Sc ris ams, Orchestra; Pand Mandolin® Club. 5S 0f | The orchestra That music imembers of the “vibrates | Elizabethtown, rouses | Messrs. A. H a wel- [1st Cornet; M. J. W. Cooks, trombone; The mandolin town Fil a | was composed of | Citizen's Band of and comprised der, Violin; A. Hess, | Wittle, 2nd cornet; 8S. P. Kiefer, Kuhn, piano. of Elizabeth- Messrs, Millard and certain music in thé of which it h¥ through a man’s him to a higher come field tution been said and finds an Homes i I clarinet; A, being I life,” usefulness in y J, s 1- of insti- of the c ‘acter of the and C. power, arouses in club of Seiders refici feel- thankfuln is composed Galebach, Morris 1688. Law- [8]1 which comes to those who happiness rence Galebach. With such as that of belongs to vhich can equal from othe musical talent, the music than first an array of the not be other knowledge good done it nshine the could and the a high \bove, WR Te class, thu int the hearts : 3 thus into the hea ire program was of order Art 4 fall heines rtunate fellow-beings. | ¢ merit. the 587 composed of mem- | No. 587 Cooke, we One this Spring, Ww an year Manheim, berg of Manheim F. & A. M., came to the Homes and gave the guests a enjoyable treat in the form of an old fashioned burnt cork Minstrel The fun and laughter of their jokes and antics, and the thrilling harmony of {their singing had not faded from our when on Thursday, May ame happy bunch, with of their the | age Wert for excellent [Club of mu on Wedne arranged entertainment Lodge, 1915, the folijowing Victor March, Old Sweet Snell; Recitation, sical literary day, 19, who and Overture, May managed most program; Orchestra; Song, Song, Mr. John A. Naming the Baby, Miss Mary Mae Neal: Trio, When you wore a Tulip and I wore a big red Rose, Mandolin {memories, C Recitation, The Class in Elo- |20, 1915, the s cution, Miss Mary Mae Neal; Trio, jan escort of a Jarge number For Banjo, Guitar & Mandolin, Man- | Manheim again invaded dolin Club: Selection, Apple Blos- | Homes their dusky countenances radi- soms. Orchestra; Reading, Mr. Can- and with the budget of fun they had Love's Show. Tub; i friends, bY &) 7 XZ | | 2 Compare Prices—Compare Quality ® HEN choosing tires be sure and get Firestone inbuilt extras. At the following prices you can’t afford to use any other tire or tube. See the Firestone man and find out why you can get this extra service at average cost. Firestone Automobile and Motorcycle Tires, Tubes and Accessories N 2 12 PD oN = S ZN Z! > ZZ 2 BES S = oo 73 x | Danner, i pecially, audience, lof the management | who | present. | Concert in the | rustic | repeat for the stiong ible conip the excellent | We’ ve Only | Spare That | Angeline, H. Wearing Blecher, Up Hershey; bllowing was™ Introduction, Woodman | H. Martin; | Blecher, P. Danner, Kendig; When | the Ball] and Chain, ringrich; When the Ladie Act Like Babies, I want Linger, P. assisted Witmyer, glad my Kauffman; Me, Kauff- Jingrich; The J.. C. Gingrich; UU. H. Hershey, Ridin’ Train, Chorus; Finale, | Caroline You Love. progam: One Idea; Tree, H. (quartette) You're Martin. Grown J. B. Kendig Ss to by I'm Danner, and Bleecher: AK Lamb Was Blecher, Doodle Ship, vife That 's in Ge Little Martin, rmany, man, Yank Piano Solo, le Jack to the ee on Gravel These amateur performers men of Manheim and [Lodge, No. 587, who have sacrificed their time, trouble and talent to furnish enjoyment for their families; and on this occasion es- to bring good cheer to the of the Home, Their efforts | superlatively successful and efforts of profession- sentiments which are young business members of guests were rivaled the best als. While the |inspired the kind act as well as the | to the guests | in the | great pleasure given of the Homes and every merits the profound thanks and every one enough to be one wag fortunate On 1915, Sunday afternoon, May 23, the Citizen’s Band of Elizabeth- {town kindly gave a delightful Sacred and beautiful Mount Moriah large pavilion in Grove, Musical echoes will charms the present Wednesday evening, May 1915, Miss M. Elizabeth Miller, teacher of in Elizabethtown College, will benefit of the guests of the Homes, the exceptionally fine | Spring Concert recently presented in Market Hall. All the music lovers of the Homes, and friends of the Homes, will be welcome to the en- joyment of this rare vocal and instrumental treat. continue their | week, for on | 26, music An entertainment of different char- acter but no less interesting and en- joyable will take place on Friday evening, May 28, 1915, when Brother Firestone Net Prices to Car Owners Case | Case Round Tread Non-Skid | $1055 2 B Grey | Tube 30.55 __ 32.15 39.80 z 51.50 —32 00 i= 870 35. 55 ls: 00 H. S. Be ecomer Mount Joy, Penna. YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED CHASED FOR CASH AT Mount Joy, Penna. Sole agent for Comgo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Laths, Etc. Agent for Lehigh Portland Cems t, Roofing Slate and Sheet Iron. Estimates quickly and cheerfully made on BUILDING MATERIAL and al kinds of CONCRETING WORK. Both phones som 00 D0000C00C00CO0000CO000OCO0NCO0HCOBC0OC0OCOO0ROE DOOO0000 OOOC0000RE Furniture I will continue the furniture busi- the floor of the Engle Building, with a complete and ness on secong . up-to-date line of all kinds of furni- ture. Prices are reasonable. furniture call and very When in need of ARAN ND F. Baker's Repairing and Painting a Specialty Special Attention Given to REMODLING ANTIQUE FURNITURE West Main St., afi and LUMBER YARDS DD. H. ENGLE, MOUNT JOY, PA wi Refrigerator Time! WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF REFRIGERATORS, INCLUDING ALL THE DIFFERENT MAKES OF THE CELEBRATED GUR- NEY LINE These Refrigeratorg are not meme boxes, nicely varnished and with shining hardwood. They are real ice-saving Refrigerator ma- chines, made of hardwood cases, heavily insulated with best ma- terials, and thoroughly scientific in principle, This insures great ice saving and perfect safety In preserving foods. SPRING SUGGESTIONS—Crex Metting Rugs, Fibre ‘Rugs, Win- dow Screens, Porch Screens, Porch and Lawn Furniture, Swings, Shades, Awnings and Awning re-hanging. CARPET CLEANING—We have the largest carpet cleaning es- tablishment in the city. Carpets called for, cleaned and returned at short notice. Westernberger, Maley & Myers 125-181 East King Street LANCASTER, PENNA. Fuller Bergstresser of Middletown will deliver humorous lecture, i which has met with unstinted praise | wherever it has been given. Memorial Day held in Grand Lodge May 31, 1915 at i The members of John GA R., Nelson A. Miles Camp, No. 26, Sons of Veterans Scouts his Services wil] be Hall on Mon- 10:00 A. M. Good Post, day, M. No. 566 General have present, and the Boy accepted invitation The secured, the to be in having the able Hamilton, Dis- Pa., to Homes are fortunate for occasion. services of Brother Samuel Grand Master of Wilkinsburg. address. District Deputy No. of deliver trict as, the The interest of the occasion will | be ced by the J enhan | W. Grand | (and Mrs, presence of Master, Henry Williams Williams of Philadelphia, |and also by Brother Master | George W. McCandloss, a member of | the Committee Masonic Homes, [from Pittsburgh, who wil] be accom- | panied by the officers of the 53 | Lodges in Allegheny County Past on Ri LH HA 5 s Kills Steer valuable of Cen- refused A | Wire Nail | Several] days {be longing to Harry [tral Manor, |to eat the veterinarian lable to | ment. |the steer had not | strangulation began to develop and a |small lump made its appearance on {the outside of the animal's throat. A days ago the steer became and efforts to get its | breath were indeed pathetic. It was |then decided to kil] the steer and after its death the throat was cut open and in it was a wire nail over three inches in length which had closed the passages in the throat and wind pipe. It believed the nail was in the feed and found its way into the steer’s throat while eating. The steer weighed over 1200 pounds and had been sold by Mr. Frey for $100, and was being held by him for ag0 a steer M. became il] and food in trough, was called, diagnose Frey, its the animal's ail- signs of eaten. [few worse its is the purchaser until he was ready to | take it away, mm lll Fish—Lost Watch Henry Shank, of Peters- by trout Mr, Shank large trout were taken He was. for Stole The farm of resides just north was visited nights ago. of fine, spring and several the night anglers. handsomely repaid Fast burg. had a in his by a few number prowlers lost a fine gold watch, io was found close to the spring ; Mr. Shank next morning. |owner of the timepiece has not called for it as yet ang it is very | doubtful if he will, hut it's a safe bet he has some sad whenever he hears the name trout. —— A Ul ves tm: He’s Much Better H. H. Engle Rowenna, has been | quite ill from the effects of ptomaine | | poisoning, during the past week. He | lis again able to be out doors some of the time, but is far from being | |in his usual health, He and Mrs. meant to go west in the near future, | |but from present indications the trip will not be that had been decided upon. | strictions {due lan order tion, {for | Cumberland, | under | be needed this season | vesting R. | but was un- After a week had passed and who | fishermen | however, the loss of | the speckled beauties because one of | thoughts ing. undertaken at the time | ties ° and All Shipments < gradually the many Te- upon it by the Animal Industry, outbreak of hoof Effective today, been issued from Lancaster county this meant, Lancaster county is being relieved from placed Federal Board of to the recent and mouth disease has Washington, making a modified By that shipment of cattle, sheep suminants and for immediate any official inspec- the quarantined area. is interst and permitted without in ate other swine is slaughter to points area. Animals may be county from purpose, of animals, the hair and moved into Lan- without carcasses the skins, hoofs of such ani- mals, and of hay, straw and similar fodder, be moved within and to points without any restrictions what- caster points Dressed hide any wool, can ever, This last order will be a great re- lief to the hides and grain dealers in Lancaster county, for their busi- ness has been at a standstill prac- tically since last October. The counties effected by the recent orders are Berks, Bucks, Chester, Dauphin. Delaware, Le- high, York and Montgomery. Leba- non county is made an exposed area the recent federal orders. NEED 18,000 MEN Bumper Crops of West to Require Many Laborers The Division of Information of the Bureau of Immigration, of the TU. S. Department of Labor, hag been advised by the Commissioner of La bor of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, that from 16,000 to 18,000 men will for the har- of grain, The Department is informed that the vast majority of farmers of Oklahoma want Eng- lish-speaking white men, For this reason, persons other than English- speaking white men, who wish em- ployment in the harvest fields of Oklahoma, should first communicate with W. G. Ashton, Commissioner of Labor, of Oklahoma City, OKklaho- ma, to find out whether or not he can secure employment for them. It will be necessary for all per: song desiring this harvest work to defray their own expenses to and from the place of employment. Harvest will begin in the South: part of Oklahoma about in the North Central coun ties about June & and in the ex treme Northwestern part of OKklaho- ma about June 12th. REE County Rich The wealth of is shown by piled fiom the The number or 21,658; there are 8217 ingle men women who pay The assessed value of real estate is $110,826,238, and church and school property exempt is valued at $8,295,979. There 58,432 acres of timber land and 515,697 of farm land. Taxes valued cattle, The taxes western June 9; in Possessions county com- books. Lancaster just assessor's property owners 22,140 tenants, and 1531 single taxes. statistics is are paid on 29,511 horses, $2,152,681 and on 28,980 at $852,621. amount Popliees from county is $263,838.7 There is in- oEiGes and judgments are at assessed in 76,794. vested $32,3 A The Printer’'s Wickedness Unobserved and announced the president of the Church society entered the composing room just in time to hear these words from the mouth of the printer, says the Wau- pun Democrat: “Billy, go to the devil and tell him to finish that “murder” he began this morning. Then “kill” ‘William Jennings Bry- an’s Grandchild’ and dump ‘The Sweet Angel of Mercy’ into the hell box, Then makeup that ‘Naughty Parisian Actress’ and lock up ‘The .ady in Her Boudoir.” Horrified, the good wcman fled {from that place of su. znd her chlidren wonder why th:y are not aliowed to play with the printer's voungsters, en ee ~ Have You a Horse to Sell? Lancaster County horses are g0- ling to Europe for cannon food, J. D. Bair of New Holland, recently sent 400 to a Richmond buyer, who sends them to France, half for ar- tillery and half for cavalry. Horses | must be 15 hands high and five to eight years old. Ge Cigar Factory Entered Doyle cigar factory at Eliza- entered by thieves on Sunday night, They pryed open one | of the back windows and all they [took was a few cigars. The theft was | discovered by the employes when {they went to work on Monday morn- The | bettown was { eA ee { No More Paper Balloons | The bill forbidding the sale or use of any balloon made or intended to contain fire for the purpose of as- |cension, has been signed by the |Governor. The measure prohibits any adrift paper bal- the daytime or person from setting loons either during nighttime. re eel CR Mt. Joy's Best Paper—Bulletin Our Ade Bring Results—Try fit \N ADVERTISE § LRLRREE® POO Be Bae Te Te Be a re Te Teme Se CE i TnI ToOEsa0e 0PPPRERROPPOEOEICOOPOPOEPPRORY “Nothing Suceeeds Like Sueeess” and a neat and truthful advertisement in a paper that reaches the people is the key that un- locks the door. uf said. Try the BULLETIN MOUNT Jf POOR @ 5 © 2000000000000EEEORECEOROOCOOONOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOROOO OOOO OBEOOOOOO00