- 3 = " Z . 8 ET] = . § - TFT TORTS "ovam Re VersSeon Kp BV Ee 1111 PL ERs 6 THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. SAN FRANCISCO EXPUSITIUN It Boosts Net Profits Mr. Groundhog (Conunued from page 1) ments: teen original states, Saw His Shadow “In reports received from the thii- with aflidaviis accompanying to verify every state MOUNT JOY MARKETS These Prices Prevail in Thig Place on Market Today Herewith is prices that prevailed as supplied us to the scene of their hibernating Stud contemplations “Stony” Huber g by market master Mr, Albert Strick- Lancaster, a distinguished grouud-! ler, at the Mt. Joy Market House hog authority, who obtained a fu.-|this morning. lough Hom police Pie hi accom: | gutter, per 1b. ..... tasssesssve Bic pany the mystica ody. Their meet- | ingg were held beneath the eartu’s EE er supe A RAI surface, and not omly in proximity ' : to groundhog habitations, but with Ball Cheese, 3 Dalles 201" danse «10c groundhogs on every side, and from | Cabbage, per head ......... 3 to 6c their report are gleaned these state-| Apples, per half pk. ...........30c Potato Chips, Horse radish, per glass Dressed Chickens, each per bag ......ee0.. srs vinvyeDC ..46¢c to 66c appended a list of 1 Wednesday, March 29, 1916. SHOOT AT MARIETTA a matter of courtesy in “knowing It is said that the middle wast i how to treat his company,” only is not in favor of preparedness, - dropped one lesg then half hig fly- but that, probably, is a slander. Charlie Humer Held a Big Show | o.."" 1; he igs and out Martin, The middle west has never taken There Thursday P. M. Humer and W. Moore were tied at advantage of its middleness to | 4 up. make bulwarks of its “wrethren on n : Mr. J. M. Backenstoe expects to the exposed sides. ih gr el, Of Bots arb! hold another shoot for only local " Te aa > afternoon and had a good field | unners the latter part of next week. President Wilson at least ®8e ag gunners. “Danny Moore,” tho! Just Mt Joy gunners may partici- Jects for his appointees men who Newtown wing shot showed many | Pate. have records of accomplishment. ’ | — ar -—— — of the “big guns” up by cracking 19] out of a possible 15. Dinger and Even when a woman can speak Winston Churchill seems to be Hepler, the Harrisburg crack shots,| with her eyes, her tongue doesn’t playing the part of a George von each got 12. The promoter, just as give them a chance, L. Meyer. |Giv tl Il bet Oh Can’t expect the children to stand high in their classes unless they get their lessons done properly. And they SNE NONE 7, can’t do night study without proper light. 7” The best light to study by is that which beams from a R 7. Rayo Lamp filled with slow-burning Atlantic Rayolight = seed Gil. It gleams soft, white and mellow — doesn’t flicker. pi It's a wonderful light for studying. Won’t strain the ) children’s eyes and so they study the better. And they learn the quicker. And youw’ll sew with less effort, and father will enjoy his Te paper the more if you keep the house generously lighted {i with Rayo Lamps. Rayo Lamps are handsome—add to the appearance of any room. They're easily cleaned and last a lifetime. Your dealer can show you a full assortment of Rayo Lamps priced from $1.50 up. But to get the best light from a Rayo Lamp, you should burn an oe That's the kerosene that nei nN brightly and yields a great heat, in every lamp in the house, in yo Atlantic Rayolight Oil is the one | — that never varies in quality. domestic purposes — for polishi moths, for removing rust and t housewives tell us they have fou Ask your dealer for ATI mame, you can buy it at an gests mu more th ATLANTIC REFINING COMPA a ment submitted, the groundhog saw ; Sirloin, per lb. ......... cs eyrsane 24c his shadow on February 2 in cer-| Rib Roast, per 1b. ........ reece \X JE have already told you that a Mogul 8-16 kero- tain sections of Poasyivaie, in Ue | oiling Meat, per Ib. ......14 to 160 western ¢ 3s of Ne ork, alon, sene tractor does certain necessary and important NeseTh counues of N on ‘Sussex | Frankforts, Per Ib. ............. 12¢ farm work cheaper and better than horses can do it. county, Del, and of the other nine Bout Lives, Je Db. ‘vrssaus reenif . : el e ver, per Ib. ...... crvren bs One of the reasons is that it burns kerosene, which is states, in two of Which be has ney. | . . . er deigned to reside, the sun shone | Pies, each ...........coeet ..b & 10c cheaper than either gasoline or horse fuel. Another is dimly on three on Groundhog day.| Cakes, per @0Z. ........ eT . , . . . | n ra Q ’. | ‘that it doesn't get tired, but does just as much work in Thee yes t, > Souwse, JSaough ot Ham, per IU. .iviierrosnsnsnnes .26¢ . « | a 1 the last hour of a hard day as it does in the first, after | the AT ae Bo ex dal H. E. Hauer Pays: working steadily 2!l day long. | not see ther shadows. Such as did Lard, per to. ees ert 124 : : . | come out to remain, and are report- Potatoes per bu. .............. . Put out of your head any idea that this tractor is not ld to have been [rOZem, Were Of! Butter DEF IB. .....s:escsrne- 35c for you. Itis. It offers you the best and quickest way | tender years and reckless disposi-| mops per @0Z. ......oeeeeeeeen. 2c to cut down your expenses and so increase your net Jon. Su gs fuge ae en yup | Brandt & Stehman Pay: profits. Come in and see the Mogul 8-16, and let's under certain cilcumstances, can’t Wheat, per bu. ............... $1.00 talk it over. | tell the sun from the moon, there Corn, per bu, .......ee0veee. 6c jo%e wise and otherwise grounduogs. Oats, por bu, a.vvesessssvensos i 48c f our prophet was on a plane Wi tehman I: { modern business and palitical pro- Brandt & Ste Sell 9 phets, he might stand on a technic- Bran, per hundred ............. Oo | ality, in declaring his specialty is Shipstuff, per hundred ........ $1.40 ® ® ewcomnmer { strictly in prophesying ae esses Mixed feed, per hundred ...... 1.3% [for six weeks prior to March 16, ... t por buondre 1.5 and claim February 3 to have been dings, .p Be red 1.65 MOUNT JOY, PA. Groundhog day in leap year, With- Gluten, per hundred .......... il out noses pointed toward the Norti Cotton Sced Meal, 41 pe rcent. 2.1€ ——— La TL — ————————————— star we waive that claim. Linseed Meal, per hundred . 380 “ yp t . or ( c 1 F IED a ay fas do, in every one of tic Beef scrap & fish scrap ...... 3.00 FS Re > S Soa J : . ” > -~ ‘wa: cbt — Begoer - Largo feed, per hundred ...... 1.70 . : . 2 | Liirteen oil Bl al fl i ' Dodi (- : 3 a Discriminating Row, and had the world's population Mingo 15%0, “per Allgren vt” 118 2 groundhogs been wiped out 32 call Meal, pol Luldieg PY ll the weather that hag been auda- x iv apg . People Say ciously cold and the snows that »“uvtdy Hay, pe Son = "$53.5 have fallen in past due season, a Gumi A ) : "wy. prima facie case against him for POLITICAL That Champtail fills a long TAiine dav a ie oh eh oo OL!TICA needed want in the line of non-al- | be sustained. Weather conditions, progressives Named a Full State coholic beverages is the opinion of peo- and conditions for making weather Ticket at Harrisburg 1 who k t1 dof during February and early Ma:ch a ny pel who Know the ‘goo 0 iving.” have been exceptionally trying, and I tick . Ste fic vas | Ee Do Dn yng, A full ticket for State offices was | Champtail is non-alcoholic and for pe Sage never Snow be foe pu; in the field by the Washington | € groundnog ut yropaoesies: } ’ r ag AT ‘ hie 3 ‘ol I~ that reason it appeals to all cl asses, wnt pretend to bal tt The pone oni vi Minn. rly | . . . . + mg a cng CK ele Cc €d jer: in besides it is really a sparkling Cham- 8 weather makers, as early as the 5% HEOY for or. ihe : 5 third day of February had an the day, whén efforts to get Lhe pagne that bubblesand sparkles just A ose oT spr ialYs oY 2" party's’ endorsement .of Governor 3 . eclipse of the sun to contend with, abugh’s Presidential candidacy | as its more famous forebearer has and with Jupiter menacing Venus L.ulabugh's resideniai candidacy | a . ne GI ah os i &| nish fer night, while standing di. iailed. The meeting wag held in done in thousands of thin stemmed roots vee th DE ta wa. , Harrisburg. glasses. 2 suspense of days and nights, with _,L1B@ Wesliagion Par Tenders de- S ‘ Ac ro : © | weather that never had been made glared i glugeives ; fayon, © Mm Sold at Soda Fountains, Res- | oF (hover had been made Roosevelt policies, endorsed ic-union 11 ) weeKs Sl y e ned, . > iar ar i a1 taurants, Hotels an ut S| oir Ho . of Waal ination. With the Republican party national- d Club Ban ae Goh Of SYeSlElonS 50) the GOFF wit noninak FLANAGAN’S 3 sve © we worl owen Wty; @ndidate for President who is a h a ( Vi a JWE ISter : NOT ERIIVE . ar ST ed & “Poem of Hate,” and there wag hell Progressive hg a {onounes HE © ay in the .awidl strezdle. for $ ; ined abs : THE HOUSE OF QUALITY * oy his da x ape i to be drawn into the Vare—Brum COLUMBIA PENNA. Fi 5° Wa thmiunatne 4° paugh factional fight. ¢? | the world has only heard in the 5. condi 20000CO00ODOO0N0COCO0OOOO0BOBODBO00C B{Ioar of heaven's great awtillery, has , TRS eSndideies who will stag for x DODO Oo ; ly Be ay : the party nominations are: had a marked climatic effect, and United” States Senator, Mahlon H TTT rals of shua's attainments, in TR) 2 . os e ~ 3. ny di a d mil is Gt non. aus Myers, Cambria County, Auditor —— have at least reque ted ihe son . General, Isaac B. Bioy vn, Krie; State . . . : ave atl leas equeste tne nto ire x Tor ark Tash- ft [Ths IS s the I Brooder tial Requires | [20 7, Tr ras pee ig el ne ii . mot ro ns : i io 1 Tt Si oy on o Brenckman, Carbon; Robert C. Bair, BLUE HEN NO Little d tat Ap pw ver'ot ae Somes York; 8, Jarvis Adams, Jr, Alle- In alot wighs i ( ly i 14 as een wrote, 128 een 3h oe An Co (heahe hil. 95lbs 1b fr VES : Pay v4 i “wrote” in a spirit of sympathy, on Arthur C. Greham, Phil - Loa! i first for the deluded people, a pro- 2¢€pia. en portion of whom are blind becau-e — (“about 25¢ a week” they will not see, and, second, to Methodis : \ aS 4 - a Ia ad Pr t Conference Appointments $75 Wid Lancaster, of Solan oe probabiiies, _Baer’s Al" “he 129th annual session of the Lorn N. ! FAYE Lo J jaanae, foas, goon one artists su) Philadelphia Conference of the M. Hen'” Brooderat the right § | down on their Jobo = 0 hel B Churh came toan end In the temperature. {lave over 3 | on their job. Church at Olney, Philadelphia, on | 200 chicks in it now, some § | TT EG Ge Tuesday night, when Bishop Berry four weeks and the others | OYSTERS announced the pastor's assignmnets. twelve days’ old. A hap- pier, more contented lot you never saw.’ 6% ” $ Blue Hen” Hot Air Colony $ 1 4° Brooders Are Better at than most $30 brooders. The grates can’t clinker up or smother fire. Their area is 214 times greater than others; the regulator is automatic and certain. Study the diagram. Agents for ‘Blue Hen" Brooders (Hot-air and Hot-water), Round Tray Incubators and Round Tray Mammoth Incubators. ‘We are now exhibiting above equipment. Gall and See Sample and Get Gatalog ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGENTS 3 H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA. | JOHN E. LONGENECKER, MT. JOY i PF. EE. WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT JOY. e Agent for Congo Roofing Sole Ss leg al on : Algo Siding, Flooring, Sash nds ng Laths E Agent for Lehigh Portiand Ro ron. and cheerfu of CQNCRE Estimates quickly —_ COO0O0OOOCCLVVTTTIGOTCIOTOOO0S PWD OOOOOOOOOOONON ALL WORK RECZIVES MY PERSONAL ATTENTION Bell Phone 42-R2 Sunday and night calls responded to immediately nem MOUNT JOY, PA Engie’s | Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D. | Oysters furnished food for prehis- | toric man as demonstrated in (he | great Indian mounds of oyster and | clam shells in which are found an- cient implements of war and in- | dustries. continued to be an much sought after Oysters have | article of food (by man and beast. The oyster, however, has become so high in price that on the basis of food val- ues it cannot be listed as of econ- omic importance, Thru its geographical range at home and abroad this bivalve has become (fraught with danger from the sewage polluted waters which now reach many of the oyster beds from our large municipalities The thickly populated communities are mostly along the streams, owing to the fact that man has always t- tled near vaterways and in e early d our tory the in- dusts led oh upon wa- ter thel As these ula 1 increased the CE (+ em ting 1 he building of nduits to lead it into the pure y Ss en us. These flowing streams carried the wastes a doors of one com- I ) ater 1 L A d = 1e S 1 dam )e it sh Our is almost nil 1 that they g condiments what little nat- and th taste s are flavored with that entirely destroy ural 'lavor the culls had, therefore, it cas hardly be said that these culls thrown out from the cookable joysters from various beds, are pal- (atable, They are, however, danger- |ous as they can and do sometimes | carry the germs of typhoid fever. Why, therefore, eat raw culls | | containing little or no nourishment, | | With little or no taste and yet not | ly ca ng germs of dis- Str Speager Clark declines to be a delegate to the national conventicn, | because he expects congress to be in session at that time, and honest- ly we are afraid he’s right, The following are Lancaster Co. assignments: Christiana and Gap—G. S. Kerr Churchtown and Morgantown—W. | H. Reeves. Lancaster, Broad street—E. B.| Baker | Lancaster, First Church—HE, A.) Bawden | Lancaster, Lancaster Avenue—W. T. Dunkle { Lancaster, St. Paul’s—J. L. Gen- semer Leola and New Holland—G. W. Tovey Marietta—J. E. Deacon Mount Joy—Thomas Roberts Strasburg—M. G. Main Landenburg anq Flint Hill—H, H. Poticher Mount Hope—W. J. Lindsay Quarry ville—William May rp SALE REGISTER A FREE serted noti of vour sale ig in here for any length of time print our sale hills we excellent advertis it is read by so man nrely bring the huvers Th ursday, Mar. 30—At their stock ye in Mount JOY, n sale of 1916 of a springin COWS, teers, etc. by J. I Ke r & Bro amege 1 a chronic it and weak. | cough, run-ac I took ail kine 1 syrups without | help. I read about \ inol and decided to | it. Before I had taken a bottle I felt better, and after taking two bottles | my cough is en tirely cured, and I have ained new vim and energy.” —JOHN L. ENNIS. | Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, guaranteed for coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. WwW. D. CHANDLER & CO. DRUGGIST : MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Rp XR DETR ig » holt Special Offer to Karo ATLANTIC ayolight Q LL - Users Read the Offer and Write Toaay So As to Be Sure To Get Your Griddle Y special arrangement you can get this fin Aluminum griddle for less than whol price. Go to your grocer, get 50 cents’ worth of and send us the labels and 85 cents and you'll get the I 1 Griddle by prepaid 1 You know Aluminum ware—you know how I lasts, how mu 5 1 4 4 a. | Sr a © C £3 ix iil < C : C ok Book. yOu e Corn [ P. O. Box 161 | P.O ey order or stamps) at once. We WwW. Products Refining Co. New York Dept. EX s and 85 cents vill also send | ils, that burns low cost; use it your oil stoves. é § | PRR EWE WER Re