The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 15, 1915, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO THE BUI LET! N, MT. Joy, PA. x Wednesday, September 15, 1915
THE BuuLcwin y 7 RE
meee DURRK] NGH J \| The Stamp You Wanted

| 0 TH
Six Months......... 50 Cents we Rar JH IA. . IHN
Sa 3 News Gathered by Our Able Corps of Wide,
8 | We have at last succeeded in getting the. JA Green
TE EN EY Awake Cou ntry Corresponnents ¢ Trading Stamp for you. We know that you wanted
Entered at
maw = 8 this stamp,--but like all other good things that you get
gemrrunications I ch 5 office not |
later than Monday. Telephone news ELIZABETHTOWN SALUNGA NORTHWEST RAPHO | here.--It takes time and patience to give our \ customers
of importance V 1 t time and ;
12 o'clock noon Wed ay. Chan- | WwW f 1 3 :
2 or SE Vert: ts m positive-| Local Church Board Visits Church | Seventy Members of the M. E. Thieves Entered the Stern Home- the best. e want you to ee an interest in ur store,--
ly reach this office not later than of God at New Cumberiand Church Take Communion stead Early Monday
Monday night. New acvertisments oo | rein 2 to be a part of it,--to come here and ask for |things,--to
inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday M. E. Church this| Still mo ain
night, Advertising rates on applica: i ew. cen nuisnea cing § help us to build up a better store for you. emember
tion. «
children |
| very body wel-
A os Tnwnel Brerly of Laneaster | aanasows meetin st ohigs oo|B. this is more vital to you than to us, as you need a good
. spent a few days |city visited Miss Miriam Kendig on 10.
County seems
Suarcader at Flor-| Sunday afternoon. ol A ih in rarer dined with | profit sharing store here at home. , a Nn
| Ce . 14 | & |
| about as [saac S. Hollinger Sunday. /
wife were the [near the torid zone as old Lancaster Mr. and Mrs, Elam lisser sp x “ n 3 ~
rr You all know what the J Green Trading Stamp
| LE ee som 31. meteor vere 8 is and what they are worth to you and we want you to
with Mr. E. W. Geib and
RN Noivalde mesma EM come to the store and ask for a book and start saving
Salunga a ew
some time with] np, Hollinger cut corn on ;
Datisman. | Tue Said corn was planted | them at once.
family ith.
mee » a vie CO NDITION S For each and every 10c cash
D5 Tue oh [mek Bly, ee ~~ purchase you will receive one
v. swe 8 Green JH. Trading Stamp, or 10 for $1.00 Etc. Re-
owen 8 member we give these Stamps on Cash Purchases Only.

wife were
[V1 |
Kulp were | @ 9 A
oe ys Fo BOTOSANI OOO O000O0000000000CO00000O00000COCOCaEO0
BOOOOOCO0OOOONOOCOO0OOOOB00000G0000S A ArnnOOCO0000000000000000000000000NO000000000000C

Rasp and
ap TA 1
Iamlily- onda) i MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
1 c \¢ Crop : now be 18 | art and wife on West High street. lit 1 alone about o'clock. The |at the front. Thirteen | He ae Mrs. Lea Freed z A v, ;
The crop and quality Is Mrs. John Otto and daughters ¢ ry of th upper region 1 | the roll-call. visited Mrs. Albert Weiss a day last CLAMS IN ANY STYLE
barn on the A. WwW.
new auto truck. lc. Friday vet come to our notice. t Cen- Fa McocGinnis,

with Danie] Swei- n Saturda: ioht re- had a hril- Mo \ witl Mr. Shearer | Sunday
arry Hottenstein, wholesale con-| fiys. shook old mother earth to the tous ich and Bro. at the yards at Lawn [lost his faithful black horse, dymg|Infact everything in season. Priva
Pleasant View, Sundayed with Johny, ,qnter, Mabel
and two | and other uch hig shways ally and | same place. ling her cousin, Miss Hoover. PURCHASE OR EXCHANGE
RO WENNA 1% CLE G1 001010 RE
Shar allel on ri A Mec
amilv | N. Snyder ae on ®
Tamu] N phos : East Main Street | rye
n. Mr. Frank Kinsey and wife of > in
opened on! York, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss, Restaurant and Lunch Bar
0 DOW ing nd wife on West Higt hi n pupils are on Mrs. Lea Free of York county OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE
Buyers are watching its har-|. 3h T3 : ; a
buyers are Ww g its ha Huntsdale, are the guests of the |loose with brilliant flashes ot xht- | . J. H. Sowers and son pur-| week. ig hy
former’s mother, Mrs. Susan Horna- [ning followed hy roarsof thunder that |chased 21 head of steers from Ging- Mr. George Epply unfortunately E soups IN
fectioner, of East Petersburg, de-| D. W._ Heiser has received. the con- ation. We are happy to say that no!and 4 cows at their sale at Union |from colic. {Dining Room for Ladies, Sil idC
livered his goods last week in hfs tract to rebuild the 1 5 A {reports of serious damage have as | Square. | Mr. and Mrs. James Lane spent| — 1 verol ases; 3
form TecoRly. dostioved Rev. S. S. Eshleman bought twelve | Saturday night and Sunday at PROPRIETOR
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groff, and by fire. Here our state constabulary | Steers from Gingrich & Bro. last tral Manor camp. .
mother-in-law, Mrs. Fanny Sprout, of| p,.00 Hornafius and wife and [could find sox® Ju Along Op man | week, Mr. J. M. Sowers and som) Miss BR gos = © R SAL S
; the i oo tants A § i 3 arrisburg, visit-| {
Miss Bessie Holtry | thoroughfa e, the Rin pike [one twenty on Tuesday at the ing some time at Har! urg | ®
Green and family. : S.. Warren Otic 1
Some miscreant entered Harvey |g fers, spent Saturday ai Maui 2ghlly we aie, confronted) with auto- Mastersonville was visited by some The funeral of Rebecca Newcomer, |
Wittle's wash house and stole four |heim. | ists flourishing bottles of whiskey |Severe storm on Saturday evening.|Who was struck by a train, was at- ANYTHING
Fully Guaranteed
Tazors, severa] scissors and practicalr| Miss Emma Miller of Lancaster, |2nd amid loud, wild talk and swear |Locust, cherry, maple and peach nd dl Dt HAVE YOU 10 SELL
: . 2 Me ® ; Ox wale Iron Mrs. Sc Bostic and children
Iy his entire tonsorial outfit. ; land George W. Miller of Philadel |In8 the bluffers will just walk into |lrées were uprooted. Porch post tore yi See Se A u IWhatoo YOU WANT TO BUY!
The “Squire’s” heretofore reliable phia, were the guests of their private yards and with swearing |Of and all indications for a young and Mrs.
weather vane has recently become | pother. |they imbibe from the bottle and | cyclone. to Ad. Billet's peach orchard in|
refractory and feigns contrarieties | Elmer Ruhl, wife and son Donald, | leave the fumes of whiskey. Mr. C. G. Hollinger and sons Isaac| York county. |
| aa : i 7 turned from
to the atmospheric currents. Jz bell if EO — and David took a spin to view the| Miss Myrtle Leedom re
Isaac G. Ko entertained al), Sl a ree remains of the fire on the Friday | Harrisburg, having had a very pleas. SAVES YOU TIME AND EXPENSE
= RODD J ont [SRUEhLONS m RHEEMS ant flme, her friend Miss Singer ne WRITE FOR INFORMATION
Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Kopp, of auto trip through Lancaster, Dau- ima farm and from thence to the Engle
i 2 : 3 , ‘Br Turserios : , {companied her home.
Pleasant View, and Mr. and Mrs. |phin, Snyder, “Perry, Juniata and & Bro. nurseries near Schock’s on
d | I ry Jacob Shank Moved to Middletown Sunday A. M Miss Helen Risser of pot
Isaac M. Kopp of Rheems. | Northumberland counties. Last Week e Wd K t S
r ry Golh. s Mary VY
Miss Ada Grosh, for several years | The official board of the Church of -— Mr. John W. goth and Mev A ML{I0WE, stent Sindey with wary 8 €ys one Ser ice
Shellev ¢ . ai 1k g t rk to]
an attachee of the Conestoga Trac-|God of this place, pald a visit to the | The Heisey Bros. forwarded a car honey [9 MauarsonVille 1002 % wig ¥ ag iy ong oh Box 497
tion Co., resigned her position and is|Church of God at New Cumberland |load of their choice lime to southern |5"'" '© Lancasier on Monday (0 at- Bh diss As I LANCASTER, PA,
now at her parental home in town. |to see the plans of the new church | markets. tend the meeting of the Directors of Work of the Realet Tae
i . : | of that piace. the C tol Mk: Carita = _|the Lancaster County Seed Leaf | ork 0 @ hegisrer R
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer White and the [Of that pla as they contemplate liss Carrie oss of near Bach Stop, ead and Think
Ir y ree? : 3 1 r
former’s mother, Mrs. Fanny White, building a church in the near future | mansville, was the guest of Mrs. S. Srowery, Association, SUL Zeller, STOTT] Chee
SE . ’ hae a i ar ay On Sunday morning there will be |H. Zeller, late of Mt. Joy. | Send mea list of your active, in-
f Strickler's Corner, spent Sunday here. J. King the past week. acti listed 1 securitl
i res S. Gi i Frank Pi eels preaching at Mt. Hope Church andin| Iydia Z. Carpenter, administratrix| ve or unlisted os |
with Phares S. Ginder and family. | ml Gp Emr Frankk Pierce received a car load| Afb : : : f Harvey Carpenter, late of Mt. Joy. |and I will tell you what they are|
The Mount Joy township highway | ELM of coke to be used to burn first-class il $rnoon o oriidren's /mecting. {OT Harvey : | Xe ig also make you an offer fer
controllers met at the Milton Grove| ur and Mrs. Samuel Stauffer of [lime for his autumn customers. ws." Lin longenecher ‘eng Rufas
Bucher will be present y je |
caravansary last Saturday and trans-|paimyra; Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin,| Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser and Will be presen! to ocoupyithe For County | 1 0 AL
Gold Filled Expansion
Bracelet Watches
$5.50 & Up
Don W. (orrecht
(Near Bowman's Store)
0001 LA

pulpit at both services.
acted business relative to the publle of Martindale, and Mr. and Mrs. |daughter Myra spent last Sunday at| yp. go Caen®o ote oo S.R.STH.L, Ir. |
Toads. : {Joseph Graybill were guests of Mr. |the A. S. Bard residence as guests. |..i ye A. R. Gibble of Mitton | 244 Woolworth Bldg. Laneaster, Pa.
Two dark-skinned gentlemen of ang Mrs, Seth Graybill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Kraybill|qg. oo visited in the home of Har- | "LICENSED BROKER : "Krall Meat Market
the ‘Low Hill aristocracy are sniffing | prs gallle Kafroth is visiting her rison R. Gibble near Lititz, on Sun-| Sie Fr
¢ around here, doubtless to become daughter, Mrs. BE. F. Lutz, at Phila- |" Mrs. Reuben G. Kauffu : i dav k
Tore familiar wih tee Len Houses Et . . Lutz, forile nen: Batt Poletshire day. They also autoed to the Vogel Democratic Ticket BRING YOUR BEST GIRL TO THE
ix the locality ia. ow =. 1. F Hoover, merah-]r oD Otchury pear Tancaster |
Lal Ee i d Mrs. Jacob G. Bruckhart who | Ant of sii VET, MErch- | Shortly before one o'clock on Mon- : :
larea er raehiclea 2 : . | ar f E abethtown were Sunday y 3 3 4
A. large number of vehicles and |, qerwent an operation for ap- io : Vere Sunfay | g.y morning thieves entered the “HH
automobiles passed through town |. a:.i4 1 "1 ; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoo-| j :
sndicitis at the S seph’s ho ce { Stern. 1
Staday i th pendicitis at he St. Joseph's hospital oer 1 cos lass oe ellar on the Stern homestead farm
unday evening enroute to the |,¢ yaneggter, is slowly improving. oy! 8 nd departed with the following as | Ial
: 2 2 of ’ io AT » fo rmore 3 ruta al 18s L >
Leet Sv? wi . Many fa S > e the re- | alwayg have on
colored camp meeting in FHeiseY's| (ujte a number of our folks at-| oy f2 He prez: 2 Loto, 2 Tatvod of den. ys on hand anythingis
TOV > 0 a | sult of the excessive r ing : hax 4 |the ine o
grove near Rheems. tended the picnic at Brickerville on en n curing "™M®land the cut pieces, 5 pies, 1 1b. but-| : i Il f Smoked Men, Ham,
[ X
spent the past week with her


Toe cant or of mgnetivingl Soe © | summer } . : | Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard
: LE > Saturday. Lan 2 a . | ter, T bottles of wine and some rock ’
| hiss 3 | Also Fresh Beef, Vea] i and
been heard for ar. ang Mrs. I. wv. [Son ar
| Mutton, Prices always right,
3 ‘ Singer and Mr. | > gi “|and rye in a bottle. Mrs. Sowers
h ornithologists |g 11 yoeum and family spent part | x heard some commotion about the ; : )
re at this sea-| .¢ i110 Qahhati 3 1 Messrs. J. K. Bard and Peter R 3 : ’ hy 2 |
of the Sabbath at Linco | VTech ‘| place, b took no thouge 3 . : ’ |
fallible presage 3 ie = K do oarioa. for State eres 1 Ut worn thought aon! #t “ll Bo vied YOU WILL BOTH ENJOY THE H. H. KRALL
Re % es BY The school bells of Penn townshij HE : ore rE inti abou fo prepar break d he i “a
gevere winter. 2 >. 2 in P st week er hey ontemplate | z ye ‘ rh bare hres \ / EVENING BETYER West Main St
’ made a procl ion on Monday . Bn ihe a when quite a bit was ‘no more.” 5 % es ain ree
rvest Home services were con- morning fiat ; 1 time for the] resuming heir studies for their Matas te otionn while re o> boy Le = | t
: . ey . . 1 ing that a 1 1e OT 2 | es ay afte n v - Mrs. : i
ducted by the United Zions Chil-| 5.0 is ov He Atoa 1 | Second term y Rat iF ths wl: : ; HENRY G. CARPENTER MOUNT oY, PA.
y children is over. 16 Airy Hill | W. Geib of the Imdian Spring farm x ost Tele hone.
dren of the Pleasant View CONgrega- | ..pool taught by Mr Sine, Cyrus TF having iloted Lane rt an : 5 = Successor to Pp
secnool, taugnt by Mr. 1. Fa ger, | : ‘ g a ir r
i by : * i } was picking beans in their corn field ° ——. priate
- tion. Saturday afternoon and even-|.q r 28 i] part of the ishing season is now | Sic. ach ; J C 7 l
had an enrollment of 28 the firs 1 1s NOW Ishe came across some of the wine aC WwW Shrite HAS. H. E ER @
6 sermon 3 31 ry | putting is force of men at ft 63s "iy ® °
Ings. The usua] impressive Sermons | ;,y while the Locust Grove school |! ‘8 ¢ > DO-| bottles, 5 in number all in a row 006000000008
re si C t si 1 ~ : ‘ : on . | tato crop which ct ist wT 1¢ T ani etil . |
gave Signidven 8 0 the gocas on. taught by Miss Calliee Bomberger, pe : ER th S. lang still full, at a secreted place. We ft M t J ) REAL ESTATE AND We areAlways Prepared to serve
ng of dogs, 1 ing of cats, hag 9 on the ist. Ir yield € ected, are on the clue. 0 oun oy INSURANCE !
wil 0 ttle, ringi ? oll Mr. Ezra Sou 5 an son Jacol
lowing of cattle, ringing of toy bells | vp, for; of the late Horace W. | 1 son Jacob coe A ecmarinn = |E. Main 8t. Mount Joy | Pure
or any other clarion that disturbs the Blenieatlerfer was sold at public sale) oarded the early ar. bound for —
Jiemesder as gold at public s S , =
peacefu] slumber of our residents = PUSS °%° | General Hospital, Lancaster where Got Stuck Near Koeh's | Calling and Clerking of Publie Sales pring
: is % on Tuesday to Mr. John Shreiner : : On Monday evening thirty-eight | P El T d |
should be prohibited in aecordanee [they remained for several hours av evening thirtyeight | Primary Election on Tuesday go) WW a
to. the mandate of the t fizni- for $75 an acre. This farm has been visiting relatives wt re adtictod ~ |members of the Foresters at Leba- ement of Estates ter
ih Bapdate 0 town WEL! in the Biemesderfer name for about | » Di i * Ne ¥ R tcte0- lnon, started for this place in a | September 21st, 1915. Your Collection of Rents ICE:
; { Mr. and Mrs. -S. H. Landis enjoyed ws
: {a century. | ; large automobile. When near ’ ‘Surveying and Conveyancing
. Up along Ridge road were seen Mr. S. H Yooum had the misfor- an extensive auto trip last week by hotel they encountered a iol Borys vote and influence solicited. I’ a es IN ANY QUANTITY at ery
two red squirrels with parasols. |... of falling and severely sprain-| > 08 relatives and friends in the | were ctrandeq and had i to fet arn SHAVING HAIR CUTTING Mhrsje Sharges:
ricinity 5 p 2g ing 3 2 pe
ing his ankle. vicinity of Heiner, Pa., being guests They had contemplated coming here | CONESTOGA TRACTION CO. | on't fail to see us before ac
“They had large cabbage leaves
2 1 CME ard ts Oh res ro B. HERSHEY’ Ss © ing your order this year.
Si hey mad from grin AA. + 2 bo 1 a " and Court Meunt Joy No. 228, For- J. N.
$5. bi les in it and put their| ; who has opened up a summer resort | i... a A ; Hi . t LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT. | (ff
tails through and traveled to and), Is Df. Thome Responsible on the summit of the mountain. SE Yas » confer the JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN | Tonsorial Parlor | Stau er & Bro.
fro, protected in their cabbaggleat| TO show the town is one of the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shank flitted Yess, “The Gertets wil a hein = aon 1A | Three Chairs. No Waiting Mount Joy, Penna.
garvemettes. . healthiest in the State, Milton Grove-|io Middletown obne day last week ferred at a Inter date y | arr. 4:00, 5:8, Agent for the Middletown Steam |(@
Threshing and baling is prosecuted |ens are backing up their claim by | where they contemplate living close : : 6:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10: 11:16 am | 11
ny 8 8 g 7 13:15, 1:18, 3:8, 346, 4:15, Bea, SB 7b | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday
with untiring poteacy in this region the fact that no death has occurred | to her sister where ghe hopes to | 8:15, *9:45, 11:15 p. m. * | ana delivered Friday.
by John S.Kauffman and son Arthur, | within its confines since July, 1918. | have her nerves restored. She has V Large Broom Corn Stalk |g. S00 ward—_Leave Eimabetiiows, a East Main St. MOUNT sov| People Ask Us PY
Samuel G. Hoffman and son Harvey, — == - - | been declining slowly the past year.| YA broom corn stalk measuring 16 &, 1:45, 3:45, 3:6, 4:45, 5:5, 6:48, T:db, 8: Print dein | What is the best laxative? Years of
Frank Shank and son John, each can, 161; Democrats, 14; Bull Moose, | We wish them success as we mourn feet 7 inches was grown on ome of (R00 Gar dally | Ta ei £3 inde Jende us
operating their own traction outfits|11, and noh-eommittals, 21. The lat- | their Joss as citizens and look for- J. B. Ulrich’s lots in Elizabethtown. | | leaves Monsist Joy 5 f SPEND YOUR VACATION DD (Or
ii Th IN NEW YORK : Rexall Grdenties,

on fult time and barn after barn is ter however are Republicans, but |ward to their return, Who can beat it? * Saturdays cars every hour
aol} rote , 1 {0N6 AUATTries ’ . el ing Lancaster from 6:15 a. m., to 7:16 hia toi y A ——————_ —
served, decline to vote on account of church The stone quarries known as the . ; : leaving Mount Joy from 7:15 a a You A ee Ney Yorum as the safest, surest and most satisfac-
Ss Dus to an attack of vertigo while affiliations. W.L. Heisey quarries, head quarters Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Greider started | BSB RT ear will ive EaDuS rela Dit yon ast haow how | tory. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
peaches at her home in| If energy and enthusiasm can be |for crushed lime stone hag been con-|On an extensive trip that will con-|ter at 9:16 and 10:15 p. m.; leave lisa We farnish the E. W. Garber
: ; 2 | ] “KR »
Miss Linge Gruber fell, seat-| considered significant factors in an |verted into a place of frofle several |Sume 21 days to eomplete the tour. {petiitown at 10:4 ahd ILS P32 soe NOw now

a . Thaw : R Sundays, cars vary d One full week of “Sight Seeing”
sonfents of the bolling occasion of public school openings, | times during the past sumimer. Last ey met the touring party at Phila-|May 1to Nov. leaving Tancasts i will show you everything worth | vOoG
| whi Monday it will | Friday evening a 1 t delphta, Monday on b irom 1k a 0 0 we mana 8 while in the ony S 5 yooLz
e, fron which she Which took place on Morday it W riday evening a box party was oard a Pullman |p to 7:15 p. m.; leave Mou $45.00 Auctioneer
mefating{ pain and bean extraordinary success. The boys | pulled off there with a Jarge atten-|Palace train which passes hrough | trom 84 a m., 12:15 p. m. apd &¥ = cove JH evoiodationt FLORIN, PENNA.
hent bujn marke on ad girls for the past weqfs were |dance, an abundance of #il varieties New York, Canada thence to the Pa- = Y als oy hot Zt enet of sgh Eosing. Trin Prompf attention given to Bf
waiting ardeft to enter the fiist day lof eats were indulged ugon followed |Cific Coast San Francisco 1916 Bx- | from 35 p. m. : & - Je even pay aif yous carfare | all kinds of real estate and pial
for ithe’ Milton and the genera} competition with many games and gther amuse- | Pgaition thence alope the Coast re.| Mount Joy m 4:15 p. ¢ a Sera Booker i cli New York perty sa os, Satisfaction
{for tHgehishest oercent a e wh ontinued to a fate RK ghrough estates atl ng At Minig ae nod

SON, Pre: