The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 08, 1916, Image 6

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Doings in Mt. Joy
(Louunued rom page 1)
| the Zoth of June 1 found a number

was considered
On June 3rd 1 harvested
wheat and that
bushels tramped
Harvest wages this
$1.00 per day.
was over about the 1dth of July.

Take N
The Undersignea Wish to Inform the
Public that They are Prepared to de
Practical Horse Shoeing
At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy
Special attention given to ail worl
a) diseases of the feet promptly at
anded to. Yeur Work Sollecited
July to the 13th of August when the
thermometer stood at
the 20th there was rain
all around Mountjoy but no rain fell
rather singular.
period of about five weeks we
no rain of any account and the wa-
ter was very low.
On Sunday morning, the 13th, be-
tween the hours of § and 9 o'clock
there was a man found by John Hu-
pert and R. Wilton, lying dead be
side a tree near the meeting house
General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers

about hig neck and fastened to
tree, which was good evidence that)
he was shanghied in that way.
of September
was the day set for the races on a


In consequense of the oOp-
others the race was
but another course was laid out
David Culp’s field.
the Flea won first money and
the purse of $50.00.
ing day the Peginawl took the purse
A great number of gambl-
IN ANY QUANTITY at On the follow-
Moderate Charges.
Don’t fail to see us before
ing your order this year.

disorder thruout the community

Mount Jov. Penna.

On the morning of the 9th of Oc-
. . ; — tober we had the
F. EBMLEEAN this time on to the 16th of Oct. the
& v 1 _ | the 16th A. Boggs seeded his lot in
ard Writer
thunder storm.
this year on the 26th day of Decem
ber and was eight inches deep.
from this time
was about ordinary until the middle

Single Comb White Leghorn
consider ‘quality,

my prices are right.
iaranteeVinol to sharpen
petite, aid digestion, enrich the blood
and create strength.
chicks from eggs that are produced
wwe mo idth eggs for
Batching from my flocks MO LNT So. PENNA.

Do you want ¢é
fectious disease such as roup,
theria or limberneck.
Day old chicks 10 cents. Eggs for
Batching 4 cents a piece, or by the
hundred. Will try to satisfy.
Ezra E. Wolgemuth
BR. D. No. 1 MOUNT JOY, PENNA, mount of money
| orange and grape-fruit grove in the
farm in Florida,
capable of yielding $50 to $100 per
acre from hay alone? If so, you can
find it at Fruitland Park, the won-
derland of Florida.
| portunity of a lifetime for the man
| who will act now.
Here is the op-

With a small a-

prominent Pennsylvaniang
ready purchased 5,000 acres, and you
|can own a farm which
you annually $50 to

East Main Street
Restaurant and Lunch Bar
im fact sverytzing in seasen. Prévet your
Dining Room {or Ladies.

$100 per acre

If you are the man
such a farm,
vicinity will appeal
Here you can have Florida
live in a sunlit,
| grove’s profits.
| who cares for
{land Park and
|at her finest,
| with all the comforts you enjoyed in
Spend your winters and |
in a high rolling
| country from 100 to 200 feet above
the sea, where matured grape fruit
groves are worth from $500 to $1,000
per acre, and where the staple crops
|pay for the development
| grove and the farm, too, in a very
FJ. VW. McGinn is
48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, P=
Days at Lancaster, Monday and ¥r
day, at No. 66 North Duke Stree
snd Floor Fromt, «ith W. 6. Reks
Estate of Elias H. Faus, late of
Lancaster County,
1 you want a farm write to Lake
Owners Association,
| Froftland Parl: Florida, or write or
| zee personally our local representa-
| County Land

Rapho township,
Letters Testamentary on said es-
tate having been
undersigned, all
thereto are requested to make im-
mediate payment, and those having
elaims or demands ag
will present them without delay for
the undersigned.
R. D. No. 3, Manheim, Pa. =
R. D. No. 5, Manheim, Pa.
Wm. M. Hollowbush, Atty.

pettiement to
1 Ee
1 Bristol, New York City.

Storage Batteries
Recharged and Repaired. Work
Krall Meat Market *™ quantity.
| Feb. 24, 3m.
' Charles S. Frank
Prompt Attention given te Sales of
| Resi Estate and Personal Property.
Terme Moderate

Prices Right.

Bell Tolephene
which 1 will remove gromptly.
¥Y, PA. marist

of March, 1827, when Spring weather
began. This was the earliest and
finest Spring I can ever remember
On the 16th of April all the fruit
trees were in full bloom and the
tops of the oaks were green, On
the 16th, which was Easter Monday,
it wag quite cold with a heavy frost
in the morning. From this on dur-
ing the summer it was rather cool
and very changeable. On the even-
ing of the 22nd of June the thermo-
meter registered 60 degrees and
next day it stood at 90 degrees, a
difference of thirty degrees over
night which was very unusual, The
oatg harvest this year continued un
til about the 28th of July.
(Continued next week.)
\ asonic Home News
.| After the opening of Grand Lodge
| Hall, its occupancy by the guests,
and the organization of its com-
munity-life, the first social enter-
| tainment held within its walls was
arranged for and produced by Mr.
John H. Eplor, a resident of Eliza
bethtown. It was not only the in-
itiatory entertainment, but it also
set a high standard for excellence,
which has been maintained to the
present time. It also demonstrated
the fact that Elizabethtown possess-
es, amongst its inhabitants, an ar-
ray of talent comparing most favor
ably with other localities, and of
which it can justly be proud.
On Tuesday evening, February 29,
§, Mr. John H. Epler placed the
r a ional obligations,
second offering,
ical and
in which he

A. Swartz
family of
performers ac-


] Rose, :
- Piano solo, np
g o avely: Vocal
her Machree, MN Alverta '“f
Swartz: Harp solo, Come Away, Mr.
T awrence Galebach: Vocal Quartet, |
Old Black Joe hy the Elizabethtown
Ouartet: Violin Duet 0 Dry Those
Tears, Misses Salome and Lydia
Wit] \

Reading, Our Jamie, Miss
1 1 t Re-

vil Amanaa
solo, The Dear Home Land,
yhn H. Swartz: Reading, The
solo, Secong
Vocal solo,
I i Town, A wuiem-
quartet; Reading, The
l'enn, Miss Anna Gish;
lo, A Perfect Day, Miss Al
Jioli duet, Cinder
Lydia and Sa-



1c Nissley;
Harp colo Sav Grace, Mr.
1. nce Galebach: Vocal solo, I
H You Calling Me, A member of Lard,
Male Quartet; Piano duet, Storm
Waltzes, Misses Elsie Snavely and

THE BULLETIN, MT, JOY, PA. Wednesday, March 8, 1916.
| drable location in the town on year for the past th
The price is very can prove
ree seasoms. I
a 12 per cent. inve
Call quick if interested.
DWELLING & store property and
| WAREHOUSE dwelling combined,
lan up-to-date business stand emjoy-
|ing a good patronage,
frame building 34x68 ft. with steam
bath, hot water,
cistern, everything about the build
ings is in good repair
|ully new. A brick warehouse 30x60
en as ft. with raiiroad siding. Located at
Lancaster Junction,
Little Talks on Health & Hygiene |
by Samuel G. Dixon, M. D.
Here is one
FINE HOME finest and most mod
IN FLORIN ern homes in the vii
lage of Klorin. A lot fronting 49
feet on the east side of Malm streeti
Kast Douegal
336 feel tO a
public alley. 2§ story modera
nouse, with all conveniences su
| not and cola water,
|light, hydrant water, etc.
porch, side porch and balcony
back porch, frame stable 20
| carriage house
garage, stable,
A 16-room frame apart: and all walks are concrete
APARTMENT ment house, tin roof, buildings have slate roofs,
wa- | is a fine lawn, garden, fruit,
cistern, All the
ly erected within
ears and are in most
There isn’t a finer home In
will be sold right.

Man is an omnivoroug animal and na live Som
cannot afford to permit himself
be hurried at meals.
ble to bolt such food as the average .ampletely
frame house im Mount
mE 0 sROPERTY Joy, along trolley line,
It ig impossi-| .orner lot B58x168 feet, house was
remodeled 8 years ago
the a4 is in fine condition, large fromt
-weh and balcony,
papered thruout,
stable with room for 2 horses, wag-
ents without
sense of smell, ag well as the sense i t
of taste, enterg largely into the en- Will sell
joyment of the meal.
bata, electne
Big front | and
and a etc. at a ver
x26 ft., | customer.
garage | selling.
pavement ' sit up and take notice.
| come at once,
y low figure to a good
The price will make
very desirable
exercised, *liave gion. #t GOOF.
. e e Ls
have a tendency to stimulate the Ble for.» home Ngs tis
fluids essential to proper digestion.
Chewing the
‘length of time should assist us
enjoying the taste and flavor.
of the essentials to good digestion
is to eat those things which we rel-
ish unless the contrary is indicated
Price reason-
A lot of ground 40 ft
ulldinga | DWELLING wide and 200 ft. deep,
past | AT FLORIN fronting
excellent | thoroughfare in Florin,
gal township, with a 23 story frame
house and a one story frame kit
chen attached, frame
hen house and outbuildings.
Property and fences good. Only ome
bvndred steps from :roliey statias
or P. R. R. depot, Here's
cheap home for some one, Why pay
rent when you can buy a home like
papered thruout,
or, gas, etc., on a corner lot 650x180 125 bbl
~ot. near Union Bank, were on
property im six y
coos repair, painted one year ago, shape.
ery beautiful lawn, fruit, good big Florin.
This is a capital invest-
sent as ft is now occupied by three |
amailies. Will bear close imvestiga |
ian. Immediate possession. Price TRUCK FARM acres, situated along
the state road west of Mt. Joy and
ds from the boro lim-
empirical knowledge. Civilization has
dulled our instincts in this respect,
but it survives to a certain degree
in -our relish for certain food stuffs. |
Thig relish should not be mistaken |
for the inordinate fondness for cer-|
Here 1s a tract of!
land containing 6
«ill agtomish you.
only 200 yar
its, 23 story frame house
hape, porch, |
guish between an occasional intem- | this for omly
I have two fine building |
natural | ..55L DING
each 40x187 feet, |
fronting on the morth
Avenue, a 40 ft.
reet ang extending to a 1éft, alley
ago, in most excellent 8
| balcony and of modern buil
| frame stable
house, etc, have connec
reservoir, fine g
orchard in bearing condition,
new Here are two fime
chicken BUILDING LOTS building lots from
ing 8¢ ft. on
| Main street in the business section
all/ of Florin, and extending In depth
| 200 feet to an alley.
along east side,
taste and relish.
The proper flow of
fluids ig essential to good digestion.
A liberal portion of fruit is suggest- , tme pear, draimage toward rear, 8
a| me location for building and a good
ying investment
the digestive | .4® of Detwiler
ed by most dietitians and it is
common belief that fiuit is a whole-
It should be remember .g jow price they are offered.
ed, however, that acid fruits are of-|
ten irritating
brane and if the habit is long con-
naturally weak diges-
tion or with babies, it will still fur-
ther interfere with digestion. Almost
everyone who is using grapefruit or
other acid fruit for food, makes
mistake by eating
for farming ai Also an aliey
These are fine iois
and are very desirable for building
Will seil one for §4e® or
you cam have both for omly .
more desirable truck
farm around here than this. Trolley
rear of land.
may consider selling
Man can make good
interest on investment by trucking.
lot 40x200 om Main
OUBLE street, Florin, Me Ju
=~OUSE tewnship, eerner jet, pub
« alley or side and rear, 3}
ame double house,
rooms on one side, 5 om
»@ other, now occupied by two fami-
ss and rents for $13,
sa at each end of lot, house in good
«pair, paint good, dry cellar, pleas
as a whole or
land separate. A lot of grouns
Delta St., Mount Joy, and extendimg
it before break- pig
155 ft. to an
on an empty
It should be eaten
twe eisteras, Here ig one of the fin-
i est properties
ments are a 23 story frame double
Sakiny Flowers property and is situated in house with a one story
the borough of Mount Joy, fronting
north side of Mari
and extending to
fronting 68 feet 6
south side of Donegal Street, with a
two-story frame dwelling 24x48 feet,
containing eight rooms, bay
reception hall,
food cellar, cold storage, steam heat,
sume giable, hog pen, an abumdance
convenient to su feet on the
weeglate factory
om «wetion, a good paying investmaemt
- : ‘ : conveniences.
ese Prices Prevail in This Placs erty is one of
on Market Today
ground 90x155

BARGAIN street, side will pay the interest
Yr 41
sa that prevailed as 2 on the investment. This would em-
market master 9000 square feet planted witn
the choicest fruit.
mansion dwelling,
section of the
r, hag a 2% story frame
in the residential
ete., dry cellar,

cies 2c iS11,
rear of lot which rents for $20, suit-

sale and will astonish you. the property over.
Cheese, 3 ballg ior Lot of ground froni
abbage, per head
ipples, per half DE.

north side of
in, Mt, Joy township, and extending Donegal street,
ft. to an alley, 24
house attached,
two good cisterns,
hog sty, an abundance of
brick summer very desirable location In
regzed Chickens each One side hig
and was one time oec-
irloin, per Ib, :
finest and mo
and bungalows
expensive mansions
Here's a propeicy worth the money.
it's yourg for only
soiling Meat, per Ib. ...... are scarce. Will sell
rankforts, per Ib.
sof Liver, per Ib.
alf Liver, per Ib.
akes, per doz
g Straw, per hundred
H. E. Hauer Pays:
at the price I I have three fine buil@-
look it over Price,.$3,200 Here's a lot fromting
on the south side of
West Donegal
in depth 170
. feet with a 23 story frame mansion
rirveliing containing 8 rooms, large
stationary range,
ough, located in
tion of the town,
the residential see-
very desirable for
Lots have excellent drainage
astonish you If
investment evem
tract of land
fronuuing om tae ?
fost, 147 feet deep at one s
136 deep at other, 145 feet fromt on|
12)4 uiey in rear, located in
enter of the town,
.. electric privileges
35C pag good drainage, would make
interior modtrn in want a good
and neatly papered,
essen seen. 3 a {every respect
Potatoes per bu.
ER coms
Anna Epler; Reading, The Silver Butler per
Tea Pot, Miss Dorothy Ricker; Vo Eggs
cal solo, The Rosary, Mrs. John
Swartz; Piano solo, Valse Arabesque
Miss Anna Epler: Vocal Quartet,
an | floor, fine concrete walks and pave-
e ment, front and side porches, chick-
stry, €0 house and an abundance of all
This property mus
brick dwelling
DWELLING on the corner of Ma-
rietta and Delta streets, the Wm. Bv
Easton store property and residence,
in Mt. Joy. Lot
21C eapital locatiom for any kind of
will sell for any purpos
but would auch prefer an indu
astonish you for thi
tract. The owner does not need the |
Brandt & Stehman Pay:
a viriein sleive se ver $1.00
s kinds of fruit
Loves Old Sweet Song, Male Quar, COrn, per bu,
With the charm of this delightful
entertainment still fresh in the
| There isn’t a more
in the town.
beautiful loca-
Only 100 yards
{from troley, House was built of al
. and on Delta
street 100 ft. House has five rooms,
and bath upstairs;
hall and store room downstairs, 3
ses dsranesines eve. --48C money and if sold for industrial pur-
poses, emtire amount may remain at|
randt tehman | H
Brandt & S Sel a low rate of interest.
memories of the guests; on Satur Bran, per
day afternoon, March 4, 1916, Miss Shipstuff, per hundied
Susan E. Buch, an accomplished y xed feed, per hundred ...... 1.3% 114 ACRE township, 2 miles north
pianist, accompanied by other best
talent of Elizabethtown and Miss
[Price ....ceeeeeeeiecsecsce.. $3,000.00 cellars, hot air
plant, property in
as it was only remodeled
electric lights,
Situated in Mouat JOY
first-class shape
Lot of ground
of Elizabethtown, a good
ing on the south side
1.65 114-acre farm, of sand
Florence Lebzelter, a sweet singer Gluten, per hundred
of Lancaster, came to the Homes, Louiton Seed Meal, 41 pe rcent. 2.1¢
and made the wulls of Grand 1.0dge , seed Meal, per hundred
Hall reverberate with the harmony
and sweet sounds of a most delight-
| DWELLING of Marietta street, the
| | Mrs. Chas. H. Zeller property;
++ 3.20| pony barn 40x70 ft, corn barn, hog| room mansion dwelling with a 18
all under fi. porch on north and east
omly house has all improvements such as
spacious side porch and no better
location for residence or business im
the town. Price is' right.
|story brick 10-room house with 3-
frame summer house attached;
Beef scrap & fish scrap . 3.00 pen, tobacco shed 36x50
ful musical. The excellent program Larro feed, per hundred
was rendered: Piano, a Valse Cap- Mingo feed, per hundred ......
rice b To a Wild Rose, Miss Susan
E. Buch; Vocal, a Last Night b My
spring house, hot water heat, electric amd gas
All buildings very fixtures, uptodate bath room; mewly
Barn was roofed amd wea
COACH WORKS situated
AND DWELLING north side of Mt
Mount Joy borough, the
1.76 | built few vears a
Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 34 | Yash house, sie,
tresses $323.68 erboarded Just years ago. Paint both on interior and exterior,
Shadow, Miss Florence Lebzelter; Timothy Hay, per ton
Trio, Piano and two violins, a War
March of the Priests, b Barecarole,
Misses Dorothy Buch, Salome
Withers and Mr. Harry Lawry: Vo-
from house| large frame stable, chicken
| Running spring water
on | carriage house;
Several other springs
farm. Land a good producer of to- YcuRg fruit trees,
An Located im cemter of Mt Joy, very
Women, What Say
When aman asked Miss Kate Dev- pacco, corn, wheat,
ux Blake the other day: “Don’t|;hyindanee of all kinds of fruit, es- close to P. R. R. depot and so
Jov street and
extends 180 ft. to North Alley. Om
an abundance of
new sink, ete
frame house with 11 rocms, papered
cal a Pickaninny Lullaby b Uncle €'a
Rome, Miss Lebzelter; Trio, Piano YOU
and two violins, a Hope March b by her indirect influence With
My Old Kentucky Home: Vocal, a husband than by voting
Tired Hands b Rockaby Baby, Miss She
Lebzelter; Piano, a Massa’s in the t!
thruout, has gas, big cellar, etc. On
rear of lot is 214 stery frame coack
works and blacksmith shop 32x38 ft.
This is an old
good patronage.
|dance of all
think a woman can gain IMOTe| jacally pears and apples. 14 aeres close to trolley that it is mow used
land is clearing apd wood as a waiting room and express of-
| fice. Price is very reasonable for a
line, 3 creameries, property of this kind.
Owner wants to Te
Price is very interesting.
herself?” 1anq Warm Is close to school, mills,
YOu | Hershey trolley and enjoys ®
There is an abun-
kinds of fruit on the
quickly answered:
hink a cake will be ag good if YOU| markets ete.
baking powder in ,
cold ground b II Travatore, Miss leave the
Buch; Trio, Piano and two violins, can
a Blue Bells of Scotland b College cake?” and the questioner sat down
On Tuesday, February 29, 1916,
the Homes were honored by a visit
of a delegation of prominent citizens
ground om West| premises. Present owner
retire only reason for selling. Here
is a good business
instead of putting it in | COACH Main St.
| WORKS Wm, H.
works, lot fronts 100 feet om Main
| St. and extends 150
Schuttee eoach proposition ané
amid a general laugh. A fine building
| BUILDING treating §4 feet om Mew
street, Meumt Joy, and
depth of that width the P. R. R. siding, extending along
Hydrant water on premis-|Sald siding 100 feet, 2=story
feet deep to

That mummy sold in New York
of Pittsburgh: all prominent also in the other qd
‘reemasonry. The party consisted
of Brothers George W. McCandless,
P. M. of Lodge No. 484, and a mem-
ber of the Committee on Masonic
Homes: William M. Hamilton, P. M.
of T.odge No. 576 and D. D. G. M.;
William D. Mellroy, P. M. of T.odge
No. 219 and D. D. G. M.: Andrew B.
certainly eg, lot 1s developed, having fine Coach works 40x58 ft. with
| shade trees, some fruit, etc. Pleas-| roof,
| antly iceated, good drainage and lo-
in a very good
truck farm within 3§
fetched a stiff price. TRUCK FARM of amile of Mt. Joy
Mrs. Findley Made Strong By Vinol | able.
Severy, Kans.—*‘“ The Grippe left me |
| buildings oniy built 8 years ago and
residential | of the best material, other half of
cars stop within it is trucked; will sell entire coach
works with equipment very low as
owner wishes to retire. There isn’{
a finer location in town for a gar-
age tham this building; would
every inch of the land is farm lané
state of cultivation.
Improvements are g 21% story frame
and in a high
Will be sold very reasom- |
barn and tobaces
shed, good well of water, cistern. A
crackerjack home and close to the

Berger, W. M. of Lodge No. 679; in a weak, nervous, run-down condition.
Peter V. Shidle, J. W. of lodge No. I
without alterations. Also ideal place
of exceptionally good
for an industry as it has siding priv-

v, po weak to do 1
Was foo Hea: lo oe ACRE FARM

679: I. B. Smith, P. M. of Lodge quid not sieep
No. 530: Benjamin Page, P. M. of

uated along the pike ieading from
to Hummelstown, worth the money.
h and appetite. Vinol
T.odgze No. 679: Alhert C. Roland, Re
midway between and only 23 miles
P. M. of Lodge No. 608: William js’a grand medicine and every weak,
D. Berger, P : M. of T.odge No. 526 nervous, run-down woman should take
and Robert A. Patton, Lodge No. jt”’—Mrs. GEo. FINDLEY.
I have a mice lot
BUILDING LOTS of building
seventeen of them
all of which would make desirable
large modern
house arrang-
hea two baths
to either town,
mansiom and summer
ed for two families.
Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron TRUCK FARM Donegal,
Two unusually fine entertainments tonic, sharpens the appetite, aids diges-
are booked for the present week, of tion, enriches the blood, and builds up
which more anon: they are “Si Slo- patural strength and energy.
cum’s Country Store,” to be pre
sented by a company of young
gentlemen and ladies of Mount Joy,
on Tuesday evening, March 7, 1916;
2145-story frame §-
room house with basement,
house, frame stable, hog ren,
house, smoke house, etc. Fine water,
exceptionally large lot of fruit, good
land and very desirable for trucking.
Joy and Elizabeth-
of water and 2 cisterns, one with = | Half of them
filter, large barn built entirely new
ago. 2 hog pems. chicken
locations for homes.
front on the Harrisburg and Lan-
WwW. D. CHANDLER & CO. caster tunrpike and are situated just
MOUNT. JOY, PENNA, I can sell you one, two OF Close to Mount
epcoptiona! apple ap entire square
and an illustrated lecture on “The —
Passion Play” to be given on Thurs-
day evening, March 9. 1916, bv Rev.
Stewart Winfleld Herman of Harris-
burg, who witnessed the play and
obtained views of the same.

EMBLEM, and an opportunity to
permanently earn from $50 to $100
or more per month, given to each
appointed Deputy. We also give
you absolutely free, a new Roadster
or Automobile for yofir own use,
when business Jjustifief. Both Men
and Women applicantf considered; |
it you wish and
too. No finer
| | town market houses.
ap sbundance of other 54 the right price sound interesting? Price
stat® | puilding sites in Florin than these. |
| The entire plot is within a few hun-|
® | Gred yards of the new chocolate fac |
The lots fronting on Square AT FLORIN village of Florin, not a
close to railroad siding
| and would make an excellent manu
| facturing site.
A very beautiful man-
am ship and vacated by E. S. Moore,
offering these lots will make very has 8 rooms, electric light, hot wa-
good investments. good
At the price T
| drainage, property was just Trebullt
nice lawn all
, large barn and garage, big
garden, plenty of fruit, ete.
either sell or rent

|a few years
on North Barbara
#3 s

this place. Can
bargain for a
Will let you have fit at
than it originally


ighest cash prices paid for dead EACH SEX will be fnade in each
locality. Write (quick) for partieum-
MEN, Tne. Dept., 564 Sjeranton, Pa.

cost the owner.
Jno. E. Schroll


