The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 31, 1916, Image 1

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Pry wl
— — — — —
VOL. XIII. ‘NO. 52

$1.00 A YEAR

To be Successful You Must be Awake;
A Bad Accident at P.
R. R. Depot Yesterday
Heavy Gate Falls on Man’s Head--Is Suffering From
Concussion of Brain or a Fractured Skull
An accident occurred at the Penn- rendered unconscious, being only
sylvania Railroad passenger depot | slightly dazed for a time. He con-
there yesterday, which may result |tinued about his work until noon | What Our Abie Corps of
fatally to Mr. Harry Rehrer, a resi- [and after going to Hotel McGinnis,
dent of Middletown. | was unable to return to work.
Mr. Rehrer is an employe of the | His condition grew worse until
Otis Elevator Company, and was | this forenoon when he was subject
assisting in the installation of an |to hemorrhages from the ears and
electric elevator which will be used | mouth. His family physician at
to convey express to and from | Middletown, was sent for and with
trains here. | Dr. A. F. Snyder of this place, they | ral at Steelton on Saturday.
Shortly before noon Mr. Rehrer made an examination of his con-| Mr. Frank Roland of Philadelphia,
was working at the bottom of the |dltion at noon today when it was | Was seen on our streets yesterday.
elevator shaft when the rope broke | learned that he was suffering from | The Misses Jessie
that raises and lowers the large | concussion of the brain or a frac- Mishey spent Friday in
gate at the elevator entrance. The |tured skull. phia.
gate fell a distance of about fifteen | His condition is such that he can- Mrs,
feet and struck him on the back of [not be moved and he will therefore | of Philadelphia
the head. Mr. Rehrer, who is a remain at Hotel McGinnis for the | town.
fine specimen of manhood, and a |present. Hig wife was immediately Mr. and Mrs. Bittner of Washing-
tower of strength, was not even | sent for. tonboro,
-— friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron

FINNS Of Our Man Re-
Honeys Ie Past Week

Yourself Your
Miss Besse Eby of
spent yesterday in town.
Billmyer, spent Sunday in town
visiting friends.
Mrs. Elam Jones of ¢ }
is the guest of her daughter Mrs.
William Tyndall. |
4 . |
Miss Pearl Getz of Ephrata, spent
yesterday in town the guest of her
trother Mr. P. E. sie.
Exceptionally Fine Floats--Big Turnout of Lodges,| na wes wan muacner ana
daughter Pauline, of Manheim, |
Citizens, School Children, Fire Bonnanios, Kip, Cairn ei)
will be the week-end guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Charles.
issued a call for
three years
again well
While Old Sol was hiding his) President Lincoln
amiling face behind a thickly clouwd-| 200,000 more men for
ed sky all day yesterday, Jupiter| and Mount Joy was
Pluvius started to cry on numelous|represented. Company G., 9th Penn-
occasions but the real weather man |svlvania Cavalry, was recruited,
saw fit to make him quit leaking in| Captain I. K. Waltman and Lieuten-
order that all who felt patriotically|ant David H. Nissley, commanding.
several days in Lancaster as the
guest of Mrs. P. George Seiger.
Mr. ang Mrs. Benjamin Halde-
man of Elizabethtown, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. ®. B. Groff.
inclined, could pay honor and re-| This was nearly four monthg after q a 2 Eo the nding
spect to the departed heroes and [Fort Sumpter was fired upon Se i s 28a on
appropriately celebrate Memorial] A little later, Lieutenant Nissley pi oe ; 3 ar 7200HAIANGYS
Day of 1916. led his company onto the battle- LG 5 & a ors or men, SDent
. : J : field, but never returned, meeting |? WV days here ith her cousins
Possibly nowhere in Lancaster 3 the Misses Catharine and Dorothy
: : a |an early death at Bowling Green,
County 35 Memolis! Duy low Kentucky, by being drowned while Myers,
upon so reminiscently as in this ’3 5 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilt of |
bathing in a river. His remains
were brought home for burial and
in his honor, Post G. 4& R., Is
named after him.
Post 484 is the Mount Joy post
and H. H. Nissley, a brother of the
lieutenant, is the commander.
James Barlow is said to have
been the first Mount Joy soldier to
be killed in the war. His remains
were brought home and today, they
place. The day brings to the minds
of many of the older residents of
this thriving borough, the sound of
the beat of the drum and the busy
buzz of the many large meetings,
addressed by patriotic men, urging
their audience to rally ’round the
stars and stripes. At these meetings
many of the residents of the north-
eastern part of the county came to
Rapho, spent yesterday in town as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haw-
Miss Dorothy Ingwall of Bingham-
ton, N. Y.,, is spending some time |
in town as the guest of Mrs. Joseph
R. Charles.
Harry G. Stoler of Atlantic City,
now a plain clothes man on that
city’s police force, spent Memorial

the front ard swore allegiance to
their country and ioted. lie interred in the Florin cemetery. bey in iid P 2 % Schock
| all 3 Mr. an MIS. ran choc
At the expiration of that time, ; (Con ued on page 8 ___|and children spent several days in |
Ne : New York City and vicinity, making
Indoor Picnic the trip by auto
picnic was given In| Mr and Mrs. James Droban and
’ Air n A %
pip d An indoor picnic i : 3 ;
honor of Miss Ingwall of Bingham-| two children of Elizabethtown were;
of Mr. and Mrs. |
ton, New York, who is the guest of | Tuesday guests
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charles, at| Chas. Dillinger.
I | their home, last Thursday. The dim~!.. Mr. Roy Walters of Ardmore,
ing room was turned into a picnic | was the guest of his parents, Mr.
luncheon served in apy Mrs. Hiram Walters, from Sat-
Those present were: |yrday to ‘Tnesday.

ground, with
picnic style.
Why Not Replace Gasp- russ Ingwall, Miss Heckel, Miss| Mr and Mrs. Brandt Hester and
Mary Louise Heckel, Miss Park, | daughter Aurline ‘of Lancaster, were '
Miss Martin, Miss Stoll, Mrs. Farm-{ Memorial Day guests of Mr. and
line Engine at Water er, Mrs, Strickler, Mrs. Getz, Mrs.
Christ Charles, Miss Bentzel, Miss| Mrs.
Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne.
Benjamin M. Haverstick and
Works by a Moior Bowman, Miss Battye, Miss Shelly, | gaughter Mary of Bethlehem, are]
Mrs, Kercher, Miss Mary Charles, | spending some time here with the |
Migs Catharine Myers, Miss Stauffer, | former's parents, Mr. and Rirs. J.|
distant Miss Brown and Mary Rohrer. G. Metzgar.
Hu Mr. and Mrs. H BE. Youts, Miss |
erection of a fine new modern fire Preston—Herchelroth Helen Youtz and Mr. Chas. Youtz
proof building to replace the one Roy C. Preston and Miss Elsie L. of Mountville, Mr. and Mrs. No
destroyed by fire last December, we Herchelroth both of Lancaster, were Arntz and son Donald of Maytown,
think this a most opportune time united in marriage Monday after- spent Tuesday in town as guests of
to opm ggestion and Se feel Hons Bt > ys Calielip, Duin Mrs. Sabina Arnts.
certain that it will receive due con-| Lancaster, by e rector Rev. Fa-
J . Johnson, accompanied
sideeration from our Council and ther T. F. X. Dougherty. They were ne Ey gn abd hn
att and ¢ short bridal | >; oh
Chief Burgess. Inasmuch as gaso- unattended and after a short brida JUknson ‘and. Plagehe Behleman,
The time being not far
when our Boro Dads will begin the
line power for manufacturing es-/tour will reside in the Donovan |
tablishments is a thing of (the past; apartments cn East Main street. | 2ltended Se Em |
as the price of gasoline is almost The groom is district superinten- | ¢ises at Terre t p 7]
replace the dent for the Edison Electric Com-| evening. The trip was made by
out of sight, why not
the fifty-horsepower gasoline eag:re pany in this place. The newly |2auto.
at the Mount Joy Borough Water wedded couple have the best wishes Mr. and Mrs. Evans and two chil
Works with an electric motor, there- of a host of friends. dren of Pottstown, Mr, Bleam of |
by saving the boro a neat sum of eee A We ere New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. |
money annually? We all know that You Are Lucky, Ed Rankin and two children and Mrs.
big gasoline engine consumes quite, Mr. Ed. Brubaker, who lives on a | Elizabeth Owens of Harrisburg,
a lot of gas as may be ascertained farm a short distance east of town, | Were: Monday guests of Mr. and
by the bills paid monthly bY met with an accident from which | Mrs. A. K. Manning.
Council. he sure made a very lucky escape.| The following were very pleasant
We also know that electric The slaters are putting a roof on (ly entertained at the home of Mr.
motors are replacing nearly every the barn and Mr. Brubaker was as-|and Mrs. Albert Campbell, at thelr
gasoline engine, wherever electric sisting them when in some manner | home on Frank street, Memorial
current is available and we ‘re- he fell off the roof, landing in a |Day: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer
spectfully refer you to the many water trough. A few bruises were [and daughter Dorothy, Misses Ber-
local concerns who use motors for the extent of his injuries. tha Wertz, Sadie Murray and Mr.
pOWer purposes. Joseph Shearer of Lancaster; Mrs.
The gasoline engine at the Water An Executi¢n lssued LeRoy Bates and two soms, Albert
works cost the boro $1,900 and we' In the Court of [Common Pleas F.|anq Richard of Shiremanstown; Mr,
feel positive that enough money S. Groff, attorney for E. H. Witmer, | Clarence Campbell. of Hershey; M}
esdlé Lo Jeallsed By un wuld to buy is Seipul an expention for $650 \ Minerva Dyer of Atgien and
(Continust “on yy 1) jit 2 B. Zandler, of Rapho. | Leroy Nelms of Cariisie.

Mr. A. C. Mateer attended a fun-
and Sarah | prank Brian and son William, Mrs
Philadel- | Norman Tyson, Mr.
Annie Black and - daughter | pj;g George Myers and sons Karl
Tuesday in| gang Albert, Messrs. Geo. Heiserman,
spent Sunday here with | Neffsville,
Snyder of | an of Lititz and Miss Cora Sheaffer jaughter of Mr. and
: Mountville, were in town on Mem} gr Reading.
orial Day.
Mr. John Dabler and family of
Mrs. Rev. Geo. A. Kercher spent |
! same institution that
| a nickel for

A Linen Shower |
Miss Anna Myers, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, George Myers, was
agreeably surprised on her return
to find that a large number of her |
friends had gathered at her home |
to tender her a linen shower. Re-
freshments were served and a very
enjoyable evening was spent. Miss
Misses Bins
Myers received lovely gifts.
Hershey, Esther Hagenberger, i
ther Weber, Mary Cunningham, Rid « Remains dl lid
tie Royer, Elizabeth Strickler, Mary
and Martha Eshleman, Edith M.|
Bentzel, Mrs. Joseph R. Charles,

066 In

Get ls First: Real T
pot tn “ene, ke [
ber, Mrs. ,S. Dowhower, Annie Web- |

The regular Children’s Day exer-
R. H. Herr, Mrs, ROR LATER |day school building of the United
| Brethren Church on Sunday evening
Friends and Your | Mrs. Fannie Garber and daughter 4
Frances, Mrs. Abner Hershey and sume Well Known Pespie. FromQur, x there is every indication that
daughter Anna Mary, Mrs. Harry Great Beyond Since Our Last issue the attendance will far exceed all
Lemoyne | Derr and daughter Ruth, Mrs, S. F. Gone to Their Reward | former occasions. At every chil
Eshleman, Mrs, Harry Williams, | dren's day exercise in this church

Mrs. Roy Pennell, Mrs. Walter W.
Greiner and son
Way, Miss Mildreq Way, Mrs. Wil-
helm Walters, Martha Engle, Mrs.
John Knier died at Manheim on | for a number of years, the crowd
{ count of the lack of room.
This is the largest Sunday School
in town and many are always
in his 79th year.
John J. Tripple of Columbia, died
and Mrs. H. H.
Morton and son Charles, Mr. and (jon of the heart, aged 81 years.

|any sort is rendered by the schol
- =
Alice M., wite of Frank Folmer, |
| Walter and of this (jeg at Columbia after a brief ill
| place; Miss
Harry Greiner

Mrs. William
Petersburg, died
Myers of East

——— Thursday afternoon from kidney |
C. S. Frank's Sale troubles.
{ C. S. Frank will sell at public —
| sale on Friday, June 2, at the for- Mrs. Sarah A. Maloney Ellsworth, |
mer Red Lion stables, thirty-eight the widow of William A. Ellsworth |
| head of Lykeng Valley and Lancas- of Columbia, died at
ter County cows, consisting of Hole aged 77 years.
steins, Jerseys, Brindles, Durhams,
| Guernseys, etc., fresh close spring- Annie, wife of Edward Zahm, |
ers and a few backward cows. died at Philadelphia aged 44 years.
| Among them are extra big milkers She formerly lived at Columbia and
Moderator for
land good butter cows. Also a few was a daughter of Harry Sholl An all-day Sunday School meeting
nice high-grade Holstein cows ana : pr wag held yesterday in Risser’s meet-
| heifers and a few stock bulls. #U | evi Kreider, aged 92 years, died | ng house, near Elizabethtown.
Forceful speakers were engaged for
{ TTT at the Mennonite Home at Oreville
Strawberry Festival on Monday. His remaing will be in- |3ddresses and an invitation was
{ The King’s Daughters of the Pres- (erred at Hernley's near Manheim. |¢Xtended to Sunday School ‘workers
{ byterian Church will hold g straw- | of all denominations to attend.

There were three sessions, morning,
afternoon and evening, the morning
| program opened at 9:15 o'clock with
| berry festival On the lawn of the Mrs.
Church on Saturday evening, June Mrs.
drd. Ham sandwiches, potato sal- ome; resident of Lancaster county, i ;
ad, ice cream, coffee, cake and ea olin In the geome] S27orions Services tin Ee
strawberries will be served. In case (or. at Geyer's Church, near Eliza: | Sy Yel tr. Uberhoilver:o Zahers
of .inclement weather the festival pothiown, aged 80 years. She died | ,.
will be held in the basement of after a lingering illness at
hg church. 1t home in Middletown. Ten years with an address by Walter F. Charl
NY ,— ago the family moved to Dauphin |i , on «The Best Methods To In-
Three a Minute county. Besides her husband, there |icrest Older Members In Sunday
On Sunday and just a8 a matter o ..ives gix children and a number | | School Work.” The NOPRING session
of information Elizabeth Hostetter of grandchiliren. One sistef, MFs.| .joceq at 11:20 o'clock. 3
counted all the automobiles that p,yij Witmer of Elizabethtown, al-| The afternoon program included
passed thru the toll gate at Florin. so survives. She was a member of | the following numbers: 12:30, soLg
| From 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. or twelve ip, mennonite Church many years.
hours there were 243 gasoline wag-
(one passed thru. This was an av-
| erage of one machine in a fraction
Margaret Longenecker
Margaret Longenecker, a
9:30 o'clock Bishop John C.
Ber | phersole preached a sermon and

Keller's Stock Sale
J. B. Keller & Bro. will sell fifty
Mrs. Maude Schrite Gelstweit : :
heag of cows, fresh, close springers
Mrs. Maude Schrite Geistwei :
| less than every three minutes for wife of Simon Geistweit, died % and backward cows at public sale
| that time, her home in Chester, after a lin-] 2% their yards here on Friday, June
The lot consistg of Guernseys,
es ee se a pl bese : 9.
i illn fr heart failure.
| A Memorial to Their Father i od a yearg of Brindles, Holsteins, Durhams and
| Adjutant P. J. Dieter of Lancas- age, and a daughter of ex-burgess| 20Cy Jerseys. They will also have
ter, a former resident of this place Jacob W. Shrite of this place. She |? few fresh and close springing heif-
|and a member of the local Post, Was a ‘mettber of the Luthersn|®™ 2 lot of good stock bulls and
Presenteq David H, Nissley Post | Church, and leaves bier husband and Some extra good homeraised shoats.
No. 478, G. A. R.,, with four vol- one son, Alfred. ‘The funeral was Dos forget the date of thig sale,
Vines > Betee bswey gy ou held on Monday afternoon from the | Friday, Jes
: h her father, in this place.
|lateA. K. Martin of this place, as a x Foto a Be Da. We Can Fees. Proud
memorial to their father. ov. Cemetery. Of the forty-nine banks in Lan-
-e caster County, Mount Joy has two
They Will Be Treated that this town and community can
a Jee Witney OR ope Cyrus Wittle died on Thursday aie feel peony of. De suber
pital at Lancaster oh Thursday for night at his home at Milton Grove, wy ne - i — milli
treatment, Miss Elisabeth Peter | [7 Te Seventvfousth year of Lis|REeis SWOMSLEE 15 OVC ON oh of
ot Galyfica, 5 taken to the 2E° from a complication of diseases. | 01 oliars. : e n
lungs Yas 8 He was a member of the German | this place is one of these and of
Some - slier wife died | all the banks in the county it ranks

Cyrus Wittle

: _ | Baptist Church and his
Noon. ‘Hoth were Jaken there by last January. The following children | sixth while the First National ranks
Dr. W. M. Thome of this place. Sarvive: Agnes, at “Home: Harvey, of tenth with assets amounting to
Milton Grove; John of Florin: Mrs. | $785,125.09.
The Crimson and the Blue Katie Shppe of Harrisburg; Mrs. | eet A ere =e
That's the title of a play In five A, 4... Felker of Mount Joy and Will Elect Teachers
' acts to be rendered in Mt. Joy Hall Christian of Philadelphia. The | The School Heard of Raphio towns
fo Co hi funeral . took Pace or Sunday after-|. nip will meet on ; Saturday morn.
noon at two o'clock with services at | ino June 3rd at the Sporting Hill
High School. The admission is 25 Chiques Church ~ and
cents with an additional charge of
reserved. The chart
opens at Garber’s next Monday.
rn rs lA Ar
Graduates Tomorrow
Mr. John H. Reist, a son of Mr.
John G. Reist of thig place, will be
among the graduates of the class at Mr.
interment in| chool house for the purpose of
| electing teachers for the coming
term. There are a number of va-
cancies to be filled.
— i —
the adjoining cemetery.
Alice Stark
Alice Stark, daughter of Joseph
(Continued on page 4) Why Not Mount Joy?
The Boro of Manheim is now get-
ting bids for the construction of one
mile of reinforced concrete streets.
Guess They'll Be Birds
Cyrus Sweigart of the Back
| Frei 8 Marchal Atalemy at Run, Rfomned Ld yh Ny at | Thats the right way to make streets
u RY ne .S BM iq le: Est alld Ihave days, as they are a credit to
———— A Eee | now hatching. He was anxious to|
| : any town.
Will Apply for Charter { know just where the nest was and |
The Citizens Band of this place, | 2fter watching her found that she]
will apply for a charter on July 1.| Was comfortably perched on a nest
The legal notice appears in another | Willow tree near his home. Mr.
column. Swelgart is waiting to see just how
ici ipsam she will get her peeps to the I EWE
Wanted at Once ground when they are hatched.
will Make New Ones
Dimes, quarters and half dollars
Secretary McAdoo an-
A young man about 14 yeam of Oiling the Streets these pieces. — OE eh
age to learn printing. Call at the| ,;, Clarence Schock, who recent seen ee our Dur Guimencament 3
Bulletin Office, Mount Joy. | iy secured the contract for oiling It Wag a Success {| The Ee -.
DS all the streets thrmout the town,| The first festival of the season |the High School will be y
began the work this morning.
cents a——— evening and proved a Success, a |
Don’t Forget neat sum being realized toward the
The big festival in the Park On [new uniforms of the Citizens Band. |
day evening, June 17th for the — Ee
‘efit of the Boy Scouts.
Wheat Takes a Drop
The price of wheat dropped to 9%
cents a bushel on all the big mar

er, Mrs, EB. W. Bentzel, Miss Hliza- ' HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUST | ices will be held in the new Sun-|
Reporters | beth Long, Mrs.
Found in the Card Basket About| Harry Kaylor and daughter Dorothy,
Bruce, Mrs. John Wednesday afternoon from old age | could not be accommodated on ac-|
in the hospital there from an affec- | turned away whenever a program of |
of new design will be minted after ment of their
| Seabourn, to Mr.. Harold Scott Gar
first time since Img, of Philadelphia. The wedding
1891 a change will be effected in will take place in the early Fall
was held in the park here Saturday | Joy Hall on Friday evening, |
Advertise tn the Mount Joy Bulletin ‘forms for the Citisems
If You're a Real Live One, You'll Advertise in The “Bulletin”
i ~ Children’s Day in the
U. B. Church Sunday
The Spacious New Sunday Schoo! Building Will
est on This Occasion
ars, especially on Children’s Day
and at the Christmas exercises. Pro-
vision hag now been made by the
erection of a very large Sunday
School building which is the largess
connected with any church in the
county outside Lancaster City an@
this will be the first time of a big
event being held therein. re
The building will comfortably ae
commodate about seven hundred
people, which is just twice the em
pacity of the old building. The pro-
gram ag arranged will be rendered
as follows:
(Continued on page 3)
gar Petery of jess from pneumonia aged 55 years. | 3
Miss Dorothy Ingwall of !
{ Binghamton, N. Y., Mrs. David Bri- Buelah ers, the eight-year-old |
M fi Ri
2 A Very Large Aiterdance--Rev, Noah H. Mack Was
the Occasion
service; devotional exercises; 1:00,
“The Value “of Youthful Conserva-
tion,” A. B. Lutz; 1:30, “Essentials
In Developing Christian Character,”
J. K. Charles: 230, “How Can I~
Promote the Cause of Christ?’ Jo. me.
Moseman; 2:30, “Practical Talk On
Lesson Preparation,” Martin B.
Rutt: 3:00, “How to Make Sunday
School More Attractive and Yet
Spiritudl,” David Landis; 3:30,
timely thoughts; 4:00 adjournme
A song cervice opened a s
evening program and addrest!
were made by J. H. Moseman ant
Walter T. Charfton.
The moderator for the :ession
was Noah H. Mack; choristers,
Amos Kauffman and Levi Z. Miller;
secretary, Aaron G. Coble. The ate
tendance at all the sessiong was
very good.
Brief News That Happened Within
The Past Weck

H. H. Zeller made a business trip
to Harrisburg on Monday.
Nine persons accompanied the
Pennsy’s excursion to Harrisburg
on Sunday.
Albert Walters put a new slate
roof on the residence of H. A. Dar-
renkamp on Monday.
Seventeen persogs from town ac
companied the excursion over the
Pennsylvania railroad to New York
City on Sunday.
There will be no services in ihe
Lutheran church on Sunday mors
Ing or evening. Sunday Sechoei wii
be held at the usual hour
Mrs. Sabina Arntz fell a¢ hee
home last=Thursday evening, beh
ing a bone in her right hams De
A. F. Snyder attended ihe min
Announcement has been made
the marriage of Mr. Charles Z By
of Lemoyne and Miss Mar Tie
Farland of Midland, Maryizssd R
Midland, by Rev. Jervel
msm ni EP ——
Donegal Reunion a
The annual reunion of th old
members and friends of Dionegal
Church will be held this year om
Thursday, June 15th. Dr. Charles
Wood of Wahsington, D. C., will be
one of the speakers. Dr. Wood 8
pastor of one of the largest Presby-
terian Churches in the United
States, attended by Ex-Semator J.
Donald Cameron and his family,
vhile in Washington.
re AR re,
Engagement Announced
Dr. and Mrs. I A. MacDannald
of this place, announce the engage
daughter Miss Mary