The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 10, 1915, Image 5

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THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. Wednesday, November 10, 1915. $

| 4 3 : - i
| tiie homestead farm, two mileg east Odd Bits of News
Personal Mortuary
of here; Peter and Abram of this| Greenport, L. I—After hiccough-
id . borough; and Elmer and Henry of ing for tem months, Cortiand Brooks
rlappenings Recordings Ihe
Rapho. funeral will take place'ijs dead at his home here, When he
from his late home on Thursday | began to hiccough he was taken to
(Lonunued from page 1) «Continued irom page ij forenoon at 9 o'clock and at 10 |a hospital and put in a plaster, but
Mr. Melvin Peffer of Harrisburg, The remains will be buried in Ohio. ©’clock at Erisman’s church. Inter-| continued to hiccough even in his
spent dSatuiday and Sunday in town ment will be made in the cemetery |sjeep, Physicians diagnose his mala-
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mrs. Geo. Rahm adjoining the church. dy as tuberculosis of the spine,
| Frank Peffer. sarah 8. wife of George Rahm, TT = aw. Danbury, Conn—With hig right
vrs. A. B. Cing and Mrs. E. W. died at her home in thig place Fri- Six interned Germans of Norfolk | arm severed near the elbow and the
arber and daughter isther have day from the effects of a stroke. The have taken French leave. Where's flesh hanging
in shreds ,John Cal-
> Lo Kast Berlin, to visit the fam- deceased was sixty-eight years ot 'Deir patriotism? kins, 24 years old, a chauffeur, drove
A __ SED
{1:y of Aaron Seigrist. age and a member of the River hig automobile with his remaining
3 Fe ‘ ‘heer f time his 4 I i i
Mrs. John K, Way and daughter oiechren cuurci. She is survived by What a che ry little ime WIS] hand two miles to get surgical aid.
Mildred left yesterday for Philadel- her husband and these children. Would be for India Yo, pull off one of | jis arm was cut off by an ensilage
| phia, where they are spending sev- Harry, Mrs. Ervin Walters and Mrs, '10S€ celebrated mutinies. cutter,
| eral days with friends. Frank Carson, all of this place, and : -t- Philadelphia, Pa.—'‘There are some
{ | 8 Te r a goo ing the he 1 ’ :
| Miss Minerva Dyer of Atglen, re- Charies, of Columbia. The funeral ''f Jaiher I good thir : that te wheels in my head,” said a Marlton,
" YT i$ }-= ¢ + | 3 y Q : after s i to lace Monda ¢ Ino : nnavigable Panama Canal jsn’t in N. J, mg he 2a ysici
WA JHEN making pies you know that the fe) ems Sanaa Tl ponding sek plate on | Mvmdsy SUS GL) ov Comedian rn So the bend pavesian St
/ WY Fr 1 a r % | a week ere wit Mr, an I'S. -11:30 o'clock rom er ate ome, : ; he ooper ospital, Cam en, N. . e
# flakiness of the crust depends to a large |
| 4 re A eee
{ bert Campbell, on Frank street, with services at 2 o'clock at the
. : Loe tes : } ag physician examined the man’s ear
extent upon the quality of the shortening. { Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and Evangelical church. Interment fo the thirsty souls in Chicago,
| Wes Sunday appears to come much more and found twenty-three small wriggle
Unless the lard is right your skill your eggs { son Charles of Doylestown, returned made in Eberle's cemetery. fr. he ns Tan it ever 1a b Tors "(fg Ojects Which were identified by
i : L ’ D ’ re > y a t Jer ( e > :
oe . . | home Monday after spending sever- - = : -—h iat an entomologist as the larvae of a
your flour and your milk all go for nothing. | al days here with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Amos Fridy The. Wings ¥pus er fly. The man had been sleeping om
“ I 33 : : So ne i1moig * friends Of senator : : :
<7 , . 1. 3 . 1 hilip QO. Schmaelzle A lingering illness, due to cancer, ne the ground, and it is thought a fly
ne lar ab ; 5 2 : : wis” says ¢ ge, : t-
Youre particular about your shortening,but are Rev. and Mis. L E, Johnson and|terminated in the death of Mrs. Bar.| L€Vis” says an exchange, are boost | io {roles SiC 1s thought a fy
you equally careful of the kerosene you put
. : ta : tis ng him for the Vice Presidency
y the Misses Hilda and Dorothy John. bara Friday, wife of Amos Fridy, ALAYE MEAD, © Fricatyl . by body heat,
into your lamps, heaters and stoves. Ask for B | son, left Monday on a visit to rela- residing at Elizabethtown, at three lata , ? Waycross, Ga—Dr, J. H. Latimer,
tives and friends at Terre Hill, Boy- ©clock Sunday morning. She was member of the city council, had am
i | ertown and Schwenksville, The trip 48€d 72 years. Deceased was born ‘ nea C operation performed to remove a
ATLANTIC Em : a Bp giiening Streams

is being made by auto. in West Donegal and was a daugh- No. 6 birdshot from between his
a ter of the late Martin Nissley and
Vike Bie s fingers. The shot entered his arm
RELIGIOUS NEWS widely known throughout the north- With Uy namite over eighteen years ago and had
Seana ern section of Lancaster county, her
a never troubled him until it worked
News From Our Many rucal Houses tionship being very large. She between his fingers so that he was
¢f Worship was a consistent member of the The ancient Egyptians were noted unable to move them
Reha Mennonite church fo nany years. | for thei 1C0Y as history
, zr 3k ’ ; Church of God Besides her husband, she is survive LHIgS LOO) sawed Lew 2 the lg Ra} 2 Y*% .
by name and you bu a kerosene that's Rev. Ira A. MacDannald, Pastor DV the OW hilitren: Irwin pil £5 Ee % wi 1 i , ; I'he News at r iorin
refined from the best petroleum, by Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. John, of West Donegal; Simon ar on A en
metiiods which get the utmost possible Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 Paris, of North Dakota, and Ada, ¢er'ain seasol win (Continued from page 1)
out of the finest raw material this old A.M. and 7 P. M, Ha wd v 8 oma Puno! | 2 Tol wit or enptly £nak 48 It L. Rudolph W. Foss and Sylves
earth provides. Snes holy Jus mo hicive io bumper Crops, aud Swaller of Philadelphia, are
: United Brethren the house and at 9:30 O'cloc 1 V <oich clont Movniiana vonlizil pending the week in town.
Used in a lamp it gives a soft yet brilliant A Rev. D. E, Long, Pastor Meronire . chreh, Insorment pronted thorehe. Mr, ( s Green of Trenton, N
light. It will neither smell nor smoke. In Sunday Sehool 9 AM, I ys aTAvONN I Wes Ware, ssity. The lived iI Tuesday wher
stove or heater it furnishes an intens: Fropoons nln A M. left 07 Mp Thom
heat, but always at the lowest possible cost. Lm Y i
Junio 30 P. M. Mrs, Susan Ream
And because it’s a highly refined kerosene, Preacting, Lodoan b. 0,
it adds to the life of the device in which Prayeimdeunr
it is used. he

a E—

ednesday even:

Include Atlantic Rayolight Oil in your H rrinity United Evangelical
rket list just as voudo anv other house- iy: = basen, Pastor
known reputation. Call
91 ana you get a superic
at costs no more than the
ir of Sf
of Mound
evening tg
00000000000000000B00000CC000CO00OCOI0CO000000C000CO0CHISEaaa aaa aateSS
about getting rid of a dab of
easi ing
ng match
ston, Pastor
in Hotel, Flory
. : A S . 3 suhaa hool, 9:. I I J of Elizabeth- : 7 | 1 McKinley, Proprietor,
bold for a fe ¥ rox Ty 1 vy] YOU CAN eXe 5 r J 5 . 3 : : : J : i : :
change it for something your heart desires.
Pittsk ]
I ; > a | 5 can shoot in the dry.
SE AT kh a iid LETT : F WwW { ter Rector made i h Mt. Tunnel Ceme fs N ’ friends along.
re oa Ey so. 5%. 1% A 24th Sunda after Trinity, Nov. at Elizabet wi. : A; IW \ ! on Hugenq
The Comfiest, Coziesi Room in the Home Wan ee : i § ims | : ete, Ber
Sunday School, 9:15 A. M. 8S. Brubaker
: > y i ; 5 Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:30. jenry § rubaker one of the : jarber of
Used with Atlantic Rayoclight Oil, a Perfection Heater burns comparatively little fuel and hence 5 Bvenite. Phe 5 i +20. Ie L oy Po > : 3 hat - ; x Rutt ‘ench res
its cost of using is next to nothing. You'll find the Perfection at your dealers. " ivening Prayer 2n 1 Sermon, 7:30. ; 1 mos wi known resi- mo rsa ! ¥ laze v bunt ‘each ve
wr Mn ir CT ms ar TR nt Thursday evening at 7:30, Con- dents near Eby’s church in Rapho ped : ning with a fine wild turkey. On
ted £2 os 3 + an B23 Se x firmation Instructions. township, died at his home at seven D. Garber and family
Saturday evening, Nov. 13, St. o'clock Monday morning in the | entertained a large number of
Mary’s Guild will give an oyster ©¢ightieth year of his age. Since the tates thoi : lo not 2Iwavs jibe friends at a turkey dinner at their
: i | es their courses do not always e 5
Matrimonial Doings | supper. The public is invited. death of hig wife more than twenty- | with mau 1 i home. The following guests were
> nil
s desires or needs
LE YeNTS. aa : ha ot 3s : present: Mr. Samuel Woods, jr.
Sunday, Nov. 21, at 11 A. M., The Years ago he has been living with | Rock ledges impede their progress. : i Woods, Jr. Wile
* . { Rt. Rev. James Henry Darlington his son Benjamin, on the homestead | Overhanging stumps and trees retard and daughter, Samuel Woods sr.,
In This Section D. D, LL.D, the Bishop of Har- farm. Deceased was ill the past | hi b $ and Dr. Woods and wife of Blaine,
= pe | risburg, will visit this Parish for five weeks, suffering from tonsilitis Explosives In Road Building Perry County, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
® ® | e
(Continued from page 1) the purpose of Confirmation, The (he later appendicitis. He was born Tressler and Mr. Cloyd Woods and
Garber—Mumma | service is public and the Bishop will Near Sporting Hill and has lived in| three children of near Marietta, Mr.
: ; > ] : : > ; Iie Tifa han Oue of the newer methods of road ang Mrs HL Spoh nd ?
. . i A very pretty weauing took place | preach the sermon. Rapho all his life where he follow- a ae hoes : ind LH. Spohn and son of
will use the entire last page of the 8. ue noon building fivit 1s foul winning te io
Wednesday at the| The Gleaners’ Club will meet to. €d farming until a few years ago 2 Mount Joy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.
is the one that houses a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater and that should be your dining room.
In that room a genial warmth is especially welcome.

both irrigut
Ing formed according to nature's die-

a ard dorsement of the better versed contrac- | (apeny nd Mr. J .
Je TE 2 when he retired. Mr. Brubaker w arson a M John D. Carson of
. 2 Ihe me of Mr. J. B. Mumma, near night (Wed.) with Myrtle Hendrix, en = 2 ir Brubaker WAS | for I= that of employing dynamite for oo
Bulletin next week for his | Landisville, when his daughter, Liz-| on East Main street. Quite an expert as a botanist 0s
and | 5 +1 I vv. worl
ie he brid Jacob | during the past fifteen years he reducing the heavy work
zie > 1 a > pas > oars d
zie B, hscame the Iride of Jacob » Grading through hard ground or rock,
R. Garber, son of Mr. and Mrs. | gathered specimens for many of the
: HW [
: The glory that “was” Greece 1s rto's ean! oa ia for instance. is tedious and requires Winied HII ol Nn
Amos Garber of near Elizabethtown. | .... id s leading colleges and also for | ym. and labor. The use of dynamite 1 . | 0 i. I
e Nn a The ceremony was performed by a a state authorities. He has a wonder- for blasting such material is a welcome = — : CHR
| dishop Peter Nissley, in the pres- ful collection at his home at the | relief. Both rock and hard clay may Groceries. Also Fanicug <Chinco-
4 » thing thse itai c ARATE : To 3 3 tacue ror ar 5 at
ence of about eighty guests, Oe hing that Britain appears to present time. After fifteen years of | pe loosened in the cut by well placed '3Sue Oysters 35c. aq, at Brandt's,
bride wore a gown of gray pussy | need is an expert cabinet maker. strenuous work the subject of this | charges of explosives if holes are drill- | Mt. Joy Street, Mt. Joy. oct 13-8t.
. . ‘ : - Ane - hie , iw ' od’ ini this otau $4 oa s a
Which Begins 'willow crepe. Messrs. Ralph Martin, -; obituary completed the compilation ed into the gr und 4 Hitle Way gp the AGENT WANTED—We wanta live
of Elizabethtown and Aaron Shertz-| Can anybody ride into any office,of the Brubaker genealogy, g book | bank und loaded. Careful spacing and
{ i ¢ = : loadine for electric fired Llasts win |28ent in Mount Joy, to represent
er, of Millersville, acted as ushers. |On so mixed a metaphor as a dry of 150 pages, which is complete in Pine Er ili : Gp
: ii ie result in bringing nu both classes of |Pest sporting magazine published.
After a sumptuous wedding dinner | wave’ jevery respect. The past year he) oo ot hE possilile manner. | ."b2ral pay for hustler. For full
| Mr. and Mrs. Garber left amid showers BBD icici devoted to selling these books. He | particulars write to . ze.ey Dept,
HUIS ay, ov. of rice for Niagara Falls and Cana- Turkey finds its divided enemies was a member of the Mennonite| [= Pr
i National Sportsman Magazine, 221
da and other points of interest. only less convenient than a world church. He is survived by five sons | Cclumbia Ave., Bo.ton, Mass. 2t.
full of friends. as follows: Benjamin, residing on
: : Dehoff—Si na a v—r— | | ying BANKING—supervision given C
Don't fail to read it. | yang : G—supervision given Com
A pretty wedding was solemnized pany offering for public subscription
on Sunday morning at the close of some of its 8 per cent. Preferred
the church services in St. John’s Stock. Stock issued only in the
Lutheran church, Maytown, when orde; subscriptions are receive
Miss Mary Knox Dehoff, daughter of
DOOOOO000000000O0O0O0OOOOOOOOOOOODOOOODOOOOOOOOOO00O00008 | Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dehoff of May- |

Prompt action necessary. Write.
. 3 town, became the bride of Professor | . oy , Tonal Shh 5 | 3 : F x E ; 3 “ : . 10 North Queen Stree
D. B. Kieffer & Co’s Public Sale iil i oa Tie] > : 3 rh k : =A 5 : f : ih Poa : iii -
o eo formed by the pastor, Rev. Joseph D. | CN 1 NG NS ikant a re \ nearly new t
of West Virginia Colts
Friday, Nov. 12, 1915 at 1.30 p. m.
~ . s a y rr iH eat 3 2 £ ~ 3
Krout. | y 5 ; A CR : Ks | ey A Tar suit sisting of Bed, sprir

Miss Dehoff for many years was a | 1 vo TRH E cil | Bl 5 of Sy % washetand, of
leader of the choir and an earnest | : i AR Pa [ IE | i i 3 4 Re 4 rol . a G tick sale will take
worker in church ang Sunday 5 ee et ay RE this. Dihee ; Toi
school. She was given in marriage t forget the benefit for the above “crowd” in Mount Joy Hal Ws ul roek facil t—A large reed ocker on
by her father. The groom was at- ning, Nov, 21. k dj ick i irom Lancaster to
tended by his brother, Dr. Isaac Si- | v eile , W stumps | [.andisville or on pike to from Lan-
mons, of Lancaster, and the bride 1 t wed just
= ma t 1d svil Fy [on Tov sward for
Sa LZ hE ZN eZ TZ fe]. 2 ¢ ier 3 2 Y me, ® Howard
by Miss Catharine Clepper, of May- : 5 0 CER gZe QL 4 Y We being 1 ved es a to tliis offic

Union Square, Lancaster Co. Pa.
We Will Sell One Carload of Extra Good
Big Rugged, all purpose

red bY
town. The wedding march was play- e
ed by Mrs. North Loucks, organist of
a» oF : SUNDAY
the church. Immediately following,
a wedding dinner was served tothe : nnd Tri
3 bridal party and a few friends and Sr me Round Imp November 28
Virginia Colts relatives at the home of the bride. u u
Laney left on a tour of western cities
: A v4 < arm
Consisting of 3 sucking colts, 3 yearling colt8. The balance will @ and upon their return will reside at | WwW # <
const of 2 and 3 year olds. These colts @re agood classy kind Mariefta. Miss Dehoff is possessed ' £4
with ld blood in them of their different ©la8Ses, Both driving ®
colts. When matured will mak@ 800d horses for all Of a sweet soprano voice, and often
e a few of good Rug&ed Colts that will make delighted audiences. The groom was The National Capital
ed and suitablef for the City buyers. Al until recently superintendent of | SPECIAL T
pldfashio ne Wi that’ we used to get public schools at DuBois, but is now ! ! RAIN LEAVES
ily hor gg able for any kind of studying law at Lancaster. The | NJ lLancaste ‘ .5.456 A. M. | Elizabethtown
bride was the recipient of a num-' SY Landisyille . 43-58 A. M. Conew#2o od in blasted. holes “ 1h more (Work of that Kind. Charges very
‘ber of handsome gifts. NY a Joy .... 6.07 > a Middletown | rapidly and progress more favorably | ‘easonable. Jacob Brewwn, Mt. Joy. tf
em OW I NYg [lorin ..... 6.12 A. M. | Steelton 3.52 4 a | than those planted in the average spade ei mse tee erm
not too foud to || J Returning, leave Washington... ...... vain -550 P vir dug ground. FOR SALE—A good as new 3-burn-
: | f mnt eammmiosns er gasoline stove im Al .condition
Still, it must be said for the Italian | Cost $15 but, will sell ve SRE
[ that it is doiye as well as any- | ®8 have J Rr use.
and Driving West
sted in
round. FOR RENT—A large stabl
practically iaple for two horses and two
and advantages of houses. Call on Mrs. Sy
1 nz when care are 25
: jon Is given Mount Joy. nov
to the work FOUND— An auto licenss
In ntally the j t f shade 34,704 and a tail light. Cali at
| trees for roadside improvement and at- | this office. it
i ctiveness is reatly fa ilitated ed NOTICE—! am prepa-ed to do ab
ue ji 10US e of ittie dynam Le.
Tt 4 3 rocomnly ut +h lant. Kinds of hauling, plowing lots, amd
0 Bl 2h

Dw ©
= cia.
in the purple,
plaaolid colors
RROt help
urity \
xpected. | this off