| Wednesday, October 6, 1915. PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY MARKETS ESES, DOr d0Z....v.ovenrvissrasss 26c| wir Jno. W. Geib and family visit Brandt & Stehman . | ed in the Allen R. Gibble home Sun- | These Prices Prevail in This Place | : 86 4 Stenman, Pay s1.00| 40 | heat, per DU.....covveevennes ai f on Market Youay Corn, Per DU.....:.csessenevrases 82¢ Mr. Jno. W. Geib made a business Oals, ‘Per DUi.\:-crsrsessenersess g5¢ Spin to Elizabethtown, Saturday af-| A” Srgwith 1s Spree a Bat of Brandt & Steh oll: ernoon and upon his return home re- By market Town M 4 dul or Bra r eat mam: 8els $1.40 ceived a ‘phone call stating that Mrs. | e n, pe EE F. S. Shenk’s horse took colic and! jer, at the Mt. Joy Market Houas Shipstuff, per Rumdred .........888 ain dt : 3 : Mixed feed, per RURATOR. og Mg or better. Call quick if interested. ome a corer lot, excellent location, kes a 23 story frame double house, .,.) sheds, etc. Good well in the! fine residential surroundings, tront. 3 rooms on each side with hot and (,.3. also cistern; all concrete NO. 16 350, I FL of modern build, Bew ing on a good street, light, gas and old Water, harm, dE 9s. walks and porch, big front porch, Here is one of the ny Pe 99x28 feet, chicken water privileges; natural drainage, iry ee ie iad 3 g ep a1 bulldings in excellent repair, FINE HOME finest and most mod- house, etc, have connection with away from buildings; no more de- pois 1 SAG Touts or $11, re Be dry cellar, fine fences, an abundance IN FLORIN ern homes in the vil- Florin reservoir, fine young peach sirable location in the town on: Aa ®t ry Ons o: or re ch’ ¢rnit; a fine home for any one; lage of Florin. A lot fronting 49 orchard in Dearing condition, all rents for $20, suitable for orses enient to schools, churches, ete. feet on the east side of Main street kinds of fruit, large strawberry township, patch, ete. Land in scod ~cultiva- which to build. The price is very a 1 k a a and wagons or would make a fine 83° 15 easily be converted into build- in Florin, Bast Donegal extending in depth 225 feet to a tion and no more desirable truck syle. -age, an abundance of fruit, all con- NO. 4 sreto walks and pavement, property ing lots if desired. Price will aston- nd = ¢ A beautiful 23 StOrY iz loeated in the finest residential Sh You pubs A a Story Dove frame farm around here than this. Trolley TOWN frame house im Moun! ection in the town; will sell lot NO. 13 ge Mh ph Onges Suh o line passes rear of land. Wi gel +: month side 40x155 separate if de- A fine ‘building lot light, hydrant Sater, ote. Big ORL 3 3 inn ay re Je ling nrove eo 16 Pe” py|LDING fronting 54 feet on New porch, side porch and balcony and 2a interest on investment by trucking. rice 1 offer. : 24 LOT street, Moumt JOY, and back porch, frame stable 20x26 ft., end is in fine condition, large ft “ome look it over. extending in depth of that width carriage house 8x12 ft, garage Price right. porch and balcony, 9 ei ath, NO. 10 180 feet. Hydrant water on premis- 12x20 ft.; garage, stable, pavement eic, papered thruout, frame I have a tract of land es; lot is developed, having fine and all walks are conciete. All the stable with room for 9 horses, Wag- ~ACTORY fronting om the P. R. R shade trees, some fruit, ete. Pleas- buildings have slate roofs, and there om shed, lot of fruit, Bower Joes SITE siding in Mt Joy 107 | antly located, good drainage and lo- is a fine lawn, garden, fruit, etc.; a MANSION ocation, © side and cated in a very good residential | 126 bbL cistern. All the buildings DWELLING listed. PROPERTY Joy, along trolley line, eorner lot 538x168 feel, house Was sired. 1 can easily completely remodeled 3 years 28) sent investment at the.D NO. 19 APARTMENT ment house, tin roof, has good drainage, would make a An 85 acre farm HOUSE papered thruout, wa- capital location for any kind of an AN 85 of exceptionally good NO. 17 ter, gas, etc., on a corner lot 50x180 industry, will sell for any purpose ,cop FARM limestone land feet, near Union National but would much prefer an industry, ...; ajong the ike leading. from Main St, Mount Joy, property in price will astonish vou for this Middletown to Hummelstown, The owner does not need the =... “jo ween and only 23 miles | ing 83 acres, more or less. HIGH GRADE The will astonish you. [114 ACRE township, 2 miles north lose inti fod : : NO. 6 | FARM of Elizabethtown, a good © vears ago, 2 hog pens, chicken close proximity. The soil is lime-|{sale and will astonish you. ¢ house, bake house, wood hcuse and stone and ironstone and is adapted | ve two fine building . : | ivati Iha 0 | 114-acre farm, of sand land; 23 DONS tbulidings. Land is divided to the cultivation of tobacco, pota- toes, wheat and corn. A fine stream NO. 20 Lot of LOTS fronting on the north oom frame summer house attached; gide of Detwiler Avenue, & 40 ft. hank barn 40x70 ft, corn barn, hog street and extending to a 14ft. alley jen tobacco shed 36x50 all under | chard if n abundance of gins fa the rear, drainage toward rear, 2 cellar with stripping room onlyifruit; land is In a very Jie ® fen thousand ; en t dollar school house, at! fine location for puilding and a built few years ago; spring nouse, | of Satna IS. 2s gue Jug remand an angle of sixty feet wide street, | £ has recently been scompleted. Buila- an alley. erboarded Just 2 few vears ago. ‘| | will show von the farm. ED re nere Ia Gn«OppoOL- frame double house, Bell and Indepengd Car Phones F.ast Main Street Here is one of the fin- est properties 1 have It is the A. S. within were only erected within the past! Flowers property and is situated in = d@rainage, very desirable ; * | test, 147 feet deep at on ip gg Bg llc TeaSOR 39 deep st Deer 145 foot front on section. Trolley cars stop rere : e alley in rear, located in almost the 100 yards. Will be sold very reagon- Six years and are in most excellent ' (he borough of Mount Joy, fronting NO. 6 septer of the town, gas, water, and able. shape. There isn’t a finer home in 30 feet on the north side of Mari- A 18room frame apart | electric privileges Very close, land NO. 14 Florin. Will be sold right. |etta street and extending to and > fronting 68 feet 6 inches on the south side of Donegal Street, with a sit- A high-grade two-story frame dwelling 24x48 feet, Lebanon CoO. containing eight rooms, bay window, just, LEBANON CO. FARM farm contain reception hall, bath oom, laundry, food cellar, cold storage, steam heat, and water. The plot contains NO. 8 A lot 40x200 om Main Running spring water from house DOUBLE street, Florin, Mt Joy to barn Geveral other springs on NO. 15 tunity to make money. This farm ered thruout; good frame stable; HOUSE p, corner lot, pub farm. Land a good producer of to-| i have a 5 He alley on gide and rear, 2% story bacco, corn, wheat, hay, etc. AR 12 ACRE truck farm of 1% miles of Hershey and in the famous repair. Price is only cheap thing with summer abundance of all kinds of fruit, es- | TRUCK FARM acres of the best’ “milk belt” High tension power about this sale. Oily. .... $1900.00 NO, E. SCHROLL, REAL ESTATE BROKE Mount Joy, Penna. 1hroughly advertising your property gets or sell, see me on either phone; I'll do the rest NO. 21 West Lancaster. Building lots, This Lot of ground front is on the Lincoln Highway, On fit BRICK HOUSE ing 40 ft. on Mar- are two good houses, one barn, IN FLORIN ket street, in Flor- Wo large tobacco sheds, one office in, Mt, Joy township, and extending building, all improved and in best in depth 200 ft. to an alley, 2%- of repair. City water, electric story brick house with 7 rooms; light, steam heat, five-cent car fare brick summer house attached, all from the city. This is one of the under slate roof; two good cisterns, fastest growing places in value in hog sty, an abundance of fruit and the county. From 200 to 500 auto property is in excellent repair. mobiles pass the house a day. Om Here's a property worth the money. the farm are over 1,000 fruit trees— It’s yours for only ......... $1600.00 Peach 600; cherries, apples, 300; quince and plum, and large patches of strawberries, blackberries, rasp- NO. 22 and about 500 A lot of ground berries, asparagus, A VERY fronting 40 feet on Stape vines, CHEAP HOME Market street, Flor- Here is a good chance for a in, Mt. Joy township, with a 13 Young man who wants an up-to-date story frame house containing five fruit farm or poultry farm, or cam rooms, coal shed and outbuildings. easily be made up into building lots. Here is a property that will make a{ This farm can be bought as a whole cood cheap home for some one. oF will divide to suit purchaser for Will sell Nos. 21 and 22 as a whole bungalow sites. Come and let me for only $2000 or will sell No. 22 show you this fine farm. fOr. ie eee, $500.00 / NO, 23 NO. 20 Lot of ground froat Here's a lot fronting 64 : MANSION ft. on the south side of MANSION ne oe ue sou gids "HOUSE West Donegal St, ML |Mus. Chas. H tatty Tue the Joy, and extending in depth 170’ room mansion EE Io feet with a 23 story frame mansion ft, porch on north and biti ea dwelling containing 8 1ooms, large house has all improvements such : stationary range, fine heating sys-| hot water heat, electric Po 3 tem, gas, entire interior modern in fixtures, up-to-date bath room; wo every respect and neatly papered, papered thruout, house go n complete bath room outfit, warm paint both on interior and oo : and cold cellars, one has cement large frame stable, chicken Be o floor, fine concrete walks and pave- carriage house; an na ment, front and side porches, chick-| young fruit trees, new cistern, et en house and an abundance of all Located in center of Mt J § : kinds of fruit. This property must close to P. R. R depot x ye be inspected to be appreciated. close to trolley that it is od by There isn’t a more beautiful loca- as a waiting ‘room and express Sot tion in the town. Only 100 yards fice, Price is very reasonable fo: : from troley. House was built of ali proverty of this kind Te first-class material, Listen to the : ; repair, painted one year ago, tract. very beautiful lawn, fruit, Food MS money sud It gola for infoattia pov to either town, large modern stone | buildings consist of a colonial two 52S fry cellar. This isa capt } poses, en Te hay mansion and summer house arrang and one-half story brick farm house, about 9000 square feet planted with Ment as 11 {8 nOV gi tt x low fefe of interes. ed for two families, has two baths in the centre of the town of Camp the choicest fruit. This is an ideal price .....ceecceeiceraennn. $3,000.00% NO. 27 families. WII bea: eh Price NO. 11 and other conveniences, good well | belltown, fronting along the Horse- mansion dwelling, in the residential Lot of ground on West tion. Immediate possession. Situated in Mount Joyio! water and 2 cisterns, one with a shoe Turnpike. A large bank bara section of the town, along trolley NO. 24 COACH Main St. Mt. Joy, the filter. large barn built entirely new and necessary outbuildings are In' line. Price is made for a quick I have a building lot, WORKS Wm. H ' Schuttee coach BUILDING fronting 60 ft. om the works. lot fronts "100 feet on rn : LoT south side of West Domn- St. and extends 150 feet deep to egal St., Mt. Joy, in the residential the P. R. R. siding, extending alon section, several $6000 and upward said siding 100 feet, 2-story asin BUILDING lots, each 40x197 feet, story brick 10-room house with 3- tng elds. A lot of locust growth | nto elds. A lot o us fro 1 , -onti of running water on the premifes.| LomE IN 40 ft Sl en mansions as neighbors, lot is 170 coach ' works 40x58 ft with slat . A ’ odin S$ <0 with slate feet d I t deep and nicely graded, a fine rcof, blacksmith shop attached; readv to cut; exceptional apple eor- tat hn b his tract has been carved a| EL ORIN Flori : lan for a “new” Campbellt : { orin, Mt. Joy township or : okey 3 p a pbelltown. Aj. ; extending in depth 200 ft. to SE a or lala SJong pe buildings only built 8 years ago and . Imost y number of the best material, ’ other half of Corner property and a very desirable location 3 story 10x feet one desires. Take what you it is trucked; will sell entire coach : 3 story want at $15 a foot or if emtire lot Wo'ks with equipment very low as’ paving investment for farming at| oc. py pouse, etc. All buildings very Im will make light eon- price they are offe: good. Barn was roofed and weath- Ne Biss A ee Li 1 ing lots are in demand and com- frame house, slate roof, six rooms.'is desired 1 ; red. ¢ sting, mand good prices. If the purchaser Tgoy frame summer house With ceggion. This lot adjoins No. 13 a fine Jocatt ee the low slate roof, good cistern, house pap- . . ner location in town for ar- pap age than this building; old on NO. 25 FARM Columbia pike, opposite vou. dandy | ig located within three and one-half all buildings and fences in excellent About 19 acres. One mil po, anon A ee Ye : bo 9 acres. le r an industry as it has si y . A FINE west of Lancaster, on the ileges. Get busy if a Le vel noc Jos was Mr. hou mal dow floo kis was was whe tain low in t Hi St. . M farm from Sinc the town To publi neve on th and until peries and aste) The vert he | eC!