CLARENCE SCHOCK., S010) [0 68 0 BR wr Ae Bab |} PHE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. MOUNT JOY MARKETS | #ib Roast, per m. ....... vorwisy ie ree | soiling Meat, per Ib. ..... .14 to 16 hese Prices Prevail In This Place | srankforw, per ib, ,.. .........18 on Market Today | eet ZAVEr, por f. ...iiueiis es 19¢ . em witlf Liver, per Ib. ....oieeveens FT Herewith 1s appended a list of | ten, een... ceseees db and ve riceg that prevailed as supplied 1» | _akes, per doz. ................. 10 vy market master Mr. Albert Strick | 4am per Ib, ...... sessssnsnsnesBBO 22, at the Mt. Joy Market House -weet Corn, per dos............. 16e his morning. Straw, per hundred .............000 Butter, per 1b. . ceeeeneens BBE HE. Heuer Pays: Eggs, per doz. ...... ceennennenBle oe Per y. oi... LE] 134e Cop Cheese, 2 cups for .........h | POLAtOes, Per DW......cocevees «e400 Sali Cheese, 3 Bally ior -...cceecM) pug opr yy, ee, wavered ‘nions, per bunek ..... cesennen sb ore Der oz. ......... iar Cabbage, per head ..... vesesd tO Be New Potatoes, per half pk. 10 to 8c Brandt & Stehman Pay: Apples, per half pK, ............300 Wheat, per bu. ...............8112 Head Lettuce ............ ..% for Be Corn, per bu. ..................82 Potato Chips, per bag ...........5e Oats, Per bu. ...................480 Horse radish, per glass .........0e Brandt & Stehman Sell: Dressed Chickens each ..45e te $¥¢ | Bran, per hundred ...... ceeses$1.20 Sfrioin, per Id. ........cceee.....34¢/ Shipstuff, per hundred ........ 135 nr; 25-31 e Hager Stor Sy. King St. i ) FA ; § | | Established ) i 1821 © i © $ i % i i t @ i @ 3 is : & thatis the r forisuch radical reductions. °0 i e reason forisuch ra 0000 - Men’s Suits and Overcoats that Bear Reduced Prices All this season’s latest models. The overcoats come in single or double breasted styles—box back or slightly fitted. The suits come in one, two and three button models—both English and con- servative. : Many of these garments are especially suitable for business men, They'll’ stand hard usage and not show it. $12.00 Overcoats, now $10 $15 Overcoats, now $12.50 $18, $20 H. S. & M. Overcoats, $15 $12 and $12.50 Suits, now $9.85 $15 Suits, now $12.50 $18 and $20 H. 8. & M. Sulls, $15 Muslin Dx. twear Sale Waring exquisite styles, abundant stocks and utmost : quality. As fluffy and fragile as the garments appear they are still the garments their names imply, still the useful, comfortable, serviceable underclothes, for all their flounces and frippery. i Combinations, 50¢ to Camisoles, 50¢ to $2.98 Brassieres, 25¢ to $5 Corset Covers, 18¢ to $3.50 Gowns, 29¢ to $9 Boudoir Caps, 25¢ to $3.25 Drawers, 16¢ to $3 Skirts, 50¢ to $7.50 FRRBTE { fi Pictorial Feview Patterns For Making of Spring Garments When making your spring garments, use Pictorial Review Patterns, for which we are sole agents in Lancaster. They are the last word in style; are economical with materials and easily understood. eivoirinirleiviviviririnisfeirdnioded erformer, not a mere listener. AHIR K RTT RDTRRERNTEE 8 Sats you like. Tosfetesde te tte fief fboifvefeofosfosede ded great storehouse of musie. RERBBERE, hich, excepting the famous Pianola Player-Pianog (we are gents), is the generajly-accepted ‘‘best” player-piano on the t. In fact, it is made in the Pianola factory, and, in a ha s turn, we might apply the old adage, “Know a man by mpany he keeps.” | $5 H s1 & t any rate, the same men who make Pianola Piancs,makse cesca,” and they are skilled mechanics of the best sirt. { uine Pianolas and their Prices Gentlemen: ock Pianola .............. S$ 750 sant Pianola ............. 8 650 Please {en 1 Pianola ......s.cciioovaen 8 550 RC, OF .ocoudaeess n Player Pianos ...... ....8 395 \ (name of arth you' me hy be Purchased on Hager Rental--Paymept Plan ho ge We can’t enun erate all the bargins, so come see them. ibility to play ‘the music of his choice whenever he wanted it. But yon need be a passive listener no longer. our family; a wonderful plano, that will open to you all the joys and delights Come in at any time and let us show Prancesca-Heppe Player Piano $450 2 interested In) sesnses January Clearance Sale---Now On . » At is now the time of the year when we must hold our semi-annual house cleaning. A successful season just past and the odds and ends and broken lots must be: cleared out in preparation for the cc mirg sprir C merchandise. We realize that the lowest of low prices is the onlyjthing that will move the items_quickly and Every department from’ the basement to the fifth floor is rep- resented. On the third floor, for instance, there is an opportunity for women, misses and’children to buy winter wearables at reductions which in some instances amount to one-half the regular prices. "2 =] 6 ~ A ee) Women’s Suits and Coats at sJanuary_Prices January Clearance Sale made up almost entirely of garments that are absolutely desirable from style and reason point of view. But it is “Clean Up” house with us, and the prices have been cut most radically to affect the quickest riddance. The Coats, Suits and Dresses all show more or less of fur trimming, $16.60 Suits and Dresses, $10 i $25, $27.50 Suits and Dresses, $16.50 $36 to $55 Suits reduced to $24.75 $12.50 Women’s Coats now $8.75 $16.50 Women’s Coats, now $12.50 $25 Women’s Coats, now $19.75 5 2H Remarkable FREE Exhibition of Rug Weaving IN OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT 2 Beginning Saturday, Jan. 15th and continuing ali thru next week including Jan, 22nd. Under the direction of M. J. Whit tall Rug and Carpet Manufacturers, . |. &- iL gE 1 a wonderfully interesting and instructive demonstration of how the renowned Whittall rugs are made has been arranged by the Hager Store, for the people of Lancaster and vicinity. A special loom 8 feet high, 6 feet wide, with 3000 separate parts, will be installed on our Fourth Floor and operated by a skilled demonstrator while a lecturer will explain the Work ings of this wonderful machine which was built especially for this purpose. It is the only Exhibition Rug Weaving Loom in the world. ¥ 2 ’ Come and see the entire process of making a rug from the raw material to the finished prooduct. on’t Merely Listen—--Play--You Can Be The Pianist of The House You have jistened to the musical wonders wrought by a skilled pianist, and you've envied his You have ‘envied his ability as a You, like him, can play what you like, when a Sd You can have in your home, tomorrow, a marvelous piano, that will make musicians of all of the world’s T ¥ UPAR oR ela you the wonderful | i a aw TRA Its tone is rich and sweet; its interpretation ig supreme; its touch is light and responsive; its action ig perfect, and its case is modeled after the latest types, covered with excellent veneering The piano, as a whole, reflects the knowledge of scholar-me- chanics and master musicians. Its price, $450. places it within easy reach of most every home, in connection with easy terms. ONE OF THESE PLAYER-PIANOS WILL Bi DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME ON A SMALL DOWN PAY- “A MENT AND THE REST MAY BE SETTLE} FOR ON THE LIBERAL HAGER RENTAL PAYMENT PLAN Heppe Pianos and their Prices The Francesca &8t : The Edouard Juies at ....... 2 a The Marcellus 8t ...csicoeess § C. J. Hevpe & Sons at .. C. J. Heppe & Sons at .. Be Purchase asses eby : ~ catalogue, prices, Sessssssssnsacee seven Srssssnaqr \ hei Ey TOTO rT TOYYYTedddd 2 8 v SS $0.80 0 0.0 RR Re CIRCICICIICINE TTC TC TTT TT TE TE TOI WEI TE ws Std ddd td bb 8.08 2 2a ni fod 2.8 2 a oBeoBeiBeaecde Bad. ®t 2 3 joBooReoBooReoteoPuote sBo ote Poole Po oleale Boule 0. 8. 0. 9 0 0 0 ofa fe jo fe fo . « fe J fo lo fo " fo fo le fo le Le . LC o o +} R L Ek LC o L E # L o ¥ of of 9 # of 5 of + # + * o LC o L + of +] CAE WT NN rR Nee espe pe ve sjesiesierafesiesTocfecfonfocfioc) BoeToolecBoooeoadocto od: sectuate cToctons tote 5.9. 0. 0 PRP TPT TPS BE RE RRP TN ARERR RR PSY 0 RRR RE RRR vaviavie sen en ene PRTC RR TRIBE PPP lees olhel. oSooteotostootecte soate tect. 2.8. 8.0 5 & Mixed feed, per hundred ...... 1.3. Middlinge, per hundred ,...... 1.566. . al Gluten, per hundred .......... 1.58) Cotton Seed Meal, 41 pe rcent. 2.10 Linseed Meal, per hundred . 2.20 Beet Pulp, per hundred ...... 3.00 a Larro feed, per hundred ...... 1.66 Revo, ve Pastor Mingo feed, per hundred ..... 1.70 Sunday School, 9 A. M. Onion Seed, per hundred ..... 1.70| Preaching, 10:16 A, M Calf Meal, per hundred ....... 3.65¢| Junior C. KE, 6:16 P. M. Timothy Hay, per ton .......$22.08| Senior C. E, 6:15 P. M. Preaching at 7 P. M, The Ladies | wane cna A a rr— . | Bible Class will attend in a body. | | | SALE REGISTER Special music, A FREE notice oi your sale is in Prayer Meeting serted here for any length of ume, |, at 7:30. provided we print your sale bills. | This is excellent advertising becaus- | Trinity United Evangelical it is read by so many peopie anu Rev. I. E. Johnson, Pastor surely bring the ‘puvers | Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Saturday, Jan, 22-—At John Beam- | Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. esderfer’s warehouse, Mount Joy, rear | nq 7P. M. of Lutheran church, large lot of No. 1] Young +Peoples Meeting, 6:30 P. New lot York State barreled apples apples by C. S.| fancy and a of basket Frank, i | Friday, Jan. ) Prayer Meeting every Wednesday | evening at 7:30. 28—At his sale and ex- | on Marietta street, Mt. | ———— Methodist Episcopal | change stables, Joy, an express load of Indiana and | . Fy ) Rev. C. B. Johnston, Pastor | | Ohl horses and colts by Ed. Ream. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M, Business rank, auct. | | . » { Preaching, 10:30 A. . :30! q | Wednesday, March 1st—On the ~"“""® 4 43 if Industrie | Michael Souders farm, along the| '.. Epworth League, 6:30 P., M. | road leading from Mt. Joy to Man- Prayer Meeting Wednesday, and a complete lot of farming imple- ments by Mr, John Tyson. Frank, | auct, Friday, March the J. M, Brandt estate, on the road Presbyterian Rev. F. G, Bossert, Pastor Sabbath School, 9:15 A, M. Services next Sabbath, 10:30 A. M. 3—On the farm of Subject, The Witness of John the leading from the Back Run road to Baptist. Sharp’s Corner, near Risser’s Mill, 2 The evening service will be held miles north of Mt. Joy, in Rapho |g; Donegal at 7:30 P. M. township, some extra fine horses, Prayer meeting this evening at among which are two mated teams, 7.39 { cows, bulls, shoats, and a large lot —— of good farming implements by I. Church of God H. Neidig. Frank, auct, Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Thursday, March 9—On the Duffy | gappath School at 9:30 a. farm, J mile north of Marietta, in Supt. J. S. Hamaker in charge. East Donegal township, 5 mules, 6 At 10:30 A. M. Dr. MacDaffnal | horses, 28 head of cows and heifers, lot will preach on “Soul Winning’§ and fof shoats, lof hickens, large lot of i; (he evening on “Procrastin ion.” | od oe, “upon Sos The men from the Grey) Iron Pronk atict Works will attend the evening ser-| : vice in a body. Mrs, R. J. Myers’ | Friday, March 10—On the premis- Bible class will | es, the C. H, Myers farm, one mile | ching service. south of Mount Joy, on the road | prong Chorus. leading from Mt. Joy to Columbia, | Evangelistic services 1 horse, 1 colt, 3 mules, 7 cows, 2p this week. young bulls, 3 heifers, chickens and entire outfit of farming implements also attend the ev- Special music by the each night St. Luke's Episcopa) by John S. Myers. Minnich, auct. | Rev. Lewis Chester Morrison, Rector | Tuesday, March 14—On the Mich- | 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, Jan- ael Souders farm, along the road | ory 16th, 1916. leading from Mt. Joy to Manheim, | 3 mile east of the former place, in| Rapho township, a large lot of Holy Communion, 7:30 A. M. ! Sunday School, 9:16 A. M. | { Note to scholars—Bring in books | houseohld goods by Mr. John Tynca. | with lessons written out through | Frank, auct. [next Sunday, Jan. 38rd, for examin. rites iliac eamsmeia ation £4 Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:30 | Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7:%0.| COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Elizabethtown Brethren 8, 8S. Held a| Big Meeting Yesterday { | ——— sion The teacher training exercises of the “Oh God, who hast made all men | Elizabethtown Brethren Sunday School to dwell on the face of the whole | were held in the Brethren church at | earth—and hast promised that all Elizabethtown last evening at 7:30.| who believe in, and obey the com-| The officers are: President,| mandg of Thy Only Begotten Son | Hiester F. Madeira; Secretary, Mande | Jesus Christ, are counted ag chil-| Hertzler ; Treasurer, Eva R. Brubaker. | dren of Thee, grant such a quicken- The attendance was good and the fol- ing of Spiritual Life by the Grace lowing program was well rendered: |of Thy Holy Spirit, that all who in| Moderator, D. C. Reber; Song; | any way shall come under the influ- Scripture Gem, Alfred Ekroth; Invoca- | ance of this mission, which is to be| tion, C. C. Madeira; History of Class, | yo1q in Thy Triune Name, may be | | urpha M. Madeira; Essay, Value of a persuaded that “there ig mon other Prayer for Coming Preaching Mis- | class Bs acher Pais pane Hertaler | Name in Heaven or Earth by which lec atio p pac pr, J fe a ie = oo 8 wg bi man can be saved—only the Name LUKTI'O , nelec eac . p 3 ”” §krorh; Select. Mending, he ®t of Jesus Christ.” Grant, oh Father, | Active Sunday School Teacher in . : r oA . - that this being Thy will, a deeper America, Fannie Kauffman; Song; as i i ite spirituality may bless the lives not Oration, Christ, the Master Teacher, 5 : ; : np sin only of those of St. Luke’s Parish, Heister F. Madeira; Select Reading, . but also of this entire community. acher’s Reward, Maria Ekroth; : To Thee be the glory, who with , Ode to the Bible, Eva R. Thy Son Jesus Christ, and The Ho- Oration, The Teacher’s Text h : ank 8. Wise; Song; Address, ly Ghost—-livest and reignest, ever, 1 of Life, W. M. Howe; Pre- °R¢ God, world without end. Amen. itation of Diplomas H K. Ober; Ne. F. P. A’s in Church The membefs of Genera] Cameron No. £51, Fraternal, Pat Cans +1 Adjournment. Sr Council riotic Hollinger—Trostle Announcement was made in Mari- the. Mep on Monday of the marriage of the Ct Jennie Trostle and Blaine Hol- HOON. both of Marietta, the wed- ceremony being performed at Ot risburg several weeks ago at 3 the home of the groom’s brother. |, The couple will reside in Harrisburg, | li where the groom is employed with * the Pipe Bending Company. They y unattended. “ ——— Autoist Smashes Tol] Gate Sunday evening an automobilist | lown the Marietta turnpike from Klinesville collided with the closed gat) toll house just morth of .Col bia. The gate was completely br {and the auto damaged to a greg | tent The autoist gave his n { Terry of Quarryville, and said cident was due to his not bein hol \d his car while descending ding at the i Awarded Contra; | The Martin & Heagy | Ing Company of Elizabe sutractsd withjfjthe G Shop, at Rheem 5,000 axles, foug to bp used in- wag Wednesday even: 7:80] j heim, 3 mile east of the former | M {2000 SCHOO I place. i . rnShi vB | Iv7 x | Place, in Rapho township, 1 horse, Class Meeting Friday, 7:45 P, M. | MANY TEA 4 mules, 18 cows, 3 bulls, shoats, lerk _ | cations of bronchitis an | A fii) Feb. bethtown, Feb. 25, M3 Mar. 3, open. Mar. 10, Christi Mar. 17, Ephrata Mar. 24, Christiang Mar, 31, Ephrata § Phila. Has In Severe | Epidemic | HOSPITALS oV| TORS AND Disease | PNEUMONIA C CIPAL DA GUARD Philadelphia an epidemic off ang believe wi than tha gre 1888. The ef widespread, bu character, a with se) To Fight Gri | Avoid wet fet | Avoid gettug chilled, | |Avoid gettilz overheated. Avoid dens¢ crowds, Disinfect eery gore throat by rgling with Chandler's Gargle, |} Use Chandl’s Cold Tablets, nome |fbetter. Price25¢ the box. f Chandles Drug Store “Mol” Agency a MOU JOY, PA | | | oJ Bring We 1 expe sure care guarsg TY W.. 708" iy East (%¢i NE HAV] AT DAYS