The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 09, 1916, Image 3

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10 0) 000110 OFT
“The Store That Saves You Money”



} 11 RE

Clearance Sale

Always a Great Event at the
But Greater This Year Than
Ever Before


Announcing The Big
Great Clearance Sale

Clearance Sale

While. Store Will be
Ready for Quick Selling

Come Early. Its Worth Your
Rearranged and Everything

Sale Starts
Friday, Feb. 11

Sale Closes
Saturday, Feb. 19

While Considering Very Seriously, Advisability of Not Offering This Stock Reducing Sale On
Account of The Fast Advances on All Materials Made From Cotton, Wool, Linen and
Silk, and the Dye Situation is Such That Manufacturers Are Closing Down
Their Mills and This Again Causes Higher Prices.

Dry Goods | Men’s Underwear Attention Farmers
Long. Cloth, peri yd.....c. vc. sidan 06] | 39 Fleeced Underwear ............. $ .33 Before buying your Tobacco Muslin Re us.
10c Outing Cloth, per yd.,........... 08 b 50 Fleeced Underwear ............. .39 We have extra good quality at a low price.
Bleached Toweling, per yd.,......... 05 50 Ribbed Underwear ......... . 39
Bleached Shaker Flannel, per yd.,..... 05 $1.00 Wool Underwear &.......uiuii.. 89 . d
128c Percale, per ydi,.......... cvs Zaald S100 Unio Sue nis Live 85 White Goo S
15¢ Ripplette, per yd,............. eo. W123 $1.30 Union Sait 0 0. adm. 1.19 Corset Covers... imal ios a 8
15¢ Gingham, per yd,............... A124 Muslin Night Gowns ........cicineses
25¢ Half Wool Dress Goods, per yd... .21 Muslin Skirts. ..... o.oo a Voie
50c Wool Dros Materials, per yd.,... 41 Ladies’ Underwear
29¢ Wool Serge, per yd,......... 5. .69
$1.00 Wool Serge, per yd.,............ 85 25 Underwear . i vious sing 2 Fleeced Night Gowns
All-wool Broad Cloth, 54 in. wide, per yd .49 .50 Usdsrwess a ea : 41 0 Plat Wt en 5.89
This is an exceptional value. $1.00 Woolen Underwear .......... . 89 4
S100 Union Suit Lov iiveiis ro ok 85 .39 Flannel Night Gown ..,......... 69
: Children’s Underwear, 10 per cent less. $1.00 Flannel Night Gown ............ 79
Dresses and Aprons
$1.00 House Dress ........ Finis ean 89 a .
$1.00 Wrappers, .....i.. eceiiitin. ds ir] Shirts urocery Specials
Bungalow Aprons, .......... ae 39 Rolled Oats, pet by. oo ivisai., Slog a
APIONS \ ....:eesareilvnssinss nani .16 50 Work Shirts ............ ER $ .39 Shredded Whest perbox, oo... is ad
50 Dress ‘SHirts o.oo. co dG ain 39 Kellogg Wheat: Blakes, pes Box...o. 08
$1.00 Dress Shirts... ........0008 000, 85 Post Tontiles, per Box... hh. Lo 08
Sweaters S190 Flannel SHS volver oeP and | S83 Mother's Oats, per box, ......... cee JON
50 Sweater Ln i al 39 Ginger Snaps, per Ibi, civ, deve JOG
$51.00 Sweater .. iii iin 85 12¢c Apricots, choice, per Ib.,........ 1 JA0
$1.25 Sweater ....... sn ens 98 Comforts 15¢ Apricots, extra choice, per Ib,...... .12
$1.50 Sweater 2... 0 00 Crit, 1.19 $1.75 Comfort reduced to... 0.0.00 $1.49 Extra choice Peaches, 4 Ibs, for........ .25
$2.50 Sweater ....... eiud nis were lin a tene id 4 1.98 $2.25 Comfort reduced to ............. 1.89 Prunes, per Wh, uo. iiiiiiini ioe 08
$275 Sweater i. i iiid leas 2.19 $3.00 Comfort reduced to ...... : . 2.39 Smith Macaroni, per 1b., ........ va 06
$3.00 Swenter ....ivovisisis vanes thus 2.29 $3.25 Comfort reduced ‘to ............. 2.59 Shredded Cocoanut, per Ib, .......... .158
23.75 Sweater... i NS SNE 2.98 $3.50 Comiort reduced to ............. 2.89 Good Clothe Pins, per doz.,..... seers x01
$450 SWEBr iii sinned 3.39 $4.25 and $4.50 Comforts reduced to.... 3.49 Cream C. Starch, per box 8¢., 3 for.... .23
$5.00 Sweater... c.uc over vontivari ened 3.79 One Lot Bed Spreads .,............. 79 Fruit Pudding, per box 8c, 3 for...... .23
$5.75 Sweater ..... W000 ait ey Lae 4.49 Hershey's Cocoa, per half pound box..
9 Rolis Toilet Paper ........... ces eiee
: 10c Early June Peas, 4 cans for........
Ladies’ Shirt Waists | Other Specials 10¢ Core bor can. : Creve seiinine sesae
50 Waist i..o.iiveriins dn nnide dy $ .39 Bed Blankets, 20 per cent off 10 pieces Fels’ Naptha Soap........ -
$100 Walst ©... liad 79 Woolen Shawls, 10 per cent off. 10 pieces P. & G. S02P +vveenn.... ras
$130 Waist ........0 ives aici 1.10 Ribbons, 20 per cent off. : 10 pieces Ivory Soap .... .. i. ihe...
$2.00 and $2235 Waist ...........i .s, 1.49 Heavy Gloves, 10 per cent off. ; Eagle Condensed Milk, per can........ a3

25 Pounds Granulated Sugar $1.59
Get Our Price On Sugar Per 100 Pounds

Remember This Sale Lasts Only Eight Days
While It Lasts It Is a Great Money Saving Event
What We Have We Advertise; What We Advertise We Sell At The


Opposite Post Office,


By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, lil.

Drug Dangers. As the season ad-
vances and cold winter months
cause people to close up their
houses even more thoroughly in
order to shut out the cold, we find
epidemics of colds, la grippe and
pneumonia increasingly prevelant
and fatal. Old people and those
that use whiskey, alcohol, beer,
opiates and tobacco have less
powers of resistance and are there-
fore the greatest sufferers.
In order that one may know the
real danger of drugs, not only those
deadly drugs enumerated above, but
also the so-called “cold cures” that
are so easily obtained ai the drug
stores, it is well to know something
about the real cause of colds, then
the danger can be avoided instead
of reaching an acute stage and re-
quiring a “cure.”
In most of the cases that are
§ | presented to the Home Health Club,
the sufferers say, “this whole
trouble began when I took a severe
cold at such and such a date,” pos-
sibly the time may be several
months or even years past and very
many tell of severe attacks of la
grippe through which they passed
20 years ago and from which they
never seemed to fully recover. Now
as a matter of fact one does not
“catch” cold or la grippe or even
preumonia suddenly. This acute
manifestation of these conditions is
frequently sudden and fatal, but the
acute attack may have eviended
over a period of several months or
years, through an accumulation of
waste and poisonous matter in the
system and in 90 per cent of the
cases impacted fecal matter in the
colon. In many such cases, as I
have frequently told you before, the
sufferer quickly denies being consti-
a pated, has a movement of the
m | bowels every day, but admits being
m | troubled with piles, I then know
that the sufferer ig troubled severe-
should cause it to pass out in a soft
mass, is eliminated through the
pores of the skin and we find that
the patient suffers from a vile and
offensive odor from the sweat that
pours out under the arms and in fe-
males in the form of leucorrhoea or
whites, ’
Frequently also we find that the
kidneys are inactive, there is no
desire for drinking pure. cold water.
The sufferer batheg
frequently and
= | uses disinfecting
& £g

.. [6 Mountville "Wood abl eleel land
and de-odorizing | Laps 9 scorers and ~~ Serapers, 4
powers, but the offensive discharge | Roller Bearing Mountilie cnrn shel
= | persists. The appetite is good and (lers: 10 Mountville & Swab wheel
® | wholesome foods are used, but stili | Darrows; 6 Deering, Wood and
| there is a severe cold henever | CHawpion Hay Rakes, 8, 9 and 19
= $38.50 Whene feet wide; 2 Iron Age Potato Plant.
m | there is the slightest exposure.
| What's to be done? Take dope
S | for colds, stay indoors or in bed?
® | Impossible to remove the eause in
B | that way. Now, let’s go at it in a
@ | sensible manner and remove the
@ | danger of all these diseases and the
a | danger from drugs at the same
| time. Bat less, if necessary in order
to give the alimentary eanal a
B chance to do some house cleaning,
HW | fast a day or two or three. Use oil
@ | freely. If the trouble ig in the colon
gm and this is usually evident by head-
> | aches and piles, leucorrhea and of-
= | fensive perspiration, then you
{ should use mineral oil and use it
(retiring. If the fault is a week but
® | for months, every night just before
I retiring.
which ig quite likely to be indicated
= | by Dbiliousness, sallow complexion
etc, then you should use olive oil
freely. A wine glass full at night
before retiring and in either case if
the trouble is severe, a teaspoonful
of cream of tartar in a cup of water
the first thing after arising in the
morning for 2 or 3 days, will help
the house cleaning along and enable
you to better resist colds and their
dangerous after effects and also to
avoid the use of drugs.
There are many people that must
= | have drugs, they are necessary, but
poisonous drugs, liquors, opiafes and

B | narcotics are not necessary and only |
EB | make matters worse, reduce the |
®m | natural powers of resistanee and |
m | the chances of getting well. Rat
right, live right, don’t worry and see |
to it that the waste matter is proper-
on |1y and promptly eliminated and you | to commence at
® | will not “catch cold.”
er rere I Reem
Fox Chase at
W.: 8S.
Mastersonville !
Kauffman of the Masterson-
Hotel, on Thursday afternoon
{held a fox chase, which was partici-
ly with constipation. The daily
movement is from 1 to 5 days late.
The poisonous waste matter that.
should pe promptly eliminated, re-
(mains too long in the colon and
much of it is reabsorbed into the
system. The natural moisture which
If the fault is in the liver !
| Chas. Frank,

Wednesday, bru
_ 6. MOYER'
; !
Implements. Wagons and H
———— :
Saturday, February 26, 1916
I will sell at public e at i
place of business on wien ns
Street, Mount Joy, Pa., the follows
ing to wit:
Different sizes and treads, all wa.
gons having steel axleg with chilled
boxes which are guaranteed the life
of the wagon. ee wagons are
built mueh like a home-made
Six 2-ton wagons with 23 in, tire:
three 134-ton wagons with 2in, tire;
two 4-ton wagons with 3 in. tire;
two 3-ton wagong with 3 in. tire;
two low down wagons with 3 in.
tive; two medium low down Was
wong with 3 in. tire; wheels are 87
and 41 ipches. Nearly all wagons
have side and rear breaks. Several
Low Down Wagons with steel
6 Deering Binders and Mowers,
binders are 6,7 and 8 foot cut;
mowers 5 and 6 foot cut. The light-
est running binders and mowers on
the market,
12 Syracuse plows with wood
steel beams. My sale of Syra
plows is larger every year. One 2-
way Syracuse plow. Come and see it.
I believe it to be the finest On the
6 Emerson Low Down manure
spreaders. [guarantee it the lightest
running spreader on the market
and with its wide spread attachment
does fine work.
5 Star Double Row Corn planters.
A fine machine. 2 Black Hawk
double row corn planters, with ran-
ners or discs. 3 Hoosier single row
corn nlanters.
Two Bemis and Two Good Tiger
Tobacco Planters.
One Planet Jr. Riding Cultivator; 1
Planet Jr. Riding Cultivator to cul-
tivate four rows on a round; 4
John Deere Riding Cultivators; 1
International Riding Cultivator; 3
Krauss Riding Cultivators: 2 Iron
Age Riding Cultivators. You will
find much improvement on these
machines. Some have balance@®
frames. Ten 5 and 7-shovel
Ten 16, 18 and 20-to0th wood frame
harrows: 10 lever spring harrows,
15, 17, 23 and 25-teeth. Six 50 and
f0-tooth spike harrow, Several Deer-
ing Disc Harrows.
3 Ontario Fertilizer Grain Drills, 8,
9 and 10 hoe. We sold 35 of these
the last two years. Light running
and handy in every respect a good
seeder. Ome Superior Clover Seed

One Emerson Hay Loader with 30
inch stroke; 12 of these loaders are
in use in thig vieinity One No. 12
Blizzard Fodder Cutter,

ers with fertilizer attachments. One
100-bushel New Idea Manure
One 10-H. P. Titan Oil Engine im
{ operation. Come and see it. One
| H. P. New Holland Gasoline Engine,
One 5-Horse Power New Holland
Gasoline Engine and Chopping
{Mill on a combination truck; 2
| New Holland Feed Mills with their

| new plates. This is a wonderful
| grinder. A 13% H. P. secondhand
| New Holland Gasoline Engine. ¥
| have the agency for these engines.
| Second Hand Wagons & Implements
| One second-hand 2-horse wagon, one
| 6 ft second-hand Deering mower and
| other second-hand implements.
| One good second-hand rubber
{ buggy, good second-hand steel
{ buggy, 2 second-hand jump-seat car-
| riages, second-hand buckboard, seec-
ond-hand spring wagon, good second-
{ hand jenny lind, good second-hand
| surrey. Also dung hooks, hav cutting
benches, tubular jockey sticks.
| 2 first-class rutber tire Stanhope
buggies: 2 other style rubber tire
buggies; 1 new jump-seat carriage.
Three new buckboards, 3 new spring
gons. The above are all my owm
make. The buggies are trimmed in
blue and green cloth,
{10 sets of 4 and 5 inch plow har-
| ness, well made; one pair yankee
harness, 10 sets buggy and carriage
{ harness, z sets 5-piece brass buggy
{ harness, 3 sets rubber trimmed bug-
gy harness, 3 sets nickel trimmed
| buggy harness, 3 setg carriage and
spring wagon harness, 10 good farm
The above harness was all
made to my order. The foregoing
implements and harness are all first-
class and I guarantee them as if
sold private.
Street car: pass my store every
half hour. Do not miss this sale. Sale
12:30 o'clock om
Saturday, February 26th, 1916 when
terms will be made known by

| bridles.
Coble & Kreider, Ciks.
| pated i
9 | five hounds.
a by John Kurtz, of Vintage, and it;

| | ran toward the north. The animal |
Fibtiddddidbdddodebdd ddd
n by twenty riders and
The fox
thirty- |
was dropped

Mount Joy, Penna.
5 February
i 19th

| was caught alive on the farm of!
| Harry Ginder, by Wayne Garret of |
| Elizabethtown. A turkey dinner was |
| served incident to the chase. i
mt |
Read the Bulletin.
Our Ads Bring Results—Try ft |

family and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
A certain gentleman of Manheim
phoned to one of our neighbor
maidens and askeq her to keep house
for him. This may be a good chance
for some one.

The attendance of the schools in | Sunday
this vicinity is about normal again.
Mr. Allen Hoffer, sr, and family] Mr. an Mrs. Allen Hoffer, jr. on Lancaster to
on Sunday ent
Mrs. BE. H Hoffer and daughter Romanus Naurian.
Grace are laid up with the lagrippe., Mr. Willian// Hengst and family on Grove.
oy fertained Mr.
Strickler ag/d family.
ents, George Gantz’'s, near Milton| It is
was taken to the
an examina-
¢rtained Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visited Mrs. Hoffer’ par-| tion as to her sickness.
Phares On Monday Mrs. Abram ‘Koser from Brownstown who will occupy
Hospital at [the place from April 1st on.
Mr. B. H. Hoffer and family enter-jand family, Harry Brubaker
tained on Sunday,
tained on Sunday
Miss Mary Al-
rumored that the Union bright, Mr. Elmer Nauman and fam-
|Square Hotel ig rented to a party ily and Mr. and Mrs.John Hollinger.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ginder enter-
Mr. EN Ginder
Wednesday a. m. last week Phares
Strickler visited Chestnut Grove and
Union Square schools, and in the
afternoon Mr. Phares Strickler and
Mr. Benjamin Kready visited Sport-
ing Hill, Mapel Ciove and Lincoln
| schools.

ob obvelroleolo ode ole ols bol 80 8

os elses elelsoselsele rts Booed. 8. 8 8.8 8