PAGE TWO THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. 4. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro’r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months Cents Thiee Months 5 Cents Single Copies........ 2 Cents Sample Copies Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that ume and 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisments must positive- ly reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisments nserted if copy reaches us Tuesday might. Advertising rates on applica- tion. MASTERSONVILLE The local Sunday school meeting will be held at .Chiques house on the 18th of July. A program is being prepared in which only local talent will take part. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zug enter- tained at dinner on Sunday (WO newly-wedded couples, namely Mr. and Mrs. C. Raymond Geib and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merkey, and sev- era] other prominent personages. The following guests were the Sunday visitors at the home of Sam- uel N. Becker: Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Heisey, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Geib, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Geib and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess. Mr. Nathan Cupp is putting his newly erected barn in fine shape Lightning rods were placed on by Phares Strickler, who h rod which he will explain when asked about it. A changing the fine red, a slate roof Nathan says might well right or not at all especially as a gpecial cost of paint is boards to makes it mode make family Iren, ght least metimes would be far more more but interest and earnest would show the Christian war- fare if al] attend regularly, what a heap of good could be done if we all as one man would pull to- gether! Do not only send your chil- dren to Sunday school but bring them. The temperance meeting at Mount Hope church on Sunday, under the guidance of our Elder, Henry Zug, was largely attended—Reverends Eadrice and Ober spoke on temper- ance, rather intemperance and soundly denounced the saloon, giv- ing figures of the statistics com- paring the deaths occurring in war rather insignificant to those occur- ring on account of liquor traffic, and especially did ihey prominently ex- pose the many institutions in this land in which go much evil is com- ,.and the many evi] acts com- indirectly on account of li- also id we must desire for would But they up about Gantz's. Mr. and ed, on Sunday Mr. min Gibble. Abram Koser and family enteriain- ed on Sunday evening Mr. John Sau- ble and family. Mr. Bruckhart and his housekeep- er, Mrs. Mary Shearer of Lititz, visited at Allen Hoffer’s on Sunday. P. S. Strickler and family enter- tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Snavely and granddaughter, Gertrude Snavely of Fairland. Farmers are busy making bay. John Sauble was the first one to finish. He finished on Tuesday. Kulp enlertain- and Mrs. MTs. B. PF Benja- Moses Ober was the first one to cut | rye with the self binder. Mr. Joseph Sterner and wife enter- tained on Sunday Mr, Frank Sterner | Mr. | and family of Elizabethtown, Frank Smith and family and Aaron Deitz and family of York county and | Mr. David and Jacob Hengst. Mr. Miram Sharp entertained on Sunday, Mr. John family, Mr. Clarence Cassel and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Metzler’'s of Lititz and Mr. Daniel and Harry Wol- gemuth and Misses Emma Sharp and Bdith Strickler. meee tl A eee Donegal Springs W. H. Hassinger of this place was on the sick list with lumbago. The “Teachers’ Training of Donegal, was organized Thursday. Mr. Mitchell Comp of Lititz, was a | visitor of W. H. Hassinger and friends last Sunday. A large number of visitors were at | Donegal Springs last Sunday from | different vicinities, Harrisburg, Lan- caster and Fast Petersburg. — A A — were | Class,” Arms Insured for Big Sum Jess Willard, world’s heavyweight | champion, places a valuation of $100,000 on the two arms that gave him the title at Havana. He made application to a Rochester, N. 7, ' ‘surance agent Wednesday for @ s-year policy in that sum, $50,000 each arm. Wolgemuth and | | last | | Miss Steacy of Philadelphia, is the | | | ROWENNA Mrs. Fannie Gingrich returned to | Brookville, Ohio. Mrs, M. C. Manning's aunt from Highspire visited her at Maytown. Mrs. Walter Shue of Harrisburg, was a visitor to Rowenna on Thurs- Mrs. visited Monday Mrs. Jacob Billet her daughter Mrs. at Maytown, is ill Miss Elsie Bickhart of ville, visited Mary and Shank on Saturday. Misses Mary and Martha attended the Millersville Commencement on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H H. Engle who left several weeks ago for Kansas, will join the party in Montana. Mr. Harry and daughter, Glatfelter on Howard Shue Mrs. Horace residing with William Frysinger Millers- Martha Shank Normal while putting up a hay loader. Mr. Ruhl JF. & M,, was !selling bibles Sunday's work. Mr. and Mrs. caster, Miss Sallie Heck manstown, and Mrs. Marietta, spent Sunday at Shank’s. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hyner, Lycoming Co., birth of a son, Jacob Hess Heisey. Mrs. Heigey marriage Miss Mary Mrs through this vicinity and books of Shire- Amos Heisey before Ziegler. Ada Shuman Fissel from part of and Man- visiting at Philadelphia, now spending Lancaster days the summer at heim, several Albright. > a number of spent Daniel ailroad em- club at and plovees, Marietta, who belong to a enjoyed a chicken waffle dinner t on Sunday. Fifty-five members present. Mr. Harvey Hoke daughte Sara were wife, son h of near while on their town, by io H. H. Amos auto, Good and and Virgi and daughter motored from arrishurg on and called Miss Elva ing at the hag nding two er parents, 1ighters, Mary Mr. a Mrs. Stauffer Sunday lowenna. train- for a after with Bil- friends at 3illet, who is in General Hospital, resumed her work, week's vacation Mr. and Mrs. Elvin nurse, surroundings quite a bit of | constructed, a has s, making the and inviting. A. Fackler, Miss Miss Mary Al for a trip to going by Petri- Seat- Wild Cat have been lattice work little summer on a rock place quite Mr. and Fackler Inn and reovated has been house the Fall been near attractive Mrs. D. and bright left on Monday the Panama Exposition, way of Yellowstone Park, Forest, British Columbia, Washington; from San auto to Mexico) by > Pacific 1 Okla Sallie the (going Francisco by Oce boat to islands Jacob Grimm mm EAST PETERSBURG 1 Ma. Rohrer hag spent tae at Atlanuc ler and { 3 Mr. Mrs with and Ades, Elizabeth pending a few Groff. and Miriam Gochnauer week of their vaca- 00d, N. J. lion and family of Lan- visited the Martin I on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Lancaster, were Sunday with the John Usner family Paul Metzger and family of Mil- lersgville, Saturday and Sunday {with Mr. and Mrs. Adam E. Zerphy, her parents. Abraham Long been visiting hig M. Stoneback of weeks 1des family spent and family have parents near Ore- gon, on Sunday the family of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Long. [ Mrs. George Lindly and daughter {Jennie of Philadelphia, are spending a week with the family of Wm Lindly, the former's son. Charles Garrettson and brother John and sister Clara, of Philadel- phia, are spending this week with {the family of their brother, Dr. Wm. | Garrettson. Rev. N. W. Lower of Columbia, who ig pastor of the Evangelical cuurch here, spent dinner Sunday [with the family of Mr and Mrs. | Amos Kissinger. Menno Hamaker and daughter Marion and Anna of Philadelphia, are spending a month with his | smotner, Mrs. D. L. Hamaker and the | family of Rebecca Landis, A A rn MARIETTA | guest of Miss Mary Mentgomery. Elwood A. Child the Second street barber is critically ill at his home. Mr, and Mrs. J. Nissley Brandt and son, Joseph are visiting at Lan- caster, Mrs. George Rudisill is visiting her gon, George Rudisill, at Collings- wood, N. J. Misg Hallie Matthews of Harris- | burg, was visiting in this section sev- eral days. Mrs. Adelaide Derr of Hamburg, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Derr returned home. John A. Stultz, the meat, street [! ufcher, while cutting meat,/ injured ¥ streef. | lodge buildings in the county. A bar- ing by | Mellinger had the mis- | fortune to break a bone in his hand a Freshman student from | on Billy Larzelere of | | the festival | evening. from | announce the | : thig was | | westward built | Marie and Elizabeth, attended | Master Lawrence of | THE BULLETIN, MT. JOY, PA. law requiring autoists to sound warn- 6O000000000000000000 DOBDOI0COO0R0CO0OCO0C0000ICOI000ODOOODOO00N i All Straw Hat $1.00 the thumb of his left hand in a very painful manner. There will be a band concert on Sunday evening in Centre Square, by the Liberty Band of Marietta. A number of new selections will be given. There will also be an electric illumination. A large number attendance at the convention Christian Endeavor Society of Lan- caster county in session in the United Brethren church of High- spire for two days past. The Marietta Beneficial tion has completed extensive provements to the interior of their building on Market It is now one of the finest of people are in of the Associa- im- terior ber shop will be opened in the build- George Zink. SALUNGA The Annuaj Fridy—Kendig Picnic Was a Big Success Mrs. O. B. Weidman en- Mr, and Jos. Stiicider of Lon | tertained friends from Lancaster on : | Sunday. boys attended on Saturday A number of our at Florin entertaining Easton, Aston is and family of Mrs. John her niece week. Patriotically garbed bound passed motorcycles thru town on the 5th. Frank Newcomer Of Sunday with his mother, Newcomer. Mr. CM with Lititz, spent Mrs. Susan family spent Mr. and and parents, Herr Sunday his Mrs. Jacob Herr. Mrs. and Lancaster, two children of afternoon Keener spent ‘day week- Bl- Fackle: was a visitor her aunt, Mrs. mer Roland, near Rheems, Mrs. John Peifer and daughter Mary yent afternoon with MS. Al Centerville. Notwithstanding heavy storms district fortun- the end with Sunday Harmen, near the days, our little evidence of ravages of disturbing elements. Mr, Hiram Stehman fell from a hav wagon on Wednesday, narrowly escaping a broken neck, As it was, hig injuries were quite severe and Dr. J. S. Kendig was called to at- every few ately shows tena Mr, Stehman, John Herr, Mr, and and children John, ser- vices at Petersburg and spent the rest of the day at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Forney. Misses Martha A. Eby, Ada Eby, Miriam Kendig and Martha E., Eby, Roy Eby, Rev. and Mrs. Eliag Eby, Mr, and Samuel Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Eph- and R. A. Eby, were en- tertained at the home of Mr. r Eby at Lititz, Fridy—Kendig [pienic he Hertzler—Eby” Park wong the riday, wife Kinkade and Deichler, all total number two and a All were the Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Ira Herr Mr. Mrs, raim Eby Mrs. x 1 ishman, ectohr rates St. Patrick’s Day in morning, patriotic citizens, with flags afloat, rockets in the air and the crash and smash of explod- ing gunpowder, heroically celebrated the 4th of July on the 5th, It is highly commendable in this in- who the our | stance, for by so doing the Sabbath was observed in our village and we hope in many more towns in this visitors | nation. wel CR —— MILTON GROVE The sour cherry crop this year exceed the general average. Samuel Heisey and wife weekend visitors in Harrisburg. The way to keep coolis to proceed with your work and never mind thé weather. Isaac G. Kopp and wife spent Sun- day with relatives adjacent to Hern- ley’s church. Mrs. Hiram Lindemuth of Hershey spent several days very pleasantly with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Greiner of Green Tree spent Sunday with friends in Manheim regions. Melo Martin and spouse spent Sat- urday and Sunday with relatives in Palmyra and Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Heisey of Oakdale, spent Sunday with John S. Kauffman and family in town. Miss Edna Gingrich, one of Lawn’s graceful young ladies was a mid- week visitor with friends in town. Clayton 8S. Shenk, a concrete scientist had the barn painted on hig grange bordering Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Fry autoed to Florin Sunday to visit the sick chamber of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. K. Brubaker, Mrs. Anna Peck entertained her brother Philip Keener and wife of Sporting Hill and John Cassel and family of Junction, Sunday. Mrs. Anna Ebersole is docked on the indisposed register, her condition however, has not developed into any seriousness at this writing. Andrew Felker and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. HA Wittle spent Sun- day in Harrisburg, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Swope. There 1s a lack of enforcing the { far were and ex- jof her 'ag one way Of jhas a full knowledge in Hottenstein, and ings at gtreet crossings which is a matier that should not go by default. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Thome had as Sunday guests Dr. and Mrs. William Thome of Elizabethtown .and Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Thome of Mount Joy. Mrs. Emma Lindemuth of Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Groff and bright little daughter Miss May and ‘Mrs. Anna Groff spent Sunday with Frank B. Grosh and family. | A series of twilight services will ‘be shortly inaugurated in this section | which wil] be followed by harvest They will [as soon as the dates are officially an- nounced. | Andrew GG. Heisey of Elizabeth- jtown, and his grand-son Roy Heisey of Green Tree, devoted a few days yvery energetically in jhe luscious May F. Grosh’s trees. E. F. Grosh and family and Mr. land Mrs. Blaine Grosh entertained lover the Sabbath Miss Ada Grosh, {Ralph Grosh and George D. Miller lal] of Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Musser of near Erisman’s church, A young lady in thig locality has , recently announced that she contem ‘plates to undertake the management father’s grange at Sunnyside and specilize in raising beef cattle reducing the high She asserts that she agronony. \lbert Gingrich attired in a khaki thoroughfares of the quake by bouling his automo- them. Albert destined to chauffeur, but his ma- too vociferous for the salu- the town and may be in some essential repairs. with in- meetings. cherries from E. price of meat. suit makes the town bile over be a capable chine ig brity of want of Albert ventive Gingrich possessed genius has recently arranged touneau o the rear of his he stations a filled wit green, slu smal] which kettle Paris automobile on water ation of man with a 1 combin water and while he drives hot and the potato rows, the machine along the rear man sprays venomous potato bugs. efficiency of the Milton educationa] insti- the confidence our school graduated been iquid over the The Grove high school as an ution is evidenced by reposed in graduates by controllers, Several] who here the past few years have appointed teachers in Mount Joy ownship and we hope that their in- culcations will be characterized with the same efficiency ag they were when students. ‘Bud” Fry told us an enchanting Saturday night on his catching Chickieg creek. worms and flieg and the pilodictis olivaries was a old codger and turned them down flat with the same heart- breaking feeling that a flirting girl a love sick swain gives him the mitten. bound to secure that had bafled the gnares al el both story a big cat fish in the He had lizards, used but sly puts over when “Bud,” however, was fish, which near desperz upset a > chip- care- cat- 1d rails, fou okeq i 7 plants apturing catfish taken Chickies creek down in It weighed 11 oureef! 1lness the biggest from Horst’s mea- pounds (7). -— rr \ aow. oo Piano Recital at Rheems? The pupils of Miss Della G. Shank piano recital in the school Rheems, on Saturday even- July 3, at seven-thirty o’clock when the following program was rendered: Charter, Bachman, Misses Miller; The Hay Ride, Crosby, Lura Hertzog; Invitation to | Weber, Martha Shank; Spaulding, Lilian Olweiller; Toy Sol- dier’'s March, Kronke, Misses Roth and Shank; The Parade, Kein, Fran- gave a house af ing, the Dance, | Night Fall, | be announced | $20.00 $18.00 $15.00 $12.50 $10.00 town picking | Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits GETZ MOUNT JOY, PA. 2 Q BUYIT ; FeO. MECHANICS MAGAZINE For Father and Son AND ALL THE FAMILY Two and a half million readers find it of absorbing interest. Everything in it is Written So You San Ynaeisiand It icitors. Any or write the $1.50 A YEAR 15¢c A COPY Popular Mechanics Magazine | 6 No. Michigan Ave., CHICAGO A peine or Take Notice! The Undersignea Wish to Inform the Public that They are Prepared to do | Practical Horse Shoeing | At Jno. Bombach’s Stand, Mt. Joy Special attention given to all work All diseases of the feet promptly at tended to. Your Work Solicited BOMBACH & SHANK General Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers MOUNT JOY. PENNA. cis Shank; Spring Blossom, Czerny, | | Lois Kalkenstein; Happy New Year, Watson, Victor Shank; | Rinquet, Misses Keller and Hersh; Playing Tag, Margstein, I Miller; Spring Song, Mendelssohn, Mary Eshleman; Trio, Minuet, , Mozart, Misseg Keller, Hersh and Swank; Purple Sunset, Op. 204, Oeh- {mer, Erma Hertzog; Valse Rustique, Op-195, Kein, Esther Gingrich; La Absence, Gillis, Blanche Eshleman; | Faust Waltz, Gounod, Misses Ging- rich and Shank; Silvery Moon, De- | Tanon, Anna Keller; jes Keller, Hersh, Ebersole ant { Shank; Rose and the Butterfly, Wache, Rebecca Hersh; In Confl- |dence, Mare, Anna piel Overture, Trio, Hersh, Keller and Ebersole. BI —————.. “Robinson Crusoe” Seeks Citizenship For the naturalization court, which will be held on October 2, there will be a class of at least | thirty. A large majority of the appli- | cants are of Italian or German birth. One of the applicants, a native of Sweeden, Horalf Rob Peterson, has an interesting history. He sailor, was wrecked on the Pacific | lands, where he was obliged to re main a long time. He was finally rescued and taken to San Francisco. From there he went to New York. He is now employed as 2a chauffeur on Senator Cameron’s Donegal farms 3 ar Martha | Ebersole; Lust | Bela, Misses | Le Carillon, ! CENTRAL HOUSE J. M. Backenstoe, Prop. Choice Wines & Liquors At The Bar. Quartette, Miss- KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME Help us develop Lancaster Ce. |Get our list of 6 per cent. losal bonds, stock farms and City Migs. | - Stilll& Beelman | 2¢4 Woolworth Bldg. Lancaster, Pa. | unl $mo. Do Not Gripe Ye have a pleasant laxative that will 0 just what you want it to do. We sell thousands of them and we have never seen a better remedy for the | bo bowels. Sold only by us, 10 cents. E. W. Garber. Chesty de Nut—Who is he or what is he? Read the Bulletin. 30000000000000000000000000000G0000GEA000000003 Lc Elgin 1) IN $5.00 FullyGuaranteed Bracelet Watches GEE 1 EE 1 0 1 0 E00 OO 11 Don WV. | (Near MOUNT JOY, Bring us your Fil Develcpment We use the tank method experience and expert equij sure the best possible resu care taken and quality of guaranteed. | | W.B.BEND | ~~ BARBE.] | Eagt Main St, Mount ! | WE HAVE EVERYTHING F AMATEUR PHOTOGRAP SPEND YOUR VA(Q IN NEW YOR You can see more in New one week than any pla world, but you must kn { We furnish the “ENOW HO One full week of “Sight will show you everythin while in the big city. $45.00 covers hotel accomd cost of sight seeing theaters, roof gardd We even pay all your around the city booklet A “Seeing Ne At Minimum Cost.” T. E. TOLSON, I , Hotel Bristol, New Ye june 10t = DHICHESTER S Pll Ladies! As ™ i sk your ls Chi-ches.ter 2 Diamo " fran "boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbor Take no other. DiRSfoy Pills in Red and Gold metal] SOLD BY DRUGGISTS E Watches SilveroidCases Gold Filled Expansion E10 0 11 ER Ali Hl 8 (ill | oA CIT $5.50 & Up 1 1 w DOO Wednesday, ACO OOOOOOOE TOOTS TOON 1 ‘ML RARER ER RRR See the Soldiers in Camp | Sunday, July 11 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Mount Joy...9:12 a. m. Stopping at principal] inter- mediate stations. leaves Mt. Gretna 6:30 p. m. Tickets good only Train. Returning, on Special Peynnslvania Railroad Krall Meat Marke Meats, Ham, PRP We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Moderate Charges. 0@e00000 Very Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Z& Mount Joy, Penna. 00000000000 RXR (OY (C plant troubles are over A wonderful protection against insects, Absolutely non-injurious. Contains no arsenic. Kills the bugs, tevents blight, revives and aids the ed growth of plants and cally Does the work as nothing else ou can't afford to be without it, les Pesforatyd top makesit ¥0 use. 1S cents per package. Chandler's Drug Store Mount Joy, Pa, Ask for free booklet, “The Hore aint tod Carden a Ads Bring Results—Try dvertise in the Mt. Joy Bu ead the Bulletin lr Best paper in town—Bullé€ 65¢- = TT... Roun dTrip