THE BULLEILIIN MOUNT JOY. PA. Wednesday, March 22, 1916. — Joy's first year in the cage game, they made during the season an ex- ceptionally fine showing. They have gone go far through an average successful season. They have met some fast teams and on many oc- casions emerged the victors. Tomorrow night the two teams STANDING GUARD will clash on the Mount Joy floor. | The line-up and summary: | E'Town Mt. Joy OVER THE | Gephart ..forward Bennett | Herr forward. Sload Groff Jeenter. i. ei vs Quinn WHOLE FAMILY Withers ouar@.. Sturgis wd Smith guard... Hahn | Goals from field, Gephart 8, Herr 5, Groff 2, Withers 2, Smith, Ben- nett, Quinn 2, Hahn 2. Goals from foul, Gephart 8 out of 20; Quinn 14 out of 18. Referee, Butler. Timer, ( Wagner. Scorer, Ebersole. Time of halves, - 20 minutes. 4 . UNION SQUARE bel add Great improvements are eing the axative tablet made at or Union Square Hotel. ith | The public sale of Mr. Gibble wita the pleasant taste | was attended and prices were | good. | Mr. Samuel Nornhold purchased a | fine Holstein cow from Mr. Henry | Givler. | Mr, John Brubaker is confined to |the house with an attack of pneu- monia. | The Misses Lizzie, Katie and Ma- | bel Givler visited the Northeastern school on Tuesday. | Mrs. Hosea Givler and daugter ' Lizzie, made a business trip to Man- | helm on Saturday. | The prayer service held at the home of John Showers was well {attended on Saturday evening. Mr. Frank Geib and Mr. Harry | Wisegarver made a business trip to Manheim on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Givler spent ne Rexall stare | Sunday at the home of Mr. and = Mrs. Hosea Givler, near AKron. A ——— — : Mrs, Barbara Hiestand spent the E THE MT. JOY a ror Boras Protects every member of the family from Constipation- the enemy of good health We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative | latter part of last week in the fam- ¥ ilies of John Showers and Jno. Bru- | baker. Mr. Sam’l Shelly moved his fam- fly and household goods to the | home of Henry Ginder on Abram | Brubaker’s farm, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garman and | daughter Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Summy and son, spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Lyceum Course | | Advertis- | | | Mount yoy Fall | | ing a Sale! 6 CR OU don’t leav, U se rig in t’ middle of thg !} road and go to a fence- BASKET BALL ! Bvidently that Mount Joy basket! Mrs. Hosea Givler. ball aggregation is some bunch. On Tuesday, March 28, 1916 DR. PETER MACQUEEN Thursday, Apr. 13, 1916 THE WINTERS State Agricultural Notes Reports from crop correspondents Department of Agriculture condition of the State. Washington, and Somerset coun- | Thursday evening Christiana High | defeated the All Collegians of Lan-| | caster, and the following evening|of the [our High School team had mo trou-|show that the post to read a sale bill | ble in putting it all over the Christi | wheat in the ana bunch. | Westmoreland do you? Then don’t | expect the other fel- | Ems ted | ties report wheat above pomal ig low to do it. | There was a crackerjack game, dition and Fayette county whea 2 2 : labove the average. The Greene an Putan ad in this paper, then, | here on Saturday night when Benny | po seord county wheat ia only slight sogasdiesy of the weather, Grof’s local aggregation walloped | *®{ "0 COUTLY Whe reechetrdryour announce the strong Brownstown quintette by | he ie Sis of corn must reach reads your announce- eh | hile seated st his ja score of 35 to 12. The visitors i ments while lare a good aggregation but they|YOU raise on your land in order to fireside. | : : pay six per cent. on the money you If he is a prospective buyer | Hore supy outclassed. The lineup ,ve invested? Experts have ans- you'll have him at your sale. i. appendeq: [wered this question as follows: A One extra buyer often pays Positions Brownstow: te f hel co he entire expense of th | yield of 36 bushels to an acre Ty a oa ir see: GAIvVeY g5g 1013; 42 bushels per acre on won't pull that buyer. 1 gas 00 ground: 54 bushels per acre on p An ad in this paper reaches 00 ground; 60 bushels per acre on the people you are after. 50 ground and ans per acre land valued at $375 per acre. BY DO Ascoli The counties in which commercial the business. { rtilizers are used most extensively Don't think of having a | Pennsylvania are: Carbon, Chef special sale without using | r, Columbia, Delaware, Fragklin, Er upNariiazmpron, Phils. delphia or Course Tickets ......... % General Admission ...... Reserved Seats § Cents Extra ‘Fiekets Reserved three days before rT each attraction at Garber’s Drag | Store, Mount Joy. BE - WISE - FRIENDS AND READ THIS OVER r eehiont® £ advertising space in this ER UR a the Pleaaure 30. R°% caper. : : Statistics of the Department of griculture show that there are fifty 4 clinch large orders for some Of i | most thoughtful and careful buy r cent. less farmers in the State , p ; § rs in these prosperous surroundings One ExtrabBuyer httening steers for spring market gor Fruit, Shade and Ornamental an a year ago. Only five per Trees. It was easy, for the very at a sale often Joys ta got, of the Dormers of the State deal at home. entire expense o 8 e feeding for the spring market. Neasn {At wey sould Ro: P Westmoreland county ranks first They could buy for hai G t That Bu er he number of pure bred stallions those peddlers usually charge. Stoes € y the State and Tioga and Wash- is positively guaranteed good ise gion ovtmtles Bare fhe largest imber of pure bred bulls. and all the leading varieties. : Statistics of the Department of Don’t pay 40 or 60c for an apple griculture show seventy-eight per free when you can get the sam nt. of the farmers of the State at home for less. Don't pe: sing commercial fertilizers. This Sung 0s Tor ach: whois. FOU . OBS Bb a ten per cent. decrease over a to pe ¥ | For a Good Clean Shave ear ago and is probably due to the Increased cost of fertilizers, lack of otash, home mixing and an in- reased use of lime. ee re as get it for leas, etc. If you are interested telephone us | Let your wants or intentioms Re) known and I am sure youll not re-| gret it. While we do not grow thi: | stock we are quite confident tha We ean give you trueto-zame ARC | Or a Classy Hair Cut Stop at Accident Policleg best regulated families, The H.J. WILLIAMS last time we got one it was a very TONSORIAL PARLORS g RRL =r os, 2% 2 Yor Gi wae goog eons nok a W. Main St., Mount Joy $ Xamination, which lasted 3 hours ® and a half, we were obliged to you Yaiotios 38g Grow. Agent for Manhattan Laundry out a blank, answering taken now for spring delivery. ing questions: Wh 1 | > you expect to live until De- FOR SALE—A good as new 2-bhuyrn- I E H 7E RCHER er gasoline stove in Al condition you for a 80 what reason have ® ® 4 Cost $15 but will sell very cheap as Were you ever killed before, and if so, how many times? Please fill in particulars in each case. Do you ride in automobiles or dodge ’em? This is important. Do you engage in the pleasant but perilous occupation of trying to sell books from house to house on the installment plan? This is con- sidered an extreme risk. Did you grandfather ever have the mumps? How many and on which side—your father’s or your mother’s? Did you ever bone or your have no further use. Call at this office, tf . BRREESERTIEL EEL BESET ~ Autoists, Reac DOES YOUR AUTOMOBILE NEED REPAIRING? DOES YOUR MO YOU HOP ALONG ON “TWO AND THREE” EVERY NOW AND THEN? MOUNT JOY, PENNA. “e break your collar- right forearm trying i i ATCTENVION OF A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC. NOW, THAT'S WHERE to button a sixteen collar on a fif- 8 teen shirt? If so, why not? = Do you go around looking for a » Gene ral Repair trouble or do your wife's folks ome ang visit you without being -—— } HAVE IN MY EMPLOY MR. JOHN KESSELRING, A MAN WITH fvited? ee tl Re PERIENCE ON AUTOMOBILE WORK. HE CAN REPAIR ANY MAKE AND DO IT RIGHT. DOESN'T THAT INTEREST YOU? Agent for the SPORTING HILL Mr. John Bradley of Lancaster visited hig uncle, Walter Lefevre and family, on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Henny of aumanstown, spent Sunday with . IMr. and Mrs. Harry Gibble. : ‘ [ Mr, and Mrs. John Wolgemuth ps U e a ers an and children of Union Square, visit- 4 3 ed in the home of Isaac Shelly. G Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Nissley enter- » 3 Bined Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt ’ - And daughter of East Petersburg, on. Automobile Heeces Se Mr. and Mrs, Amos Nissley and laughter Lottie of were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garman. Misg Grace Holland wag enter- ained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I ALWAYS CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CONGR CESSORIES. WHEN IN TROUBLE, OR WHENEVER YOU NEED A FIRSTC ~ (MOUNT JOY GE Peter S. Brubaker, Bell Phone 127-11 .. Also Auto Hiring at A on Saturday and Sunday. The Misses Emma and Fannie Dissinger, Stella Nissley and Grace Holland were entertained by the Misses Mabel and Nora Miller, on Sunday evening. Tuesday, March 28—At the old Red Lion stables, Mt. Joy, horses, enws, bulls, shoats and some New York State ajples by C. S. Frank and Ed. Ream. Minnich. auet. PA In Saturday, Mar. 25—At the FEvan- eelical church. Mt. Joy, A 220i dant policies will happen in E > } e Union Square, | 8 Abram Lutz, near Donegal Springs, |= LS OOOO Bee 011 ® : ® bee : so F 5 a [822 2 Som a 5i2iz,2 2 E » 2 |L oF833 OQ A = HEIR ERE f= 0 " eZznmz®h < v 3006 @ 2 7 ol ov : nv . pW a mg a o . E . - . a “ c . = i EX zgl ° ZF. » he i PX sS 3 f "T1 1 IN 0 ZR 5 | & 28 pt 4 & a wl! =] if BO Ry E> 9 z I e, or | CD55 To | ER Eun it 5 m= 8 = | £ o g 5 15 EN E=2E fr" = OQ = o | 3 TB zp a ® o = = A a wn « = ; 28 5 } of <— = 5 i CQ 9 oo ’ Com 2 = ; a= = ot a : E*® ba a ew Zh. 2 8 | > Sed 20 E23 HS 50 30 : > Q o > : Wn = > 2 ~~ - 2. A } = “8 ws I 2 o 2 = = Im — — < 2 " 8S BP : 2 ney sg | = Rg 2- § ety == he 5° ek Oo ® 2 0 >< 8 x. °N o 5° =~ 2 od i 0 > oS, 0 [mana - < ~ OO Q : Hob * 3.05 22028 5 © e385Zo £7 = 2209552 QS £33355 SS = =< 2108 £3 s. m Q 3 * EE £82 = = | z Zn o | > 8 Wn on Ui Will Address Indian Students The Rev. Lewis Chester Morrison, Parish House in Harrisburg. Rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, preached last Sunday even- ed after preaching at the evening ing at St. Andrew’s Church, Harris- service at St Stephen's Church, burg, in exchange with the Tector, Harrisburg. Rev. James Fry Billitt. On ,Mon-; Thursday (tomorrow) he preaches be B53 Touk Tra F USAGE ¢ pews by a Committee to sell. 30 church | iy he attended a meeting | Harrisburg Clericus at St. Pauls On Tuesday Rev. Morrison return- the in the evenicg at St John's Church, 1iS¥[0] umo] join) SY} .10j [edadg Burqiuy seo(q JA ey] 2I01C A[UQ SY S| SYL EE OOO Carlisle. On Friday he id 1 LOE 0.0 10 D000 0c 00 In Li 1A 1 00000 OL oR LE addresses the Indian students at Carlisle and preaches at St. Andrew’ Shippensburg, Mt Joy's Best in the e turning home on Saturda. 8 Church, ening, re-