The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 28, 1916, Image 1

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$1.00 A YEAR

To be Successful You Must be Awake; If You're a Real Live One, You'll Advertise in The “Bulletin”

3. H. Tressler’s Big
Automobile Upset
Charles Tressler's Collar Bone Broken--Other Oc-
cupants Escape With Slight Injuries
The many friends of Mr. Samuel
H. Tressler, of East
formerly tenanted the large Cam-
eron farm near Maytown, will re-
gret to learn that he met with a
mishap while out on an auto trip.
The following account appeared in
@& Harrisburg daily paper:
“Gettysburg, June 26—Mr. and
Mrs, Oliver Bistline of New Ger-
mantown, Perry county, were in-
Jured this afternoon when the large
touring car belonging
Tressler, of Marietta,
driving along the Biglerville road
about a mile from this place.
and Mrs. Tressler and their son
been visiting Oliver Bistline
family in Perry county, and Mr.
Mrs. Bistline and son, with two
men whose names could not be
learned, were with the Tresslers in
to Samuel
upset “while

Happenings in the
Ladies’ Bible Class Celebrates Third Anniversary
Young Give Big Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Harry Ichler
at the County Seat.
Mr. E. H. Denlinger
#® here on a visit to friends.
Mr. C. F. Heckel of
was a "Tuesday visitor to towns.
Mrs. Evelyn Forrest is
badly sprained ankle,
Mr. and Mrs. John Alleman of Mid-
dletown, visited friends in our
Mr. S. Chester Smith of the Coun-
ty Seat, is visiting friends in town IV County, is here on a visit to Mr.
this week. A. D. Graber and famliy.
Mr. H. M. Eldridge of the Capital Mr. Robert Blosser has returned
City made a business trip to town om home from the General Hospital at
Tuesday. Lancaster greatly improved.
Messrs. I. S. McDonnell and J. P. Mr. Frances Nauman and two
McDonnel of West Chester were wel- daughters attended the funeral of
the former's brother, Wesley near
corie visitors to our town Sunday.
Mr. George Shutter and son Paul
are spending several days at York, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Inners of Lan-
visiting ‘. ‘atives. (Continued on page 4)

Vegetables Were Plenty—Cabbage
and Potatoes Scarce—Prices as

another good market this
morning but the busy season for the
farmers accounted for the many ab-
sentees, less than a dozen being in at-
The vegetable crop is quite abundant
this year and especially at this time.
These prices prevailed:
We had
Green beans, per peck ces eres
Peas, per box ........ . eros SO
New Potatoes, per peck .........40¢
Caulifiower .........s. cseeSCe & 10¢
Lettuce, 3 heads for ® 5c
Asparagus, per bunch ............. 8c
Radishes, 2 bunches for ..... ve eas DC
Onions, per bunch ........cec... 0c
Qucumbers, 3 for ........ce0e.e 10c
Cabbage, per head ..... esse & 10c
Peeve wu ad le Se
Sweet Cherries, per box
Strawberries, per box ....... evs 100
Cantaloupes, 3 for .......... “rire
Ball Cheese, 3 oF .2everevesannss 10c |
Bggs, per doz. ......c.e0.0n 22¢ & 23c
The meats sold at the usual prices.
Saturday's Market
This was one of the biggest markets
we have had for a long time. Every
stall was occupied and there was an
jmmense crowd of buyers. Everything
desired was plenty with a surplus of
strawberries, flowers and new potatoes.
The usual prices prevailed.
mt cet RR ———
A New Auto
Dr. B. W. Newcomer, one of our
local veternarians, has replaced his
Krit roadster with a new 1916 Ford
runabout. He made the deal with
the local representative, Mr. M. B.
eet Cr —
Played at Landisville
The Citizens Band played at the
festival of the base Ball team at Lan-
disville on Saturday evening.
Village of Florin
spent Saturday
of Lancaster,
nurging a
the result of a
is here
Mary Shickley
last week with
and Mount Joy.
Lydia Brandt
was a Tuesday
Ichler and family.
Edna Wittle of New
on a visit to her
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittle.
Mrs. Wm. Sprout and son Charles
of Lancaster, spent Tuesday with
C. 8. Wachstetter and family,
Mr. Frank Rupfer Blaine, Per-
of York,
friends at
of Elizabeth"
visitor to
Elizabethtown on Tuesday..

Mr. Wise Guy Will Replace Chesty-
de-Nut for the Time Being
We are ever anxioug to cater to
the wants of our readers and about
'a year ago when there was a desire
for comic, we arranged for a year’s
‘supply, namely, Chesty-de-Nut. We
know you all enjoyed his foolish
food weekly and in order that you
may continue on thig laugh stuff we
have arranged for a series of pro-
ductions of the well known artist,
C.D. Graves, whe produces Mr.
The first of the series beging this
week and we hope it proves as inm-
teresting as the former comics.
In addition we will publish a ear
toon weekly on popular subjects of
the day by that well known cartoon-
aKers of
| Lvangeiical
Conuucieca Services Inere Sunday
| Last sunday alternoon gbout thi.t
| members and fiiencs of the Unite
Mr. James Glatfelter will replace
the gasoline ‘engine which operates
his air pump with an electric motor,
which is another step for “Jimmy”
toward progress.

some time with friends at Reading.
Mr. E. J. Henning of Harrisburg,
(Gat Nurses

watch on the new stepchild in the
cat family.
ever it would get out of the nest
just as she would her kittens.

and it began to hop around. Finally
it must have realized that it was in
| the eneiny’s camp and departed for

from Cornell University, at Ithaca,
N. Y,, arrived home last week.
Young Rabbit .. =
In this manner the cat |
cared for the small rabbi 3
x it and when The largest engine,
she carefully carried it back again, |
The news of this strange and un-
usual incident was circulated (hruout
Donegal Springs and quite a number |
of people went to see the curiosity.
After the rabbit was a member of the
cat family one week, its eyes opened |
Given by Miss Welsh's
Pupils Last
Friday Evening
recital, the an-
pianoforte pupils

| Tem gp owners |
The Largest Engine
No. 5016,
Railroad, passed
west Monday morning, enroute to
Erie. The engine was built at the
| Baldwin Locomotive works, Phila-
[ delphia and has fhe power of three |
on |
| the Pennsylvania
engines. |

resident of Elizabethtown for many |
years, died at his home in that bor- |




otra pe ml
OF You, MR. COIN }



v “7, GEE 15 DAT LITTLE)
\ !


| Evangelical Church, went by auto to of Miss T. Anna Welsh of Columbia, |
last Prospect, where they conducted | ————— assisted by Misg Edith Beetem, 50- |
services in the beautiful United fov-| » . ‘ prano, whs given in Mount Joy Hall |
| angelical Chuich at that piace. The Sounds Like a Fish Siory on Friday evening, June 22, when a |
| party enjoyed the hospitality of the | large audience of music lovers were |
| pastor, Rev. George Albright, and his | ( given quite a treat. All were |
| daughter, Helen. Luncheon was Serv.) But It Really Hap- | pleased with the able manner in |
ed on the lawn of the cnurch. in which the participants performed on | |
| the evening Rev. I. E. Joanson of ( the ivories. {ide X
| this place, preached a sermon on pene at Dondgal | The program as rendered is ap- | 2 c
| “Christian Courage,” and the choir pended: A Toute Vapeur, Quartette, | | NS : :
|sang an anthem, “Prezise the Lord. si StFOR OS i ’ ,, | Gobbaeris, Elsie Wertz, Mary Eich, | aN
i | The music also included “Master the One of the strangest incidents that erly, Helen Stoll, Florence Hersrey; | 3 a i
the car when the accident occurred. ““¢ hag come to our notice for months, | vai as 5 ; : | B=
i : : Tempest is Raging,” by the ladies’ »| Valse Caprice, Newlands, Caroline | | 7 ao FEE THERE'S
Donegal, who At the junction of the Carlisle and | 5 haging, y S ‘aces | ,onrred near Donegal Springs recent: Noor... o 2 < | Lr IE RY,
20 ; ; | chorus, while the Male quarte. san a r Donegal Springs recent: 'Nissly; The Dying Poet, fottschalk, | | AHN { HELed WAN
Jiglerville roads, Mr. Tressler oy a a8 IRS Me Pu el i ly and we have every reason to be- | Dorothy Longeascker: :BdeiWeiss, | of Sada PLL HAVE foaEiL
turned to the side of the, road to ; ; and.” An audi-{ oo it, coming from such a most | Pure as Snow, Lange, Hisie Werte: | Ea I ToT FE SHOW
pass a team and the car in some ©ncé of three hundred persons at- reputable and reliable source. On The Mountains Engelmann; | re Lane
manner upset and the eight occu-| tended. The following accompanied | pi. ‘ : SrnElwhandnllngd 4 SurRIER IN
: ” the party: R d Miw 1 Mr. Abram B. Lutz, who tenants | Morning Prayer, Streabbog, Flor
pis were thrown out. [= Ban ” a 5 ny; L E. John | ;16 of and manages all of ex-Senator | ence Hershey: Forget Me-Nots, |
aye hive since learned that ie oe a 8 a Harry Kaylor and J. Donald Cameron’s farms thruout| Engelmann, Pauline MacDannald; |
Prosley brother Ceres of Jon Nou jo ’ Oy ue and Mrs. Donegal, gave us the story ag follows: | Edelweiss Glide Waltz, Vandebeck, |
> goan Ya hay his : ag Mp) Are Naam I and Mrs HB. Early one morning as he was going | Helen Stoll; Dorothy, Old English |
broken and Mr. Bistline was 0H 2 2, ] sees id and Dorothy | (, the parn to feed hig stock he no- | Dance, Seymour Smith, Mary Bich- |
fen, . Sahl Je nson, Mae, Mary, Blanche and ticeq his dog playing with a small erly; By The Mountain Spring, |
he font o Le car Ju Sligt y | pain Eshleman, Florence Kaylor, object, gracefully rolling it about with | Bohm, Dorothy Longenecker; Melo-
Samos, o. ro 52 sto, We were | Ma el ang Sara Kramer, Stella Le- his paws. An investigation disclosed |die, F. Major, Rubinstein; Robin's |
i e to learn just how the acci-| fevre, Esther and Fannie Gingrich, the fact that it was a baby rabbit, | Return, Fisher, Mary Lindemuth; |
ey geome a do know fant Mr. | Esther Weber, Mary and Blla Cun- |, eves of which were not as yet | Tarantelle in A flat, Whitney, Caro-
an i 3h Tressler Soars unin- | ningham, Lottie Royer, Messrs. Earl open. Mr. Lutz, feeling certain that | line Nissly; Festival March, Quar-
jure : ley arrived home onday and Irvin Kaylor, C. S. Gingrich, J. |. rabbit would die, decided to give | tette, Rathbun, Mary Lindemuth, |
as ras tak the fact (H. Gingrich, Ralph Eshleman and |; (; pis pet cat who was nursing | Pauline MacDannald, Caroline Nis- | .
Sor Yon. loen to the factory) Phares Wolgemuth. a family of very small kittens, know- | SIV, Dorothy Longenecker. LT
at York for repairs, it being a large oe as ¢ tas leat Bry smi : 8, i a Sl iy i 2
seven passenge 1lman. | ing that cats are very fond of rabbits, -
en passenger Pullma Cleaned the Reservoir He carried the small bunny to the Both Were Re-Elected |
The Water committee had the bor- cat and placed itin the nest with the It will be pleasing to their many |
[ough’s reservoir cleaned on Sunday. kittens, when to hig surprise, instead | friends here to know that Miss |
2, = y y
| Nothing but mud was fpund deposited | . Cat devouring it, she carefully | Anna K. Miller, a former teacher |
Bi the hottom Lui there Was on um. fondled and very soon it was nurs | here, was re-elected Drincipal and |
{usual amount of it, due entirely to ing at Mother Cat with the rest of the | Miss Mary E. Newplier, of this |
the vast amount of muddy water from kittens place, also a former teacher, was
the many raing this Spring. This was indeed a surprise to Mr re-elected first assistant in the
cm Mlle wmeccisgics " . be Vriid ing {
Lutz and his family, who kept close | Lititz schools at a meeting of the
Will Install a Motor { Board last week. |
Paying Off Indebtedness
| it was

The Full Amount of the Pledges of the Recent
Campaign Was $220,000--0ther News
—— ee ?-
The Lancaster General
campaign is already bearing
I stantial fruit, despite the fact that |
compulsory cash campaign.
{ |
| |
| developed at the annual meeting of

Camping Location Changed
Hospital tue realization of the munificent
sub- | ©f money secured during the
paign just closed. Contributors and
| solicitors were effusively thanked im
a pledge and not 5 ihe resolution presented by Rev. C. Ib
This | Haupt.
President Garvin recommended the

Li Dole Yewne been seen or | . | the Board of Directors of the Insti- Lolding of the annual meeting of
ee ee 2 ; ? g I tution at the C. A. Fondersmith the Board Hereafter in connection
THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR | an automobile trip to Millersburg | | Memorial Home for Nurses on Mon. With the tures’ graduation eel
FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK on Sunday. I | day evening. It was announced that cises of the institution. Treasurer
mr — | Miss Viola Ream is spending a | {nine loans amounting to more than Nehuauser made his report and
to pe row weeks the guest of -hepwrcle ‘at | $25,000 have been paid since the Rev. Dr. Schaeffer stated that
| Mr. J hi Broa spent Sanday | je of cash already. Other long- vision of the rules governing the
i i | wits his oavents abd ie ay ( | . Il Y (mer 0 {standing debts to the contractors hospital. The directors decided upom
DOIIerS lip PIS] Jick Lier Bins oR Yon a ed [for the new heating plant of the faving a building committee of five
I and Mts, HM. Woeltly of May I) Del | hospital have also been paid off persons for the present and future
Lebanon pent Tuesday in town | y j through money thus secured. The development of the institution. It
Vhat Qur Able Corps of Reporters {the friends. 3 ——t {full amount of the pledges, neo was 30 voted to have the rooms of
Found in the Card Basket About Na ; a iind to reports made, totals $220, the Manheim and Mount Joy
Yourself Your Friends and Your of Tau ee Goll ie Cy | Hg Rom WHISH JE ALL MUST on with money still coming in Ladies’ Auxilliaries, furnished and
Acquaintances oy TEs go a Ener] y { daily. equipped by these workers, labeled
Ga oo Ty Carlist " er Stack’ of White | 9 The present crops of efficient of- with suitably inscribed plates of
ih tho bore or Brazile, Was Plains, N. Y. was a Saturday guest Some Well Known People From Our Re Ww ee Snagimeny Tossanl ee . age es Shar
Mr. J. M. Carthy of Brooklyn, N of friends here. bo Neighborhood Have Passed to He) oa 5 hoe or Yow S04 Cs pe 2 : i Me ;
Y. enim Solves ‘Hore "| Mra J EB Scroll spent Suturday |. Great Beyond Since Our Lastissue - iarvin; Vice president, Hey, |Urelg Tay or, Teporeq as ioliows
. a , x : | Their Reward { Prof. William C. Schaeffer, D. D.; Patients in hospital at end eof May
Mr. W. J. Reske of Philadelphia, [20d Sunday at Manheim the guest Gone to The | Secretary Frank L. Suter; Treas-| 95; admitted during J 180;
spent Saturday in town. "| of her parents, Ji or rb ae a Leia in the a
Mr. L. R. Souders of Reading, Mrs. William Melhorn of Man- Frances, witg of Harry G. aber | ecutive ri mittee will consist of | 399: dismissed 197: redisiaing to
spent Friday in town. chester is visiting her sister Mrs. | proprietor of the Franklin House ai M.T Grevtn, F L. Suter Jobs A dute 78. rd, 150; deaths, 8;
: a Henry i G. Carpenter spent JR us of ‘Batttndve Columbia, died aged 49 ‘years. { Goll, Hon. D. McMullen, Esq., and charity cases, 152; operations, 121.
uesday at Mount Gretna. er «3d, 3 ’ | W. J. Neuhauser. fon. :
Mr. G. F. Murrell of Pittsburgh, [82Ve our town the “once over” yes- Qeorge Brinton ; re then record as lo at > es en
wag a Friday visitor here. terday and today. The remains of George Brinton, vending a hearty vote of thanks to alt! upon resuest, and W. N. Appel Esq.
Mr. W. G. Hahn of Hamburg, Pa., Mr. G. V. Eichelberger of White |of HaTisburg, were brought bere for| rsong who in any way assisted in| acted ag secrolaty pro tem, ir 4
spent Friday in our midst. Hill, was a Monday visitor to !interment on Sunday afternoon and | i per
Mr. William Broadbeck of York, | [ri€hds in the boro. interred inthe family plotinthe Mt.) .op Where, Oh Were Can it Be LOCAL NOTES
was visiting friends in town. Mrs. Frances Shelly of Cailisle,|joy cemetery. Deceased was seventy-: The Annville board of trade is’
Mr, Harry E. Smith of Dearborn, | SPent several days with her aunt, | eight years of age and death was due | ooking for a slogan that will be rep-| Brief News That Happened Within
Mich., spent Friday in town. Mrs. M. B. Eshleman, to chronic nephritis, He hag been a | resentative of the town and has of- The Past Weok ,
Mr. Geo. W. Brinton of Harris-| Mr. R. G. Strouse of Hanover, Pa., resident of Harrisburg for many years fered a prize of $5to the person sub- {
burg, spent Monday in town. was a welcome guest here on Fri-| put formerly lived in this place, hav-, mitting the best slogan. : There were six from here Who took
Mr. A. Crumbling of York, was day calling on friends. ing been a relative of the late Dr. In Mount Joy it would be well to! advantage of the excursion to Tolcheg
seen on our streets yesterday. Mrs, H. P. Cooper of Lancaster, | gheller of Mount Joy. {offer a similar prize but not for a ter on Sunday.
Mr. W. A. Rudy of New Cumber- | SPeBt Tuesday with her brother, W. | slogan. Here we should offer a prize! Jesse Watson of this place, ig mak-
land, Pa., spent Monday in town. D. Chandler and family. J. Wesley Nauman | for some ome that can locate our ing quite a “rep” ‘Bs an umpire at
Miss Viola Baker is spending| MT Arthur Schock, who graduated | j vyesley Nauman a, well-known Board of Trade. ! Landisville. Looks as tho he has a
! regular job there.
| Mr. Jacob Souders is having a con-
‘crete pavement laid at his residence
lon Manheim street. Mr. Amos Engle
is doing the work.
They Are Big Ones
This morning Mr. C. A. Wiley
| showed us a chuster of the largest
cherries we have ever seen. They
are of the Lewis Philippi variety
and were grown on the tree at his
iproperty in Florin. The cherries
jmeasured 11-8 inches in diameter.
He was offered a quarted for five
mst AI em ee.
A Shoot on Saturday
{ On Saturday afternoon there will
{be a shoot on the grounds of the
| Mount Joy Gun Club when the meme
first monthly
ist, Bd. White. The title of these| was an early visitor here this week.| Mr. Frank Mummert of Philadel~ ough after a lingering fllmess from | = 8 “= 00 = C800
| drawings is Day Dreams and you'll Mr. Harry Laskewitz and family phia spent. Saturday and Sunday a complication of diseases. The | vine he aud a camp site to farm
have to hand it to Ed as he repro-|spent Sunday with friends at Ephra-| 1 town visiting relatives and friends. ( deceased was 70 years of age, and Jad, Capt. Hatrs 7 Williams and
duces some real live and nifty dope. ta. Mrs. Lucy Stoler will leave Satur- | was a member of ‘the Menndnite | Bow Scotts. will Bot CataD &t
a Miss Mary Shank is spending some | day for Philadelphia and Atlantic | Church, taking an active part in its Lops Level this oar. Mr. Williams
Visitors. Allowed. at Mt. Gretna time visiting her uncle at Philadel- | City, Where she will spend some various departments. His wife died | now looking for a suitable place
| The impression appears to exist |Phia. time. a several years ago, and he is SUT- | tor his outing which will quite]
ii this localite. that: vigiters to the Mr. W. H. Bitner of White Hills, ‘Rey. and Mrs. S. H. Hertzler of | vived by two sons, Amos, at home, | pe near Hogestown: in Cui
Eillitary callp. at Mount Gretna are | Pa» Was seen on our streets this Elizabethtown, spent Thursday in |and John of , Colebrook. These ~ County
Tor allowed. But ibis isa mistake, | Week. town as guests of Mrs. C. S. Ging- brothers and sisters also survive: ———
as visitors are allowed to go to any Mrs. James Walters and Miss Ella | rich. L William of Middletown; Pisncis of Another Soldier
part of the grounds, with the ex-|Childs spent Sunday with friends at| Miss Bessie Eby of Lemoyne, has | Florin; Sampson of Berryville, | i "eo ae Al tA olnd
ception of the location of a few YorkK. returned home after spending 3 | Kan.; Charles of Topeka, Kan.; | 3 r. B ) he Ta 3 y
small commands. Messrs. H. Collins and H. Steffy { Weeks with her aunt Etta M. Ben- | James and George of Elizabethtown Mrs. Emory War s o thig place, en- of iL
oii aA ibis wo of the County Seat, spent Friday | nett. and Miss Hannah Nauman of Eliza-|listed in Company K. at Lancaster em.
{ . in town. Miss Elizabeth Brosey from Sa-|bethtown. The funeral took place | on Monday and was sent to Mt. Gret-
. AWEY Suying Came ios rorhe MF C. W. Berntheisel of Harris-|lunga, and Miss Rose McGuire [from his late home on Tuesday na where he joined his company.
Mr. C. 8. Frank left today for}, ..° Gas a week end visitor in the | Sbent Sunday with Mrs. Natha [afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Inter- afi
New York State where he expects borough. Zecher. ment was madé in the cemetery at Let It Be Soon
ie purchase Several carloads of ber Mr. T. Fralm of Chester, called Mrs. David Vogel and daughter | Milton Grove. A drop in the price of gasoline is
{ grade cattle fo his big sale here oh a number of our business men | Of Enola, spent Thursday in town predicted soon because of the re- | bers will hold their
some time in July.
RR A E— a ————
First Band Concert
The Citizeng Band gave its first con-
| cert of the season in the park on
i Sunday evening. There wag 2a fairly
good ¢rowd present ang all enjoyed
on Monday.
H. E. Greenawalt and wife of
Lancaster, spent Saturday and Sun-
day in town.
Mrs. C. L. Eby of Lemoyne, spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Mar-
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Cramer, 2
Miss Elizabeth Kauffman and Mr.
Kauffman of Dayton, Ohio, were
Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J
B. Hershey. ~

garet Zeller.

an hour's musical program.
Mr. and Mrs Bd Ream enjoyed |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Williams
Mrs. Elizabeth Burger
Mrs. Elizabeth Burger, of Hagers-
town, Md., died very suddenly on
Wednesday afternoon, while attend-
the union picnic of the Sunday
schools of Landisville and Salunga,
held at Hershey Park, as the guest

(Continued on page 4)

(Continued on page 4)
which may cause an over production. | COnveniently can, are requested to
discoveries of new oil fields
rr mene AP GPR mem
Marriage LlicenSes Granted
M. M. Weitman, East Hempfield,
and Ellen B. Mummert, Mt. Joy.
Phares Hoffman, Mt. Joy town-
ship, and Frances H. Waltz, Rapho.
|shoot. As many of the membersas
| participate.
i ep cee i
Our New “Devil”
| Master Freq Snyder has takes 8
at this office and is now Bp
ing Instructed in the art of printing.