The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 04, 1915, Image 7

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OO 0G Or 0 OL
| 3 LE 1 OO EO 0 LL
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a building than it does to
to erect
u i a ull it down, The Troop
EO EO No ted the camp and found the

oyvs in splendid condition and plen-
hit eat, They broke camp Fri
day, July 80, and hiked to Mt. Joy,
reaching the latter place Satur ey
morning at 8:20. They camped oui
over night on their way home, Seal
Elizabethtown. As they en ie
Mt. Joy the people were out
goodly number to give them 3
hearty welcome, thus ending a very
pleasant and profitable two weeks Of
camp life,


By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago, ll.
Power in Emotions: Some time |
ago I told you 2 little about the
ductless glands and the effects which |
they exercise over the body. I have |
made many observations and spent |

Where are the gummer furs of yes- The man who never tried has no
nought aeroplane.
* * 3% *

friend you are apt to get scratcher.
® ® ® >

‘While alimony returng in Chicago
amount to $1,000,000 annually some
of the 3,000 former husbands paying
them seem to think it cheap at that.
Perhapg the savant
On days that the Palm Beach suit
feels comfortable it also wrinkles all
over the human anatomy.


The Man Who Buys a Suit
Now Is Wise In More
Ways Than One
I THE FIRST PLACE, he is wise from the fact that. at no time during
the whole summer season outside of this reduction sale has he been abl®

oe 9 Bs Be De oP Be Pe oP Faabeolealeosotooe testes Tes eotooteo]

Ca a a am 2h J J CIRC RCI i i i

orforforterdeceod i

to get an A No. 1 Suit for so much below regular price.
IN THE SECOND PLACE, he is wise because of the fact that, with
the prevailing scarcity of wool through the demands of the armies in the
European War, there is bound not only to be a shorter market and an ad-
vance in price next Spring, but there is also bound to be inferier Value.
FOR NO MATTER how STRONG the demand may be for any ope thing,
when there is a scarecity of it NO AMOUNT OF MONEY can bring up
the supply.
RIGHT NOW in the middle of Summer you can buy say a $15 Suit for
the price of ONLY $10.98, virtually a saving of $5. We are notexaggerat-
ing in the least when we say that next Spring you will have to pay as much
as $18 to get a Suit of equal value---if present conditions are any gauge of
the fature.
The Children Will Soon
Be Going to School

And the chances are nine out of ten that they will be needing a new
DO YOU KNOW that, by the simple matter of
coming to our Boys’ Suit Reduction Sale RIGHT NOW you can save just
as much in proportion as the Father can save?
Suit in a week or two.
You may not want the highest--priced Suit just for school wear for the
boy, but it makes no difference to us---THEY’RE ALL REDUCED, from
the lowest to the highest --but you must take advantage of the Sale THIS
MONTH ONLY, for after that the next Season Suits will be put in stock
and the present sale will be at an end.
Men’s Suits Are
Priced As Follows:
Boys’ Suits Are
Priced As Follows:
Were $8.00.. ....Now $5.98 Were $2.00......Now $1.69
Were 10.00...... Now 7.50 Were 3.00...... Now 2.25
Were 12.00...... Now 8.98 Were 4.00......Now 2.98
Were 15.00...... Now 10.98 Were 5.00...... Now 3.98
Were 18.00...... Now 12.98 Were 6.00...... Now 4.50
Were 20.00..... Now 14.98 Were 8.00......Now 5.98
Were 22.00...... Now 16.98 Were 10.00...... Now 7.50
Were 25.00...... Now 17.98 Were 12.00...... Now 8.98

Grott & Wolf Co.
26.30 North Queen Street

Lancaster's Fastest Growing Store
PARANA PVIIVVRVLOLO0000000000000000000000000OOCN
If you do not believe that this is
who is really
needed in modern war ig the medical
specialist who will prescribe for the

POOOOOOOOQ | i; 1oquires greater effort and skill {for the benefit of Chicago’s children.
a great deal of time in the study of |
BOY SCOUTS ORGANIZE many books on the |
this subject,

terweek? sympathy for the one who tried and | July take a look at the calendar. ect. have been complied uring |
a ae failed. es ° . Following Are the Officer su "
s That Will ¢ OATS 1 use the term
A lazy man makes much ado about se ¢ © “Banks flushed with Money” says Serve the Ensueing Year the last Tow Yeu, ae
yr nothing. Investigations may disclose that|a headline. Speaks well for the ‘compiled” instead
ss 8 there never was an old fashioned | country. At Camp Clifton last week the | cause the most of them tell more
Men, like pins, are no good if they |summer. ce 3 8 Boy Scouts of this place effected | what others have written than of
lose their heads rrr 3 . e following organizati Ae : : hem tell
ose their 6880 Archery, moreover, never strains ensueing our: ganization for the CEiREl I Bete oo ia
ke a cat's paw of a Out of fear of the submarine may |a man’s veracity by leading him to H. J. Williams, Scout Master: R mere of what others
If you ma be evolved the paradoxial dread-|tell stories of the fish that got away. |p Pennell, Assistant Scout Master: | than of original research. I have
written the manuscript for a book
but I purposely avoided a study or
even the reading of anything writ-
ten by others unti] I had my own
ideas in black and white.
Troop Committee: Dr. W. D. Chand- |
ler, Dr. J. J. Newpher, H. C. Brun-!
er, Wm. Tyndall and Chas. Mor-
Eagle Patrol:
Charles Garber, Pa-
trol Leader;
Calvin Kramer, Assist-
ant Patrol Leader; James Garber,| At the recent meeting of the
Chas, DeLong, Roy Tyndall, Irvin! Homeopathic Medical Society, Dr.
Fritz, George Weber, Mark Mum- Dewitt Wilcox of Boston, read a

ma, Jacob Zeller, Walter Pennell.
Owl Patrol: Harry Williams, Pa-
Leader; Sylvester Dearbeck, |
Assistant Patrol Leader: Howard|
paper in which he asserts that the
| Greenavwalt; Edwin Walters, Oscar
adrena] secretions make and unmake
heroes in battle or in fact anywhere
and that it is the influence of
their secretions that tell the story
of what we sometimes call deeds of
superhuman power. When a human
being is laboring under the excite-
ment of fear he will commit acts
that are entirely foreign to his |

Laskewitz, Everett DeLong, Elwood
arber, James Rapp, Glenn Derr,
i Thomas Stohler.
{ “Along New Englana roads and
Elsewhere” by W. C. Prince, and
“Under the Trees” by Hamilton W.
Mabie, are essays of beauty and in-| normal nature and apparently impos-
spiration, inspired by the authors | sible in a physical sense.
coming in intimate relationship with |

In some cases we find people that |

nature. We feel sure no more at-| .
tractive scenes and surroundings fell| #'® known to be cowards when
to the lot of these writers than|normal, but under the excitement |
those to be found at Camp Clifton,! of eager or other powerful emotions |
situated three miles north of Mid-| they perform deeds of valor and
X| dletown, along the creek called the| strength that makes the world |
B hoy coun SHEN Place wonder at the power of a nan. How
[their first two weeks of camp item to utilize this wonderfu] power that
two weeks of never to be forgotten | is really in us all the time I have
pleasure and sports, coupled ; with tried to explain in the unpublished
200d, Strong, wholesome discipline, | hook, but what you want to know is
as handed down to them by their| }.; w
tireless. and energetic Scout Master, | y % to d0 i Si ical
Harry J. Williams, The writer wag| For many years the medica
one of five who visited the camp on fraternity have tried to increase
July 29, and spent the day with the! the efficiency of the ductless glands
boys. On this occasion and this i; man by making extracis from the
particular day an auto containing glands f imal 1 they have
Mr. John E. Schroll, Dr. J. J. New- glands o animals anc ney Av |
pher, H. C. Brunner, William Tyn. Met with some success I can give |
dall and Dr. W. D. Chandler, ar-|only a brief suggestion of what I|
rived at the camp about ten o'clock. | pelieve to be the trus method.
The boys were particularly anxious i ;
that thin crowd shotld avive. Some The emotions must at all times be
weeks before the boys left for under complete control of the mind.
their camp Mr. Harry Brunner re-| A successful general does not allow
marked that he thought of treating himself to become frightened or
them toa chicken dinner, Mr. ...oq put the excitement all about |
Schroll remarked that his auto was | h oh : |
at his service, and Dr. Newpher,| Nim and the tense vibration of |
learning of the proposition, said | thought waves enables him to make |
that he would accompany the crowd. | quick decision on important points. |
There being room for two more, an His whole body responds to the situ- |
invitation was extended Mr. Tyndall ation and al] of the ductless glands
and W. D. Chandler, two members ,.; in is - i
: ’ 2D] unison, therefore he is a com-
of the Troop Committee, to be their| lete dynami wer and not eratic. |
guests on this occasion, This auto|” 3 © Dower and no. s >
load was anxiously looked for by | The first requirement of the mental
the boys and on reaching the camp, healer or the Christian Scientist is
found the scouts drawn up in line in| faith. then the putting away of fear. |
After that forgive your enemies and
honor of their arrival. After being |
dismissed the boys escorted the vis-|
itors thru their camp with pride, if you have a grudge against any-
for which they had cause, ag the one, forget it, quit worrying, ac-
{yee Feloss eveciion ly dem-| cept peace and when you have ac-
onstrated to the guests. e camp | ishy : hi 5
. 3 omplished all these things, har-
was in splendid order. At the call : =
in your body
In addition
the ductless
for dinner they took their places in| MOny begins to appear
a quiet, dignified way, and while| as well as your mind.
standing, offered prayer for the ne-|to these suggestions
with the other good things that gol !!Ve through the us> of properly
to make up a dinner ,and the cover-| Selected herbs, fruits and other
ing of all this with blocked ice foods that seem to have a direct in-
cream and cake. The boys had| fluence upon them. At least one
splendid appetites, as well as some ite 3
Speadia ay Yes, B oy as Some article of each meal should be un-
ne oae 2s. 1 n spite
nature’s demands, they failed to get | C00ked. Severa] kinds of uncooked
away with the seventy pounds of| foods may be used with decided
chicken, three gallons of gream and | benefit. Nearly all fruits are better
half a bushel of cakes. After dinner .,; vastly more appetizing in the
three hours of strenuous afhletie ’ 5 :
sports were indulged in—base ball, |TaW or uncooked state of natural
jumping in various forms, running,!| food, also many vegetables and all
swimming, boating and quoits. To-| kinds of nuts.
wards evening a newspaper man and — Een
a doctor started out to fish. The
| understanding was that the bushel BOUNTY INFORMATION
® | can that contained the cut-up chick- ————

Ben, was to be filled with fish for| Cured Skins Only May Be Sent to
g | supper, and the parties referred to State Dept. Hereafter
started ont to fulfill the promise
made on the way to camp. With x : iy : 2
| much care the two baited the hooks For the information or those
% and then seated in the boat, launch-| desire to secure bounties as pro-
| ed out into the deep, and after videq for by the Act of April 15th,
| some hours, exposed to the rays of 1905.
we beg to advise that this Act |

3 | the scorching sun, returned unable | .. . *t1v provi :
R10 keep their promise, Providence distinctly provides that in case the
| failing to smile on their efforts. necessary affidavit is made before a
The boys are in fine physical con-| Justice of the Peace, Alderman, or
dition. The last week of their camp yjq0i ate, on forms secured from

| life the Boy’s Brigade of Harrisburg, ¢ Gains
| camping nearby, paid them a friend-| sd
Commission by such

[ly visit. In the evening they held official, the unmutilated skin or en-
a camp fire, around which they tire pelt of such animal shall be
Jans PR Shanes any Visitors | forwarded to the Game Commission,
| honore e camp wi eir pres-| ans : |
f arrisburg an her y id
|ence. On the 29th, besides those al- urg and ihe efore t does
| ready mentioned, we remember of Not provide for the sending of the
2 | seeing Mrs. Amos Shickley, Mrs. entire carcass of the animal. |
Sylvester Dens heck: y= oo Sih Furthermore, we beg to warn all |
er, Mrs. SCO swords, Mrs. Aaron claimants for bo 3
aimantg f unties at they
Garber, Mrs. Mabel Garber, Mrs. uh What they
Katharine Dietz, Mrs. Harry Derr, Siould In al] cases skin the animal |
| Mrs. Elias Derr, Mr. A. B. Hoffer | and ci iry the skin before |
and Dr. Wright. We understand sev-| forwarding same to Harrisburg, as |
en hundred and fifty visitors dropped
{in during the two weeks—a never
[to be forgotten two weeks in the! ‘SIV
[lives of those who spent them at | taining a raw
{ Camp Clifton. They will profit from it reaches Harrisburg because of the
[a aig ined au fu 18 fact that such raw. skin or, carcass
{able to make the two weeks’ outing | VE
lin 1918 be better in every way. It has become offensive during transit.
will be a verv great pleasure for 2nd under such conditions your
them to look forward to that time.| claim would te entirely lost. There-
| Just a word about the one who has | fore, in the future do not send any-
and is devoting so much of his time thin. except the cured or dried skin
otherwise the postal authorities will |
very likely destroy the parcel con-
{in or carcass before

to this eause in our community. ;
He is like the vest of us, Hable to] (NO! the carcass) to the Game Com-
error at times. Who has not? Only | migsion, Bounty Division, Harris
dead men make no mistakes. We | burg, Pa.
refer to Scout Master Harry J. yor — A mms
|llams, We know of no man better notoriety seeking crank is
fitted to fill the position. He a able to gratify his vanity
military training and he fis putting | Cop ut the use. of si bomb
it into practical use. Lend him | eee en
your support morally and financial-
ly. Help to build un. Remember, ghould be run
Chicago's schools


i Come and Select |
i Vegetables Plants
who p
The House of Quali
Wednesday, August 4, 1915.
| Latest Styles High Grades
Low Price
Wool Worsteds, Cassimeres, Etc.
For Men and Boys

Men’s Suits $1.25 to $18.00
Boy’s Suits $1.45 to $5.95
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Will Replace Them
With New Goods FREE

A Full Line of
Shoes and Gents Furnishings
28 to 35 per cent lower than any store in the county

Every Week, Specials in Ladies’
and Children’s Dresses


Ladie’s and Men’s Raincoats
$1.19 to $3.95
Former Prices Were $3.95 to $7.50

Morris Cohen's
The Reliable Clothing, Shoes and
Gents’ Furnishing Store
South Prussian Street, -- Manheim, Penna.
0 0000




1 OO 1

grown, frost-proof eabbage plants. We have this variety in Marly
Jersey Wakefield, at 12¢ per dozen, 3 dozen,20c. Be in the lead and
order mew.
Potted Big Boston Lettuce, Sc per dozen, 30¢ per 100.
Potted Grand Rapids Lettuee, 8c per dozen, 30c per 100.
Potted Double Curly Parsley, 18c per dozen, 75¢ per 100,
We also have the leading varieties of Spring growa plants
which are good amd strong.
Cabbage—Early Jersey Wakefield, Early Copenhagen Market,
Extra Early Express, All Head Early, Succession. All the above are
good early leaders, price 10c per dosen, 5 dozen, 45c. By parcel
post, addl0c for one or 5 dozer. We can send you 5 dosen as
cheap as 1 dozen. We accept 3e postage stamps on small orders.
Money order may be sent.
Brussels Sprouts at 12¢ per dozem.
Burpee’s Danish Prize amd Dwarf Erfuo Caulifiower.
We have good varieties and good leaders in Tomatoes, such as
Bonny Best, Spark's Earlians, Crasker Jack, etc. These plants are
ready; order now. Come amd ®ee them,
We have Hyacinths—Dark Pimk, Rose, White, Dark Blue and Light
Tulips—S8ingle—Bright Scarlet, Brilliant Pink, White, Red with
yellow border, Rose Grisdelin.
Double—Maurills, Brilliant Searlet, Golden Yellow.
Narcissus—Golden Spur, Vam Siem.
Also cut flowers, such as Carmations, Sweet Peas, Calla Lil
lies, ete.
We solicit your patromage, and we will try to treat yom right.
, BE. H. Zercher
Columbia Ave. ~~ Mount Joy, Pa.
1310 NO 11 OT
Social Side of Soda Water
Summer brings its social gaities, and Chiques Rock soda water eam
be made such a help in so many of these charmingly informal fune
tions that you should learn to lean on this inexpensive aid.
For children’s parties of all kinds you know in advance that a
case or two of Chiques Rock soda water will make an instant “hit”
and it is the cheapest kind of good refreshment you could possibly bay.
But remember that men and women are but children of a larger
growth, and that no ome ever grows too old to enjoy the erisp bubbly
delight of a cold glass of some one of our delightful flavored carbonated
It is a good money-saving habit to think of soda water every time
you think of entertaining young or old.
Perhaps we can help you with some suggestions.
Go to your nearest dealer and order an assorted case of Ehiques
Rock Lemon, Creme, Sarsaparilla, Birch, Orangeade, Raspberry, ete.

bia, Pa