THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY. PA. Wednesday, September 1, 1916. 0 —OF —— Unbleached Muslin 5¢ Per Yard 2] H.E.Haver pe puiemn Mount Joy, Pa. i All real estate is listed €. ne; I'll do the rest. #000 Yards Bought--Sold--Exchanged The undersigned has opened a Real Estate Brokers’ |in to Columbia, 3 mile south of the = and is prepared to handle all kinds of real estate. foughly advertising your property gets you the high ar for it every timgegr If you want to buy or sell, see EE. If you have anything in this line, call me on either SALE REGISTER Thursday, Sept. 2—On the premis- | es in Rapho township, % mile west| of Salunga, a farm of 102 acres with | brick house, bank barn, and out-| { buildings by Henry Shenck’s Heirs. | po a : Laid Minnich, auet. See advertisement. Saturday, Sept 4—At his sale and exchange stables, Mount Joy, a car- load of Ohio horses and colts con- sisting of chunks, general purpose 3 | and good road horses by Mr. Ed. 4 P i Ream. Frank, auct. re 2 / ! JJ Saturday. Sept. 4—On the premis- 3 FZ" Ll es of Miss Emma Haines on Colum- - bia Avenue, Mount Joy, a large lot ’ : f househol good 7 pd That's Our Business Of household goods by: Mr. Joan Givens. Vogle, auct. Saturday. Sept. 11—At 2:30 p. m, three building lots on Poplar street, Mount Joy by Mr. Amos B. Root. Tr. Saturday, Sept. 11—At 6 P. M. on the premises in Maytown, East Don- egal township, a lot of ground with 2% story frame house, frame stable and outbuildings by William Derr Vogle, auct. Wednesday, Sept. 15—On premises in West Hempfield ship, along the Lancaster and etta turnpike, mile east of etta, a limestone farm of 43 with new brick house, frame barn, | tobacco shed. ete by Henry C.| Myers and John A. Conrad. Vogle, auct. | Thursday, Sept. 16—0On the prem-| ises on the road leading from Filor- Mount Joy, Pa. the | town-| Mari- | Mari- acres | former, a farm of 48 acres and 38 perches with improvements, Pur g part No, 2—A tract of 3 acres; Pur- part No. 3—A farm of 97 acres and 45 perches one mile south of Mt. Joy, with improvements, by Elam S. Myers and John S. Myers, ad- ministrators of the estate of Chris- tian H. Myers, deceased. Minnich, auct. See advertisement. Saturday, Sept. 18—On the prem ises along the Mt. Joy and Marietta pike, 119 perches of land with frame house, frame stable and outbuildings and advertised absolutely You'll go i NO4 1 jin the rear, drainage toward rear, a ME Tre 3 | Situati ng the Scrav-| fine location for building and a good a NY Se Narione nf 89 ACRE el pike o oute 1 fr paying investment for farming at {ye Union School house, a small | FARM Elizabethtown, a L low price they are offered. | tract of land with new frame house, farm. of {9 acres, forty-five acres are | new fram» stable and outbuildings. land, balance woodland; 24 NO. 7 Algo at the came time and place, | story brick house with winter kit- | chen and a 1% story frame sum-| mer house; good bank barn, hog sty, wood shed, etc. Excellent or- chard, an abundance of fruit, good | fences, Price $4,800.00 NO. 2 Situated in East Done-| 104 ACRE gal township, 3 miles FARM west of Mount Joy, near Kraybill’s Church, a limestone farm of 104 acres, large stone and brick, house, spacious bank barn, big straw shed, tobacco shed 36x60 all under cellar; 10 acres of this farm| is meadow land thru which flows a spring water stream; land in good gtate of cultivation, buildings and fences good; location excellent, an abundance of fruit and fine water. About half the money can remain at only 43 per cent Price per BETO ..o.ovevrirosinstitsiensen $170.00 NO. 8 Four fine Building Lots BUILDING on North Barbara Street, LOTS Mount Joy, 50x200 feet, one a corner lot, excellent location, fine residential surroundings, front ing on a good street, light, gas and water privileges; natural drainage, away from buildings; no more de- sirable location in the town on which to build. The price is very reasonable. NO, 4 A beautiful 23 story TOWN frame house in Moun! PROPERTY Joy, along trolley line, corner lot 58x168 feet, house Was completely remodeled 3 years 280 and is in fine condition, large front porch and balcony, 9 rooms, bath, gas, etc, papered thruout, frame stable with room for 2 horses, Wag- on shed, lot of fruit, sewer, good drainage, very desirable location, trolleys stop at door. Price Teason- able for a home like this. ri NO. § A 16-room frame apart APARTMENT ment house, tin roof, HOUSE papered thruout, wa- ter, gas, etc, on a corner Jot 50x180 feet, near Union National Bank, Main St, Mount Joy, property in | gardens, by the widow and heirs of Christian ises in Florin, at 3 o'clock a lot of | services of one of ground with 2% story brick house, and outbuildings, hog pen, etc. Also a lot of ground with 11% story frame house and outbuildings by D. M. a Wolgemuth, jr. Vogle, auct. Saturday, Sept. 18—On the premis- es on the road leading from Mt. Joy to Milton Grove, one mile east of the latter place, a tract of land con- taining 13 acres and 149% perches with double house, summer house, and outbuilding. Also a 13 acre tract of woodland and a large lot of per- sonal property such as a horse, car- riage, sleigh, harness and a lot of household goods by Joseph G. Shear-| Estate, see Schroll. er. Frank, auct. | Saturday, Sept. 25—At 3 P. M,, on| the premises in Florin, East Done-| gal township, a lot of ground with| frame house and outbuildings by | | Mrs. Aquilla Bailey. Vogle, auct. | Saturdar, Oct. 2—On the premises, If you want to | wagons, carpenter tools and a large] A fine 2% sto! frame TOWN double 2 A a il of household goods by Estate of PROPERTY ner lot 60x200 feet. | Christian S. Flory, deceased. Frank, | Each side has 7 rooms and an out- auct. Cai kitchen, house was painted only a ye year ago and in best of repair, slate roof, nice lawn on each side, big MOUNT JOY MARKETS | barn just rebuilt entire width of lot, hog pen, chicken hous These Prices Prevail In This Place es, smoke house, etc.; dry cellar, ! pavements and fences in good shape. on Market Today | One side rents for $8 and other for | | $9. Here’s an exceptional opportuni- Herewith is appended a list of ty for some one wanting a home. | prices that prevailed as supplied is | Located in the Industrial section of by market master Mr. Albert Strick | ing, so why not now? the best of workmanship and solicit Prices buy Eventually to Welffley's for horseshoeing and general blacksmith- 1 guarantee H. Myers, deceased. Minnich, auet.| 5 share of your patronage, See advertisement. Saturday, Sept. 18—On the prem- very reasonable. I have secured the Lancaster City’s | best mechanics, who will assist me. W.S. WELFLEY FLORIN, PENNA. or sell Real your ENCE SCHOCK | WISI 68 2:8 =| Atlantic City Ocean City, Anglesea Sea Isle City, Avalon, Stone Harbor 16-Day Excursion Saturday, Sept. 4 | From Mount Joy EXCURSION TICKETS | shore destination on date of excursion $4.55 ROUND TRIP Via Delaware River Bridge $4.30 ROUND TRIP Via Market Street Wharf OVER LABOR DAY AT CAPE MAY, WILDWOOD Good on all regular trains to sea- Stop-over allowed at Philadel'a. Pennsylvania R.R | tate, see Schroll on Prices $1 tc $6 At the dance or a-driving, for morning wear about the home, for every occasion — hers y find the J. C. C. Corset designed specially for wou Mount Joy, Penna. AE Hauer If you want to buy or sell Real Es- AUCUST EALE Greatest Values in Furniture, Carpets and Rugs ever given will be found in this sale; gathered from the best makers in the country. Furniture of absolute dependability in Quality and ‘Work- manship, in Style, Finish and Durability; Our Guarantee for that. You must see the stock to appreciate its beauty and variety. Quality was the first consideration in buying for this sale. Our furniture buyer spent geveral weeks at the Grand Rapids and Chicago markets, where he bought the choicest things in the mar- ket designed for the Fall season. Much of this is now displayed on our floors. Every piece is minutely inspected before it goes on our floors, and is guaranteed to the limit for honest materials, best workmanship and all-around dependability. Comparison is your insurance. Get prices elsewhere, then come here ard compare them with our prices. Our Inexpensive Location Saygs Our Cus- tomers 110,000 Annually. Particular attention looking for real value in Brass Beds, our store has tonishing line ever shown at any August Sale. \: esternberger, Maley & Myers 145-18: East King street LANCASTER, PENNA. is directed to the Brass Beds. if you are thé most as- biden ddd ddd HEE, | =e tar Rt tbh i htt ttt PPOOOINe E Stitt ieee dod doiede dob ddd bed PEPPERTRRTTRTT ET TT TTT b 1 ts Fl t : Fly Flynet : 8] CORD TEAM NETS, YELLOW & BLACK, $1 TO $1.50 LEATHER TEAM NETS, BLACK & TAN, $2.50 TO $5 ; LEATHER CARRIAGE NETS, $2.50 TO $3 o LEATHER BUGGY NETS, $2.25 To $3.75 : 84x90 DERBY COOLING BLANKETS, $1.75 TO $4 o LAP DUSTERS, $1 TO $4.50 F. B. GROFF Harness and Horse Clothing, i: MOUNT JOY, HENNA. 3 — an sansa sn an bbl L J pe "ge Be PPE PEPER Mt. Joy. Price right. oy is v8 ler, at the Mt. Joy Market House NO. 8 this morning. | A lot 40x200 on Main | Butter, per Jb... aces atin eee 82¢ | DOUBLE street, Florin, East Done- | Eggs, per doz. ......c.cceeeceees 25¢ | HOUSE gal Twp, corner 5 pub- | Cup Cheese, 2 cups for ........ .be| lic alley on side and rear, story | g e lle f Fi frame double house, with summer ! Bal Cheese, 3 balls for ..... wi house. 6 rooms on one side, 5 on | Onions, per bunch .............. .be | the other, now occupied by two fami- | Cabbage, per head ...... vsss3 10 80 lies and rents for $12, two ester, | New Potatoes, per half pk. 10 to 1c one at each end of lot, house in good | 1 repair, paint good, dry cellar, pleas- Apples, per half pk. ............ 30c | ant location in business section, | Head 1otiNCO ...ccvenceness 2 for bc frame stable, hog pen, an abundance | Potato Chips, per bag ........... be of fruit, very convenient to Bev Horse radish, per glass ..... eee sD® chocolate factory now in course O Z erection. a good paying investment Dressel Chickens each ..4Fc to 65 for some one, Sirloin, per Ib. .......... ceseeens 24c | Rb Roast. per 1b. ...eeoveee....24¢ NO. © | Boiling Meat, per 1b. ......14 to 16c A lot of ground 90x155 | Ham, per Mh, ....... senenveesses 350 ! A GREAT ft, fronting on Market | Frankforts, per Ib. Criven wen ive ties 138 bs BARGAIN jsivest, Moat Jou: or Beef Liver, per Ib, ...... cous rn 1B8 / ner lot Wi alley on Ss > ’ has a 2% story frame double house, | Calf Liver, per Ib, ceeeeeccceas.B0e 9 rooms on each side with hot and | Ples, each .......... ves..5 and 10e cold water, bath, ranges, 2 Se, | Cakes, per 0%, ...000e aevasesvellt dry cellar, property in good repa | sw : ’ SY ido Tels to ¢11, large frame | Sweet Corn, per 40z.......c.000s 15¢ stable 26x30 on rear of lot which | H. E. Hauer Pays: Torts for $20, i for 8 Lard, per Th. -.ereeessds ceseseeliie and wagons or would make a fine £2 Tage, an abundance of frit. all oon. Potatoes, Per DU. ..eceeeeesssees BOC ; crete walks and pavement, property Butter, per 1b. .......... ssveeee e330 is located in the finest residential | Eggs, per doz. ........ secneve tue 22¢ i section in the town: will sell Tot | % » on south side 40x155 separate if de-| Brandt & Stehman Pay: i | aired. T can easily prove a 10 per Wheat, per bu. ......: ceveness$1.05 | cent investment at the price T offeT. | Corn, per BU. ....covevenaccecenes 88c | Come look it over. | Oats, per DU. «seseesessccscsece dbO i “ NO. 10 Brandt & Stehman Sell: : I have a tract gf land | Bram, per hundred eres eevee ADS FACTORY fronting on the P. R. R | ghipstuff, per hundred .........158 J SITE siding in Mt Joy 107 | Mived foed, per hundred .......150 & ge good repair, painted one year ago, very beautiful lawn, fruit, good big dry cellar. This is a capital invest- ment as it is now occupied by three families. Will bear close investiga- tion. Immediate possession. Price will astonish you. NO, 6 1 have two fine building BUILDING lots, each 40x197 feet, | LOTS fronting on the north | side of Detwiler Avenue, a 40 ft. | street and extending to a 14-ft. ONES | alley | a low rate of interest. Jno. E. Schroll Real Estate Broker feet, 147 feet deep at one side and! ’ Ran | Middlings, per hundred assesses db 120 deep at other, 145 feet front on Gluien, D YL ondr a ram ee alley in rear, located in almost the | center of the town, gas, water, and | Cotton Seed Meal, 41 per cent...1.75 | electric privileges very close, land | Linseed Meal, per hundred ....2.26 has good drainage, would make 2 Beet Pulp, per hundred ........138 capital location for any kind of an 1 feed, per hundred asec industry, will sell for any purpose but would much prefer an industry, | Mingo feed, per hundred ......1.70 price will astonish you for this | Onion Seed, per hundred ceased dO tract. The owner does not need the | Calf Meal, per hundred recuse 350 money and if sold for industrial pur- | Timothy Hay, per hundred ee poses, entire amount may remain at Straw, per hundred Tei OB : i 9 Pe. See ee O ETT TTY s of your order. Price TTT TTT TT TN RV RW OR Ww ROR) We Furnish Them We have arranged with one of the largest manfacturers in the United | States to supply any thing In the | line of lead, slate, copying pencils, with or without erasers, also many designs in pen holders, with any- thing printed thereon you wish, at prices that will astonish you. They are a crackerjack adveriiging nov. elty and “wili be pleased to show d quote prices to any one v A Dozen or so Bottles of ASSORTED § 5c a Case TTY TTY IT rTLTTYTYTT STE GHIQUES ROGK SODA WATERS Will Put the Snap and Sparkle lato Your Labor Day Fun If Your Dealer Will Not Supply You Telephone 179 or drop a card to insure the prompt delivery OF 24 BOTTLES ~ The House of Quality 5th & Locust Sts. Columbia, Pa. Mount Joy, Pa |=iol Oe re— FLANAGAN'S 208 0008000 0 0 0 0B telallod PPTTTTYYPTYTT sss see WW years Re I will continue the furniture he business on the second #oor of Fl the Engle Building, with a com- sy] plete and up-to-date line of all em kinds of fruniture. Prices are ] very reasonable. When in need .. the of furniture call and see me. ed Repairing and Painting a Specialty Te Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE : ! West Main St. ¢D. H. ENGLE, Jalon 38 E: are ing thn cALL FOR THE or : } pre Conestoga Glue Works’ o ; Automobile Truck i$ = . 2 hors % by 1 To Have Your 3 Bes > 2 pace AB ot | g heat Dead Rnimals i to Removed Promptly soe | . 3 . gliviz & Highest Cash Prices Paid we | “If : mist: Lorenz Lamparter goth PROPRIETOR bear Bell Ph Ind. Phone ell Phone | ancaster, Pa. "No.e#7 » ole | | | | nOOOOOO0000000000000000000003OC0C0000000000OOOONAIN p——