- '«. ~ofration he underwent at the hos- of Harrisburg, THE BULI'ETI!N, MT JOY, PA. wednesday, June*7, 1916 PAGE TWO :l6L Oao2 i — = man has b gelected as the cap- THE SULLETIN 1 of the local team. MOUNT JOY, PA | \ meeting of the Maytown Fire + E. SCHROLL Editor & Pro'r. Company held the Maytown Hall re a constitution and by-laws were and the ollowing elected | SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR | TB | | | | | | ‘ ! ympan | Six Months...... ..60 Cents Ba X npan ok €Y | Haine Charles Steeley and Nor- | Three Months... .2p Cents i y o man Arntz The general committee Single Copies... ..2 Cents : it Te tor the #p.} have thu far yrranged for ap- ample CH ...FREE : Sample SDpien F } pirate were authorized to proceed | - i Mount | Ww the erection of a fire house on Entered at the post office at | the sround owned by the Maytown | t Joy as second-class mail matter. | o a ye Er oot] All correspondents must have thelr | dand rhig fire house will he bui | sommunications reach this office not | large enoug to accommodate the | tater than Monday. Telephone pow | fire pump, hook and ladder truck, |t of importance between that time ané |, .. ..... 4 other equipment and | 13 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- | 2 1CK au o at Ry BE ges for advertisments must positive will shave an entrance on the main | ly reach this office not later than | streef along side the Maytown Hall. | Monday night. New advertisments a——— I woe rons mse ns reaches Tuesday : Rrteq If COPY ws indy SPORTING HILL aight. Advertising rates on &pp | : tion. | A H. Vogel ww. Of Eptrrata, | ig { called on his parents on Friday { MAYTOWN M1 Wd Mrs. Joseph Wicken-| | ger Sunday at Salunga. Fire Company Elects Trustées— | 1 nd Mrs. Eli Gibble and son | Special Service for the Hospital | 3) Sunday at Palmyra M A ys Sumpman and |S Miss Anna Fryberger visited in | son Paul Decoration Day at | oy tha Hoffman visited in Mr. and Mrs. D. Dissinger attend- | ¢ AY Bi x o and family of Mount | Penryn Monday. visitors in towh 1 1 Mrs opI wind Straley iil ainily auto i viurrel, a it Joseph rk 8 ya vis a y $34 i ks. e S N¢ 0 an ed Ss ank g Johnstin. Mrs. Sue Wolfe is spending a few I S t weeks with Mrs. J. at SP 1 Steelion. sign K Mrs. Harian Buller and children | sociation It visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. | lent specimen and we as : Henry Eshleman. citizens of this village can feel [1 “sare and Mrs. Ra'ph Henderson | p! yud to have it at the entrance of family of Lancaster, visited Mu. | our cemetery. and Mrs, Paris kgler. ee eee ee { } ie i endin, Miss Lillian Sead ls pol gee ROWENNA Eymg Sme with er 5h mo ’| Simon C. Heisey of Rheems, was Mrs Bostic in Lancaster. a caller at Rowenna, last Tuesday. M. Bostic of Lancaster, vis- | Mie HN ros oO M po dard Mr. Eli Stoner and Master Rus- | fed her daughters, Mra. gve sell, spent last Thursday at Phila- | Moad and Mrs. Roy Amway. ! 1 ia. - | Miss May Hoffman returned home | Soltis Eyer sold two guernsey | after spending the Je6t firey Works | cows to Johns Keller, Tuesday of} with H. H. Hoffman a y | last week. Miss Anna Kready of Millersville, _has been elected ag assistant teach- | er in the Maytown High School. Miss Elva Billet of Lancaster, spent Wednesday of last week with | her parents. Joseph Huntzinger, of Aloo, |... sppie Bostie of York, spent spent a few days with his parents, | , oon Day with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Huntzinger. | Mrs. H. Glatfelter. | Mrs. E. BE. Grove, B. Grove, Mrs. |" \/ “ic Heineman, wife and | John Roath, Mrs. Henry Shank, | = go. ue) of Columbia, were | Harry Frank aufomobiled to Lane | callers at Amos Shank’s on Sanday. | ter. oi. home Mrs. D. M. Eyer and Miss Ellen | -Miss Edith Sloag return OMS | 4 offman called on Miss Emma C. after spending a few days With| go ..".. iapethiown, last week. | her brother, Paul Sload at Mount |... p ( pearson of West Phila: Joy. Maiti ol a | delphia, visited her uncle, Amos E. | Mrs. M. C. Manning enjoy | Shank and family, on Decoration | visit from her grandparents, Mr. | Day. | snd Mrs. William Cover of Higa. Mr. Charles McLaughlin, our | spire. ! ticket agent, wag on the sick list Miriam Reem and Anna Shaeffer |). yoex and had a substitute at | of Elizabethtown, .re visiting their | o., ...c wing station. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leige | Joseph Deibler and twin Boll. Nid ie i boys Joseph and Ralph of Harris- Dr. William ‘Heisey and mother |... iigiteq her mother, Mrs. Mary Mrs. B. Heisey automobiled to Har- | Singer, last week. risburg, and visited Mrs. Robert | ’ Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Norman Nissley and family of | 5 | Landisville and Mr. Alpeus Brandt | Hiram Risser and | ,. wire of Mount Joy, spent part | Mrs. Elizabeth Spangler spent the | , o day at A. M. Shank’s dZy with Mr. and Mrs. haddeus | 5 gysie Caskey, who visited | Groff at Bainbridge | Mrs. D. M. Eyer, went to Elizabeth- | Dr. Isaac Simons brought Jobm |, 5pg Palmyra to visit relatives | Henderson home from St. Joseph's, soveral days before returning to | lospital. Mr. Henderson ig rapidly recovering from tae effects of the Abilene. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and son visited their rela- Kauffman and family. | prior to marriage Hoover, formerly pital. Mrs. A. H. Mackley and Mrs. A. L. Hicks have returned home after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Robert Magee at Harrisburg. Mrs. Charles C. Hicks and son Charles visited in Lancaster. Mrs. Abram Sload is vislting her son Paul at Rheems. On Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock a union service and mass meeting was held for the purpose of : presenting the hospital cause to the | Do You Know That tives, Daniel Mrs. Campbell was Miss Emma of Bainbridge. Mr. Philip Urich and wife of Mil- lersville;: Mr. and Mrs. Scheetz and | Mrs. Katie Zerphy of Petersburg, ! attended the funeral of Michael | Smith, held on Monday, at Reich’s and took dinner with Mrs. D. M. Eyer. people of the community. The de- : h ? ol yotional services were in charge of | Dirty hands spread much disease? | the three local pastors and the | A high bred dog has a right to Speakers for the service were M. have his birth registered, so has a | T. Garvin and James Shand, of P2DY? % Lancaster. Mr. Garvin is the presi- The 1 S. Public Health Serv ice | American ports to exclude dent of the board of directors of the guanls 2 Lancaster General Hospital and foreign disease? | \ chairman of the campaign commit- Health is a cred't with the bank | fee. of nature? | a ; | ‘A clean garbage can is a good | a — Soaiag het aTOmOLASE 10 | example to the family? | be Hotel Brunswick in the | Filth breeds flies, flies carry ng | fever? Laneaster | Harter, | Slouchy postures menace health? Health brings happiness, sickness sorrow? mmm A CER Relief housewife now com- that _the house- hag and a ti | declined { Hiram S. Eshleman, | upon the edge of a | bruising her MILTON GROVE News From Thriving Community The General Mi ind utoed evening. Mrs Anchortown Phareg 0. Fry Saturday will afternoon at [The township (Friday) eir usual place of meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G ned their son Levi M Pleasant View this supervisors meet this Kopp enter- Sunday. point pear crop cherry spouse of Indications in locality and and average nd a plentiful peach apple clover in this condition haymaking and splendid weeks Wheat, rye and in three the will open Dealers in phosphate complain their saleg this thirty price. fully per cent. due advanced i help Domestic is SO housewives are necessi- 1 ‘0 advertise for girls to come them. hap down the avenue who emedy for the curbed. lo ne 1 » as a menace to expediate locomotion are nf ies tis said, 1it by the advance temporary The con- St ig merely ssment, however. will be the em sumer | hit eventually. A sociologist says that tenths of the feeble-minded are running at large. Observation makes us incline to the opinion, too, that théy form about nine-tenthg of the entire population. The sweetest of the bitterest at our elbow. memories are born griefs, says a lady Yep, we remember | with ever-increasing satisfaction the time we finished our first dish of tomatoes under compulsion. Jacob M. Heisey, Sr, while spreading manure from a wagon his horse made a sudden jerk hurling him to the ground injuring hig right leg at the knee. He is practically rendered helpless and confined to his bed. A scene of a century ago was depicted Friday afternoon when two men doubtless of old Colonial an- cestry participated in a fisticuff, hat- less, coatless and shirtless without doing each other any serious dam- age. This combinative display took | place near the public school ground. Rats are galore in this section. Clarence -F. @Ginder residing con- ttguous to tewn hag noticed an un- usually large number of rats about his premises lately and the other i morning he discovered that these pesty rodents had killed three of his shoats. Other residents are com- plaining that rats are carrying away chicks in countless numbers. While cleaning a transom at the Green Tree Church last week Mrs. of Cherry Hill, the stepladder upon which she was standing broke and precipiated her cement step, eyebrows in a fright- ful manner and the cuticle of the face. It is a miracle that she es- caped instant death. At this writing her condition is improving ining fcc: LANCASTER JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Long spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and | Mrs. Bauner. Mrs. Paul Long spent Wednesday at Lancaster, with her aunt, Mrs. Allen Hoak. Mr. Frank Kreider. and son, Clarence, were among Junction friends on Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Weaver and daughter, | Stella and granddaughter, Martha Myers and Paul Long spent Satur- day at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Enterline and sons, Robert and Howard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metzger, at Millersville. M: and Mrs. . Jacob Weaver and daughter, Stella, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and daughters, Beulah and Annie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Wea- ver, at Bast Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Waiborn em- tertained the following on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. Irvin Geist and sons Jay, Earl am Perg Bren : Walborn, Mr. Joseph spent psday at the 1 ce nine- | ever I Always at Your Kopp and | spring have | carce jn this! one that is hard | | Service for Printing Needs! Is there something you need in the follows ing liss? Birth Ancouncements Wedding Stationery Envelope Inclosures Sale Bills Hand Bills Price Lists Admission Tickets Business Cards Window Cards Time Cards Letter Heads Note Heads Envelopes Leaflets Bill Reads Calling Cards Statements Milk Tickets Meal Tickets Shippiug Tads Announcements Briefs Notes Coupons Pamphlets Catalogues Blotters Circulars Invitations Posters Folders § Checks 8 Blanks i Notices Labels anks ards x » K § ( ds 0 3 “ t ip 3 Foo Preserver A on ES x rr a nr » v 2 in powder form. Take ft home and add water and you have your liquid glass of an improved form that cannot thicken or evaporate. A 15¢ pack will preserve ten dozen eggs, a 26c pack twenty dozen. For sale at Chandler’s DRUG STORE MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Extra Extra The Keystone Rag Company has opened a place of business here In tne Beller building on Oak Alley, pear the School house and is al ways in the market for Rags, Paper, Rubber, Iron, Brass, Metals, Etc. Highest Cash Prices Paid We make a liberai allowanes for everything delivered to our Ware nouse. emma eens Keystone Rag Co. P. 0. Box 321 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. maris-3mos. HOTEL McBINNIS East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA, OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS Pri- In fact everything in season. | vate Dining Room for Ladies. | PH PROPRIETOR YOUR NEXT \ Williams-The Barber Agent for Manhattan Laundry 0000 North Queen S Here W: Can 1 sechianman Iolo Our Semi Annual Sale of Ladies Muslin | Special Prices in [his Great Sale For This June Celebration We Have Gathered The treet. LANCASTER. FA. a “ 1. derwear Mention Only a Few of the Many NIGHT GOWNS 1 1 A splendid variety Ladies’ Following Great Underpriced Lots A ar i of desirable garments. Values that we know will be appreciated 1 in over styles with short hy the people. sleves All attractive, dainty Fill all your needs now for the balance of the year Prices will new styles not be so low for some time to come prices $1.30 to $3.98 SOWNS ENVELOPE CHEMISE COMBINATIONS . x jc Goods 29¢ A surprise offering at G9¢ ler Combinations. Corset HW US se : CAMISOLES Cov d Draw Lace and m GOWNS 75¢ Goods of Silks and Lace mil {rimmings. Styles are gg 39¢ 59¢ es Ub om ) 31.59 to $2.98 YW CORSET COVERS Do doe a X 1S¢ The 25¢ kind for 19¢ AMISOLES = PETTICOATS les. mm \ I ts, $s ons ; fi bs <) 9 ; k = Wu A { « 4 d 2 ry ru de HB to} ly oH : med jour gm n al S002 Hs 2) ® > i i i Re IN | [ | + Watches = Silyeroide gases 4.00 Fully Guaranteed Gold Filled Expansion Bracelet Watches $5.50 & Up Don W. Gorreeht (Near Bowman's Store) MOUNT JOY, PA. i SL TO FO | J. V9. McGipris West - | Bell Telephone Krall Meat Marker Restaurant and Lonch Bar| | 1 always Lave on hand anything lin the line of Smoked Meats, Jam, | Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork adn Mutton. Prices always right. H. H. KRALL Main §treet We Are Always Prepared to Serve Pure Spring Water IN ANY QUANTITY at very Moderate Charges Don’t fail to see us befere J. N. Stauffer & Bro. West Main 8t, Wood, Metal or Muslin R. F. Eshleg 0 0 BC (00 OO LOE MOUNT JOY, PA. LTE MB PI i y ¥ BN a i i E rd ay Td im L rails TA A New Stock of Take Notice! | Jp Undersigned Inform the Publi INVIYVVVVVV TOTITIeVITY ' a - Bb Pg & CASINGS AND TUBES | ALL KINDS OF MACHINE TURNING ENGINES REPAIRED ELECTRIC MOTORS OVERHAULED | 3 4 that they are prepared to do | Guaranteed 4 | Practical Horse Shoeing BE in writing 3 |4t Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Jey | b 5000 MILES S| (Special attention given to all worl, > 3 All diseases of the feet promptly 8% > Sold by < tended to. Your Work Solicited {Bars Garage 3 BOMBACH & SHANK > MOUNT JOY, PA S| |General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoars i B i 3 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. = D> B| Easasssssasss assis JOHN M MILLER : STORAGE BATTERIES and = RECHARGED . COMPLETE EQUIPMENT | HENRY H. KOSER % VULCANIZING Survey ors & Conveyancers ” REPAIR WORK | GUARANTEED | "ELECTRIC TIRE PUMP AT YOUR SERVICE LANDISVILLE, PA, SUPPLIES AT THE RIGHT PRICES Special attention given to assigh ~___|ing Heirs, Executors and Adminis S | trators in gettling of estates. Fire Insurance placed in the Pem@l {Mutual and Stock Companies. Bell |phone, Landisville Exchange. | |SHAVING HAIR CUTTING J. B. HERSHEY’S Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs. No Waiting | Agent for the Middletown steams |Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday |anc delivered Friday. |East Maln St. Manufactured by MOUNT JOV The House cf Quality Cement CIRDEN THEATRE SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK You can see more in New Yorkin | one week tl any place in the | world, but you must know how, | We furnish the | “HENOW HOW” One full week of “Sight Seeing” will show you everything worth while in the big city. $45.00 Thursday Special The King of Comedians Charles Chaplin “Laugh and the world laughs covers hotel accomodations, with you” Sost of sight Sucing tri eaters, roof gardens, etc. We even paT all Yo quttate G 8 VOaQLE, AUCTIONEER aroun e city. te for booklet A “Seeing New York FLORIN, PA At Minimum Cost.”