v ACH BIX- \ Declaration that Gertvhny has no aggresive Intcations toward the United States is no doubt something of u disappointment to a few Berlin Lditors. THE BULLETIN, Chartered by the Court Mavtown Council, No. 79, Order of United American Mechanics, was chartered. The trustees are: Chris- tian C. Forrey, Isaac W. Carpenter 1 Samuel Sload oe Model 73 61 Roadster $595, both f. 0. b. Toledo With Electric Starter and Electric Lights Four Inch Tires TO low-priced car— so economical to run —is in every particular completely equipped. And it has the latest streamline body design. You'll be delighted when you see it. And when youridein it you will ap- preciate its remarkable value. Specifications Electric starting and light- Demounteble rims; one Bell Phone No. 830 Des FF C 7 Co FEED Iarge siocx & hy STRAW »f Feed ¥ SLATE HAY s eonstan r Estimates of Lum FLORI RL CLR CETTE. * ’ i EE a — Ss f BLUE c on PROPRIETOR LANCASTER, PA , SF ATX ET: £9 CES THA ETT SUAS aa Ind. Phone Ne. 847 ST) OT Are You Undecided where to buy your bill of Lumber! If so, all you have to do is leek at the prices we are quoting fer HIGH GRADE LUMBER as well as everything that is I» cluded in building, for interior er terior work, from the Timber your foundation te the Bhingles &v your roof. mute, goog Eo RSHEY LR : Aes er In a b¥ FER _ a work a acia le il _ _ N, on ER. ETSI f P a * i i i 1 tw pi you never saw.” “Blue Hen” Hot Air than most $30 brooders. The gr uid mafte x 4 ¥ CALL § Ul FI i ] { Ho gious services appropriate to N es iE iY: i { de vel held in the aiteruo B® JUITL JLUL a : a = u auspices and by the cour- © - esy of Perseverance Lodge No, 21, wu i RB of Harrisburg, lodge which na BW placeq the Homes under many obli- @ gations by their many acts of Kind E m ness. = > The services were unusually in- = to Have Your : teresting and inspiring—both in = sermon and song. : D d A s 1 a The eloquent sermon was deliver- = ea nima & HB oq by Rev. George E. Hawes, D.D., = 8 Pastor of the Market Square Pres- = Removed Promptly @ byterian' Church of Harrisburg In w . @ graphic terms and With intensive | PAY FROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO SIZE interest, he told that marvelous sto- B AND CONDITIONS . ry of the empty tomb, the cumulat- u a ive proofs of the risen Christ and BM jis fulfillment of the prophesies of 8 old. The event which marked the : m first Easter day, the joyful celebra- Lorenz Lamparter # tion of which has annually contin- 1] nm mu = a and a member as privileged to enjoy At evening the declarations thankful- the setvice. splendid re and women ratitude ien and sing beauti- spent, the the had d with for iy they bless sings they en- ~ Gr: 1 by a away from the to be found containing 16 chocolate and well as candy toys basket for each assortment of toys were on hand for distribution, and through the thoughtful kindnesg of Brother Henry C. Schock, Past Mas- ter of Casiphia Lodge No. 551, and a member of the Committee on Ma- sonic Homes, there was a box of | candy for each ome. The happiness, glee and gratitude | pletured on every countenace, was a |prayer of thanksgiving that must have ascended to the throne of Grace, as it touched and warmed pee hearts of the behoiders. hich was 8 nest filled ors eggs, as baskets with colored —there being child, A large a at the home repeated in the a1 ad- the of Easter might Dc Lh The story the girls, that at ol describing home ol boys, in addiuon dress by Superintendent Heckler, were enthusiasm and ga | tall wlele, to ture boys aroused resolve, in agri by Samuel and ling, pracuca H. the thell dening, a ste by Mi arm Imboden, ti Homes, with assistance 1n manager of having farm and garden o'clock all the boys and accompanied by the Superin- conducted in a body, the Ol 1 view the work. At 9 girls, tendent, were to the Sunday School room of Lutheran Church of Elizabethtown, where these 36 juvenile enthusiasts united with those assembled in mak- ing the celebration the success it was. ms eens A A A LUTHERAN BODY AT ELIZA- BETHTOWN Lancaster Conference Will Meet There Next Month Plans have been made for the spring meeting of the Lancaster Conference of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, which will be held in Christ Lutheran church, Flizabeth- town, on May 8 and 9. The con- ference will be opened on Monday evening, May 8, with the service of confession and absolution. After the conference sermon by the president, Rev. H. K. Lantz, of Shiremans- town, Cumberland county, Holy Communion will follow. The presi- dent’s report will then be submitted. Rev. BE. L. Wessinger, of this city is th chaplain for this convention. The opening businesg session will be helg on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Officers and standing com- mittees will report and nominations for boards of the ministerium will be made. Rev. Prof. J. MD Brown, of Muhlenberg College, will speak on the subject, “The Boy Problem.” In the afternoon at 2 o'clock in addition to the conference siness these addresses will. be nad “The Rural Church and Present Day Problems,” Rev. G. R. Deisher Jonestown; “Missionary Opportunities of Conference,” W.M. earig, of New Holland. Repre- ntatives of the boards and various institutions of the church will speak. In the evening at 7:30 o'clock Rev. I. Chantry Hoffman, of Philadelphia, will speak on the subject. “Lutheran Evangelism.” Re- marks by the president will follow. rl Be CRYING FOR HELP Lots of It in Mount Joy But Daily Growing Less The kidneys often ery for help. Not another organ in the whole body more delicately constructed; Not one more important to health. The kidneys are the filters of the blood. When they fail the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can be no health where there is poisoned blood. Backache ig one of the frequent indications of kidney trouble. often the kidneys’ for Heed it. what = Doan’s Kidney Pills have done for overworked kidneys. Read what Doan’s have done for Mount Joy people. It is help. Read cry Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, W. Main St., jf desired. I can easily prove a 10 Mount Joy, says: “Doan’s Kidney per cent. investment a the price I ug material. Listen io sae Pills have been used in or fomiiy offer. Come look it over Price,.$3,200 eertes sesesses oe0..$3,000.00 as far back as I ean remember. My NO, 27 back used to pain and ache 80 I oo, ® tract of land Lot of ground om West that T had to have it rubbed. MY pacTORY fronting on the P. R. R. COACH Main St, Mt. Joy, the kidneys were too frequent in action SITE siding in Mt. Joy 107] WORKS Wm, H. Schuttee eoach and broke my rest at night. T used poor “147 feet deep at one side and works, lot fronts 100 feet om Main Doan’s Kidney Pills and T can say 190”geep at other, 145 feet front on|St. and extends 150 feet deep to that without a doubt, this medicine ,peo jn rear, located in almost the the P. R. R. siding, extending along is the best that T know of. It gave center of the town, gas, water and said siding 100 feet, 2-story f 3 Ine permanent results and ¥ hovers electric privileges very close, land coach works 40x58 ft. with slate had occasion to use itina long ,.. 0004 drainage, would make a roof, blacksmith shop attacced; pe. Zip wt all dealers. Don’ capital location for any Kind of an buildings only built 8 years ago and lcs ple al 3 it gente. on't industry, will sell for any purpose or the best material, other half of ys i TB Rdney Semedr but would much prefer an industry, jt ig trucked; will sell entire coach fhat Mrs. Geistweit had. Foster-Fil- price will astonish you for wi works with equipment very low as burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y tract. The owner dces not need the owner wighes to retire. There isn’t am money and if sold for industrial pur-|, fine. jocation in town for a gar- poses, entire amount may remain 8t| 2c0 than this building; would suit Elizabethtown College Notes a low rate of interest. without alterations, Also ideal place (Too late for last week) NO. 11 for an industry as it has siding priv On Friday, April 21 an Arbor Day Situated in Mount Joy ileges. Get busy if this interests Program was rendered by the 114 ACRE sownshin, 2 miles Rosey vou. Rend A : 1 a FARM of Elizabethtown, a g00 . Seniors fusic Ha 1. at 3 P M. lid-acre farm, of sand land, 3 NO, 28 2 On Friday evening, a public ses- gtory prick 10-room house With 3- 1 1 have a mice lot jon of the H Literary So- room frame summer house attached; BUILDING LOTS of building lots, ciety ve held Music Hall at & bank barn 40x70 it, corn barn, hog IN FLORIN seventeen of them y clock pen, tobacco shed 36x50 all under sll of which would make desirable Toh 3 s 3 cellar with stripping room only locations for homes. Half of them Prof H K Ober delivered his built few years ago; spring house, front on the Harrisburg and Lan lecture on “Child Rig 0 re wash house, etc. All buildings very caster tunrpike and are situated jus and appreciates dience at Stet. good. Barn was roofed and weath- t residence of C. Shaiz man’s Churel ar MA 1 :» erboarded just a few years ago. ( 21 on Orange and Squs: SEL ens in Running spring water from house streets. I can sell you one, two ¥ , barn. Several other springs entire square {if yon wish an Tt Coll ac ( th farm. Land a good" producer of to- price too fine 1 to. vit s wheat, bay, etc. An Idi n ¥ an these ¢inds fruit, es- { a Apple 14 te V clearing and , tro 2 ’ xX lose to scho - On : ey line, 3 cr 4 i 1a ke s Owns wal + A “ ¥ % € Price is ver Inte € ts w LK ve NO. 13 invest . re A fine building BUILDING fro: 1g 54 feel or ¢ : " LOT sti Moun nd Ae BD extending in o width ACT na OF 1 feet H water premis- LAND lots OF 8 U 8; ‘lot ‘is loped, having fine t of 1 n osed by Gibbel, Lititz; Miss Carper, e trees, some fruit, etc. Pleas- 200d fence and land is im a hig» antly located, good drainage and jo- state of cultivation. Traet fronts oe cated in a very good residential uirview street and could be used ; - section. Trolley cars stop within for buildimg site, factory, farming : 100 yards. Will be sold very reason- etc. The imvestment will vieid = Who Wouldn't be an Evangelist? gaple. good rate of interest if farmed. 1 Billy Sunday received $50,000 for NO. 14 will be pleased to show vom the eight weeks’ work in Baltimore; An 85 acre farm ‘raet $51,136 for a similar term at Phila- AN 85 of exceptionally good NO. S8 delphia; $46,000 in Pittsburg—aw ACRE FARM limestone land, sit- A STORE I have a valuable what's the use. Any fellow that uated along the pike leading from DWELLING & store property ane Middletown to Hummelstown, just WAREHOUSE dwelling combined has the ability and doesn’t take up Evangelistic work is a fool. EA Identified Son The hody of a young man found on an {island in the Susquehanna river on Sunday, wag identified by Charles EB. Bateman of Sunbury, as that of hig son, who 'at {unbury March 12. —— Gr I ———— Our Ads Bring Advertise in the M y | | : 4 MT. JOY, PA. was drowned | acre soundg interesting, call and Bou Sold-longed No. 2 Four fine Building Lots BUILDING on North Barbara St, LOTS Mount Joy, 650x300 feet, one a corner lot, excellent location, fine residential surroundings, front- ing on a good street, light, gas and water privileges; natural drainage, away from buildings, no more de- sirable location in the town on which to build, The price is very reasonable. NO. 4 A beautiful 3j story TOWN frame house im Moun! >ROPERTY Joy, along trolley line, orner lot 658x168 feet, house Was sompletely remodeled 3 years 282 «nd is in fine condition, large fromt w~oreh and balcony, 9 rooms, bath, ms. eic. papered thruout, frame table with room for 2 horses, wag- « shed. lot of fruit. sewer, good irainage. very desirable location, rollevs stop at door. Price reason sle for a home like this. NO. 8 A 16-room frame apart +PARTMENT ment house, tin roof, HOUSE papered thruout, wa or, gas, etc., on a corner lot 560x180 teat. near Uniom National Bank, dain St, Mount Joy. property im rane repair. painted one year ago, ery beautiful lawn, fruit, good big ~v cellar. This is a capital invest- cent as it is now oceupied by three «wmilies. Will bear close imvestiga- ~n. Immediate possession. Price «MN agtopish you. NO. 8 I have iwo fine building sUILDING lots. each 40x197 feet, LOTS fronting on tke worth ‘de of Detwiler Avenue a 46 ft. eset and extending to a 14-ft alley the rear, draimage toward rear, a » Ineation for building and = good sving investment for farming at ow price thev are narod No. 8 A lot 40x200 on Mair DOUBLE street, Florin, Mt. Joy HOUSE township, corner lot, pub- lic alley side and rear, 2% story frame double house, with summer house, 6 rooms on one side, 5 on the other, now occupied by two fami lies and rents for $12, two cisterns, one at each end of lot, house in good repair, paint good, diy cellar, pleas- ant location in business section, frame stable, hog pen, an abundance of fruit, very convenient to new chocolate factory, a good paying in- vestment for some one. NO. 9 A ot of A GREAT ft., fronting BARGAIN street, Mount Joy, cor- ner lot with alley on side and rear, hag a 2% story frame double house, 9 rooms on each side with hot 2nd cold water, bath, ranges, gas, ete., dry cellar, property in good repair, each side rents for $12, large frame stable 26x80 on rear of lot which rents for $24, suit- able for 3 horses and Wwagong Of would make a fine garage, an abun- dance of fruit, all concrete walks and pavement, property is located in the finest residential section in the town. This property could beso arranged as to accommodate four