The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 01, 1916, Image 8

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| ‘mesg Prices Prevail in This
| on Market Today
Herewith is appended a lst of
rices that prevailed as supplied =»
~y market master Mr. Albert Strick


| ar, at the Mt. Joy Market Howse
tis morning. !
j Butter, per Jb. ............ .
jIggs, per 0m. ........ci00n oe
| “up Cheese, 2 cups for ...... eh
| mah Cheese, 3 ballg for -........ |
| ‘abbage, per head .......... 8 to Ge
spples, par half pk ............800
| Potato Chips, per bag ........... Se §
¥ | Horse radish, per glasa ......... Be |&
: | Uressed Chickems each ..4fe to 8%c
4 fAirIoto; DOP IB, ...iiiireiennens 20
i tid Roast, per ID. .....ccccuunne Be
8 sofli mw 16 to 20¢ |
% The Most Remarkable \ as re iia rene. 20e 8
, IN BROODER seef Liver, por 1b, .......... i
: COAL BURNING Calf Liver, par To ..oroororrr, 008
: Ever Invented Fo ot ret we
: : 2 : : : n Wn cece. B88 &
8 Self-Feeding, Self-Regulating, Simple, Safe, Everlasting a a E
: Guaranteeed Operating Cost Less Than 60c a Day er ie]
. { Pota bes 0 $1.00 &
X SAVES LABOR, TIME and MONEY ani. Vy asia e an saint 36¢c &
; SOLD ON 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL AND YOU WRITE YOUR' OWN Eggs per doz. ............eeeeee 1c
Brandt & Stehman Pay:
MONEY-BACK ARANTEE Wheat, Dor Bu. ...iiu.svqitnnss $1.25
wu Corn. per bl ir rere rr 78E
a A Oat, Per DU .uvessssrrsssncses. 55¢
h \ Brandt & Stehman Sell:
H. ® NE YY 0 MER, A it. Joy, Pa. Bran, per hundred ............§1.3s
Shipstuff, per hundred ........ 1.86

ednesday, March 1,

Thousands of Dollars | Wasted
In Lancaster County
During The Year of 1915

We have been fortunate to secure
the services of B. F. Metzler of Lan-
caster, Pa, the experienced stove
man who makes the above statement
in discussing the wasteful consump-
tion of coal,
The average housewife strives hard
to save fuel without knowing how fuel
ig wasted by poor installation,
Mr. Metzler will give talkg at our
store on
Friday & Saturday
March 3rd and 4th §
on the following and kindred suljeets
How to obtain the greatest amount
of heat with the least poesible een-
sumption of fuel
How to heat your oven so tliat it
will bake properly.
The necessity of obtaining perfeet
combustion. ;

How te save money by buying a durable as a high priced
range rather than a cheap one which is the most expensive at the end.
as well
‘We Invite every housekeeper of Mount Joy and vicinity to call at our
store and receive the benefit of these free talks,
You will incur no obligations and you will be as welcome as though
you were a regular customer of ours, besides taking home a useful sou-
We sell the famous OTHELLO and SUNSHINE RANGES. We will
give a practical demonstration of its baking qualities on the above dates.
Call and examine for yourself by tast ing its products.


——West Main Street,
Mount Joy, Penna.


Mixed feed, per hundred ...... 1.35;
Middlings, per hundred ....... 1.56!
Giuten, per hundred .....c.... LB¢ |
Cotton Seed Meal, 41 pe rcent. 3.1¢'
Linseed Meal, per hundred ... 3.30;
Beet Pulp, per hundred ...... 3.08
Larro feed, per hundred ...... 1.68)
Mingo feed, per hundred ..... 1.76]
Onion Seed, per hundred ..... L.7e!
Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 8.6¢|
| Timothy Hay, per ton .......$33.6¢|


The next time we have to send What has become of the old-fash-
Back up your President and the’
stars ang stripes will never have to Germany a note, we favor ioned sister who used to wear half
back down. | Billy Sunday write it. a dozen petticoats.
A successfully preserved neu, Our understanding 1s that Britan = Trouble about the peace move-
trality is of far more value than & nj; rules the waves on Mondays, ments is that a soft head always
victory in war. | Wednesdays and Fridays. [seems to go with a soft heart
¢ * s ® | ¢ ss o es e os o
The Republicans have scored an-| A young man usually keeps on be-| Some men don't have to go into;
| secret caucus in order to prevent |
other telling point against Woodrow Ing crazy about a girl as long as
Wilson. The Boston-Transcript has! she keeps on being cragy about|the rest of the world from finding
thought of calling him “Dr.” some other fellow. out what they are thinking about.
Puif your way into the
A a ——— HARRIE. Bp a
inys of Prince Albert!

None, For Si, Fo Rr
If you want to buy or sell property—,
| See Schroll.

| FOR SALE—A high wheel piano
| box runabout with buggy top at-!
tachment. Call on Dr. A. F. Snyder, !
Mt. Joy. mar 1-tf.
WANTED—Young man to learn
the clothing businees. Address |
“Clothing,” care Bulletin. it
WANTED—A middle aged woman
housework in a family


| for general

Co ahead, quick as you lay in a stock

of the national joy smoke! Fire up a Boonen Thogeo big Reh Niniz,
pipe or a makin’s cigarette as though | Florin, Pa. t
| wanted—Will buy all the old

you never did know what tobacco
bite and parch meant!
For Prince Albert is freed from bite
and parch by a patented process
controlled exclusively by us. You
can smoke it without a comeback
| pigeons I can get. Bring them in|
|and deliver to J. Miles Backenstoe, |
| Mt. Joy, Pa. |
FOR SALE—A large safe in good
' condition. A. B. Cling, Mt. Joy. 2t
LOST—An overcoat on the road



> in use P. A. is real [leading from Moore’s Mill towards
2 of any kind Pecan : ES | Newtown, Finder please return to
tobacco delight. ro

| Day Old Chicks—S. C. White Leg- |
{horns and Barred Rocks for sale,
{10¢ a ch. Also Custom Hatching at
{4c a ch. Newpher Smeltzer, Mount
| Joy. te.
| Groceries. Also Famous Chincota-
|gue Oysters 35c. a_gqt, at Brandt’s,
| ast Joy Street, Mt. Joy. feb. 3-8t |
FOR SALE—A good as new 2-burnm-
ler gasoline stove in Al cordition |
- |Cost $15 but will sell very cheap as |




the national joy smoke 4 Ihave mo further use. Call at this |
i office. tL. |
will do for you what it i | FOR RENT—A large stable suit |
has done for thousands lable for two horses and two large |
i e i |carriage houses. Call on Mrs. Sybills |
of men, 10 i A 5 ih x | Zeller, Mount Joy. nov. 10-1 |
tates but all over the : [reer Yum Joy.
world! It will give you 1 | "NOTICE—I am prepared to do all |
a correct idea of what a # |kinds of hauling, plowing lots, and |

reverse side of this tid
t ap
Charges very |

Ifit does, don’t blame the story, don’t condemn the
type or the printing, don’t imagine you've weak
eyes, for the fault is probably with your lamp.
And it’s a fault that is easily remedied—all that’s
needed is a Rayo Lamp. By its clear, steady,
white light you can read on and on, get the full pleasure
out of reading and without a trace of eye strain. But to
get the most and best light from a Rayo Lamp, use
Combined they give the finest light money can buy, an econom-
fecal light, too, ideal for reading, sewing or playing. Your dealer
can show you a Rayo Lamp specially designed for parlor, sitting
room or kitchen, from $1.50 up. And each of these rooms needs
one—Rayo Lamps are easily cleaned and last a lifetime.
As for Atlantic Rayolight Oil, it is the one kerosene that burns in
lamp, stove or heater without smoke or smell—gives a great
volume of clear, white light, and an intense yet cheap heat.

And; do you know, thousands of clever housewives have told us
they just can’t get along without Atlantic Rayolight Oil for polish-
ing furniture, washing windows, keeping lice off chickens, clean-
ing Damned woodwork, etc., but mind you, for these purposes
ordinary kerosene won’t do them—they must have Atlantie
Rayolight Oil. Ask for it by
known kind. The dealer w

name—costs no more than the un-
o displays this sign
eam always supply you. It's wise to get it by the barrel.




tidy red tins, 10c; handsome
h~lf-pound tin hamidors and in
clever pound crystai-giass humi-
i istener top that
re a


on-Salenr, N, &

R. J. REY}
Joy, Pa.

Write or call A. N. Mumma Bell Property sales, Satisfaction guaran-|
Phone 12812. R. D. No. 1 Mount! teed or no charges. Give me a trial
mar 1tf.' Drop me a ecard.
E. F. ARNDT & SON Real Estate and Personai Property.
octl4-1yr Feb. 24, 3m. Fiorin, Penna. Termg Moderate Bs! Telephone

- {work of that kind
pipe smoke or 2 home- su vill roads VF L a S00) Nn |
- rolled cigarette should be. de {Aree men Fme rer e. Jacob rown, oy. a .-. A —_ :
hi Bok . hig7% on sane | FOR SALE—A standhope, rubber! @. §. VOGLE, AUCTI : -_—
Get this Prince Albert pipe-peace and ure: vou om |tre bugsy, soos as mew, aoa ooo AUCTIONEER Storage Batteries Charles S. Frank
you men who have “retired” from pipe Sofel Jum thoroughbred bay driving mare, FLORIN, PA. AUCTIONEER :
who have never known its solace! Be Ty a P > {Jee years old, fearless of all Ob-| Prompt attention given to calling Recharged and Repaired. - Work 5:3
= i rece with rr. 2 . Both of the boys are away | guaranteed. Electrolight, sold In MOUNT JOY, PA.
: you quick as jects {all kinds of real estate and personar, SU ctrolight, ’
BF natant os ved sree. 50. and make fin from home, is the reason for selling. | any Gusnlily. Piices Right. PRE Aonion given To Satie. 49
