WILLLLOOO00000000CO00000O0000OOOOOOOOOO0000 SA AUTOGRAPHIC KODAK, PRICE, $22.50 The Package That Contains a KODAK will be first opened Christmas morn mplete line of Kodaks from the efficient little handsome, capable “big brother,” the 3A. They c, of course, they must be to be up-to-date. store ig sure to solve some Of your gift prob- $6 up. Brownie Cameras--$1 up es agpncy for Darmstaetter's of Lancaster, kood developing ang printing leave your FILMS with B. BENDER BA RBEIR MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. VERYTHING FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER i 3 * LJ Ld » Ls * 7 J LY 7 0 £0 i %. 4 * 0 0 %. o o 0 » J * % DF + & o J 0 0 0 * 0 QO * 0 J * 0 » * LJ * * * Ld » * Ld Ld 7 Ls LJ 0 RJ) O0O00000000000O0O000000000000000000000OO0 Merry Christmas Wish The CHANDLER ;Store during these, the last few days before Christmas, extend to everyone the heartiest Christmas Greeting. ht you have taken advantage of our Christmas ser- . Christmas offers and that, in whatever way we you, are highly pleased. May your holidays be od cheer, happiness and perfect contentment, and wv ves hold for you apr good things and t of fond desires. jum contest closes Dec. 24. time that day or eve of coupons will rece the second highest a you om n som number and p you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, a $2.00 $1.00 box box Ask dler’'s Drug Store est Main Street, Mount Joy Bd pide 1 TE, SS — $2.10 Round Trip Pr opuitionate fares fi Tra iran rom other px] Joy 7.01 a. m.| Costumed § w i e Fears 0 oa 15 A Festal Ne ly 7 the famed Returning, train] station 7 5H Rleaves Phiiadaip Masonic Home News There is no branch of Mas.nry in which the female portion of the families of its members participate in the social life and reunions of the body as in that of the Knights Templar. At every conclave the wives, daughters and sisters of the Sir Knights, accompany them, and participate in the receptions, balls, excursions and everything of inter- est, except the business meeting. The ladies of the Sir Knights, residing in the conclave city, arrange spe- cial excursions and entertainments for the visiting ladies, in order to render their visit more enjoyable. In order to further the better acquaint- ance and comradship of these par- ticipants, they have banded them. | selves into guilds, and are known as Ladies’ Auxiliaries of Command-| eries. The Ladies’ ter Commandery, brilliant example tions. It is composed of some of the best known and talented ladies of Lancaster, who are leaders in so- ciety and prominent in advancement | and uplift. In their social gatherings | is to be found a manifestation of | Masonic spirit which they have, in| their relationship, absorbed. This is! shown in their deeds of kindness to widow and orphan, to the sick and! needy, and the Christmas cheer they | dispense in that gladsome time. For three successive winters this spirit has manifested itself in deeds of kindness to the guests of the Ma- sonic Homes. The third annual repetition occurred on Friday even- ing, December 10, 1915, when they journeyed to the Homes and delight- ed a large audience with an enter-! tainment of music and fun. At con- siderable labor, study and expense, they prepared and produced this entertainment, actuated by the single object of reflecting a few hours of | Auxiliary of Lancas-| No. 13: XK. T.,/is a these organiza- of of the Homes, and applause whose happy faces of appreciation must surely have warmed the hearts of the Auxiliary, with a sense of re-! ward for their thoughful kindness. The program rendered, consisted of piano solo, piano duets, vocal { solo and four light comedies. An | hour of dancing brought the pleas- ant evening to a close. The rendition of this program gave proof of the possession, by these ladies, of marked musical and histrionic talents, and they have the assurance of the deep sense of grati- tude of every one connected with the Homes, and of their apprecia- tion of the kindly sentiments which inspired the act. The religious services of Sunday, | December 5, 1915, were conducted by Manheim Lodge No. 587, and were in charge of Rev, John Rothar-| mel, pastor of the german Reformed Church of East Petersburg. A choir | of sixteen voices, under the direction | of M. T. Williams, rendered several, anthems. The gervices on Sunday, Decem- ber 12, 1915, were notable as being the first in the Homes’ history to be conducted exclusively by members of its household. Among the guests o. the Homes are two retired minis- ters, the Rev. Bro. David Eason, a member of Lodge No. 276 of Brook- ville, Pa., and Rev. Bro. Gilbert M. Chamberlain, a member of Lodge No. 248 of Tunkhannock, Pa. The former led in the prayers, and the latter delivered the sermon. The | chaplain, Brother William H. Shaf-| Li read the Scripture Lesson. A| prelude for clarfonet and piano was | | rendereq by Brother John W. Cooke {and Mrs. Van Horn, and a choir com- | posed of guests and employees ren- { dered the anthems in an excellent | manner, AP Ae eee | Foreign Demand for Tobacco { Local tobacco is much in demand {in many of the neutral countries of | | Burope. Recently agents of fers {located in these countries have been | [busy in the Ninth Revenue District, | | mainly in Lancaster and York coun. | ties, purchasing tobacco for foreign | use. It Is estimated that during the | | past four weeks, over 200,000 pounds | | have been shipped for immediate ex- portation and that as much will be | again shipped during the present month. | | During the fiscal year ending June, | 1915, from the Ninth Revenue Dis | | trict there were exported approxi- | | mately 500,000 pounds. Estimating | fen 300 pounds to the case, this means that 1,700 cases from this section | were purchased from the Ninth Dis- | [ triet. | —— ee ! Better Rural Schools Urged { In his forthcoming annual report | Secretary Lane suggests the need | {for a national campaign for a better | | rural school. He speaks of Young | | America, our 22,000,000 school boys |and girls, as the chief resource LH | the nation and asks: “Are we doing {all possible to develop this re-| { source?” ee eel AD ee ee Close on Holiday, We, the undersigned, have dgreet | to close our places of business on he 25th of Dec. (Christmas Day) nd 1st of Jan. (New Year’s Day). PTI BER CH. J. willlams. oi T# L. Percy Hellig. ¥ Jos. B. Hershey. WER Allen M. Way. Lancaster Co. | sunshine into the Hves of the guests « | Fridy [trip to the | packed in zinc boxes, with sponge, 10c. THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. | Landis Bros, Receive Carload of Bituminoug Coal SEE ———— Mr. and Mrs. S.J. King spent Sunday at Harrisburg as guests of relatives and friends. ' The Rheems schools will hold their Christmas exercises Thurs- day evening, Dec. 23rd. Mrs. Harry Brandt of near this place, is slowly recuperating from a severe attack of pneumonia. The Rheems Sunday School RHEEMS dis- tributed their Xmas presents to! their pupils on Sunday morning. Irvin Smith, the country butcher, | slaughtered three large porkers for Leander Groff one day last week. | Messrs. H. Greiner and Gabriel | Risser purchased several hundred | bushels of corn from Cyrus Evans last week. Mr. Peter R. Kraybill of State! College and A. LaMonte of Bound- | brook, N. J., were Sunday guests of | iJ. K. Bard. Ed Ream, the extensive horse dealer of Mt. Joy, transacted busi- ness in this place on Monday. He traveled by auto. | The past few days have been ideal ones for the stone quarry work, There is a demand for more men at good wages. Mrs. Jacob W. Heisey returned from Hyner last Sunday, after spending several months with her son Christian and family. Messrs. Peter R, Kraybill and 2. K. Bard of State College, arrived at their homes on Saturday for a two weeks’ vacation. Landis Bros. received a carload of bituminous coal last week, and are now hauling it to their stone meal plant with their large truck. Mr. William Hoover, a merchant of Millroy, Mifflin County, was the guest of his brother, Harry Hoover and family, in this place, on Satur- day. Mr. Elmer Groff spent last Sun- day at Harrisburg, traveling by way of Hershey, and taking in the sights the Elizabethtown and Hershey trolley line. Cyrus Evans, the Rheems thresh- and fodder shredder, on Thurs- cleaned up the threshing for H. On Monday he shred- ded fodder for Jos. Smith. Snyder & Gish sold their entire packing of 1913 cased tobacco, 157 E. N. Hershey, The to- bacco was loaded on cars for the Eastern markets, on Monday. Mrs. Laura Keller and daughter Anna entertained Mr. Amos C. Fri- dy and family of Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John Fridy and Irvin of Donegal, and a number of other guests on Sunday. | Master Jac. and Winfleld Heisey, with a two-horse team, accompanied a number of classmates, made a Conewago Hills for greens. They retuned with a load of trees, a number of them being 20 feet long, rere eens A Bad Auto Accident One man’s life was snuffed out along er day 1.. Heisey. cases, to by and another man was hurt in an | automobile accident near early Sunday morning. ler was almost Harry Zinn was painfully injured. Both men were Ephrata residents and it is said were under the in. fluence of liquor, They were joy riding in an auto early Sunday morning, when one grabbed the wheel while the other was driving real fast and as a result the ma- | chine turned turtle. — Ephrata For Her Heirs The estate of Anna Hershey, late of East Hempfield, adjudicated and leaves $6,146.98 distribution. ftemes Sh oe Polishes - | MNEST Fro was for LARGEST VARI?" 8 “ont EDGE,- the only tadics’ shoe dressing that | positively contains il, Blacks, Polishes and Pre serves ladies’ and children’s shoes, shines withous | subbing, 25¢. “FRENCH GLOSS,” 10c. | “STAR” combination for cleaning and polishing al | Eindsof russetor tan shoes, 10c. "DANDY" size, 35¢. “QUICK WHITE" (in liquid form with sponge) quick | | tycleans and whitens dirty canvas shoes. 10¢, “ALBO™ cleans and whitens BUCK, NUBUCK, | SUEDE, and CANVAS SHOES. In round white cakes | n hands | | some, large aluminum boxes, with sponge, 25¢c. | If your dealer does not keep the kind you want, send as She price An swaps for full size package, charges paid, | WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO, | 7-20 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass. he Oldest a and Largest M ManxTocturers ar | SPEND Y OUR VACATION | IN NEW YORK n New York in v place in the t know how. | You ca one t world, 1 ni f We farniua the ‘HENOW HOW” One full week of “Sight Seeing! will show you everything worth | while in the big city. $45.00 ~omodations, n see ” covers hotel acc cost of sight seeing trips, theat ers, roof gariens, etc. We even pay all your carfare around the city. Write for booklet A * ‘Seeing New York At Alindiom Cost.” Te TOLSON, Pres. aS = Hotel ry New York City. PTT SW. B. Bender. eel Geen ead the Bulletin. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin. Mt. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Subscribe for the it. Joy Bulletin O00000000000OUCONNCOtOTCOIOTOOOEOUISIOIBOOSOIOIOBOCOOOOBOCO0OCCOOCDOIE CE eS « deed ddsiededbdodeiodeefodedofdednioiodnioided Lemuel Kel | instantly killed and! Wednesday, December 23, BOOOC ROOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO0O00O000CO000000000000CO0OOCOCOCODIDIODOOE Christmas Comes But Once A and when It Comes It Bringd Good Cheer This store]is thejheadyuarters for'’Xmas Wines, & Liquors, look over these suggestions 2 ee sees 1.60 760 Bottled Wines ! ys 125 1.00 1.26 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.60 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.00 1.26 1.00 1.00 «os 1.25 . 1.26 0 5 Mount Vernon .. .. Ginger .. Haunnisville Irimble .. McHenry Wilson Hunter . PY. & C, No, 6. Gallagher & Burton Canadian Club Green River .. Young's Highspire 75¢ Duffy’s Malt .. Roselawn .. Old Penn .. Calvert. ... .ieiceiisee Imperial Cabinet .. .. COCKTAILS Club Manhatten Club Martini Club Vermouth .. Club, Whiskey Champtail, 24 bottles se es se os - Port .. Sweet Catawba .. Sherry .. Muscatel ’ TORAY «ctor vei vera Cherry .. ., .. Claret .. These oe ve soe «4.91.28 .. 126 1.25 . 1.28 76¢ .e es ‘oe BEERS, PORTERS, ETC. Reading Light, a case .. ..$1.00 Reading Dark, a case . 1.00 Columbian, a case .. ,., .. 1.00 Horlacher, ¢ month, a case 1.20 Porter, large, a case .. 1.00 Porter, small, a case 60c Ale, small, a case .. 60c Stout Continental, 3 case .. 1.50 Stout Guinesses, a case ....5.00 . se eves all full for the will give 8 bottles are quarts, and special holidays only, we bottles for a dollar, We also have these wines in short quarts, 4 bottles for a dollar, Blackberry .. Virginia Dare White Port .. Angelica .. Alter Wine .. Sauterne .. ae +756 Hochheimer.. .. lesie 500 Garrett & Co. Sherry, in beau- tiful decanter with glass stop- per, 75¢ Bottled Whiskies Gibson $1.00 ... $1.25 Silver Crescent .. «128 Carstairs . 1.28 Overholt rs .. 1.00 Golden Sheaf .. .. . 1.00 Golden Rod . 1.28 Columbia Club vai iB Three Feathers .. .. 200 Rohrer’s “A” .. .. 1.50 BGOOOOO0000 . «.50¢ ...$1.00 «s +.75¢ ee +750 — ve» au an . Champagnes Great Western G. H. Mumm & Co, Moet & Chandon . 4.50 Champtail, 24 bottles +2 +156 If you cannot afford Cham- pagne for the Xmas dinner, or- der the Champtail. It is real- ly sparkling champagne without the alcohol. Brandies Hennessey three star Martell’s one star Wine Brandy California 75¢ Apple .. Peach Apricot ..$2.00 . 4.60 SODA WATERS Coca Cola, 24 bottles Ginger Ale, 12 large Ginger Ale, 24 medium Ginger Ale, 24 small .. Hire’s Root Beer, 24 bot., Orangeade, 24 bottle .. Birch Beer, 24 bottles . Sarsaparilla, 24 bottles .... Lemon Soda, 24 bottles Cremen Soda, 24 bottles .. Grape Hi-ball, 24 bottles Champtail . ee Ironbeer, 24 bottles se eese Cherry Smash, 24 bottles .. 78¢ Peach Mellow, 24 bottles .. 75¢ Moxie, 12 bottles . 250 ..$1.00 120 1.20 be 1.00 78¢ 76¢ 76¢ 7c 75¢ 78¢ 78¢ Tie se ve .e os .e GORDO OOOOOO0O0OO0OO000 .s ..$2.00 . 1.60 .r 125 . 1.00 . 78¢ . 75¢ 75¢ .e “se .e .e .e cen .e FLANAGAN'S The House of Quality 5th and hoecust Sts. Columbia, Penna. » 0 GC « 8, OSOOOCOOO00CO0O0CO0000000O00LODOOLLOOLLLLLVLIIVLIVLVLLLVLLLVOIDLLOLOLVLOODO0DDOOO0D00OCO0T fortesfoenfonfesteofesfonfesfortofosfosfoofesfocfofonfonfonfectunfe nto fost fe onto fetefosfoofifasfoufusfoofeadr dopo onfeoniooio doped CHRISTMAS “3 CARES 12 Doz. Assorted For $1.00 Leave Your[Order.atiEd;Ream’s Mount Joy or at the Bakery at Florin, Pa. wlhecfenforlisunfo fore %& Also a Freshjand Up-to-Date Line of Groceries, Bananas, Oranges, Grapes, Nuts and Christmas Candies All Phone Orders Promptly Delived to Your Home J. K. FREYMCYER Both Telephones Lo Florin, Penna. defedededefodefodnfeo Ton T ESR TRL Tran Tog Autoists, Read This DOES YOUR AUTOMOBILE NEED REPAIRING? DOES YOUR MOTOR BALK OCCASIONALLY? DO YOU HOP ALONG ON “TWO AND THREE” EVERY NOW AND THEN? IF SO, YOUR CAR NEEDS THE ATTENTION OF A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC. NOW, THAT'S WHERE | CAN HELP YOU. General Repair Work I HAVE IN MY EMPLOY MR. JOHN KESSELRING, A MAN WITH EIGHT YEARS’ PRACTICAL EX- PERIENCE ON AUTOMOBILE WORK. HE CAN REPAIR ANY MAKE CAR KNOWN TO THE TRADE AND DO IT RIGHT. DOESN'T THAT INTEREST YOU? Agent for the Studebakers and Pullmans Rutomobile Accessories I ALWAYS CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CONGRESS TIRES, AND ALL AUTO AGC CESSORIES. WHEN IN TROUBLE, OR WHENEVER YOU NEED A FIRST-CLASS AUTO MAN, CALL. MOUNT JOY GARAGE Peter S. Brubaker, Propr. Bell Phone 147-11 MOUNT JOY, PENNE Also Auto Hiring at All Times RL TORE TSRLETHRE TTS