The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 07, 1915, Image 4

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    Wednesday, July 7, 1915.
out a sweetish, oozy substance, | her many friends.
Let's Ali Help : [per
which was taken up by the bees! Mr. and Mrs. John B. Diffenbaugh
. | 3 :
! rand carried from blossom to blos-|and son Richard and Miss Mary
Our Oid Vets? received by the pistil and car- | Kolp of Salunga, were the guests of
| Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Mickey on Sun-
ter. The Water Committee and clerk SIZE DOES NOT ALWAYS COUNT
1 .
Fellenbaum were ordered to meet There Have Been Many Men of Small
the representative of the above com- | Stature Who Have Made
company and adjust the rate in ac- Good |
cordance with the actual water com-| oo ooo... by the look of 4. frog :
sumption. On all the other unpaid ac- how far he can jump.”
counts Mr. Fellenbaum was ordered mhat old and crude philosophy is as
to proceed according to ordinance, i. applicable to men as to-frogs.

'ried down to the embryo fruit.”
(Continued liom page 1) | As the greater portion of Mr. day.
| > .
A few days ago we gol an ink Reist’s pear production goes to the! Mrs. Arthur Lamoureaux and son
y | Arthur left last Wednesday for Phila-
Compare Prices—Compare Quality
win choosing tires be sure
ling that our post is very desirous high-grade markets, being carefull AS - : :
of attending this grand review (and Packed and handled, it can LAT Wags e. give them ten days notice and if hy story fa the Stat Fenny Jot o and get Firestone inbuilt
5 , stand be seen that the loss of an expected! se 3 unpaid at the expiration of that the arrival at the Union Station o ; . 2d
so they should) but we understand s pec relatives. o alll four men, three of them alert, well extras. At the following prices
they do not have the “wherewith. Yield of 4,200 bushels is vary con- Mr. and Mrs. L. Parthmore, Mr Te, Shui oF ihe, Vator, | dressed, impressive looking. The 7 ? d th
all.” siderable. } A SN ME » MI. | Council then adjourned to meet! oo. 5 v "- pattered old gabardi you can't afford to use any other
: : and Mrs. George Reese and two tati 1 fire” toto ourth wore a battered old gabardine, .
Now, as true and patriotic citi: =r er Wi | children. Harry and Kathryn of ihe representatives of hi e hose frayed at the buttonholes. His mane tire or tube.
, ; : i ? u et num- imi i
2605, re Wwe noi duty bound 10 {capital city visited friends in the eeanian So together ‘With 4 mn ne wes Siig and Teiitiug. Iu size he See the Firestone man and find out why you
come to the aid of these deserving The News [stimes Sunday. er ol nremen. & li ie can get this extra service at average cost.
a Trois S Two representatives were heard _ He was a little-great man, Dr. Chas,
yois. who made these United States Fl ° Mrs. Margaret Oppenheim, son A samp} 'h resented | H. Mayo, one of the greatest surgeons <<
possible? Most assuredly. Now who ; at OY'IN [Ernest and daughter Anna of Phila- Bnd Samples OF hose Were D 3. the world has ever known.
will volunteer to raise enough money delphia, returned home Monday from two other manufacturers an | John B. Gough, the great platform |
to send the surviving members of (Continued from page 1) after spending several days with the after a lengthy meeting Council ds | orator, used to tell a story about him- |
this Post to Washington on this oc _ in former's’ daughter, Mrs. Patrick cided to buy 400 feet of hose from | self, how he arrived late at a hall in |
cagion? Florin Hote] on Saturday. Duffy Mr. H. R. Early, representing the Glasgow, where he was to speak. The o
| Miss Anna Good spent a few days * Eureka Fire Hose Company of Phil-| Place was packed. He could not get Automobile and Motorcycle

At Lancaster there ig a ladies aux-
iliary in conjunction with the Post
there, Also an order called the La
dies of the G. A. R. Recently these burg, were pleasantly entertained at
organizations held a festival for a \;, piorin Hotel on Tuesday.
week in order to raise enough money , ni. and Mrs. James McCormick
to send their veterans on this trip. ;,4 gaughter Mildred of Enola, were
adelphia, The price paid was $1.10: in
per foot, Chairman Ricksecker and
Clerk Fellenbaum entered into a con-
tract with Mr. Early today for the
delivery of the hose.
————— A Gree
in Elizabethtown, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Good.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilman of Harris-
Tires, Tubes and Accessories
. - Th
Firestone Net Prices to i vd > UN
Car Owners \ 7
Case Case Grey Red & R oe
| Round Tread Non-Skid Tube Tube = N at
h h, the gre d 30x3 | $0.40 | $1055 | $220 | $2.50
that Gough, the great orator, must be i or EET
a tall man. “32x3% | TS
; : ; i 7 1875 | 1540 | 2.70 | 305 | , 5
He went to a side window, hoping to | ; B4xd | 1950 | 9730 1 3.90 | 440 | \ &

To the crowd wedged into the front
entrance he told that he must get in, '
he was Gough, the speaker. They
looked at him, he was an undersized
man, and laughed. They imagined

Our Boro. Dads
Buy Fire Hose

(Continued from page 1)
We would suggest that our citi gunday visitors to the village. down Longenecker's road and start- RELIGIOUS NEWS Ee .
zens get busy and do something. A . nl Ap rf y : : ens be able to crowd in there. It was al- } 34x42 | 2730 | _ 30.55
° Mr. Becker of near Rheems, Was | oq extending the water main on N. ; ! xa | 2870 | 32.15 5.00
News From Our Many Local Houses ready jammed full, and they, too | 3x5 | 3555 | 30.80 1 5.95 1

festival, we think, would net enough the csuest of his brother uel x :
the guest of his brother, Mr. Sam Barbara street. Everything at the laughed when he told them he was | 38x5% | 4600 | 5150 | 6.75
of Worship
money to do this, We have men Becker and family on Sunday.
water works is in good condition.

tioned the fact to a number of peo-: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haldeman My. Keencr..otf the Finance Com
ple and all expressed a willingness and daughter of Philadelphia, were: . ° 2
- : sis a : mittee, reported the approval of a
to assist. If, in the opinion of our Sunday visitors to our village. ister of Pills. all of witich. Were
people, it would be more preferable Mr. Charles Stober and daughter or ot aid wR
to raise the money by subscription, of Harrisburg, were Sunday visitors = il > : I ordi C
the Bulletin will do all in its power at the home of Mr. Horace Cox. Mr Gable i the ! fnanse on:
to aid the cause, Prayer meeting was held at the mittee, reported that the ordinance
is now being prepared and will be
the next meeting.
report from
Mr. Harry Ichler on Tues-
evening by the Old Brethren.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McNeal and Mr.
Let some one shoulder enough re. ome of
sponsibility to call a meeting some
time and somewhere and act. We
ready for
There Ww
Froperty Committee, chairman Sump-
as no the


know that it would not require more ind Mrs. Albert N. Straub of Enola,
than about $150 to give the old motored to this place on Sunday. man being absent.
soldiers the treat of ‘heir career’ Mr. Wm. H. Gantz and forcé of Mr. Ricksecker of the Light Com- |
and we feel certain the e isn’t a © ound hogs are ( ine a jarge sink mittee, reported a few lights out but
man, woman or child 'n tlis town ? the Bachman' Chocolate Factory. replaced promptly, and the pole Tre-
that would not give their mite. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Musser and cently placed in position near the]
Miss Ada P Roe of Harr w 1 ry not in the proper |

siteq friends in town on Tues
Will L 4 200 Mrs. Emma Hamawei of Lancas-
: ose ye ter, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
tain lines, was the
; 1 : £ OD Henry Wittle on Sunday and Mon- by the Edison Company’s representa- |
Busheals Of & cars day. tive, Mr. S. H. Miller.
— Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker of Dills- Mr J E. Hoffer of the Board of

burg, spent several days in town the
1y. position, The pole will be properly |
placed when Council determines cer- |
> |
assurance given |
United Brethren
Rev. D. E. Long, Pastor
Sunday School 9 A. M,
Communion service, 10:15 A. M.
Senior C. E, 7 P. M.
Preaching at 7:30 P, M.

Cross Roads Church
Rev. Jesse Eyster, a returned mis-
sionary from Africa, will give a talk
| on Missionary work in the Cross
Roads meeting house on Saturday
evening, to which all are most
cordially invited.
Trinity United Evangelical
Rev. I, E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:30 A. M.
Preaching at 10:30 A, M. and 7:30
Prayer meeting,
ing at 7:30.

Wednesday even-
Training class, Monday
John B. Gough. |
Finally he went to a rear door and |
told the man on guard there that he
was Gough. : vif
“Yes, five or six other men have al- |
ready told me thet,” the watchman
said. Gough gave him a shilling to,
pass him in to the stage and after the |
lecture the doorkeeper went to him
and said:
“Well, Gough, you're like a singed
cat; better than you look.”
Many men who do great things are
small in stature and insignificant look- |
ing. Nearly all of them would pass un-
noticed in a crowd.
Gen. Sir John French, Field Marshal
in command of the British forces in
France, “the incomparable Ney” of
the British Army, is described by Her-
bert Corey as “short and squat in sta-
ture, a ludicrous figure on horseback,
and not at all the sort of man in ap- |
pearance one expects a cavalry leader |
to be.” |
And he is “quiet and unassuming.” |
They are all—all the men who do great |

Mount Joy, Penna.

11 01
Mature an early erop of cabbage.

Vegetables Plants
Set out hardened outdoor

Health, reported one case of measles
Continued from page 1 |
: Dag ) Lloyd-Gecrge, British Chancellor of
Btantlc batilod with it. cutting oul guest of their son Roy Baker and ang no other complaints of any |evening at 8 o'clock. grown, frost-proof cabbage plants. We have thig variety in Barly
Continually wiers ‘the blight would | TY: | character. mee a one oie great ma Jersey Wakefield, at 12¢ per dosem, 2 dozen,20c. Be in the lead and
eR ? P. N. K. Schwenk, jr., of Philadel- ; ; of England, is desc
appear This year, however, it came | .' 2 ek hid TR Mr, Jacob Brunner appeared be- Church of God Collier's Weekly: order ROW.
phia, was a Monday visitor to friends C. D. Rishel, pastor
fore Council and asked for the prop-
er line for his pavement on West
Donegal street. This matter was re-
“A short, stocky man, about the size |
of LaFollette, there was nothing dis-
tinguished in his appearance.” He is
Potted Big Boston Lettuce, 8c per dozen, 30c per 109.
Potted Grand Rapids Lettuce, 5¢c per dozen, 30c per 100.
like an avalanche, and we could do
nothing but cut and cut until some
trees were reduced to mere stumps.
{in the village. He made the trip by
| motoreycle.
Sunday School, 9:30 A, M.
Preaching services, 10:30 A. M.

Wanted—A ho that will stand rvs erga. © tle WW 2
Without the blight I should have, i : de thet dove 7m Sod fo the Syed fonnit® yu Tonle 3) ema v= gi GT lr | Poited big Curly Parsley, 106 por dozen; 75¢ per 140.
: , feffer | OF Roane ? owe in determining the |6 P. M. 5 hes al i
batvested To00 bushels. of Rietier away. Call on George Neidenthal, Do : i ant 2 —_ ge Senior C. E, 6:45 P. M known as “Little Bobs.” We also have the leading Varieties of Spring grown plants
pears and 1,200 bushels of Bartletts, |p © pg proper lines at that point. or : Grant was short and stocky. Lord |= which are good amd strong.
with it practically none at all” The Misses Wagner of Palmyra Mr, Peter Brubaker was . before| Preaching at 7:30 P. M. Nelson “the greatest sea fighter the |
Misses Vag of almyra, = Cabbage—Early Jersey Wakefleld, Barly Copenhagen Market,
world has ever seen,” was undersized
Asked his opinion why the disease | es . a ac. aa ‘Council and asked permission to
ire’ spendin several dey hers. Wi Trinity Lutheran and delicate. Napoleon was “the Little | @ Extra Early Express, All Head Barly, Succession, All the above are
place a gasoline tank underground

should be particularly disastrous this| , . —_ Me. dnd Mrs
season, Mr. Reist replied: es a Mr. and Mrs. at his garage, the pump of which Rev. I. H. Kern, Pastor Corporal.” rd tela | good early leaders, price 10c per dosen, 5 dozen, 45c. By parcel
“he trees that didn’t bloom Were| a Nehemiah Gantz and family WOU extend into the street several Sunday Schoo, 9:30 A. M. pipes 4, Dovey Tae cas ie post, addl0c for one or 5 dozem. We can send you 5 dozen Jw :
: Y feet at this point. This matter was| Divine Worship, 10:30 A. M. and | Malt. He rie. does Rules: | cheap as 1 dozen. We accept 2c postage stamps on small orders. ¢
ected badly as the others. |,, . rine * y bi
not aff 80 y as and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker (6:15 P. M. ards of railway Money order nv be: 5omt,


When the trees were in full bloom |. joved an auto ride to Mount Gret- 21S0 referred to the Street com- "~~." .. . «rhe Model of Sized: So is John D. Rockefeller.
the pistil was just in as good €OD-|ja on Sunday. mittee with power to act. | ous New 1 ife i : oe i The list might be extended to col- E Brussels Sprouts at 12¢ per dozem.
: Patt dg Vey ie 5, disproving the popular belief @®
dition to receive the blight as it| A large number of town folks wit- There Was no treasurer's report| ~~ oo . “Thought and big aigh di id DO Et Burpee’s Danish Prize and Dwarf Erfuo Cauliflower.
was to receive the pollen. Tire nessed the fire works demonstration and the list of delinquent water Cheracter” fhe: jeep aL & e g in he Ts =
blight is nothing more than a bac-|at the Masonic homes at Wlizabeth- renters, was then read by Clerk Fel- | The hr h comneil will meet In be ay Hi i ha Pim We have good varieties and good leaders in Tomatoes, such as
terial germ, discovered about 1833. [town last evening. lenbaum, The Philip Frank Malting | Si ee lly rg da oe yn kay : y Bonny Best, Spark’s Earliana, €raeker Jack, etc. These plants are
5 1e pastor's study o hursday even- (& 3 .
In the warm days of April,” he| Miss Mabel Duffy celebrated her Company objected to pay its water ing ! > y y AUTO HORN SAVES HIM w ready; order now. Come and #6 them,
went on, “I believe the blight that|17th birthday on-Monday by receiv- remt of $160.00 because the plamt FROM MOUNTAIN LIONS | © We have Hyacinths—Dark Pimk, Rose, White, Dark Blue and Light ’
Sp. re on t trees let) ing lots of be ifu] presents ad not been running the past win- i —_— Blue.
had over-wintered on the Ea On OD mn ; ira Methodist Episcopal He Thought His Last Hour Had Come, | ® Tulips—Single—Bri Scarlet. Brill bi 7
C. B. Johnston, Pastor but Luckily He Had the “Honk- 2 3 Ujips= Smale ~Grighy searh, A na Pink, Weils, Red wih
1 Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Honk” Weapon. i yellow border, Rose Grisdelin. 3 : :
Sacrament of the Lords Supper, Sacramento, Cal.—Charles Jackson, 8 Double—Murills, Brilliant Scarlet, Golden Yellow.
10:30 A. M. driver of the mail stage between |= Ye roan saiiaeyes a
Preaching services, 7:30 P. M. Marklesville, Cal, and Gardnerville, | # Narcissus—Golden Spur, Van Sion,
Prayer meeting this Wednesday ev- Nev, has found a new use for auto- s Algo cut flowers, such as Carmations, Sweet Peas, Calla Lil-
ani 7:30 mobiling horns. As a weapon against 8 lies, ete.
enmg at 7:30. 7 attacks by mountain lion Jackson says | =
Migs Adele Potter of N. Y. will| gn automobile horn has no equal, and | 8 We solicit your patromage, amd we will try to treat yom right.
speak for the Lancaster Suffrage As- | Jackson is in a position to know. 5
sociation in the Methodist Church While driving to Gardnerville the
from 3 to 4 o’clock on Monday after- | other day Jackson was confronted by Co :
noon, July 12. She Is a lawyer and = tWo mountain lions, made savage by |Z BE = yA h
x heavy snows and the resultant lack of | RB dude eYe er
a fine lecturer. A collection will be
asked’ for the. work: We invite: ait food. The brutes disputed the right
ask p : e inv ; ta o :
of way with Jackson, who was unarm-
| who can to come out to hear her. ed. The horses took fright and be- | Columbia Ave. Mount Joy, Pa.
| Will be at Elizabethtown and Flor- | came almost unmanageable.
: =
{in same day. | “I thought my last moment had | 7)
7% [ | come,” said Jackson. “The lions were | :
77 LE | | o | —-—— —— — —
Her = a= : | preparing to leap upon me or the
A WAPMIS oa Presbyterian : | horses and that would have seen the |
- h Pr | Services during the pastor's vaca-' eng of us both. I yelled, cursed and | S . l Sid f S d W t
{tion will be as follows: | prayed at the top of my voice, but ' ocia 1 € 0 0 a a cr
July 11th, Rev. H. M. J. Klein of | the lions were not a bit scared. They |
| Lancaster, will preach morning and | came creeping toward me and the | :
| evening. frightened, shivering team. Summer brings its sociai gaities, ald Chiques Rock soda water eam
July 18th, no service. Sabbath “Suddenly I remembered I had 2 good | be made such a help in so many of these charmingly informal fune
| School at 9:15 A. M noise Profucer > a package Snigrle tions that you should learn to lean on this inexpensive aid,
: a wagon seat. was an automobile ;
lh July 25th, No service. Sabbath on bringing i lor the postmass For children’s parties of all kinds you know in advance that a
| School at 9:15 A, M. ter. I grabbed that horn and pressed | ©a8e or two of Chiques Rock soda water Will make an instant “hit”
August 1st, Rev. Craig B. Cross | the bulb as hard as I could. The ‘honk- and it is the cheapest kind of good refreshment you could possibly buy.
But remember that men and women are but children of a larger
growth, and that no one ever grows too old to enjoy the crisp bubbly }
delight of a cold glass of some one of our delightful flavored carbonated
It is a good money-saving habit to think of soda water every time
you think of entertaining young or old.
honk’ of that horn did more than all
my yelling, for the lions turned tafl
and fled down the hill as though pur-
sued by a thousand demons.
“I'll either carry a gun or an auto
horn on the rest of my trips this win-
| of Oxford Pa., will preach at Done-
{gal in the morning and at Mt. Joy
|in the evening.
Mr. Husband, Help Your
Wife in the Kitchen! erase mating overs
: ir . amiliar | ter,” added Jackson.
No, not peeling the Jitatoes, wasias the Sites and oo sther f ak h | ——e—— Perhaps we can help you with some suggestions. 4 ~4
kitchen duties, but help her by buying a cook stove that make her St. Luke's Episcopal Before turning’ oyster soup into the Go to your nearest dealer and order an assorted case of Chiques
Sunday school, 9:15 A, M. | tureen put into the dish a heaping ta-
Morning Prayer and Sermon, 10:30 blespoonful of finely minced ceiery |
| and half as much chopped parsley. |
work easier and more comfortable. You're not the one that stands over Rock Lemon, Creme, Sarsaparilla, Birch, Orangeade, Raspberry, ete.
a red-hot stove preparing meals and you're not always around when coal

Don’t cultivate the potatoes when
out in bloom, or coming out, unless
you want a lot of stunted little tubers.
Cultivate them before they get "that
big, and hoe them clean of weeds..
| At the regular 7:30 evening ser
| vice, the Rev. George Israel Browne
| will officiate and preach the sermon,
| Rev. Mr. Morrison doing like ser-
| vice by courtesy of exchange, at St.
is needed or there's wood to be split or ashes to be taken up. A Prayer and Sermon, 7:30 | The favor of the soup will be much | ¥
What's more to the point, you don’t have to be if you buy a P.M. enhanced. F | AN A § A IN q
The House of Quality Columbia, P

And your wife won't have to stew herself to a frazzle in a hot kitchen ee Ls mii
getting breakfast, dinner and supper ready. Now,be fair to your wife and stink Worlowglions OF GOS WU seen Yon eng
relieve her of a lot of the drudgery of the kitchen with a New Perfection. | this place, will hold serviees in St.| water and makes them as pliable as a 10WQ Xe
Think how easy it is for her to simply scratch a match and have a stove | Luke's Hpiscopal Church the sixth | RW. ! 9
ready for instant use—no poking and raking and waiting for it to “burn | Sunday after Trinity, or on Sunday, therefore
The income tax doesn’t bother the
man whose principal holdings consist
of eastles ia the air,
| July 11th. The services will be held
at 2:30 in the afternoon, The Rev.
Lewlg Chester Morrison will be in
charge. The address will be delv-
i ered by Rev. George Israel Browne,
When you're ready to eat those fruits next
Winter, you want them to be exactly the same
as the day you put them up. Insure agains
fermenting. Seal all your ja
with Parowax (pure, refined
fine). Box of 4 big cakes,
up.” Save money? Why, of course! There's no tuel being consumed
when the stove is not in use. And think of the time and labor saved, too.
With the separate oven and fireless cooker the New Perfection has the
utility of other stoves. Your wife can bake, roast, fry, broil and boil. Can
heat water for wash day and irons for ironing day. / al Joh: Coors. etete 1
: '
Don’t putit off any longer. Go now to your dealer and éxamine the New Perfeo- {men and boys are most cordially tn-
tion on Coo I with the perfected oil reservoir, the regulated flame control, | vited to attend.
Bg ———

; We Furnish Them
We have arranged with one of the |
largest manfacturerg in the United
States to supply any thing in the

the combination chimneys that prevent smoke and smell and the improved wick rt isin go i
! a: 4 : : . , 3 pyi encils, cen he
that outlasts the ordinary kind. Give your wife a square deal and investigate today Tax Payers A er nal wo Seis oe
this safe, sane, saving and satisfying cook stove. ~~ _< | orl forge! it! The Abatement |designs in pen holders, with any- Haptic Refining
: lon Boro Tax wil cease on July 1st, | thing printed thereon you wish, at
THE A C | ING CO. | 1915. prices that will astonish you. They
adelghi J Pittsburgh e16-3t T. M. BR , Col |are a jcrackerjack advertising nov- & &
o : R an EE — elty afd we will be pleased to show
bi what | samplds and quote prices to any one