The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1915, Image 6

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How About
Your Feet?


prespir And sw
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oy fox
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Bri: g
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gure the bes S
eare taken and
Mount Joy. |

Eagt Main St,

Wednesday, Novermp 1

» 1916.
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| diseases of the feet promptly at
anded to. Your Work Solicited



BOMBACH SHANK mic recents ausmenies vested choi,
General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers Thomas J. B to tne
MOUNT JOY, PENNA Church In 3 gnified proces
n, sin n D Ss
WOMEN 81 YEARS OLD rend cantitolly
Made Strong By Vinol ie i : Cho the
Greenville, S. C., [ want other 0
know of 3
rived d es
and Vinol a
healthy appetit
pess. It is tl
structor 1 ever used. S Z n
Vinol is a delicious c er and
jron tonic without oil, guaranteed to
overcome run down, weak, devitalized \s: an fe Who
conditions and for chronic coughs
and colds. : :
WwW. D :
MOUN : ;
DO es
Odd Bits News
Show Card Writer vio roy: Sime
= Paasche Alr Brush Used the dinr S vo fully
Prices Reasonable oYelopes nt
Paris i Verde 72
West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA .../. © d in
re at »edan ar 3 V t he 47th
Ad ’ A ti MB »f trenches
) Mon said
ht e > be n Ame
A € se day
va I t mburger,
E. W. Garber. gwis doll SOSoa her
A j . nd 2
Meadvi Vis I he st time
ventua n its bi ie town
na y Churct The town wag the
You'll go to Welffley’s for your amon Newman-—Byrd feud, The
ended g a the
Berseshoeing and gemeral blacksmith .
ig, so why not mow? [I guarantee
the best of workmanship and solielt | t
a share of your patronage, Prices Vaison
Very reasonsble. I have secured the °
Mrs. J. W.
son, Ruf-
At a par-

n by M
in honor of their
fruit cake the table
| which
i i was baked years ago
SViees of one of lancaster €MF's | \ . ; shilling of Paris, the
Best mechanics, who will assist me.
young man’s aunt. She gave it to
eo 8 8 | his father and told him, not to cut
{it until the boy was, twenty-one

a graced
be fine.
or She
Heid iL ~piscop Churc
Yio c Eve ng
gift of or.
gal ol
he Live Vrs d Brown Bat-
ye 0 died 180
ut di i Lie 1
Public thaf\ They are Prepared to de o fon cite)
Practidal Horse Shoeing eads
At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy i Loving :
Special attention given to all work Sarah B Battye
| years of age. The flavor yas said to!

5 g S
iterially ve
Magee ir
{ 1k
a Ve
of the Penn-
| R Company They
\ Mage ¢
Y catio rom Gen-
S nden ( the
\ i ( IY forth
olls ( x0
ff'e ¢ S
¢ 1 1 the
yok nN uto and
1 cen ona for
S¢ i e 1s 40
) ( I 1r )
ya 1 5 nts
% five e 1
( for
A fc 7 18
f C
3 T J ie
¥ ia " Y for 1 e-
, £ STi
Av t Harrishure
e 5 3 any car and One
r dd 1 f 10 nassencer
At ( ia a 5 r car 8
) Ha 10
The fir "Toe over oY:
har latter
CD - Bn
Daniel Albright Was Also Freight
Agent at Schock's Mills
) 1 P.R. R..a 1
od or (
M h on Octo-
( m he
R ) Company's
) Y s retiremen
¢ [ ord o
H 18 1 1Zel 4
June. 1883. and
eld ff eve since it
sams ¢ the freigh 1t
1 s Mills, which was es-
hortly afterwards. For
more than thirty years served as
ostmaster at Rowenna, Mr. Al-
bright ig also the owner of the large
Rowenna, which build-
one of the oldest in Lancaster
county, hut of late yearg it has been
grist mill
ing is
Mr. Albright,

his son-in-law, Daniel A. |
despite his]
is enjoying good | entertainer and pleased a good sized
| audience.
will be his suc.|the DeKoven Male Quarfét on Tues-
day evening,

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I & Hygi€tl ” ERAS ria A I §
L 8 s © yg iusband Escaped With Dislocated
( ei i.D. :
S 2 B, =k Shoulder and Cut Head =
( oul BITLY neesto =
DE 2a he result of internal injuries m
hun ol od Ls, in 1 an automobile accident wm 14}
P ( ¢ I will ir connectio with
ie: hmoy i Fhursda; norning at = Ni 1 connection WHE
ln : MED OI s j. K. Stauffer of Landis- S——————— @ mY Green House business,
OL prepaling od. considering } Seve o'clock that ev-
I ¢ erimentation al ; . fal : | @m handle a complete assortment
1 X SPE FH bho home John Royer, dents tention:
( nowledge Ls ne of the accilent. Mr. BW of Fruit Trees, such us apple,
% Stauffer sustained a dislocated shoul- Sn 1 BW pear, Peach, ium, Apricot,
very member ol ne numan ac Ae ind a bad cut on his head C . Y hi ] 5
from early childhood to the grave ov: he lott evi alive our Us 1iC i Cherry, Quince, as well as
depends principally upon cook \[1 | a ffer left their Lm a vantage at. school that B® smaller varieties. I can also
food to malniain lile. iy yther children have
home in Landisville early Thursday supply you with ornamentals of
[¢ is not without reason that cook- ’ = tl ¥
i # d i : Tee Ts rning in an automobile bound for GOOD EYE Samy nool | i Se it me and a
ery is calle an art. re is Do- . . . your child pass the scho every description. .iry me
y= a : ® 2 u Mr. Stauffer was driving Ha Jon hil piss 0 Sedo Ye > &
ng whi loes more to bull 3 i sical test i rel to the eye- 1 ; ,
Ling which does 0 build up e Everything went well Physical test in relation to the €ye- M8 yo convinced that I can saye a
and maintain good ealth than the . : : : oh As a parent, it ig your duty
: ep hill on the outskirts TE Dr ® ou money. Will Guarantee all -
ret - i ; u mon V ar
ploper preparation food It may ; hed The. road letermine by 1 thorough ex- m y 3:
be considered the first essential. It . yw at this point ation the hands of a compe- stock.
V€ 1al'row at tials . a1 | HE
is commonly consideied a menial : : ; : Dutcher optometrist, whether your child oN
In attempting to Dp: he butche : . rad . Are A CVeir
task, yet next to motherhood it is ; : - AF vis _ is handicapped in his or her physi- - Carpauons are now ready.
: agon of Jacob Showalter, Stauffer J ? : in. |B :
one Or the Most UnpoTLant. an his car into a fence. The car ind mental development by in- If atany time you want potted
I'hanks to modern methods ol : : \ 4 b 0 see properly Where spec-| mm ;
:rashed thru the ire entanglement : 5 Rata a or cut flowers, try me.
polt and ommercial ente 1 plunged p : xty « ded, a beneficial effect, ou
11 ( lunge lown , steep IXty- 3 :
p there h 1€V¢ been a time embankmen ( 1s improved seholarship and re- wo
n the hist kind *when so m pe 1) ind nervous
( od ul as 2) B ie ? yp sed b lefective vision, »
; Se i peonic, This les fit iticed IMMEDIATELY B EF H ZERCHER :
¢ 2 eratel; sh e child begi them. | @ ' ! t a
1 i re
nk ’
: ; 4 npletely tu 2 of testing the oyes of MOUNT JOY, PENNA. pe
X lo & I ba t ) cientific and | ps
¢ S ffer )e- in . a B AE
1 I : ree for 'g'@ @ BR BB BR BH 3 3B BA
da 1 ay S eas ¢ .
s 7 yt os OT : aa
1 y eed glasses | yo 11
5 5 ] arait
] d = 1 conscious
led nto aome oe
| y Coming Monday
- i Oy « 1 physician and
or man cod | (Y4IBEd DU smmon- Noy, 8th. 1915
ookitnz d \1 examination showed that AT
: 1 ( M Stauffe was internally injured
us i pf. ter waniineniiy slags oy GC Aral
: L 7t ‘well: brchated. tiie ‘ usband had escaped with . 5 Nandaileyr s| :
: lislocation of the left shoulde | I always have on hand anything im
; y 5 © and several cuts about the face bruscisy jie ine or SmoReq Meats,
f I 1 Sosy 107° = © sod MOUNT JOY, PA | Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Mite.
om el more pressing! 0 DON'T FORGET DATE Al :
o Fre f, Pork amd
S ¢ nulatio y e YO lhe aulo was badly wrecked. — Gis ah Bee Veal
8 Id in; : 2 5 -_ Mutton, Prices always right
creases, there is no one line of ef I'he funeral of Mrs, Staulfer was :
1 ne 1 }
1 . held on Sunday aftern at Landis- | i
better worthy of study and at- Reid en Sunday Landis Geo. R. Huber H. HH. KRALL
ention than the science of econom- '°
: : > er sess A li hein OPTOMETRIST West Main Stree
ead Mu wholotiie cookery-—for Lancaster Office, 1:30 Noon : MOUNT OY, PA
1an is indee vhaot he oat 3 ’ ie ? yr »
ndeed what he ea Boy Scots Benefit Queen St, 2nd floor Bel] Telephone.
EE Gladys Beulah Powers, imperson-
Milton Grove School Report ator and contralto soloist, will ap-
Following is the report of the bear in Mount Joy Hall on the ev- VIRGINIA FARMER
Milton Grove school for the m ening of November 27 for the bene- f
1 Grov 1 for ! month § OL 2} ember Z( 10r the bene 4 .
ending Oct. 29: Number in attend. fit of the Boy Scouts of this place. Restored To Health By Vinol od
nce, males 13, females 17, total Miss Powers i Lv first-class enter- Atlee. Va.— 1 was weak, randoms
: ite 7 Tas y 20!
0 Average attendance during the tainer. An unusually attractive fea- 7 3 no appetite, my blood was poor, 5 c )
tH ] : 2 ta i 14 : atur ay, ov. i not sleep nights and was rapidly los-
h, males 15, females, 15, total ture is her original program of Jap- J ’ ine flesh, but I am a farmer and had to !
. ing flesh, but 1 ri
20 Per cent of attendance. males anese stories, songs and dances in At my sale and Exchange Stables | work. Medicines had failed 3 help me |
100, emale 98. total 99 Pupils | terwoven Ww ith a slender thread of MOUNT JOY, PENNA ty I took V jn) Afr alo Rn
I . : ; Rit r “im ARE Ata ? ottles my appetite s fine, 1 sie vell, |
« esent every day: Leroy 'Omance. You are unconsciously a i my blood is good and I am well again.”
v Aaron Diffenderfer, William ed to the land of cherry blos- CARLOAD OHIO & INDIANA —ORLANDO W. BORKEY.
Thome r Rasp, Blaine Heisey,| S0ms, see the dainty Japanese mai- Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron
Charles Koser, Roscoe Thome, Vic-|4ens, and over the fragrant, fragile hy tonic without ol is guatanised 3) over,
+ ~ ; “ : WOR 1 ¢ ; wet # » weak, run-down conditions, €
or Ginder, Clarence Gi , ; tea cups, hear their broken, lisping come Weak, Py
Hei 1 Sindel oyiole lo tale nd list : Tsong ¥E coughs, colds and bronchitis.
eisey , r , ve tales ¢ lister h swee
Anna Ober, Naomi Diffender- : en {0 Lhe Veet W. D. CHANDLER & CO.
fer, Anna Ginder, Louisa Thome, 21d sad love songs of old Japan. s- RDRUGGISTS |
Mary Koser, ~Stella Heisey, Rhoda eile Wiese maT J SBENNA |
Ginder, / i Iv \ MOUNT JOY, PE .
wi de : Anna Reinhold, Mary Acker, Want Blacksmiths Licensed TE —
Ma rantz, Sarah Koser and Eliza- lans to have bill placed be M P I I Thi T,
3 14 : 1
beth Gipple. The school was visit-| fore the next legislature making- it any reopie in IS

ed by D. W. Geist, Ass’t Supt. essary for blacksiiithg t
Visas and friends of education | pass an examination oy’ horse anat: year olds and weigh from 800 to]
: yeal § ¢ 8 ou
os Mayme Kuhns, Thy oy, Metis A gn ted B Yiegnse 1.40; tus This) Jou comsitiy of]
ux | Bi at a _ meeting held by chunks, general
the Master HpBtsegshoers’ National road hot
First Number Pleased Protective Asgociation, held Tues-

Th I's ; evening : :
Lae as re the local Ly-| day evening a Harrisburg, A ban- pacers and trotters tHat can Show!
: ; ourse was Clarence IL. Burg-| quet was serveq after the business vou plenty of speed.
erfer in Mt. Joy Hall last Thurs-| session, There were more than 75! C. 8. Frank, Auct.

2y and included | J. H. Zeller, Clk. RE
Elizabethtown, Mil-| hd
lersburg, Halifax, Be an ansdale, Me- Su pr the
anicsburg, Midd Duyiicannon, Q R
i Marysvil] bok aud Pg
He was a very good | persons in atten ce,
members from

The next number will be

Nec. 14,

They range from yearlings to eight| We advised them to take a
purpose and good | before and after each meg
Among them are some extra good |
never really enjoyed a mea

Rexall bash
| by us—2ic a box,
} 2)