The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1916, Image 5

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Lard, per 1b. &f.............. «++:18¢| Cyrus Evans baled 80 tong first-| Mr, Enos Floyd, who has charge | ATE ree x
Potatoes, per fu 76 to 90¢ 5
| Butter op RE veins 0 class hay for Harvey Hostetter in of the D. G. Brinser delivery ack] | Mrs. H. A. Oberdorf and His Mother. 3
» POI AU coer fre srr i j isi
f Bggs, per d4oz.l............ ++2++.30c | Donegal. took a party of joy riders out last Miss Marie Harter from Susquehan- in-law Injured by the Collision x The Peoples Hardware Stor
Brandt &| Stehman Pay: Mr. David Brubaker of near Lititz | Saturday afternoon, The truck is na and Rev. John Wolfe from A : ,— %
Whaat, per DUI cc coe rreeens ...76¢| spent several days with his daugh-| equipped to take thirty persons com- Gettysburg The broken steering gear of an & :
Corn, ‘per bu. l.......... vees....88¢/ter, Mrs, J. C. Smith and family, |fortably. automobile is believed to have been achine hop arage
Oats, per bu. ....... risers 40¢ | last week. The citizens surrounding the Pleas- the cause of an accident that oc- x
Bran BIR S Stenman Sell: Mrs. Jacob Snyder, Mrs. Minnich|ant Hill school house in West Done- | curred on the Marietta Pike Sunday ¥
i ’ uf SRE Ere Rn » : 9.4 J
| Shipstuff, per hundred ........ 140 and Mrs. Stauffer of Mount Joy, 84l township held a meeting recent- EO I ap odious Eu)
{ Mixed feed, per hundred ...... 1.4Q| were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W.|ly With the object of reopening the which nearly resulted in fatal injur-| & We Handle The ARCO SERLIT F
’ ina ye Afadred le 8 caybil one day last week, Pleasant Hill School. They have les to the occupants of one machine, | id
, per hundred ........ oo Ll Tha sin: whi Re mp .. | twenty-six for the 1916 term The carg figuring in the mix-up were ¢ 11d R in ft
Cotton Seed Meal, 41 per ‘ct... 3.10 Ihe usual white caps are numer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacot 8 Icey an Overland Roadster owned and | Building or gpairing Roo 8
Linseed Meal, per hundred ... 2.00/ ous on the J. G. Reist fruit and al-| Mr and Mrs, Jacob W. Heisey left oR ? as : j 4 ;
[1] Beef scrap & fish scrap ....... 3.00 falfa farm where they cover each | ere Saturday morning for Hyner, driven by Harvey 4 heros, fav & A —————————
fl Jaioa Sain. per hundred .... 175 yeqp with white muslin to avoid the Pa, where they contemplate spend- eral manager of the Columbia Tele-
Mingo feed per am 1.75 sudden drying |ing part of the summer with their! phone Company, with Mr. Oberdoif’s
, per hundred ...... 1 : lg Yhristi leon rife 8 is sr-in-law , ’
Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 3.50 Christian L, Nissley of Florin, | 3°™ Christian Heisey and tamily, | Ne say bis Juothsiniay, Ms e Also 4 L.ot of Heavy LumQ
| Timothy Hay, per ton ........ $24.00 passed thd tits place Monday even who conduct a summer resort up on Barbara Gallagher, as occupants, and |i
| a eee Set. erate ie et | ES $ Date 4 y © | the mountain, Good fishing and hunt- an immense auto oil truck, belong- & ‘ ; .
} ing after the sudden downpour of : ’ [ ; Ini Nou el | 6
| - os : ing is reported there. ing to the United Gas Improvement |¢§ 1106S 1d 11/8 8 a a
{ (rain, looking up the interests of the Company of Philadelphia. (¢8 , '
Turnpike company. . IE She Avich |
» ’ ¥ | Mr. Raymond Heisey, mail carrier Pr 1 t | Warrelr Deacon a ns Te It
§ Mr. 3 Y, ominen Warre MoATliStar ww : Lancaster on the pike and was near-|¢ :
® lat this place, h resigned. M arren McAllister Deacon is a |, . 4
i is place, has esigne . Re: C1 Ison of Rev. ang Mrs. J. E Deacon ing Buchanan's birthplace, when he | 1 +"
| Sload of Maytown is his successor. | Young People 4m ’ (noticed two automobiles approaching | 3 B\/1 W, umm au, 1 ay 1G
| H. E.jiauver Pays:

RHEEMS | rooms.

| Mr, Sload has been appointed assist- |

Shih P {ant Freight agent, P. R. R. |
df | The WestDonegal township school | Are Wedded
board met at the Rheems school on | (Conieiel tots. Dage 1}
| Saturday evening where they are|,.. .,. coremonv : Duge “i os
‘having under consideration a modern | Libhs. 3 0 y ang cougraiula
| Ne |uons, supper was served. Seventy-
heatinZ “plant tha i heat the two , guests attended from Hurrisbuig,
: | | kinola, Mt, Carmel, Palmyra, Colum-
wo " ». . [oe Lansasisn Puiladelj hia, New
EL a) (ork, this and other places. The
o] CLARENCE SCHOCK bride received many Landsome giits.
i Mr, and Mrs, Morton are now “at
MOUNT 0) 8 PA. home” to their friends in thig place.
e The Bulletin ,oins their friends in
wishing them much joy and happi-
. Harry H. Ney, of — faculty of
h the Elizabethtown College and a son
£5 of John Ney of Elizabethtown, and
Miss Elizabeth Heagy, daughter of
Lu MBER 1&0) y: % the late Moses Heagy, of the Hear
7 + - gy Manufacturing Company of Hliz-
PA. / abethtown, were married at Phila
i } delphia, on Saturday. :
| Vernon @Groff, son of Dr. R. ©
Groff of Klizabethtown, and Miss
i Greatest {| Edith M. Geiling of Shiremanstown,
i Id’ . | were united in marriage on Saturday
i \X/ or S Tire at the home of the groom’s parents,
9 ; ; . | by the Rev, Frank Croman, pastor
g Service and Mileage Investigate of the Christ Lutheran Church at
oR Is What Tells Agents Wanted I Td
u eft on the ur, ess a
he y 0 Miles G BLACK BOB TIRES Lept S20 B28 Bg oS A
e. 500 Miles uarantee in repair until worn out— West it
- FREE OF CHARGE ; ern cities. On their return they
7 : : : will reside at Harrisburg, at which
McCreary Tire Co., 1310 Callowhill St., Phila, § vic: the rooms o clerk in the
Both Phones—Filbert 3946, Race 3579. | didi
june21-3mos. Il §®2| A pretty wedding took place on
ee | Saturday morning at the home of
CERT 10 ML | th bride’s parents, Mr, and Mrs.
HM | Jacob F, Alwine, Elizabethtown,
° | when their daughter, Grace M., was
Notice to Farmers | united in marriage to William 8.
. @ | Severling of Elizabethtown, formerly
§ of Manheim, The ceremony was per-
= |formed by Rev. I N. Seldomridge,
HB Philip Clark of Harrisburg, was
8 best man and Miss Elsie Ney of
1 i | Elizabethtown, attended the bride.
Fi The bridegroom is an employe of
8 Hoffer Bros., contractors of Eliza.
8 bethtown, and the brideis well
= | known in that borough. After
to Have Your 8 | ceremony the young couple left on
HB | the Buffalo Express for a trip to
HR ® HB | Niagara Falls, On their return they
Dead; Animals @ Will reside on North Poplar street,
i | Elizabethtown.
Removed Promptly Ww
8 Simons—Goodman
| PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO 8IZE =| A very pretty wedding took place
last Wednesday noon when Samuel
ad AND CONDITIONS S. Simons, assistant county superin-
i tendent of public schools of Lancas-
ter county, was married to Miss
A § | Katharine Rebecca Goodgan, of Al
Lorenz Lamparter a toona, at the summer home of D. T.
= | Goodman, father of the bride, situ-
1 PROPRIETOR u ated along the Juniata near Peters-
J Phone - Oe Miss, Gm Bs Palue
Bell Phone Ind. of Millersville Normal School and a
o No. 830 LANCASTER, P A No. 647 ii | teacher in the public schools of Al-
ct § | toons. Rev. Julius Seibach, of Hol-
; ; = | lidaysburg, officiated and the ring
ir TC EE he oh eT a
gle of Bainbridge, was bridesmaid
% a . ang Dr. L, S. Simons, a brother of
F. H . F § k (3 ® the groom, was best man. Istapoga
Campfire Girls, of which the bride is
3 When you a member, served luncheon on the
deat witn || 0] & Lumber Yards === 2 === ~
J us, JH Beth "Prouiss SALE REGISTER
a - GreenStamps A FREE notice of your sale is in-
Ag wil % “ alee’ Very Mount Joy, Penna. |serted here for any leagth of time,
" = a provided we print yomr sale bills
* oxcellem! vertising use
dollar you spend Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 ios ts By oa uw Tg a
earn a liberal Cedar Shingles always on hand. surely bring the buyers:
interest. Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors,| gatyrday, July 8—At 7:30 p. m.
[ Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, Etc. Agent! .; (yo Cross Keys Hotel, Marietta,
J] for Lenigh Poiand Cement, Roof- | , large lot of real estate as follows:
| ing Slate eet iron. [No.1, the Musser residence in
i Estimates quickly and cheerfully m ade on BUILDING MATERIAL and | Marietta; No. 2, the Hauer dwelling
t all kinds of CONCRETING WORK |in Marietta; No. 3, the Taued prop-
| erty in Marietta; No. 4, five lots of
y AAA AA Ammann ansdO000000000000000000000000000800 ground in Marietta with planing
t mill, lumber sheds, etc., by Henry
3 F 34 Y niture S. a. Stine > E . Bseer
an umber Co. . J. Myers,
: | atty.
: ree tI QB —
. ; 1 will continue the furniture } Has Been Elected Principal
business on the second floor of Prof. 0. J. Kreider hag been elect-


the Engle Building, with a com
plete and up-to-date line of all
kinds of furniture. Prices are
very reasonable, When in need
of furniture call and see me.
Repairing and Painting a Special
| ed principal ef the Bainbridge High
| School and supervising principal of
| schools. C. E. Goss was again elect
eC to the principalship of the Bain-
bridge grammar school and will have
as hig assistant Miss Iva Hemperly.
Prof. Kreider will go to Bainbridge



ot Marletta, but formerly resided in
| this borough. The
| twenty-two years
June 19th receives
the Wesleyan University, Middle-/
town, Connecticut. He graduated
him from the opposite direction. He
drove clear of the first machine and
then noticed that the auto truck was
doing considerable “wabbling” ag it
neared his machine. He drove to
young man is
of age, and on
. -«
his diploma at

Wednesday, June 21, 1916.

Bell Phone 125-13, FLORIN, PA.

the extreme right of the road, but
was unable to go very far, owing to
the fact that he was at the narrow-
es point in the road.
The auto truck kept coming at an
ordinary rate of speed and just as it
arrived at a parallel point with the
Oberdorf car, it swerved, tearing the
left side of that car completely away
and throwing the three occupants
against the windshield. H, S. Willi-
amson, president of the Chamber of
Commerce, who resides in that vi-
cinity, was an eye-witness to the af-
| fair and immediately ran to the as-
| sistance of the ladies.
Maytown is proud of this young He soon saw that they were badly
man graduate—Rev. John Wolfe, as injured and rushed them to St. Jo-
|among its many graduates are one seph’s Hospital, where is wag found
|who has taken up the work for the that Mrs. Oberdorf sustained a com-
Rev. Wolfe ig the oldest | pound fracture of the nose and nu-
| Master.
son of Mr. and Mrs. John H, Wolfe, | merous cuts about the face, Mrs.
and was born in Maytown. He is | Gallagher sustained a broken left
twenty-eight years of age, and ob- arm, broken nose and also many
tained an early education in the cuts on the face from the broken
public schools at Maytown, graduat-| windshield. Mr. Oberdorf, however,
ing from the Central High School, | escaped with only a few cuts about
in the Class of 1908. He is a mem- |the face.
ber of the Alumni Association of After being treated at the hospital,
that school also. He entered the |they were removed to thelr home,
Gettysburg Academy and later took | N0.344 N. Thirq street, Columbia, by
the three year course at the Gettys-| Fred Schlotzhauer, of the Keystone
|burg Seminary, from where he 8arage, Columbia.
| graduated last week. He was or- sues BS Soummmaeestpiee
|dained to the minstry of the Luther- | WON'T CLEAN THE BASIN
|an Church at Philadelphia last Oc-|
tober, and whenever at Maytown oc-| THE RESERVOIR WILL NOT BE
|cupied the pulpit there. He has ac-| CLEANED ON SUNDAY, JUNE 18
| cepted a call to the Lutheran Church (AS ADVERTISED. THE CLEAN.
|at Newville, Cumberland county. ING HAS BEEN POSTPONED UN-
| Rev. Wolfe is a member of the The-|IL SUNDAY, JUNE 28. "
1t Will Pay
from the Mounf Joy School, class of
1910, and from Franklin and Mar-
shall Xcademy, 1912. He is now a
Bachelor of Art and will specialize
in bacteriology. He is considered
one of the brightest young men to
ever graduate from that school, and
has been offered a situation in the
depariment of biology in the
Wesleyan University next year. He
wag business manager of the Wes-
leyan Literary Monthly and is a
member of the Alpha Chi Rho fra-
ternify. His parents are now with
him at the University.

ta Phi Fraternity, and being a sing-|
er of some ability, was also a mem- |

|ber of the celebrated Gettysburg
Glee Club, who have won many | -mw Sos TASS
laurels recently, and was also a|
member of the Gettysburg College to become a regu
(Band, playing a trombone. RevV.| {
lar advertiser in |
This Paper =
People Read
This Newspaper
Wolfe has a brother, Paxton Wolfe, |
who is a graduate of the Maytown
High school and last year wag 8 | g===
student at Gettysburg.

| Migs Marie Harter, the oldest
daughter of Dr. and Mrs, George A.
Harter of Maytown, was graduated
"from the Susquehanna University at
Selinsgrove, last week, with high
‘honors. She completed a thorough
course in music and oratory. Miss
| Harter wag graduated from the Cent-
[ral High School at Maytown, in the

That's why it would be

class of 1913, and the fall of the .
same year entered the Selinsgrove) profitable form 0
| University and completed the four| advertise in it
year course in three years, due to te]
|the fact that her knowledge in ad- If you want a job

If you want to hire somebody
If you want to sell something
If you want to buy something
If you want to rent your house
If you want to sell your house
If you ant to sell your farm
If yoo aant fo buy property
If there Is anything that you
ant the quickest and best way
|vance in her preferred studies were
| so that she made up the extra peri-
lod. She ig twenty-one years of age,
‘and arrived home on Saturday even- |
ling. Selinsgrove in honor of the|
| celebration last week was decorated |
{and a sort of an old home Week was
| celebrated, many from Lancaster Co.
| attending. Not since 18v0 was there |
| such a demonstratien, especially ot |

|the alumni association. Miss Harter | to supply that want is placing
|is' not fully decided where she will| @ an advertisement in paper
| locate. Her sister, Miss Helen Har- | fr

[ter, a graduate of Maytown High
| School, is now a student at Millers-
|ville, and leaves next week as a |
| delegate from the school to attend |
{the convention at Eagles’ Mere, The |
| delegates number ten from Lancas-|
|ter county and will be gone about
ten days. The parents of these two |
ladies are both natives of Selins-|
| grove, but on Friday last had been |
residents of Maytown twenty-five |
years, where the doctor enjoys a
splendid practice.
The results will surprise
and please you

Got Something
Want to Sell?
Most people have a piece
of furniture, a farm imple-
ment, or something else
which they have discard-
ed and which they no lon-
ger want.
These things are put in
the attic, or stored away
in the barn, or left lying
about, getting of less and
less value each year.

Notice is hereby given that om
July 1, 1916, at 19 o'clock A. M,, an
application will be made to the
Court of Common Pleas of Lancas-
ter County, Pennsylvania, under the
Pennsylvania Incorporation Aet of
April 29, 1874, P. L. 73 and its sup-
plements, by Clarence E. Gibbons, G.
W. Shickley, William H. Givens, Ab-
raham Shires and others, for a char-
ter for an intended corporation to
be called “Citizens’ Band of Mount
Joy, Pa.,” the character and object
whereof is the cultivation of music
and musical study, and for these!
purposes to have, possess and emjoy |
all the rights. benefits and privileges |
|conferreq by sald Act of Assembly |
‘and the Supplements thereto. {
The proposed charter is now on
file in the Prothca®tary’s office
Lancaster, Pa.

Somebody wants those
very things which ‘have
become of no use to you.
Why not try to find that
somebody by putting a
want advertisement In -


“This is the Brooder that Requires
So Little
(‘*about 25¢c a wel
says W. V. Lancast
Lyons, N.Y. “Ilha
trouble to keep my
Hen’? Brooder at th
temperature. I hav
200 chicks in it now,
four weeks and the


ime ara twelve days’ old.
wey | maven pier, more conte

mx you never saw.”
“Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony
Brooders Are Better at S$ 1 4
than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or sriot
Their area is 2! times greater than others; the regulator is autc
and certain. Study the diagram. —
Gall and See Sa
SF 4 Agents for “Blue Hen" Brooders (Hot-air
4 and Get Gata

Hot-water), Round Tray Incubators
and Round Tray Mammoth ors.

We are now exhibiting above equipmesat.
Everybody’s Car-The Ford

for the universal
I have the agency in this section
Ford. I can make prompt deliveries in Roadsters,
dans, Deliveries, or whatever your needs may be.
Also have the agencv for SAXONS
Ang the well known and popular priced
See me before you make a deal for a car this Spring



Repairing, Overhauling, Painting, Remodelin
at Right Prices. Give Us a Trial
Hiestand and Metzler

Make Your Old Kodak
A visit to my store,
the old back discarded
and the new one clapped
on-that’s all there is to
it. My stock of auto-
graphic back’s; is {com-
plete. Price $2.50 to $4.50 according to size.

Mount Joy, Penna