PAGE TWO THE SULLETIN UNT JOY, PA. CORRE A MO Editor & Pro. J. E. SCHROLL, PRICE $1 A YEAR 50 Cents 25 Cents 2 Cents BSCR SiN TION Months. . ‘Three Months....... Copies. ....... Copies Single Sample Entered at the post office at Mount joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their r munications reach this office not than Mc i ay. Telephone news tween that time and o'e noon Wednesday. Chan- for advertisments must positive this office not later than night New acvertisments it copy reaches us Tuesday Advertising rates om applica- <> later of 12 ges ly reach Monday inserted nigh tion ELIZABETHTOWN John Miller, Aged 50 Years, Breaks An Arm Mr. K. Ober few days Prof. H Philadelphia. B. son pent a Reem spent a few days with Highspire. and and family at Henry Freymeyel wife were ouests of rel Florin The Henry by tives at Gindey Aloig property good purchased H. Hernley for chi A, for rent, notuce. 0 ne shop. ; Manheim, and family Ensminger M. G of houses A on the guest ol S. Bard has two vacant occupants Keller J 44 liveryman, will shortly 1eI'€ LUtos. Hersh, P, E. Ray Heisey York Fair Jast Groff gnd others week, M! Roy Venight / Sunday and Mrs. spent bethtown, t M Bard. basebal Westhafer Susan Wolgemuth, on operation in the turday. , few ago Miss Mal ishurg weeks who is employed ! home greatly im last parents, Hersh, Har spent Sunday Mr, as of her and . Hersh. vid Brubaker and Lititz, with 3 Chlques church Ol Da Hess of near and Sunday J. C. Smith, eph Ulrich, unloaded Brethren on Sunday afternoon at Mr. ben urday < Reu Sat- and Mr, spent Mr, o'clock when a very interesting pro- gram will be rendered Among the many fine hes Ww 10 peac TOWN Geo Nauman were two by weighed ed the E’town contract- car of brick at this |... ce. Frank Pierce did the dray 10% ork with his new Reo truck. luscious A massive structure has just been | erected by the Heisey Br the W. L. Heisey stone where they will operate screen. and fell a Cyrus Evans has a large force of railroad tr: in hig 19 acre field of |¢d up workl is difficult thing to | °ffice of Dr. H wag foun is right account of the "2S 1 his rie and he was terribly the body. After his dressed he was removed |of Mr, Hostetter. | cone MAYTOWN Dr. G. A. Harter spent 5 Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Miller will Mrs. B. Heisey and daughter Mary flit in the near future from the A.|.igieq in Lancaster. S. Bard double house to the Jos. Ul-| yc nC. Manning is visiting her rich house at Elizabethtown. Mr. harents at Highspire, Miller has taken charge of the boil-| yp ang Mrs. John Hershey Creamery. |lumbia, visited friends YE. Chas. Kopp, of Tower NORTHWEST RAPHO | visiting Mr, and Mrs. Murphy left his region |inger. Miss Mabel Brandt butchered a hog city, is visiting her | Hoffman. Lewis Hartman attended the State {Firemen’s convention parade in | Philadelphia. William Wineka York, spent Sunday Mrs. R. F. Markley. Mrs. Clyde Nissley and son Clyde, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Risser. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Markley are C. C. Hollinger at-|spending a few days at York, with tended church services at Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Markley on Sunday and from thence guested Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Longenecker in the home of Henry Hummer. |spent a few days at Millersville with Mr, John W. Geib and family were |their daughter, Mrs. Louis J. Lyte. the guests of Allen R. Gibble down| Rev. Joseph D. Krout is attending in Fisherman’s Vale. Mr. Jno R. the meetings of the Synod of the Gibble and family were there too. | Lutheran church at Philadelphia. Four more wine bottles, which| Mrs. Geo. Huntzinger and Chas. were stolen from the Stern home- Kopp, visited Joseph Huntzinger at stead farm some time ago, Were Franklin and Marshall Acadamy, found in Henry TUlrich’s corn field. | Lancaster. They were empty. The following were at the York If you wish to see nicely designed | fair: John H. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. ®il-boxes, happen along the Man- Al. Risser, Harvey Shuman, Clayton ; Route No. Any color and McCurdy. designs as cannon, horses, Rev. M. C. Manning Bre and what not. | Hoffman are attending ohn W. Geib attended the ship of the Church held by the Lancaster sion at Etters, Pa. Mobacco Growers’ Associa-| Rev. William J. Lowe attended the neaster, on Monday after- meeting of the Ministerial Associa- eib is a director. |tion of the Reformed church of Lan- te and ever faithful old |caster city and county held at the Pet, driven by Mr. | First Reformed church Lancaster 0. alias “Kelly,” sales-| John Rupley and John W. Wolfe, h & Bro., was over- both memberg of the senior class of near the residence the Lutheran Theological Sunday. She was at Gettysburg, spent first aid remedy | Mr. Wolfe's parents, Mr o is again at her H. Wolfe. ree el ree Pictures Didn't Pay The policy of Fulton opera house at Lancaster, has again been changed took sick and it will return to theatrical pro- pelied to ductions, as the moving picture trial Sunday | Was not a success. They were closed with his [On Saturday night when ithe last pie- nk and tures were shown. Shenk aay. | that ounces each and a inches and 9 just 103% by 9% by inches. They were as as they were big Miller, aged Harvey Hostetter, while top of the P. R. R. tun- ssed his footing John 50 years, an em- 'e of ir on a on Friday mi listance of 55 icks below BY nen and working It tubers on men potatoes. get the wet soil. Mr. Elvin Killian, foreman for Landis Bros. at their stone meal factory the past year, was summoned to Harrisburg, where he will work as a fireman for the| PRR K Blough, a 3 ‘oken about were was | bruised injuries , been who has to the home the day in Bixler in town. City, Pa. George Hutz- of Co er room at the is Mr. Frank good. Mr. C B on Tuesday. On N moth pounds. Shenk’s threshing vig, No. hreshed for Jacob Becker on Tues- day P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layzer, of My- erstown, Lebanon county were the | guests of Mr, and Mrs. John S. | Shenk, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ior York M.P Swarr of New aunt, Mrs. mam- 4% we captured a that weighed Tuesday bullfrog of and and family, with Mr, 2 | Z| " 4 and M. H. the Elder- of God in ses- Seminary Sunday with and Mrs. J. and several jnesg trip to afternoon. et Eien uffer y Chocolate farmers all Creameries May Agentg for the Hers i- | over the uppg buy their ures, it i ng higher fig- Re creameries was | was | THE BULLETIN, SION ! Ca % \ CROSS ROADS Nathan Martin of is conducting a series of Maryland. Shearer, { Rey near here meetings qown Revs. S and Kay- held Eshleman services at their meeting house Rheems on Sunday morn- ing. A ed them Ed. Neideigh [to take out We had witnessing a at good sized cong is Evans helping Cy tubers. the extreme pleasure pleasant assemblage of the tutorship of Anchor, week, young ladies, under | Miss Cecil Smith of up neal lin Heisey's woods last and recipient of a very distin- | were also the ac- { presen from the voung lady, in the shape of h of cakes put up in a-la-mode Thanks, Miss Cecil y re are the of- many farmers coh cutters. Mabel FI Hill d | 1 wer vheems, wel loyd, the cal and on Sund: home Williams, late called [samiah of the Thomas n her Mount R Neidigh I Joy cousin 1st week Dau Henry of at rhe and Pat obsequies Saturday, Ephraim ty ittended the Mh David Mounty funeral Snyder on Pleasant, Mrs. Joseph Smith Mary hopping wn on Saturday That ers unexpectedly daughter Elizabeth- and were up at that farm- the came on the Friday "ain on put quietus on seeding Robert Neidigh has ventilators and they | Leander Groff ! fv pair rectus pain- with a a new are al] , force of ters hean hie home new coat of yf the Newgard ecupied by Jacob Shank been rented and occupied by Mr. Ruhl who had resided on the ridge road on Wednesday ene tl = rene. PLEASANT VIEW Lancaster and York Fairs been the subject the past week. Jack Frost not away. Mr home The vacant 1 property once has have is so many miles Arthur Kiefer on Saturday country Jake at the summer. Mr. and Mrs Harrig are the new employees at the C, S. farm. Mr. Jacob Meckley is doing car- penter work about the P. V. and C. S. farms, left after GS for his being a farm this Church tended bold of speakers, Jakie Shearer secured a new hired man on Monday. Now things wil) hum. Mr. J. L. R. Hostetter visited at his home at Lawn on Sunday, his father being seriously ill with ty- phoid fever. Mrs. C. at Risser’s was largely at- on Sunday. Rev, Jesse Har- York, being one of the P. Eshleman has gone to her home at Donerville, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Eshleman and daughter Ada visited across the hills on Sunday What is with the young fellow who is dumb enough to try and make people believe he went to California and back in one day, aud the fare was $2.00. Some wheels loose or buttons off, “Dutch” Greiner visited in the I1.P. Eshleman home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Risser enter- tained quite a few at dinner on Sun- day. The wrong thieves who operated in this section last week also stole a large box of home-made soap, which was not missed until the cook went to get a piece and there wag none there. = eee A Qn MARIETTA Schools Here Will be Closed on Thursday, Oct. 21 Thursday morning more than 125 men of Pioneer Fire Company, No. 1 of Marietta, under the direction of the president, C. Penrose Hipple, left for the big parade in Philadelphia, accompanied by the Marietta band. The regular meeting of the Mari- etta School Board was held on Tues- day evening with all the members present, Mr. Shillow. Presi- dent Mueller presided. Bills aggre- gating over $300 were ordered paid. The principal wag present and made a report. The Board decided to close the schools on Thursday, October 21, at 11 a. m., when the County Sun- day School Convention meets in Marietta. re err A The Lititz Record Says So Editors are like chickens because they have te scratch for a living. except of | gation greet- of | {ited | tained on Sunday, man daughter children | Mohn of Salunga, | | closed its first month Fi | | | News Gathered by Our Able Corps of Wide! Awake Country Corresponnents SPORTING HILL Report of Our Local School for the First Month Chestnut parties ale a fiequent oc- currence. The mornings cause ans to step briskly. | The Abraham Bradley property| | | pedegir: cool was sold to D. B. Wolgemuth at public Tuesday. . Every farmer busy with fall work. He winter come before he is ready. Mr. and Mrs. B. tained the latter's Mrs, Harmon, Sunday. Mrs, Anna Smith of he; Mr drew Vogel on Sunday Daniel Hope, J beginning of and Mrs Lou sale last hig wid | | is fears Herr enter- parents, Mr. and | on Columbia, and Mrs vis- parents, An- | of in | fine farmer streets with L.ehman, the week Mr. was on the » apples potatoes. Mr. and and ug visit- | Mrs. | Martin Horst were Sunday Mr. Cherry Wesley Mr daughter Mr. and Hill. Shenk enter- | and Mrs. Her-| Stella of Mrs. Eli| home of Gruber at Mr. and Mrs Hershey Elstonville Hershey. Mr, and Mrs. and and and Cc. B Rachel, we Mrs. Mackley Mackley ente and tained Mr. teachers re Mr. and Levi Fissel. Mrs. several by and here Mr. and entertained Mr. were years ago, Mrs. Joseph Wickenheise! the following on Mrs. F Miss Marguerite Mc- Manheim, Mr. and Mrs p. | Mr. and Mrs. Ross | and. Mr. H. 'C. of and Mr. and Mrs. Lehman | Merrill. School Report | The Sporting Hill Secondary sc toc] iday, Oct. 5 Attendance, Males 13, Females, total 24; Average attendance, witout 11, 10, Total 21; of attendance, Males 97, total 92, The pupils rank A Class—Ray Sun- | day: and rank Long and and Cloud of Simm Lancaster ms oDl f Females Per cent | 86, Females | as follows: Hershey, Clarence | Weaver, Samuel Derr, Roy Nissley,| Anna Kauffman, Dorothea Lefevre, Paul Sumpman, Ralph Kauffman. B Class—Eva Shelley, Kathryn Sheaffer, Mary Haldeman, Oscar Roh- rer. C Class—Helen Kauffman, Frankhouser, Harvey Weaver, Viola Zellars, Alvin Shelley, Abram Zel- Walter Gibble, Sallie Wenrich, Minnie Wenrich, Fannie Foose, Ray- mond Williams, Harry Miller. J. Avery Engle, Teacher Third Grade—Elizabeth Anna Nissley, Paul Weidman, Alic? Cover, Pauline Crull, Edna Shelley, Lloyd Brandt, Guy Rohrer, Arville Brandt, Ivan Rohrer. Second Grade—Martha Zellars, Es- ther Newgard, Charles Weidman, Paul Rohrer, Elizabeth Crull, Eben Herr, Walter Bradley, Emanuel Shaf- fer, First Grade—Katherine Nis8ley, Miriam Fahnestock, Helen Herr, Te- resa Luttman, Benjamin Miller, Roy Zellars, John Rohrer, Beginners—John Meisenberger, An- na Sprenger, Martha Shenk, Raymond Rohrer, John Herr, Earl Bradley, Lillie Bender. Visitors—Misses Helen and Marion Stauffer, Minnie Herr, Mildred Mil- ler, Zelma Brandt, Edith Nissley, Grace Zellars, Master Rufus Zellars and Master Harold Deglar. Grace A. Holland, Teacher BR — ELM that is being built at the Hotel Penn is about com- pleted. It is a very strong as well as capacious one and will be open for accommodation to comers and goers in the near future. The C. B. Kaffman carpenter gang did the work. Mr. S. K. Bomberger has started to make an improvement on his house by making a new porch. Mr. John M. Bomberger attended a party at Kleinfelterville on Satur. day night. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Graybill visited Rev. Linn. Longenecker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diehm vigited | in the family of Mr. Enos Keller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel W. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry son, John on Sunday. { Messrs. Amos and John Sensenig, | Lloyd Bomberger and Sanford Lan-, dis visited Mr. Jno. M. Bomberger on Sunday. The following were visitors in the Abram Balmer family: Samuel High and family, Monroe Longenecker and | family and Mr. Bingeman and son. | Mr. Adam Diehm will vacate Mr. | EE. M. Diehm’s house in the mear fu- ture and oeccuny ome of the well residences, whete, Mr. emploved. Mary ers, Lefever, The new shed Diehm | Singer and | visited friendg at Denver | = MT. JOY, PA. | Zopyrigh® Hart Schaffnc ; Is ay Wednesday, October 13, 1915, We Give JH “Dress Up” This National r & Marx We Give J=#. Stamps “Trade Up’ Stamps “Dress Up” Spirit is taking the country by storm. You should help the others by dressing up, and inspire them to dress up. Whenever a man sees another man “drest up”, he gets that same feeling you had and thinks about his clothes,-- which is the principal of this much her- alded “Dress-Up” week. We have provided liberally for your wants and it rests with you, to come and look at the wonderful assortments wg have gathered together for you, in Clothing Shoes Hats Shirts Sweaters Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc. Our policy is to have you satisfied with every article that you buy here and you are as welcome to return mer- chandise, as you are to purchase. GETZ BROS, MOUNT JOY Reduction Sale — Every Thursday of Each Week On The Following Articles Cheese, per lb, Lititz Pretzels 12¢ a lb. now....10¢ American Pretzels 10c a 8c Post Toasties 10c a pack, now... 9c Corn Flakes 10c a % now.... 9¢ Peas 8c a can, Now. sessvesios Bb Stockings, per Pr. .....cecceee «330 Six Rolls of Toilet Paper tore 2% Cakes 13¢ a pound, now .10c Six Pleces cf Sunny M. Soap....28¢ Six Pieces of P. and G. Soap....28¢ Six Pieces of Fels Naphtha Soap.28c Peanut Butter 10¢, NOW.......... 9¢ Cakes 12¢, now Tomatoes 10c¢, now Wagner's Pork & Peang 10¢, now 9c Campbell’s Pork & Beans 10¢, now 9c Ohio Matches 6c Boxes Oysters from Saturday on, by the quart, fries and stews. We do not sell less cheese than one pound at that price. Don’t for get the day and date. W. D. Easton Opposite School House, Mt. Joy, Pa. Automobiles lasured for $1.00 Per Hundred Dollars Insurance The Chas. H. Zeller INSURANCE AGENCY Opposite Post Office Henry G. Carpenter Mt. Joy, Pa. crsve cases ssssians 30! Elgin Watches SilveroidCases 5.00 Fully Guaranteed HOTEL MCGINNIS ™™""" MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Restaurant and Lunch Bar OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE CLAMS IN ANY STYLE | DEVIL CRABS TURTLE SOUPS Infact everything in seascm. Private Dining Room for Ladies. 110 EE D0 0 |F WW. MoGrinnis. | PROPRIETOR = FOR SALES PURCHASE OR EXCHANGES | ANYTHINC Whatoo roo ware 10 sor: OUR SERVICE ————— Keystone Service Box 497 | LANCASTER, PA. see} NOTICE The Chas. H. Zeller Insurance Agency Henry H. Carpenter, Manager. ARE THE SUCCESSORS TO Chas. H. Zeller All matters formerly in charge of the late Chas. H. Zeller, will be| attended to at their office, OPPO. SITE THE POST OFFICE 0 AA E11 1 0 1 Gold Filled Expansion Bracelet Watches $5.50 & Up Don W. Gorrecht (Near Bowman's Store) | MOUNT JOY, PA. PO Krall Meat Market I always have on hand aaythingia the ine of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Bte. Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork anf Mutton, Prices always right, BRING YOUR BEST GIRL TO THE SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK You can see more in New York in one week than any place in the SHR world, but you must know how. 2) We furnish the “ENOW HOW” One full week of “Sight Seeing” § will show you everything worth kl while in the big city. $45.00 covers hotel accomodations, cost of sight seeing trips, theaters, roof gardens, etc. We even bey all your carfare around the city. Write for booklet A “Seeing New York At Minimum Cost.” T. E. TOLSON, Dexall yspepsia Tablets ill Relieve Your Indigestion E. W. Garber. ! , Hotel Bristol, New yee City. GARDEN HATH H. H. KRALL West Main Street, MOUNT oY, P. Bel] Telephone. YOU WILL BOTH ENJOY THE BYENING BETTER Stop, Read and Think 000 ELLE ®X 9) 4 ©) © © © ©) We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICES IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. Don’t see us before ing your Spr this year. . STILL, Jr. ' 244 oT, Bldg. Lancaster, Pa. | i LICENSED BROKER | Read the ! ie | Subscribe ; i