The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 27, 1915, Image 6

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How About
Your Feet?
For prepairing an antiseptic as-
tringent and sanitary foot bath. A
boon to those troubled with tender,
prespiring feet which ache and swell
on slight provocations use
Road Joy Tablets
If you prefer a powder that you
ean dust in your shoes, we recom-
Tread Easy Foot Powder
to keep your feet
summer, Why suffer
walk with comfort.
comfortably all
when you can
The price is 25
eents each or both for 45 cents. For
sale at


Chiesty deNut












9 o
Mount joy
| 3 x B:
! 3 BY
£ A
: —
Bring us your Films for
i 3
Develcpment ; ]
; §
] ]
n 4
We use the tank method, and our x I
experience and expert equipment im H
sure the best possible results. Every J
eare taken and quality of the work k
BARBER % @ $
I. q
7 @
7 7 @ 0 9
Eagt Main St, Mount Joy, Pa | (orvRisHT (9/5, NBIIONAL CORTOON SERVICE CORP. ZL 7 J | *
| Augus é 0 sburgh, Mos { 7 .
| - : ' ; OF A Imade known &
: : Puissant Gre Master the Gre , : pw
Locals Won a Good Game From a |By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, lil. |" “Sant Grand Master of the Gramd |, o gopvices Held at Landisville SMALL FARM AND MILL H. C. BRUNNER, Executor i
i d Council] of Royal and Select Masters -| George S, Vogel, Auct. &®
Strong Lancaster Team Saturday of Pennsylvania, known as the Cryp on Suntay ON THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1915, ! Jacob H. Zeller, Clerk b
Rest and Rebuild: In nature the| Claas Ey ® vier T I'si oi Rg : 2 : &
. . | : : oh i 5 a Dgtiive .._ (tic degrees of Freemasonry, accom- 4 ie i aE £he unde Signo wi soit if pub { W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. &
The Mount Joy foot ball team season of rest is a time of gain. nied by 8. 2. Burke' Rinsl RP The sixth anniversary of Zion's lic sale on the premises, at Nissly’s &
o gy . | pe 5] vg, ‘Ke 0 s : . a en
won another good game Saturday Strength and vigor are accumulated" i add Mast; oh 2 a Lutheran church of Landisville, was Mill, midway between Mt, Joy and | z R
when it defeated the Alerts of Lan-|for renewed growth and produciion. | z 3s i? 1 i 5 omias 2 celebrated Sunday with special ser- Marietta, in ast Donegal township, | BERR EE 8 8a NE ®
: i : hi ia 3 ley R. P. Principal ' Conductor of} . rir : Lancaster County, 23 miles “south- < $¢ Bte
caster by a score of 18 to 6. This Is | Ler us look at the apple or almost Works: Charles W. Wolters, R. P vices. The congregation was organ-iegast of Donegal Springs, two miles &
the same team that played at Lititz any fruit tree and we find that as Crag rea: Ww La Tones Kal. | zed on October 24, 1909, by Rev. A. east of Maytown and 23 miles I
last Saturday and only twice were the fall approaches the fruits bear- meyer, P Gra dg Me shal : al Cooper, of Manheim. The corner- southwest of Mount Joy, the follow- g
the bretzel boys able to cross theirling its seed are dropped to the Frede a : : \ a ual ? a oa stone was laid on May 8, 1910. ing described real estate to wit: t 4
| ; frederick A. encate, gran Sen- z : 4
goal. | 81 id and then covere( y al-1 . » 3 = n November 9, 910, the dedica- eee teste esteem 4
oal ound and then covered by the fal-| . =". Too 0 Mtr On N 1 9, 1910, the dedi C 2 TRACT OF LAND P a
The local foot ball team has been | ling leaves. The sap leaves the : 3 ! > UrSh oun Monday, tion took place by the Rev. A. BE on Rime. 1 Acres and 63 Groh | T
; i ts B6) conan [ ul ; : : Aig October 18, 1915, on a Grand Visita-' : : ? J - 2 4, lag situated in Bast Donegal Town- | g 3
playing an excellent game of) season | brand 1es and goes down to Feintoren | on to Subordinate Councils thriout [Soper and Dr. H. H. Weber, of the ghip, adjoining lands of Miss Wiley, | I will, in connection with I
and deserves better support. At Sat-|the roots. The decomposition of the the ‘Siate They afrived in Ls [church extension board. Rev. W. B. H. Nissly, L. N, Mumma and Dav- : : 3
The Undersignea Wish to Inform the urday’s game with only ordinary ex-|leaves furnish food that goes into foe = ory u i RAGES | Cinude Waltermyer was the first, id Eby. The improvements thereon u my Green House business, x MA
Public that They are Prepared t0 @¢ | .; ccs, the gate was five dollars shy. [the soil and is utilized by the roots Goodwin Cond] No. 19 the Biss pastor of the congregation. Rev. O. Le 3.23 Sory Shox m handle a complete assortment ho
Inless the patronage is better, thejin giving greater growth and vitality]. er ape “P10. Leibich aide 5 egati y 2D n Bist 2 Sis —
Practical Horse Shoeing Unless a pat ; ie a os S srt 1 4 Bn ¥ {ing 53 Sa E. id 4 os congregation gree] water wheel and gearing, all |W of Fruit Trees, such as apple, Se
team will play its remaining games |to the tree. During the winter sea- while it was negotiating a union at in first-cla der. T thi pill (=
? J y : In the afternoon they were brought . idan at ISt class Jorcen To 3 ml Pear. Deacl ” 000
At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. OY | away from home. Don’t forget the son the tree does not get out of the 5 tre ) a Bethel Union church, Millersville, property is attached a large cider = I ear, Peach, Plum, Apricot,
ichl C game on Saturday. [free air ¢ he cold @ shut itself $ : HE an til tt : . r. J.|press house 24x35 ft. Al inery |B ~yoprv ines. ;
Special attention given to all work Richland lub game 1 | ree bi ind the cold and shu sell omen, by. offidors and Thelibers of nd un i the Dregent pastor, Rev. J. I a Ss oe ; 1 Jasghingy = Cherry, Quince, as well as
a di of the feet ptly at The lineup of last Saturday’'s|up where the sun and wind or the Goodwin Cooacll ¥ |W. Gentzler, was called and took up |!1 ese two buildings are operated gg
seases rom 100( y ace ’ ; ; E smaller vasiet :
Y w > Ses game is Appenden: joold, and spow cannot efect 4 In | District De a i He work a eRe ie ee a = panes tine dems
anded to. our Worl te Tov | ste; : Bias theses foTeas , | HI "t Deputy, >a i. Basehore oe cals bi . S S33 : 5 "
Ans ay Mout Jo Stead > i Son ; ney 2 of Mechanicsburg, Pa. _- bo i Dupe nue the are in first-class shape thruout and |m supply you with ornamentals of
POREY:, ov JO sarees aNd) S |strengthe 3 bers its ydy and | SR ar. : i rONgreg: n grew t S en- 3 itv rat = a
BOMBACH & SHANK i. Dr Oney 1 : A : n € ) 3 i 0d | The Wisi of these distinguished tion w to mos: the cen- can be Sean in daily operation. Wm every description. Try me and
Leibfreid vo. Jeft tackle... ., Geib |limbs so that they will be able te | Brother Mason od hich] tury mark in membership. Twenty-| Also a 2} story Stone and Frame |:
: fae Ls : Foor on : os s 3 Masons ras highly ap-| | : Ho ontaini twelv : : ll peo rinced i Ic ry
. Patch... ... left guard.... Morton [hear the burden of fruit during the ila 2 six new members were enrolled dur- use containing twelve rooms, un ye convinced that can saye Ste
General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers | * “'“" : joeax ; preciated by the Homes. They were ai hed 'der slate roof, There is a fine|im
Gephart ..... Jaeentre. i... Zink [coming geason. s ing the new pastorate. The Sunday i; : 3 Rs 73 arante flo
I | courteously received. p 3 He ; Ato vou money.- Will Guarantee all
MOUNT JOY. PENNA *chickel icht guard Groff, Hilt] Whe es Sil ave 1sly received, and enabled to! 1 hich i ia spring of running water thru the : A
. Schickel. ...right guard....G » 1en the frost begins to leave the ale thor J school orchestra and the Zion’s cho- cellar which offer a advant |
i 5% an nal. Grofties ee of eimifmake a thorough inspection of the!” lis oo 5 E.3 oiiers many antages. stock.
Bones ..right tackle...Funk, Groff ground and the warm rains of spring pulldings ond crourdds of we Vo rus furnished an elaborate musical Also cistern water at house. | the
1 gs ar gr ds the 1 0 >
TELLS HOW VINOL FH. Yeager. ...right end....F. Germer or the melting ice and snow trickles and aren dn . ae mes, | hrogram. Large Brick and Frame Stable, | g Caimi se wae ma
MOTHER Peifer ....quarterback..... L. Ellis down to the little roots they begin to mT] roce: uh 3 Te ist a a Miss Grace Nauman, of this city,| Wagon Shed; Carriage House, Hog : ” ,
. . > arough t > courtesy & { 38S : . : do mm, ac I i p y i ye
Made Her Delicate Boy Strong T. Droney..left halfback..O. Kramer send up material that will give| . gh ine < ) esy and kin ne S sang most delightfully at the service. Pen, Tobacco Shed, Etec. | [f atany time you want potted
; a ele 2 - f Brothers Charles M. Hutchison of : Also a 13 story Tenant House on | loc
New York City. —*‘My little boy was |; hayer. right halfback.C. Germer greater beauty to the tree, more : A ® In his remarks the pastor reviewed pe orermi ; (8 or cut flowers. try me
in a very weak, delicate condition as a a. Tall back R. Cramericoloring and fragrance to its blos- Bloomsburg, and Frederick C. Hand the. RISIONY. OF ithe GonSto airs. ori the premises. : : IE L By hd Sh » ;
It of gastritis and the measles and | ] eof] noel = JoFIng ant; imngrance 0 & Sof Harrisburg, the Homes were ly Bane ooh gation anc There is shedding for four acres
Re no hope of saving his life. lime of quarters, 10 minutes; Ref- somg and more abundant fruit than priviicaed to enior 5 dclishital con delivered an interesting sermon on of tobacco. Also a large cattle!
. . Pp 11ege 3NJO0y ¢ 2 1 » - a, > % |
The doctor prescribed cod liver oil but {eree, Ellis: Umpire, Doster; Lines- ever before : gin ! “The House of God, the Church of Scales of ten tons capacity and two | gu
he could not take it. I decided to uy {men, Funk and Stark. Touchdowns, Man does not profit by the lessons Cory on Saturdey Sveming, Oetober the Living Good and the Pillar and l28¢ ice ponds on premises. The ] y
Ht i asults. YE - : ae : : ’ 23, 1915. Tne performers were pro- = ’ " : x 1¢ is all li e arrieg | #
Vinol —and with splendid results. It j= _ Eracl. A Myors and lof Matus os ne. Gio a } : p wete DIO" Aysung Sy "Toth oo. lland sa imestone and quarries
seemed to agree with him so that now he |! Ge rmer, 0. Kramer, A. Mj f Nah re as he 1ould Ne fessionals, and the wusic Was of 3 g! ul 1 of fw The services could very easily be opened at sev-|g 2 i 1
: »* ” S S | Gochnauer ented by th lements Y nei... : ‘ere largely > 3 y COTa- | ops ,
is a strong healthy boy.’ — Mrs. SHONAS [rocnnanet; _—tw Yer by the clefents from tING yeh order of excellence.” The waste oC Ms REP ed. The decora- eral places on the farm. ’] MOUNT JOY, PENNA »
FITZGERALD, 1090 Pare Ave. Na chy. | ats eso his fields he believes, in a great ma- ntRthers were vocal Solos. My ©. 8 tions were beautiful, Thig is one of the oldest business ® 3 ' DOO
We arantee Vinol, our delicious | Hi Kn jority of ‘cases, that he has COn-l £ € al solos, Mr. B. S. i an stands in this section of e cou
cod Seal iron tonic, for run-down | emytn preset, ae ) y. , : AS id Behney, Mr. George H. Reed and Mr. Allis: se- And bas Alatys toon sn ny = : : “ a
16 3 . ¢ {rayb aytown, son quered nature by ding ¢ € § aj Joyed ¢ - i JL mH
conditions, chronic coughs, colds and | Amos L. Kraybill, of wi os : Ti : : yu nt IL Te J. Hartman; a duet by Messrs. Hart- Grube—Witmer | ronage. Buildings are all in excel- EEE RI ZARRA S000
iti of Ir. rs eter raybill, was dwelling house ve S y :
bronchitis. {of Mr. and Mrs. Peter : YYOTY, yas awe a x it we op q wi ; man and Behney, and two pano! J. Harry Grube, a bookkeeper, of'lent repair. There is an abundance B =
arried t iss abe M. ready, of closely itted story Ww 'S an Z i ~ y : . rd :
W. D. CHANDLER & CO. married to Miss Mai 3 ; : o > ’ oe ] itte tor 2 Snow a solos by Mr. H. Operman. The pro | West Hempfield township, and Miss, Of fruit such as apples, grapes, ete, !
31 11 Tr ( 3 ready, « e doors thoroug 7 pate . 3 te :
DRUGGIST Mountville, daughter of. : Sready. double doors and Lo aly Whente| gram included two readings by Jennie H. Witmer, daughter of Mr. |°> ae Demis, This place is con- bes a oon} 1
’ r waedav evening at th 1 e of V S ves i§ git: 3, a is gy | A : 5 : 7 i y i i r.
MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Wednesday ove Bing : ¢ hom sto : ot furnace ; Sy i ini 3rother F. C. Hart, “Lifes Journey” |and Mrs. Chas. K. Witmer, of this yenieny is L i 1], emores
isa izzie ready at ready. d 1 the erowing seas 3 ar | + » , ” x : : © :
- Miss Lizzie B. Kready Br Aronday: jour z the STOp ng season 1s . (and “A Woman that’s good,” which place, were married at the parsonage all kinds $ -
NAPA. t- ESHLENAM The ceremony Was patiorsiel bs 1 wel] wi Hg he hip LL rendered with marked ability of Grace Lutheran church, Lancaster, Only reason for selling is the Shoe Polishes i
. vr rillis ; owe, pastor of the grains, vegetables and antry od = | :
he id a / J : ct a hi isted an : or omie well supplied with jong pleasing eEect. by Rev. C. E. Haupt, Thursday after- present owner’s advanced age. Any @RNEST QUALITY
Sh C d WwW it Mayen Retox ye isha al os oll; SE Wiel ip int The religious services of Sunday, noon at 2 o'clock. The ring service Person wishing to view the premises
ow ar I'1teér {by Rev. A. F. Ren 2, SUPP y pasts Teas Jellies, ony — pres ie October 24, 1915, were arranged for was used. They will reside in Lan- Dre 10 im pit To ip Plense
sche. Alr Blush: U at the fines Reformed church, Roh- He In gs ee 8 orm aod he by the courtesy of our Lebanon disville, ey > undersigned, residing
rerstown. The ring ceremony was smoke from his pipe or from frionds. with Mrs, James. Hos .
Paa sed y : g ; S, Mrs. James Horgan as EE WHI-18 Wiser Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P.
ite ‘he i ag dresse n frying at, abbag and onions, oe op © 4 3
Prices Reasonable used The bride wa e 1 J fo! n : mea ca age A ay prime mover. They were conducted Three-Day. Lyceum at Maytown M. on Thursday, Nov. 11, 1915, when
hite crepe meteor ant arried he 1¢ S y e ‘ a . 3
West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. | "i crep meteo : nd on ie 3 His t i rooms with a £ 2 ion by Rev. Joseph C. Fields, Pastor of Beginning Wednesday, November [2TMS Will be made known by Q
ih . : ~~ Ishower bouquet of oses The best of odors that should give him fo Christ Presbyterian Church of Leb- 24 tina a Wi . LEVI R. NISSLY
man was J. Edward Charl isin for reflection instead of for his 24, and lasting three days, there is F. B. Aldi pA
Yes—Many People RS % and the nr i has litt] io but eat 210%: Who preached an able sermon. a rare treat in store for the people|g § K Soil, ht
Yovetold ds the my i D2 in of the bride, and the rid : Aid Soneh. He Ans: Jit e 2 Ao ai Miss Sue Good sang, “The Good of Maytown and vicinity, as the Ly- - 8. Kraybill, Clerk. PRE ——
i » were Miss Mabel B. Landis, of Roh-jand sleep and when the springtime op... .4» Mr mqwarq Schock sang ce CSEIv: i 5 held. i ak Fa
after eating, gases, heartburn. A rorctown ani Miss Ads Hess of New| comos, instead of ‘being rested and > A um Festival will be held in the Ae ci
exall Dyspepsia b vil ’ The aghers hr Dr T Cc refreshed iy for bigger broader x ear not 0 Israel” and “The Lord Maytown Band Hall. There will be PUBLIOC SALE 4 Netra I
Tablet Llanvile Tho nshen 1 per Tato Tan ife wi + renter 5 My Light” and Miss Heas pre- fifteen events, afternoon and evening THURSDAY, OCTORER 2, 1915 S v
: 6 Shookers, of I.ancaster, and Prof. and more abundant life with grea " sided at the piano. and. the cholest entertainers. i i By virtue of the last will and tes- TA EnGE tae only Jediee Shs dssssio ha
before and after each meal will relieve |p,vig B. Kraybill, of Camp Hill, Pa. achievements, we find him bilious 5 i Bs y . 3 PLAIROrS, IeCI™ | iament of Margaret Taylor, deceased, DoSivey cones Ol iacky, Politics and Fret
So Hiv bh ox : : So 3rother T.evi Eshbach, one of the erg and singers are on the lis : . » serves ladies’ and children’s shoes, shines without
you. Id o y by us—azuc. The wedding march from Lohengrin full of pains, stiffened joints, a dull oldest ciests of the IOMes. Was os B « singers é ) e list. the undersigned will offer at public subbing, 25c. “FRENCH GLOSS,” 10¢c.
E. W. Garber was played by Miss Grace A. Beer. brain and a year older than last noon, SUS © U2 REESS, TRC Or A sale on the premises, on Marietta STAR: combinuion for clesningand pelbingad
. WW. . was play y Mi ! ; ially happy in greeting the Rev. 2 . street, Mount Joy, Pa., the followi | y J Cy
—— rami D> Were SPIN. i Better Take Warnin by Joy, ra, 02 "QUICK WHITE" (in liquid form with sponge) quicke
; 2 pry : _ Mr. Fields, who for years had been I ite of Fos g Swen described real estate. All that certain Wb a ak
Tulip, hyacinth, narcissus and free- Although the physical body has, oo apn oo ba I Spite of the fact that many. tres- “ALBO" cleans and whitens BUCK, NUBUCK,
i» bulbs, eight varieties of small actually grown a year older, instead a a pass notices are posted, gunners will | LOT OF GROUND SUEDE, and CANVAS SHOES. In round white cakes
V ia bulbs, eig Vi 3 ; actually gro a1 ’ Some time gince, Rev. Brother J. shoot grev sanirre tes | The improvements erected thereon packed in zinc boxes, with sponge, 10c. In
| ferns, besides asparagus for filling |of depreciation there should be in- A. Wiegand of Lancaster, delivered | ) I i, A Ne woods consisting of a TWO STORY FRAME EE ed
, TORSO ; ia , ine e “ S Ww 1e , . } nd you want,
| fern dishes. We always have some creased efficiency. During each a at the Homes o lechire on “The Sop ot o%n oT e frst person pWELLING HOUSE, and other im- #1 price in 2vamps fOr ful | 120 package, ChATgys paid.
. x y y resting 3 4 7 tres ss Se 7 - . > . : . (
fern dishes filled ready when you nual esting period the mind may be (ther Fellow.” The lecture was Tre- PRssIng B seid woods, whether provements, fronting 29 feet more or 226 TE RE nis.00 Mase.
Youll go to Welffley’s for Jour|,..q them. Palms, dracaenas, pan- actively educated and improved to plete with thougat and ‘precept on gunning or not, will be arrested. Fon a Ba on side of Marietta The Oldest and Largest Manufactureys of 5
0 ward , . § z rantage that the : Sik : : ELAM ars |Street, bounded on the north by Shoe Polishes in the World,
hoeing and gemeral blaecksmith- | danus, araucaria and Tujhe jFients oh . gi nis DR iuac. detnitei DR" duty to man, and was il- - : VYFRS |property of E. F. Baker, now tenant. re [a i
$0 Why not mow? I guarantees | Large Boston and Whitmani ferns, physical abl 0 ortion | [UStTated With so many humorous | Underwerit ah. Oosradi ed by William Conrad, east by : ' ae
best of workmanship and solleit Cyclamen, three kinds of primroses— results is increased in proporti and ridiculous situations, as to make | M : peration ; property of Clarence Schock, west by You Can Enjoy Life 1
Chinese, Baby and Obconica. Geran-|and if the body is properly fed (ana = 0 o impression ‘on. the mists). YT. Henry Easton, who resides property of Samuel W. Shrite. The Eat what you want and not betrofibled
of your patronage. Prices jumg in bloom, Rex begonias. These [not overfed), exercised, washed and of hig hearers, while affordi abun near Ironville, underwent a serious house is in good condition and is in With indigestion if you will take a Bet
sonsble. I have secured the |, .. . of the plants we have,|aired, the passing of time makes but|, = °°" i : NE aU operation in the Columbia hospital|a fine residential section. exall Dyspefsia Mt. J
are some is "| tile imtpreseion amusement. So a Ml 5h Wednesday morning. Her condi-| Also at the same time and place, Tabl Pa, ¢
of one of Lancaster City’s | come and see them. Fine chrysan-| Con stipatl 4 biliousness, sti 21imous desire arose to have the "yt att rable for | thE, following personal property of Let
shanies, who will assist me. | themums for cut flowers. Gu IONSLINLION Ah Snes® {lecture repeated. Brother Wiegand Ave e Table |sald decedent: before and after each meal. Soff only estate
1t M. EB. & R. Hoffer, |joints and flabby muscles, should, Kindly. convented to. grant the |? °ATly recovery. Y | Heater, Range, Bureau, 1-Sixth H. by us—25¢ a box. | under
5s ® 00 {not be tolerated and they need not : : TSW | P. Electric Motor, Chairs, Refrig- E GARBE there
eee EG ree | : request, and e Frida \ . ’ ’ AW BREN
be if the practical] methods of living ay Fi as rk cred i Jitney Didn't Pay | erator, One-half dozen cane seated! ~~ ToL} medi
A Baltimore factory is making 150 |ang growth taught in these columns |o or or October 29, 1915 as thel or. Kersey, the jitney man deo chairs, rocking chairs, one-half dozen eo ,ppms s claim
5 y in’ , ‘em : time for its delivery. . 4 ’ dining chairs, Carpet, Tables, Cup- : "HE TER same
a week, and not pullin’ any of and the Club books are observed. first started the jitney in Maristta | s ;
either y Hallowe’en will be celebrated this ® board, Sideboard, Double End Sofa, iW 1. Thx DIAMOND BIA fi,
' . Make the coming winter season the year with a “Ghost Party” but as has given up the business on acedunt| Couch, Bedsteads, Glass and Queens. £4 & tered 1 k for
E. ——————_ best of your life: when springtime only iehosts. of. th . ’ toh of lack of passengers. ware, Wringers, ( | 2 Pills nS Wi
~~ FLORIN, PENNA. Judging by the row he hag stirred [comes be ready to help make the te i a Eo or AE Qe Set of Silver Wg ashing Ma-| 3 & y
: h 7 d chines and othe ples not men-
up, Counsul St, John Gaffney must|world About you a better place to . Why not divide Turkey peacef !
\ posed to He shy of strangers, it will z nmed.
want to by or eell Real

have nemained strictly neutral

live bgcause you are there.

be exclusiy amily party. '

and end the
Bale P