THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN VOL XIIL NO. 48 MOUNT JOY, PENNA., WEDNESDA Y, MAY 3, 1916 $1.00 A YEAR To be Successful You A Great Toll 0 Death for a Week rem— Mrs, B. S. Dillinger and Christian Among Those Called to the Great Beyond Columbia, ves- Black Josey of h's Hospital iarine lumbia Yorl Mrs. Della Ulrich, wife of Frank Ulrich, died at Manheim Tuesday from muscular rheumatism aged 22 years. Mrs. Magdalena Nikolaus, wife of Jacob Nikolaus, died at Columbia on Thursday from a complication, aged 97 years. Two Men Known fo Have Been Killed and Several Injured When Mob Attacks Pian —————————. 2—Two men ar: killed, four Pittsburgh, May known to have been probably wounded and score of others hu:t this afternoon when a mob said by the to have been composed of foreigners, attacked ithe Edgar Thompson woiks of the Carnegie Steel Company in Brad- dock. A pitched battle lasting hour followed, during which 4(0C shots were fired, but the rioters were finally forced to retreat in the face of a deadly fire from the riot guns and revolvers of deputy sher- iffy ang plant guards. The situation is quiet tonight but 2,000 citizens of the been sworn in as fatally a seriously authorities principally New Kind of Monopoly Says the Washington Post Here Farmers Gan See Just Why They Are Being “Soaked” for Binder -Twine salers was brought about. unty Fruit Growers Meet Fagan Speaks on Selecting Fruit For Exhibition Before the Lancaster County Fruit Growers’ Association Prof. F. M. Fagan, of Pennsylvania State Col- lege, spoke on the subject, “Select- ing Fruit for Exhibition.” Prof. Fa- gan is a recognized authority on the subject. A fruit show would be the means of a grower exhibiting his product and should be a sample of what he raises. He then referred to marketing conditions. He dropped an | | borough have deputies and a&re| George W. Richards, of that county. * committee shows that these points in the way of sugges-. tion: First, true to name; second, fruit should be free of { blemish; third, fruit should be of od color (Continued on 4) May 10th, at 8:30. = st be 4 5 If You're Wik- M a wake ; : | BROTHER TO PRESIVENT Wilson of This Place, Distinction Mr. John T. Claims That Mr. and relative Qui John Wilson, claliis townsman, distinction of of a very the Kaiser, on Saturday brother to President doesn’t that Mi. Wilson's asser- tile nono, close man He a Now Well, tion is true. We being a prominent -NotL however, told us THE WHIREABOUTS GF OUR FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK ft- that he is Wilson. listen ong? Shoemaker iif Hngs of Dur Mong J0rIErS Me Pasi Weer i the Basket About our state that the Presi- referred to is not on, president of the but Mr. W, H. Wil Pa, The latter is J Wi th Was t Penn- wish dent Wilson Woodrow Wils United ®States, of Hrie, ol and Lo a cigar- Monday in ubere Spencer Manheim, th ve Bryan, died ‘rom rom Henr) s on a maker o t ¥2 hi twentie ar rotnei son Ss of Vhat Qur rung Yosi place, recently there losis. ¢ 5 Arg ombine of all the independent te- m “hy an phone companies - Thi MI p Longenecker, a farmer of we near Manheim, died Sunday aged 35 years, death resulting from a :omplication of diseases. Elam Z. { organizat.on | vdll Lic president ISO esiden Of the ly ile, rel GQ errr uli ne Company oi Pa Bishop Benjamin charge of the Weaverland Union Grove, Know1 of in Barbara, Weaver, Mennonite died her home at aged 65 years. Dece by many people around i on wife Postponed One Week who ig Church o 186© Mi 2d | ileal Dill at p L lL VLG IC Ww. D. Chandler spent Sunday hig parents at Chestnut Level was here. &) ed 1 a POSLPOIiE 21d Dr. with page Interior side Remodeling the Elizabe LOW ¢ Mrs. William h- town, called on Saturday. Mrs. Harry Hinkle ind daughte | Sarah spent Saturday and Sunday at Manheim. ior of th M. Thome The improvements Oi nider Ol I mode! include h Mr ontract. Is bell friends in ed. “ | H ng u has the ar -—— S. Newcomer to the Md. Kircher Taken imore wit} 1 Wit} leasure Hospital Rev, pastor of Lutheran Georg , Church this plac 1e General Hospit: Wednesday a — 237 : x A Railroader’s | Greai Record Engineer Worked 3,311 Days in 10 Years H. former Elizabethtown, but now been placed on the “Roll of Honor” of the Pennsylvania Railioad after a continuous service of fifty years and three months. In hig last ten years of employment Mr, Musser made a remarkable ree- ord, having worked 3,311 days in that time, or an average, for the entire period, of twenty-seven and one-half days per month, Mr. Musser was born March 23, 1848, near Elizabethtown, Lancaster county. He wag raised on a farm, went to the public schools and start- ed his railroad service in May, 1863, as water boy for a floating gang on the Philadelphia division. Soon af- terward he made a “full hand” on the work train. In the winter of brakeman on the Philadelphia divi- sion. In November, 18756, he was | transferred to the Frederick division as brakeman, and on March 1, 1876, task to operate the elevator by was promoted to fireman. He was | | hand for all the express received promoted to engineman on Sept. 23, { here daily. 1879, and ran in the frieght service | 8 until April 1896, when he was made | Keller's Sale passenger engineman and ran in! JB. Keller & Bro. will hold passenger service on the Frederick | (heir next public sale on Friday, division, between Bruceville and | May 12. at their stock yards oppo-| Frederick, and also on the Columbia |Site the Farmers Inn, A. H. Stumpf and Port Deposit branch. | proprietor. They will offer 75 head On June 1, 1902, when the Colum- | ot cows consisting of Jerseys, Hol- bia and Port Deposit taken over by the Maryland division, | hams; also a few heifers, fresh and Mr. Musser was transferred to the | close Springers, a lot of good stock Maryland division ag engineman and | bulls and a few extra good home: remained in that position until he | raised shoats. Sale will commence was retired from active work. |at 1:16 and the shoats will be sold —— | first. Don’t forget the date, Friday, | May 12. at Mrs, Clara { Te "aus automobiles | Will Locate Here were used to convey the friends] Dr. Workman of Buffalo, N. Y, from the house to the cemetery. A | Who is now emploved in the relief very unusual occurrence was the | department of the Pennsylvania Rail- fact that nothing but Studebaker | road, and is located at Buffalo, . N. | cars were used. They were furnish- | Y. has renteq the rooms vacated of live | ed by the local representative, Pet- | x Mr. H. H. Zeller as a green groe- or S. Brubaker. ery and will open offices there for 4 | the practice of medicine. Dr. Work- man is well known in railroad cir- cles and comes here highly recom- | mended n Manning left yesterday he emoved to {1 ‘hambersburg, W re .ancaster last 1€ w days. F.B. Groff spent Sunday near Sporting Hill, and Mi William nbridge, rien in the yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Walte's moved Friday into the M. B. Hiest- and property on Marietta street. Mr: H Ww and (vONllinueq ©: page §) sl Gp I nnn Finally Settled It It will be remembered that | Week we published an item relative {0 a collision between team #8, ¢n auto on West Main stieet, effort was made to adjust the ter between the parties inv. hed | and as they failed to get il Mr. John Berrier brought suit before Squire Keener against Eli Sheelz, charging nim with driving an auto- mobile while intoxicated. The mat- ter was finally settled before Just ice Leib by Sheetz paying the pros- ecutor a certain consideration and Mr. Berrier withdrawing the sut. sm Ry nema Makes Dan and John Happy As predicted in these columns some time ago, employes ale DOW busy remodeling the elevator build- ing at the P. R. R. express office | here prior to the installation of an electric motor which will be used in operating the elevator. This will be a great convenience to Messrs. Kramer and Lawrence, the employes there, who have found it quite a ra ! i Sheaffer with | mer’'s son the District Attor- or ney R. H. Jackson announced that he would take steps at once for the deportation of all foreigners connect-| ed with the trouble. ( The riot wag the climax of a day of disorder in the boroughs of Ran- kin and Braddock during which the mobs stormed the plants of four big steel companies, drove the workmen out and then partly wrecked the | interior of the plants. | The Eighteenth Regiment Infantry of the National Guard, and the Cav- alry troops at Harrisburg, Tyrone, Pittsburgh and Sunbury, were to- night ordered to go to the scene of the rioting in Allegheny County in response to appeals from Sheriff patrolling streets. pe 8 Breneman S were ruest of hoo Garber family “4 Sdauel Musser, a resi deny of ol Maryland, Dag { 1867 ne became monopoly and First Chief Carranss one of the beneficiaries. Yucatan produces ninetenths of the world’s sisal crop, and this sisal composes nine-tenthg of the binder twine used by American farmers harvesting their grain testimony brought out by the Semate American financiers combined with am or ganization of Yucatan planters to monopolize the sisal crop under the sanction of military force exercised by Carranza, who receives = share (Continued on page 4) branch was | Steins, Guernseys, Brindleg and Dur- | Hospital Auxiliary regular monthly meeting of Ladies Auxiliary of the Lancas- General Hospital will be held at | home of Mrs. J. M. Brandt,| Thursday afternoon, May 11th, at 3| o'clock. All members who have not | their dues will do so promptly. | rr ll GQ C. S. Frank's Sale On Friday, May 65 C. S. Frank] will sell another big lot stock at public sale at the former Red Lion stables in this place. He will sell a ecarload of cows, a few stock bulls and a large lot of home raised shoats. UA lS h LLbhin™ib>L Don’t We Know i#® “Some subscribers,” re: _Xxs the Lititz Record, “are so slow In pay- | mciate in colnmn ing up that it make; a small %08k (ni. 01d established store as if it were exceeding the speed tedesasuene ff A Apes Hmit.” Automobile News Mr. Silag Stoner purchased a Baby Alumni Meeting | Grand Chevreclet touring ear from The members of the Mt. Joy High | the local agent. Mr. E. B. Rohrer. School Alumni Association are re-| Mr. Peter Brubaker sold Studebak- quested to attend a meeting of the|er touring cars to Mr. B. O. Musser association next Wednesday evening, (on West Donegal street and Mr. Samuel Myers near town. The the fer Very Unusual funeral of Haines on Saturday, the At the paid a Bissell Sweeper Vit 41 } The IS nee Dirt n any 167 s a Bissell var to learn read the | Bowman call at which th A CE aM SS Awarded $40 In suit of M. R. Hoffman, of a thermometer, the jury {the plaintiff 240, the amount | claim without interest. : A A A, owering Skyward Miller, who is erecting me double house on the South Barbara street, e work completed to u sweepers hese 1bout B to recover Gantz vs the value awarded of his | advertisement } M. the Joseph another or Mr. a new east sid Jas the Jd lest will | and Harvey the for- {of the Pennsylvania State G:.ange, | hag been engaged as orator for Dec- | stitute. AN ALL-DAY MEETING Held Risser's Tuesday: May 30 Will be at Church on lowing Fe Day the program A1l- Meeting house Sunday School to } Risser’s May | | | | e | meeting | | Morning Session : Bishop Kbersol 10:00 Olde School Wor! 10:45, Uni School 11:30 i Best Mc Membe in Walter FT a Facto Simon E ment per Sundis Charltor in Gar ty Work \djourr Sunda her Afiernoon Session Sone S¢ Song f ( cnal Exercises Destructive fluence J. H. Moseman on—Walter T. Ch arl- let Noah A mos H Ka atol Mack Choristers uffman, Miler Secretary Levi A -Aaron G. cordially meeting Coble Everybody invited end this Provide your own Those coming from a distance by trolley will be met at | Square. Flizabethtown, at | AM — QI ereeeen. { They Sure Had Bells On last | to at- $ lunch steam or Center 45 Q | | Won Second in 1-Mile Relay at | Philadelphia was well repre- relay carnival | | f | Lancaster county sented in the Penn on Franklin Field, Philadelphia, on Saturday afternoon. Franklin and Marshall won itg event: Columbia High School finished second in its class; Mount Joy High School got second also, and Franklin and Mar- shall Academy got third place in a fast class. Mount Joy eame in second in the event for high schools. Ridley Park won the event, Mount Joy was see- ond and Spring City, third. West Grove was fourth. Mount Joy’s run- ners were: Schrite, Grissinger, Eshleman and Stoll. The time was three minutes, fiftyone and four- fifth seconds. Mr. O'Neill had charge of our quad of sprinters znd deserves credit for developing runners “that brought home the bacon,” especially from such a great fleld of com- petitors. Their prize wag a { cup. very beautiful romeo AP CPt Memorial Day Orator Mr. John A. McSparran, Master The people a | | | oration Day, May 30th. of Mt. Joy and community have treat in store. The faimeis of our neighborhood should be especially | interested as Mr. McSparian is head | of the largest farmers organization | in Pennsylvania, and a speaker of | more than ordinary ability. Mr. Mec- Sparran is a citizen of the lower end of the county. mens I Ry ni Removed to Hospital Mr. Aaron Nissley, residing near Nissley’'s Mill in Bast Donegal, was removed to the General Hospital at Lancaster by Dr. W. M. Thome, where he will be treated for appen dicitis. rs A A Visited Our Schools County Superintendent F visited the borough schoolg here on | Monday. He was pleased with the excellent manner in which he found things around our educational in- ischer a School Board Met The regular monthly meeting the School Board evening wher regu ness was transacted of hel Monday | routine busi- | Preis | to al, Real Live One, You'll Advertise in T Happenings in th 4 1.8 Bulletin” Village of Florin > Trip fo Ohio by Moiorcycle--Base Ball--Season Opens Saturday--Other Notes I'lo Smith spent last week rrisburg 5 Gruber of Middletown, 3 tow! Weaver visited big bro Tuesday Read n friends in Lancaster, Tues- Was town of trip to town day. Mrs. Henry Wittle Ham Em. at the and M Thursday 1a awei spent " tT i >0G18 iinesse HUUOU Wi in the Hall The j tion 1¢ Ly { Moun A good music the from former ones, 1iscellaneous musical this Schock; incipals event Frank B Rebert. Wi Mrs Prof Estel ucher Conductor, ’ Homer F The program part ap- pended: Chorus, Hail! Orpheus Hail! DeReef; Piano Solo, Rhapsodie Violet Hilt, Aged of LH ¥ é d Th orchestra |is t, {Cho {Babylon's Mr. W. G. veral days relatives James Y, Newport, spent visiting friends Loy of 3 in town and M F made a Dell of Syracuse, .Dleagsant call om on Monday E. F. Ruth if the guest Monday N Cazenoira, N. of Mr. B. F. Hei- Zimmerman of Hume- visitors of ng Mrs Sunday . "Garland son and grandson ef 4 4 ’ Mi. Joy sreatly Pleases rd Annual Musical Last Night No Prof. Ho- Farewell to Ladies’ Dear Day Det- Clara roise, 8, Liszt, Rebert: Chorus, :]lssohn; Thee, 0. Now the Miss Mary wiler, Miss Ruth Stoll, Mrs. Miss Harriet Johnson, Mrs. Hoffer, Mrs. E. W. Garber, Miss Brown, Miss Edith Bentzel; Bridal Chorus from “The Maiden” Cowen: Piano} solo, Campanella, Paganini, Liszt, Homer F. Rebert: Chorus, By Wave, Gounod; Men's 4) Mende (a) For Schubert, (b) Barnby ; untry Over Schock, Jno Emma us Rose La Prof (Continued on 9 Years, page Was Badly Burned Yesterday ! } Child Was on the Garret Playing With Matches When Its Clothing Ignited ———————————— accident occurred and but for the a child may have A bad burning in town yesterday timely discovery lost its life. Violet, the of Mr. Howard Marietta street matches the home and in some her clothes on fire. The little girl's five-year-old daughter Hilt, residing on was playing with garret at their manner she set on sister, Miss Ruth, heard her screams and ran to her assistance, only to find her at the head of the garret steps with all the clothing on her one side in flames. | Band's Bee Was a a SUCCess| The Misses Gi Gingrich Cop Prizes at Spelling Bee The Citizens Band held a spelling in Mount Joy Hall Saturday ev- ening and a fairly good crowd was in attendance, The affair was a SUC in every way with the ex- ception of the several loca] numbers, hich were to appear on the pro gram and for some reason or Other disappointed the management. Lee cess W Spe Ss as Ir vin Kraybill of Flor in. The prize winners in order were: Neva Wiley ' Krall and Charles DeLong. The second, charge of Mr, a4 Spelling was conducted by this on i class open MN Cc ize win- were Miss Bsther Wi | ners . thig class | Gingrich, Miss Fannie Gingrich and | | Miss Mildreg Krall. The third was a general informa | tioin class and was tn charge of our She quickly took a piece of carpet that was lying nearby, as the mo- ther was cleaning house, and wrap ped it about her little sister, thus extinguishing the flames. Dr. W. M. Thome summoned and rendered medical as- sistance. He found the child badly burned on the leg, body and arm and her hair burned on the one side of her head. Fortunately the little girl did not inhale any of the flames and judging from her condition at noon today she wili soon he ableto be about again. wag quickly former townsman, ex-merchant ex- teacher and farmer friend, Mr. Chas. A. Greider. The winners in esder were: Mr. Greider, Miss Blanche Kauffman and Mr. John Dillinger, Between the classes the Band rem ered a number of good selections. a — 32 Egge In 32 Days Frank Schroll, on Mouu: Joy {, has a hen that has jus; made a heats which, in our estimailom, is hard to beat. In thirty-two com secutive days this hen did not miss a single day in depositing her egg. During that period Miss Hen be came so attached to the nest that on hirty-third day she wanted to ¥ the ——— Collection of this place, of the largest collec kinds of eggs to be seen ew days ago added te this collection four chicken hawk eggs. They are white in color and about the size of an ordinary White Leghorn ben's egg. Mr. Stoner pris es his collection very highly. Stoner ao 248 one of all anywhere, ons a Making improvements The water pipes at the residense of Mr. J. B. Keller on Bast Main street are being renewed A mow ie I ste Ye Tf | Mr. Eimer Heisay.