The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 29, 1915, Image 7

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Wednesday, September 29, 1915.



ous g'funna as de bOXx wo aer om
Donnershdawg fergrauva hut lussa,
is fun ra Baim Nussery komma in
der West un war full baim! Un de
baim warra yetz im granb uf der
cemetary. Un der Bulhoka hut der
saiga drivver g’sprucha! Ivver de
Wag war tzu du?
is tzum Porra un hut g'wunnert ub
aer si breddig nuch a mul du wut,
odder ub aer 'n onnery breddig du
wut, oder we?
“Ich denk,” hut der Porra g’sawd,
ae leicht is g’noonk for der San. Du
besser graubsht di box ful baim wid-
der rous, un doosht de onner rau-box
on era blotz in’s graubluch.
Der oldt Hunnamul hut 'm Porra
si rote g'numma. Aer hut de dri Ob-
badeldoc boova g’dinkt om a dawler
un a holva shtick, for 'm helfa de
aint box brivate si sulla awver es is
rum gabloudert woOrra un es waura
widder sheer fee] leit tzomma
g'luffa as we es mohl dafore. Dail
hen g’maint es dait g'soocht warra
for ’s hondtuch sel hut se gabrucht.
Es haist now shun de Frany dait
hol widder heira ains fun da Obba-
deldoc boova der elsht der Chorch!
EEE ho A P P
Corn-cutting ig the next
muscular activity.
Cyrus Evans and his bunch are
filling silos over near the sunny
banks of the Susquehanna,
Revs. Kaylor and Brubaker con-
ducted services at the Rheems
church on Sunday evening.
Quite a lot of tobacco to be housed
yet, and a rusty lot of it has been
housed and we only know it.
Harvey Ebersole, wife and family,
of Bender's Mill, were visitors at the
home of Joseph Smith and family on
A Sunday School convention under
the auspices of the Church of the
Brethren was held in their church at
Florin on Sunday.
We congratulate our friend Ross
Neideigh in being a happy father of
two bouncing baby boys, who put in
their appearance in this neutral na-
tion of milk and honey on Friday
Your correspondent was doing the
grand last week up in Jake Shearer's
tobacco patch, located near Bain-
bridge. Jake is a hale, hearty fellow
well met and we are. willing any
time to substantiate the fact.
That genial old friend of ours
"Squire Grosh, who is monarch of all
he surveys, over in the picturesque
little town of Milton Grove, was
shaking hands with us last week
down on 58th street, and our conver-
sation became so interesting that his
car dashed by, causing a hasty stam-
pede by his excellency to reach it as
it slowed up to accommodate him
on his pilgrimage to the Masonic
City of Elizabethtown.
rm AA Ass nme
Mr. Wm. Kolp has gone to Altoona,
Corn cutting is in progress in this
new auto.
Mr. C P.
at Donerville.
Mr. J. L. R. Hostetter spent Sun-
day with his brother.
Mr. Charlie Baker spent Sunday in
the home of E. P. Eshleman.
Der Hunnamul
John Eshleman purchased a
Eshlman spent Sunday


_- Farmers Column
What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
Say This Week
: pd Ahh A
RT . y I :
hb “Wi ( ) 3 Keep the Hog Lot ina Sanitary Con-
-— vi > vil dition—The Cultivation of the Or-
’ hard—The Plantin of the Or
Fiday and Safurda c Planting
ww ~ a chard—Live Stock Notes
r Keep your pigs inside during a
rain storm.
Keep the best ewe lambs to reen-
force the flock.
Lambg will begin to eat grain at
We're going to have all the candy lovers in town eat these SOIL tWO. We gd ¥ ~
delicious PURE CREAM CARAMELS and if you don’t agree that Protect your farm from ho
they're the most delightful flavored and satisfying caramel you've cholera by keeping it clean 2
n 5 ;
ever bought at the price, you cam have your money back Do not allow any check in the
Here are the flavors—Vanilla Nougat, Chocolate Peanut, Van- growth of your pigs.
illa Walnut, Chocolate Marshmallow, Vanilla, Chocolate Nougat, A pig will always keep its bed
Strawberry Pistachio Nut. ONLY 39¢ A POUND. clean if it has any chance at all. Well, yetz is der San Levergush
: : i The 300 pound pig at eight month |aw fergrauva. Waesht are war shun
Our Candy Special This Week Is Cadet Milk I MARIETTE Of Lod cont a wile nimmy dalame. uo Bot shes
. Chocolate Cooked Strawberry Creams How about an alfalfa pasture with [Sex yohr nimmy g’housed mit sinera
They have centres of delicious strawberry flavored cream, coat- Thode and fresh water for your |fraw, de Frany Levergush.
; ed with smooth, rich MILK CHOCOLATE. It is difficult to im- hogs? De Frany hut shun long en shady-
2 agine anything more tempting or more satisfying, We offer as a The sanitary concrete hog wallow | brief greega wulla awver se hut’s
special this week to show you how delightful our milk choco has found a permanent place on|gelt net ghot for'n Lawyer tzu din-
late coated line is, and to prove that our candy department will many farms. ga. Se secht es waer feel easier
always be In the lead in offering unusual values. Watch for our The essential point in using pure-|®" OB fa GLOSER. 79 V's ener lise
opular weekly specials—changed every week, bred draft mares on the farm is in-| ‘4 Warra! 'Me Porra dem gebt m'r
pop! y ; was aem si guter willa is, usht net
They are 50c value, but this week We are offering a pound teligent management. WOLDISET 20n: dawler ode teas. ua
of these delicious milk chocolate eoated Strawberry Creams for It is a good thing to allow all the note 'marsht won de culpering ‘bis-
only 3Q¢ a pound. exercise and fresh air possible to the ness mul ferbye is. Awver ’n Law-
mares that are with foal. :
yer secht ar wut tzaea dawler hov-
Relief from attacks by flies may |v. t :
; a, un note mug m’r nuch es bawr
be brought to live stock on the farm gelt gevva, ferna nous, ag we evva
e exa ore by the use of ies, The following |aw dail onnery shtadt hond warrk-
spray is suggested in extension bul- sleit un so!
letin No. 43 on “Flies ang Their Con-
2 Awver yetz brauch de Frany ken
E. W. GARBER, Propr. oy NL Was entomolo- | 41a 4y brief, un brauch aw ken Law-
wil Innesota college of agri- yer, un nemond shunst, ferna nous
M ° S t M t J i H 2 res parts of fish oll and |(popawis Der Porra Bulhoka hut es
ast am oy oun oy ° ® part kerosene,’ The spraying is qi, fartig gamacht gshwishich em
done with a knapsack sprayer, and | gan un der Frany. Aer nemmt wid-
it takes only two or three minutes :
der was der Frany era guter willa
to spray a steer or horse. The spray is, un macht kae price.
2Dpears to kiep off all flies or two Se hen der San dote hame ga
days. A .
Eo a ; : ._|brucht fum Fakir Harspittle in der
Are You Undecided mana is og in genis West. Se sawga de Hummy bawdy
Loin 8 concormilig € Proper dis-|qyckter in de West hetta gsawd aer
Where to buy your bill of bert? | tance between trees In an orchard. hei ken appenderseetix, awver aer
If so, all you have to do fs to leok | It has been recommended by certain kent ’s mul greega won se selle glae
at the prices we are quoting for uninformed nurserymen that trees be enkeidel obweiser-daur'm net rous
Tired dahon > or apart each |shneida ous si'm bouch rous.
HIGH GRADE LUMBER 2y,: Whereas they: should be: 35to| '‘Henyal) so we se sawga, hen se
40 feet apart. If planted too close, gobberate, un hen der San fershnid-
as well as everything that isineluded | they cannot be cultivated or sprayed da des is se hen der obweiser ous’m
— in building, for interior er exterior | © 800d advantage. The limbs grow | g'numma, un note hut aer nuch dr
. . work, froth (he Tiler 18 Sour upright, and make picking difficult. dawg galebt. De obberagshun war
» hy “A Cention: 6.486 nl Porfhemore shaded portions of the sucksessful gawest, un won aer net
il o& oundation Shingles ¥OUr | tree will not set a normal crop. The i
gg ; - gshtorwa waer don het aer widder
wr roof. horticultural department of the Ne-|'n g’'sunder mon gevva kenna. Aw-
urt braska Agricultural college says that ver ’'s is f'leicht usht so goot so.
2 J. N. HERSHEY [iors nis, mo eo
hy a s ferent trees are as follows: Cherries |selwer. Dail leit saw e ckter
ga de duckte
She Dealer In od chen 20 feet; and apples, 30 hetta ’'n doat gamacht, awver eg war-
n . = 0 eet except Whitney crab and |ri evva feel g’sawd fun da duckter.
ns = Coal Lumber Grrain, Duchess and other upright varieties, | Uf course fel dafu is aw wohr, Bs
eal y J which may be planted but 5 feet |hut aw shwartzy shoaf unnich ’na,
5 FEED, HAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER |apart. as we evva aw unnich da Congress
Life in fruit trees, as in every- | leit, un unnieh d d 1
large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cagh price paid for| or 9s hn wnnich dh porra nh Aa. plum.
Jb A x tly ‘role thing else, comes from within. The mers un all denna hoacha. So is es
ad tree must draw its vitality from the |evva.
ara Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty soil through the roots. The soil must| Awver dail fun da duckter sin aw
oon be fed in various ways to produce |lobbig un tzu fergessliz. Dail ferges-
FLORIN, PENNA. healthy trees and good fruit, but | sa nix se hen nuch nee nix g'wisst,
without cultivation all of this work (awver se sawga der duckter im |
ees a = ho like throwing WOney away, says |Fakir Harspittle in der West. het 'n
rl ; . . . the Farm Life, “Cultivation unlocks | handtuch im San si'm bouch shtecka
Re- Dip Y( ) 11 Jai S the real treasure vaultg of the soil.” | 2’lusst we aer ’n tzn g’naed hut, un |
ry Many disagree as to when ang how |as dait nuch drin shtecka! Sel, |
AS} ° PAROWAX to cultivate, but nearly all orchard-|secht der oldt duckter Isabaurt do,
i% in ists believe in cultivation part of thease si doat gawesst, Sel handtuch!
oon . time at least. Orchard work is about {Sel hut 'm der brondt in der leib |
OB6 to keep out air and mold. Wik to assume a new prominence in the | gamacht, un for der brondt im leib, |
A DN Pe Les east, if the signs of the times are |boddiz won ’n handtuch derbi fs, |
out in the Winte ali 3 ; teat av. Vavaer Ee TO SITY i ’
ew you putin $h the Spring OF Fall, a At fault. The application of ex | Waer ken Yevout gawoxa. Even ’s
ran absolutely unchanged. If fruits snsive methods to eastern orchards | braucha daet nix botta
wed are worth preserving, they are will produce highly satisfactory and| Henyah, sé hen der San dote hame
worth preserving well. Fourbig | profitable results, ag already proven |eabrucht in ra rawadand uf 'm rig-
the cakes of Parowax (pure, refined in numerous instances. The secret of | clewaee Der oldt Hunnamul Lever-
DW- paraffine), 10 cents, everywhere. all secrets in successful orchard | gush, 'm San si dawdy, daer hut ’n |
work is thorough cultivation of the | *pateh grickt fum rigelewaeg, ag aer
The Atlantic Refining Company soll i 2
0 S01, {sut en rau-a box hola om frait tepo,
Never wait until your hogs begin | as gatrest waer ihm, un aer sut on |
» | getting sick before you begin to clean | dr tepo eae dafore. Aer hut
up and improve the sanitary condi-|’nuch ’n ’pateh grickt as der
rig tion of their quarters. In this mat-|shun dri dawe doat waer un aer dait |
ph- ter an ounce of prevention is worth |hame g’shickt warra on der frait | Dé
id more than a pound of cure, The plan |tepo in Hawsa Barrick
if - should be to prevent by cleanliness,| Em I i h is aer he, un, |
PEPPPPPtbbdddededdob diode dood fododofoofofoioduioddodosidododouodoododd | 0 oo Ea Hs : SRE
of fd dh hdd i BRR eae ee good sanitation and plenty of pure, {shure ganunk, dart wore de box. Se
i @ ° i fresh water. your hogg from getting |hen de leicht g’shtelt for Donnersh- |
h 4 Automobile Men Listen ¥ | sick, and it can be done by the | dawgs, weil se g'farricht hen m'r |
. | proner Ii f tre: ant live Vv | ke ’ 1et lenger holdta bv dem |
8 ® I proper kind of treatment. Give your |kennt 'n n nger holdt: y dem |
ds, 3 We have opened a first-class Garage and Repair Shop in the < hogs pleniy of clean pasture where (haesa wedder, un weil der Hunna- |
ns. ¥ M. B Hiestand Building on Marietta Street, Mount Joy, where there are no longer hog disease |mul on’n'geil’s fendoo hut wulle Fri- |
of $ we are prepared to do germs in the soil, and provide clean, |dawgs. Un Somshdawgs war de
tie, < wholesome food; scald, disinfect and |picnic drivva in der Hickerniss Val-
or $ f WwW
& : : clean the troughs and swill barrels |ley.
or & > :
the $ All Kinds o Repair ork while the hogs have good health,| Se hen g'farr’cht de lawd uf tzu
2 . . . . : and don’t wait until they are sick to |macha un hen’s awver tzu der Frany
= 1 Rebuilding, Repainting, Remodeling begin it. This should be done fre- g’'lusst.
“y Etc. All work must be satisfactory and you will find our charges quently during warm weather es-| «py; braucht ’n net uf macha for
G ye very reasonable, pecially. And above all things, don’t | nich. Ich farlong en nimmy tzu
tee 3 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FORD PARTS. compel your hogs to lie in their own |gaena. fen hob ’'n uft g'nunk g’saena!
J r - , ,
r § AGENTS FOR THE WELL KNOWN FIRESTONE TIRES el ay Sue Th, ton that Joa” |Aer war ‘n baser ferfucht ‘mer book-
>. Gd 1 i trial p10. 4 breecs isease. €an | or! We g'shwinder ag aer fergawva
: We will be p to have you give us a quarters, clean food, clean water, is un tzu gadeckt, we DoSsept™ Se
wn % pure air are the best preventatives hut si fr ~ F d
& against hog cholera. Un : 3
& so is es gadu worra. Se hen
i 2 MARIETTA ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. TT MSW. awver 'n leicht g'holdta un es wawra
: GREAT BOXING SHOW markwardig feel mensha dort. O,
a. Johnny Howard, who meets Houck |yaw! De Hardshell Karr’ech war
ood WILL OLLOOOOOOOOO00OOO0OOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOOOONCN at Rocky Springs Thursday night, gong full. Un der Bulhoka hut ivver-
* A m | has had two draws with Jack Dillon |ous gabreddigt. Awver so’s maensht
ose : od A d ® | and one with Mike Gibbons and has |ous 'm olda gabund, un aer hut der
__—" . e re Rea on RQ | defeated Bob Moha, Sailor Grande, |San ivverdemose g'loabt., O, as hen
mak r a ® | Buck Crouse, Jack Twin Sullivan, | feel leit draina fergussa, un dail hen
er, Fall--BARE YOU v ® | Jack Hanlon, Young Farmer, Jack [loud gheilt, ebgs pt de Frany. Der
1 4 > x Driscoll, Larry Williams, Billy Grupp, |oldt Hunnamul hut gsawd em dish,
als : This Store is fairly brimming over with bright, fresh, new Fall @ |and others. This easily shows his|as aer het net gawist as si boo so’
® Stocks of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets and Furniture; five large @& |cClass and he thinks he can whip [ shmarter mon gawest waer, un de
r. B® floors of them; al] ready for your choosing. x Houck. Frany hut g’'maent won aer fardles
ie > 1s your home ready for Fall? This is the time to refurnish Avior a lot. of trouble, Johnny|so ’'n Karl gaVest war don Xaers se
B that room, or add a piece here and there throughout the house to @ |%'eier and Tim Droney have been |'ne net fun a noner Yomitnal
oo R make it more cozy. ® | matched for their first meeting.| “For leega uf der consul,” hut de
se Our modern delivery, low operating expense ang Hiezbeniive ; Within a short time each has defeat- widfraw g’sawd. geb m’r der Porra
location saves our customers $10,000 annually. 5 sd Vrank Erne and now they want|Bulhoka olly gutsich mohi!
en ® | to decide a vexed problem. This Un note der naiksht dawg huts
the —————— y bout is a show in itself and» two | ebbg gevva. Der oldt Hunnamul Lev-
a: § | more will be made, ergush hut wordt grickt as aer ’n rau
o> % This is a sh of cl b 1 fi frait te
tng st b g M ] & M 3 s ow of class and noreal [box aweg hoela sut fum frait tepo
me €s ern er er, { a cy yers ® | red-blooded sport can afford tc miss |so g’shwindt as meeklig, un as de
for f ; B | it. Ample trolley faciliti G b kaimt f Fakir Hospittle in
285-131 King, Stree} x y es. Great|box kaimt fum
Te East King LANCASTER, PENNA. Q races at the fair in the afternoon. |der West! Aer is gonga gooka was
OOD0000 000 Kg | No advance in prices. + ldes ding maent un der no hut aer

aw | joads of
San | aire

| ine
Services at Risser’s church
wel] attended Sunday evening.
Y. P. Tuesday at
Milton Grove, being one of the elec-
ion board.
Eshleman spent
summer days of the past week
been followed by Jack Frost

spent Saturday.
at Middletown {

hauled several
Double Service Auto Tires

Hughed Sars Guaranteed 7000 Miles Service
May 22, 1910. Double the thickness Of the best
Raised on standard makeg of tires; average 10
Park & Pollard or 12 layers of strong fabric, plus
Growing nearly one inch of tough tread rub-
Food. ber. 100% greater wearing depth
Can you and double the mileage, besides
beat it?
being practically puncture-proof.
Unequalled for severe service om
rough and rugged roads, hard pave-
ments and other places where tire
troubles cannot be tolerated. Ride
as easy ag an ordinary pneumatic—

Beat this record
air space and pressure being the
The only way possible is to feed Same.
Gri U i i AO e
the Park & Pollard tliase sed in U. 8 overnment and
Chick and . ? European War Service. Our output
ICK an Growing Feed just is limited, but we make the follow-
as directed in their Year Book.
We sell the feed and give away
the books free.
ing low special Introductory Prices:
Tires Tubeg

S023. ..... hve eeu, $8.60 $2.30
The book alone is worth a dollar a B corinsind, 1958 21 a
or more to you. RE. i
Saxe Lie 16.70 4.36
Wholesale Distributors 0%d LL, $17.45 $4.65
SDE... ey 21.20 5.60
SORE LLL 22.60 5.76
dll SURMME 23.60 6.20
i Sp. 26.30 6.60
MOUNT JOY, PA Two or more 10% discount—non-
skids 10% additional. All sizeg—
any type. Remit by draft, money ;
: order or - certified personal check; 2
Special Sale of acceptance of orded optional with a
WwW consignee. Ta
A i PA PE RS Descriptive folder and complete
price list mailed on request.
AKRON, O.—Dept C 2
to Make Room for fall Stocks
1-2 Price
Will sell retail at less than
wholesale rates HENRY H. KOSER
Hang them if desired or Survey ors & Convey ancers
if you prefer to hang them we
trim them & give you paste
Rag Carpets & Rugs wov-
en out of old Carpets, Send
for Circular.
Martin Wali Paper Co.
18 South Prince St.
Both Phones—Next to Stevens House


Special attention given to assisé
ing Heirs, Executors and Adminis
trators in settling of estates.

For a Good Clean Shave
Or a Classy Hair Cut
Stop at
W. Main St.,
Fire Insurance placed in the
Mutual and Stock Companies.
Phone, Landisville Exchange.

48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa.
Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri
day, at No. 56 North Duke Street,
2nd Floor Front, with W. C. Rehm,
Mount Joy
Agent for Manhattan Laundry

Be Sure to See Our Exhibit at
the Lancaster Co. Fair

at Bell-
man who spent the |
e at Donerville, |
V. farm

twent Y
suckin sand

gp a choice
lot of
seed wheat ch he offers for sale.

Two new silos
appearance at the J
respectively, |
The rain on Saturday night was so
John Eshleman homes
heavy that some of our younger set
could not get home till Sunday morn-
ing. A poor excuse is
better than
The Misses Eshleman of Sunny
Slope farm and Miss Ada Brandt
were among the attendants at the
children’s day exercises at Florin on
—— Eee.

Mt. Joy People Should not Neglect
Their Kidneys

No kidney ailment ig unimportant,
Don’t overlook the slightest back-
ache or urinary irregularity. Nature
may be warning you of approaching
dropsy, gravel or Bright's disease.
Kidney disease is seldom fatal if
treated in time, but neglect may pave
the way, Don’t neglect a lame or ach-
ing back another day. Don't ignore diz
zy spells, irregular or discolored urine,
headaches, weariness or depression.
If you feel you need kidney help be-
gin using the reliable, time-tried rem-
edy, Doan’s Kidney Pills. For 50
years, Doan’s have been found
effective. Endorsed by grateful peo-
John Krugle, Marietta, Pa.. says:
“I suffered from kidney disease and
had intense pain across my loins
and gides. Seeing Doan’s Kidney
Pills so highly recommended, I used
them and they acted as a tonic to
my kidneys. I have taken them
occasionally since then and they
have always benefited me.”
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim-
ply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills~—the same that

Mr. Krugle had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
props., Buffalo, N._Y.|
Nobby New Fall Coats To
Keep Out The


white Tv }
AT $6.75—Serge coats in
collars of black moire, Loose box
AT S8.75—Sport coats of
with convertible collar, self belt and
AT $10.00 —Smart models of

frey mirture,

also large broken brown checks, with conve patch
pockets, self cuffs and belt, and fancy butt : on a
AT $10.00—A new arrival of our Special White -Chin-
chilla Coats. Made of a good quality mate with half belt
back, at convertible collar, Very special.
Higher priced Coats in atremendous assortment at $12.00
0 KE 50.
2 $29.50 To Second floor
ing Machine?
Do You Want A Sewing Machine?
Whether your old machine is not satisfactory, or if you
have never had one, thig wil] interest you. !
We are handling three grades of Sewing Machines that we
consider the very finest ever gold at the prices we ask.
They are purchased in car-load lots, thus assuring us of the
lowest possible prices. We sell them on a very smal] margin
of profit. There is the “Challenge” at §15.50-
“Reliance” (Hand Lift) at $19.50 and the
automatic Lift and drop, $31.50
All of these may be purchased
on these easy terms of pay-

We Want Every Person in Lancaster County
to come to this Great Exhibit Of Dahilias
We want every person in Lancaster County to
this Great Exhibit Of Dahlias on October 6, 7, 8, and 9th
export from the gardens of Henry A. Dreer, will be
tendance daily to answer all questions, and give you
information you desire. We expect to see you here.
in at-
at] 1



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