The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 26, 1916, Image 1

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To be Successful You Must be Awake; If You're a Real Live One, You'll Advertise
| William Weidman, of Florin, w as | .
n g 5 un | tried on a charge of malicious mis- a 3
: iN rst 0 nite lates ni hief at Court on Wed sday, Mrs. | J ine Neg Bh
largaret Gestewitz testified that on | I
March 5th, she lived in a home of | y

; ey im —— rt —————to
anew ve | Trolley Gar Struck a F

Weidman's. He called for the rent |
due and ghe said she could not pay |
tit. Weidman then removed all the! 5 re TL. 0 o
Shi Canada {0 ie Held al Mi Joy BR I on Trolley Passengers Jolted Off ell deals oEVerd
April 1, because she could get no § 3 . : ensy hid Bi. cu ge i
. wr er . ; ; nse a g I. ho ie is gil ] Automobile Damaged Ulit itu Liie Was i i
* E Gross Roads Ghurch Will he the Scene of Great nm = ™ ™ | www, we os on sre som os i
The defendant testified at he Over autoists around here the pas Both the trolley and auto applied lisior The occupants all escaped
| — , . rented the property to Gestewitz by! week as the following list of unav- their brakes but notin time to avofd uninjured Neither was the auto ordi:
® ; the month. He becan in arrears, | oidable accidents will show. a collision, and the two collided ron damaged but the hors Ti
Po ltd ; Ln he : Sig . . ¢ ag out 1€¢ horse wag
refused to pay and refused to va- There was quite a collision at With considerable force. Several t I'he extent of the animal’s®
| 1 : 1 . ' bi 1
cate. He then served legal notice | ihe point where the trolley tracks Windows in the trolley were broken urie
for the family to vacate and because cross the Colebrook, road a short and passengers thrown from their
; er wa unable to drive the horse
| they would not move he decided to distance east of Rheemsg yesterday Seats. The two front wheels, and hom: that night Mr. Sh a
m : ; 1 it nigh M eetz is ag
give them ventilation hy removing! afternoon and that np one was in- radiator of the Ford were damaged. very careful driver 1nd so wer
{ ry cal i ind SO W

§ are not Known hut he own-


y pete tn 2ee " Eh : mes. re the
es ee ape et doom She” 8B Sum frie ve rn odo md 5 tr pape
: ; : 1 Q : : : The court on Saturday morning i The: tures oelock wolley Was com: Fortunately no one was inj 1 * | "Ro Just ow the accident ecvitied
! This entire community can feel| States and all points thruout Canada | will be open to the public. imposed a fine of $10 and costs of ing east and was in charge of con- 8 Injured. Trolley Hits Auto
highly honored, due to the fact|where this denomination exists. A The ablest speakers in this de- |i}, suit on Mr Wildman cons ductor Hartman and Motorman Auto Strikes Team )n Sunday afternoc when the
: that the Cross Roads Church, half large number of visiting members nomination will attend. We predict | — gin] : Hunsinger. The car was coming On Saturda Eli Shectz! 4-15 yme east, it struck a
i a mile west of this place, has been | will also attend and we feel safe in| that this will be one of the great- at a fair, rate of speed and a Vas going up West Main street Ford touring car t the corner of
{ selected and in which will be held saying that this house of worship est conferences ever held in this house at this crossing partly ob- his Saxon oadste A Haver and West Donegal
the annual General conference of will be taxed to its utmost capacity county and it was only by chance structed the view of William Linde- Which were John Berri Phar tre in thi ce. The car Wis
the Brethren in Christ denomination at every meeting. that this section was so fortunate. muth, who rung a Ford jitney at Shani comix t I d (Coutinued on page 8) ;
of the United States and Canada. The conference will be held from This Conference was to be held | i THE SICK AND AFFLICTED - res
Thig will, beyond a doubt, be the May 15 to 20. Three sessiong will near Stayner, Ontario, but on ac- ° ” Ss nd ~ . :
greatest event in the history of this| be held daily, morning, afternoon count of war conditions, it was con- Dr) Newpher RecBverindsNive Nou. i 6% a i IT, f
a well known church, Several hun- and evening. The day sessions will | sidered unsafe to convene in that | : her o Ouite In : oy 4 gi Io 0
A dred delegates will be present from be open to delegates and members| country, and will therefore be held ! pher Smeitzer Quite 3 TAL f
{ 4 almost every state in the United only, while the evening sessions | here, Il A son of foserh Io 1m quit ; 4 : :
% - —— el 4 , ot : bah Rh i 3 fF 2 &
4 JUMPED FROM CARRIAGE ee 2 p20 IS WRN a HH aril !
| » i 2 | = “HIREABOUTS OF OUR| Mrs. Clara Haines, who has be y : Eo
Villa B 0 Ma Own Nar- | Miss Lilian Bender Slightly Injured FRIENDS THE PAST Ween { auite ill, is still in a precarious
| 4 | When Horse Scares { dition. :

Pa tie soon nena me owenvosencors) FOES OF OU MAY RE Lis Sermon ome on nn ci cB. Toppin Are Raving
wly Escapes Gonflagration =i ee” mn wn Dal for Eines forint Fannie
[OW p : prom stems voen- oe wea] DOIEIS MIB POSE WBE | comin oe aera U0 VOF UGHGETGG GUY (Gian
rom a carriage which she and | —_— week. This morning her conditio
4 000 Blaze Thursda --Flames Started |» father were riding. She believed | vwnat Qur Abie Corps of Reporters | is somewhat better. there is a time in every man’s ind as a result all the Democratic
d d ! J | the horse to be running away. | round in the Cara Basket About| We are pleased to say that Dr. life when he realizes that the “a
Mr. Bender and his daughter were| ‘VY4is€il YOur riienus ana vuw | J. J. Newpher is recovering from mark: “Life is one d— thing after

i a ¥ postmasters in the county thus far
> | bi appointed are half and half—50 per
In Frank Coac orks-- uto urne driving from Manheim to Sporting | ‘yuaintances | very severe attack of sickness. He another,” is only too wre. We Know cent. of the plums going to the
Hill, when a passing auto truck s now able to sit up in bed for of no better comparison than this Davis crowd and the other Afty to
yrief intervals and is receiving |in the present fight for the POSt- [the Antis.

Tr : Miss Violg aker spe Raster aft |
| scared the horse. The animal made| “158 Viola Baker spent Easter al

Maytown had the biggest kind of used as a coach works and stable, | sudden move and the oir becom: | Reading. | guests, mastership at Mount Joy. | Asyet there are two appointments
a fire scare on Thursday evening, | Frank and his son, Harry, having | ing frightened, jumped from the car-| Misy Alia Nissley of Lancaster, | os Usually, the party that ig in con- to be made i. e.,, Mount Joy and
which is likely to result in the or-|been at work there. The origin of | riage, landing upon her head. The| Shonk Sunday in town. Will. Extend the Platform trol instructs its followers that New Holland. If the appointment
ganization of a firefighting brigade | the fire is not known, It was 4:45 father soon regained control of the] Mr. and Mrs. P.E Getz spent | The long platform on the south they must sieve their list of can- was made ai the latter place, one
for the village. The danger of a o'clock when the flames were first/animal and immediately picked up Sunday with his parents at Ephrata at the P. R. R. didateg and the last one remaining could easily select from the above

ide of th S
general conflagration was $0 great| seem, and they spread rapidly. A|his unconscious daughter and rush- Mt. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hershey passenger depot was just recently 8€ts the plum. In Mount Joy there who would be appointed here, but
at one time that Friendship Fire| crowd of people soon gathered, and|ed her to the office of Dr. J. B,|SPenl Sunday with friends at Co-| and will be extended at the SO many applicants that refuse to as it is, the matter remains a
Company here was phoned for but | most of the men and boys became | Hershey in Manheim, where it was|!lumbia. most up to the Market |P€ “sieve (and we can’t blame question
did not respond on account of there volunteer firemen. Sparks from the| found that she sustained ' injuries George Drabenstadt of Phila eet bridge, Owing to the , them as the Democrats have not Usually, the appointments are
being no water in that village to|burning building were blown all about the face and head. She re-| d¢lPhia, spent Sunday here with his had a postmaster here since the made long before this. In a month
feed the pumps. Columbia was also| around, and the steeple of the Re-| gained consciousness after a lapse|SISLELs. ngers must frequently walk é Henry Miller.) Mr. Fenstermacher’s term expires
| engers must requ 1) u MT. g 8
\ phoned to for help and the Keystone formed Church caught fire. The|of some time. Mr, Harry Lyons of mear town he cars until they reach the plat The names mentioned thus far as but why should he worry. He will
auto-chemical engine was rushed to|flames were extinguished before | ——— EP re— attended a funeral at Ephrata o : aL: Rath ie train moves | SUCCESSOTS to J. Fred Fenster- serve until his successor is named.
| : 4 r owe in th re mov 5 s 8
i ri rillage 7 ime | h damage was done, though it] 5.1 I Sunday. l frerand 1% whol authori- /Macher are: Har Hinkle, Jacob Anoth 1 :
the imperilleq village. By the time much ¢ } Keller's, Next Sale : Se | forward. This is what the authori- rg arry : Another unpleasant proposition
rOVOY 3 avill iTo Z 7 o | 3 b Mr. Harol ar, Jilliamson | £ hrite
they reached the scene however, the | will require an outlay of a couple of | Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will Gn jas old ig oF W iat | ties are anxious to overcome, hence |W: thrite, 0. M. Donaven, S. M. now confronts one of the aspira
fire was under control. | hundred dollars for repairs. The | sell a lot of good stock at their cat-|” 01, spent Easter here with his [this change. Work on extending this |Donaven, Charles DeLong, J. Willis Mr. E. B. Tppin is making a person-
The flames started in a frame|roofs of other buildings were also | tle yards here on Friday, April 28.| P4rents. | platform will begin as soon as the Freed, Edward Mann and, even al canvas among the Yemcerats of
building owned by Harry Frank, and| (Continued on page 4) | They will have sixty-two head of S rey Galsrine Brensman spent |; avons lower the lsewer pipe that Others. There is one thing certain the town for the offic. of County
LE : - ee Saturday with friends at Wilming irries the water from Market street and that is, that if these men don’t Committeeman. J. Willis Freed is
- cows consisting of fresh, close
i springers and backward cows] 101: Del. into the “Cut.” soon agree on a choice the pres- the present commitieeman and
x 3 : | Among them are Jerseys, Guern-| MT. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller attend: ah a lent incumbent ~/ill continue in office should he be defeated at the
~ IS Innie reneman 6 | seys. Brindles and Holsteins. Also ed the funeral of Mr. Cyrus Smith | : : until they get together. primary May 16, and the appoint.
Ua [some heifers, stock bulls and a 16t|8t Lancaster. | Spelling Bee Saturday Night | Everybody, however, is waitingon ment of postmaster not be made
Vor oxirn. whol The raised Shotts Mr. and Mrs, J. HA Stoll spent | On Saturday evening, April 29, a move fromy the other. The po- before then it woul give Mr.
| Pont forget the date, Friday, April Sanday ot Mercuantville, N. 3, With) oe n nn box eg Spoiling Des % litical situation in the Democratic Freed a black ere.
0g ot | their daughter. | Mount Joy Hall by the Citizens . at present is such thata great fverybody is awaiting with is
. wen ireenaws: ‘ tude f this place. There will e ; }
Mr, Owen Greenawalt, a studen of this plac There 1 is being made to get ult of the fight for the
post office plum in thig place.
aing that frequently stop here,


at Lebanon Valley College, was classes, two spelling anda g
Lower Express Rates Fvome
| over Easter.
Taught Sunday School Glass, Took I, REMOVEU cx: “ov toes “a7 i “Conamrons] i Simon Holts of Harriss ex w
; i ind Anti-Davis men together
nformation class, Valuable priz-

be given the successful co:

with . he jaug s vdditic
2 - . Traction Company will be reduced. | toy Mis. H. J. a : co d
Hor Home an Expired A feptute of tho new Tates will be | Miss Marie Klugh of General eal and in
: the division of territory into siX|pgspital at Lancaster, spent Satu] mental musi There will also
zones, or pursue the same method|q,y here with her parents. ecial I th nd Adm
One of the most prominent mis- Council of the Lutheran church. as does Uncle Sam in carrying par- Muster Rods Barks of Philaddlilsics
gionary workers of the Lutheran She is survived by two children, cel post. Details of same may be| phi; pent his Easter vacation here aa
church of the General Council in Jeseph, at home, and Miss Cath-| geen by their ad elsewhere in this| wity Mr. ang Mrs Harry Tyson .
this section, Mrs. Minnie Frellk aping, = student at Maryland: Coll iesne. | Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Kelle nd p A Planted Shay Supper
Breneman, died at her home in Mt. lege, Lutherville, Maryland. One sis- errr erat @ Gece daughter Helen were Sunday guests Thar ill he a big time at
Joy on Sunday shortly before noon ter, Mrs. H. C. Schock, of this Rather Death Than Court {of Mrs. Hoyt Ni ¥, ni Steelton, | Me Ginnis on Friday evening
as a result of a stroke of apoplexy. place, and her mother Mrs. Louisa| The dead body of Jerome T. Moy-| Miss Laura Urich, one of our lo | Week wha the Allon Mu
gers. Dreneman was stricken while Frank. also remains. er, who was to appear at last|cal teachers, spent the Kaster holi-| Sanization of Lancaster, wili
planked shad supper there. Cove
will bel
this well known musical organiza
attending the Easter morning ser- The funeral will be held from | eek Quarter Sessions Court to|days at her home in Harrisburg |
vice at Trinity Lutheran church, Mt. her late home this afternoon at 3 |angwer a charge of arson for burn-| Ar and Mrs. Norman Arntz and |
was removed to her o'clock. Burial will take place in :

for sixty members of










house and barn, was found |g, 1al f Maytown, wel Sun- | ; ] y i Jos
boy. iy prs. Thome and Snyder the Mount Joy cemetery. g to a tree about a mile from | ore . nn OB oe fi | tion whith will be accompan ; b
+# were summoned, but she expired ritztow Berks county, on, Satur| ges Lillian and Gertrude Long | 'S, ¢O™ ete band of twenty pieces , . e000 wor H secre A
shortly before noon. Amos M. Sauder day. Word of the find reached Lan-|; Lancaster, spent Saturday ang | 2nd its own orchestra. rb enthy
v Mrs. Breneman arose at 7:30 Amos M Sauder, a well _ known caster Monday. Sunday in the family of Martin Gar- rm . = ad : re onde
! ’, k apparently in good health. farmer, die it his home in East OW Jer Choral Society : Musical Postponed g : thos ra :
goes t to the Sunday School of Hempfield township Friday evening C. S. Frank’s Sale Miss Celesta Carson of Philadel On ac f the 4d f Mrs x t i ob
om where she taught her after an il s of four months from On Friday, May 5, C. S Frank spent and Sunday | MiT e Benen DE place dd
Sunday gchool class as usual. She com f diseases. He was in W sell anothe big lot of live th hey Mis. D. A/[the h 2 ety vas { T : x : : Hae hooting
did not complain of feeling {ill at his fff] year. Stock at public sale at the former w k now } } x : or pumping
that time. At the conclusion of the Deces 0 Wis .@ son of ihe Joie Red Lion stables ih Plage Se Misses Christine and Ma It. J : 3 n was I aaichets, ‘ladders,
Sunday School gervice she went to Jacob and Anna Miller Sauder. He will sell a carload 0 Sows, a few Moyer spent from-Fr wv to Sunday Mav 2 A . earsal Ww 3 ? a av he ¢ will Fo
: the regular church service. Tt was v: a I of the Brethren in stock bulls and a large lot of Bowe i relatives at Middletov and next Mond evening .
i while there that she. was stricken Chr ; and had resided in raised shoats. 2t. | 4a r a ' T
and carried to her home. ! locality of } Hempfield dur- : — J s Lehman of Lebanon,
Mrs. Breneman was born in Mt. 2 fy FU ie his widow Beginning Early spent Saturday Sunday ia. the \
s in her fftioth year, . °° 8° ed by his widow, who Ss sec was by a|families of 1 Garber and M
Joy and was Jhtor. of the Tato before marriage was Elizabeth H.! hail. ang storm Fri after-{Quintin. Amspacke: N
Sue. Was 3 dane had always i Lefever, one son Ira, at home, and noon at 4:30. Considerable hail félll Mr. Clarence Campbell of Hershey | ens A
Fate Br RY "She was the ‘he following brothers and sister: and the cutters were flowing full of| spent Saturday and Sunday here as | terie He sells then rholesal ) 5 te Leg
Biss ib ‘Brennan and was Jacob and Michael of Mt. Joy; Mrs.! water. The rain was accompanied|ihe guest of his parents, Mr and (and retail and offers special - 0 ier
; bins i best kno tadies fu John Hershey, of Hast Petersburg,/ by thunder and lightning, the first| Mrs. Albert Campbell. fments to dealers. Read his ad >a It Took a Long Time
Mount Joy. She waiila member of A avelijamy of Rlosi®, real storm of its kind this 8 | Messrs. Robert Kauffman and Jno. [on another the Bulletin A Very Good Sale Dr. J. R. Lehman of Mountville,
Trinity Lutheran chufeh, Mt. Joy; tate Sin =! a rom hs W. McGinnis attended early Moravi- | ———— , the best horse sales held one of the last of our country doo.
the Sunday School a the Ladles" o'clock with services in the oh] Specials in Shoes $20 services at the Moravian Church Auction Auction here in a long time was. the one tors to stick to horse flesh and
Aid Society. Mrs. Bjeneman was town Mennonite hurch at 10 Mr. Laskewitz, the Bast Main|at Lititz on Easter morning. | On Saturday afternoon and even-|° Sa v : Mr r Ream bueey, has bonsht an automobile.
also a member of e Executive clot. Int t % ate In th street shoe merchant, has just re; Mr. Omar Kramer, a son of Mr. ling, April 29, an auction, will be <W'€ 2° 3 9 ores were sold TT -
Board of the Woma Home and im : i erent vas made ® ceived a large stock of Spring foot-|D. W. Kramer, lef® last Friday for |pelq at the Peoples Cash Store, H. and good prices were realized 54 Years Ago
Fogglen Missionary Sfeclety of the 'crevile Mennonite cemetery. jwear that will interest all. He is|Dixon, Ill, and from there expects|H. Zeller, proprietor, on Fast Main rr - On April 92, a
gelical Lutherand Ministerium Emm offering something special in base | to go to Detroit wiere he will re-|street, when the remainfng stock | Both banks and our public schools County farmes
of Pennsylvania and §the Woman’s Daniel Kinsey died at his home ball shoes complete with cleats at| vide in the future of groceries, cakes, candies, ete. |Observed Good Friday by remain‘ng field
Missionary Society of ‘he General (Continueq on page §) {$1.98 a pair. Read his ad. | (Continued on puge §) will be disposed of | closed


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