The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 26, 1916, Image 5

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Wednesday, April 26, 1916.

( SUNDAY FORENOON |Exercises Held in Church of Gog at D READED
| ¥ Landisville, Last Evening
) (Continued from page 1) _ f
Y in Columbia aged 68 years. Simon| The eighth annual commencgment
Kinsey oi Elizabethtown, is a son! exercises of the East Hempfield
of the deceased. | township high school took plade last
A evening at’ 7:30 in he Church of !
Mrs. Amanda H. Hertzler God, Landisville, when a class of
Mrs. Amanda H. Brenneman Hertz eight were graduated irom the in-
ler, wife of Elia B. Hertzler, of stitution, The address of the even |
near Millersville, died at midnight ing was delivered by Prof. Henry |
on Thursday at her home in the'K. Ober, of Elizabethtown College, |
fifty-ninth year of her age. She had The graduates are Anna Ferich, |
been in failing health for nine valedictorian; Claribel Kunkel, salu- |
months, but for six weeks she had tatoltan; Harriet H Billet, Myrtle | 3 3 HE
been confined to bed. Her death May Greider, Anna J Heisey, Ye {| THE PACKAGE
was due to a complication of di- C. Reinhold, Hlizabeil K. Markley | Te SYRING
seases. She is survived by her hus- and Levi M. Peifer. ihe Board of] : ¢
band and the following step-chil- Directors is as follows: President, |
dren: Frank Hertzler, of Philadel-' jj i Long; secretaiy, W. Scott |
y |
phia; Mrs. L. TL. Charles, of Mount gushong: treasuie, Dr. J. S. Ken-
Joy; Elmer Hertzler, of Wilkins: gig 1 ©. Bowers ing H. C. Ren-|
; burg, Pa, and one brother, John H. 514 Ww. W. Metsu is principal |
Breneman, of New Danville. The ,. (eo school. [
We LJ funeral was held on Sunday morn- The program of (he evening in- |
ing at 9 o'clock at the house, where cluded the following numbers: Pre: |
services were private, with public cession; prayer, Rev, Harvey Her-
gervices at the Millersville Menno- shey: chorus, Over the Heather, No-
r nite Church at 10 _o'elock. Inter- qo jopngon; salut tory oration, The
! ment was made in the New Danville njgh¢ Brings out the Stars, Claribel |
Mennonite Cemetery. Kunkel; recitation, Sister and I,
Klizabeth Mai kley: oration, Peace—
the School's Opportunity, Levi Pei-
fer; quartet, Dreaming, Harry Rowe
Shelly; class history, Alta Reinhold;
recitation, Dora, Harriet Billet; class
prophecy, Myrtle Greider; piano du-
et, Fanfare Militaire, J. Ascher, Es-
Mrs. Hattie Peters
Mrs. Hattie Peters, widow of the
late Henry J. Peters, died on Mon-
day evening, at the home of her son,
Benjamin Peters, near Fairview,
from apoplexy, aged 75 years. The'
deceased is survived by the follow-


ESTROYER OF nila ™t eat , hu. ff sic ff

LOST—A black scarf, Return to
Mrs. Levi Shank and get reward.

YT. P. Taylor, Prominent Louisville

Druggist, Makes Interesting LOST—A pair of gold spectacles.
Statement | Return to this office-and get reward.
WANTED—Everybody to subscribe
oti, | for the Mount Joy Bulletin. tt
FOR SALE—A good bicycle im

excellent condition Call on Roy 8
Zink, Manheim, Route 2. 1t
FOR SALE—Corn cobs. Write of
phone, Aaron S. Landis, Mt. Joy. 1t.

ited —A boy te lcarn the bar
ber trade. Apply to Hay Williams,
Mount Joy. apr, 19-tf.
FOUR SALE—A chiciien house im
good condition. Apply at thig ofuce.

Day Old Chicks—S. C. White
T. P. TAYLOR horns and Barred Rocks for sale
“The greatest health insurance in the [10c a ch. Also Custom Hatching at
world is the simplest,” he said. “I nev [4c a ch. Newpher Smeltzer, ount

er could quite understand why people Joy.
are so negiizent in the use of the sim ees
plest of all pre ventives of illness, It's FOR SALE—A Daisy Jualor “wh
all a matter of keeping the bowels candle acetylene plant good as new.
open. The man who carries a little box A ’ .
: Fo 8 C
of Rexall Orderlic has got a good T partculars eall. en or address
| health policy in bis pocket. | believe Bulletin, Mount Joy. apr. B-4t,
| they are the best laxative ever pre NOTICE—I oR
3 : — re)
pared, and their pleasant taste appeals kinds of ln y Bired ou
te men, women and children alike.” Png ng, » DE. jets,
work of that kind. Charges very
We have the exclusive selling rights for reasonable. Jacob Brown, Mt. Joy.
this great laxative. EE sn Ra
[any NOTICE—All watches, clocks, ets

ther Mumma, Beulah Danner; ora-
tion, When Educated, Anna Heisey;
valedictory oration, We Launch to
Anchor Where? Anna Ferich; quar- |
tet, The Call, Mark Andrews; pre-
sentation of diplomas; address, Prof.
ing children: Mrs. Frank Metzgar,
of Manheim; Benjamin, of Fairview,
with whom she made her home,
Henry, of Manheim, and Aaron, of
Mastersonville. One brother, - Benja-
! min Thuma, of Ohio, and one sister,
Mrs. Barbara Graybill of Penryn,
also survive. She was a member of
the Brethren in Christ Church.

chorus, A Summer Night, R. R.|
Farman; benediction, Rev. J W.
Gentzler. care.

| The funeral will take place from a Every case of sore throat should be looked upon with suspicion by the parents and a physician called as | WHO WANTS IT? Having pur
| superintendents and other persons in charge of educational | chased a roadster I have no further
2 \ 8:30 o’clock, with services at 10 State Agricultural Notes and religious institutions are required to exclude children suffering from sore throat. The careful observance of | use for my 1914 four-cylinder 12-14
le. . o'clock, at the Mastersonville Breth- Reports to the Department of | this law has decreased the number of cases and the prompt administration of antitoxin by the physician has | horsepower Henderson motorcycles”
ren in Christ Church. Interment will Agriculture indicate a larger acre- | materially decreased the death rate from this dread disease of childhood. Complete including presto tank, tame
4 be made in the adjoining cemetery. age of potatoes in , many counties | COLUMBIA, PA. dem, horn, etc, all in A 1 shape and.
rs than a year ago. In Lancaster | | : fand guaranteed right Will sell for
Rev. M. P. Boyle county a larger acreage of tobacco | Bn pe A ae A | The House ef Quality about half its cost to a quick buyer.
4 % Rev. M.'P. Boyle of Huntingdon, is reported. [ MODERN SISTERS oF Tis FATES Ait [Call at this office tf.
dieq Monday. He Was 78 years old Members of the Monroe County ; eo. Manufactures by aan ’ To on et a
and was born in Ireland. He came Poultry Association are Planning | G. 8. VOGLE, AUCTIONESR | Read the Bulletin. ; 1
to America when he was 16 vears for an egg exchange which will |
; old, and when the Civil War began provide a center for pooling of eggs |
organized Company I. 21st Cavalry, to be shipped to one general dis-|
and was made first lieutenant. He tributing and selling agency. |
wag wounded twice and carried a] Growers of berries and small |
bullet in one knee for 25 years. He fruits are anticipating a good crop |
gerved as pastor of United Brethren this season. i
Churches at Altoona, Johnstown Unless frosts damage the Woes |
Huntingdon, Lebanon, Reading, Mt. soms there ig every prospect of a |
Joy and Chestnut Springs. He al- fair peach crop throughout the
so represented Huntingdon County State during the summer.
in the Legislature in 1879-1880. | Farmers in North Annville Town- |
Len (ship, Lebanon County, are selling off |
>= Mrs. Walter Eby [their mixed breeds of cattle and
1 Mis: Nellie, wife of Walter Eby |buying only Holsteins.
Vv of Lemoyne, died #4 the home of | Ten farmers in Wilmington Town.
her father-in-law, Pi L. Eby, in|ship, Lawrence County,are planning
that place last Friday, after an i11- | the erection of brick silos during
ness of seven weeks duration, death [the summer.
resulting from pneumonia. Deceased| A letter to the Department of
wag In her twenty-third year. Her |Agriculture from a Juniata County
husband survives, The funeral was correspondent states that 100 years
held on Monday with interment in ago, in 1816, there was little or no
the Camp Hill cemetery, near Le- summer and no crops in that sec


moyne, Deceased was well known |tion.
here, her husband being a former| Elk County farmers in Benzinger
resident of the boro. Township have organized a co-oper.
re ative creamery at St. Marys and are

Mrs. Levi Rutherford going back to dairying as they feel
Tevi Rutherford. a former it is their main dependence.
lizabethtOWT died at Crows are said to pe unusually

rrisbur on Wed- plentiful and a complete pest in
The deceased some partg of Lackawanna County
ago a resi- where they are destroying crops


re- and eating young chickens.

from a complication of diseases prof Schlosser took part in an
after a long illness. On March 3, p,ster service which was rendered
1916, he returned from the Lancas- py the Brethren Sunday School at
ter General Hospital, and since that p,imyra,
time failled rapidly. Deceased Was prof. Meyer visited the Chiques
born in Marietta, September 19, Sunday School on Sunday, repre-
1857, and was in his fifty-ninth genting the District Sunday School
diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis and
of Worship

p : is life was living In gecretary .
= : year, and all his life 8 gE, becretary. 3 y Donegal on Sunday afternoon by the
Sr ~~’ the borough. By occupation he was pressrs. Harley, Gingrich, Bucher, Sunday School of the Donegal Pros.
2 ou aay oC D€ 4
A smi carryin on that se ¢ Shisle risiteqd i or 5 ah
od ; 2 black: i, an Tn He was Bose and ae r fig ied rd fas byterian church. The participants
bagitiess for many oan Homes of : Fe ouncol -Tingne a did very nicely and the attendance
> twice married. Mr. Christian Bucher over Sunday.
was good.
Prof. H. K. Ober took part in an
Easter service on Sunday afternoon

Chas. H. Flory
former resi- . Methodist Episcopal
Charies H iiory, a former resi which was rendered by the Sunday a oS era li
3 Arde Fe py re . Vv.
dent of Silver Spring, Lancaster q.; 5) of the First Church of the 3 By Ror i ial :
i noon Sunda 8 : § 3 1 ay *hool, 9:15 . .
county, died oon on Sunday at Brethren in Philadelphia. Sunday Sc 9.» 2
; about iles Preaching service, 10 A. M.—sub-
his home, about two miles south of Dr. Reber, Prof. Meyer and Prof. € g St i
Wrightsville, York county. He was gopjogser were sent from the J°Ch Supremacy of Love.
in his sixty-third year. The funeral cpypeh of the Brethren as delegates Boworth League, 5:30 P.M.
was held from the late home this {, tho pistrict Meeting which CoD Preaching at 7:30 P. M.—subject,
Make Jesus King.
morning vened near Ephrata, on Wednesday * :
Prayer meeting on Wednesday ev-
ET . and Thursday. :
Henry H. Heidler, a’ former resi prof- D. C. Reber met with the ©NINE.
dent of Columbia, died at San Historical Committee of the Eastern |
‘aliforni: 5 arri teria hurch
Wiego, California, Mrs. Harriet District, Pennsylvania, of which he Sroshy eri ne u Nin
Breneman, of this place, is a sister {4 5 member, which convened at Rev. Frank G. BoOssert, Ss
of the deceased. Ephrata on Tuesday afternoon. On Sabbath School, 9:15 A. M.
: ————— : ies ? Divine Worship and Sermon 10:30
Wednesday he attended the Hlders’
The remains of Mrs. Rebecca A. Meeting and the Wednesday after-
Wolf, who died at Lancaster, Were |noon session of the Distriet Meeting
interred at Marietta yesterday. {which convened near Ephrata, at
f (the Mohler Meeting house.
George P. Deacon, formerly of Co- —— ss ——
lumbia, died at Pottstown on Fri.
day aged 44 years.
A. M. Subject, John Huss and
Jerome of Prague.
Evening Worship 7:30 P. M., Sub-
ject, The Peril of the Second Best.
Prayer Meeting this evening at
17:30. Y
Miss Susan Kreadv of Rohrers- | a.
A town went to Lancaster Monday and St. Luke's Episcopal Church |
Michael G. Shindle died at Mount. |1ied While waiting on a car, In the | p., | ewis ChestegliMorrison, B.| A.
ville | on Monday from bladder | 'Taction company’s office. She Was| pirst Sunday Easter, (Low
trouble aged 79 years. 78 years old. | Sunday), April 30881916.
Holy Communig 130 AL M.
formerly of! Sunday Schoo 15 A M.
ied at Middle-| amization)


Aaron Fasig died dnheim on| Mrs. Albert Kan}
fhurgday after a 8’ illness| Washiagton Boro,
ed [82 years. QW.

Dixon has established 667 stations throughout the
packages of antitoxin are distributed annually from
her late home on Friday morning, at | early as possible. The State law provides that teachers,

Notes From Our Many Local Houses |
Easter exercises were held at

For years diphtheria was the most dreaaed of all children’s diseases.
tality rate was in the neighborhood of 40 per cent.

typhoid fever
Barbara street.
Next Tuesday, May 2nd-—-Gleaner’s
ut 8 per cent.
ning Prayer and Instructicn,
Unuu che discovery of antitoxin the mor-
Thousands of families were grief stricken and mothers’ hearts
made desolate by this dread destroyer of childhood, Antitoxin is one of the world’s greatest discoveries in medical |
science. Through its use the death rate has been reduced to abo
early stage of the disease few deaths occur.
H. K. Ober, Elizabethtown College; | In order that antitoxin may be secure

day morning of
rectors of the
Thursday, April 27th, Woman's Bank of Marietta
Auxiliary will meet at 7:30 at the rectors were elected:
home of Mrs. Arthur Brown on N. ler and Ethelbert
directors of the

dent of .
ved the The Bureau of Farm Adviceof the
ity ar) nd where she Department of Agriculture has 1list-
made her her daughter. ed W. Theo Wittman, poultry ex- SEE
She was a mt 0 Christ Re- pert, to give lectures and demon- he Greeks depicted the three goddesses of fate, one with a spindle, one 1 y
formed church of Elizabethtown. strations during the latter part of | ,¢ ghears
: hi 1 funeral took April at the following places: April In the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Department of Health there are en busy vy
«Jems ’ aturda Interment was 20, Smethport; April 24, TKane: who are the modern personification of the thr i rs of Greek 1 hology. Day ir T
plac: in va inal y in : April 25, Oil City: April 27, Mead-| end to another, they are occupied in punchin strips of car rd the fa ting to all t
as BA I; dd ville: Ann 2Q Grove City births which occur among the eight million inhabitants of Pennsylvani:
EE EY 5 : i The law requires that each birth and death shall be recorded and a certificate du orwarded
John Troutwine —— Department of Health at Harrisburg. From these the punch card records are made hich permits
John Troutwine, one of Marietta’s Elizabethtown College Notes of all the facts. These are the vital statistics of the State.
prominent citizens and business 1). pul Bowman, President of With this accurate information it is possible for Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of He
men, died at his home on Front Blue Ridge Colleg: was a welcome work systematically toward the prevention of disease. The statistics for the year 1915, which ha
the Board of Di-
following di-
John H. Mil-
F. Hiestand, president;
Club at 7 P. M., Galahad Club at Hiestand, vice
Miller, H. 8. Hiestand,
7:30 P. M
(Continued from page 1)
Mr. Walter H. Fry of this place,
who is making shells for high ex- church, Marietta, on
plosives for the English government immediately following evening
at the Bethlehem Steel plant, was er the following
home over Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller, Mrs.
Etta Bennett and son, and Mrs. H.
funeral of Mrs. Walter Eby at
Lemoyne, on Sunday.
The following attended the funer- (and the treasurer gave a lengthy re- i
al of Mrs. Walter Eby at Lemoyne port. The Raster offerings amounted crete reason, WHY OUR PRICES ARE SO MUCH
on Monday: Justice and Mrs. Jac.
H. Zeller, Mrs. Etta Bennett and son
Thomas, Harry H. Zeller and daugh-
ter Miss Mae, and George and Bu:-
wood Zeller,
Mrs. Harry M. Stauffer of Palmy-
Hoffman, Byron
L. Frey. Joseph
ier and J. Nissley
cashier. Herman L.
I. -sfrorrrp
Marietta Elected Officers
At the annual
parish of St.
elected for the ensuing yar:
C. Reinhold, Edwin
John J. Carroll,
meeting the There’s no given standard in Men’s Suits. You
John’s Episcopal don't buy them like, for instance, you do a ton of
Monday night coal. St
pray- what they MUST have ost price. If
vestrymen were they buy small numbers price is cor-
Albert respond ngly higher, nd he selling
B. Reinhold, price MUST be higher or the ba Court is
THE REXALL STORE lett at my place of business by 8.
. er can be gotten by owner
E. W. GARBER calling for same and proving prop-
\ —~ ky erty. All goods unclaimed within

If used in large doses in the very
d by every poor family in the State, Commissioner of Health Samuel G.
Commonwealth for its free distribution. More than 29,718 |
these stations to the physicians who have cases under their


street, that place, on Tuesday morn- visitor on College Hill on Monday pleted, show that there has been material reduction in the annual death toll from scarlet fever, whooping cough
’ ’ S °5 .
Miller. The other
institution are B. TL Y \ IE
B. Frank ian ou v:ust i GY
president; John 8. ERTIES
Norman R. Y He . : a)
Lindemuth, Samuel our Spring DS at ‘
L. Brandt is cash- PARR i
Brandt assistant we have said many t beiore, i isn
Brandt is teller. you pay for a th counts the
George F. Stibgen,
H. Zeller and daughter attended the David R. Mehaffey, Horace L.Ilalde-
man, C. Penrose Hipple. Reports of
,the various organizations
{to over $300.
| In Sunny California
Word received here fr
{ Mrs. 1 D. Stehman this
hat they
ra, formerly of this place, is ‘the enjoyed themselves in the vicinity of
{closeq the fact

guest of Mrs. Jacob H. Zeer today.| Los Angeles, California.
These ladies were formep school
mates here and have not s3emn each
other since they left school. #
ihre Eiected

Bank Dire:
At the regular

Master Arion Shelly,
the State Road,
{being the lucky
| rabbit On
one to

residing on
x Ie 1
s oS ( Ks will
be S
& is :
Copies of the new and
State may be hadat the Wai Room S )
n 4 hp m Ty : ‘
on he Express Office, North Lime St
30 days will be sold for storage.
mar29-4¢ Chas. A. Wealand
WANTED: Salesman with wideas
quaintance among merchants and
otner business men in own ecm
munity. Splendid eppertunity 9
| establish permaneat business. Beam
|OL Company, Cleveland, Okie. 4


very Woman Wants}
Prompt attention given -o eallimg pall an SE
|all kinds of real estaie and persomas REVS ES
| 'Toperty sales. Batsfaction guaras |
[vi wi BS charges ive me s ual | fl
| Drop me a aard Gut} 6-2 |




; : J t Disscived in water for douches stop
The Bulletin only costs $1 a year. j pelvic catareh, tlceration and inflame 4
The Bulletin only costs $1 a year.| | mation. Recommended by Lydia EF.
: 5 Pinkham Mead. Co, ror ten years.
The Bulletin only costs $1 a year. Fy hez'ing wonder for nas. | catarrh,
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin| |sore throatand sore eyes. Economical.
: Has extrac 7 _cleansi d idal power.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin' {Sample J° a Social Tow
| Nai, axton I oilet Company, Boston, Mam. o




Conestoga Traction Company
Reduced Express Rates
On and after May 1st, 1916,a new
ective on the lines of the Co
Q A feature of the new Tariff will be the division
oo ? I
% into Six Zones


Express Tariff will be ef-
estoga Traction Company.



Articles, those separately listed, weig 7 pounds or
s, Will be >d within zcnes 1, 2 and 3 cents. There
large 1 of other redu a Ww s advantages

receipt of pac ighing 7 pounds or
be established at th Wa r ir € e Square,





most—it's WHERE YOU BUY IT and HOW

sell their gar

according to



the next step.
say these

boastifully or dispar-
isen to leadership in


County. We're only pointing out a con-


vhere you can save real money on vour purchases. a
G. & W. PRICES—S810 to 830
Groff & Wolf Co.
26 30 North Ougay





e in