-~ A SS SAI rs SOT “TSLEIGHING BACK TO ARAN HEALTH ey aaa a Namie, For Sue, fu Reo WANTED_A boy between 9 and| It doesn’t look as if this merry crowd of youngster {tie Day,” with spirit, does it? You would hardly jo are Alwayerculosis patients. They are the chilaren from the open-air school sleigh ride on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. polar bear. Bundled up snugly, they can defy Jack Frost and enjoy it. For two hours or more every day the other hours of the twenty-four they spend in resting, sleeping or Dp! Jo. : e treatment prescribed for them by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner There are more than sixty children among the four gt the State respond splendidly in the majority of cases fr’ : Rest, good food and life in the open air soon bring back the co The News at Florin (Continued from page 1) Master Roy Engle of Mount visited his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Carson on Sunday. ’ 7) on ge iA “" Joy, ! i delphia , Ethel Misses Beware autoists—Messrs Wittle people were in attendance: and Grosh areabouttownin their 60 horse power Metz, which they pur- chased last week. Look them over Ladies. On Saturday evening at the Unit- ed Brethren parsonage Miss Minnie Nentwig and Mr. Henry of Rheems were united in marriage by the Rev. Garland pastor of the United Breth- ren church in this place. ence s. F. Greiner, sie ry Campbell, 1 fn a Ed WE um Carload of Pianos, Player Pi- anos and Organs From The Weaver Organ and Piano Co. York, Penna. will have an oppor- The citizens of Mount Joy and vcinity t a saving of a least tunity to purchase a Piano or Player-Piano.a $100. We invite you to call at our Joy, Pa. and let us prove te you rect from. the manufacturers saves temporary branch store at Mount that buying your instrument di- vou the dealér’s profits and On Saturday, February [5th B line of Pianos, Player-Pianos and Organs ever shown in this section. expenses. ORGANS TAKEN IN EX- CHANGE ON PIANOS. PIANOS TAKEN IN EX- CHANGE ON PLAYER-PIANOS Organs have been repaired at our fac- from $10 and upwards, & White, Kimball, The following makes Of tory at York, Pa., and are offered at prices Weaver, Estey, Clough & Warren, Wilcox ‘Chicago, Netzow, A. B. Chase, Etc. 2 EVERY VISITOR ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY .5TH AT OUR 4 STORE, WILL RECEIVE A BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR ~The Weaver and Piano Co. of York, Pa, have been BE ras Tor. Over 15 years. All Instruments guaranteed by this reliable Company. Everybody AND PIANO COMPANY CH STORE ON WEST MAIN STREET Mount Joy, Pa. s should have any difficulty in think, to look at their cheerful, of the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Cresson, Pa. Fresh air and snow have no more terror for them than for y work in the schoolroom, which is practically out of doors, and most of laying in the fresh air and sunshine. This is hundred patients at the institution, and these little wards to the treatment. lor to their cheeks and health to their bodies. —~— dias Ba RA: pa sia SN Misses Maude Landvater of May- town, Blanche Ebersole of near Mid- dletown, Mr. and Mis. Samuel Hersh- ey of Mount Joy, Mr. Parker of Phila- Gabler and Dora Waid of Elizabethtown, were peck, S. C. Rahm, C. M. Rahm, E. C. Rahm, M. F. Rahm, B. H. Boltz, Clar- B. Risser, Effie Shenk, A. C. Dearbeck, Evaline Boyd, Mary Arndt Mary C. Smith, Mary Bspenshade, Clayton Eshleman, Bes- C. Gainer, Ray Barnhart, Delia Chasteny, Nellie Vogle, Cora Ishler, Francis Eichler, Amanda Smith, Ma- Florence Youtz, Irow RE iH i i ald] 10 years old to work on farm after | April 1st. Country boy preferred. C. | Leinbach’s Great and Incomparable February White Sale Opens Saturday Morning, January 29th wait for the “Leinbach White Sales,” every Febru” our White Sales are DIFFERENT, out-of -the= lities are guaranteed dependable, the Thousands of people ary and every June:--because ordinary. Nalues are wonderful, the qua assortments are almost limitless. Double S. & H. Green Stamps HOUSANDS of garments of Dainty White Un- dermuslins; White Goods, Embroideries, Lin- ens, Sheets, Pillows Cases, Muslin, Handkerchiefs and Scores of Other Lines, embracing many things SATURDAY MORNING needed now. UNTIL . ; 3 socock | Prices Bring Big Savings EINBACH & CO. Lancaster, Penna. ny " For ‘¥ “ 3O00000000000000 w ¢ WOOOOOOO00C CPI 3. Newcomer, R. D. 2, Mt. Joy. | “Groceries. Also Famous Chincota- | gue Oysters 35c. a Qt, ‘at Brandt's, | Mt. Joy Street, Mt. Joy. feb. 3-8t | | FOR SALE—A good as New 2-burn- | er gasoline stove in Al condition. | Cost $15 put will sell very cheap as | use. Call at thie “ have nu iuither office. The Republican Party has stood for the essential things in our pre-| sent system of government. If | rightly conducted, With political | leaders and not political bosses. 1 believe it is the party of national | achievement. Walter S. Mellinger, | Registered Law Student, Lancaster, | Pa. | FOR SALE CHEAP—A two hun- dred and twenty-five egg Charles In- cubator. J. L. Brunner. jan. 26-tf. ~ WANTED—A middle aged house keeper in a family with three chil- dren. Apply to H. P, Arndt, Rheems. jan28-2t Policy holders of the Donegal & singing “Jingle, Bells; Jingle Conoy . Fire Insurance Co. Will chubby cheeks, that they please note that the 1915 assess- ment is now due, and must be paid on or before Feb. 15, 1916. As- sessments will be received by J. Willis Freed, Mt. Joy, Pa. jan19-4t FOR RENT—A large stable sult |able for two horses and two large {carriage houses. Call on Mrs. Sybilis Zeller, Mount Joy. nov. 10-t I NOTICE—I am prepared to do alt kinds of hauling, plowing lots, ané | work of that | off for of Health. Bacastow, Elizabeth Smith, Grace Gainor, Laura Brandt, Mary E. Smith, Miriam Guhl, Mary Dyer, Walter Ruhl, Clarence Wilt, Miller Hershey, | ! | | Paul Arndt and Mrs. Groff, kind. Charges very, reasonable. Jacob Brown, Mt.Joy. tf ABER SEE oDGE BROTHERS MOTOR CAR It Speaks for Itself Touring Car and Roadster $815 f. o. b. Lancaster Lancaster Automobile Co., Nos. 230-238 W. King St. ——— LOCAL NOTES Quarterly conferenec will be held ! pleasantly entertained the home of 3 : ~ in the United Brethren Church this Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Landvater on Brief News That Happened Within | fa evening by the Rev. Dr. Lowry of Sunday. the Past Week po! Harrisburg. Last Thursday evening Miss Mary A Te y / Mr. A. W. Smith of Pittsburgh, Arndt was tendered a birthday sur Miss Ada Sprout was laid up with | \ | visited friends in town several days prise by her youpg friends. Refresh- the grip the past few weeks. i | jast week. He left Monday for New ments were served and a full orches-| Mr. and Mrs. Emlin Buller jr. at a e i some ti tra furnished music. These young Florin, announce the birth of a som, 1 1 | York where he will spend some time Spin iim Bring us your Films for. = All Foresters are requested to at-| tend Monday night’s meeting. Busi- | Development ness of importance. ' The P. R. R. erecting a new| We use the tank m: