The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 09, 1916, Image 5

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01 1


ruts Mission I" in charge of Rev. LANDISVILLE SPORTING HILL SALE REGTER | ow i mi ng a4 52
‘ ir, Mrs. Musselman en- A FREE notice ot your ° . | house i
Lewis Chester Morrison, Rector of Mi: and Mrs. Jacob n eg a ow
tertained these guests at dinner om | Report of Both Our Local Schools
Sunday: Mr. Jacob Nolt and family, for the Past Month
t. Luke's Church, Mt. Joy.
The Rev. Albert Aune of Bedford,

Pa, was the morning preacher at Mr. Harry Dissinger and amily and |
8t. Luke's Church last Sunday. Mr. Dunlevy, a P. R. R. baggage mas- , Mrs. Jacob Stauffer gpent Monday
—— WR ter of Harrisburg. i at Neffsville and Kisscl Hill,
The sudden change in the weather
sm ee I a |
Turtle Soup on Saturday evening hig taken many persons by sur
at the Washington House Cafe. <eriise ln the Mt. Joy Bulletim. prise.
I ———— t———————— — EE —


11 LE ET





Ale of sa Ab

Miss Grace Holland visited with
m friends in East Donegal Saturday

= and Sunday.
a 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Dellit from
RIDE TO LAN a | Lancaster, visited in the Meisenber-!


Mr. Harvey Springer and family
| Visited in the home of Mr. George
| Springer near Florin on Sunday.
{ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weidman
| visited the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Weidman Sunday.
| Last Sunday evening Misses Em-
ma and Fannie Dissinger and Grace
Holland were entertained by the
| Misses Witmer near Erisman’s,
{ The Sporting Hill Secondary
School closed its fifth month Febru-

ron on i - CY
Ne oS
a rr 1 tld ee
- Fnac LL od

9 ary 1st.
fl Attendance, males 16; females 10;
ps total 26; Average attendance, males
gm 13; females 8; total 21; percent of
B attendance, males 85; females 81;
= | total 83. The pupils rank as fol-
3 lows: A Class—Charles Weaver, 92;
Ray Hershey, 90; Roy Nissley, 88;
Samuel Derr, 87; Ralph Kauffman,
86; Anna Kauifman, 86; Paul Sump-
man, 83; Alta Rohrer, 83: Dorothy
; Lefevre, 76; Charles Fissel.
B. Class—Eva Shelley, 92; Her-
bert Lawrence, 89; Oscar Rohrer,
: Go outsids your own home county 88; ‘Kathryn Sheaffer, 85; Mary
Haldeman, 80.
C. Class—Helen Kauffman, Harvey
Weaver, Mary Frankhouser, Abram
to buy furniture. You can buy the
same goods for the same money, g we
= | Zeller, Viola Zeller, Alvin Shelly, 84;
and probably for less money, and Br atic or pa Snel
get better attention, right here in @ 1iams, 52; walter Gibble, 80: Fanny

1 Foose, 79; Harry Miller, 70.
c I. ’ ’ -
ancaste Visitors—Directors, B. B. Kready.
. | Phares Strickler;
. 3 d bh If | Messrs. S. 8. Si-
D O N T Fatronize mail order houses. | mons, Henry Bradley, Norman Giv-
anything goes wrong, it 1s easier to ler, Elmer G. Brubaker, Clarence
Engle, Earl Stern, Robert Lefevre;
Misses Martha Musser, Edna Shelly,
Helen Herr.
J. Avery Engle,
get it tectified in Lancaster than it
would be if it came from Chicago
besides, when you spend your
money in Lancaster youare helping
to make Lancaster grow.


The Sporting Hill Primary School
closed its 5th month Feb. 2nd.
» | Attendance, males 18; females 16;
= | total 34; Average attendance, males
15; females 14; total 29: Percent of
attendance, males 96; females 93;
total 94,
Third Grade—Anna
Elizabeth Lefevre, 90;
89; Paul Weidman, 86; Edna Shelly,
85; Lloyd Brandt, 85; Sarah Long,
[ 84; Ivan Rohrer, 80; Orville Brandt,
79; Guy Rohrer, 79; Pauline Crull,

Buy from installment houses, if you
intend to pay cash. You know that
every installment house has many
bad debts that have to be made
good somehow—and you are the
“somehow”, when you pay cash
in an installment house. .

Nissley, 92;
Alice Cover,

; = TE :
T i ou are a Sf
D ON’ Be mislead by imagining y ; Sond A dea Foran
favored customer at some certain 0h Cole er oa,
installment house. Don’t get the =| Rohrer, 90; Eben Herr, 88; Hliza-
= | beth Crull, 87; Esther
| 86; Emanuel Shaeffer, 79.
i First Grade—Miriam Fahnestock,
| 96; John Meisenberger, 95: Anna
| Springer, 95; Kathryn Nissley, 93;
| Helen Herr, 92; Terressa Luttman,
idea that because you get so much ewguard
per cent off, you are getting an in-
side price. Probably your neighbor
gets a greater discount than you do.

These reductions were all provided 98; Benjamin Miller, 80; Roy Zel-
for when the original price was _| gh oan Boe ia on
fixed. You are safe only when you Martha Shenk, John Herr, Walter
buy from the store that has one price | ratty, Ine Bender, Earl Bradly,
| iy. radly.
for everybody, and thatthe LOWEST Visitors—Mrs. Jacob Stauffer, Mr.
POSSIBLE PRICE for furniture of ®' Benjamin Kready, Mr. Phares
Strickler, Mr. Norman Gibbler, Mr.
S. S. Simons, Mr. Willlam Bender,
Miss Emma Dissinger, Miss Carrie
Imagine the big stores in the big
cities can sell cheaper than we do.
We buy from the same ma ufactur-
ers, at exactly the same prices as
the biggest retailers in America,
Grace A. Holland, Teacher.
Rapho Lyceum
The meeting held at
Hill on Friday
evening, proved fhe
and our expenses in proportion are best attended, thus far. The ques-
. tion resolved, That Women of
a whole lot less than those big met Pennsylvania should have Suffer
ropolitan stores with the high sound- age,” was enthusiastically debated.
Though the judges
decided in favor of the negative
side the affirmatives are not dis-
couraged. The affirmative speakers
were, Misses Anna Brubaker and
Mabel Weaver: negative, Messrs.
Samuel Fahnestock and Roy Rhoads.
The recitations, “Lyceum News,”
instrumental solo ete, were well
Program for Fridaythe 11th {inst—
Musie, Society: Sentimental roll
call; Reading of Minutes, Miscel-
laneous Business, Referred Ques-
tions, Messrs. Ross Kauffman and
| Roy Hershey: Instrumental Duet,
{ Misses Lille Bucher and Fsther
| Brubaker; Recitation, Elizabeth
Kreider; Vocal Solo, Fannie Dis-
| singer; Debate, Resolved, “That the
| United States should foster fhe
, Policy of Preparedness.” A ffirma-
tive, Mr. C. HB. Rohrer and C. I.
ing names and the house
The February Sale
FFERS you the advantages of selecting from the
O largest and most complete stock of Furniture
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. This stock has
been carefully selected from the “Cream” of the Fur-
It was purchased under
1 0 1 EE


niture industry in America. :
favorable buying conditions not likely to occur again
| Yake:; Negative, Messrs. J. Huber
in this century. Kready and C. A. Grelder: Male
| Quartette, Referred Questions,
j Messrs. Walter Stauffer and Ammon
Bucher; Lyceum News, Critics Re-
marks, New Business, Adjournment.
Program for Friday the 18 inst:
Music by Society, Sentimental roll-
call, Reading of Minutes, Referred
| Questions, Messrs. Elam Stauffer
and Robert Lefevre; Recitation,
m | David Nissley; Ladies’ Chorus, De-
= | bate, Resolved, “That the Press is
= | more educative than School.” Af-
£ | firmative, Misses Emma Dissinger
= | and Mabel Weaver; Negative Miss
M | Grace Holland, and Mr. 0. R. Geib;
General Debate, Donegal Quartette,
Referred Questions, Messrs. Andrew
Nissley and ‘William ‘Weaver;
Lyceum News, Critics Remarks,
New Business, Adjournment.
—— OE.
FOUND—A friendship bracelet.
Call on Rev. I. C. Morrison,
Therefore This Is The Opportune
Time To Make Your Selection

Mt. ship," 2 niles,
1t steers 100 shoats, chickens, lot of

serted here for any length of time, !
provided we print your sale bills i'riday, March 17—On the premis-.
iis i$ excellent advertising vec. .w- |©S at Nissley’s Mill in Bast Done
it is read by so many people a... [3al township, 1% miles northeast of
surely bring the buyers: (Marietta and 234 mileg southwest of
Thursday, Feb. 17—On the prem. Mt. Joy, horse, cow, 6 sheep, lot of |
ises along the Mount Joy and KEliza-|implements, vinegar and a lot of
bethtown turnpike, at the western household goods by Levi R. Nissley.
limits of Mt. Joy boro, 2 horses, Allinger, auct. i
large lot of farming implements, Wednesday,” March 22—On the prem-
3000 tobacco lath, etc by Reuben K. iss on Broad street, Landisville, a
Stauffer, Aldinger, auct. [large lot of household goods by BE. O. |
Friday, Feb. 18—On the premises | iffenderfer. Minnich, auct.
in West Donegal township, 14 mile| Saturday, March 25——At his
mile gouth of Elizabethtown, a tract lard exchange stables on Marietta
lof five acres of land with frame Street, Mount Joy, a large lot of very
| house, frame stable, and outbuild- 500d acclimated horses and oolts by
'ings by Jno. B. Schroll, Real Estate Bd. Ream. Frank, auct.

' Broker for Mr. George T. Ulrick,) Friday, MArch 31—At their stock
| Frank, auct. {yards in Mount Joy, . big opening
| Saturday, Feb. 19—At hig sale sale of 1916 of a lot fresh and’
bulls, heifers
'and exchange stables in Mount Joy, SPringing cows, §
| B. Keller & Bro.
la large lot of acclimated Berks and (Sesrs, ete. by J.
| Lebanon County horses and colts | Aldinger, auct. |
A ————— a a — |
by Ed. Ream. Frank, auct. i
Saturday, Feb. 19—At his place of
business in. Elizabethtown, big clos-|

ing out sale of W. B. Schneitman |News From Olen any Local Hous}
and the first annual sale of imple-| orship {
ments, buggies and harness by | oh He Church
Longenecker & Demmy. Singer, Re rmed Mennonite © i
; Christian 8. Noit, Pastor |
auct. See advertisement. | 2 : i
as . oR There will be preaching in the
Friday, February 25—On the prem- Reformed Mennonite church next
ises on the road leading from Salunga
to Martin Moore's stone crushing
plant, 2 miles west of Salunga, in|
West Hempfield township. 4 horses, 1
mule, 8 cows, 7 heifers, 5 bulls, |
shoats, chickens and a large lot of |
farming implements by D. N. Hostet-
ter. Aldinger, auct. f
Saturday, Feb. 26—At his place of |
business on West Donegal street,
Mount Joy, large lot of new light! Lutheran Church
and heavy wagons, a full line of The Rev. G. A. Kerchner, formerly
tarming implements, engines, lot of | o¢ Norristown, will preach both |
first-class harness, etc. Also a lotof morning and evening at the Luther- |
second-hand wagons and imple- church on Feb. 13th.
ments by G. Moyer, Frank, auct. A congregational meeting will be!
, Tuesday, Feb. 29—On the premis- held after the morning service.
es, the A. L. Nissley farm, about a |
Sunday morning at 9:45.
Methodist Episcopal
Rev. C. B. Johnston, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.
Preaching, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30
Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday,
Se 36 Se 3% 90 3 3% 3% 9% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3 3% 9% 3% 3% 4% 3% 9% 3% 9% 3
mile east of Rheems, near Reist’s! Trinity United Evangelical
!pear orchard, mules, 10 cows, 4 Rev. I. E. Johnson, Pastor
bulls, 2 heifers, 12 shoats, chickens, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.
farm implements and some house-| Preaching services at 10:30 A. M.
(hold goods by Philip Snyder. Al- ang 7PM
{dinger, auct. |

| Wednesday, March 1st—On the| United Brethren
Michael Souders farm, along the Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor
road leading from Mount Joy to Sunday School, 9 A. M.
Manheim, one half mile east of the |
former place, in Rapho township, 1
|horse, 4 mules, 18 cows, 3 bulls, |
shoats, 6 heifers, lot of chickens! Revival Services at 7 P. M.
and a complete lot of farming im-| Revival Services every night ex-!
plements by Mr. John Tyson. Frank, cept Saturday night. |
auct. ‘ | -
| Tursday, March 2—On the premis-| Presbyterian
es on the road leading from Mount | Rev. F. G. Bossert, Pastor
Joy to Bender's Mill, midway be- | Sabbath School 9:15 A. M.
vween the tio placed! one mille east ——Diyime~Worship—sit—Sermos,30:2
of Mount Joy, 6 horses, 2 mules, 12/A. M. Subject—Jesus and Nicode-
Holstein cows, 3 bulls, lot of shoats, mus.
chickens, farming implements and| Evening Services, 7:30 P. M., Sub-
household goods by A. W. New-|ject—Pharaoh’s Questions.
comer. Aldinger auct. Prayer Meeting, this evening at
Friday, March 3—On the farm of 7:30 o'clock.
the J. M, Brandt estate, on the road A special offering will
Preaching, 10:15 A. M
Junior C. BE. 6:15 P. M.
Senior C. E,, 6:15 P. M.

We 3 3% 9% 9 9% 2%
be taken
‘among which are two mated teams,| Mrs. BE. D. Shearer
cows, bulls, shoats, and a large lot|yalescing.
of good farming implements by I| Some of our farmers delivered to-
H. Neidig. Frank, auct, 'bacco to Manheim on Tuesday.
Saturday, March 4—On the prem-| F. G. Kline, A. M. Diehm and |
ises on the road leading from Flor- | Elias Gibble attended Willoughby |
in to the Mt. Joy and Marietta turn-|Kline’s sale near Bomberger’s dis- |
pike, one mile east of Mount Joy, in [tillery on Tuesday. |
East Donegal township, 5 horses, 5! Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sharbone |
cows, small beef, lot of shoats, Iot |and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ruhl visited |
of chickens, all the farming imple-|in the home of Henry Bradley at |
ments and some household goods Sporting Hill on Sunday. |
by Elam Myers. Minnich, auct. Mrs. William Tshudy is on the |
Tuesday, March 7—On the premis- Sick list suffering with rheumatism. |
es, the Cassel Park farm, 14 mile Kathrine Ruhl made a business trip |
of Maytown, on the road lead-| tc Lebanon on Tuesday. |
ing form the Maytown road to the; John Kline who was confined to
Maytown & Marietta turnpike, in the house for about four weeks suf- |
East Donegal township, 2 horses, pair fering on account of a sore arm is |
of mules, 18 cows, 3 stock bulls, ot of Seen in our village again. |
shoats, 50 chickens, a lot of farming Emanuel Hoffer lost through
implements and some household death two valuable horseslast week. |
is slowly con-
leading from the Back Run road to for Foreign Missions next Sabbath |
Sharp’s Corner, near Risser’s Mill, 2! morning. |
wiles north of Mt. Joy, in Rapho A Ar |
township, some extra fine horses, ELSTONVILLE
goods by Reuben D. Myers. Alding- Henry Shearer lost a horse and Al-|
er, auct. Ibert Garner lost a cow about the
Wednesday, March 8—On the same time. |
Frank Ruhl! is undoubtedly one of |
Hershey Chocolate Co.’s heaviest
Mill, on the Marietta & Lancaster Milk producing patrons in this sec-|
turnpike, one mile east of Marietta, tion. He has delivered nine thousand |
4 mules, 1 horse, 14 Holstein cows, nine hundred and fifty-three pounds |
4 heifers, bull, lot of chickens, farm [of milk to the Hershey station, at|
household | White Oak in seventeen days. Who
premises, the J. E. Baker farm, for-
merly the Fletcher farm, at Keagle’s
implements and a lot of
goods by G. S. Dunkelberger. Al-{can beat
dinger, auct. | |
Thursday, March 9—On the Duffy] |
|farm, 1% mile north of Marietta, in| Personal
East Donegal township, 5 mules, 6| 1
horses, 28 head of cows and heifers, lot Happeninsg
(Continued from page 1)
of shoats, lot of chickens, large lot of
farming implements and some house-|Sunday at the home of Mr. J. W.
hold goods by Mr. Clarence Wood. | Schrite.
Frank, auct. | Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Millard
Friday, March 10—On the premis.| spent Sunday and Monday at Mid-
‘es, the C. H. Myers farm, one mile dletown as guests of his grand-
South of Mount Joy, on the road| parents.
'leading from Mt Joy to €olumeMia,| Mr. Albert Walters left cn Mon
'1 horse, 1 colt, 3 mules, 7 cows, 2 day for Pennsburg, where he has ac |
| young bulls, $ heifers, chickens and| cepted a position at watch-making|
{entire outfit of farming implements and engraving.
|by John S. Myers. Minnich, auct. Raymond Nissly and Owen Green- |
| Saturday, March 11—At hig sale awalt, students at Lebanon Valley |
land exchange stables on Marietta|College, spent a few days in town
| with their respective parents. They |
| street, Mt. Joy, a large lot of very |
{good acclimated horses and ocolts| witnessed the Annville—Mt. Joy
High game last Friday night.
{by Bd. Ream, Frank, auct.
| Tuesday, March 14—On the Mieh| The following visitors were seen
on our streets on Saturdav: Mr. A.
(acl Souders farm, along the road
|leading from Mt. Joy to Manheim, B. Eberle of Harrisburg; Ms. Wm
3 mile east of the former place, In| P. Klein of Pottstown; Mr. A. Bon-|
|Rapho township, a farge lot ef heimer of York; Mr. S. F. Killian of |
|houseohld goods By Mr. John Tymem. | Cleona; Mr. H. S. Kurtz of Bismarck.
: The following were seen in town |
| i
| Tuesday, March 14—On the prem.|on Sunday; Messrs. Robert H. Hoke |
ises, on the road leading from|and Geo. S. Hetrick of Penbrook; G.
Wells Carter of Chicago; B. M. Lau |
Rheems to Milton Grove, 1% miles
east of the former, in Mt. Joy town-|of Yerk; Harry Troup of Harrisburg:
2 horses, 8 cows, 10



Heargfil of Bethlehem.

2 pga x mem me = o| Advertise In The |

HBvery day for dinner and forget that you ever had
The Fruit Juices and Fruit Acids together with the
carborated water assist jn digesting your food.
See the exhibit of Champtail and Chiques Rock Soda
Waters at the Lancaster Pure Food Show in February.
Thursday, Feb. 10, ’16
Will Be Your
Final Opportunity
To become a Member of our
Christmas Savings
If you have not already become a member, think
the matter over seriously. Ask those about it who
have enrolled and who are thoroughly familiar with
the advantages that you will enjoy if you become

Those who know will tell you that it is the sure
and convenient way to provide money for Christ
mas or other purposes.
———We—aitend-—a-final Invitation to you. ang your
friends to come In before the enrollment books
close tomorrow,

The First National Bank

HANIF IOVVOO0000O000OSOOOO00OCOO0CO000000000000000000000

) Es =
[0A 10) BIR)
pa = 7 re 2 3 .

STARTER, $550 FOB Fact,
The Motor is of the celebrated valve-in-head type but is
ferent from ordinary valve-in-head motors in design, balance,
portions and accuracy of timing, resulting in a mctor which
duced more power for its size and weight than any other
in the world | 3
“le t “ Pf.
Full specifications mailed on request 24
Before placing your order for a light weight ear, it will
you to ride in the CHEVROLET FUR-NINETY. Phone or
at Barr’s Garage, Mt. Joy, Pa, and arrange for a demonstration.
All CHEVROLET models carried in stock. PLN
E. B. Rohrer,
' Mount Jov, Penna.