BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOO0L h Soule Caramels ? wht but Miss Our big fay, and Saturday’ PAMEL SALE he candy lovers in town eat these AMELS and if you don’t agree that Aavored and satisfying caramel you've bu can have your money back. anilla Nougat, Chocolate Peanut, Van- shmallow, Vanilla, Chocolate Nougat, ut. ONLY 39¢ A POUND. ecial This Week Is Cadet Milk e Cooked Strawberry Creams res of delicious strawberry flavored cream, coat- lidh MILK CHOCOLATE. It is difficult to im- ore tempting or more satisfying, .We offer as a k to /show you how delightful ' our milk choco ! is, 4nd to prove that our candy department Will he lead in offering unusual valpes. Watch for our gpecials—changed every week, 50c value, but this week we are offering a pound bus milk chocolate coateli Strawberry Creams for pound. A 1 p Rexall Store Ww. GRRBER, Propr. fain St., Mount Joy. Are You Undecided where to buy your bill of Luzmber? If so, all you have to do is to look at the prices we are quoting for HIGH GRADE LUMBER as well as everything that is included in building, for interior or exterior work, from the Timber I mR your foundation to the Shingles om your B HERSHEY Dealer in ioal, Lumber, Grain, pAY, STRAW, SLATE, SALT, CEMENT AND FERTILIZER stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for grain Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty FLORIN, PENNA. EH 1 bvents ferment » the tops of your fruit jars in pan of melted Parowax (pure, efined paraffine), and there you e—sure, pure, can’t-spoil pre- serves for next Winter. Box of 4 big cakes, 10 cents,everywhere. The Atlantic Refining Company Automobile Men Listen We have opened a first-class Garage and Repair Shop in the M. B. Hiestand Building on Marietta Street, Mount Joy, where we are prepared to do All Kinds of Repair Work Rebuilding, Repainting, Remodeling Ete. All work must be satisfactory and you will find our charges very reasomable, WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FORD PARTS. AGENTS FOR THE WELL KNOWN FIRESTONE TIRES We will be pleased to have you give us a trial SNYDER & METZI ER MARIETTA ST, MOUNT JOY, PA. as ass .as so 8 0 0 0 0 0 TTT TTT YTRT RT RR WN PPP sores eee eS Pr TTY TYrYyr Tyee af ess as.s.8siss sens oe ed Bo TTP rT TTT Toa TeeosT TEE Leas 8 0080888 TPT TPs eee Re "SEPTEMBER SALE Greatest Values in Furniture, Carpets and Rugs ever given will be found in this sale; gathered from the best makers in the country. Furniture of absolute dependability in Quality and Work- manship, in Style, Finish and Durability; Our Guarantee for that. vou must see the stock to appreciate its beauty and variety. Quality was the first consideration in buying for this sale. nr furniture buyer spent several weeks at the Grand Rapids and cago markets, where he bought the choicest things in the mar- designed for the Fall season. Much of this is now displayed ur floors. Bvery piece is minutely inspected before it goes fipors, and is guaranteed to the ‘limit for honest materials, ship and all-around dependability. Comparison is your ces elsewhere, then come here and compare guar Inexpensive Location Saves Our Cus- 3d to the Brass Beds. eds, our store has August Sale. If you T° the most B38 Farme rs Column VERY VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR THE FARMERS | ‘Most Farmers Farm Because They | Love the Work—Conserve Mois- ture for Successful Farming—Na-| ture Takes Care—Potatoes Good Feed | | [f the present overplus of potatoes | in the ‘hands of the farmers cannot] | be disposed of for human food, they | may be fed to farm cording to the authorities New York state ture at Cornell. alone as a great been animals, ac-| of the| college of agricul-| They point out that] cannot be used to| feed, nor can they | be in any quantity. Potatoes | have not used to a great ex-| tent as a steck feed in this country, | and for that reason, but | little information on the subject of | feeding potatoes to live stock. In| Germany however, the question has | | been studied, and the conclusion ar- rived at here that they may be used in feeding cows, horses, sheep and pigs. It is wonderful power of cuperation a field vigorous corn The fields of big corn a | sickening on the morning of ond, after an all night's accompanied by a 40 mile gale. | corn potatoes advantage there is, ig what of re- | has. were sight | August rain, The and of a leveled to the that would was | it seemed ground short it nothing aighten up. miraculous mind can weeks she | miracle str N | as finite In | able to stand it ture’s work is go far man’s understand | it. three has been up again—somewhat 1 sufficient development | crooked of course, but stil | to allow growth to be nearly normal and Farmers fill their silos, bins and | mows in the proper season so as to have supply of feed in when it does not grow. In like ner he should view the spring rainfall, conserve mois- later when it practice is as possible as | ; : | son, the season Of | as time to provide and a time One nearly as against fall. and other. moisture that is the first three earth wil] come capillary ure may not sensible the now or will be in or four feet of the to the surface by attraction and be taken up by evaporation. This is a rapid pro- cess if left to natural conditions and it requires but a short time without for the surface of the earth to lose practically all the moisture. But the farmer has it in his power to retard this process and have a sup- ply “bottled up” for use later in the season if he will but do the right kind of work now. The fall plowing should be harrowed early and often. rain Do it ag goon as it is dry enough and do not allow a crust to form. Harrow after the plow. Furrows should not be left without harrowing for more than half a day in windy, drying days. If the roller is used, roll before harrowing, not after- wards, as a packed surface acts the same as a crust and aids in drying out the soil. If the soil is full of humus it is possible to raise a culti- vated crop without much rain if in- tensive harrowing and cultivation is given, but it must be begun while the supply is In the soil. A gregh many people have the idea that the majority of people living in the country hate farming and would, if they could, quit it im- mediately. This is a mistaken notion and it is time the false impression was corrected. The great majority of farmers like their business and enjoy country life. TI do not believe that there is anywhere near the pro- portion of farmers coveting city life city people wishing | for a home in the country. For years I had the opportunity of meeting and | mingling with farmers in every part | of Pennsylvania and other states. I | have talked with the men and wo- men, young and oid. and while there is an almost universal desire to bet- | ter conditions, there isa loyalty { and love for the business of a kind | that not found anywhere else. | The neighbors, the animals and | familiar objeets and places about the | farm—in fact. the entire environ- ment of the countryside, become as ja part of the individual after a time and the country dweller is tied by a | thousand ties that he has no desire to break. The ambition of young people—often misguided. too fre- | quentiy cause them to transplant | themselves. because they, like the } scolting have not yet become deeply rooted. | have for years seen the sun rise; heard the morning chorus of birds: | watched the smoke lazily curling ar | ag there is of is _| unchamol fits. "bin wilich batstwla dafor.” 1 | olies ruich. Endlich is ovver en kortz A Per Cent. Decrease The total acreage of the tobaceo erop in Lancaster county Ig esti- mated by Otto Olson, of Ephrata, of the Bureau of Tobacco Investigation of the Department of Agriculture %t This is a decrease of prob- ably 10 per cent. THE BULLETIN, MT. ] lis warra But |} man- d sea- I the 1 The greater part of the, But most people after they« I | und tsurick Washington, D, C, to be 18,000 j acres, oY, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Mer is farhoftich uf da shtrose gaswe immer Misder Drucker: sichar feel nimmy recht gee drous sin. Letsht wuch wawr Ich im shtettle mit dusend oiar unich em sitz und yusht we Ich um’s eck rum bin is ains fun sella grosa toor- | ing kars kuma. Der karl hut sei harn gablosa bis mei asel shrreidich | und hut sich shdrocks in waik gablonzd we asel ebmol | wun se deefa gadonka im kup | De minott ig der gas- | wedder der tsidder so sels der doona hen. neksht wogga seid Ich olle morga uawr shaw- | shdail und fin en wunever Ich tsit eind mer fardrus g'folla os a hawr da la ous d luttar in awra wesha Ovver es sh farlusht damedges wind tsu ma shu-a dawler 3 Kun- season |g wawret t ? ( “Bi, ; gonga is. gadenkt du ganunk “Ich hob seiver g’'winna.” gute ar g'sawt, derno leeys datsu du far Well wawr hut der kase in hond ganuma. Ar hut en bo- beerli ufgatsoga wu Ich mei nawma unnadraw g'shrivva hob far mich fashprecha mocha und farbinna far ol de kushda batsawla os der kase fidard. 'Tswonsich dousand dawler damedges gooka mechtich gute, hov | Ich gadenkt, and bin meinra onra | hizness noch. We Ich hame kuma bin | wawr en brief dort fu'm lawyer. | “Ich kon en shdarker kase ous dem | ding mocha ovver ec nemt ebbes geld: sel so gute und shick mer finf | dawler far bobeer und pusht-offs shtamps, hexa-tsiddera, und so 4th.” | Ich hob ufkors shun saina kenna we | | ar gellar ortimobbiler mit em-gzas- wogga shwitzt und hob shbunki de finf dawlcr g'shickd mit pawr warta | we bin wilich batsawla dafor.” Der neksht owet is widder en brief kuma | mit ma bobeerli dabei. Des hov Ich | shweara missa datsu mit tswa tseiza os Ich en ouder karochter hob und | ken shulda und tsurick shika mit | finf dawler far der stenografer und | onra ekshpenses. Far dritsa shdund hov Ich niks welder g’haerd fun meim kase. Nou wawr Ich shoor os |bolamol ebbes rous kumt, so hov | {Teh en neiar asel und g’sharr und en fel, gumredarich buggy uf barigs kawft, uf de damedgese he. Ovver tswa shdund dernoch en brief kuma, Ich sul nuchamol en bobeerli shicka far weisa eb Ich gadawft wawr eb’s aksident und eb Ich yusht o'shpritzt uddeere gong gadunkt bin warra und wu. and ware dabei wawr beseids der poora, und tswa tselga datsu greeys os shweara os nemona uf dara ard udder unich a ard uder im himmel anicha jutshmend udder morgage in meinrs bowerei hut, mit awler far der kase Deg hov Ich shdondhoft hartz la damedgese, des is indressa udder awenich harter gheeva ol gadu und mit mit ma da awza Don uma uf s ufkors. is grawd widder “Ich ar, bin hart fin law-goots heerli uf em job.” sawet “ov Ich es sin rer tewa hunert onra forna- draw und wun mer wawrda bis unser reg'lar tseit kumt kenda dale fun da taeiga Teh ovver far- hoftich mer nuch fuftslch dawler in der kase daid far en nefar edlicha “Im- shtarva. elawh 08 wun sh i shu und hoot und far rucl und su socha breshun” mocha bei kourt, mer des ding ordlich dorich | du kon.” | kawfa en do shnel grosa Sansht, ar hut desmol net g'frogt | far beld. Es wawr blain ganunk 08 | ar mel indressa um hartz hut und | will net grup sel und won en karl | sel'er waik kumt mug Tech em bei | ghia. So hov Ich em grawd oshriv- | va: “Toh hob en groser glawva OS | mer g¢'winna: shdick datsu; geb em | Sis mer gons tsu feel | en check ous-| Ich dar far en | wil justls und | drooved olle dawg shreiva so much hunert dawler. Ich | Far de nekshta sivva sdund wawr | briefli kuma. “Ich hob dei kase non | konsidered und es besht | derftimn mocha os Teh hob kenna, ov-| | ver Tech mus mei grose-mommy noch | | Konodow nemma der winder! lund Tech advice dich en onra lawyer | | greeya Wun du tswonsich Zwler | shicksht will Tech hroverra mel bru-| der nt der kase du” { um endt de gaduld ol kee-dreck, hov Ich in ivver sei brief g'shrivva Ich bin far- broveert frver Nou wawr “Tswonsich | roder dinda Q 'shickd. tich mit lawyer. O baid 4 d h R fraw; | me ase] uf da haw | , und der oiar marick is so hart | _ 0s | ws [ just recently received PA. Wednesday, September 15, 1915 noit ung frei tum deivel, aw! rut, uid run aa lawyer tll gon ven HOME HEALTH CLUB oy Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, lll. lias a NODDY and 20 BOOS LELS . \wihen one preaching, talking line for ang keeps practicing along that | | | | more there are bound 0 wt that For over 20 years tae Home | and | yedls Os many others . WHO believe 1n nobby. Health Club hag been preaciling od teaching hygiele and the evils OL} ill-advised doping with drugs, es- pecially such dangerous drugs as | narcotics, poisons, coal tar | and last oplates, alcohol. | years | preparations, whiskey within the medical It is only few that the become entire profession has aroused to the impor- tance of such teaching and has really | the laity the | teach to methods of self begun to practical protection against disease. It through the newspapers 1 magazines and largely by lay that the people have been warned against the and [ have named. Let the I have various is only ang writers dangerous deadly drugs that repeat some of things so often told No disease, you: drug, doctor If diagnose no ever the doctor cann case he has no right If 1y a to prescribe a drug for it. cause of the 1 he may be a boost Health Bur- “Our in results. While these would at nsidered weak foundation so called standard remedies were es- tablished in this manner. Tt must be remembered that in the days of the present time be standing on very vet medicine man which all nations had | at one time or another scientific in- vestigation was extremely primitive. There is today an of physicians that the main benefit is purely suggestive, Hutchinson, the medical subjects, says number who believe Dr. noted writer that no cure a disease; Woods on drug only air that save three will fresh All and miracle. he sunshine, that do, give rally her forces. While many do not subscribe ment, fact that nowadays food, work medicine rest, can can says, halt and nature a chance excellent the nevertheless hygienic measures cured any | correct- { the | a sick- | WALL PAPERS | to Make Room for fall Stocks| the | most | ever increasing | of many drugs | is to calla | to | physicians to so broad a state- | remains | | Hatched March 22,1910. Weighed May 22, 1910. Raised on Park & Pollard Growing Food. Can you beat it? Beat thisrecord | The only way possible is to feed the Park & Pollard Gritless- Chick and Growing Feed just as directed in their Year Book. We sell the feed and give away the books free. The book alone is worth a dollar or more to you. Wholesale Distributors BRANDT and STEHMAN| MOUNT JOY, PA. Special Sale of AT 1-2 Price Hang them if desired or | if you prefer to hang them we [trim them & give you paste free. Rag Carpets& Rugs wov- | en out of old Carpets, Send | for Circular. ‘Martin Wall Paper Co. | 18 South Prince St, Both Phones—Next to Stevens House LANCASTER, PA. Pi | | '8 For a Good Clean Shave ( Or a Classy Hair Cut Stop at H.J. WILLIAMS TONSORIAL PARLORS W. Main St., Mount Joy Agent for Manhattan Laundry are more depended upon in the cure | of disease than drugs. A knowledge of the private property profession and is not claimed such. The real physician hygiene as of today is not | of the medical rBest paper ‘n town—Bulletin | | | 2000 Yards Mount Joy, Pa. CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER | MOUNT JOY, PA. Prompt Attention givem to Bales of | Real Estate and Persona! Property. | Terms Moderate Bell Telephend WwW. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. | Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri { day, at No. 56 North Duke Street, {2nd Floor Front, with W. C. Rehm, | Esq. | | Shop Now Open Call to see me ARLDLEN WAY BARBER Massage & M . MOUNT JOY liitemores Shoe Polishes « INEST QUALITY LARGEST VARIERW EF SOFTENS i! PRESERVES ||| il ALSO CLEANS LSE ALTER TIS ®GILT EDGE,” the only ladies’ shoe dressing tha positively contains Oil, Blacks, Polishes and Pree serves ladies’ and children’s ehoes, shines without rubbing, 25c. “FRENCH GLOSS,” 10c. “STAR™ combination for cleaning and polishing afl Kindsof russet or tan shoes, 10c. “DANDY” size, $58. *QUICK WHITE" (in liguid form with sponge)quick fycleans and whitens dirty canvas shoes. 10c. & 256. “ALBO” cleans and whitens BUCK, NUBUCK, SUEDE, and CANVAS SHOES. In round white cakes packed in zinc boxes, with sponge, 10c. In hands some, large aluminum boxes, with sponge, 25¢. 1f your dealer does not keep the kind you want, send ag the price in stamps for fullsize package, charges paid. i WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO, £0026 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass, The Oldest and Largest Manufari-rer. Shoe Polishes in the World. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletim. does his best work in spreading this | knowledge and by doing so not only | cures disease but prevents it. Health education is the by the medical effect upon the fairly appreciated when upon national Ii studied profession and its its tiong fo stmt ORD ADA ss OUR CITIZEN'S DEMAND Fully Complied With—A Mount Joy Resident Furnished It en bo-! Pills : pror Oct. represented me (Stateme ren Mrs. nad kidney remedy since Doan’s Kidney Pills.” Price 50c, at all dealers. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Greenawalt had. burn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. ee— A r six Greena- said: years later, “I haven't a to use Soldier Makes a “Rep” Mr. Frank B. Evans, a brother of our townsman Mr. Charles C. Evans, a most from the service of He three lent Uncle ments of discharge Sam. with years each Company C. 24th Regiment, and was | and Fort | stationed at Portland, Me Preble, Me. Ba a duu Ag Mr. Bryan has bought two state department chairs for “hallowed as- soaiations” we must in fairness as- sume that he did stop long enough between Chautauqua dates to sit down. een et eee The language of diplomacy is sub- tle beyond the meaning of mere words. | The facial expression Count vbn Bernstorff after he leaves the Stage Department continued to be studled with care. EG A rte Subsd ibe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. greatest | boon given to the present generation | nation can only be | ramifica- | are closely any oOcC-| Don’t | Foster-Mil- | excel- | served two enlist- | of | NN Ba Rn me Handkerchief Linen A very awaits you here Many 5, $1.50 to eached Damask, | ) inches v : $1.00 yard. | all as the | reat alue for the price 1 anywhere, Many which to choose. her 70 inches Anot wide, quality, at 75e yard, Linen, 6€ pure of Table inches wide, guaranteed linen. A d assortment patterns, 50¢ yard. Unbleached g00 Napkins, a remark- ably fine assortment, priced from $1.25 dozen to a 25-inch napkin at $10.00 dozen, Striet- ly all pure linen. All-linen Lunch Cloths, 38 ! ang 45-inch, hemstitched or ! scalloped; 75¢, $1.00 to $3.00 each. Ali-linen | | RE CIIEIIIEESNS BAVA (LUE) \ | i i A Most Complete Advance Showing of Linens At The Same Old Low Price Table Linens—Pillow Case Linens—Sheeting Lin- en—Art Linens—Linen Scarfing— Towelin 7 IIH BUC STORE ON THE CORNER WHERE THE ERS 5. Raa NR HR ERD aA air Linen s and St 24-inch patterns, designs 25¢, 39¢, and $1 Alllinen emstitched Pillow Cases, $1, $1.50 and $1.75 pair. Hand-embroidered Linen Pil $2.50, $3.76 and $4 x low Cases, pair, Linen Sheeting, 2} yards 75¢, $1 and $1.50 yard. wide; 45e, ae Qa ie ob 10. Art Linen, 50c, 58c and 65¢ yd. Linen Scarfing, 18, 20 and 26 wide: 25¢, 33¢ and 45cyd. Handkerchief Linen, 36 in wide; 50c, 75¢, $1 and $1.50 a vard. in, Stair wide; d 16 and 18 in tan; with neat esigns; 18c and 20¢ a yd. Linen, gray Or EEE TE SY Loy. NX 2 LAD