» > 3 slic . d By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, Ill. all times to defend it. 1 believe production of rye in the United Discriminating Preparedness: HOME HEALTH CLUB man is his own king. It ig our The subject ig one THE BULLETIN, MT. (JY PA State Agricultural Notes country and we must be ready at pennsylvania ranks fourth in the should prove as that the Department of Agricul- states i /isconsin, Michigan ture should at once, through a Sys- States with Wisco ’ & | whi [ storage far edits which should be approached from !¢m of storage and farm cred People Say all angles. I have Ao discussed | Prepare to care for the surplus of named. ; some phases of I want to em.| Umber crops so that when the lean For the past twenty-five years the STUDY YOUR That Champtail fills a long |phasize a feature producers and con- sumers of food stuffs and again call led 4) |attention to the work of the Depart.|¢31¢d upor : p |ment of Agriculture at Washington, Some might call this kind of talk Pennsylvania stands sixth in the — spending millions | Step toward paternalism. Instesd production of potatoes in the United Engineers will tell you that no ever exactly t Washington, that we have a tre- States in the production of buck- alike. They may be turned out to an exactness that The demand is for (to illustrate) 76 The damage done by the Hessian modern instrument to show any differ-| each ma | individual | being This same | unknown quantity is experienced in| The trial trip is the Department of Agriculture se- the only test of their efficiency. needed want in the line of non-al- troubling the coholic beverages is the opinion of peo- pel who know the “good of living.” Champtail is non-alcoholic and for that reason it appeals to all classes, besides it is really a sparkling Cham- pagne that bubbles and sparkles just [ports as well . 'that are available for f : _!pounds but we have produced 100 : : ¥ as its more famous forebearer has tion. The bulletins Joe im. EA farmers have § fly in this Sie during ins vas ment oF vagii . . |cash value to both producers and POUnds each to sell, there are only only about one-ha as gre eh : done in thousands of thin stemmed |consumers of food tin and if the 15 buyers, they want 5 pounds each. 1414. Over one-half of the counties chine will develop glasses. | producers were Sold at Soda Fountains, Res- taurants, Hotels and Clubs. | would be of ® ports are for the d S. dealer buys 75 pounds at that price im ; i . 2 : : ; : | THE HOUSE OF QUALITY 2 P Now. 26 A a the con. and the farmers loss the other 25 cured and analyzed 8,939 samples of ~The medical man never finds two, ® | sumers of meat products including pounds. In some cases, the dealers food stuffs during 1915 and brought human beings with COLUMBIA PENNA. ¥ {hogs, cattle, sheep and chickens, PUY the surplus at the low price and 1 165 suits for infractions of the positions, mental [years ‘ago and NUH The one best all-around gun—for ducks, 200 per cent )| We are actuaily Ta ratior We, the 4 s simply co-operation. e, 3 iv lofi plat deratimeni andif| i is SAND : employers States and easily leads all other (wo locomolives |the mailing list the department will monthly crop re- varioug bulletins {send to you the are not and are for some years to value of these re- |as long ag they not likely to be FLLANAGAN'’S ® | come, then the | ; 0 000000000 0000000000000O00000000000000C00000000000000 | 27° Paying from 25 that hag been|Y¢al's come the people may have plenty. The surplus could always be available in case the producers were country to defend their homes. rate of one per cent. a year. production per acre of crops for the name put upon people find through our mendous surplus of a certain crop. wheat. The buyers, the middleman, knows well organized were affected. Berks county had characteristics, las the dealers, the monthly reports NOW much the farmers have and ae 4 ; , eis i ; tremendons y eparts how much is required. He at once one-fourth of the crop of wheat af- superior for ils purpose gets the farmers to cut prices. fected. Those that must have money cutit pe Dairy and Food Division of sea-going vessels. below the cost of production. The per cent to 100 will refuse to grow so much of an To capture the markets of the the same model, homemade or commercial, can do a ’ lot of good in his community and| | useful to the cit zeng as 4 man with a threshing ma- and Minnesota leading in the order chine, corn shredder or cider press. INDIVIDUALITIES has been increasing at the Little Talks on Health & Hygiene by | Samuel D. Dixon, M. D.,, LL. D. defies the most the same dis-| physical | created after | but owing to dis-| or the life of | store it for use the next season ’ % ” . * cold storage and pure food laws. strength, yet we are [per cent more than they were ten KnOWing well that the 20 farmers from 50 per cent to more than twenty unprofitable crop. The following| State, for Pennsylvania fruits, all similar nerve forces THE KEYSTONE STATE FAIR Has the master minds of these men working out the magnificent architectural beauty and mechanical equipment that will marvel the entire State of Penne sylvania. The men whose photographs appear here are the heads of the nationally famous Graham, Burnham Co. of Chicago. Their skill in recent years has guided the’ construction of the Equitable, which cost fifteen million dollars; the Union Station in Washington, D. C,; Flatiron Building, New York; Maiden Lane Building, New York; new Continental and Commercial Bank Building, Chicago; Marshall Field and Company Store, Chicago; new General Poste office, Washington, D. C.; Wanamaker’s Stores ia Philadelphia and New York; Oliver, Frick and Me- Creery Buildings, also Pennsylvania Station in Pitts burgh, Chicago World’s Fair, and the record-b Speedway in Chicago. Other important buildings now about to enter the eonstruction stage are the new Field Museum in Chi €ago, and the new Union Station of Chicago. When Such Men As These Lend Their H nd to the Success of The Keystone State Fair, You Have Convincing Evidence of Its Success The six men whose pictures you see above have made a phenomenal success because every move they have made has been made with exact pre- cision. No better evidence could be shown of any great success than the great monuments throughout this land, designed or under the strict super- vision of these six men. They are not only famous themselves as stellar lights in their profession, but co-operating with them in their masterful sys- tem is a great army of architects, designers, engineers and construction ex- perts, all working with the same exacting care as their employes, KEYSTONE STATE F”""™ AND INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ~.JG., HARRISBURG, PA. Capitalization $1,500,000.00 KUNI With No Questionable Ventures WITH (HE 3. KEYSTONE STATE FAIR Union. his duty. zen in the State. State Fair success America has ever known. It is, therefore, reasonable to believe that when men of the Graham- Burnham type agree to link their nation-wide reputation with this great Key- stone State Fair, it is a movement with which every citizen of the State of Pennsylvania should become identified. ! Remember, you are a Pennsylvanian; a firm believer in Pennsylvania laws, of her customs, of her industries and occupations, Bear this in mind today, tomorrow—for all time. Make up your mind that the Keystone State Fair iu going to be a success, and that you are going to help. Seng for Beautiful St@te Fair Booklet I EVERY MAN CONNECTED ee ee ———————————————r——— eee ee Ae. et Has his shoulder to the wheel with a determination to forge Pennsylvania, as a show state, clear ahead of every other state in the We want YOUR shoulder to the wheel, too. We want your good wishes and your good advices. We want whatever help you can possibly give. ber, this is a state-wide conquest and not a single person in the entire commonwealth can afford to shirk We Want the Help of Every Citi- Even though you can afford to buy only one share of stock (par value $10.00), with all the other good people of your county joining ranks, along with sixty- six other faithful counties, the success of the Keystone State Fair will go by bounds and leaps into the biggest Wednesday, March 8, 1916. A ADDI ARR YED A New Stock of ASAX TIRES Guaranteed in writing 5000 MILES Sold by Barr's Garage HOUNT JOY, PA, | | VVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV | OVVVVVVVVVVVVVY AAAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAD STORAGE BATTERIES | years ago season only 50 pounds surplus isfor! t)at is needed is closer attentiont0 our tissues, each has | RECHARGED a i 1 ee! gale ¢ 5 ri ig “ { ) geese, foxes, for trap shooting and all small ° my, WoRthly. crop report: sent oft sais sng te « price is Donsied Jou the appearance of the package certain differences some have | COMPLETE EQUIPMENT game—is the 12-gauge, 6-shot !January 31, 1916 shows that the out Bis 35 pounds stored from the|?aS the quality of the fruit is al- r=al idiocyncrasies. ! ——— E ov 1 ut, HI » : . s r = ® Jove) of priess Zoi to moitoey in previous crop and cashes it ata big ready established. Phere are broad nature | VULCONIZING E ast years ve actually de- | i, : : i oa 1% § E Marlin creased two per cent. The farmers "With co-operation or Government A ‘tormer ; Pennsylvania. Yegijent relaing, lon ow welfare | CASINGS AND TUBES E : jare actually receiving 5% per cent : hd daly dio now living in Oregon writes to a which we cannot transgress without | a emrapat £ The Safest Breech-Loading ——————————— lors: today t} thor were control of storage and credits the Be E Gun Built. AHO oday than they were one year , ger level of prices to consumers Pennsylvania fruit grower: “Oh for evil results. Likes are cer- ALL KINDS OF =e Repeating Shotgun < Thos : : : and profits of production could be some Pennsylvania apples—the tain thinis which majority of MACHINE TURNING I RRR TR | those of us who buy meats in the ,-gdily maintained to the advantage Oregon apples look good— but give us can do without un- s 1, It handles fast, hits hard | C1L1€¢ know sad experience .f the people y -“ : ! . { ENGINES REPAIRED For snipe, quail, partridge, woodcock, squir- and is a wonder- that we are paying more than we rr ess etl es me those rieh, juicy, quality apples usual strain on physique, but | reis, rabbits, etc., the 16 or 20 gauge has the ful game, did a year ago. The butcher te the dear old Kevst State. ” ere begins the the ad- | ower of the 12-gauge without the weight getter! us it is due to 8. micher tells PUT OFF OLD AGE of the dent old Xersione Stale, i : ELECTRIC MOTORS power of the 12-gaug ou * us it is due to war in Europe, hr abt Fruit. growers of Pennsylvania justment of the piece of fine, quick gun of beautiful proportion that the packers are getting fancy . as . 3 3 a y OVERHAULED ed. v every to-( prices for war rations and that they 1y Mt. Joy People Have Learned claim that the greatest need to the achinery. We our Breech s . J 1 dr Xt ns hic y, + re ii 3 + . 3 ¥ iain, sn Bold See aes 6 11 Marlin 8 (the butchers) are losing money. a Secret fruit growing business at present is physical limitations find out EPAI 2 Hot oe os A The actual increas fi ¥ Some old f¢ are bent and shaky. ; alli Sap : 1s hs seoDe ; R R WORK s-Button Cartric repeating rifles and shotguns. 1e actual increase of price level 3 : tiaizhi and stro v law compelling every shipper to just what scope Because GUARANTEE of De . al the Zirmars an al Irnde ) straight and strong. ra . : & : as : \ and Hammer $ etre PoroarmS Co, a mm 3! nes of mere “oldness” that Mark his name and address on One man can live or almost existon Y TEED a. New Havent ¢ during. the A a : i 1 It Gi c lan every package he ships, with the an exclusive meat it is no . TR T Ala ring t pa J : If yo + When yor ad . ; Fa : ie Y 7} th 7 Hn HEAR wish to compare the 1il selling 100 often wric: paid that crade and minimum size of the reason why the can. | ELECTRIC TIRE PUMP AT YOUR : ; le Stl 5 : olde f poy : \ 3 : - waa - - — prices with "those of 8 years ago, mum 2 ) ts oping. dre ruit contained in the package. ten and. women ruin their SERVICE consult the a rtisement of special , .;, i. on a : = The . highest return during the health by trying te do things simply ——— ms . rice u che new ner FQ ¥ ge | [ «« / fis IS the Brooder that Req 2111S DN Buhl eq De on of 8 p the kidneys take it from the past year to any Pennsylvania egg because otherg Each SUPPLIES AT THE RIGHT ‘ . 1 ytdls 450 W } arga ices 1 4 Ys : ake : / 1 ‘ of today. When doing so Wh in oY al i fo. 1 armer was sixty-three cents a chould get his own PRICES Yr S111. ol hep 5 id th in this struggle, live 2 . ai , H ol . BLUE HEN r= iis SRO SO Little mind the fact you are compar. 0 ps nem: En 2 © Ve qozen according to W. Theo. Witt- The question of must enter El : Wolk RGOD ( tos or shianind Flr a At 1 1 : : $a 3 BROODER HEATER ois | Woah, OMG SveS : os i ne , = lo] i ave Piso bargains, stimulate the kidneys with a re- Man, the poultry expert of the De into consideration. to 0 ) ’ vhich are as a rule , 5 re Tex 5 a ii 4 i y : : 2 . ( oal ! cent to 20 id Bil So a anahes able kidney remedy. partment of Agriculture. The break hear in mind that which WB Shere. ; i or people pay. ! ¢ : N one endorsed like Doan’s Kidney in prices was the earliest vet qo¢ not seem one 2 Hesds 35s of | Hiady Go VI ne i } It seems f{ that the greatest Read this Mount Jov testimony known, and it is claimed that fall period in life may dangerous in ® = Lyons, N. Y. ‘““Ihavenc 3 and 1 work the Agricultural rs. M Mt. Joy St. Mt. ©22s and not winter eggs now bring later years. o trouble to keen my “Blue i Pebmime ways. and means rt time ago I was the maximum prices. These same principles in a 3 Dip, to 3 110 of distribution, fron the producer 1 n tH AI ek an ; ari A ; i : J = Hen’’ Brooder at the right § Te a on ! my br bp od a0eT to th my back and had bearing An average farm with six cows matters of diet. are food- ROUND TRIP 5 temperature. I have over # C ume in a more exten- 3 ains just through my kidneys. p 3 . = 200 chicks 4 3 sive nropnaganda home prepara- 1 wo nicarah ha pproach nd four hor will produce in the uff vholesome the \ w 200 chicks t g 'm pars serable and approach- : Gab y " ? four weeks and the ¢ g tion of products, makine the pro old was aecainst me My barnyar )1 tons of ma- average individual, seem to TO 1ete Of vo p nen A . 3 : ’ : 3 . . = twelve days’ old. A hap- § i s of the ready for the iid vere very irregular in ae- nhure in ayea in comparison have a deleterious the .. # ee Saag ot ! we 4 it N pte Tien Finally when embe For my with commercial fertilize; has a few wm 3 : PR = /OU never saw. fhe farme never sells hay family recommended an’s Kidney ? : ~ gad ? ; bE £3 ay § or grain is niversally better off Pil 3 i 1 igh value out $250. We must measure individual _ hilad £ § pil i a : PP n IT H Afr | 1 ¢ 50 § than the 1 does. Ail hay, Yeved thi in wonder- ring the ast tw vears 2,400 characteristiecg and those ry : a = Blue Hen 10t All vl oly ’ 7 5 2 1m hould be con- M1’ 1 benefited me n every barn vard lution have been things that do not agree with us. W Ac ich In histog” memories © AC " Doattay © A Bi on the Let walk to av.” bated: 1 Pennsvivania farmers. bv AY of these thi h © TRI c : Tp ”n = ode Q Are Rettar at RD Lae ; : 2 ated by Pennsylvania farmers by All of these things should be ob- N | K 4 Thy } UGLY ALG DOLLGL ab 5 n ef 16 m of hogs, cattle, P ec. at all dealers Yon’ : : = i k BS roo BIS Al ny Gt v : 0 : heep and poultry 7) . in in ~mnly % . 1 Lp 2 Ie Deny enbankments of earth oz ( served and taken into consideration. Wi . ; 2% id IZ 2 most 230 bro s The orates can’t clinker u mother fire a oe GE Stl, r a kidne > y= : ; : i Specia ra ERTS than most $30 b ders. I'he grates can’t clinker up or smother ire. § he finished products Kidney Pills—the same Giverting the surface drainage, and They are the results of weaknesses m pecial in Leay 3 Their area is 24 tii than others; the regulator is automatic 26 Al WAY : 3 A } 3 : ; fi es VOUNT JOY...... 41 A.M. 3 and certain. Study the : SR : © Brandt had Foster-Mil- saving both solid and liquid manure or peculiaritieg in ma- gg ce - c gram Study tie a . oul I's ha Y anare ve Ea Ye ea » : 3 4 eturnir 5 Avente tor” Hea Brood Howse Gall and See Sampl ce otc MM , on, Snare 5 Pre ar Buffalo, N. Y. for fertilizing purposes. It is esti- chinery and to reach and maintain a RY 8 Gon ents fo ien'' Brooders (Hot-a all i > 3 : age any vege. -— Aa 4 : bm A 5: 4 and Roem £). Bound Tray, Tov bari ail and dee Sample : tables are fa way tter and Should Make Her Ho mated that this manure saved, is efficiency, ‘they - must be recognized A pri DELPHI ..-.7.00 P.M. = anc ound y Mammoth ubators. Es Bt Se ann # more hole&onie Sr on Tor 1 viake r Pp orth 2190 0 expan SRA \ v a a ES We are now exhibiting above equipme: and Get Gatald ; hoe > ) SoH W he n ganneg Im The skins of thirty frogs, more ort, is 000 a year to the farmers and respected. - “ = abd - So ne ) afte coming irom the than 290 inches in all, were grafted 0 e State. EG a= Gee the Battleseipsatl eague = 8 o ind the community car & YL aa aa en Be 3 : » 7 N ts eatin +31 = S R : y U1 £ on the body of Mrs. Samuel §£ ery i p We uppose Island Navy Yard, open ASK THESE BLUE HEN AGENTS | [Factories “shonin ‘Detome u perro toe. ody of Ms Samuel Sporty In every horicwrural district of Pose imesh © ma SAE Te he : nent and profitable part of farming f Des Moines, Towa, She was in- the State, one or more commercial goes through a period when he Bm |4° Mca Hall Tndeo E H. M. BAER & SON, SALUNGA. i Vher ! i be pon 1S. jured recently in a gasoline explo- ' - og , open 12.30t0 4.00 P. M., Indep- ; i oy en the problem of distribution gon the skin being burned from sprayers are needed. A man who minke the. height devilighnese 1s @ | endence Hall, open 1.00 to 4.00 = JOHN E. LONGENECKER, MT. JOY {15 82 tled in a practical manner the \.. qv pair her body. will render good conscientious ser- reading the Police Gazette. a P. M., Memorial Hall and Aca-§ = P. E. WOLGEMUTH, MOUNT JOY ¥ | producer should rocetve much more 25 aa vice with a spray pump, using the If silence is golden fiogse 1 8} detny of Fine Arts, open 1.00 t0p B Eo ya 8 flor iu crop the consumer A : : : |. o P. M., Fairmonnt Park an = ms should pav less. In America every The Bulletin Only. costs $1 a year. boiled lime-sulfur solution, either could start a mint. o 5. many other objects of kg = ever er wm! h i = = est of ‘‘The Quaker City.” = E x s on —— een me _— mre om re rt — eee — a ————ma = _ - TE ee ng a BE ph : rrr - ws N\ i = J i i i 2 PENNSYLVANIA R. R. § —y rT my Pe ny we m TTC 1 OR ¢ 3 i 5