The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 05, 1916, Image 3

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WILL GET ABOUT $7,000 WOOKS.. oo tv se suiae as 2:30.31 PREPAREDNESS
Fifty per cent. of salary for 44 :
Widow of Former Mount Joy Reel-| weekS.. .. .. .. .. .. «0 ..§7.68 Little Talks on Health & Hygiene
dent Will Get That Amount Forty-five per cent. of salary for Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., LL. D.
36 Weeks... «i .. .. «0. 40 +.8698
A rough estimate of the amount| Thirty-five per cent. of salary Could you mobilize on short no-
that Mrs. Netta May Fitzgerald, for 232 weeks .. .. .. .. ..$5.8T[tice? Is yous individual physical
widow of Howard Fitzgerald, the| Twenty-five per cent, of salary equipment always in condition to
Bell Telephone Company lineman, for 20 weeks.. .. .. .. .. ..$8.84 meet the demands which Nature
| who was killed by a pole falling on| Fifteen per cent. of salary for may thrust upon it? Could you run
| him in Elizabethtown will recelvel 140 weeks.. .. .. .. .. ....$280 half a day’s manual labor with
the maintenance of herself and] In other words she will draw com-| safety?
1 minor children until they reach the pensation for fifteen years. Of course you may say with per-
age of sixteen years is seven, In settling with the company mo|fect truth that there are mot apt to
i thousand dollars. Mrs. Fitzgerald provision wag made for compensa-| be any such demands upon you.
Rag signed an agreement with the tion for a posthumous child which| You earn your daily bread by men-
eompany and last week received | will visit the bereaved mother late tal exertion and expect to continue
her first check for the sum of $9.21. in the summer. so doing. Well and good, but are
The schedule of compensation A — you sure that your mental equip-
which has been agreed upon is as' FElizabeth, wife of George §. Ro. ment is at par. The chances are
follows: land of Mountville, died Tuesday| that the man who permits himself
Bixty per cent. of salary for 309 from failing health, aged 88 years. (to deteriorate physically cannot
EE —————————————————— | Teach the maximum of his mental
Nature unquestionably contem-
plated that the, human animal
should have a considerable gegree
of physical exertion to maintain
life... The complexities. of - modern
civilization have forced many men
and women into occupations where
it requires ‘effort to find ‘time or op-
portunity for ever a small amount
of exercise. Commonly we accept
such a condition with some super-
ficial expression of regret and move
along in our restricted circle of en-
deavor until ‘Nature declar war.
You can make no which
A M al f E will insure your safety under such
e oY vel y conditions. Nothing short of a
consistant policy of moderate exer-
9 1 clse and temperate living will pre-
Gury S ; or pare you to meet the vital in-
| dividual emergency. Your turn will
{surely come! Are you ready?
Personal pride should offer suf-

ACL Rd EN dv)

TAU, w :


E never claimed that a Mogul 8-16 kerosene

Wednesday, April 5, 1916.
Landisville W. C. T. U, Letters of Administration
Letters of administration were
BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. : : ania
Mouth Disease |home of Mrs. J, M. Trout on Tues:
Washington, D. C., April 3—The day evening and a very interesting

PRESSLY FOR THE MT. Joy |long fight against the = footand- programme was rendered. The very wo. =." + wi" jou borough.
BULLETIN BY OR. SAVID, |, tary of Agriculture's order effective many of the members from being
REEDER OF CHICAGO, ILL. March 31 removes all foot-and- present, and the spirit of the
mouth quarantines and restrictions meeting was most pleasing and
against the shipment and movement entertaining. The special features

Throat Troubies: One of the most meee atl Ramen:
trying winters for many years has
9 | b Columbia,
—— The nthly mee of the
i ! Aieville sued to the following persons:
Home Health ly ll Country is Now Clean of Foot and disville W, C. T. U. was held at the Jacob Kemmerly, © of
and Frederick Kemmerly of Mt
| Juy, executors of Hlizabeth Kes
of live stock. The order signed 0° the programme were two read- ‘ihe Bulletin Only costs $1 s year.
mouth disease ig over. The Secre. unpleasant weather did not keep Simon H. Mumma and Fianna B
Kauffman, of East Hempfield tows

just passed into history. Throat
troubles, la grippe, pneumonia and
other difficulties of the respiratory
organs have been numerous and
specifically removes the quarantine ings, one by Mrs. B. HE. Long, en.
from a small territory in Christian titled “The Two Glasses” and the A DELICATE CHILD
County, Illinois, the last area which other by Miss Mowrer, “Poor : foi
was under suspicion. Along with House Nan” A medical temperance uiade Strong By Our Vinol
survive the combinations of in- ;
different treatment, severe weather | . Upon notification that the United

| foreign governments which have literature were distributed. Three! edy which creates an ap etite, ail
placed embargoes on American cat: néw members were added to the gestion and makes pure healthy
‘tle are expected to remove these Union. I children love to take it.
as the warm weather approaches,
some of them still look pale and
thin and severe coughs with In.
flamed throats are common. embargoes, so that cattle raisers The next meeting will be held in Ww. D CHANDLER & CO.
The Home Health Club, of course Will then be able to resume ship- the Bethel ‘of the Church of God on ORUGGIST
gets prompt reports from its various ments to these foreign countries... Tuesday, May 2. MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
severe .in neaflv: sll ipartg of the! , ' cowl ofthis 1063) quarantine, quiz, and the very excellent sermon| Fayetteville, N.C.—"‘My little dough
country. Whooping.cough has added , various Federal orders restrict: of Rev. Twombly on “The Moderate os HN poor heath, 8 ae
10'the™ other ailments = "and has ing shipment of cattle are rescind- Drinker,” published In the New Era heardéabout vinol and decided to try it
seemed to be scattered everywhere, ed, so that dealers ean now ship on Saturday, proved very Instruc-; and the results were marvelous, hee
Some schools had ‘to be closed and’, o. "ue oo before the first quar- tive. appetite improv. |, she gained in Weighty
Joey 0! the Iles nll antine was imposed. The Flower Mission Department in WD Mothers of delicate children
eported: twenty-eight visits to the, shouldtryVinol."—Mrs. GORDON JESSUP.
i i a two ats: 76 pages of| Vinol is a delicious cod liver and irom
and contagious diseases. Even now, States is free from the disease, all sick an a ; | tonic without oil, a constitutional ig

X21) 0: OF TY

members living as they do in all
parts of the world I find, how-
ever, that their reports nearly all
are about families living near them
who do not have access to the
Home Health Club = articles and
therefore do not know how to avoid
such ailments.
Not all of the Club members are
exempt, however, for no matter =
how careful a mother may be, the =
little fellows will get out in the
snow, which is all right and proper,
but they do not always tell mother
their feet are wet and cold. They =
play around the room possibly go to
sleep on the floor, and mother does

£317 2% 1 : |
tractor would take the piace of horses entirely, [ficient incentlve to a man or wo-
but we do claim that a Mogu! and a few brood mares | man to keep in such condition that
will tpks more money for a f- an he makes when he they ean mount a flight of stairs!
uses horses for all bis worl, . : | without puffing or button their!
You may not realize it, but work horses are expensive. Do | shoes without contortions.
you ow that in the EY of a year, you give gash one of | The man who wants to really lve |
your Sats Square meal for every hour's work he does for | should watch his walst measure and |
you. It'sa fact. |
Get a Mogul 8-18 for all the hard work, keep a few brood mares for the | Ms chest expension with at feast |
light work, and colis, and see what a difference there will be in |the same attention which he be.!
your net profits at end of the year. And now is the time to decide. | stows upon his bank account.
Come in and sce the tractor, and find out what it is doing for other farmers, { y em |

N OIE [re ys Pisce |
® @ ewe on Market Today
MOUNT JOY PA | Herewith igs appended ga list of
’ ® | prices that prevailed as supplied us
— by market master Mr. Albert Strick-
ler, at the Mt. y
Butter, per 1b. ....... verses ensesB370
S. & H. Trading Stamps A] Eggs, per dca....... swear ines all

NATTHIA ¢ | Cup Cheese, 2 CUDS fOr .........BC
WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR- (ELAI'} Ball Cheese, 3 balls for ........10c
CHASED FOR CASH AT MRE {| Cabbage, per head ...... v.38 1000
Ar Apples, per half pk. ...........30c
’ Potato Chips, per bag ...........6¢c
d [ S Horse radish, per glass .........5c
0 ’ Dressed Chickens, each ..45¢ to 65¢
Sirlojn, per 1b. .de.ociesies corer diC
Coal and Rib Roast, per Ib. .............242
Boiling Meat, per 1b. ......14 to 16c
LUMBER YARDS Frankforts, per 1b. .vc.vvvse....130
Beef Liver, per Ib, .............16c
VY \ ; Calf Liver, per ID. ..cevesssnenn 300
PROLALDY XY Mount Joy, Penna. | pics, cach ..........ierse iif & 100
Sole Agent for Congo Roofing. No, 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand.| Cakes, per do0Z. ......cce000....10C
Algo Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, Etc. | Ham, per lb, ..... ssisveeserveceniC
| Agent for Lehigh Portland Cement, Roofing Slate & Sheet Iron. H. E. Hauer Pays:
i Estimates quickly and cheerfully made on BUILDING MATERIAL and all | Lard, per 1D........eeee0s00000.18%%
kinds of CONCRETING WORK. BOTH phones. boutoss per Bu. ,....0.. iid
f Buiter per 1b. ,...cvsceecrevecrvgnB
Eggs, Per do0Z. ..oectcesccscece.190
fl Wheat, per DL .cececcscss..ccflld
| Corn, Per DU ssesescsscssniesss 786
ROBERT H. HOKE | Oats, PET DU. .iieccseceseessses $0C
PROFESSIONAL Brandt & Stehman sell:
; i : Bran, per hundred ............$1.30
Undertaker Shipstuff, per hundred ........$1.40
Mixed feed, per hundreg ...... 1.40
: Middlings, per hundred ....... 1.6¢
and Gluten, per hundred .......... 1.56
| totton Seed Meal, 41 pe rcent. 2.1¢
Linseed Meal, per hundred .... 3.10
Embalmer 'Beef scrap & fish scrap ...... 8.00
| Union Grain, per hundred ..... L76

Y |Larro feed, per hundred ...... 1.70
: Bell Phone 42-R2 | Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 3.6v
Sunday and night calls responded to immediately | Timothy Hay, per ton .......$33.0¢
ALD. H. Enges MOUNT JOY, PA. saLe mecisTER
A FREE notice of your sale is in-
serted here for any length of time,
srovided we print your sale bills
| rhis is excellent advertising becaus
[it is read by so many people anu
Friends Be Wise and Read § mys oe poe
: McGinnis, the former Red Lion Sta-
This Over bles, Mount Joy, cows, heifers,
* > bulls, 125 head of home-rais-’

Get your chicks hatched in a Newtown Giant Incubator. It shoats by Chas, 8S. Frank.
7 6 hatches chicks that will grow in May or June. | ee A res
Buy June chicks for winter layers. Am ina positon to &| Where Did He Kiss Her?
furnish day-old chicks for $7.50 per hundred. Do not pay 10¢ a We reproduce the following from
chick when eggs are selling at 20¢ per doz. These chicks are jour contemporary:
bred from vigorous stock running on free range. “If the young fellow who was |
seen kissing his sweetheart good
night on the back steps Sunday
night, will subscribe for the paper
before next press day we'll say
P. E. Wolgemuth §or = oe
R.D. 1 3 iliafE§ MOUNT Jov, PA. ¥ PS
; | dei 3 § Tobacco Destroyed
BOCO000000CC0000000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOINOn Thirty-five cases of tobacco were
destroyed by water Wednesday
when a culvert became clogged in
the Borough of Manheim. The to-
bacco was 1914 wrappers and was
stored in one of Rosin & Company's
— — IA CI we
THANKS—We wish to thank all
who in any way assisted us during
tthe sickness and at the funeral of
our son. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore,
Mount Joy. it
rns es el Ce.
TLe Herzhey Spring Flower Show
will be held in the Hershey conseva-
Aprl 9,
April 18,


ddd a
Bell Phone at Residence and Yards MOUNT JOY, PA,

tories beginning Sunday,
and continuing to Sunday,
AL aaa 0 880 ans

Swift & Company, Inc., Fertilizer Works Baltimore,
Maryland, WILL GIVE
$75.00 IN GOLD
To The Lancaster County, Pa., Farmer, Adult or Boy
Who Raises The Greatest Number Bushels Shelled
not discover the dangerous condi-
tion until she beging preparing the
child for bed. Then ghe finds that
the trouble is already started, and
if she is wise she will soak the
little feet in hot water, dry them
thoroughly and then rub them with
warm olive oil when she puts the
little one to bed. A cold compress
should be put aroung its throat if
there is the least sign of inflamma-
tion, and over the compress a dry
flannel shoul be safely pin , A
fron oe 14 iy ne mh - Corn, Grown 1916 on One 3 Acre Lot. ALSO
removed before the morning bath. ®
The chances are that there will be @
no further trouble and no more g
sore throat, because the right treat- 8
ment is applied at the right time,
. 2 : - : : : .
but where the little one is put into = To The Farmer Making The Next High:st Yield
a cold bed in a poorly ventilated 3s 1
sleeping room, without any atten- ® All Lancaster County Farmers Eligible. No Charge for Entering Contest
tion whatever, the chances are that a RULES GOVERNING CONTEST:
before morning there will be an at- a 1. All contestants must notify Swift & Co., Inc, Baltimore, Md., before May 10th, 1916, of en-
tack of either croupe, tonsilitis, = tering contest. : 2
bronchitis o u 2. Swift’s Fertilizers only to be used on 3 acre prize lot. . ou
: Phelienls and the 3. All contestants must have slp or receipt showing purchase of Swift's Fertilizers from one
least trouble to expect would be a S Afior 9
of our Lancaster County, Pa., agents after Dec. 1st. 1915.
very score throat ond a bad cold, 4. Two witnesses to identify 8 acre lot and confirm fact that Swift's Fertilizer only was used,
A very little of the proper treat- also as to yicld.
ment in the be i i 5. Contest closes November 1st, 1916. :
vast amount of Bit ng Tae Lancaster County, Pa., is one of the richest agricultural counties in the United States. Are
0 ule) later onan certain her farmers can beat the record of prize winners in other states.
possibly may save the little life.
It does no good to scold the
little one for getting wet. You did
the same thing when you were the
same age and can no doubt thank
a kind and thoughtful mother that j
you are alive today to have and
care for children of your own.
I find that the great number of
families who depend upon the in-
structiong given in these lectures
and the Home Health Club books
is increasing daily and many write
me that since they began observing
the Club methods of living their
doctor bills have been a minus
quantity, while the health of their
families hag been at par and plus.
For a simple cold affecting the
lung a tea made from four ounces
of the powder of asclepiag tuberosa
and one pint of water is highly re-
commended. It should be given hot
in teaspoonful doses. It restores the
normal secretions of the skin.
The use of asparagus at this
time of the year ig beneficial In
helping the kidneys to throw off ac-
cumulated waste matter. Rhubarb
also which is plentiful, should be
used freely. It makes a very ap-
petizing sauce and deleious pies
and while appealing to the palate
affords medicinal properties of no
mean value.
ll Ge
Passed 84th Birthday
Mrs. Susan Brady, familiarly
known to many of our town’s peo-
ple ag “Aunt Sue,” has just passed
her eighty-fourth birthday anni- |
versary, March 16. She was former-
ly from Mount Joy. She ig at!
present residing with her only
living sister, Mrs. Mary Ross, at!
Berwin, Illinois, who is aged 76 |
years. Her only remaining brother |
is Mr. Jacob F. Rife, of Middle-
town, who has been ill for the past |
month, but is slowly recuperating. |
She wag the eldest of the family of
Jacob anq Mary Rife, which eon
sisted of twelve members. She was
married to Mr. Louis P. Brady of
Mount Joy, who has been deceased
for many years. Much of Mrs.
Brady’s life was spent in Middle
town, Mount Joy, Philadelphia and
the West.
If you can’t get Swift's Fertilizers from your local dealers, write direct to
No. 36 Stock Exchange Bldg. Baltimore, Maryland
Phone St. Paul 7240

AO 0 0) 1 1 101 01)

1 rd
Does Reading send you to sleep?
Ifit does, don’t blame the story, don’t condemn the
type or the printing, don’t imagine you've weak
eyes, for the fault is probably with your lamp.
And it’s a fault that is easily remedied—all that's
needed is a Rayo Lamp. By its clear, steady,
white light you can read on and on, get the full pleasure
out of reading and without a trace of eye strain. But to
get the most and best light from a Rayo Lamp, use
Combined they give the finest light money can buy, an econom-
feal light, too, ideal for reading, sewing or playing. Your dealer
ean show you a Rayo Lamp specially designed for parlor, sitting
room or kitchen, from $1.50 up. And each of these rooms needs
one—Rayo Lamps are easily cleaned and last a lifetime.
As for Atlantic Rayolight Oil, it is the one kerosene that burns in
lamp, stove or heater without smoke or smell—gives a grest
volume of clear, white light, and an intense yet cheap heat.
And, do you know, thousands of clever housewives have told ws
they just can’t get along without Atlantic Rayolight Oil for polish-
ing furniture, washing windows, keeping lice off chickens, clean-
ing painted woodwork, etc., but mind you, for these purposes
inary kerosene won't do them—they must have Atlantis
Rayolight Oil. Ask for RBs name—costs no more than the =e
known kind. The dealer who displays this sign

Blough’s Sale at Elizabethtown
For a good horse do not misg D.
H. Blough’s public sale at Elizabeth-
town of fine acclimated horses on
Saturday, April 15. 1t

The family of the late Mrs. Geo.
Shires wish to ihank all the neigh-
bors and friends who so kindly as-
sisted ther dufing their late be-

an always supply you. [t's wise to get it by fhe barvell

SE —— —
Dniy costs $1 A year.

The Bulletin

$25.00 IN GOLD