THE BULLETIN. MT joy PA. Wednesday, September 1, 1915. PAGE TWO Were $3.50 te $5.00 straw, a ton of feed, 100 bushels of wheat and a number of chickens. Mr. an insurance of $2.- Shell's creek. | Symptoms indicate that the world | must be full of spared rods, judging | [at 40c per basket, i | Mrs. Bzra King, wife of a P. R. R. | contractor of Malvern, Pa. is spend- outs Having Time of Their in Hiestand's Meadow Hossler carried $2.50 for $3.00 Suits $2.85 for $3.50 Suits Pi: RHEEMS Fi D MILTON GROVE BOOOOOOO0O0OOOOCO0O00O000000DOL > : THE SU LLETIN | Bi IY ire estroys House painters in and around town 3 MOUNT JOY, PA. | Miss Cecil Smith Gives a Very Suc- B C are rushed with their work. x x J. E. SCHROLL Editor & Pro'r. | cessful Corn Roast arn and ontents Miss Edna Gingrich of Lawn, was % : pine : ——— the guest of friends in town over ; x ha | Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Sload spent Cc i the Sabbath. ) pt 5 Pp ‘ontin troms page 1 . BYBSCR! TION PRICE ¥ og DY Sunday at York, Pa. visiting ( ted y ) ; Mrs. Michael Ober, of Masterson- 3 ¥ Sis’ Mont Salvic ee nnivy ; ae | elatives and friends. were ablaze and it was the -fall o ville, Sundayed with Mrs. Samuel : : Bree Mos ran 5 a | Mrs. David Espenshade and daugh. ‘he Nn Ne I awakened ha Kolp in town. . . 1 ¥ Single Copies........ nts Pr : Tic orcs Neighbors had also been aroused by Sl rae Yeni ] Wy ae | ter Edith spent part of this week at 7 A : . ater snakes are reported plen ur ovVSs wi e in C 00 . re 0 x Sample Copies........ FREE | york. as guests of her mother. the crash and the light of the flames |, i (no creeks this season, and n two WEEKS yo y y x Jr ENB tie : and they responded but they were | a : : 3 | M- and Mrs. John Gise of Eliza > Ly > we destroying young fish and frogs. d d th ? If eave us snow Entered at the post office at Mount! j,ethtown., were guests of Mr. and powerless to render assistance wf Amos M. Heistand, a prominent rea y to sen t em. not, come an L Joy as second-class mail matter. ord last Svnday the structures were left a prey of | i on of Florin, spent Friday after 9 ° . x ts must have their | Mrs. H. H. Bard last Sunday. AR 201. | : E V ] B S d S * ls this Doe aov| Stil] the rain came down Sunday vid Hames. i : noon with Frank B. Grosh. you some xtra alue oys uits an oes. Isternthan Monday. Telephone news| nisht the moon was out in full, Mon- irk i yom yor thes ee Mr. ahd Mrs. Ralph Grosh spent : 3 of importance between that time and lay morning the usual rain pre-|* yy 96 ee i size, t 2 several days very pleasantly at Mt. : . . S h 1 S ° % 12 o'clock noon Weipssday, Saas vailed. : | shed 40 by 36 feet and the carriage Gretuy any Lebanon the hast week. ~ C 00 uits : gos Biverusimen 3 0 St ose | Mr. P. N. Kraybill, our thriving house 16 by 22 feet. The barn a Mr. and Mrs. Christ Good spent] cCCild T1CCS O1 ] S h 1 Sh x Monday night. New acvertisments merchant” and daughter Dora spent Substantial one: having a Lg Sunday with Charles Shelly and] choO oes : inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday ,, . gay last week throughout Leb. | base and a slate roof. W di the | family near the Colebrook Lutheran . 0 Bligh: Advertising rates om applica- ahon County. Siruapie vars hagned tral church. | : . Ci Christian ‘Hershey of near thigy 2iuavie. stock bul, i; SA Mushrooms of good quality and] O S ] ! t f S t t $2 75 : A place, passed thru here on Monday hogs, all the Implements of the fan, large size are now being gathered in| ne pecia Oo 0 ul S a ° x MARIETTA | afternoon with two loads of peaches a considerable quantity of hay and abundance: in. the: meadows along| 2 5 * * J 3 i * x RS A A J A RS LS & o OO roiss Aen : 800 on the buildings and $2,500 on |. ¢ there: ate many, : : § RB: © Hipple spent a fo¥ | ana yn a 5 3: TM their contents in ts am Mat Ee $3.25 for $4.00 Suits $3.65 for $4.50 Suits =) : ends at Laurel, Del, oli “schools of West Donegal Insurance Company, is): 1088, how The road supervisors of Mount | . : ’ W. J. Peoples of — ies their bugles Monday | ©Ve™ will reach $7.000. s Joy township will rendezvous at the | $4.00 for $5.00 Suits $4.75 for $6.00 Suits visited relatives here ine September 6th, giving the | The fire vas mmdoubledly of IM" | arilton Grove caravansary on Satur-| lays. | juveniles but a few more days of | Sonny origin. Neighbors who re- day morning 4th prox. Robert Taggart and sport. | sponded to the alarm found two men Walter B. Grosh of South Bethle- | he their vacation In The past few weeks the ancient) 12 the vicinity of the barn, who hem, is spending a week's vacation | S © ] L I { Shoes $1 19 Atlantic City. water works are highly appreciated © C © wihtout coats. hats or shoes | .; ihe home of his parents, Mr. and | pecla 0 0 | ° istian has returned | win. to the Rheems Water Com- 2nd they gosmed particularly de-| po pang B. Grosh. | : al weeks to Bat-| any having leaks in their mains Sirous of geting away from the Enos G. Gibble, after spending] $1 35 For $1 75 Value it and other places. making it a difficult task to locate | eiShPorhood. They disappeared and } joni years in the Rocky Mountain | s . ¢ Mr, and Mrs. Raby Rooke of Phil-| them. lat 4 o'clock in the morning, several region has returned to his parental | 0 F 2 25 Vv I ! adelphia, were guests of Mr. and Yo SATNlS Wie i oaks. Ii the hours later, they were seen walking home on Cherry HL ; | $1.8 or $ 5 alue f Mrs. B. G. Hipple for several days. s kept watch over if so many in the neighborhood of Marietta, Albert Gingrich left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shreines| weeks awaiting a stoshine dor. | both having their feet tied up in bur- morning looking bright as a picture and two children of Hanover, are | Afie; settine it wat he. Ran Zor lap. It is believed that the men had meridional honnd. to visit the Na-| visiting the formers mother, Mrs. it soaked after it was in the bags gamed an snpanee Into the barn for | ; 01 necropolis at Gettysburg. Anna Shreiner. le delivering. the puropse of finding a place to A Gruber and family of near Mec- The Pioneer Fire Company desires| The Colored camp meeting being | J°°P And they set fire to the build- fo Cornville, autoed to town as ec / i R to thank all persons who contribut- held in the W. L. : Heisey park the ing either acoienially. or.on min guests of Jacob Shenk and his . 3 ed in any way towards the success past hree A weeks with but one pose. . vy daughters, Misses Lizzie and Mary. ' of their festival Sunday, rumors are they Tne heat. from the fire Was I» Miss Louisa Thome has returned Miss Anna Haas has returned nue over next Sunday hea tense, and Bt cracked quite 2 num- | j, ome from a brief visit in Eliza- =. or Tt to Teale Tait hie ts an) ber of windows in peor ne hethiown. as the guest of her grands For County HOTEL M GINNIS HE 101 I She was accompanied home by John M. and Miller Wea- — by tn pa enis, Dr. ang Mev B. Tom £ ' Miss Helen Rising, of Reuding : snjeyed ay gutomonile trip In Sons scorched but the volunteers on | Zep. Sopnt) Ss uae | East Main Street Ms, on@ Mrs Willem Snyder sad their Overland touring cor to Head: hand prevented a spread of the fire, e Groth VE y gg 9 os i MOUNT JOY, PENNA. fro children of New Haven, Conn, 2, last Saturday and Sunday going which had bot. Bf imine Val. Brobst of Yana, Ww u i i i ew days with Mr. and Mrs. | by the way of Lebanon, Hershey and | concourse of people, gay 2 the formers. aD 3 . . Restaurant and Lunch Bar . Child. They came by au-| Middletown. / | Db in this place. Democratic Ticket | : Thursday eveming, ‘Aug. 26, Miss | ere A Gree Melo Martin, Menno Risser and | | OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE mittee on the Labor Day |Cecil Smith, an Rccomplished music | ROWENNA Jacob W. Moyer conveyed ld WwW Sh 1) CLAMS IN AY rye pre hard at work, and al-|teacher of near Elizabethtown. gave| iss Virgie Deitz is visiting Mrs. | SCTS from town to Cleona camp| JC, . rl e TURTLE SOUPS 8" ads have been engag-|a corn roast and magsh mallow toast | i Eisenhart. Se n : nd sutomobiies Tere Infact everything in season. Private E dren’s part was com |in the W. L. Heisey stone quarry | rs. McNeal is visiting her sister- | $1:00 round trip. | M J fy . E (at this place in honor of Miss or No in Sionher. 8 Eugene Garman jot Hershey and | of ount oy Dining Room for Ladies. Muller of Brooklyn, | Frances R. Herr, a nurse from Phila- Mrs. Amos Shank visited Mrs. {Miss yafley ani, of Be oT JF. Ov MoGinnis | ied the pulpit in Zion |delphia, who is home on a vacation. | Apram Hoffman on Tuesday. ville, were $1e guests of the a Fotiod PROPRIETOR ub a utheran Church Sunday |The guests numbered over ome hun-| wr ang Mrs. John Albright spent | Prother. Melo Martin and family! py, yy Election on Tuesday Saturday afternoon. Samuel Nagle who has been re September 21st, 1915. Yor FOR S AL & | corded in the indisposed docket 1a8 |g ope and influence solicited.| PURCHASE OR EXCHANGE been removed to the home of his| ANYTHING daughter, Mrs. Ella Phillipy, Mount | Zion, Lebanon Co. | CONESTOGA TRACTION CO. HAVE YOQ To , What oo YOU WANT TO BUY? v. Muller is a son of a|dred who arrived there in automo- of that church. | biles from all sections of Lancaster R. Hipple, a graduate |cOunty. There wes a bountiful sup- ta high school and of |P!V of corn, marsh mellows and but e State Normal School, | eT on hand. Immense fires were BERN CW” (or Gaw, where Ra full blaze where the corn will teach in the Gap high school. was wasted in the husk which ap- On Saturday eighteen Business men peared quite an amusement for of Marietta were entertained at | many while otherg indulged in games Wild Cat Falls Inn. Chicken and | and debating the foreign wars. Thursday at Horace Glatfelter’s, Miss Mary Carney of Philadelphia, returned home on Friday evening. Mrs. Clayton Stauffer spent Mon- day morning at Lancaster, shopping. Mary E. Shank spent Sunday after- noon with Miss Sue White, at May- town. Samuel Bostic, on the D. M. Eyer farm, isone of the first to cut tobac- vr } People who delight to look upon | ———— an amusing caricature and enjoy a| LANCASTER, ROHRERSTOWN, MT. cordial] laugh should scrutinize the | JOY AND ELIZABETHTOWN | DIVISION ekterior face of the south wall of | ohedule in effort January 1, 184 Bracelet Watches AL 1 except Bunday 15 a. m., arriving S. % Noles. Lancaster at 7:15 a. m. — ew | turdays cars every half hour v- The line will be supplied with n i. Je = Te Loe ae and heavier poles. | m.; leaving Mount Joy from 7:15 a. =m George Fry, one of the Mount Jov | toe ye a car will leave Ladbas- township’s dwarfs is the most for-|ter at 9:15 and 10:15 p. m.; leave Hiisa- lersville Norma] for a one week teacher’s course. Misg Myrtle Leedom of near Row- enna is visiting Mrs. Car] Shank near Quarryville. waffles were a feature of the feast, | Cs — co, on Friday, fre cnr sak of Jon ¥ i Np TT A TR VES AND EXPENSE d many responnded to toasts at] IN Mrs. Mellinger's sister, Miriam §O™ain. 12:36, 1:16, 2:8, 3:35, 4:15, B18, 6:38, 7:18 (SA YOU TIME and many OLD LINE : Young of, Lancustor,. speut saverdl 3 At a recent meeting of the Milton |8:15, *9:45, 11:15 Be 1, a WRITE FOR INFORMATION the festive board. | Subscribe or ne Mt. Joy Sulleus. ive ith: Har 2 Grove Telephone Co. the following Pd Ly 9:45, 10:45, 11:46 a. m.: 18:- The Boy Scouts, who are emcamp-| Mrs. Morris Bradley is on the sick | “2Y® or 1. | officers were elected: President, Dr. 4%, 1:45, 2:45, 3:6, 4: a 6:6, 1:6, 8: o ed In the quarry near town, on the list but is improving. Mr. Roy Hoover has gone to Milf, = tnome; Sec, Jom 8. Linde | ulicsiimes cr man. sham Keystone Service Box 497 LANCASTER, PA, Stop, Read and Think Hiestand farm, are having the time| Mr. Harry Shenenberger is also on |leaves Mount Joy at of their lives, and are encountering | che sick list but is improving. all kinds of “wartime” accidents. On| There will be harvest meeting at Saturday they were treated to chick-| Benjamin Shelly's on Saturday after- en and what was left the boys de | noon. muth, and Treas. Don W. Gorrecht ETT EO CE cided would be eaten on Sunday,| Miss Dora Lehman is helping this Miss rece Sioner and sister andj. cot er Who onst nis fish line | PENIOWE at _i0:6 end I BB Lo but Saturday night their rations were | week to get read for the harvest Miss Libhart, visited Eli Stoner and in thi tion. Ever da; he | May ito Nov. 1, leaving Lancastes Send me a lst of your ve, in. ’ : y family, over Sunday. n this section. y y | from 7:15 a. m. to 11:15 a. m. and 3:1 active listed or unlisted =ecurities (Near Bowman's Store) stolen. George Rudisill of Collings- | meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Mellinger are | catches a fine string, cleans them |p. m. to 7:15 p. m.; leave Mount Jey |and I will tell you what they are wood, N. J, who is visiting at Marl-| Mr. Wm. Hengst is the first one the i ideas os i sound and proudly returns home with them | from oe a A ai p. m. and £35 Forth, also make you am offer for MOUNT JOY, PA. ole | d : P 8 : y : Balls } oe froem | them. etta, is their guest, and - was acel-| lo start cutting tobacco. He cut ov, Mervin Melinger, to the envy of hig piscatorial com: | STE 8 os every half hour | dentally cut on the left hand. Henry about one-half acre. Johnson, while cutting wood to com-| Mr. Irwin Wolgemuth and wife are petitors. 1 EE 1 ET D. M. Eyer had the misfortune to loose a gteer and a cow, the cow dy- S. R. STILL, Jr. struct a bunk, sliced the first finger | the happiest family in this neighbor- ing from uraemlc poisoning hill meadows presumed to have a 6:16 a. m.; leaves Elizabethtown 1:80 a 20 W ei + oy . te de g . + : : | m. oolworth I nL unipn | Toe wows tr was mpun | 050 21 Soirosnis, sf svar 4p Sui atom, Sotuntay, censeo smoker | Krall Meat Market aatastor. yon, Winer Sulay | tite fuera of Florence Heblemme ot| 10 Metietta, fhe car jumped ‘ihe | S380 HAL SESS od Scoutmaster Jno. K. er. unday he a s track and ran into Mrs. Robinson's! Ye 2 Even e solar plexus ow | SRING: YOUR BEST GIRL TO THE { there were regular services in the Green Tree on Sunday afternoon. Wg (and departed for their happy] For a Good Clean Shave camp, and many visited from Marlet-| Mr. Benjamin Kready and family Sirs. Iva | Alright epi Misses { grounds after the strange canine ) (ta and Columbia. |entertained Mr. and Mrs. Heary|, =. "ao = oo attended | Pit them. | Or a Classy Hair Cut { rmibak © i - : A 1 3 “c | | op Balak of near Manheim, on Sun the’ Alumni seunion’ st Accorag on ey on the ivi Stop. at \ 7. Sainrdng of Death” we found an o an d MAYTOWN : = vy. | Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wolgemuth ! Ii | turtle and being of art and nature I always have on hand anythingim : Tra i ro. He : Mrs. H. C. Weir § - # i ¥ Harry Kieffer’s will move near | ontertained on Sunday: Mr. John lin. of Washi hs a son Mar we turned the testudo on its back] H. J. WILLIAMS : the ine of Smoked Meats, Ham, Elizabethtown next spring. Wolgemuth and family and Henry | in ashiigion, D. C, spent part and upon critical examination we S Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Prof. Charles Harter has gone to 3 i of Monday and Tuesday at A. M.| eh TONSORIAL PARLORS ’ ’ . CI s 3 Ss 8 Lehman and family. 4 | discovered an initial and cabalistic Also Fresh Beef, V Pork and Duquesne, to enter upon his duties : , | Shank’s. ! W. Main St Mount Joy | 80 Fres ef, eal 1quesne, to enter up ’ We were informed that any one is | nr. 6 ag BA. O'Brien | SYWDOIS that had they been revealed rd | Mutton, Prices always right, at that place. in need of a straw stack will do well daughter Mary of Philadel Wis af might have put Munchhausen in the] Agent for Manhattan Laundry { Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Porter of the | hy calling on Mr, John Showers. He visiting Nee mats oe are shade. YOU WILL BOTH ENJOY THE H. H. KRALL Masonic Homes, were In town On nuit , sample stack for B. F. Kulp. | Glatiolier pk "| The Mount Joy township public EVENING BETTER West Main Street, Monday evening. Mr. BE. H. Hoffer entertained on | A and high school will heir win- | ; _— n y : a 1 nti Nr, 15. HE I | The cottage, Eidelwess, along the gh school will open fieir win Mr, Albert Horner is contem-| gunqay: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gib-| Susquehanna. wis recently tes ter term Monday, Sept. 6th and| CHARLES S. FRANK HENRY G. CARPENTER MOUNT oY, PA. plating building a new barm this fall| 10 ar and Mrs. John Hollinger, libs some. Eliomietiioma ) "| young America will get down to in-| AUCTIONEER Suceessor to Bel] Telephone. west of town. of on his place, just Miss Mamie Klugh Donegal, spent several] days this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Klugh. Mr. P. S. Strickler Mr. David Hengst. { Mr. Benjamin Kendig, of Salunga, | hag been through here last week, | taking hai] insurance on tobacco. Peaches are abundant, but of in-| quite a number of farmers have in- | terior quality. The season promises |gnroq their tobacco. Any one in- to be short and unprofifable. 2s the | tcregted in the matter can call on fruit is rotting upon the trees. | and family, and | Phareg Strickler, he can take in-| Mrs. Don Houseal of Philadelphia, gy,rance, The insurance company is who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. | ihe martford Fire Insurance Com- Abram Sload, became very ill On| ,,nv of Hartford, Conn. Sunday. Her husband arrived bY| wr ang Mrs. Morris Bradley en- | auto on Monday. | tertained on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Grelder|yonn Hollinger, Mr. Phares Groff | and son Samuel, of Mount Joy; MT. gang family, Mr. J. O. Brubaker and | and Mrs. H. W. Engle and daughters eamily Mr. H. G. Nissley and family, | Dorothy and Irma, of Philadelphia, ang Mr. Martin Greinerof this place, | spent Sunday in town. | Mr. Clayton Duppler and family, of | The Socialists will have an open- | mijzabethtown; Mr. and Mrs, Henry | air meeting on Thursday evening, Bradley of near Hershey and Mr. | Sept. 2nd, at 7:30, at Maytown ang Mrs. J. 9. Bradley of near Nis- | Centre Square. The principal speak- | g1oys MilL er will be Charles W. Ervin of the Philadelphia North American. rrr nes A On rr tl ME mre Weather Didn’t Interfere Pana & Miilions| Bd Weather conditions had no ma First Year Tolls ON® | terrors for the Odd Fellows of the | The Panama Canal was placed m| ! Saas maith yh Seven Counties Association, Nearly commerelal operatiofis Aug. 15, 1914. |, 00) 0 ivory went to Hershey Sat- Hot st year's Vusiness 106d With urday for their amnual convention. A ! ae of $5216149.1 5 ter of members of Mt. Joy attendance. for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | patches were hai] | Michael Smith, passage of 1817), No. 217,10. O. F, were in| folks and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Stoner and two children and Mrs. Jacob Williams at- tended the Bainbridge picnic Chickies on Wednesday. Tobacco farmers in eighteen autos | Donegal town- ship on Tuesday, They were looking ! drove through Rast at the crops along the road, some places ruined by floods. Dr. Ulrich of Rlizabethtown, gave wife Emma, who is a trained nurse, a pleasant auto ride to D. M. Eyer's. last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are recuperating from sickness. Mr. Swayne, an aged man, his daughter Edith and son Donald came this far, hiking from West Chester and then by trolley to Harrisburg, where they took the Buffalo Express to Buffalo, | landing at Toronto, Canada. A Unclaimed Letters Unclaimed letters for week end- ing Sept. 1, 1916: C. H. Martin Viola Bleninger F. H. Gardner Miss Mary Hostetter Eleanor S. Martin J. Fred macher, Postmaster Best r ‘n town—Bulletfn at cut and in some | and daughter | auto to Middletown, by | tellectua] toil.» The boys and girls have had five months’ vacation which | should equip them their educational newed energy. : ———————— A ee me GOOD’S CHURCH Mr. John J. Ebersole is | wheat to Bainbridge. Mr. Isaiah Olweiler hag ripe wa- | termelons at this writing, | Mr. Reuben Ebersole is gtill help ing the Zeager brothers to thresh. Mr, John Heisey was helping J. L. Ebersole to thresh on Monday. duties hauling Mrs. J. 1... Ebersole accompanied | her daughters, Misses Bertha and Elizabeth, to West Philadelphia, where the latter will make their fu- | ture home, | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver and i daughter Anma; Mr and Mrs. John- son Ebersole, Miss Florence Youtz all | of Elizabethtown; Mr. C. D. Wittle | of White Marsh; Mr. levi Gish, { Mrs. Jacob Ebersole of Cea#erville, |" ‘and Master Jacob Ferry called on Miss Lizzie IL. Ebersole on Muesday. | These were the sguests at J. L. Ebersole’s on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. | Harry Drybread and | Mary and Lester; Mr. and Mrs. Wd- , win Meilman and son Clair of Bliza-| two children, | Prompt Attention given to Sales of to gotor UPOD | Roa) Estate and Personal Property. th [Tom Moderate MOUNT JOY, PA Bell Telephones Esq. 2nd Floor Front, W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- day, at No. 56 North Duke Street, with W. C. Rehm, bethtown; Miss Ida Kautz of, Eliza. ‘bethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Hainley and daug vy Neffaville. A 4 ———— ILY R. UNDERHILL ncipa THE SHIPPEN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Re-opens September 15 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE E. Main St Mount Joy Calling and Clerking of Publie Sales Settlement of Estates Collection of Rents Surveying and Coaveyamcing SHAVING HAIR CUTTING J. B. HERSHEY'S Tonsorial Parlor Three Chairs. No Waiting Agent for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. East Main St MOUNT Joy SPEND YOUR VACATION IN NEW YORK You can see more in New York in one week thas any place in the world, but you must know how. We furnish the “ENOW HOW” One full week of et Seeing” will show yoli everything wo! while in the big city. $45.00 covers hotel accomodations, cost cof | sight, seeing trips, theaters, ro gardens, etc, We even pay al your carfare around the cify. Write for booklet A “Selig New York At Minimum CHAS. H. ZELLER, LPRROEPRPEE®EE Weare Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at’ Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to gee us before ac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. g Mount Joy, Penna. ery WENEDIDMEE) Yes—Many People have told us the same —distress after eating, gases, heartburn. A Rexall, Pphsie Tablet before and af; meal will relieve you. Sold only Sh maal. E. W. Garber. Cc. 8. VoGLE Auctioneer FLORIN, PEN Prompt attentifir all kinds of regio: property,