PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months......... 50 Cents Three Months....... 256 Cents Single Copies........ 2 Cents Sample Copies........ FREE Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their ~~mmunications ‘reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisments must positive ly reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisments inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. Advertising rates om applica- tion. PLEASANT VIEW Mr. and Mrs. Phares Stern spent Sunday at Florin. Raspberries are ripening pickers are out in full, Mr. and Mrs. Menno family spent Sunday at Harrisburg. Haymaking is about over and har- vest ig in progress in this section. Mr. Benj. Stauffer secured some tobacco plants at the P. V. farm on and the Risser and Tuesday. 1. P. Eshleman delivered two calves to butcher Flory at Lawn, last week. Ask J. H. what happened when he made Jove to a hornet’s nest back in the hay-field. Mr: Wm. Kolp, our wir Ss opera- tor, spent from Sabbath 1 Monday at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker and daugh- ter spent Tuesday ¢ with E. P. Eshleman and fa ily Hon. I. S. Hollin Ww 0 respondent, mad all a € C farm Satu 1g Arthur Keefer 1 i 1C bad col “ca at he i unable tg speak above a 1 isper What h tha )e- gun to like tl name h s well, of late? Ask Rider. She knows Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Eshleman spent Sunday with the latter's brother and family at the Herr nurseries near “ Lancaster. Wm. K’s ad last week, for a wife, has not yet brought results. He thinks marriageable ladies must be scarce, or at least one would have answered the ad. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Garman and Master Earl G. Eshleman of Locust Grove, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Greiner and Messrs. and Everett, Lehman, Heisey, Kolp Sundayed in the I. P. Eshleman home. A negro family of six enroute from Huntsdale to Lebanon by way of Lancaster, passed through here Mon- day evening, “roosting” in the barn on the C. 8S. farm over night. They earned their breakfast, however, by helping to unload four loads of hay. i M Bertha Mi was ies in the hills on lost in some man- ake matters worse, ct w fa res took th gights at th 5th Elikabethtown Ste jonkey which hag quite a stir among our smaller boys, was a prominent figure in the pa- : rade. = A large copper snake was loaded on a hay wagon along with the hay without being noticed by the loaders on the C. 8. farm on Tuesday, but it certainly made the fellows “dust” when it made its appearance a little later to the ones who were unload- ing in the barn, This is the second big copperhead that was killed in haymaking here. Lightning last week struck the house of John Martin living at the Conawago Hills and done consider- able damage. His housekeeper was knocked senseless and remained in that condition for over a day. She is improving, however, at this writ- ing. His two fine hunting dogs were | also struck and instantly killed. The loss is estimated at geveral hundred dollars, i ae