The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 07, 1916, Image 7

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ee ————

Wednesday, June 7, 1916

The Atlantic
Refining Company


Are You Undecided
where to huy your bill of Eumber?
If so, all yeu have to do is look at
the prices we are quoting for

as well ag
cluded in building, for interior or
exterior work, from the Timber in
your foundation to the Shingles on
your roof.
Coal, Lumber, Grain,
A large stock of Feed constanly on hand. Highest cash price paid for
Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speclalty

4 wl
Sh |
uf | iif (
rma steam

A Straw ilat
- For Every Man
. We never were better neady at the season’s start.
B * Sennit and Split Straws in soft ang stiff finish, $1.50 to $3
x French Palm and Porto Rico hats, $1.50 to $3
~ Panamas, $3.50 $5. $6
Plain shapes, Brown and White, $1.50 to $3
Wingert &Haas|
144 North Queen St, Lancaster.
4 i es 2 mess ————————t eens

everything that is in- |

standing water.
Gapes is caused by
| parasites which become attached to
| the mucous membrane of the wind-
| pipe and more often affects young
| chicks than older ones. The wings
| are dropped, head extended, the bill
| is frequently opened, and a whee-
| zing sound is heard ag the chicken
is seen to be breathing with diffi
culty. Treatment is worth while in
is prevention. The eggs
parasites are expelled
months of diseased
may gain entrance direet into other
chickens or the eggs
the soil may be ingested by angle-
worms and these being eaten by
fowls will cause them to become
affected. Magpies and other birds
may transmit the disease. This di-
sease constitutes another unan-
Swerable argument for keeping
chicken houses, yards, pans and
roosts clean at all times.
The “old rooster” is the poorest
of all table poultry. So poor that
{ when crated and sent shipped
separately to market, the returns
received are almost nothing.
mixed with other poultry, a
the price that the rooster is a dead |
loss. For home consumption the |
old rooster may be made over into |
almost anew chicken by caponizing. |
This method, however, is slow, if |
sure. A shorter cut recommended
by W. Theo. Wittman, poultry ex- |
pert of the Pennsylvania Depart:
ment of Agriculture, and one bring-
ing a great improvement is to Coop |
him in a darkened, cool, quiet place |

| and half,
| middlings
(a coep with a glatted bottom and
a barn basement are good) and |
feed him regularly, three times a |
day, on soft or wet mash, for a |
period of ten to twenty days. This |
wet mash should be either finely |
ground oats and red middlings, half |
wet down with either |
sweet or gowr milk, or buckwheat |
and ground oats. If a |
rich, oily table bird is wished |
cornmeal and middlings should be |
fed, and not only so much as will
be eaten up clean each meal, but
such only as, the weather being
warm, hag been fresh mixed. It is
also important that the birds be
freed of lice by dusting with insect
powder; that the start on heavy
mash feeding be done slowly and
that one sort of milk be used, not
sour one day and sweet the next.
The bird or birds must be where
they are quiet and out of sight and
sound of other | poultry. A little
fresh wafer, gregn stuff, charcoal
and a very littla tallow and suet
daily are ¢ ble. The coop should
be small, and in) a semi-dark place
as 3 be, ree ol ou! birds

wormlike |
some instances, but the main thing |
chickens and |
getting into |
If |
pounds of rooster may so cut down |


Harrisburg next Und der asel shdupt far ruga,
Tuesday. | Shbeit fui Hap, wo-haw! wo-haw:
Miss Emma L. Wenger, daughter | O, Sel’'s de tseit mer shpringa
of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wenger, of | Und mer kreisha loud: Hullo
| this place, last week was given a Wun de huckshter rumhar singa;
| annual session at
' Surprise by her many friends a few | Shad, fresh shad, shad-oh, shad-
days ago when she received up- | oh!
| wards of fifty of these useful | Und tsu'm groyer on da rendu
| articles, for which she feels very | Wun ar’s shdrecked don sawgt
! grateful. mer so:
| DBE | Du farlongnar sokarmend du.
RINGLING BROS. COMING THIS | Far es free-yawr's widder doh.
| Wun de glucka breeicha warra
| T
{ Und se rutsha uf en nesht
sa mi ; | ,
World's Riggest Circus and Spec- 'shickd far unser porra
| : ) | Don wart
“ ; 0
tacle “Cinderella” Announced | tnt ger’ porta wart gameshds
for Early Date

tic made Jdat on. un dale beeblin net gabawra,
Anoolncoment |s | In da shawla shdecka dort,
Wednesday, June 14 Ringling Bros, |... Yo olar noch ds shiva
! circus will give afternoon and night ¥ir de bighass in da’ htots
performances at Harrisburg. .. | 0, sel’s de teeit der bower
showmen are this Weist da shtetlrr mol en drieck,
new and |
an all | Und de shtetlar gooka sour
| The famous
season presenting
wonderful program. The jie: | We en wiltar loonatick:
Tendo Plena Spenane. oe | Und der lumbamon’s um blarra,
erella,” will a i Kk ing
| and old. More than 1000 persons | Unt gle hui 4 Dp The
é ya Wun de glucka breeich warra,
It is easily the big- {for os treeyawrs widdere doh,
Ringling Bros., have a ay f
| take part in it.
| gest spectacle
| ever staged and its glorious “Ballet
of the Fairies,” with 300 dancing
| girls, is in itself worth going many
{ miles to see. Following
ella” 400 arenic artists

] | If You Have, the Statement of this
“Cinder- |
appear in!
the main tent program. Because of | Does your back ache, night and day,
— _ | Hinder work; destroy your rest?
the great Huropean al the Bing | Does it stab you through and thru
lings have secured scores Of CiTCUS | when you stoop or lift or bend?
performers never before seen in| Then your kidneys may be weak.
America. An entire trained animal | Often backache is the clue.
show has been made a part of the | Just to give you further proof,
Mt. Joy Resident Will Interest You

2 The kidney aetion may be wrong.
main tent program this season. The |, tone rat ol wrong
menagerie now numbers 1009 Wild | pore distress will soon appear.
animals. The elephants, including ' Headaches, dizzy spells and nerves, |
“Big Bingo,” the earth’s largest |Uric acid and its ills |
3 Make the burden worse and worse.
pachyderm, have been increased to Liniments and plasters ean’t
41 and almost 800 horses are Car-| pageh the inward cause at all; |
ried. There will be
a big free three-mile
show day morning.
Ruined the “Snitz” Business
As a result of little demand for
dried apples, the “snitz” business
at Hancock, Md., where there is a |
large evaporating plant, hag fallen
off to such an extent that a com-
60 clowns and | Help the kidneys—use the pills |
street parade | Mt. Joy folks have tried and proved.
What they say you ean believe.
Read this Mount Joy man’s account. !
See him, ask him, if you doubt.
C. J. Gillums, BE. Main St, Mount |
| Joy, says: “My back became so |
| painful that I couldn't rest well at |
night and was all tired out when I!
got up in the morning. Doan’s Kid-|
ney Pills entirely took away this]
| disorder after other medicines had
any operating there has about fif-|falled. I haven't had to use any
PR how of ® product on hand | kidney remedy now in over eight
"| years.”
The lack of a demand for “snitz” is | Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t
blamed on the European war inter-
fering with foreign shipments.
——— Ae
simply asi: forakidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that |
Mr. Gillums had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
———— PP —
New Mill at Falmouth
It ig rumored that a hosiery mill
will be erected in Falmouth in the
near future to be operated by elec-
tricity. Lights are being installed
in most of the houses in that town
A Class of Forty-Four
We are in receipt of an invitation
to the graduating exercises of the
Minersville High School, of which
Prof, C. E. Roudabush ig the prinei-
pal. The exercises will be held on
Friday evening. June 9 and the

class numbers forty-four. This ws |and also in the United Brethren
Prof. Roudabush’s first year at | church.
Minersville where he is meeting east Guess

with unbounded success. The Bulletin only costs $1 a year.








Westernberger, Maley & Myers
125 and 127 £. King SL,
— - _—_— - . - - . rere eS — oe oe
| y | can usually be handled successfully PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. i |
| armers Column | in each coop. If propery handled, | | mre 1 {
| | according to above instructions, | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To DON T FORGE |
| VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION your tough old rooster will be a fat, | Say This Week, |
{ FOR THL FARMERS i tender and juicy table bird at the | | Us on fo a
RE | end of two or three weeks. it | EB TRADE-MARKS and of yrights obtained oF ng
mcm see II mtn <5 { { fee. Si adel, sketches or photos und briel
| — | ELIZABETHTOWN | l | Ges rh {x or REE SZARL Hand report on
| The Old Rooster a Poor Asset on ll When you need any- pul Bent stamp for NEW BOOKLET,
| the Farm—The Prevention of a | ; i COREA ar efore app
1875 Gapes Pays—How to Test Land ©: A. HK. Delegates to the Annual | I thing in the line of (READ PAGES, 11 wud 12 before applying
The First it : Meeting at Harrisburg + | neat and attractive
Telephone f Fit for Cuitivation—Asparagus | 9 ( | Prout .
| About the Cows | ———— § vinting. i ;
The Chautauqua this summer will [i ng ? PATENT LAW VERS, D.C
i open on July 17, and close July 23 1 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.
| Sterilize all wounds made in prun- © eT oo { J i PRE
1916 | ing. An ounce of copper sulphate | Qeorge Shank of LA J Ah a
The Coantry-wide System jin a gallon of water ig as good as Se guest of Eph. Sbank an Rape | 7 i ee En
anything, this being appli ith a | VY
[eins brush. as So Soph ae A. C. laird, of Chambersburg, | as no C
{ar ry ai ; ; spent a few days with J. F. Alwine |
| are dry, paint them over wih a SP®
lg . : A 2 ; : and family. |
good coat of pure lead and oil paint : |
ie : ? Mrs. Mary Reber of Richland, is i
- Years of Tele hone Pro YeSS | and renew the paint each season ? y {
’ orty one P : g | until the wound is healed Over. the guest of her parents, H. L. Hess |
The faint musical sound of a It has provided a {stern of sor | Bary: gardens ® : 3 x RN to and wife.
plucked spring was electrically car- munication adequate to public needs | ™ally S are desirable, but L : : Es wos {
ried from one room to another and and sufficiently in advance of exist- | the soil can easily be injured by Ci ay Booker 2 rials w JS Fy Bg Yewr Kumt
recognized on June 2, 1875. That ing conditions to meet all private | working it too wet Here is a test Phla, is the guest o un de glucka breeich warra
sound was the birth-cry of the tele- demands or national emergencies. | sndors Voids : and family. Und de fendu fonga aw |
| endorsed by Government which a i ;
“a phone. It has made the telephone the I plies to a kinds of soil oa Ambrose Plummer and Henry | Und der kunshtawbler und porra
+8 The original instrument—the most economical servant of the 1; ue hand oe 4% & | grandt, have returneq from a visit Mocha mencha mon und fraw: i
very first telephone in the world— people for social and commercial [inige na Tul of the soil and make to Pittsburgh Wun umbrella pedlar kum:
is shown in the picture above intercourse. {it into a ball. It this ball readily gos. : te Rr Ty !
i : i I faite ni nil Miss Ellen Hoffman of Rowenna, Mit da bums uf olahond, l
: ' Te It has organized an operating | falls apart the soil is dry enough ‘ . |
From this now historic instru. taff loyal t blic interests d i VRE " was the guest of Miss Emma C.| und der lumbamon kreishd: Lumba |
staff loyal to public interests and | to pe worked without danger of 8
ene fas he ig ig ik ideals; and by its policy of service | puddling and later haking gs Smith a few days. Lumba! lumba! dorich’s lond;
DE ts importance in the world's jt has won the appreciation and |! aS. hu my bonne Dr. L. BE. Lepper and wife of | 0, sel's de tseit mer feela
Siyi1zavion, good will of the people The fist venson for MAVIDG WOO}, Fine Gol fave the Zaedts 7 Geo.) Yushtahout om vert
: : : . v 1 Pomona, al, ar e guests 1€0. ushtabou m vel besht
At ie anniversary Sime, (ise Bell pa these {hnss | ming, Je milk cows on the farm comeg from 5 en a od family i 3 Tor: a Sve. Peery weana teows wht fhe neue Bimsols stands for en
System a on forty- S : vard wi the fact that they ovide the | —... - Bi ep : : i
£ ientif hie y-one e ystem looks forwar Te 1at they provide the WwW W. Ho and wife, of Bain | TW 5 ; say sort of cisaniag device. Bissell’s Carpet Swesper hog cnmned
years of scientific achievement and confidence to a future of greater 1eapest, best and most wholesome L ns ® o
economic 2iomsess, and gives this opportunity amd greaier achieve- aq " al ome | pride, Wes o guests of their | ung de = heind uf de rivla, reputation by 30 yours ef satisiactory service.
0 ine men ood amil Their value is ro a kik a ? aor
Secount of ii stewardship: & rd to estimate when we consider | 22USHter, Mrs. 8. B. Baker. a nd de 1 ae is Bissell Voonam Sweeper to 2 hand peopeliod susen machine
mount saved on the bls Ibert Galebach and family at- het has more power thea mest sloctric cleanem, 38 proved a 8
: A aa Se al of Cyrus Don- ) wassber of tests. Ray bo spessie; te sszey fees room 55 Poem; tO
The Bell System. : lor, sub nwall on Frida
I 1 d
po IVE INO 2 Tr i r
¢ » % ‘ ‘ HII a 1-4
/ ; LUI A I
: @ M J Pa.
- i
: =. - A ——— a —— b> ! Or the 1 B few 1 1 ya}
. Bell Phone 4%-R3 2 He pe of a: : Pi Harry Heisey and wife and Wen- Und d hreis d nem vile, |.ok ;
A 3 e aine 7 h Dr ve > ay ip . - rird. . : 13, i I
& Sunday and night cails responded (0 immediately ¢ a vi 3 wt is o%, dell Baker and wife autoed to Bird-| Und d« u I vidar of tA ~Nivies and 3 § st idea if
4 Ra iilsldes . Zubjec €ro- | in.Hafid where they aid a visit to Und ar wat Du lewar grund | 3% hi Tes py et ry eas oe
© West Main Street AA & : : diets : n-Hafid where they paid vis =
p h, ¢ ion or incline t be pouty.” ie Ybor Aho Fou oF of Nemt neiar hOnR1 widder? + =
© At D. H. Engles M O U NT J OY, PA. & iced a 2) os po 4 In- | the ; Brubak luck farm of 40,000 | Ne TRIE oR vidder? of { | BR . y 2
¢ & ed, drainage is profitable where ! quo Shtyle kusht maner os en hund! | : . cri ie »
000000020000 NOOCCO00TV0O00O00CCODOVOONOOLVO0000 | €Ver It is necessary to the fullest | 1 aM. Cassel and wife and two | O, sel war hbunk is N\ 0
id oz the land. It is not uncom- song Ralph and Paul, and Misses Und i uf de map, | % we, |
—_ EE § = gE Hy n for lands too wet for cultiva- Fannie and Emma Dissinger, of | Und se sawgf: Du oldar monkey! Be
| tion to produce, when i SrrnrE : a 5 {ow av snkavy 16h. za hon res | oe i
FB NES EE EEE EE REED on a By he drajtied, 60 Sporting Hill, spent a few days Monkey! Teh ga hame tsu'm Pap. | of A Spring display of all that will be helpful to the up-to-date
a 7 ) | r 70 bushels of corn or oats to the with Amos Wenger and family. | Ovvere sel bringt’s cash so blendi, | fiome- maker A complete assemblage of the various kinds of Sum-
™ ; ; B j2ero: On much of the drained land St. Paul's Lodge, No. 481, F. and Und ar drickd se schwartz-und-blo, | oe 4 = ar : Sroatod so that thes can be seen at g ‘glanee
& OR your own protection, specify @ | [he increase of yield is from 25 to |A. M, of Philadelphia, gave an il-| Und ’sis himmel in da shandi, [§ 2 Purniigs, Frou i ing-Ro ” will b a full assort-
Parowax. Your carefully prepared ® 100 per cent and by the increased | ustrated lecture at the Masonic| Far es freeyawr’s widder doh. | Por the Porel) and Living: A i sou :
a’ jellies and jams and preserves are 5 yleld and the decreased cost of Home on Friday evening on “Her- | & ment of the newest designs in Chairs, Rockers, Soiiven Tables,
: [ rati a : fae S ful pieces, in Reed, Old Hicko Rat- |
* worth the purest paraffine you can ® Jantivenes the value of the land is shey “and Hershey -Produets.”- } Wun de offis kondidawda EE SYREs Sud mu on: een 2 FURNITURE. 4 Ts
” buy. Parowax matches your food in g | often doubled. Drainage improves Dr. S. R. Nissley and Henry Con-| Soocha karls we Ich und du, Be CR RUGS AND MATTING—This is considered the most
i i eais e good- | the physical condition of the Soil bY | nelly, of John M. Good Post. No. | Und de freindlicha kumrawda | oe Xx $ 8 1s
ts cleanly quality, 8 u { making it more porus and friabl Ys | % sanitary Summer Floor covering, in three-quarters of a yard to
ness in, seals the air out. Dustproof | Cay nd friable. | 502, G. A. R., have been appointed | Sawga: Howdy, howdy, dol | & ; ae; » A
1 EN f/ package of 4 big cakes for 10 cents. B Health conditions are also improved delegates to the Department of the | Wun der bower nous gaid bluga |% two yards wide; cut and bound to fit any room or porch, 35 up.
3 XD ®n by the drainage of swamps and Grand Army, which will hold its| Mit ma asel fornadraw, | of

3 .
: S I :
: Spring Is Here
4 es
& P x
x »
4 1
: S I
+ -
: Spring Footwear |
se »
% Ea
i I have shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women and Children, §
¥ the newest fads and at low prices vhen the high market om
® leather is considered. »
S %
2 >
® *
: ] Special §
0 7
: Special pecia :
+* ES] TT IEEE 3
3 »
> I have something special in bas ball shoes. Have them any- @&
size in a good, strong serviceable shoe, complete with cleats at ¥
HI omy scolar tees iii aeay need ons $1.98 &
| 8 3
| &J X
% bs
: arry LAaSkKCWIZ
k 3
| & .
| Q

I= the only kind I seil—Furmiture hat is Fumitere
x Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desk
Extension and Other Tables
Davenports, China losets
: Kitchenf; Cabinets
ln Fact Anything in0the Furai-
are Line