs OTHER BROODER 0 Li f € bs. only 60 vs. STOVES Coal’ arge mom > coal opening “ = »” AT ee (“about 25¢ a week”) Coal 20 thwet Cant says W. V. Lancaster, of Lyons, N.Y. ‘Ihave no : trouble to keep my ‘Blue BENE) "ever oa, ho Hen’’ Brooder at the right a ea] desc tani temperature. I have over Boag moore | PN 30 ag cn 200 chicks in it now, some BY | aitien: four weeks and the others wings or [Parrons f twelve days’ old. A hap- ut of wey isn 41 pier, more contented ot you never saw. “Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony 50 Brooders Are Better at $ 1 4 than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire. Their area is 2!/ times greater than others; the regulator is automatic Study the diagram. 1 fgreisin Gall and See Sample Agents for “'Blue Hen" Brooders (Hot-air and Hot-water), Round Tray Incubators and Round Tray Mammoth Incu We are now exhibiting above equipmest. ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGENTS H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA. JOHN E. LONGENECKER, MT. JOY P. E. WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT JOY. I have the agency in this section for the universal car—The Ford. I can make prompt deliveries in Roadsters, Touring, Se- dans, Deliveries, or whatever your needs may be. Also have the agencv for SAXONS And the well known and popular priced MAXWERLILIGCARS See me before you make a deal for a car this Spring M B. HIESTAND BELL PHONE MOUNT JOY, PA. WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF Repairing, Overhauling, Painting, Remodeling at Right Prices. five Us a Trial ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES Hiestand and Metzler MOUNT JOY, PA. Make Your Old Kodak AUTOGRAPHIC A visit to my store, the old back discarded and the new one clapped on-that’s all there is to it. My graphic back’s! is ‘com- Price $2.50 to $4.50 according to size. W. B. BENDER, stock of auto- plete. Mount Joy, Penna ALBSRT STRICKLER SUCCESSOR TO A. B. gLiNG