eve mone - for” dental b furn The pal one C operati hat mc 1ly—sa est—u eras Charg s, an hrist e the g and » othe full tains agal h its geats, ricatin er ister, r vil ET ii nL NOVANSI & Eines ( = 00 J 322 = avi) = R Round Trip CAR FARE ON ALL Purchases OF $10.2 OR MoRE. IT Costs You NOTHING. Ask For IT. THE BULLETIN, Mortuary | - Recordings | MT.' JOY, PA band died five years ago. She was a life long member of the Episcopal Church, Two sons survive. _ town, the Reformed Cuhrch, who was at brother, Joseph IE. Cassel and one of this church rendered special mu- sister, ‘Mrs. Ellwood A. Child of Ma- | rietta, survive. Burial will be Ho was a charter member of the the Marietta Cemetery, Elizabethtown Cornet Band and was | for many years Clerk of Borough | |Council. He was also a member of | | Friendship Fire Co, {Gen. Good Post G. A. R. and was | Health Officer of that borough at the time of his death. Mrs. Anna M Cox Word reached Marietta yesterday afternoon of the death of Mrs. An- na M. Cox, widow of William Cox, who died suddenly at her home in Mobile, Alabama, from a stroke of scribe for The Bulletin paralysis. She had been ill for some time. Deceased was born in Marietta, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cassel, and was 60 years of age. Her hus- A Merry Christmas Once more we greet you t will please you. 0 0000 I 2950 ke this our Most Successful Christmas Season. Only Nine Days Left In Which To Buy Your Christmas Gifts | | J : as Suggestions ry—— en's Neckwear ies’ Neckwear and Bags China Aprons ed Blankets Comforts Sweaters andkerchiefs Umbrellas Comb Sets Gloves Shawls [ oilet Sets Pin Sets ble Damask ite Spreads Good Cheer ae” ~~ MERRY Xmas. now my dear EACH and every patron hzre REMEMBER to be of good cheer REGARDLESS of what you may buy YOU'RE welcome to please we'll try. CHRISTMAS Goods in great profusion. Here you'll find without confusion. READY hands to wait on you. IN every little detail too SO come and see our great display HE greatest every shown they say [VN NY things that you may need "AND therefore come with all speed SEE the presents new galore At The Busy Store Will Sell Our $2.50 Umbrellas at $2.00 Up to Christmas and extend to all a Merry Christmas. ve arranged a splendid line of Holiday Goods for your inspection. Gifts We ask your patronage and co-operation to help 20, 5, 30, 35 and We Candies At All Prices Chocolates 10, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 25c¢ Per Pound Mixtures 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 20c Per Pound Fine Assortment of Package Candies Oranges 40c Per Doz. @ (t A Few Specials Chocolate Props.:.-...o..i..ionia sss 10c I Bottle of & ; Hartisburg Pretzels...................... . 8c ¥y 2 Bott's of Sweet Cider at... -+20¢ } 12c¢ Pink Sal bool Bid aa £ rin alone Se We also have a Good Supply of Cranberries Best! Grated Cacoanut........................ 15¢ : Se ; Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Nuts, Fine\lot of Dried Peaches......... aL iS Ge : Grape Fruit, Bananas, Etc. 12 apd 4c Prunesat........:........ 10 and 12¢ 0) © ( We re Offering Special Prices to School Teachers and Sunday Schools We Have d Large Assortment to Select From. CePRRRREORCE Opp. Post Office Mount Joy, Pa. @@ OOOO © © and of Adj. | | died last 000000000 0 2000000000000 0090200000000 CREREELLEERRRRRERREREERREO John Gordon John Gordon, a native of Marietta, Tuesday morning at the home of William Rapp, Front street, | illness of several | Marietta, after an months from Bright's disease and infirmities of age. He was about 67 years of age, and was for many Lately he had worked at Bainbridge and Chickies in the quarries. of his family. During his met with a number of bad accidents, while working at blasting, and lost : in the Marietta cemetery. i Miss Cordelia K. Shoop Miss Cordelia K. Shoop died last | Thursday morning about 10 o'clock! a complication of diseases, been in ill health the past eight! months. She was in her thirty- eighth year. Miss Shoop took three years’ course in nursing at the General Hospital, Lancaster, graduating in 1909, and practiced her profession in Lancaster cinity. She is survived by brothers, E. K. Shoop, of the Stev. ens High School; D. W. Shoop of having | also two Elizabethtown, Conoy township; Agnes K. Shoop of home, and Mrs, Elizabethtown, She wag a ber of Christ Reformed Church of | Elizabethtown. The funeral held on Sunday afternoon from hel late home, with later services in Christ Reformed Church. in Mount Tunnel Cemetery. at her home in Mrs. Margaret Cameron Haldeman Mrs. Margaret Cameron Haldeman, aged seventy-eight, widow of the late Congressman Richard J. Halde- | |man, and daughter of the late "United | | States Senator Simon Cameron, died Harrisburg, early! Friday. J. Donald Cameron, former- Igw United States Senator, is a | {brother and Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh, lof Washington, a gister, Mrs. thede | man had been sick for some time. Mrs. Haldeman had a number of | very warm friends in this county, to | | ing at 7:30. whom ghe wag endeared by her fine character and of mind and heart. tinguishing characteristics intense and unswerving loyalty tO her friends and to those of her father. Her husband was the son of the late Jacob Haldeman, One of her remarkable qualities | dis- | ; | servic i . was her | Services in a body ‘sic at the | Presbyterian Church years employed at the old furnaces. |b He ' He leaves no relatives as he is the last Stahm, life he | family moving to Harrisburg in 1879. the sight of his left eye in the last | accident. The funeral was held from his late home on afternoon at 2 o'clock, with burial services. Monday morning. Further services Elizabeth- ' the publ the deceased's One bedside when he died. The choir 2615. The remains’ Holy in * were then taken to Coatesville on were held at the Brandywine Manor and interment was cemetery adjoining. at 11 o'clock made in the | bethtown, Monday, Warren Haines Warren Haines, a well known, resident of Harrisburg, died at his home in that city on Sunday, aged 9 years. Deceased, is well known were, having been a frequent visitor. was married to Miss who formerly lived here, the | He leaves a wife and two children to mourn .; death. The remains were brought here in an auto hearse at noon today and interred in the Thursday | Mount Joy cemetery. Deaths at Masonic Home Two deaths occurred this week at | the Masonic Home at Elizabethtown, at her home in Elizabethtown from | William W. | of Struckrath Pittsburgh, and Sarkett, of Landmark Lodge, No. 442, of Wilkes-Barre. Both funerals held from the | William H. Masklyne, | Lodge, No. 439, of were | undertaking parlors of Harry Miller, and vi- | three | Campbellstown and J. K. Shoop of | sisters, | with whom the deceased made her | C. R. Good, of mem- | wag | Interment | | | | { | | | | of Har- | risburg, who was a brother of Henry | Haldeman, of Chickies. of Dr. Grove and was the father Haldeman, Paris Locust The latter Samue] 8S. a and were in charge of the Elizabeth- town Lodge of Masons. Interment was made in the Masonic cemetery. stil lcs RELIGIOUS NEwS News From Qur Many Lucal Houses of Worship Methodist Episcopal Rev. C. B. Johnston, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A, M. Preaching Service, 10:30 A, M. Sunday Christmas service, 7:30 P. | M. Prayermeeting, ing at 7:30. Clags meeting, Friday, 7:46 P, M Wednesday even- Presbyterian Church Rev. Frank G. Bossgert, Pastor Sabbath School 9:15. Christmag Service 10.30 A. M. Exercises of the {7.30 P. M. in connection with the regular preaching service, Prayer Meeting this evening at 7:30. United Brethren Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor Sunday School, 9 A. M. Preaching services, 10:15 A. M. 7 P. M., Christmag exercises, Prayer meeting Wednesday even Sunday evening, dies’ Bible Jan. 2, the La- Class will aitend the Trinity United Evangelical Rev. I. E, Johnson, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A, M. At this session Sunday school officers for the ensuing year, will be | elected. Haldeman and Dr. Edwin Haldeman, | of Chickies. Mrs. Haldeman is sur- vived by two children, a daughter, Eliza, married to Dr. Wright of Har- risburg and a son, Richard Cameron Haldeman also of Harrisburg, Benjamin C. Hatfield The last descendant of Samuel | Hatfield, who established at Wag- ontown in 1830 what is said to have been the second rolling mill in America (Lukens being the first) died Thursday evening at his home on West Donegal street, in this place. He was Benjamin field on of ec Y M : 5 ld and 1 n L W N 1C ol 101 Vy E i d g ( 1 S- y V 0 on fa I i d en 1 S. P X iage he Q at t S House in Lan- t ent years lived in is place timely death was severe SNOCK to his host of riends, On the death of Samuel Hatfield, the old homestead property of al- most one hundred acres, inclusive of the rolling mill, fell to two sons, Samuel and Benjamin, who kept the mill in operation for sever- al years. Later they ceased to op- erate the mill and moved to Coates- ville. At their deaths, the Wagon- bequeathed to who died Thurs- town property was Benjamin Hatfield, day. For a period of several years, the latter Mr, Hatfield took ‘keen delight in preserving the old brick stack of the rolling mill out of which poured the first that marked a new era in the manufac- ture of iron in America. The brick stack and a portion of the founda- tibn of . the mill stood for many years, until a high wind storm razed the stack in 1913. smoke The Hatfield place, at Wagon town, has been occupied of recent years by John K. Schrack and N. P. Everhart, the latter floar and feed mill. Funeral services were held at his late home on Donegal street on Sunday afternoon at 5:30 and were S ested by Rev. B. F. Meyer, of occupying a | Christmas Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. In the evening at 7:30 the Sun- day school will render their annual program. All are in- vited. Sabbath School, Anna |work of e is invi St. Stephen's Sunday School, Eucharist sermon by rector at 10: Evening Prayer and Sermo Mr, Thomas Hiestand, Ilay-r from St. Elizabeth’s, Elizabethtown. Service at 7:30 P. M. The Rector will preach at Eliza Dec. 27th, B8& John Evangelist’'s Day. Tuesday, Dec. 28, Holy Inno cent’s Day, There will be no scheduled ser vices on these days, but the Rector will hold himself in readiness to visit the sick and administer the Christmas communion to the infirm on these Holy Days. Tonight, Wednesday, The Glean- erg’ Club will meet with Miss Elsie Catharine Ellis at her home on KB Wale, For Sule For Rent LOST—Light black leather collar; answers to the name, Brownie. Finder will be re warded by calling Bel] Phone, 130- R3 1 FOR RENT—A 6-room house On East Main St., Mt. Joy. Family with. out children preferred. For par ticularg apply at this office dec 22-tf Wanted—Salesman with auto OF driving rig. Compensation $4 to $8 per day Splendid opportunity to establish profitable business. Stetson Oil Co., Cleveland, O. Dec 22-18 FOR RENT—I offer my coal yards in Mount Joy, for rent {rc April 1st, 1916. This is an old established stand and enjoys a good patronage For particulars apply to 8. R. Sap der, Mount Joy. #® FOR RENT—“Kame” farm Hast Donegaj Township, alsa “Fletcher” farm Bast Doneza! Township and Shank” farm Rapho Township. ¥Fow fuli particulars address J. E. Bakes, 114 N. George St. York, Pa. dec&3t BANKING—supervision given Come puny offering for public subscription some of 1tg 8 per cent. Preferred Stock. Stock issued only in the order subscriptions are received Prompt action necessary. Write. G. C. FEGLEY, 10 North Queen Street Lancaster, Pa, ee : en FOR RENT—A large stable suit able for two horses and two large carriage houses. Call on Mrs. Sybilly Zeller, Mount Joy. nov. 10-tL nov. 8-Tt NOTICE—I am prepared to do ali kinds of hauling, plowing lots, and that kind. Charges very | 'easonable. Jacob Brown, Mt. Joy. Prayer meeting on Wednesday ov- | ening at 7:30, On Christmas morning, a six- o'clock prayer meeting will be held. Church of God Rev, I. A. MacDannald, D. D., Minis. ter Sabbath School, 9:30 A. M. Preaching, 10:30 A. M. and 7 P. will be a feature a of God Sabbat! n cl Ww Were § ds \ ( g eve T i F Born. J i MV AT 0 5A M 1 prais 11 are A ” T Ss g the 1 bath Sch i can- y > He ir F Bible Class St. Luke's Episcopal Rev. Lewis Chester Morrison, Christmastide Serv s 1 s ¢ Vig I 24th ( S 1 S ice AI ( S S with carols, rec i C nd hild of Sund 2 0 3 ent, is 7:30. s Day g midnigh of ( stma eve strck of twelve—solem Euchai f ist I ( the ( Saturd Dec. 25th, celebration of Holy at 12 o'clock sh s X » ends and Xmas Dav begins. This is the only Christmas Day] service—At 2:30 p. m., on Christ} s D ill be the solemnizition * matri v between Mr. Benja-! 1 1 R m and Miss An. McKinley, bot s in is a publi ; mediate payment, "claims FOR SALE—A good as new 3-bura er gasoline stove ig Al condition Cost $15 but will gell very cheap as have no further use. €all aj this office, L ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eetate of Clara C. Swords, late of Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster Coun ty, Pa, deceased. Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persong indebted thereto are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, resid ing in Mount Joy, Penna. DR. JOHN J. NEWPHER, Adm. Hollowbush, dec. 1-6¢ - W. M Atty. a TOVINISTRATRIX NOTICE John E Lindemuth, late ip, Lancaster Co. JUS 1 Letters of Administration on said ¢ aving been grant tc the eto are re te to make im- paymer i 108 aving emg ) : the undersigned, re in Mount Joy ANNA G. BOWMAN, Executrix, dec 1-68 B. Frank Kready Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ¥ Estate of Frederick Shultz, late off f Adminis been granted to the all persons indebted requested to make ime and those having ands against the same eto are or dem ©" will present them without delay fof settlement to the undersigned. JOHN B. SHULTZ, Administrator, 320 N. Franklin St., Lancaster, Pa, B. FRANK KREADY, Attorney. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Mt. Joy, Pa., Dee. 1, 1915 herel given that the ng and automos heretofore conducted nyder and Clayton nder the firm name &f stzler, has this day beem ual consent. All bills 1 firm are now payable te Metzler, Mt. Joy, wi 03 gusiness, a ME YDE Dy mut Lancaster Cou \ tration on said \ .