~~ weBmber oF Tuesday greniog with r, PAGE TWO \ THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA Wednesday, March 33, 1916. THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. BUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months......... 50 Cents Three Months.......25 Cents Single Copies........ 2 Cents Sample Copies........ FREE Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their eommunications reach this office not later than Monday Telephone news | of importance between that time and 18 o'clock noon Wednesday Chan: | ges for advertisments must positive ty reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisments Ingerted it copy reaches us Tuesday | aight. Advertising rates on applica tion. EDITORIAL The bluebirds were singing acioss | the snow, and here and there a robin had been heard. Now those too early birds are fled or frozen. But Spring is here and the arbu.wu will soon be blooming in many woodland by-way, whatever the un- timely temperature of a day or two This is the last of winter, say the sharps, That's better news than any from the war or the market. - w . - Since the trolley waiting room bag been moved to a far more con- venient place by Mrs. Subilla Zel- ler, and cars stop in front of the wia place the once over and see if a crossing across Marietta street at a great improvement at thig point. We make mention of this because |, position in the office of the Klein Ing tied up in the state treasury. He | Chocolate Company. urged that the Legislature be asked | we frequently hear remarks by pass- engers to that effect and we feel eertain Council is ever ready to do all within its power for Mr. and Mrs. Publie. rene Al Urn MARIETTA Boro Council Met—Returned to Can- ada—Other News On Thursday evening at 7:30, the stockholders of the Marietta Brass & Iron Foundry Company, will hold a meeting in the council chamber of town hall where ga final setule- ment of affairs are to be made. At- torney B. F. Davis of Lancaster, will be present and a full attendance ig requested. The officers are Jno. A. Shillow, president, and Chester W. Rudisill, secretary. Dr. and Mrs. George R. Reich, son George and daughter Miss Ma- ry of Marietta, and Fuank Shields, of West Marietta, left on Thursday morning for Alberta, Canada, from which place the doctor and Mr. Shields returned last fall. Dr. Reich hag some farm lands in that coun- try, and expects to remain there for several years. Heretofore he would spend the winter months in Mariet. ta. Mr. Hamill B. Alexander and family will occupy the handsome home of Dr. Reich until his return. The regular monthly meeting of borough council was held in council President Hipple in the Af- ter the reading of the minutes, the various committees reported and routine business wag transacted. Bills were ordered paid. Manager Samuel Acri, of the Marietta Photo- play Theatre, had his license re duced to $25 per year, which com- plies with other towng about the same size. Chief Buigess Kauffman was present and made a few re- marks. The body then adjourned. The mission opened in St. John’s Church, Marietta, on Sunday night, is drawing large congregations, and spirited sessions are held. Many an- | um, at Palmyra. Department will undertake no new the west side of Delta wouldn't be | | the property of the late Elizabeth for use on the highways. The re- ELIZABETHTOWN AUTO CLUB OFFICERS Carload of Peanuts—Otterbein Guild | Nearly Two Hundred New Members Elects—Hour Auto Service Since the First of the Year John H. Gantz wag tendered a| Election of officers and the ter- package party by his friends. mination of a membership campaign H. B. Neff of Sunbury, was the| which hag netted nearly two hun- guest of Mr. J. H. Brubaker. {dred new members since the first Miss Eva Arbegast spent a few|Of the year featured the annual days with her parents at Mechanics: | meeting of the Lancaster Automo- burg. bile Club on Friday evening, March Lewis Leicht and son Mervin,| 17, at Hotel Brunswick, Lancaster. spent a few days with relatives at| B. C. Atlee, Hsq.,, was elected presi- | Lititz, dent over Dr. William A. Wolf, who Anthony Ulrich of British Colum-| had held the office four years, The bia, is the guest of his brother, J.| following were the officers elected: A. Ulrich. | President, B. C. Atlee, Hsq., first Chas. Milbee and son Richard vis-| vice president, A. B, Landis; second [ited Mr, Milbee’s parents at Cham-| vice president, Edw. D. Ruth; secre- bersburg. tary, J. G. Forney; treasurer, Dr. W. Miss Elizabeth Hollinger has ac-| H. Trout; directors, Chas. M. Reil- cepted a position in the Kreider ing, L. F. McAllister and C. A. B. | Shoe Factory. Zook. Mrs, Kate Cooper of Harrisbuig, The annual reports showed the spent a few days with A. C. Geist-| club to be in a flourishing condition. weit and family, Secretary Forney reported that the Phares N. Risser of Bedford, spent club's membeiship is over six hun- a few days with his mother, Mrs. |dred and urged that 1,000 be the Amanda Risser. goal for this year. Treasurer Trout Migs Kathryn Holland of Harris. reported the club’s finances in good | burg, spent a few days with Wm. condition. Chapman and family, S. R. Zimmerman, Hsq., solicitor, Anthony Marchio and family of] reported that the legal department Middletown, speut a lew days with of the club had effected the settle- D, C. Coble and {famiiy. ment of many claims arising from Mrs. Sallie Rensel of Harrisburg, accidents, hag prosecuted turnpike was the guest or C, Paul Reem and companies for the poor condition of family on Bainbridge street. their roadways and had taken up Miss Iisther Landvater of Phila<| various legal matters with supervis- delphia, ig the guest of her parents, ors for the improvement of the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Liandvater. roads. Charles M. Reiling, chairman Mrs. Alfred Showers and children |of the good roads committee, report- left for Fort Wayne, Ind., where ed that as a result of the club’s en-| | they will make their future home. !deavorg improvements are about to| place, would it not be a good idea | for our Boro Dads to give this J. F. Olweiler and wife, son Jac- be made to the Columbia turnpike, ob and daughter Lillian, were the a section of the Lincoln Highway. guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ok- He stated that the State Highway Miss Maud Reese, daughter of Mr. constructiom work thig year for lack and Mrs. C. G. Reese, hag accepted of money, the auto license fees be- Mrs. P. H. «Charleston purchased|to pass a bill releasing thig money Weaver on Hummelstown street, at port of the retiring president show- public sale for $1,520. |ed that during the past year the Miss Tekla Bube of Mount Joy, club has secured a reduction in toll whose mother died recently, will on the Susquehanna river bridge on make her future home with ber the Lincoln Highway, hag aided in sister, Mrs. Harry Wagner, in this the movement to have the Legisla- place. ture buy the toll roads of the state, OC. M. Myers, J. E. Weidman, H.| encouraged the use of convict labor, L. Gise, J. N. Olweiler, J. H, Stern|sought to curb reckless driving, the and G. R. Kersey attended the Lay-| elimination of the speeder and the men’s Missionary Convention at Har- road hog, opposed unjust prosecu- Hug i o [ong pt members and sought to e ein Chocolate Co., have re-| eliminate speed traps. ceived a carload of shelled peanuts Seventy-five new members were this week to use in their appetiz- | elected. In the membership cam. ing lunch bar, for which there is a paign just closed Secretary Forney eal Sezmnd arid : jand Hay J. Lamsaner were Jot ev. . B artin, a former rec-!for first honors an wag dec tor of St. Peter's Catholic Cauiek of to award prizes to hoth workers. As thig place, hag beén appointed as-'a member getter Secretary Forney sistant rector of St. Mary's Catholic is a wonder, having topped the list Church of Lebanon. {in two previous contests, Mrs. Geo, Morris and two children; Bode —iis of Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. | Perry - Kerbaugh and two children| MAYTOWN of Berrysburg, spent a few days, warren Sload visited in Lancas- with Mr. and Mrs. Amog Barney. | ter. Miss Beulah M. Geib was tender Mrs. Sue Wolfe visited in Lancas- ed a package surprise in honor of | ter. her 12th birthday. She received ov-! Rey. J. D. Krout spent Monday in er sixty packages of articles, for york. which ‘she is very grateful. | Norman Arntz made a business Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Nissley €n- rip to Lancaster. tertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. | Harry Shireman made a business Wm. Doolittle of Blairsburg, Iowa, A rip to Lancaster. very pleasant evening was spent, in-| Mr. and Mrs. Abram Sload spent cluding games, vocal and instrument- Bunday at Rheems. al music. A dainty lunch was served.| Donald Houseal of Philadelphia, The Business Men's Association |yisiteq Mr. and Mrs. Abram Sload. has decided to change the closing! Mr, and Mrs, Edward Terry and hour movement and keep all the Mr. Jon Terry autoedq to Lancaster. stores open from March 15 to May| Mrs. Eli Roth and son Gardner of 1, until 7:30 p. m. instead of 6 York, visited Mr. and Mrs. William o'clock ag heretofore. , | Frysinger. Prof. H. K. Ober and J. H. Stern| The Co, superintendent of schools attended the second mid-year 8es- ang officers made a visit to the sion of the Sunday school worker Maytown schools. of the county in the Memorial Pres-| Misg Maud Decker of Elizabeth- byterian Church at Lancaster. They town, spent a day in town with are members of the executive com Miss Grace Henderson. mittee. | Mrs. Barbara Welchans spent a H. M. Snavely, who operates an' few days in Lancaster visiting her auto service between this place and sister, Mrs. Clmira Libhart. swers to prayer and intercessions were read nightly. Rev. Albert Aune | of Bedford, in charge, assisted by | the rector, Rev. H. B. Pulsifer] preach masterly sermong and worth hearing. Familiar hymng are used, | and a special selection given by one of the soloists nightly, Last even- ing Edgar R. Villee sang “God’s Way is the Best Way,” Miss Annie Bing being the accompanist for all the singing. | rm me ree UR -— MASTERSONVILLE Misg Esicua ricser, teacher of the Bellaire school, with her b.o- ther, visited our scaool on Monday. Mrs. Jacob Z. Hackman was al tacked by quinsy and Geo. Geib, Mr Hackman's new clerk, has contract- ed the same disease. Mr. and Mrs, kipuaraim Shelly and Mr. and Mrs. Eliag Geib and daugh- ter Orpha, were Suuday guests 0 Mr. and Mrs. Cha.legs G. Becker. The Stars of the DMastersonville Club, P. G. Hollinger, captain, de- feated the Tigers, Paul Zug captain, in a game of baseball on Monday by the score of 7 to 6. The Teacher Training Class organ- ized last Wednesday at the home of Moriis Ginder by electing the fol- lowing officers: Morris Ginder, pres- ident; Charles G. Becker, secretary; Edna Hackman, t.easurer; Fannie SlLearer, teacher. The meetings will be held every Wednesday evening elass solicits members. The final examinationg of the Mas- tersonville school are over and the | A clasg passed the examinations suc-| cessfully with high averages. The diplomas will be awarded at the close of school. A Class—Phares Hollinger 98; Kathryn Zug 95; Dav- id Heisey 93. B. class—Annie Zug 96; Paul Zuz 93; Rufus Heisey 88; der 78. C ciass—Paul Shenk 92; | Eva Hollinger 91; Ada Zug 89; Geo: Gibble 89; Abram Ginder 87; Rhea Pyle 82; Mae Pyle 89; Naomi Gin- der 80; Alta Paterson 76: Beulah Gibble 80; Paul Shelly 89; Homer Gibble 86; Abram Ginder 87; Jacob | ted in the streams in the east. ible as they are housed more close ern part of the county on Thursday ly during the winter time than the Jey 89. D class—Roy Hollinger 34; afternoon by Augustus Rhoads and Young folks. Policemen Cavid = Daliy and Jesse —t your spring tonic prescription Brown. Bhenk 80; Amy Zug 90; Edna Brad- Melvin Heisey 89; Katie Pyle 93; John Ginder 80; Hiram Hane 85; They were placed in the © something as follows: Vera Witmer 90; Martha Shenk 93; | various streams in that section 1—Fat meat but once a day and Lulu Hane 87; Willoughby Musser en ems sparingly. ra y inst the granting of liquor H- to G. W. Sargen and C. C. alleging Jin pav. The licenses effi on Saturdav with the int to the landlords to be costs $1 & year. upon which the order is based, goes into the subject exhaustively. He places the jitney upon the same plane as a railroad, trolley line or other common carrier which, under : ~~. n_ the public service company law of at the homes of the members. Lhe | 1913" hot obtain certificates of covers three complaints brought by the Scranton Railway Co. against operators of jitney lines of automo- ;.; : biles in Lackawanna county, will icine will not make up for over-eat- be to require thousands of owners death of jitneys to obtain certificates if 1 i y / Fannie Holinger’ 83; Mary Gibble: qi¥ fatend to continue in business | 85; Beulah Gibble 76; Mahlon Gil ww wy "Guens and 8. Wilson and F. Williams. They have the right to appeal to the Superior Court. | them particularly sensitive when the 85; Raymond Souder 88; Norman Beisey 53; Ralph Gibble $1; Edna he Bulletin Only costs $1 8 yea”. |..1o should take a glass of water amtawruly, nea weir NOt the cheap kind | wei in" the open sir ve | or Middletown, hag purchased a new| Henry I. Haines of Millersville auto transfer owing to his increas- State Normal School, spent a few ing business, A regular hour sched- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ule will be put into effect on April H. B. Haines, 1st, for Saturdays and Sundays onlv.| Mrs. William J. Lowe represented The Otterbein Guild of St. Paul's the Maytown Reformed S. S. at Tl. B. Church elected the following the Lancaster county S. S. confer- officers for the year: President, Ol ence at Lancaster, y Elgin Watches SilveroidCases 5.00 Fully Guaranteed e Notice! he Undersigned Inform the Public that they are prepared to do Practical Horse Shoeing At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy special attention given to all work. | \ll diseases of the feet promptly at. ® Your Work Solicited | BOMBACH & SHANK ieneral Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. REPEEEROREOE We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Watery Gold Filled Expansion Bracelet Watches $5.50 & Up Don WV. Gorrecht (Near Bowman's Stores) MOUNT JOY, D TERR RRR mr TR WR WW Wm vow ow a ®) DEBE 0 BB Hi. @¢ d 3 5 3 d IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy. Penna. 1 V3 1 OO 1 TI " OXO© RALPH F. ESHLEMAN Show Card Writer Paasche Air Brush Used Prices Reasonable West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. (ICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. f.adles! Ask your Dr Chi.ches-ter 8 Diamon Pills in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Bu OND BRAND PILLS, for 256 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 300 ARTICLES = 300 ILLUSTRATIONS EEP informed of the World’s Progress in Engineering, Mechanics and Invention. For] Father and Son and All the Family. It appeals] asses—Old and Young—Men and W 8 the Favorite Magazine in thot homes thronrhout the world. Qorrespondents are constantly on the watch things new and interesting and it is Written So You Can Understand It De, ment (20 Pages) contains ts for Shop Work and easy ways for the o things around the Home, Amateur Mechanics (17 Pages) for the Boys and Girls who like to make things, tells how to make Wire. h Outfits, Engines, Boats, Snow-| Reed Furniture, etc. Contains in- structions for the Mechanic, Camper and Sportsman, Single Comb White Leghorn and eggs for consider quality, wy priceg are right. How can you chicks from eggs that are produced by a sickly lot of hens. I can furnish you with eggs for hatching from my flocks that had at no time any contagious or in- tectious disease such as roup, diph- theria or limberneck. Ask For Reduced Prices expect healthy Order from your newsdealer or direct from the publisher. Sample copy will be sent on request. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE 6 No. Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO JOHN M. MILLER HENRY H. KOSER Ezra E. Wolgemuth Surveyors & Conveyancers R. D. No. 1 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, HOTEL McGINNIS East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Restaurant and Lunch Bar VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVYVL rea a—————— ive Shiffer; vice president, Amanda Rev. William J. Lowe spent a Drace; treasurer, Anna Rider, pian: few days in Harrisburg as a dele- ist, Florence Youtz: secretary, Elsie gate to the Interdenominational Lay- Ney: thank offering secretary, Ger- man’s Missionary Convention. trude Seldomridge. Ada Brandt was An organ recital will be given in elected a delecate to the convention the Maytown Reformed Church on | which will be held in Sunbury. Friday evening, March 24, by Prof. ——- — - Homer F. Rebert of Lancaster, as-| ri t F: : | “JTS” A THING OF THE PAST Saeq by Prof. Paul N. Landis as | | | | | | | | | : : ; : EE | Public Service Commission's Deci- sion Helps Troliey Companies SPRING TONICS Harrisburg, Pa.—Individuals, firms'Littie Talks on Health & Hygiene by | and corporations operating automo- Samuel G, Dixon, M. D. | bileg or other vehicles on jitney — service must obtain certificates of With the honk of the wild geese public convenience from the State fiying northward the patent medi- Public Service Commission befoi® cine ang home remedy manufactur- they can engage in any public serr gry seem inspired anew and there vice according to a decision of the follows a wave of spring tonic ad- | commission made public here today. vertisements. Commissioner John Monaghan, of Philadelphia, who wrote the opinion The tonic which the vast majority | of individuals need at this period of | a simpler diet. Owing to weather conditions many of our activities aie restricted in the winter time. There | is also a tendency to eat excessive- | ly of meat and fatty foods. As | result when the spring arrives with | | public convenience before embark- its warm days many of us are like | ‘#€reto are requested to make im-| ing in business. a furnace that has ‘been choked with | eediate payment, and those having | | claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. ELI A. FAUS. R. D. No. 3, Manheim, Pa. SAMUEL 8. FAUS. R. D. No. 5, Manheim, Pa. «m. M. Hollowbush, Atty. The effect of the decision, which ge that it doesn’t draw well You cannot buy relief from these | conditiong at a dollar a bottle. Med- | ing and under exercise. The high rate which almost invariably prevails at this season of the year from pneumonia, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases is largely due to the reduced physical resist ance of individuals, which makes | sncaen changes of temperature OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS in season, Pri- VVVVVYVVY v { In fact everything : CAAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAA vate Dining Room for Ladies. TT LANDISVILLE, PA. given to asals Executors and Adm trators im settling of estates. Fire Insurance placed im the bm Mutual amd Stock Companies. Bw ‘+ -=~a, Landisville Exchange. — : | Special attention (Fa WW. MoGinnls PROPRIETOR W. M, HOLLOWBUS NOTARY PUBLI!C Attorney-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. | Dayg at Lancaster, Monday and Fri-| 56 North Duke Street, 2nd Floor Front, with W. C. Every Woman Wants EXECUTOR’S NOTIC Estate of Elias H. Faus, late of | Lancaster County, | FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE { Dissolved in water for douches stops | pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflame | mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, rer | A healing wonder for nas.i catarrh, sore throat and sor, eyes, Economical. Has extraordinary cleansing and germicidal powes all druggists, or postpaid a Toilet Company, Boston, id the year is fresh air, exercise and | Raphko township, » Letters Testamentary on said os-| tate having been granted a | undersigned, all ELECTRIC TIRE PUMP AT YOUR HAIR CUTTINe J. B. HERSHEY’S JA Red Letter Day next Wednesday A Word to the Wise is Sufficient Wherever you go, you hear people talking about the dye stuff for this season, and whether the Col- ors will fade. Right now | want to say that every Suit or Overcoat or any other article that leaves this store has a double guarantee against changing color. All the Suits we bought for this Spring and Summer are made from all pure Wool and Silk Fabrics and the Manufacturersgiveus their guar- antee that they have tested each “piece of Cloth. Don’t think you will not get the best value for the least possible money together with our personal guarantee, if you shop here. Come in and see our collection of ‘new Spring Patterns and Impor- ted Cloths. $7.50 to $25.00 Successor to, GETZ BROS. LILLLLLLLLOOOOO0OOO0OCOO00OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON ———————; VVIVVY VVVVVY VY yyvyvve Hot lateral Baths for ARR 3 VD 4 RHEUMATISM and CONSTIPATION A New Stock marvelous results. LA GRIPPE Instantly Relieved Guaranteed in writing 5000 MILES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Sold by Cold Compound, which {is the best = modern remedy for Coughs, Colds, Barr's (1arave Sore Throat, La Grippe, Influenza 5 and Catarrh. It relieves spasm and pain, reduces fever, soothes the ir MOUNT Joy, PA. ritated mucous membranes and does AAA | Resuits. 23¢ a tex. { CHANDLER'S DRUG STORE STORAGE BATTERIES MOUNT JOY, PA. RECHARGED Or mziled to any address. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT | ve. CHIC KS CASINGS AND TUBES 0 — I have 8S. C. WHITE LEGHORN ALL KINDS OF CHICKS raised from vigorous stoel MACHINE TURNING on range. [I will take orders for des ENGINES REPAIRED livery after April 20th, at speeial ma prices. No orders too big and nome ELECTRIC MOTORS too small. OVERHAULED Custom Hatching Our Speelalty ® oo REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED P.E. Wolgemuth Bell Phone 140-R6 Mt Joy. Drink, every morning upon rising a glass of hot water, to which has been added a teaspoonful of effer vescing Liver Salts obtainable at Chandler's Drug Store, Mount Joy. A %-lb. bottle for 25c. This wil} neutralize and flush from the sys tem poison caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood which is the chief cause of rheumatism, constipa. tion, headache, sour stomaeh, tion, headache, sour stomach, bil harmless and efficient and brings | By the prompt use of Chandler's not disturb Jigestion. Brings Quisk Ind. Phone 744-A1 Marietta SERVICE MOUNT JOY, PA. SUPPLIES AT THE RIGHT SPEND YOUR VACATION PRICES IN NEW YORK Tonsorial Parlor Stop, Read and Think Thres Chairs. No Waiting Agent for the Middletown Sean Laundry. Goods called for Tessda 5 10% and delivered Friday. Planted Trout F cur which are common at thig time ‘en thousand trout y were | Of the year. Old people are suscept- 2—Those not ander the doctor's before retiring for the night and one Kinds | 5 See that your clothing is heavy den changes of weather. six mileg a day. / but the Krall Meat Market S. R. STILL, Jr. Storage Batteries ms weiwern sig. Lancer, pu You can see more in New York in dW one week than any place in the RN world, but you must know how, We furnish the “HENOW HOW?» | One full week of “Sight Seeing” will show you everything worth while in the big city. $45.00 covers hotel accomodations, cost of sight seeing trips, theaters, roof gardens, eta We even pay all your carfare around the city. Write for booklet A “Seeing New York At Minimum Cost.” LICENSED BROKER I always have on hand anything in an hour before breakfast. the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, E F. ARNDT & SON Icenses 3—Get all the fresh air pessible. : H eas waited PRINTING of All 4—Sleep with your windows open. Bdlogua, Dried Beef, Lard, Iie. Feb. 24, 3m. Fiorin, Penna. Algo Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and enough to protect vom against sud-| Mutton. Prices always right H. H. KRALL West Main Street G. 8. VOGLE, AUCTIONEER FLORIN, PA. Prompt attention givem to ealling all kindg of real estate and personal MOUNT JOY, PA property sales, Satisfaction guaran ngle night every rew pi ow finds to keep his iy ‘ Our idea cf th stictsm 1 good kind done here. [rv 2 woman on Tatyeielsm | aol Telephone, _— Bubueribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletta dd POPP POT TOIOOOO ¥" { teed or no charges. Give me a trial “Laugh and the werid laughs Bell Phone 705; Ind. ik Drop me a eard to Charles 1S. Frank CRDEN THEATRE Eins MOUNT Jov, pA. Prompt Attention given to Sales of Thursday Special [Teme wees © om rome The King of Comedians TAKE NOrice Virhest cash pric pata for dead Charles Chaplin smimaiswiiecs 1wilfmove prompun HOWARD YE: 1 eTs / “WNT JOY, PA