WL La | Take Notice! ACOOSOONODGOOOOODLILOIIG IRIIOIOOOOLLOLOOLOO00 Do You eed These? you often have toothache fp package of Chandler's » 3 OOOO Lhd fe gum or drops on all you need to re- dyspepsia is a box s and Dyspepsia tab- PES Blk to Chandler, the Druggist about it. Relief will come to you in two minutes by the clock. Stop that cough before it becomes chronic. Drop into Chandlers Pharmacy and geta bottle of his celebrated cough syrup or a box of Dr. Agnew’s cold and la gripp tablets. They are fine. RA IOO000000Y Go to Chandler's for Bliss Native Herbs Also Porter's Pain King Liniment. CHANDLER'S DRUG STOR™= MOUNT JOY, PA. 020000C00000000OO00OOOOOOCAOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOODOOO0O0O0 LIOULOOOOO00 ES The Undersignea Wish to inform the Public that They are Prepared to de Practical Horse Shoeing At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy Special attention given to all work 24 diseases of the feet promptly at Jnded to. Your Work Solicited BOMBACH & SHANK eneral Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers MOUNT JOY. PENNA RRIN INNING IONS MGENTRAL it Top. J. B® Choice Wines & Liquors At The Bar. Aso Choice Oysters Ham, Sweitzer ans merger SAI0WICHES MOURT JOY -:- PENNA. NN NNN NNN NN www 0000000000000 We are Always Prepared to serve OO ©) s : Pure Spring Water DEN ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at ery Moderate Charges. MOO@@E ) 3 ® © © 3 : or Don’t fail to see us hefore ac- = © ing your order this year. & @ Mount Joy, Penna. , ©0000 WEAK, SORE LUNGS Restored To Health By Vinol Camden, N.J.—““I had a deep seated eough, was run-down, and my lungs were weak and sore. I had tried everything suggested without help. One eve- ping I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Soon I noticed an improve- ment. I kepton taking it and today I am a well man. The soreness is all gone from my lungs, I do not have any cough and have gained fifteen pounds. = FRANK HILLMAN. . We guarantee Vinol for chronic eoughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. W. D. CHANDLER & CO. DRUGGIST MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Q J HN. Stauffer & Bro. © RALPH F. ESHLEMAN Show Card Writer Paasche Air Brush Used Prices Reasonablg West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA | “] Don’t Feel Good” That is what a lot of people tell us. Usually theirbowels only need cleansing. Rexall Grdenlien. will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take one tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents. E. W. Garber. HICHESTER S PILLS + your Druggist for = hl Diamond It X her. Buy of fly Vrugeist. Ask for CHICHESTER 8 DIAMOND BRAND PIL years known as Best, Safest, A OOOO OO OCH NNNNN nounc the profanity. ing from ing lea the tradesunion. / THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. aE yoo ARE WELL oD ‘ON CATS". Wednesday, December 8, 1915. T AM AN EXPERT IX LING THEM ! I HA GE WI H# COPYRIGHT IIE. NATIONAL CARTOON SERVICE COP {NOT | [HE RE ARE YOUR OLD PESKY \[~ | lMUTS, YOU BETTER TRAIN THEM J x TO GO AFTER py PoC AYFUL KITTY. ODD BITS OF NEWS Facts Taken From Our Many Ex- changes Since Last Week San Francisco, Cal.—Thomas Thornton, a carpenter, nailed his feet to the floor in church in an ef- fort at self crucifixion. Thornton doesn’t feel any pain because, he . says, he has the faith. Physicians say he is a religious fanatic, and his diseased brain makeg him immune from pain Clinton, Mo.—Delmar Gentry and wife have the smallest baby ever| born in Missouri, At birth it weighed | 16 ounces, and was placed in a quart cup. At two weeks old, it measured 12 inches in height. An ordinary band ring will slip over the hand of the baby and up to its shoulder. It is healthy and thriving. Hammond, Ind.—Two minutes be- fore Riley Lane died, a noise was heard at the door, and when opened Dobbins, Lane's old horse, walked into the room and stocd at the bed- side until hig master died. New York, N. Y—Fred Kattmerer will be plain Fred Barton after this week. He explained to the court, when appealing for a change of name, that he was in business in China, and that the Chinese char- acter spelling his name were pro- da-me., He objected to London, Eng—Lord Cha rlemont, eighth viscount of the Irish noble fami of his name, is to join the Tinplaters’ union. He has been working in a munition factory earn. a week, and, hav- trade, wants to join en A —— ee Nation-Wide Preaching Mission No, we have not forgotten it! Dates and plans will be published in season. Meanwhile, as it is a Gos- pel Mission purely for the quicken- ing of the religious lives of Chris- tian people and the conversion of those who have not taken a stand— all Christian persons, whether of the Episcopal persuasion or other- wise, are asked and urged to pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God. el A We Furnish Them We have arranged with one of the largest manfacturers in the United States to supply any thing in the line of lead, slate, copying pencils, with or without erasers. also many designs in pen holders, with any thing printed therson you wish, at prices that will astonish you. They are a crackerjack sdverising nov |elty and we wil be pleased to show | samples and quote prices to any one interested re A A Visited Schouclg Last Monday morning, State High ector, C. D. Koch, visited the Marietta school, and in the af- ternoon he Central High school. At both places | he was well pleased with the work- ings an general condition of the schools. ted the Maytown ——— President Wilson’s plan to enlist! a volunteer army to defend the na- tion is just another way to make the nation fit for service which 1t should require in return for the privileges of citizenship. / ters.” This, he i! THE FARMER AND HIS AUTO This Article Taken From an Ex- change Bears Reproduction An automobile salesman finds that | the gurest recorder of the financial] ation in the country is the brisk-|vaij ness of the sale of automobiles. He old in the vicinity of Quincy, Ill, ' fac one hundred cars of a $750 make and just half of them went to farm- “bumper crops” are turer of automobiles rous But for that matter the prosy farmer makeg all kinds of manufac- tories hum. He is a great consumer of necessaries at all times and of luxuries when he can afford them. When he ig flush he buys more and * better clothes, more pianog and car- pets, pictures to adorn his home, smokes more and better cigars and chews the best tobacco, he travels more, buys more fertilizers and finer equipages, purchases better farm stock of all kinds, enlarges his buildings, and in so doing buys plenty of steel and cement, and, finally, becomes an owner of an au- tomobile for both pleasure and business. Turn which way you may, to the railroad, the wholesale dealer in everything and the manufacturer, | and they will all tel] you that their prosperity is simply a matter de- pending upon the success and sur- plus cash of the farmer. But to come back to the automo- bile. There never was a time when the farmer did not take a pride in (that is to say, the money which the his means of locomotion and trans-|{farmer receives for his year’s work portation. He liked to drive a good | after the interest on his investment deducted—was only $240, | while on farms of over 160 acres the average was $1,575. other figures which convey the same horse in his carriage or ride one.|has been At church he tried to exhibit the finest looking vehicle and on the road he sought to own a team that could pull the biggest load and never prove ‘false.” So now it is no wonder he is taking kindly to the new motive power, the automo- bile, and his ownership of one is more common than among agricul turists the world over. He is not as scientific a tiller of the soil as the European, but he hag per capita more acres and does business on a large scale, and so is richer. When the American farmer be- comes a scientific agriculturist there are not many luxuries in the market he will not be able to buy and pay spot cash for. Hence the basis of our great wealth and why we are envied and hated. rossi Men’s Meeting The Men’s Christian Federation will resume their monthly meetings beginning with Dec, 12, at 2:30. This meeting will be held in the resbyterian Church. Prof. H. M. J. 1e, of Franklin & Marshal] col- lege, has been engaged for this, the beginning of the winter meetings. To those who have been so fortun- ate as to hear the speaker no word of encouragement to be present is necessary. To those who have nev- had the privilege we remark it ill be your loss if you fail to be present. Sunday afternoon, Dee. 182, at 2:30 in the Presbyterian Church. a —— A long sentence doesn’t worry a reader as much as it does a criminal es ———-—— The Pessimist believes that the imilk in the cocanut is watered. PROFIT IN LARGE FARMS Indicates That Incomes Usu- ally Vary Directly With the Sizes of Farms number of acres farmed, accord- , gives an idea of |in in the course of a survey which has recently been made by the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture of a portion of Chester county, In the territory surveyed, farms of | worth of ma-| chinery on an average, as compared | with less than $9 worth on farms of acres and over. farms needed one horse for every 9 with one horse for more than 17 acres on the larger In gpite of this increased The small-sized well equipped labor-saving machinery. Less Profit on Small ssofefongeoieorieofoofseionioofeorfoofeerfonfosfoerieofofotent From these and farm, carrying on al under a fixed herent in itg size. | This relation of the size of the] farm to the opportunity for profit is | declareq in the bulletin glready men- vital interest, cause of the notion which so widely | ideal of American | prevails that the schemes are hased on thig idea. farms are difficult to make success- exceptional man who is equal to the They must always be devoted to the most intensive types of farm- products of most of intensive farming fluctuate great- price, so that the very insecure, ger ig greatly magnified if from market, products do not transportation charges vicinity of the better markets these | only in local-| gs, ities where they have disinet advan- tages for the particular type of farm- they follow.” re mee all A rennin fashioned foot ball player who used to have Paderewski hair? I ———— ——— Anyway doctors keep lots of pec-| ple from having money to lose on a fofendeofesfoniong- Fosonfoofoefrfoofeferionde] i op FORD HAS A PEACE PLAN Has Sailed With Party for Europe to Stop the War Henry Ford, the auto manufactur- pPré- er of Detroit has chartered the the average American farm, | Scandinavian-American liner Oscar IT for $32,000 and sailed with a big party for Europe to stop the war, He says: ‘“The time has come to say, ‘Cease firing’? “We are going to try to get them out of their trenches and back to their homes by Christ- mas Day. I intend to try to erush militarism. I am eager to go and I would go even if I knew that the vessel might be torpedoed outside the Hook. I do not consider danger. {I don’t think I have ever been {afraid.” length in a bul-| | vited to accompany the party of | pacifists but he declined. Governor Brumbaugh had been in- pp. There’s many a low trick pulled off on the high seas. a Constantine must be Greek or Hen Pecked. NEW LICENSES IN DEMAND Large Number Have Already Been Granted by the Department Highway Department, issuing the 1916 tags, is receiving + the new licenses. The department will enforce the law | carrying of new li- censes, starting with the first day arrests will be Commissioner Cunningham if the law is violated. to facilitate the distribu- tags, thousands are being sent out to the notaries of 4,003 notaries public have applied for tags and to each hag been sent 125. Brumbaugh has been given the first tag again while num- ber four ig allotted to Highway Com- missioner Cunningham. Former Gov- ernor Tener got No. 10. Frank Bell, of Harrisburg, {the twelfth tag. ee ee eee A eee again awarded Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Sedgorieefeoforfesferforfecdosfefesienfesfonortofosfosforfurfecfosfestofonfesgortecfonfoesfosfetorforfesfocfofosfoogesfootsofunfonfocfonfecfects Christmas Gifts at Chandlers Valuable suggestions and a delightful assortment of gifts at wonderfully reasonable prices, Suitable gifts for Mother or Maid. Suitable presents for men and boys. friends and appropriate presents for the Remembrances for your Je ogass ode ET ’ address on the o'clock om store before 8 o'clock P. M., with name package. Name of winners will be given Christmas Day. Start now. be Coupons given with every cash purchase for anything we have to sell, Chandler's Drug [Store West Main Street, ofestoofestocfosiooforforoofocfusforfosforforforfete Mount By one.” Make ARR A SANTA TES PI NN RI CR A RR fe ve vie rie vie npenienienla viento niente necks ORPHAN’S COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915, by virtue of an order of the vurphans’ Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Frederick Shultz, late of the Borough of Mount Joy, County of Lancaster, Pa., deceased, will ex- pose to public sale on the premises the following described real estate: All that certain lot or piece of land |situated on the south side of the | Marietta Turnpike Road in the {Borough of Mount Joy, containing im (front on said turnpike 223 feet, more or less, and extending southwardly lalong its western line 144 feet; thence extending eastwardly 2883 feet; thence extending northwardly along its eastern boundary line 308 feet to the place of beginning. Ade joining property of John Evans and the Estate of Henry Garber ou. thg east, of Gabriel Moyer on the south, and property of Lizzie Shultz on the west, on which said premises is erected a FRAME STABLE AND CHICKEN HOUSE. This property will positively be sold to close out the settlement of the estate. Sale to be held on the premises in Mount Joy Borough on Saturday, December 11, 1915, at 3 o'clock P. M., when terms and conditions will be made known by the undersigned. JOHN B, SHULTZ, Administrator of the estate of Frederick Shultz, deceased. C. S. Frank, Auct. B. Frank Kready, Atty. On the same date, December 11, 1915, at one o’clock P. M., on the premises above mentioned, there will be sold the ollowing personal property belonging to the said es- tate: Gasoline engine, (1% Horse Power); bone cutter, grind stone, belting, pulleys, spraying machine, lathe, 20 feet hose, carpenter ybench, fine lot of carpenter tools, lot of boards, brooder, cultivator, corm |sheller, tobacco lath, egg crates, loose lumber, horse collar, harness, Mt. Joy Township, Lancaster ( ty, Pa, deceased. estate having been granted undersigned, all persong fi (thereto are requested to makd | diate payment, ang thos {claims or demands agains will present them withouf | settlement to the undersj ing in Mount Joy, Peps W. M. Hollowbush ol nl selections now. Goods reserved delivery if you % traces and sundry other articles. * desire. * JOHN B. SHULTZ, = Administrator of the estate of b CANDIES PERFUMES % | Frederick Shultz, deceased. SOAPS POCKET BOOKS 4 |S. B. Kiefer, Clerk. * THERMOS BOTTLES BOX PAPER 3 EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE 3 HOT WATER BOTTLES HAIR BRUSHES | Estate of Martin S. Bowman late . % of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster . FOUNTAIN PENS 3% |County, Penna., deceased. . CIGARS SAFETY RAZORS & | Letters Testamentary on said es- A % [tate having been granted to the . POST CARDS % |undersigned, al] persons indebted BIBLES TALCUM POWDER os | thereto are requested to male inn x % mediate payment, and those having 4 HAIR BRUSHES & claims or demands against the same A MANICURE SETS o (will present them without delay for * % |settlement to the undersigned, re- ¥ & siding in Mount Joy. 5 . a ANNA G. BOWMAN, ge o% Executrix. 2 r™~ = % | B. Frank Kready, Atty. dec 1-6t * No extra cost to you. A 10-b, box of Choice candies to the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE % one collecting the greatest number of Coupons 2nd a $1.00 box to %| Estate of Frederick Shultz, late of % the second highest. The second box contains a silver spcor. % | Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster Co., % ; : 2% : Letters of Administration on said oo We give a coupor with every 5c cash purchase at oar store 3 estate having been granted to the % between now and Christmas. | undersigned, all persons indebted % 3 | thereto are requested to make im- KS Double Coupons—We will give two every bc | nielliate payment; and those having + purchase our Candy and Tollet eounter. Don’t forget this. % | claims or demands against the same % Pp at our Candy and Bot % will present them without delay for x KEEP THIS AD.—Place it in your package. It will be count- °% |Settlement to the undersigned. * ed as 100 Coupons. Only one circular or ad allowed in a pack- * JOHN B. SHULTZ, Administrator, * age. Come and gel vous friends. to. cum closes Dec + 320 N. Franklin St., Lancaster, Pa, % age ome a & your 8 come, > B. FRANK KREADY, Attorney. + 24. Make a package of your coupons them to our ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eetate of Clara C. Swords, late Letters of Administration o DR. JOHN J. } : Poe, £ aR "re B BOO 3 | 3 BOON OOODODDOOOODODOC