The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 01, 1915, Image 3

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Strictly Cash
Every purchose during this sale a strict-
ly cash transaction. Prices are two ridicul-
ously low to permit charges.
Only The Sick
Should remain away from this heavenly
feast of bargains now starting at the
This Sale Is
The result of a mammoth puschase from a
large western manufacturer of high grade
furniture retiring from business.

Tr— a


For One Week and One Week Only
Starting Saturday Morning Dec. 4

MAGINE what this gigantic Disposal Sale means to you--the very furniture you
need now at 50: on the dollar--a chance to furnish the entire home for 1-2
price. Brass Beds, Chiffonieres, Bureau, Kitchen Cabinets, Parlor and Library
Suites, Separate Chairs and Tables, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Etc. All at 1-2
original prices. The memory of this sale will never die but
u Must Act Now and Act Quickly
This Sale Ends Forever Saturday Dec. 11



12 and 14 West King Street.
Look For Our Big Electri: Sign.
Near The Square
Heres the Most Miraculous Furniture Announcement Ever Placed Before the Human Eye
Lancaster, Penna.
It Lights The Way to This Heavenly Feast of Bargains

Strictly Cash
All prices are strictly cash and all pur-
chases final but as usual everyth ng is abso-
lutely guaranteed as sold.
Will answer the call of these never to
be forgotten once in a lifetime Money
saving opporiunities.
We Bought This
Furniture at just 1-2 price and we in turn
give our customers the benefit of our buy-
ing power.


Be here early





Is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furmitwre
Rockers Mirrors
Ladies’ Desks
Picture Frames
China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets
In fact anything in the Furniture Lime
Undertaking and Embalming

E Elizabetht
Hall Racks
gxtension & Other Tables, Davenport
night the season for all small game]
® tlaws in the last legislature,
asSonic ores it is believed, will result in| m:
{less danger to hunters. | lis
The season for quail,
rabbits, wild turkey and woodcock | wi


game—is the 12-gauge, 6-shot
m / J
The Safest Breech-Loading A —————————
Gun Built.
For snipe, quail, partridge, woodcock, squir-
rels, rabbits, etc, the 16 or 20 gauge has the
power of the 12-gauge without the weight.
It’s a fine, quick gun of beautiful proportions, superbly
balanced, with every up-to-date feature: Hammerless;
Solid Steel Breech, inside as well as out; Solid Top; Side
Ejection; Matted Barrel; 6 Quick Shots (5in'20-ga.);
Press-Button Cartridge Release; Automatic Hang-Fire
Safety Device; Double Extractors; Take-Down; Trigger
ca rile
and Hammer Safety. [t's just the gun you want! Tho Harlin Proarms (0,
12-16-20-Ga. Repeaters with Visible Hammer, $21.60 42 Willow St.,, New Haven. Cope
—— _—


repeatin hotguns

A 45 =
7 Furnit
” ! I will continue the furmiture
(7 2 #139 business on the second Moor of
Jub [ 4 the Engle Building, with a com-
nA } Eat. 2% plete and up-to-date line of all
nid \ kinds of fruniture. Prices are
TREES > 3h X very reasonable. When in need
\ NRE N rN of furniture call and see me.
¥ VARNA A Repairing and Painting a Specialty
D. H. ENGLE, Ji"
we . » 9 MOUNT JOY, Pa.
% ia) §
DAre s
3 8
(Garage & 2
6 Lo 8
1cy . 3
PAY ay : - 4 o
: Repair Shop CEC mem 3
: — 8
4 8 SFA ALU N ig wr
r 7! i é
RR L Repairing :
» of Si 8
| be ; Hiring 3
0. Lf | Storage 2
A Accessories

\ ie
Re Ne Vulcanizing
BR AO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


the one best all-around gun—for ducks, tu ang the most
geese, foxes, for trap shooting and all small (has come to
Repeating Shotgun
It handles fast, hitshard' of Mount
and is a wonder-
ful game)

ended so that the woods will be left| A Christmas Bazar and Japanese |
free to the hunters of deer, bears| Tea will be held in the Mt : Joy
Own i A z Bats y FOR ALE— lind
and raccoons, This is the result of| Hall, Saturday, Dec. 11, in the af- ° SALE=A 1924 4X7 %
changes brought about in the game | ternoon and evening.
and | anese Tea
pheasants, | 7

Big Christmas Bazar Wrightsville.

Henderson motorcycle complete with
tandem attachment, presto tami,
etc, 12 to 14 horsepower and in al
condition. Will be sold very cheap
good. Bulletin office, Mt. Joy. if
as | have no further use for it. Call
Visit the Jap-
Room; see the “Old Wo
in who lived in a Shoe.” Stay and
ten to the funny entertainment by
he Peak Sisters of Alaska.” There
11 be all kinds of fun. Ice Cream,




| Vit. Joy Choral Society. of 110 Voices i Vik November. The doer|nomemade cakes and candies wili 3% B00 f you want something
i ° y ~~ Y, season will run from December 1 to| be on sale, Also the finest line of
i . hl Pl h $ , 15, inclusive, one deer having horns fancy articles made by the members Read the Bulletin, r
Hig y eases t e uests two inches above the hair being al-! of the Gleaners Club and their Mt. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin.
lowed each hunter. The raccoon| friends. Algo an exciusive line of TET more,
{ season will run to the end of the! Japanese noveltiec ite Inia 7
That labor of love which is being specialty prepared program: Invoca year, but the bear season will end Jers tai pg Krall Meat Mark et
''so freely performed by the Masonic ton, Prayer for Faith, Bartlette; | with the deer season, gifts ‘will Ye on sale. :
| Lodges of [.ancaster, Lebanon, Violin Obligato, Miss Elizabeth M The black bass, rock bags and
| Dauphin and York Counties, in pro- Charles, Mr. Elwood H.Bear; Hymn, | muscalogne season will end with! Yr
|viding the Sunday religious services Congregation; Scripture Lesson and November, but the salmon season] Chicken and waffle Supper
[for the Homes, has come to be to Prayer; Duett for one Violin, Leo will not close until the end of the| Ihe Willing Workers’ Sewing Cir-
[them not only a pleasant duty, but nard, Mr. Elwood H. Bear; Sermon, year, cle of the Church of God will hold
lalso has inspired enthusiasm and a Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor! state officials are making efforts chicken and waffle supper and ba-
spirit of emulation has sprung up Second Reformed Church Harris tq secure woveretion ie hunters | 2ar Saturday evening, Dec. 4. Sup- always have on hand saythingis J
[between Sister Lodges, as to which burg, Pa: Come, Holy Spirit, Haw- and fishermen to prevent fire in Per will be served at five o'clock. he Ine of Smoked Meats, Ham, i
— 'can make their own the most beauti- ley, Miss Elizabeth M. Charles; forests and the pollution of streams. Lhe menu will also consist of chick- Ogna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete
impressive. This Hymn, Congregation; Benediction, | Thig year the damage done by for. © COIm soup, ice cream, cake and Also Fresh Beef, Vea] Pork and
be recognized by the Miss Edna J. Mentzer, Accompanist. est fires has been smaller than 15. coffee. At the booths will be found Mutton, Pricss always sight,
iriends of the Homes, scattered over Brother Bassler is no stranger toial. State reserves have not suffered aprons of all descriptions, dressed H. Md. KRALL
a large territory surrounding the the Homes, On Sept. 27, Shriner’s| 54 heavily as in former years. dolls, fancy work and candy, All
Homes, and has resulted in attract- Day at the Homes, made notable by > — are welcome. Music will be provid- West Main Street, :
ing large audiences to these ser- the visit of Zembo Temple, Nobles| . . ed on the Victrola by Mr. Btzweiler, Bel} Telephone MOUNT OY. ¥A
vices, of the Mystic Shrine of Harrisburg, Strais dicimg Streams EE ———————————— se
On November 14, 1915, the ser- With their spectacular drill ang en- bY “w | Pm. YOU WILL @EYT TEN CELEBRATED
vices were held under the auspices tertainment, Brother Bassler deliver- With Dynamite } Bs I A 3
Lebanon Lodge No. 226 ed a highly appreciated address in . : S. & H. Trading Stamps A $ ‘
of Lebanon, Pa. They were con- response to the address of the Im- Se TE 3
getter} ducted by Rev. A. A. V. Bennington, berial Potentate of North America. The aicient Egyptians were noted #ITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR 2) 3 3
rector of St. Luke's P. E. Church of On this occasion he spoke on that for their crops because, as history CHASED FOR CASH AT Ee ak $
Lebanon, and a member of Lodge great light in Freemasonry, the Holy states, tliey "sowed their seeds in the : Ey
No. 226. These services were beauti- Bible, and in doing so, gave an €X-| Nile.” ‘I'his does not mean that they 4 od ! Mm :
fied by the excellent singing of a position of that oratory which 8! sctyally cast the seed in the river. At The ir PE
male quartet. born, not acquired certain -easons of the year the Nile i CoS a 2 ' 1 h Bl S
Casiphia Lodge No. 551 of Mount The singing of Miss Klizabeth M.| gyerflows its banks. dep g on either \ J i wsly
Joy gained the thankful appreciation Charles and the violin playing of Mr. | shore a rich silt or earth that is highly \ cdi 4 Coal and
of the Homeg in their offering of Ellwood H. Bear were the work of | conducive 10 bumper and the \ ee
Sunday, November 21, 1915, in the first-class artists, worthy of a place] wise ancient Ligyptians, realizing this, LUMBER YERDS
Choral Society of Mount Joy, on on the program of any musical en- profited thereh : 1H
which occasion an immense audience tertainment. Water is a necessity. The tiniest Nf ==
had the privilege and pleasure of Lamberton Lodge fully sustained brooks up to the largest rivers play an TWN Glen Mount Joy, Penna,
listening for an hour and a half, to their position of pre-eminence, and Important part in the scheme of things| Sole agent for Conge Meefing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand.
the gems of sacred music rendered as they returned to their homes, Inasmuch us they are nature's way of | Alsc Siding, Fiecring, Sash, Doers, Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, Etc.
in a masterly manner by 110 voices left behind them most pleasant and Agent for Lehigh Portiand Ceme it, Roofing Slate and Sheet Iron.
of this accomplished musical society, grateful remembrances. Estimates quickly and cheerfully made on BUILDING MATERIAL and ail
ably conducted by Bro. Dr. BE. W. Manheim Lodge No. 587 will on : winds of CONCRETING
Garber. Sunday, Dec. 5, make their pilgrim. 3 3 i — " .
Lamberton Lodge. No. 476 of Lan- age to the Homes and conduct the ® :
caster, has upon every visit present. services. i &)
ed an offering so notable as to place Saturday afternoon, Nov, 27, the § :
[their coming among those which Homes were honored with a visit Ey
excite the most pleasurable anticipa- by Hon. Simeon W. King, Justice of 3 £
|tions, and sure to attract a large the Federal Court at Chicago, and a Pe 2
{and inspiring audience, member of Lodge No. 56 of Illinois. : © = I have a complete Ii
Sunday, November 28, 1915, was Judge King began life as an office 3 pets ine of NEW #i0es. for all. fost wt vm
the time selected for the services P0¥y in a law firm where the im- i : Pc to 5193. Drop in aud see tham.
under their auspices, and a beaut: mortal Lincoln brought all his cases, : : S 3 I have one of the latest electricaliy equipped shops to do
ful Sabbath Day added to their at- aftracting his friendly acquaintance, : your repair r B 1 teat .
traction in bringing to the Homes a and at the age of twenty-two years, 3 Jos pair work. est white oak leather used, Work done while
multitude of people which taxed the and " . : / you wait. Bring your shoes when vou come to town, do your
spacious accommo of Grand Poin t 4 shopping, and call for them when you are ready to go home
Lodge Hall. A specia ain brought Which : | : g $ They will be waiting for you All w guarantee
many members of the Lodge, tt ) esor : 3 : :
their families d rie Ww 3 s | Q ——————————————— nner: A —————————————
many ott ArTi t 101 oy MERE, Be ® a —
Tov T i 5 ge Yo K / 4
i : % A, £0 2 SO
. Wriel t : on i
Ere : ites b sc ————————
~ v 210
3 « 1t Te \ o
rm, La «oo .| Harry Laskewitz
the Tod S, in DEER SEASON OPENS TODAY | jn. to I 1 C3 y CRO CW 1 &
terms of appreciation of r past rete tates thei ) not always jibe y :
and present kindnesses. Bro. Harry Expected That Hunters Will Be with m reds EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA
S. Irvin, Worshipful Master of the Better Protected Rock | impede their progress.
| Lodge, replied to the address of Overhanging stumps and trees retard STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING.
i welcome, in fitting terms, and in- Pennsylvania’s deer seasc® opened | Mer a
|troduced the several numbers of the Mt. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin.
today, Wednesday, Dec. 1 2nd last


