BSP When constipation causes headache use LVI The laxative el; with the pleasant taste We have the exclusive selling: rights for this great laxative E. W. GARBER 1 1 aN 1 | Notice to Farmers CALL CONESTOGA GLUE WORKS Automobile Truck to Have Your Dead Animals Removed Promptly 11 EE I PAY ROM $1.00 TO $3.00 PER HEAD ACCORDING TO 8IZE AND CONDITIONS Lorenz Lamparter PROPRIETOR LANCASTER, PA Ind. Phone Me. 847 Bell Phone No. 830 Team Harness BEFORE YOU PLACE THAT ORDER FOR TEAM HARNESS CONSULT US, AND GET OUR PRICES ON THE KIND YOU WANT. QUALITY AND PRICE 18 OUR MOTTO. F. B. GROFF Harness and Horse Clothing, 8] MOUNT JOY, PENNA. “This is the Brooder that Requires So Little Coal’ (‘‘about 25¢ a week”) says W. V. Lancaster, of Lyons, N.Y. ‘“lhaveno trouble to keep my ‘Blue Hen’’ Brooder at the right temperature. Ihave over 200 chicks in it now, some four weeks and the others twelve days’ old. A hap- pier, more contented lot “Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony 50 Brooders Are Better at $ 1 4 than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire. Their area is 2!4 times greater than others; the regulator is automatic and certain. Study the diagram. Agents for “Blue Hen" Brooders (Hot-air Gall and See Sample and Get Gatalog BLUE HEN pw» BROODER HEATER OTHER BROODER STOVES and Hot-water), Round Tray Incubators and Round Tray Mammoth Incubators. ‘We are now exhibiting above equipment. ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGENTS H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA. JOHN E. LONGENECKER, MT. JOY P. EE. WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT JOY. Seed Potatoes [ff All Varieties at Very Lowest Prices Write for Price List CL TJ ip | Pretzels, 1%, NOW ............ m | Longhorne Cheese, 26ce @m Not less than 1 1b. at the priee. m | Honey Crisps .. m | Sinny Monday Soap = Fels Naphtha Soap THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA Breed From 00d Sock a JAY S. E. License No. 290. This is a chestmumt trotting bred stallion, i$ hands high markings, star; is sonnd and right JOHN License No, 344. A Perdue Stallion, weighs 1,300 lbs. is hadds, 2 inches high; - color, roar and sound. Both these stallions stand for services at my stables om the Cameron farm near Donegal Springs For further particulars call ea er address the owner. Geo. S. Endslow Bell Phone 135-11 ~~ Rout 1,"Mount Joy mar 15-3 mos. : FOR SALE Early Ohio Planting Pota- toes $1.25 per bus. Eating Potatoes $1.00 bus. at a reduced price. I will mentier a few things: Smoked Bloaters ........ ecssesitse es sssssssnanen Corn, the best ............. 10, BOW c.cverees 3k ceeesseraali cecsscese | | W. D. EASTON MOUNT JOY, PA. OPPOSITE SCHOOL HOUSE. TROL LEY STOPS AT THE DOOR A SUPERVISORS MEETING | Will be Held in the Court House at Lancaster, April 13 The Lancaster County Supervis- ors’ Association, will meet in its gixth annual session in the Lancas- ter county court house on Thursday, April 13. The morning session will open at 9:30 o'clock, when the following program will be carried out: Ad- dress, Chas. M. Reiling, Lancaster; remarks, A. BE. Leaman, Pequea; “Road Drainage,” Samuel Z, Givler, West Earl; “Cost and Construction of Macadam Roads by the Town: ship Supervisors,” Dr. G. A. Harter, East Donegal; “Workmen' Compen- sation Act,” B. K. Saylor, referee of Fourth District. At 1:30 o'clock the afternoon ses- sion will begin and this session will be characterized by the annual election of officers, followed bya number of interestin, addresses. Bedides the routine business, thé following program will be rendered” Flection of officers; “Types, Cost and Construction of Culverts from the Standpoint of the Township Supervisors,” * Norman C. Maule, Coleraine; address, Hon. R. J. Cun- ningham, "State highway commis- sioner; “How to Make Roads With- out Money,” D. F. Magee, Lancas- ter; question box; report of com- | mittee on resolutions, Dr. G. A. Harter; appointment of commit- tees; adjournment. ————- ER — er DOES BACKACHE WORRY YOU? Some Mount Joy People Have Learned How To Get Relief | How many people suffer from an aching back? How few know the cause? | If it hurts to stoop or lift— | If you suffer sudden, darting pains If you are weak, lame and tired. Also choice groceries of all kinds | Suspect your kidneys. Watch for nature’s signal. The first sign may be headache or dizziness, Scanty, painful, or too { urination. | Nervousness or a | frequent constant, dead- tired feeling. Avert the serious kidney diseases. Treat the weakened kidneys with | Doan’s Kidney Pills. A remedy especially for sick kid- neys. Endorsed in Mount friends and neighbors. Henry Krall, Mt. Joy street, Mt. Joy, says: “My kidneys acted much too freely and my back gave me awful pan. I tried all kinds of medicines without results until I used Doan’s Kidney Pills. They gave me fine relief and I dom’t hesitate to recommend them to any- one.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney rerae’y— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Krall had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ry SHOOTING AT BILLMYER Joy by your Colored Man Became Angered While Being Hazed Another shooting affair took place at Billmyer Thursday evening, when Ernest Levell, who hails from Vir- ginia, became angered at the treat- ment accorded him by a number of colored men, who were participating in 2 “bucking game,” or initiation of new workmen, and shot Richard Bring ws your Films for Development We use the tank method, and ewr experience and expert equipment in sure the best possible results. Every care taken and quality of the work W.B.BENDER BARBER East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. WE HAVE CVERYTHING FORTHE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER | Ladles’ and Gents’ Clothing Clean- | | ed, Pressed and Repaired | We take this meang of notifying | the public that we are prepared to do the following: Coleman, colored through the arm. Levell made his escape, but was captured by Constable W. P. Collins and is now in the Lancaster county Jail. Many Will Be Represented Arrangements have. been pleted for the meeting at the State Capital of the Association of Penn- sylvania - Boroughs, composed most of the 900 boroughs State. The sessions will be held April 12 and 13. Changes in borough laws will be discussed. ——— ; Mennonite Baptism Fifty-seven persons will be bap- tized at the New Danville Menno- nite church on Sunday, April 16. Bishop Abraham B. Herr will have charge of the gervices. He will be assisted by Bishop Noah Landis of Neffsville, and Rev. John H. Weaver of Union Grove. — Cee eee Will Observe 400th Anniversary Lutherans the world over will ob- serve the 400th anniversary of the Reformation during the entire year of 1917. A cpecial office hag been opened in Philadelphia from which will go forth to all-Lutheran church- eson the globe a program of events to be observed congregationally. _ — | a—CLOTHING | CLEANED b~PLAIN SEWING | | | | | ¢—REMODELING GARMENTS ! Having had 25 years experience |in the tailor shop, we guarantee | | satisfaction. Give us a trial. PRESSED AND MRS. C. A. WILEY MISS ELLA K. BIEMESDERFER MARIETTA ST. MOUNT JOY, PA mar.22-3mos. Paper Hanging 10c Per Piece | quaintance OATS I have 2000 bushels clean white oats, weighs about 36 1bs. to the bushel. Will deliver it in 10 bushel lots to Mt. Joy or Florin. Ask for prices. P. E. WOLGEMUTH, R. D, Mount Joy, Pa. yi 31. ——— A eee Read Carefully The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Reist on Friday afternoon, April 7th, at three o’clock. All members who have not already paié¢ their dues will please do so promptly. 2t —D GP QI crn Arbor Days April 14 and 28 Governor Brumbaugh Monday is- sued ‘a proclamation fixing Friday, April 14, and Friday, April 28, as the spring arbor days in Pennsyl- vania. He urges =a general obser- vance of one of the two days. { — A Cn cm Marriage Licenges Granted Leon Potter, West Hempfleld and Sarah BE. Campbell, eity. Edward Witham{ Wiyria, Ohio, [and Grace E. Bo er, Maytown. WANTED: Salesghan with wide ae amongy merchants and Koser and Jonas B. Koser Wednesday, April 6, 1916. Water Dispute Decided In the equity suit of Elisabeth B. flow through an inch pipe from the dition, in which they vs. Moses ice dam and have the right to lay they were torn out by a Glameter not greater ant. wee the H. Snavely, a water right dispute, Pipes of the court made a decree, directing than two inches from the head of ——— that the plaintiffs in connection ‘he ice dam to tho premises de. Mall Carrier with the owners of the property scribed in the deed; to go upon the Daniel Heisey has conveyed to Snavely om March 30, premises of the defendant and re- Mall carrier Between town postofiice 1910, have the rightto the unlimited lay the pipes, so that the pipes yania Rallroad station. The Same Moderate Price Always Exceptional Quality and Style!! THE DONOVAN SPECIAL : a i AIRE > > TE great war has changed the face of the world It has upset markets, altered maunfacturing conditions, sent prices soaring. But, notwithstanding all these fluctuations, this Spring we offer you the same all wool fabrics, splendid styles, superior quality in the Donovan Special as in any previous season. In other words, The Donovan Special this year is as good as ever, for if it were possible to better it—we’d gladly do it IN a Donovan Special you get clothes that look better—feel better—and cost less, and you know the price, always $15 | | EEF.T THE DONOVAN SPECIAL sell for $15.00—but that’s all—for no-where in this broad land will you find its equal for less than $20.00. The Donovan Special at $15 will “deliver” the goods” as well as and even better than the best $20.00 suit on the market. WELL Tell You Plainly, That If You Are About To Buy a New Spring Suit---You'll Do Yourself an In- justice Unless You See The Donovan Special Before You Make Your Final Selection. ARE YOU COMING TO LANCASTER SOON? -DON'T PAY THE CAR FARE-- 0° your shopping at Donova n’s and we will refund your round trip car fare from any point in Lancaster County, on all purchases of $10.00 or more. No obligations. En- joy the sensation of riding Free. No Carfare on Victor or Columbia Products. Fe DencrarBompang Successors to Williamson and Foster and Cochran |use of only so much water, ag will may be replaced in the same con- HR SEI SR SAAT a EN I A EI NM = TEESE PY OIOOOOITOOOOONOYOOOOSOOOOONNOMAYE other business mer | im own com- munity. Splendid ) opportunity to establish permanent & business. Doan Ofi Company, Cleve 32-38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna. SO00COC0CO0000O0O000O000000000OCOOOOOOCOOOC0C00000OGOOOOOOCOGONOOOOANRAN \E, NORTH WEST CORNER SECO PHILADELPHIA, PA. and DOCK STREETS DOOOO0000C . 3