THE BULLETIN, MT. J Wednes| HE SAYS THAT HORSE S HAVE OUTLIVED THEIR USEFULNESS. _ byERPa Cfiesty de L KNOW WHAT I'LL PO TO WIN —| [WHERE'D YA AH. THIS IS MY \ THERE SHE SITS ON TH CH MISS PECAN'S HEART, I 'LL BORROW I hl (@lT THA 5 CHARGER, iY 600D MAN! / OB RSI SLLON TG NAKE SQUIRE P.NUTS HORSE AND | GOAT ° YE SLEEPY OLP PLUG GALLOP UP TO HER wl] 4 5 HOUSE . WHEN SHE | go - - — SEES WHATA ® % ] = a> FEARLESS HORS - LN&Y/ _ Hien \ MAN I AM.SHE'LL y = 9 AIN . LOSE HER HEAD o, 7 A 2 = |STREET, 5 | iY. —1 ( We still have | [compLeTELY 3 4 / — AND HER | be J | 7 : ete A number HERR SA : i | oan 2 \ = ; . : DITTO - TT SO \ il (l [5a oss ZZ : i Extra Fine {JB ANE 7} Ud WH i === 0 \|AZ= y 1) -~ -~ —- £ \ 8 | I | f v Calendars WB La ZY fo le od Ps — && MIR od |G — 00 For Sale et G Te Very cheap Ne = - S OH, GEORGE BZ | [[WANT TO THERE GOES THAT [ JUST mY a ; MARE , WHO wOULD HAVE AUTONOBILES % - NOPE SOME \ / THOUGHT THAT THE OLD [= ‘| olpweriT || EE N CRAB WAS SCARED OF _ | ANY TiNG HE THE MACHINE % A MERE AUTOMOBILE ? | iE GEO 2S | THAT'S ALL! : s igs EY EET Ie 0% |_t1 4 Take Notice! SER Wi ( ° \ 3 ( —- 4 | The Undersignea Wish to Inform the 3 x 3 bie, Public that They are Prepared to de J mn & - Practical Horse Shoeing ; \ — Z yz" At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy . BFE & ¢ ¢ Special attention given to all werk ; AL AV (AB All diseases of the feet promptly at RT oe anded to. Your Work Solicited a on = BOMBACH & SHANK ? General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers rn MOUNT JOY. PENNA. » ve Memon (vorne SeEovyrer (pep. Ln Ri reli a : | How to remove this accumulation MARIETTA MAN GONE OO TO HOME HEALTH CLUB | By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, Ill. GENTRAL HOUSE JM Backenstoe, Prop. Piles: Not a pleasant subject for | discussion but much more unpleas-| ant for the afflicted. When one finds | am safe in estimating that out that nearly all suffering that trouble is entirely the value of real information on the subject is essential. I believe that [ am safe in estimating that fully 75 per cent of the suffering from piles is unnecessary and that 75 per cent of the operations for the relief of the trouble is also unnecessary. As a matter of fact I have seen but few cases of Piles, Hemorrhoids or Fissure ina period of 25 years where # 7 from unnecessary Choice Wines & Liquors At The Bar. Aso Choice Oysters ead tamvrser AAWICHES and Limberger A MOUNT JOY ale PENNA. surgery was necessary or beneficial and I have geen many cases. 9000000000000000000O000000 In the first place there is seldom if ever a case of piles that is not preceded by constipation. There are few if any cases that will not get well under a very simple form of home treatment if the cause is en- tirely removed. Pure Spring Obviously it ig impossible for me A ater to go into a lengthy discussion of why constipation causes piles, nor ICE: is it necessary. Those who want to IN ANY QUANTITY at ery Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before ac- ing your order this year J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. To Weak, Nervous, Run-Down Women So. Cumberland, Md.—‘‘ For a long time I suffered from a nervous break- . I could not eat or sleep and was 80 weak I could hardly walk. My hus- band heard about Vinol and got me to try it. Now I have a good appetite, sleep soundly and am well and strong. Every nervous, weak, run-down woman should try Vinol.—Mrs. D. W. KERNS. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, without oil, which we guarantee $0 create a healthy appetite, aid diges- tion and make pure healthy blood. W. D. CHANDLER & CO. / DRUGGIST MOUNT JOY, PENNA. RALPH F, ESHLEMAN Show Card Writer Paasche Alr Brush Used Prices Reasensie West Domegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA JHICHESTER S PILLS \ Pills in Red and Geld metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take no other. Bay of our Druggist. Ask for ONL.OMES. TERS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE FOR SALE—A 1918 éeylindir Mendersom motoreyele complete with | fandom sttachment, presto tami, | ote, 13 to 14 horsepower ang tn Al oendition. Will be sold very cheap goed. Bulletin office, Mt. Joy, 1! #8 I have no further use for ft. Call | } | | know all of the details will be able to learn the entire story by procur- ing my Home Health Club book, Vol. 3, which tells all about the whys and wherefores in a way that you can readily understand. It tells many other things about health and how to preserve it, but what we want now is immediate relief. Well, as I have always told you, first find out the cause and remove it then nature hag a chance at the job of curing your ailments. In this case it's constipation. Now here comeg John Doe and Richard Roe and both declare that they are never constipated, but both are suf- fering with piles. One glance in their faces tells me that although they are supposed to be truthful men they don’t know what they are talking about. Because they have a move- ment of the bowels every day does not prove that they are not consti- pated and I tell them emphatically that both are suffering severely with bad forms of constipation. At once they want to know what kind of pills they should take and hardly know | what to make of it when TI say, “No pills.” It is seldom, according to my ob- servations, that the liver ig at all to blame for the sort of constipation {that causes piles. The fault is fn | the individual Improper diet, afd in thig is included not enough water, | also careleseness. | Neglecting to attend to the calls of nature promptly causes what is | known to “physicians ag reverse per- istalsis. The feea] matter which should have been expelled is return- ed or forced back into the colon and [there the putrifactive process cofi- tinues, There may be, ag in the case of Roe and Doe a movement every day and of proper proportion, but it is from one to three days behind time. The result of this delay is not only a poisoning of the system through the absorption of toxines, but during this period of delay the | natural moisture and lubricants of the mucous surface of the colon is absorbed and the result is such a f in an emergency and to prevent its accumulation in the future as well as to hea] the injury already done, will be discussed in the next lecture, EE Odd Bits of News Springfield, Ill.—Mrs. Isabella who weighed pounds died recently. [t was necessary to hold the funeral on the porch as tke coffiin was too through the doorway. were required. W. Va —Twenty years ago Lewis M. Runner left home for Washington to patent a device. He had never bcen heard from since un- til recently, when he returned home. His wife who had alwayg said he would come back welcomed him with open arms. Cottage Grove, Ore.—Bert Nokes set a hen and then decided to move to Spokane, 500 miles distant. He ship- ped biddy, her nest and all, by ex- press, and twelve of the fourteen eggs hatched. Rulo, Neb.—Years ago Arthur Ly- tle, a fisherman, located his hut ona small sand bar lying near the Mis- souri shore. Dirt washed onto the bar, and now it is the size of two sections. Lytle turned farmer and has made a small fortune. Neither nor Nebraska demand tax- es of him, but he cannot vote as his holdings regarded ag under the of the national govern- recided on the land 100 large to pass Ten pallbearers Morgantown, Missouri are jurisdiction He ment. has Wi 1 Kas.—Whenever Mrs. Louis EB Fister tries to telephone, her right arm and side become numb and she becomeg unconscious. Her affliction is a case of nerves. Several vears ago she received a shock while telephoning. Biddeford, Me.—James Sargent | has the original human calf. It has| human gkin, covered with human] hair. A luxuriant beard hangg from its chin. When it attempts to bellow, it emits sounds resembling a child crying. Otherwise it ig a normal calf, New Manchester, Ind.—For 90 days a hog belonging to C. 0. Hud- gleson lived off the fat of its own body. The hog got into a huge stack of straw and couldn’t get out. It weighed 250 pounds, but when found had shrunk to less than 100 and was still alive. — eet —— + BAD THINGS TO DO Boy Stole Ride on Auto Truck and Was Hurt the 12 year old son of G. Harry Gaus, who tenants the Senft farm at Klinesville, wag the victim of a painful accident on Tuesday af- ternoon. The lad was on his way home from the Sterline school house on the Marietta pike a short dis- tance west of Klinesville, and in order to save himself a walk he leaped on the rear of a passing auto mobile truck. In getting off of the rapidly moving machine at a point near his home he fell and his face| struck the road. He was later found lying unconscious in the road and wag rushed to the hospital where he was soon revived. It was found that his only injuries were a number of lacerations of the face. After re ceiving treatment the boy was able George, a ene if you want something dry hard mass, that injury Fa |to return to his home. £e ' ~ / A {Who took part in such battles as BOOSTING BEATS KNOCKING is Sure Pur- Methods Former Mount Joyan suing the Right Collier's Christmas number con- taing the following: “Andrew Keiser, division superin- tendent of one of the Eastern rail- roads, wanted to cut down the num- ber of cases of trainmen requiring discipline, So, instead of the usual bulletin of punishments for failure to observe rules, he published an “honor list” showing that some 400 of hig 700 conductors, engineers, brakemen and firemen had gone thru the entire year 1914 with a clean record. The result for six- months of 1915, as compared with the same period of 1914, wag a de- crease of over 60 per cent in the number of such cases of discipline and a decrease of over 70 per cent in the amount of wages lost to these employes because of suspen- sion. The other 300 trainmen are hustling to get their names on that roll of honor! Why not? What else could be expected of men with energy and ambition enough to hold a job at all? The challenge tO make good if you can ig far superi- or in inspiration to the challenge to break rules if you dare. ANDREW KEISER hag got hold of one true principle of leadership, viz.,, to make attainment visible, possible, and desirable. That is what makes a man put his back into it. This world is going ta get ahead, not by caging folks up ‘for doing wrong, but by setting them free to do right and eager to do it.” The Andrew Keiser referred to above is an old Mount Joy boy. His father, the late George Keiser, many years ago conducted a milling business at the mill now owned by Simon R. Snyder. Mr. Keiser’ ear- ly youth was passed in this place. He became a telegraph operator and after many promotions finally at. tained to his present position, that of Superintendent of the Conemaugh Per: both of Mt. Joy township. Division of the Pennsylvania rail road. Bs The Old Time Spelling Bee Folks nowadays don’t have much fun | . Compared to what we had Back in the old Fourth Reader days, | When girls in gingham clad, | With pigtails hanging down their] backs. | (It all comes home to me) | With boys in top boots met and held | An old-time spelling bee. f The teachers took a turn about Pronouncing as we spelled, And when one missed a word, it was The “trapper” who excelled; Ah, that was life, the spelling match- Salt of the earth were we The old-time gpelling bee. But, ah that braid of golden hair, | The snow, the moonlight pale- The homeward ride-the ylelding walist- And Love's sweet oft-told tale! And ah, the love light in those eyes (N>t seen on land or sea) God Hless the hollowed memories of The old-time spelling bee. Ba ————— Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Benjamin Rhoads of That Boro, Disappears Very Suddenly usual After making his ing, about 9:30 o'clock, Benjamin Rhoads, aged about 75, a Civil War veteran, who resided with Mrs. A my Green House business, Frank McCann, on Second street, a handle a complete assortment Marietta, suddenly disappeared and |B of Fruit Trees, such as apple, until a late hour last night, was|H still among the missing. No reason |W Pear, .each, Plum, Apricot, can be given for his mysterious de-|@ Cherry, Quince, as well as parture, but it is feared that he] = met with foul play or else suddenly |g smaller vEietie. I ean became delirious and wandered off, 8 supply youwith orpementals of - | “The last porson to. see kim MOU 2 evdry. degrripdon.” Try me and Marietta was Charles the 1H Kraus, mail clerk, who greeted him in the| postofice that morning. When he| left home, he is thought to have] had nearly $300 on his person, but is a man of very temperate habits and always known to be a teetotal- ler. Rhoads was a man of small] proportions, weighing only little more than a hundred pounds. He was blind in the left eye, and dur- ing an engagement in the Civil war, sustained a fracture of the frontal and parietal bones. To this morning |i trip to the postoffice Monday morn- = fact that he became lirious spasm A number scoured Monday were unable to unearth a clue h price in Lancaster within the week. could be had at 50 and hundreds of that price. up to 80 and 85 cents. | ter and Laura | place. ‘Bring us your Films for experience and expert equipment in- sure the best possible results. Every | care taken and quality of the work guaranteed. W.B. BENDER East Main St, WE HAVE EVER | | attributed the supposition the victim of a de- and wandered away. of residents of Marietta the surrounding woodland afternoon and night, but to is is recovery, RE A A Little Like Gasoline Potatoes have jumped rapidly in | last Three weeks ago the tubers] cents a bushel, farmers sold at | Saturday the price was! = re ee GI or ee Marriage Licenses Joseph Bankus and Cora P, Gru- Michael H. Showalter of Lancas- V. Pennell of this Development ‘We use thestank method, and our BARBER fre Joy, Pa. HING FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER Y 5 Fruit Tree I will, in comnection with il m be convinced that I eam saye = you money. Will Guarantee all u stock. i = Carnations are now ready. Ii If atany time you want potted or cut flowers, try me. E. H. ZERCHER CONESTOGA TRACTION CO. | LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN DIVISION Schedule in effort January 1, 1914. Westward—Leave Lancaster, 4:00 5:15, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:19, 10:15,| 11:15 a. m.; 12:15, 1:15, 2:15, 3:16, | 4:15, 5:15, 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, *9:45, | 11:15 p. m. | Hastward—Leave Elizabethtown, 5:15, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11:45 a. m.; 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:30, 11:15 p. m.; 12:30 a. m. Additiona] car daily except Sunday leaves Mount Joy at 6:15 a. m., ar- riving at Lancaster at 7:16 a. m. Saturdays cars every half hour leaving Lancaster from 6:15 a.m, to 7:15 p. m. leaving Mount Joy from 7:16 a. m. to 8:16 p. m. On Saturdays a car will leave Lan- caster at 9:15 and 10:15 p. m.; leave Elizabethtown at 10:45 and 11:45 p. m. Sundays, cars every half hour from May 1 to Nov. 1, leaving Lancaster from 7:15 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. to 7:15 p. m.; leave Mt. Joy from 8:45 a. m,, 12:15 p. m. and 4:16 p. m. to 8:16 p. m. Sundays, cars every half hour from Nov. 1 to May 1, leaving Tancaster from 3:15 p.m. to 7:16 p. m.; leav- ing Mount Joy from 4:15 p. m. to 8:15 p. m. Sundays, first car leaves Lancas- ter at 6:15 a. m.; leaves Elizabeth- town 7:30 a. m. (*) Daily exeept Saturday. SHAVING MAIR CUTTING J. B. HERSHEY'S Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs. No Waiting Agent for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. Eagt Main St MOUNT JOY CHARLES 8. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA Prompt Attention given to Sales of Real Histate and Personal Terms Moderate Elgin Watche g SilveroidCas er Fully Guaranteed JL Gold Filled Expansion Bracelet Watches $5.50 & U + Don W. Gorrecht TT ED FOR SALS PURCHASE OR EXCHANGES ANYTHING Ww HAVE YOU TO SHELIA hatoo YOU WANT TO BUTS OUR SERVICE SAVES YOU TIME AND EXPENES WRITE FOR INFORMATION —— Keystone Service \ mox 47 LANCASTER, PA, € v Stop, Read and S.R. STIL 244 Woolworth Bidg. LICENSED SRO BRING YOUR BEST GIRL GARDEN ThE YOU WILL BOTH E EVENING BE f