The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 03, 1915, Image 5

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These are

I! im

Five Second Prizes

Thirty-four Ninth Prizes
1st Prize
New Perfection
Fireless Cooking
Oil Stove No. 7
will be awarded the
writer of that letter,
listing the largest
number and the most
practical uses for
kerosene, other than
lighting and heating.
The value of this
stove is
It has every f
that will in the
est contril
better cooking with
lessened effort It
combines a four-
burnerstove, fireless
cooker, oven cabinet
and warming shelf
in one compact, yet
roomy, cooking de-

2d Prize
New Perfection
Oil Cook Stove
No. 3
There are five of
these handsome sub-
stantial ree-burner
stoves offered as
Sc z They
will be given to the

to use, econox
keroseneand help you
cook better and lessen
vour work.
3d Prize
Smokeless Oil
Heater /Jo. 230
Think of it, ten heat.
ers as third prizes—
and they'll mak
homes of the
4th Prize
Smokeless Oil
Heater No. 430
Ten fourth prizes,

each costing $4.80,
enameled in a tasty
blue, and I
good a hea
the standj

service as mo
take a whole lot of
thought to send in
suiticient kerosene
uses to win one of
these prizes, and they
do make the home
happier, because they
stop the complaints of
cold and keep the
family smiling.
9th Prize
Rayo Lamps
Thirty-four beautiful
stitute the eighth
group of prizes. They
will be awarded just
as are the other prizes.
These lamps sell for
$1.50 each, and no
more handsome lamp
can be imagined nor
can one be bought at
any price, that gives a
clearer, softer light or
one that is as clean to

100 Free Prizes for
You Women Who
Tell Us the Most Uses for
It’s past belief how many women, good housewives too, think that
kerosene is good only for lighting and heating. But won, of course,
there are other hundreds of you who know its uses are almost boundless.

Some tell us they've tried kerosene as a floor polish—and find it
splendid—that it will preserve the finish and beauty of a fumed oak set
better than the most costly dressing, and, mixed with whiting, with al-
most no rubbing, will make nickel trimmings glisten. Then, for clean-
ing the porcelain bath tub, nothing equals kerosene. It leaves it shining
snowy white.
What Do You
Do With Kercsene?
What are your pet methods for making kerosene work for you?
You are probably acquainted with many helpful, practical uses, if you'll
only just take a little time and dig them up, out of the store of your
household experience.
Write down all you can think of. Send your list to the Contest
Department of the Atlantic Refining Company, and you're just as
likely as not to be one of the fortunate winners of any one of the 100
valuable prizes pictured in this advertisement.

[t's ordinary common sense and not fancy composition that'll win
these useful, handsome awards. All we want you to do is just tell us in
your own way how you have found kerosene useful around the house.
The letter that lists the greatest number and the most practigal uses
for kerosene will win the first prize—a $33 New Perfection Qil Cook
Stove—a prize well worth getting, for it surely does lighten the drudg-
ery of cooking.
Tlie next best five letters will be judged on the same basis, and for
the writers of these there are five New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves
(each valued at $10.75) to make work easier in the homes of five
enterprising housewives.
In the same way the remainder of the 100 desirable prizes will be
awarded. Read the list at the left.
Was there ever a chance to get so much for so little effort—no
work, only a little thinking necessary—just write what your housework
has taught you, but please use only one side of the paper and be certain
your letter reaches us before December 1st, 1915, for on that date this
contest positively closes.
Remember, the greater the number of uses you submit and the
more practical each is, the more certain is the chance of your securing
any one of these hundred splendid prizes.
Don’t wait till the last day, but begin making up a list immediately—
the longer the list the better your chance.
The Atlantic Refining Company
Besides the illustrated prizes, there are ten fifth and an equal number of
sixth, seventh and eighth prizes, all splendid, serviceable Perfection Oil
Heaters which your dealer sells for $3.80, $3.70, $3.60 and $3.30, respectively.
we sna

-— ona


Last Opportunity
to get your house wired for
electricity at the extremely low
price made possible by our
House- Wiring

Positively no order accepted
after the above date.
c Company. |
Lancaster, Pa.
Edison Electri
Joy this seagon and the Richland

good material as may be seen
© games played thus far while
team’s personnel


team hag some

crowd was
share of applause and rooting. Pre-|L. Ellis quarterback Longenecker, J.
{vious to the game there were many (O. Kramer ..left halfback..Breneman
| predictions and the result, in our|C. Germer ..right halfback... Engle News From Our Many Lucal Houses
estimation, was as big a surprise as|R. Cramer ....fullback.... Bowman of Worship
were the defeats of Penn, Michigan; Time of quarters, 8 & 10 minutes,
and Yale that same afternoon.
When the game started the Mt. der, Linesmen, Funk and Zeller. Rev. Ira A. MacDannald, Pastor
Joy team had all its regulars while Score 0-0.
the Richland Club was minug Zink, | Breneman will be seen in the local| Preaching by the
a former local player; Toppin, the|lineup Saturday when they play A, M and 7 P. M,
much heralded speed demon; O’Neill, [Stevens Trade School at Lancaster.
a former gridiron star and Schock,
of whom nothing need be said of
Mt. Joy returned the ball to mid-field. |
the game is played. During the bal Thursday, Nov. 11—On the premis- |
ance of the game the ball swayed
back on forth.
team started down the field with a
around work of Breneman, especially | xchange stables in ME Joy, a!
his tackling; also Bowman and R.
Groff ..right guvard...... Klugh
Fug ....right tackle... Zeller

fact that

| Referee, W. Ellis, umpire, Dr. Sny-
The Richland Club kicked off and notice such as the following
surely bring the buyers:
{fresh cows, close springers and back-|and 7:30 P, M.
brace and held for downs, getting | warq cows. stock bulls, stockers,| Prayer meeting every
the ball. The Club then gave a fair feeders and cattle for beeves by J.|evening at 7:30.
example (without practice) of how B

Keller & Bro. Aldinger, auct.
In the last quarter the Mt. Joy
[in 7:30.
A feature of the game was the all Saturday, Nov. 13—At his sale and | E at
carload of Ohio and Indiana horses Sunday, Nov. 7.
Kramer. “Finnegan” Kramer, one of ,;3 oolts by Mr. Bd Ream. Frank 3 ve i
the bright stars on the Mount Joy! ) »| of Palmyra will give a lecture on
The lineup follows: |ete by J. G. Forney & Co. or J. H.|place.

Mt. Joy Posulon a mand | Buch. See advertisement.
~»+Joft end..... . Brown
Geibe gralett Be. i Amos Ziegler farm near Schock’s|ices at Mastersonville.
Morton -. left guar "UR i Mills, 2% miles west of Marietta and
Zink ... & ---- centre. . ..... + PTOWR(y 1iles southwest of Maytown, 3)

| head horses, 2 cows, a large lot of|
| farming implements and some house.
hold goods by Mr. George Epply.
.. 3


mer. . .rig ewpher

Church of God
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.

ter, Fred in the west and Frank at, Pay flat, while the others made the
home. A daughter Mrs. John Naylor, rip by auto.
of Lancaster, also survives. The
funeral] will be held Thursday morn-
Eby’'s U. B. Church
SALE REGISTER Rev, Thomas Garland, Pastor
his foot ball ability as his work on A FREE notice of your sale is in- A series of evangelistic
the local as well as Franklin &|gerted here for any length of time, Will begin in Eby's U. B. Church on
Marshall teams is still well remem-|provided we print your sale bills | Sunday evening,
bered. At the opening of the con-}Thig is excellent advertising becaus- | Will be services every evening next
test, Mount Joy was the favorite. |it js read by so many people an¢ -|Week, beginning at
and at 10 o'clock at Cross Roads Fast Donegal, 12,800 gallons of cider
church. Interment will be made in Were made thus far this season and
the cemetery adjoining. the season is not over as yet.

Trinity United Evangelical
They then rushed the Club team! pijday, Nov. 5th—At their stock Rev, I. E. Johnson, Pastor
down the field to the 15 yard line be-(vards in Mount Joy, large lot of] Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.
fore the game was flve minutes old. | cows, bulls and heifers consisting of| Preaching services,
Right here the club team took a
en leg in a game of football at Lan-
caster Saturday. He plays left half Mr. C. S. Gingrich is confined to
on the Stevens Trade School team Ce house since Saturday on account
and has been starring for the past
Methodist Episcopal 5
P P several years. Mr. Frank was taken Eleven persons from here aceom-
es in East Donegal Township, what | Rev. C. B: Johnston, Pastor
is known as Nissley’'s Mill, near the| Sunday School, 9:30 A, M.
Rock Point schoo] house, small farm, Public worship and
with stone and frame house, frame| members, 10:30 A. M.
rush and by good hard foot ball car- stable, large stone mill, cider press,
Epworth League, 6:30 P. M,
ried the ball to the Club’s ten yard gto. Also a tenant house. P = >
: etc. by| Preaching Service,
line. Here the boys took a brace revi R. Nissly. Aldinger, auct. See Prayermeeting, Wednesday
and also held for downs. :
to the home of his sister, Mrs. Dr. | P2nied the exeursion to New York »
F. L. Richards, at Berwyn, on Mon- City on Sunday over the Penns:
day. Auctioneer C. 8. Frank sold tha
et peeremnnn Henry Zeager property along the
Back Run at public sale on Saturday.
Local Court Upheld It was purchased by Mr. Jacob Gris
The appeal from the decision ‘of | ber for $511
our local courts in the case of Mrs = re
| John T. Wilson vs. the Mary A. Herr Wl [ ! : :
Estate, was heard before the Su- Iii ’ I lg. (I il
perior court at Pittsburgh last week. —m——-— ~~ =
The higher court sustained the de- Fon SALE—A pew single heater,
cision of our local court and the will | Cc ok been used, cheap. Also ag
therefore stands as made,
Church of the Brethren
|auct, “Fifty Years in the Pastoral Mission |
\ 1 ttle as
team, I Jerr pt Saturday, Nov. 20—At Elizabeth-|at Chiques Church of the Brethren.”
it seemed], 5 = oe Wa {town, 50 choice building lots and| Nov. 10th and 11th, a Ministerial |
team was “ayVing : |dwelling houses, alotof locust posts,| Meeting will be held at the
Saturday, Nov. 13th, the Brethren | rominging the public that Monday,
Myers ..... | Thursday, Dec. 1—On the premises|in Christ will hold communion serv- | November 15th. will be the last day | “AGENT WANTED &W
| 0

United Brethreg


Wednesday, Novermber 3, 1915.
senior C, E., 6:30 P. M. |
Junior ©, B, 6136 P.M. The News at Florin
tarewell service for Rev. C. c| EE
Witmer, Missionary to Philippines, | (Continued from page 1)
7 P. M. Mr, H. 8. Musseiman returned
Prayeimeeuing, Wednesday even | home from a several days visit to
ing at 1:% friends at Shiremanstown.
rt a—— { Mr. Eugene Garber is off on a
Si. Lunes Episcopai |ten days’ gunning trip to his “Uncle
Rev. Lewis Chester Mosiison, Rector | Mike” at Blaine, Perry Co,
231d Sunday after Trinity, Oct.| Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stckes of
23rd Sunday after Trinity, Nov [Hanover were Sunday guests Of

7, 1915, | Harold Buller and family.
Sunday School, 9:15 A. M. | Mr. Henry Freymeyer and
Holy Communion and Sermon, of Elizabethtown, visited Mr.
10:30 A. M. Freymeyer and family, Sundg
Choral Evensong and Sermon, 7:30 Mrs. Eli Randler of White 0a ;
P. M, was a Saturday guest at the hom
Confirmation Instiuctions, 7 P. M.|Yl Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Walters.
The Gleaners’ Club will meet at| The Misses Elsie and Nora Smif
the home of Miss Sarah McGinnis, °f Carlisle, are spending the week
this evening at 7:30, town and vicinity with relatives.
St. Mary's Guild will meet tomor- Mr: and Mrs. Samuel Smith spend
row (Thursday) evening with Mrs.| Sunday at Kinderhook as guests of!
Elmer Brown at the residence of the latter's sister, Mrs, D, Haines.
Mr, Walter Brown on South Market| Mr. Oscar Young and lady friend
| of Lancaster, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Henry Young, on Sunday.
7:30, short Confirmation Instruction| Mr~ Emlin Buller and force are
at the Church. I painting the Hoiace Cox property.
Coming Events in St. Luke's parish | MT. Cox will occupy same about
Saturday, Nov, 13th—St. Mary’s | D€C- 1st.
Guild will hold an oyster supper in| MI. George Kline and force of
the basement of the Parish House. | }as0ns are putting up the founda~
Sunday before Advent, Nov. 21st., tion for the new Exchange Bank at
he Rey James Henry Darling- Elizebethtown,
ton, D. D, LLD. Bisbop of Ir Mr. Clayton Hertzler and family
risburg, will visit St. Luke's for|® Lancaster, were Sunday visitors
| With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph-
raim Hertzler.
The Rally Day services held im
Mortuar the United Brethren Church on Sunm-
y day were largely attended and
. were a great success,
Recordings Mr. Harry Brooks moved his fami-
— ly and household effects into the
(Continued from page 1) Jacob Brown property, near town,
children, The funeral and interment! Which he recently purchased.
took place at Brooklyn A Hallowe'en party wag given
— at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Jacob
Loraw on Saturday evening. It was
largely attended by friends from

street, at 7:30.
Saturday evening from 7:18 to
Confirmation and Sermon.
> ————— ——

Mrs. James Reed
While engaged in scrubbing the Elizabethtown, Marietta Mount Jo
porch of her home in Washington wd Flotin yA = y
street, Elizabethtown, Mrs Sophie Word was Pouce
Reed, wife of James Reed, fell over 2s Teceived here on Mon
dong on. Satara day morning by Miss Flo Smith, of
cad 1 Sati lay
morning. She was|_, 3
the sudden death of her mother.

On ¢ ( neigh- + og .
id Lhe : ; Miss Smith left Monday for her
ors, who rushed O her a stance, home Blaine, Perr Co
out found that life was extinct. Dr. oh :
So : j \uohied On Saturday evening while Master
sylvester ric vas sumn 1€e ?
i 2 > : ne fio Peter McGarvey was crossing the
( yronounced heart disease as t :
; Do SS street near the trolley waiting
ecease( was 1ILy-
o : « 3d 38 np | room, he was struck by a horse,
nine years of ge and was in i 1 3 y
J throwing him to the gr
health for the past twenty years. ground. The
wagon passed over his body and he
received a number of body bruise
and several bad cuts about ¢
She was a member of the Church of
i 1 is her sole sur-
vices were

which required stitching,
Newpher attended him.
* School Report
late home last even-
tk and were conducted
G. A. Hoverter. The re" x
were taken to Wilmington, The Florin Pripary Schagl-g
Del.,, this morning, where interment fis Second month Nov. Ast
oe a Number of pupils enrolled, males
20, females 23, total 43, Percentage
of attendance, males 95, females 91.
Mrs. John S. Risser Honor Roll—Mabel Shetter, Ruth
Mrs. John 8. Risser of Lawn, Keener, Ruth Shelley, Ruth Kline,
died Wednesday morning from sen- Violet Smith, Lillie Sauder, Loleta
ile debility. She had been ill but Loraw, Catharine Wittle, Esther Gar-
a brief time, her condition being ag- ber, Celesta Brown, Mary Sauder,
gravated by a heavy cold. She was Helen Musselman, Anna Garber, Eth-
73 years old and leaves her hus- el Bricker, Irene Rider, Miriam
band, John S. Risser, and these Sheetz, Walter Becker, John Keen-
children: Harvey of Mastersonville; er, Christian Shearer, Harl Fike,
Ezra of Lawn; Noah of Bachmans James Keener, Samuel Becker, Roy
ville; John of Elizabethtown: Mrs. Shearer and Chas. McKinley,
Irwin Killian of Lawn and Mrs.| Visitors—Mrs. Jacob Rider, Caro-
Clarence Mease, Dauphin county. A |line Rider, Mrs, Abram Butzer, Mr.
brother, Christian Shenk of Humm-| John Rider, Margery Musselman and
elstown and these sisters also sur-| Beulah Loraw,
vive: Mrs. Diana Hoover of Humm- Patrons and friends of education
elstown and Mrs Lizzie Summers,’ are cordially invited to visit the
of Kansas. She was a member of school. =
the Mennonite Church. The funer- Sue H. Brandt, Teacher
al was held Saturday afternoon, A eee
with services at two o'clock at Ris- Attended Reich's Church
ser’s Church. Interment was made About fifty members and friends
in the cemetery adjoining of the United Evangelical Church,
went to Reich's Church, near May-
Frederick Shultz town, last evening to attend the re-
Frederick Shultz, an aged and well, Y:Val meetings in progress there.
known resident of this place, diedat ReV- I. E. Johnson preached an ex-
his home on Marietta street on Sun- cellent sermon. The Girls’ Chorus
day evening. He was a wood-turner 531g “God is Calling the Prodigal”
by occupation and until several 21d the Men's quartet, composeg of
years ago was regularly employed at Earl Kaylor, J. H. Gingrich, H. B.
Cassel's lumber yard at Marietta. AT0tz and H. A. Barr, sang in a
He was twice married and leaves a Pleasing manner, “Jesus Will.” About
wife and three sons John of Lancas-| thirty persons made the trip on a


That's a Record
ing at 9 o'clock from his late home, At the Levi Nissly cider mill in
nt ce ee i That's quite a record for a single
Broke a Leg stand,
Mr. Herbert Frank of this place,
but now a styfent at Stevens Trade Mrs. George Rahm is seriously ill
School, Lancalter, sustained a brok. 25 the result of a stroke sustained
Ny Monday.
A eee
of sickness.

burner gas stove Call on H
Brooks, Mount Joy.
| Groceries, Also Famous
tague Oysters 35c. agt, at B
Mt. Joy Street, Mt. Jo.

mee OP Qe

Wiring Offer Expires Soon
Thue Edison Elecfric Company is |


eir special and remarkably sue-|28ent in Mount Jo;
low-priced house wiring | best sporting mg
fhe readers attention is y .
be comps .