¥ IODODOON A Are You Undecided where to buy your bill of Lumm If 80, all you have to do is to at the prices we are quoting fer HIGH GRADE LUMBER as well as everything that is ded in building, tor interior er of work, from the Timber ia your ALR 10Glllette Aa Co Shingles om your foundation to the roof. HERSHEY Dealer In umber, Grain, W, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER constantly on hand. Highest cask price paid Sov grata Lumber and Mill Work a Spesiaity ORTH, PENNA. obile Men Listen have opened a first-class Garage and Repair Shop in the Hiestand Building on Marietta Street, Mount Joy, where prepared to do All Kinds of Repair Work building, Repainting, Remodeling All work must be satisfaetory and you will find our charges very reasbnable, E CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FORD PARTS. ENTS FOR THE WELL KNOWN FIRESTONE TIRES fe will be pleased to have you give us a trial CLAYTON H. METZ1L ER RIETTA ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. rs. NOO00O0OOOO0OO0O00O0OOO00000000O0OO00OOOO0OOOONOON ' We Bre Ready For Fall--ARE YOU* Stocks of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets and floors of that room make it more location This Store is fairly brimming them; al] ready for your Is your home ready for Fall? cozy. sa or add a piece here and there throughout modern delivery, low operating expense and veg our customers $10,000 annually. over with bright, fresh, new Fall Furniture; five large choosing. This is the time to refurnish the house to inexpensive Westernberger, Maley & Myers 125 181 East King Street LANCASTER, PENNA. imnnmmmm The one best all-around gun—for ducks, | ties of wheat geese, foxes, for trap shooting and all small game—is the 12-gauge, 6-shot The Safest Breech-Loading Opposite the Post Office 0000 COOOOOOO00CO00OCONO0N0000CO0O000000CCO0000000000 | . ! ly responsible for the excessive loss E hest quality= y= Reasonoble price«Gusrortetd d fresh You cant resist the flavor SUMOBR ILOFFE IF YOUR GROCER CANT SUPPLY YOU. WAIL us Gun Built. ff HTT TEAR ;, quail, partridge, woodcock, hits, etc., the 16 or 20 gauge has the 12-gauge without the weight. HIER squir- SN and is a wonder- the ful game he, qt uick gun of beautiful proportions, superbly with every up-to-date feature: It's just the gun you want! ammerless; el Breech, inside as well as out; Solid Top; Side Matted Barrel; 6 Quick Shots (5 in 20.ga.); fiton Cartridge Release; Automatic Hang-Fire evice; Double Extractors; Take-Down; Trigger mer Safety. 0.Ga. Repeaters with Visible Hammer, $21.60 po EE EEE REE ERLE LEER RES AR TRC RR Rr OTE Send 3c post- age for complete catalog of all Marlin repeating rifles and shotguns. Tho Darlin Lerearms G, 42 Willow St., New Haven. Conn HANNAN N NINN NIDDM ANH NAN NANIOOS he Chas. H. Zeller Insurance Agency Hunters Licenss—$1.15 We pay the postage Apply for 1916 Auto License Mount Joy, Pa* DPE 2 AND My (048 i AND GIVE HIS INTERESTING PREMIUM BOOK * GEOF. WIEMANN NAME AND ASK He F FOR Vi CO. 406 GREENWICH STR NEW YORK| ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE itate of Mary Joy Borough, Lancaster County, deceased. A. Baker late of | of Administratior on said +. been granted to the d, ali persons indebted e requested to make im- ayment, and those having demands against the present them without de- jitlemgnt to "the under- ding in Mount Joy. . BAKER, dministrator. 3 Wards off Nervous Break Down Alburtis, Pa.— “I am a teacheri in the public schools and I got into a ver, ner. vous run-down condition. I could no! gleep and had no appetite. I was tired, all the time. My sister asked me to try Vinol. I did so,and within a week my ap- petite improved and I could sleep all night and now I feel well and strong.”’ Rosa M. KELLER, Alburtis, Pa. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver agd iron _tonic, for all weakened run-do conditions and for chronie coughgli1ds and bronchitis. Repeating Shotgun | ws Wi It handles fast, hits hard getter! i Farmers Column VERY VALUABLE AS[E INFORMATION FOR THE FARMER The Destroying of the Pests That Destroy All Kinds of Crops—Pro- per Feeding to Obtain Good Eggs —Fighting by Birds Should be Stopped farmers will keep every thing on the place in ship shape all the year except the or- chard. These men are always com- plaining that it doesn’t pay to raise fruit. Does frost protection pay? Judg- ing by the experience of the citrus fruit growers in California, it seems quite apparent that it does, that itis] one of the greatest factors in assur-| ing a fruit crop, and that while the! expense of equipping an orchard is] considerable, it pays dividends that] are almost fabulous. Some people have been looking | for a better and cheaper spray than | arsenate of lead and have been try- | ing arsenate of zine. It ig advisable | to go a little slow in this matter be-' cause so far arsenate of zinc has been found to be much more dan- gerous to both fruit and foliage and also fully as costly. Arsenate of lead has been used for a long time, for its strength and character known to practically everybody. If male birds are running together, there is always danger of fighting. If | they are not with the females, cut- | ting the beaks will put a stop to the fighting; but sometimes it seems best to keep two males with one hen. | A chicken’s memory ig short: one | day’s confinement in a coop away | from his companions will apparently make the two look on one another as strangers, and they promptly square off for a fight to the finish. | To prevent this, if males have been separated, or a new one ig to be in. troduced where there ig already a male tie the two together with a | soft, strong cloth—a strip of flannel is best, taking one leg of each and let them acquainted. They are unable to fight, and in an hour or so are so weary of one another's com- pany that they have no inclination to fight. If they try it on being re- leased, tie them up again until they | learn their lesson. Just because an ego is freshly laid | by an apparently healthy hen it can- | not be assumed that it is always a good egg. Tt requireg plenty of clean, (ns food for production eggs, that are to obtain the propor- their scavengers to work on, of good Many good is | get the Heng | ns greater | tion of living a | and given a poor | cannot produce | quality as can a flock which is regu. {larly fed a good ration Eggs lack- | ing in protein have a watery white {and the shell is apt to be thin owing to the partial absence of lime, Such eggs, as well as being of less value {as a food, are more than likely to | bring forth buny chicks of low vi- tality, subject to white diarrhoea and an early death. With proper quanti- bran, clover, oyster graing in the ration 8, eggs with a firm protein ang delicately sure to result, provid- je of course, that the flock is given | clean nests and rung ang ig kept free | trom lice and mites. It is much range €gas as shell and® sang | red to laying hen shell, rich | flavored in are easier to ward off an| attack of insects or to make condl- | tions unfavorable for their multipli- cation than to destroy them after | | they are once in possession. Certain | methods of control have long been recognized among farmers and horti- | culturists. Control hy cultura] meth- | ods must come first, for insecticides can only stop an injury already be- | gun. Insects thrive on neglect, | multiply most rapidly in land seldom | or never cultivated, and winter over in rubbish, prunings or the undis-! turbed soil where they get their | food. It is the neglected farm, vine- yard or orchard, filled with weeds or! wild growth, which is certain to con-| tain the greatest stock of insect enemies. Thorough and constant cul-! ture, with the removal and burning of rubbish, diseased fruit, ete., with the practicing of fall plowing, will almost certainly lessen the number | of destructive insects. Constant | crooping of large areas of land year | | ater year to the same staple is large- | | from insects in this country as com- | pared with KEurone, A most valuable cultural plan, therefore, is a system | { of rotation of crops. i ei = SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING S. S. Executive Committee Holds Annual Meeting The Executive Committee Lancaster of the County Sunday-School As- sociation held its annual meeting in the lecture room of the Moravi- an Church at Lancaster Tuesday ev- ening with two dozen members from various sectiong the county present. A mid-year conference of the Association was decided upon for January 13, in Lancaster. A committee was appointed to arrange this affair. The following department superin-| of tendents were decided upon: Ele- | inentary, Miss Mary C. Wallace of East Earl; Home, Miss Alice Strick-| ler, Landisville; Teacher Training, | Rev. J. F. Knittle, Manheim; 0. A.| B. C, Rev. RE. Elmer Sensenig, Ma rietta; Temperance, Miss Mercy! Hagy, Denver; Missions, Miss Mable CHAMBLER RRU S J Landis, Rohrerstown; Secondary, Mellinger, Lancaster, Rural, O. n, Smihville, | involved. THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, A MEETING JF AMERICAN PLOWMEN National Farmers’ Unlon Renders Une selfish Service to Agriculture. By Peter Radford. The National Farmers’ Union will hold its annual convention in Lincoln Nebraska, on September seventh, and will round out the eleventh year of its activities in the interest of the American plowman. When that con- vention is called to order every farm- { er in America should pause and bow his head in honor of the men gath- ered there to render a patriotic and unselfish service to agriculture. That organization, born in the cotton fields of Texas, has grown until geograph- | feally it covers almost the whole of | the United States and economically it deals with every question in which the welfare of the men who bare their backs to the summer sun are It has battled for a better marketing system, rural credits, cheap | money, diversification, scientific pro- | duction, agricultural legislation and | has carried on its work of education and co-operation in season and out. The Farmers’ Educational and Co- | operative Union of America brings | the question of organization squarely | before every farmer in this nation. Without organization the farmers can neither help themselves nor be helped by others and through organization and systematic effort all things are possible. The farmers of the United States contribute more and get less from | government than any other class of | business. They have better securities and pay a higher rate of interest than any other line of industry. They market more products and have less to say in fixing the price than any other business and they get more political buncombe and less construc- tive legislation than any other class of people. The farmers can only ac- quire such influence in business, in government and in economics as will enable them to share equitably the fruits of their labor through organiza- tion and every farmer on American soil who desires to help himself and his fellow plowmen should rally around the Union. POLITICAL GOSSIPS When one class of people has any- thing to say, it has become largely the custom to make a political issue out of it instead of a friendly discus- sion, to print it in a law book instead of a newspaper and to argue it be- fore a jury instead of to settle it in the higher courts of Common Sense. As a result, political agitators, polit- ical lawyers, political preachers and masculine women are powerful in politics and dissension, selfishness, in- tolerance and hysterics run rampant in public affairs, for when the low, amp, murky derstanding envelops public thought it breeds political reptiles, vermin, bugs and lice which the pure air of truth and the sunshine of understand- ing will choke to death. We have too interpreters of industry who are in- capable of grasping the fundamental principles of business and who at best can only translate gossip and add color to sensational stories. No busi- ness can stand upon error and might | rules—right or wrong. No industry can thrive upon misunderstanding, for public opinion is more powerful than a King’s sword. ‘When prejudice, suspicion and class hatred prevail, power gravitates into the hands of the weak, for dema- | gogues thrive upon dissension and | statesmen sicken upon strife. The remedy lies in eliminating the middleman—the political gossip—and this result can be accomplished by the managers of business sitting around the table of industry and talk- ing it over with the people. Intem change of information between indus. ! tries and the people is as necessary | to success in business as interchange in commodities, for the people can only rule when the public under stands. Away with political interpret. ers who summon evil spirits from their prison cells and loose them to prey upon the welfare of the people | in the name of “My Country.” PHILIP Philip, the Macedonian king, while drowsy with wine was trying a case | and the prisoner after sentence was appeal.” | pronounced, exclaimed, “I atmosphere of misun- | | Da PA. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Wun du on ma hous ferbei gaesht noch nein oor owets, und sansht een yunger karl und en maidel on da deer und harsht ebbes shmotsa we sei mit da reesel im shlop-kivvel, don konsht du dei letchter dawler wetta os der yung karl net dart woond. Der Hirom Shnelfoog hut en butza- mon go noderlich gamacht dos ol de groppa so farshrucka hut os kenna ma naksht kuma. Ovver der Sim- Sendadricker hut en gabudda. Simmy sei butzamon hut ge so farshrucka se hen bechucks ol’s trurick gabrncht os se hen in da letshta seks my Em hart welshkarn g'shdola yawr. Der Billy hut en drawm g'’hot de onar nocht. Ar hut ga- drawmd ar ware seim porra finf dawler shuldich, und we ar wocka is warra wawr’s farhoftich so. Nou farchd der Billy sich far widder shlofa ga, far ’sis em bung ar mecht aksidentli en batsawla. Em Eilas Sunablum sei droovele is noch net um endt. Der onar dawg hut ar sei oldar brounar goul far- lawra. Nemond hut recht wissa wella wos es gevea hut, ovver der geil’s duckder hut mer g'sawt sei ribba | hen so garobeld hut en beiglee- dich dote farshrucka. Nou is de tseit wu de kondidawda widder rum kuma. Anich ebber os se bakond wase os se farlecnga bukars sin, ware se kend daid bledslich datsu. We der Meik Mullikup so g'suffa wawr letsht wuch is ar ei-g’shlofa im karich-hofe. We ar wocka ig warra ar wella ar kent anicher mon uf em hofe ledara. Der Jeck Windsock hut sei wilter hovver about ol g’sait nou und sawgt far nunar settla und sich nemma, yusht ar wase net tzu-nemma. bleibt en olt en bhobagzol monkey 08 derno brouch se Bloserawr fs net ig und shweaera hut wetta ar si redi en fraw wem sei fraw De Tillie maidel. sawgt se grickt und und Se sich 0s shwetsa kon en duwock chawd, ken mon We de wawr letsht Pohawna un da Fair wuch hut se yusht holb- breis batsawla wella far nei, weil se vusht a gutee awg hut, Ovver se hen se dubbel-breis batsawla mocha. Se nemt se tswa mol so olles gaina. sally Betz hen g’ sawt es lung far Dee Ledich unarshid sawgt mer kon saina g’shwisha badshlar und ma g’hierta mon. badshlar hnt ken gnep uf seim hem, g’hiert mon hut gen era bruder ig seks gute der ma und der hem. Se sawgt | moonet | en kummar many self-appointed | | geld | hetta | beis greeya unne | und fraga dafor. | | | | | | | { | may “And to whom do you appeal?” in- | quired the astonished monarch. “1 appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober,” replied the prisc and 3 king gran the request at a hearing gave the prisoner The people drowsy with the wine of discord ofttimes pronounce a verdict on public questions which they reverse in their more calm and deliberate mo ments. The next best thing to make ing no mistakes is to correct them. I — We Furnish Them We have arranged with one of the largest manfacturers in the United States to supply any thing in the line of lead, slate, eopying pencils, with or without erasers, alse many designs in pen holders, with any- thing printed thereon you wish, at prices that will astonish you. They are a ecrackerjack advertising nov- samples and quote prices to any interested. | acr | at night, |! { his ar, lo W.|elty and we wili be pleased to show | of 8,376 hunters’ one | This number ig several nndel | 5 8. short of last year. gonga unne hem; ar yusht solz-sock gawawra, hut ken roo bis mer en Ar sawgt es ware Wun mer en hund beddel-menner en | on de deer kuma Der Jecky yull-hund g’shbawrd. kenda de greeya. De hitsich Shdor-Boks argamend Kommittee hut en uf-g’hot der onar Der debait wawr waga’m mon im moon. Dale hen g’sawt ‘sis en weibsmensh im moon und onra hen 'sis en mon, und far aweil hut’s gagookt eg mecht blude farshid warra drivver, ovver endlich is der Joe Grumnaws datsu kuma und hut's g'settled. Der Joe hut g’sawt gis en mon und aw en weibsmensh dort: so feel kent anicher nar wissa; far ken mon in der waik ware far olsamol abissel karaseera. De Polly hut da tswilling era hus- sa grawd eg saim gamocht hinna os forna, und des hut en heslich bodera- shun gevva, far nou wissa mer ne- mols eb se uf em waik noch da shool sin udder uf em hamewaik. Se — ED ER e— DOING THEIR DUTY owet, g’'shdrida Scores of Mount Joy Readers are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys To filter the blood is the kidneys’ | duty. When they fail to do this the kid- ueys are weak. Backache ang follow, Help the kidneys do their work. { Doan’s Kidney Pills—the test 1 kidney remedy, Pro of of their worth in the follow- C. Hartzell, lizabethtown, Pa thers of the n's Kidney other kidney {lls | S. Poplar | » Says: “I and] family have used] Pills on different oc- | casions for kidney complaint and| they have Shen fine relief. My kid-| neys caused me a great deal of| trouble ad I suffered “from dull, | nagging backaches and severe pains my loins. I couldn’t rest well! and mornings felt so lame that I could hardly do my house- | work. Doan’s Kidney Pills gave me) positive, relief.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for akidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Hartzell had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ee A ere Ss Hunters’ Licenses Issued Up until noon yesterday County Treasurer Schock had issued a total licenses this year. Wednesday, November 17, 1915 | Hatched March 22,1910, <= | Weighed | May 22, 1910. : Raised on zl Park & Pollard Growing Food. Can you From | beat it? Csicto) holo | | {rough and rugged Beat this record The only way possible is to feed the Park & Pollard Gritless- | Chick and Growing Feed just | as directed in their Year Book. We sell the feed and give away the books free. The book alone is worth a dollar or more to you. Wholesale Dietripsuss BRAT i STEAY MOUNT JOY, PA. ‘Special Sale of WALL PAPERS to Make Room for fall Stocks AT 1-2 Price Will sell retail at less than| wholesale rates Hang them if desired or if you prefer to hang them we trim them & give you paste free. Rag Carpets& Rugs wov- en out of old Carpets, Send for Circular. Martin Wall Paper Co. 18 South Prince St., Both Phones—Next to Stevens House LANCASTER, PA. SO000000000000TTO000O0C000 For a Good Clean Shave Or a Classy Hair Cut Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS W. Main St. Mount Joy Agent for Manhattan Laundry jor 12 layers inearly one inch of | ber, and | being practically puncture-proof. | European War BUY DIRECT AND SAVE MONEY ‘Double Service Auto Tires Guaranteed 7000 Miles Services FROOF AGAINST PUNCTURE Double the thickness Of the best standard makes of tires; average 10 of strong fabric, plus tough tread rub wearing depth mileage, besides 100% double greater the Unequalled for severe gervice om roads, hard pave ;ments and other places where tire | troubles cannot be tolerated. Ride 48 easy ag an ordinary pneumatio- air space and pressure being the | same, Used in U. 8. Government and Service. Our outpwd is limited, but we make the follow jie low special Introductory Prices: »Tires Tubeg $2.30 +“ AAO 0 CEEET HEY discount—nos- additional. All sizes any type. Remit by draft, money order or certified personal cheek; acceptance of orded optional with consignee. Descriptive Two or more 10% skids 10% folder and completes {price list mailed on request. DOUBLE SERVICE TIRE & RUBBER CO. AKRON, O.—Dept C 2 JOHN M. MILLER and "THENRY H. KOSER Surveyors & Conveyancers LANDISVILLE, PA. Special attention given to assisé ing Heirs, Executors and Adminis trators in settling of estates. Fire Insurance placed in the best Mutual and Stock Companies. Be Phone, Landisville Exchange. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri day, at No. 566 North Duke Street, 2nd Floor Front, with W. C. Rehm, The Thursday, as its a guests? there something thing in wearings apparel: a wonderful assortment rest assured that great Nov. American holiday 25th is ional the prices are A wonderfully ware procurable, est of floral patterns, more for your ing of high-grade new patterns All All-linen Glass checks, at 121%e¢ yd. Hemstitched signs at 50c to $1.3 bleached Toweling, hed, The A Great Treat Awaits You in Rugs, Carpets, Men's Suits and Coats, Waists and not and Reliance Sewing Machines. EE SEER N NEW ANN Are You Protaived. for Thanksgiving? the day that Thanksgiv you need f¢ or to adorn the of all that you mn 100-Piece Dinner-ware Sets Priced at $5.98 to $25.00 and attractive lot These are beautifully decorated and gold edgeings. Dinnerware, we can show Imported Dinnerware We Have Just Received New Ship- ments of Cut Glass--Lamps and Lamp Shades BE SURE TO SEE THEM IN THE DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Thanksgiving Linens at Same Old; Before: the W ar, Low Prices or un blue and white, alsored and all-linen Damask and Boys’ Clot 28 FIR LANCA Es i= Ta ba Ses WEEK heir ust around the corner. Next great nation celebrates you prepared for your the table; some- home. We are show- ’ need; and you may possible is j this AT ing. Are Tr the lowe st of the finest Dinner- with the dainti- If you prefer to pay you the largest show- in Lancaster. 1 2%c yd. white Towels, many beautiful de- i i Viewing the New Arrivals in Women's Singer hing, the new forgetting Davis SANNA ASTER PA