THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. FA. wednesday, March 8, 1916. LOCAL NUTES Brief News That Happened Within The Past Weck CL A Sunny Disposition BASKET BALL Mount Joy Defeated the Corinthians of Lancaster on Saturday Saturday night's crowd was rather | slim on account of the many other | attractions around town. Lititz, always old rivals of this town, will play manager Ben Groff’s | strong quintette here on Saturday evening. Seats will be reserved for ladies. | Coach O’Neil and his High School | aggregation will invade the former haunts of the Getz Brothers—Eph- | rata on Friday evening. If they ‘cop” that game they will sure have | to travel some, i J. M. Backenstoe will serve free 30 40: ed clam soup at his Central House Sat- ; | urday evening. it. & Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eby of Lemoyne, announced the birth of a! son on March 2, 1916. NORTHWEST RAPHO Wanted A good young driving horse. Call on the scribe. Mr. Monroe Waser Sundayed in| the home of C. B. Brandt. ! Messrs. John W. Geib and A. Y. Stauffer spent Saturday in Lancas- | ter., fe Mr. Jno. W. Geib and family were Fy night bef ore, Sabbath guests in the Abram M.! Shelley home. Spring sales are booming in all | sections, but the prices are not | what they have been in former | years. Mr John W. Geib sold seven head of cows to Gingrich Bros. of Lawn, last Thursday. f Quite a few from this section at- tended he evangelistic meetings at Elizabe conlucted by Rev. | a. y of this week Mr. Jno. | near Mastersonville, Conn lot of livestock and lements. our last report from you readers ho. I » our weekly reports, 3’ reek Whittlings n * 8 Scoteh vill to the ” wil ise fa- e lirec inform- A © gor PHY e— i - a a or » r 1 » & y RP # " 2 OY TI Wor Wt @ « A £\% os oA r {% Y : bg eo A KESSE ING ZICHT 4. R C CX 0 TOMO YOR HE CAN REPA R VW {E TRAD oO T RIGHT. DCESH THAT INTEREST YCuU Aent for the Ste debakers and Pullmans Rutomobile Accessories I ALWAYS CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CONGRESS TIRES, AND A._L — ——— CESSORIES. = WHEN IN TROUBLE. og MOUNT JOY GARAGE Peter S. Brubaker, Propr. Bell Phone 147~11 MOUNT JOY, PENMA Also Auto Hiring at All Times Sin Ti ¥ 55 TF 5a T TF Suh § oak Tskn Thus AUTOS AC TRENEVER YOU NEED A FIRST-CLASS AUTO MAN, CALL. Manager Groff has considerably strengthened his team by the ad- dition of *‘Rube” Bennett of Harris- burg. He played his first game Sat- urday evening and had nine two ointers to hig eredit. That High Sch —Quarr evenin 001]- itutes for Mount Joy, Ia Ellis: Goals—Shillow 2, Mec- i ott 4, Houck 2, C. Bennett 2, R. { Bennett 9, Sturgis 3, Lutz. Fouls—. !11 out of 18, Brown, 6 out of 16. | Referee, W. Ellis. Score, 36 to 27. — —-——— HEALTH CLUB HOME H. Reeder, By Dr. David Chicago, III. —There are extremes in | the tpyes of visitors to the doctor’s | office and one of these types is a | veritable pest. Not a docter lives | and has been in practice a few years that hag not had sad ex- perience with both kinds. One of | these extremes suffers in silence, | will not go to the doctor until, i | some cases, it is too late. The other is the pest. In the latter case there may be, to egtart with some real ailment that requires a careful course of treat- ment and it is given in a thorough and careful manner that results satisfactorily, but in the meantime the pest thinks that as long as the doctor must be paid, why not make him earn his money and a pain is found here and there. No sooner is one trouble disposed of than two Types:- "io fs — be either -— = Work orPlay It all depends on thelight. Sewing by the glimmer of the ordinary flickering, smoking, smelly lamp is work, difficult work. Hard on the eyes, ofttimes the real cause of throbbing, nervous headaches. But it's a real pleasure to pick out the Snest stitches by the radiant, soft, white light of a Rayo burning ATLANTIC Rayolicht | Buy it by name— Atlantic Rayolight Oil—from any dealer who displays this sign: or | Costs no more than the iv. unreliable kind. ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh | ly tells the patron | doctor. hraska, Mr. Bryan might retaliate hv a brief summer lecture tour ia New Jersey. more appear, until finally after the first and real trouble has entirely disappeared, there are go many of the manufactured ailments that the condition is sometimes worse than it was at the start. If the doctor is frank and honest- there is nothing really the matter, he is looked upon as an ignoranum. Another doctoris| visited, a trip to a sanitarium or as frequently happens, Christian Science is adopted and another stupendous triumph over the medical fraternity is recorded. I applaud vigorously and so does every man that has had to deal with such cases. In fact I deliberately recom- mend and uss suggestion, mental science, new thought or Christian Science in a vast number of such’ cases. When the real sufferer comes, the one that puts off the visit tothe fearing to know the truth, another and more difficult problem is presented. Knowledge of the true condition {is not going to change it or kill you and even if the doctor does mention surgery, you do not haveto A Rayo Lamp makes a heap of difference—the dif- A | undergo an operation unless you ference between work and play. And it’s beautiful - are willing. —actually improves the appearance of a oon. Give the doctor half a chance and Your dealer can show you special designs, spec ally | the cure may be an easy matter, but enade for your very parlor, sitting room or kitc chen, if you conceal part Of the facts and inexpensive, too—from $1.50 up. Cleans easily and many of the symptoms you only and lasts for all time. ar Ye orks a > oN Hae n is rk. Some fling Gives the best light when filled with Atlantic symptom that to you may be unim- Rayolight Oil —the kerosene that burns without portant, migot mean much to him. smoke or smell, that does not char wicks, but that | After you have once told him all does yield a marvelous white, soft light and un- about your case, let him do the rest, usually intense and economical heat. watch for symptoms and pains, And thousands and thousands of knowing house- for and confidently expect a wives say money can’t buy anything as good as x complete recovery. Atlantic Rayolight Oil for whitening clothes (one- a It’s not necessary to run to the half cup to the boiler), and for cleaning stoves, hair | doctor every time You sneeze or brushes and combs, for dusting, brightening faded : have a pain in your “left hind” foot, carpets, polishing furniture, etc. gor ! but if the sneezing persists and you : | chill or perspire freely without ap- ? parent eause or some of your joints persistently refuse to work properly ard sevare pain is felt frequentlyin| | a certain place, then [ ask the doctor, | may save you much expense. by all means he knows and he suffering and | re ere A A A re | Should Mr. Wilson speak in Ne. | + be RELIGIOUS NEWS Another pathetic little feature of everyday life is a man with about news From Qur Many wvcal Houses 14 hairs on his bean, importantly of worship directing the barber which side to brush ‘em on. Lutheran , ———— Mid-week Lenten services will be . held in the Lutheran church at 7:46 The independence ot the Philip- o'cloc pines will not be attended with There will be services in the Re- Church on West Main street next Sunday morning at formed 9:45. 10: Supper, k Wednesday evening. Reformed Mennonite Christ S. Nolt, Pastor Mennonite Presbyterian much fear that they will immediate. ly add to the complications by de- ciding to become a world power. Another important difference be tween President Wilson and the Colonel ig that the former wants the war over and the latter wants it Rev. F. G. Bossert, Pastor over here. 30, Communion of the Lord's Subject, of Life.” The Evening service at 7 “Spir Preparatory service instead of 7:30. Subject, itual Photography.” Friday even- ing at 7:30. Pre: Me vice, Choir United Brethren Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor Sunday School, 9 A. M. eaching, 9:15 A. M. Junior C. E, 6:15 P. M. Senior C. BE, 6:15 P. M 1chin 7. 0¢clock P. P. raver Meeting, Wednesday even- Methodist Episcopal Rev a | on, Pastor 2 c M 10.1 A. M League, 6 P. M M. P. M., i M ect Baptism: r e ( th ¢ Practice Thursd: night. n's Chorus practice Friday ev- at the home of W. W, Cassel. ening Su Tw "last four On pastor will “Some sireg Rev. I. nday the in the day school Trinity United Evangelical E. Johnson, Pastor School, 9:30 A, M. o new scholars were enrolled Sunday. Let ug try and enroll this Sunday, Tet our motto coming year, Sunday in the Sunday morning speak on the subject— Needful Remarks.” He de- some things that all Charch.” to say the members ought to hear. There Meeting or evening on fare Wel no Young People’s preaching on Sunday account of the Varney the Methodist will be Meeting in Church. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. Lewig Chester Morrison, Rector First Sunday in Lent, March 13. Sunday School, | Morning Prayer & Sermon, 10:30 9:16 A. M. Evening Prayer & Sermon, 7:30. The Rector will preach. Special Lenten services every Wednesday and Thurscay at 7:80 P. M., with visiting clergymen. ‘Wednesday, Day) March 15th—(Ember Rev, Robert Galt of St. James Church, Lancaster, preacher. Thursday, Arwe heim, Ash Wednesday (today) Mar. Litany and Penitential office, 7:30! P.M St. John’s, Marietta, Preacher, ‘Woman's Auxiliary Thursday after Evensong at the home of Miss Elsie Battye. If sea law fis other | »rudescence of March 16th—Rev. Atma | 11 Hughes of St. Paul's, Man-| Preacher. ! S| Rev. Herbert B. Pulsifer of | ——————— ~~ maintained in may be a re old fashioned not respects there ~rivateering. | Go UP AKIN, WC || Don’t Send Your Order Out of Town Until You See What We Can Do Always at Your Printing Needs! Service for | | | | Is there something you need in the follow- ing list? Birth Announcements Wedding Stationery Envelope Iuclosures Saie Bills Hand Bilis Price Lists Admission Tickets Business Cards Window Cards Time Cards Letter Heads Note Heads Envelopes Leaflets Bill Heads Calling Cards Statements Milk Tickets Meal Tickets Shipping Tads Announcements Briefs Notes Coupons Pamphlets Catalogues Circulars Posters Blotters Iavitations Folders Checks Blanks Notices Labels Legal Blanks Menu Cards Placards Dodgers Post Cards Programs Receipts Prompt, careful and effi- cient attention given to every detail “Christ the Source will be held “The Church School and the Sun- at 10:30 the’ AL FIKE,- Florin, | teb 8-3m. Wanted. For Sale for Rei FOR RENT—A b5-room house. Ap- ply to C. H. Eby, Mt. Joy. 2t FOR SALE—Early Ohio planting | potatoes at $1.25 per bushel. Wm. D. Easton, Mt, Joy. marg-3t FOR SALE—A high wheel piano box runabout with buggy top at. tachment. Call on Dr. A. F. Snyder, mar 1-tf, Mt. Joy. ~ WANTED—A middle aged woman for general housework in a family of thre e. Apply to H. Roy Nissly, Fl Pa. 2t the id them 1n FOR RENT—A ble for two horses and two large Mrs Sybille 0-tf > houses, Call on Mount Joy. nov, 1f ler, NOTICE—I am prepared to do all kinds of hauling, plowing lots, and work of that kind. reasonable. Jacob Brown, WANTED_$15 00 on gage on good Mount Joy Apply at this office. Misg Elsie Davis of spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. G. Samuel Sheaffer family. FOR SALE—A stand-hope, rubber tire buggy, good 8&8 new, thoroughbred bay driving mare, five years old, fearlesg of all ob- | jects. Both of the boys are away | from home, is the reason for selling. Write or call A. N. Mumma. Bell Phone 128-12. R. D. No. 1 Mount | Joy, Pa. mar 1-tf. FOR SALE—Cumberland & Black- | Cap raspberry plantg at eight dol. {lars per thousand or 11% cents a piece. Also strawberry plants of the big variety at $2.76 per thousand [ All March orders will be delivered free. Chas. R. Bahm, Route 2, Lititz, Pa. mar. 8-3t Mt. Joy. tf first mort: property. mar.8-2t Harrisburg, here and Read This! Bird-in-Hand, Pa., Oct. 2, 1915. Dr. G. R. Huber, Lancaster, Pa. Dear Sir: My glasses are very satisfactory,they are exact. ly what I needed. Will you please send me a case by mail because I will not be able to call for it for some time. Thanking you in advance, I remain Yourg respectfully, NAME RESERVED The above letter {is one of many jon my files. If ycur glasses are not EXACT |they are WRONG and should not be worn until they ar: made right. Give me a chance and I will test your sight thoroughly and quote you prices on the latest and most scientific forms of lenses and frames. Coming Monday March 13, 1916 AT CHANDLERS’ DRUG GTORE MOUNT JOY Geo. R.Huber,O. D. Optometrist DON'T FCRGET DATE Paper Hanging 10c Per Piece Plee. Charges very: also a’ The Aftermath of The Wonderful February Funiture Sale!! LE LOLOOOO00000O0O000O0000000000C COO OOOOCOOOOOOOONODTNNNCE A T™ enormous volume of business transacted by us during the February Furni- ture Sal 5] us with hundreds of odd pieces of fur- = niture iccumulated in this 3 YY manne é 8 3 ( nstance 2 8 3 S to us 2 & 8 & ] a Al rv ° . 8 We Are Now Clearing 8 2 Out Such Odd Pieces : Of Furniture At a FRACTIONAL : PRICES!! Here’s a Partial List Of : The Remarkable Values § J DRESSERS: 2 > * S$ 6.95; value ....... $10.00 3 8.75: valve ....... $1350 $10.90; value ....... $15.00 ¥ $13.50; value vss.$1875 $18.75; value ..$2250 & % Y SNOW--WHITE BEDS: § $ 1.50; value .......$ 3.00 9 $ 2.75; value .......} 5.00 ¥ $ 3.98; value ..... ..$ 6.00 X $ 4.95; value .......$ 7.50 $ 6.75; value ..$10.00 BUFFETS $17.75; value «ee .$25.00 $24.50; value ..... ..$32.50 $27.75; value ..$30.50 $33.98; value .......$42.50 $42.50; value ....... $55.00 a— PARLOR & LIBRARY SUITS $17.98; value ....... $25.00 822.50; value ....... $30.00 $29.98; value ....... $37.50 Sq 75; value ....... $43.75 S4A5.75; value ....... $50.50 ET vol iol 1 " Ie a's A WN 3 fro it t rhe sd = 2 : DON JVAN COMPANY > Succ essors to Williamson and HIODOOOOOO Foster and Cochran! 32--38 East King Street: LANCASTER PA. 2000000C0000000000000000000 BOO000000: G. 8S. VOGLE, AUCTIONEER FLORIN, PA. Prompt attention given to calling all kinds of real estate and personal property sales, Satisfaction guaran- teed or no charges. Give me a trial Drop me a card octlé-1yr -.