\ _ THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. a eC a a Wednesday, June 7, 1916 PACE FIVE i TT ’ a jus- the act against with penalty complying months, The tice for not LN) ow fine of not lk than ay ome Health blub » | (he county jail for a period of 60. gp.) ARTICLES WRITTEN EX.|8 " castrelior PRESSLY FOR THE MT. JOY BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. 4 RI HICAGO, ILL : i EN $100 nor isonment in nba oenfle Baltimore, " pense a a aseussion of me| = Prepare yourself ities became en aute spiviied. The averate Bait. ® Against Inevit- . {1 Columbia . yr mem ov more Hees wi dre bimelt wy to ie(8 pI pF DE { - {oct Wp ent and tel you with aw able Higher Pri- ) | Joy men di flourish T that he is “To the |g = | As to the above 185€8, we are not nang born? I have never asked ces, by Taking | |able to say at present just what the °N¢ Of them just what he means by d § | [attermatn. may be as both have the expression, but he means Whi 1 A vantage O 1. 3 right, and if you transplant im m | been placed n the hands of at-'!® ? | lL : | poms. after middle life he suffers with | the ow Prices ! So { Nostalgia. One of the men present | . ODDO rams ; cro —— tee at ti 2 Th } 1 OBO HOTDOODIOODOC AANA ® Keep Jut or Lo- at that time had been born and | 0 at Prevai n @ RHEEMS reared in Virginia where the pride 5 . 2 . ans of ancestry and home is even ® Our Grea IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! umbia Butome. |... .. Soy pin wer re ® bi : ia Annville Last Sunday been in business 1n Baltimore for |g ilists; Danger several years, but when asked | § . . Mr. Isaac Kupp and two soms where he liked best to live he said, |S 1 ’ o A (Continued from page 1) spent Ascension Day at Hershey. | would rather be at home in ola | ® embac e Con bs 5 You can sign on the back of copy A. S Bard has an unoccupied Virgmnia if I had to live on peanuts, 8 s and enclose money order for $4.86 | house for rent. Possession can be than anywhere else on earth with H Ws, Operied Saturday Morning, the 3rd of June costs and the matter will be closed. given on short notice. evry luxury you could mame” He m iv Yours respaotialy, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ream of Eliza remained in Baltimore, however, for | i§ / Very tempting money-saving values will be offered in Women’s Dainty Undermuslins, White H. H. HI( A onsade bethtown were guests of Mr. and ‘he sake of his children and the ; umbia, Pa. A a 15 4 schrols ; : 3 . chil. |B Goods, Laces Embroideries, Bed Wear, Corsets and other seasonable merchandise. Mr. Sheeiz is charged witl all W- Mrs. John Weaver last Sunday., ¢ hols. 1 wonder how many chil . Wie vis. wd : . 'y po Mrs. Susan Wolgemuth entertain. 47¢n ever fully appreciate the 2 hig & nobile to stand o : ” : jr sacrifice of their parants. “g & 2 5 U . | is Sas ! > .~ |ed her sons and daughters, their 0 ; p Double lo H. tamps nti Noon public highway, on Second street, ih children and a number of relatives, LUv agricultural department at es Wiley Sisters iy last Saturday. Washington sent out 55,000 letters 3 zhis on 2 ) . t > living i ure is- Wither: awe Siectio Ss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Post- 2 people living in the ; Tura] dis ES er traits , | master and Mrs. Frank Shank spent '''C!% mostly farmers wives, seek- = (Mr. Sheetz had his attorney-in-fact ing information about the home ® (H. G. Carpenter send Squire Mec- Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. lite lq tn di Si 1 li & i I Cracken, at Columbia, a check for E. E. Risser, near Lawn. ane es a. a | the amount $4.86 of which amount Mes. Boma - Relle, Mr, HH and the lack of social and educa- |= The Greatest Values Ever Offered Here § cro” iti si ms moe bier amunan sna con 08 the lack of social ana civ e : > | Constable Hickey $2.16, as per an Robert were guests of Mr. and Mrs. flekne for the young wives. In . 23 .16, as 4 sickness p ¥ B yes. = ° itemized bill sent here by the Jus. | Charles Bless of Donegal, Sunday. many cases they are kept so busy | 3 or in Any Other Store tice. Easy money. The fine of $10 | The West Donegal School board from daylight to dark that there is = Was not collected and on the back his appointed the following teach- but little -time for brooding, but in '® | of the letter was written the fol- | ers for the Rheems school: Mr. time the loneliness and homesick- H CORINA SOLD EDGE lowing: | Henry Gise of Elizabethtown, prin- Hess tells. ord the young wife = 2 Eo 2 ys 5 Ss S STATIONERY SPECIAL 29¢ STATIONERY SPECIAL 29¢ l hereby plead guilty to the with. | cipal; Miss Elizabeth Greider, as- droops and falls in Beath. The 3 ACTUAL VALUE 39¢ ACTUAL VALUE 39¢ in charge of violating Automobile | sistant. family doctor can find no symptoms a : . : . . Laws, and I also hereby appoint | Rev. Nathan Martin and wife and tL dize : some cases may B High grade white linen finished stationery, new Extra big offering. Superior quality stock, Hares BT Wickey. A Hea i or 02 en To of disease and in so € 8 = shape envelopes embossed with heavy gold Old white, pink, lavendar, and light blue; new shape & '4™ * ieneY, Auomney mn uct la aumber of mem ess Of, the churel brutally call it laziness. 1 English initial, 24 sheets or 34 correspondence envelopes; gold edge envelopes; paper of corres- to pay costs for me. Fine $10.00 | of the Brethren of the West Green I have seen some desperate .cases ¥ cards with 24 envelopes. pondence cards. |Remitted. Costs, $4.86. Money order | Tree district are attending the an- of Nostalgia, some of which have a DELFT INITIAL GOLD INITIAL (herewith for $4.86 {ual conference at Lake Winona, peep quite easily cured by a brief STATIONERY SPECIAL 29¢ STATIONERY SPECIAL 19¢ On May 26 or last week Mr. B. H. [nd return to the old home where the : ACTUAL VALUE 39¢ ACTUAL VALUE 25¢ ereer, of this place, received the | The Heisey Bros, who have plant- surroundings are seldom what is lowing: : - Delft Blue border and medallion initial; dainty Paper or correspondence cards, with 24 en- © anne! ore | CJ 20 acres of potatoes are the first pictured by one that has been away long shape envelopes; excellent quality stock; 24 velopes, prettily boxed. Extra good quality stock, Ia ou will please appear before | in thiis vicinity to have hay heaps for a long time. The young wife is |g sheets or 24 correspondence cards, with 24 enve- gold Old Tnglish initials; newest shape, while the iS aiael MeOracken, Justice of the |ready to haul into the barn. The nearly always cured and 'eager to |g lopes. lot lasts, 19¢- [Pasen No. 18 . 4th. Street, Colum- | prospects are good for a fair yield return to the new home and her | 5 . 1a, Pa., on Thursday, June 1st. | qf grass and wheat for this seasom. husband, after a 2 or 3 weeks stay For Grad uation Gifts [en hin pa 9 aNnSWer a | Fourteen persons boardeq the in the old home. | charge /iolating Auto Law as per : @ i Nothing more appropriate, or more acceptable than a box of high class stationery—*For the 1000Y of complaint enclosed Per | State College Excursion last Friday,| The telephone, the automobile : Graduation Gift.” Here are all the new things in stationery, white and colors, as well as many | "Io ence Sor g zr : June 2nd. They returned the same and the social centers now being |B lovely novelties, 29¢, 50c to $1.00. Lie x he iy to come | evening at 10:45 and all speak With established by the agricultural de. fg Jud a re - or hg | favor of the extensive trip up the partment will in time make country ¥ ° BOTY il te a i —- : ° | mountain and surroundings of State life much more attractive and | $4.88 eo ts and the pi Wy oe > College, Pa. livable than it has been in the past. | oo SUS ang PB ¢ ; | eioeed wi | Mr, Simon H. Landis, proprietor me AT sarin i {of the Rast End Garage at Fliza- Yours respectfully, | AN EXCELLENT RECITAL LANCASTER, PENNA H. H. HICKEY, Constable. | cthiown, took the following men to, ) ; : . R | wih "| Philadelphia on Saturday: Henry : BOO00000CO0C00000000000000000OO0CCO000COOOO00OOOOO0O0OOOOOOOD or ih : my Penna. | 10087, J. M. Weaver, C. Eshleman Senior Plancforte Pupils of Miss 3 , - oe 25 a 0 na a Yes and John Wagner. The trip was Anna Welsh Render Good Recita 2:50 2 hianl: form, identieal do ¢ € | made in a Reo six without any de. Ee |one of Sheetz's. Mr. Zercher appoint- | 4on41on : On Friday evening the senior d 4 G. Be; -- . : c voi ul . ic 2 lis x jo! H. G. Carpenter bis attorney-in | P. K. Landis and four other farm- pianeforte pupils of Miss T 4nnia fi [ fact who went to Columbia and | ere met with an unusual experience Welsh, assisted by Miss Edith |g |after an hour's controversy with | Betem, soprano, gave their annual |= nr ois i | while ascendng a steep hill in the ; | Squire MeCracken and Constable , recital in Mount Joy Hall. There | Fricker ‘paid costs tor Ms | vicinity of Annville, in Mr. Landis’ - as d | key paid costs or Mr. Zercher | touring car. The engine refused to “25 2 large audience present an | to the amount of $4.88 Mr. Zercher work while th car th and all the participants performed our j Was charged with failing to blow his + he hI S a pi Gi = in a very creditable manner. The { horn at the corner of Fifth and Lo- | op of the an © car gan to following excellent program was | cust at 7:30 in the morning. Con- Zo down the hill. The brakes re. rendered : = [stable Hickey admitted that Mr. fused to work and the auto struck pf Love, Valse Elegante : x | Zercher was running very slow. The | 2 bank with such force as to upset (duet) Misses Frances Beatty and B {costs in this case were $260 for | the car. Noone was Injured but Mary Hershey; Minuet A L’Antique u Can't, if you're too done up to eat. your dealer to show you its fireless | McCracken anq $2.28 for Hickey— | the ear was damaged considerably. |,,3 pete Champencise by Clarence a . . v - | bs ; | ——— > ER c— Neath mie : Ye : 3 And you're bound to tire, after a cooker, its separate oven, its combus- | D0%e S%y uney The Ane of 11449 rubaker; Spanish Caprice Miss 3 : : : ’ : , . 4 ws s itted. 3 : . arolin lissly: ring Showers. | = . . morning in the kitchen, over a coal tion chimney, its long-lasting wick. 8% 2.50 mwa i Strickler Family Reunion Larolioe Te Sprise Stoves # Prices on everything, & range. For it’s wearing, beyond a B il hv oAlanieR | When Mr. Zercher's attorney paid | The sixth annual reunion of the |g ~° ° A ey Blan om a Everywhere are ad woman's strength to carry wood and € sure, t ug , you use LC antic ay- the above costs Mr. McCracken | Strickler family will be held Thurs- ~ccrets (b) Kashmiri Song, (¢) Boat | 3 y are aavanc- y , ” : od | Jonge " isc ditty t . * * haul coal from bin to kitchen olight Oil 1n your Perfection. That’s balked considerable before giving 2 | day, June 8, at Hershey Park, when : By: hy i= Run Seersn ing rapidly. We looked = : . essential. For it is just as necessary recelpt for same stating that he Was | soverul hundied descendants of the fiecony Fougiing Poiongise Bri | Neadland so we're not ¥ ) . . . . . 7 , ietriot > ant OY ) ers; IN gp N - And you can’t control the heat of a to discriminate in buying kerosene Rivise by Ihe Disirlet AUOY lenny’ orgamistion WHI Dein at ny ie. Poy Myeli is behind. W 1. § : ar ; : he hz \ i : : Melody of Love, John Baer; La = ared coal range. Most times you've far as it is in selecting flour. It takes ho rooees a ig So tendance, including many from Lan pr °° i Ton >If 24nd. We Prepared °F § 3 y S Zz case ag at was a 18- } Cri Iv The 3 a vlUeuse (Spinning Song) The Rosary [= : Fu 2 more heat than you need—a waste use to prove either. You don’t have take and since he: made one mis-| oo COUMY. The morning Will be (pore scription) by Miss 8 0U¥ing heavily, months & of fuel—that turns the kitchen intoa to buy a flour on trust: neither need take he did not want to make aD: | porn pe CLO While ail Persian March @ ago, when the market § : > | un literary and Sica ~ a= nerve-racking furnace. you take a chance on kerosene. other. TE a ame Frances Beat ces ® was low . gram has been arranged I e = : A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove For you can ask for Rayolight with The above eases wers brought 10 | tomenn, which will be participated 2 I¥s Doubtful If You'll u offers you a way to “Ae the positive assurance fie isytion of sme of the Jealivg | Lr romney of te Rm 4 ts Doubtim oy 8 \ S you a way > positive assuran PUSiness ma ARIOMARA 1 yeahs Reiley & 2 Ya T A : Zi ‘ 21 : ' . 151 S men, automobile club of: ... FF - : £3 5 Ia = end kitchen drudgery : ew that every gallon will ficials, and. others at ‘Coluiab; ait feature o he program will be a : ta nN Be Able iQ gaia Buy a 3 . : .l v Se aah ’ a, : i f ep Strickler family, to be =» 4 . isr Present ; i and at the same time PE DD FEC ; ION be like every other cl g they mew nothing of this lusiory s the Swlekle og 18 be \ S ss E At Our Present Low Sale 3 . ¢ 1 ! A © J : sented by Pi Shenk of Leb ; ® re. % to economize, for the dp a 5 gallon. A kerosen Bn nd s al h n Vall So iis X ® Prices For Many a Day. 8 { Perfection burns ker- Oil Stove that will burn with- x 2 Of It,it seemed dl torian. Wi arr - AJ ¥ ! : : boro offici w the “r x S mar S S 8S a A AJ : = {| osene, the che put smoke or smell, { Fm Miss Berth ler, who takes a ta} A Word To a Poa Tiwi ; nt +} wi¥} rial : . Be = ’ [Ye : | fuel. 1 Nin ey but that w ill y lela ( 0 tice onl not De k ¥ 17 n : he a AJ rea Is 5 4 {i no wood, a great and a cheap c the - - vi TL » ; “, ! 3 3 no a 10 1eat. 1 elling " ® a £2. fo: 0 he: Sin nd telling : - ufficient ne goin With all its advant: { 4 m—— nstead. heat 1 . 3 i h € rges v the e : ma 1 3 Instead, heat wi Rik gt hat the r hen b ——————— We tit 2] ayolight COSTS no ! d aM nger; = x al ang exace 7 3 Ma x gy ant! Ea RC more than orainary, i crit he offic ¢ easant, -: g as mucn as you want. unreliable k erosene. he a he te Te : artet N n Caro = : ie A New Perfection is Buy it by name, whe | [Harrisburg and put the question to Nissly , baum B A IN tion y it y name, w ere Hal da pu € q ! oa oro Myer = Inexpensive. Ask you see this sign: : informed us that a justice had the r . i right to proceed as McCracken had | « he in 8 milies 1a To C EE &S done but when costs are collected | number of friends The ceremony Ce rlated charges in the pub- gg » and a man is guilty of violating was performed by Rev L. O. Mus- of state reports and other =” ? | any of the provisions of Act 21 of | ser. an uncle of the bride They books and pamphlets of the de- |= om an Raa | the auto laws, “shall be subject to | were attended by Miss Ellen | partments will save the common- 5 _ THE ATLANTIC ATLANTIC “ . a fine or pemalty of not less than | Heisey, of Elizabethtown, and Irwin wealth $50.000 ayear, it is estimaed. Sn Philadelphia {$10 nor more than $25.” The law Frey, a brother of the bride. A re- The next advertisement for printing Successors to Williamson 3 instead of » & Foster & Cochran & Raygiight Lehign