The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 26, 1915, Image 5

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: erture
delit®rate and free, in the
of this beautiful song dies

beging with a beautiful arpeggio passage, slow,
recitative style. As the last note
away, we hear the first mutter-
(Continued from page 1) graves. ngs of the SOE, and we are soon, in the midst of a vio-
seg . 3 : ™ SC ildr i - nt storm. When the storm abates we hear the pipe of
vicinity are asked to bring all tae | The school children will assem iN en st a € 1
y 5 4 d > at’ tl sch ounds at 1:30 the Swiss shepherd, bright and cheery, calling his flock to-
flowers they can spare to the fre ble a the 3 001 gr ns OL : gether, and then comes the happy chorus, with the full
engine house Monday morning, Monday afternoon to orm ren S i chorus of instruments.
(Memorial Day) at 7:30 o'clock to |make other preparations for the | ] This greatest of Rossini’s works wag written in 1829.
: for > | par: at 2.0 <. el
make bouquets for the veterans’ |parade at 2 o'clock 7 \SEXTETTE FROM “LUCIA” ,.oitveiscnssiasivssunasissis Donizetti
Eberle and Bailey, cornets; Smith, horn; Loucks and Wise, trom-
9:00 A. M.—Decorating graves of comrades and services in bones; J. W. Miller, bass trombone.
the Florin, Lincoln and Mount Joy Cemeteries. 8 ATLANTIS». tet iessile diniva wasnta nenadivnsssnsstvhanis Safranek
(The Lost Continent)
Sih dole a , Atlantis is a continent mentioned in Plato’s History, and
. foi. rice metery. i : 2
10:00 A. M.—Similar services in the Eberle Ce y extended across the Atlantic Ocean, approximately from Eu-
= rope to Yucatan. It is the subject of an exhaustive vol-
2:00 P. M.—Parade of G. A. R., Sons of Veterans, Company ume by Ignaiias Dosneys, 2g has also served as Lspire,
#2 : 5 dE tion for several novelists. is continent, it is believed,
K., Schools, F raternal Organizations, etc. Order of was the home of a great race which conquered and civilized
Marching and route of parade on last page. the world, The Azore Islands are considered to be the tops of
its lofty mountains, and are all that now remaing above wa-
a " a FAT ~ . ter of the great country.
7:00 P. M.—Grand Concert by Spring Garden Band in the (a) “Nocturne and Morning Hymn of Praise.”
th (b) “A Court Function.”
parx. (¢) “I Love Thee,” (The Prince and Aana)
(d) “The Destruction of Atlantis”
Chief Marshal---JACOB CG. BROWN 9 “SONGS OF IRELAND” .......... ope ie sieves vane Douglas
AIDS: 10 “STAR SPANGLED -BANNBR”............. v esis aint inislesies Sousa
Prof. C. E. Roudabush, (ala W
Edward Ream,
Harry Getz,
Martin Strickler,
Dr. W. M. Thome,
H. F. Hawthorne,
Dr. A. F. Snyder,
S. B. Bernhart,
In case of inclement weather,
the exercises in the afternoon and
band concert in the evening will be held in the hall.

H. H. Krall,
Daniel Derr,
John Wharvel,
Albert Mumma,
M. A. Spickler,
Form at Main and Market Streets; move west on Main to
end of town; countermarch to Manheim, to Railroad Street, to
Market, to Donegal, to New Haven, to Marietta, to East Main,
Dr. O. G. Longenecker,
H. L. Spohn,
B. F. Kauffman,
Daniel Brubaker.
150,000 MEN AT WORK
Repairing the Roads Thruout Penn.
Predictions that
at work on the
vania today in observance of “good
roads day” were made at the State
Highway Department. In the coun:
150,000 men are

to Jacob, to Mount Joy, to Barbara, to Main, to park and fis- ties where it will be impossible to
miss. work the observance will be post-
poned until June 2. |
ORDER OF MARCHING . i Governor Brumbaugh will do some
\ FIRST DIVISION—Chief Marshal, Jacob G. Brown, and Work on roads. in Cumberland. Cow:
aids; Company K. N. G. P.; Citizens’ Cornet Band; Lieut. D. ty with Deputy Highway Commis-
H. Nissley Post. No. 478, G. A. R., and visiting comrades; Boy sioner Hunter; Commissioner Cun-
Scouts; Speaker and Ministerial Association; Chief Burkess and ringham will econ example in Al
Borough Council., Lieut. D. H. Nissley Camp, No. 74, S. of V,, A ea own unaes
and visiting Sons. gomery and Bucks. Other State of-
ficial will go out and work with
the rest of the people.
All the local men thruout this
community are sure on the job on
DIVISION —Ironville
P. A.
lasses of Mount Joy: Friendship Fire Co. No. 1.
SECOND Cameron
Council, No. 851 F.
Band; Gen.
; Consolidated Sunday School Bible

THIRD DIVISION—Spring Garden Band; Schools, the roads thruout this section and
Marching; School Board; Schools, on Wagons; Horseback we feel certain that there will be
Riders many, many miles of much improv-
: : ed road in this section till even-
Prelude i i. iio, nil nt ai oa Citizens’ Cornet Band ERA a
AMEIICR or dre rae a eee Audience Lia ELizASREHTOWN id
~ =F aessler ar wile O fe
Praver. oh sae Saas Rev. C. B. johnston gs Ad eof
ue Line : . = ] i dletown, were the guests of S, B.
Onward Christian Soldiers... ... . a... Consolidated Bands Dennis and family for several days.
Selection v= oi re seen Ironville Band Rev. G. R. Hoverter and family
: Oration 0... a ha ei Rev. |. B. Rittgers spent a few days with the family
. Selection v..;, iv. visvns sii. vaso. Spring Garden Band of E. L. Haldeman, at Lawn.
God Be With You Till We Meet Again.............: Audience Miss Grace Shearer visited the
5 a $ Misses Martin at Bachmanville, sev-
Laps i $i a eral days,
Selections by Spring Garden Band | Mrs. A. B. Hambright and daugh-
Concert by Spring Garden -Band in the park at 7:00 P. M. iter Irene, spent several days with
s {the former’s parents at Bachman-!
PROGRAMME | ville, |
1 MARCH “Slars and Stripes Forever” ...........v00iivvveves Sousa | Mrs. John Baker and Miss Edith |
2 OVERTURE “Post In © iveivisrescrstinonninindi nes Lachner |Heiserman of Landisville, were the|
: | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Hertz-
“Turandot! or “Fest in C” was one of P. 8. Gillmore’s or on Sundas
favorite cincert overtures and was arranged especially for } 3 5 : |
his famous band by Otto Widder, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heisey left
> x for Hyner, Pa., . where they will
2 HORN SOLD “Youthful Days”.......ceeeiiniinsnnnnininnnnnan Carl snend ithe summer ol yi o
H. 1. Smith SI summer with their son,
’ | vv Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Licht of
4 (a) “AUBAM PRINTANIERE” .....cccrttrvverssnenaanen Lacombe Middletown, spent Sunday with Mr.
(b) “THE RIBBEREEN SHIEK” ...........cvivervoser, TreCey. ana Mrs Ardul Licht
oe (A Shriner Gorey) a Mr. Lloyd A. Murphy, was the re-
Historical (?) Note:—One of the most striking figures in i rivie : umber a
the Secon Crusade was Michael O’Feeney, a, descendant of pen 07 2 Bumber 07 Randoms :
the Irish lings. After the fall of Jerusalem he settled in and useful gifts in honor of his
Palestine, married the daughter of an Arab chieftan and 2€th birthday. Monday.
changed hi name to Abdul Effendi. He invented the Turk- Dr. Vere Treichler moved his
ish pipe. @ which he was wont to play this tune accom- | : $ sy A
panied by a trained chorus of camels. Ofiie “from the old Treichler lose;
: on South Market street, to his new
BA TRIP WC JAPAN i iisssicveirevonnenesssnrvsrnsescs Klein |property. He will be better pre-|\
From the Iippodrome production of the same name, pared than ever to attend to the
Intermission iwants of his numerous patients.
ren Gp ARR pe
6 OVERTURE {Willlam Mell” ..ciiveeccrsvrrerinrssvnnsrras Rossini :
: . : 4 Removed to Hospital
Two greatmen have written on the subject of “Tell,” one g oe : : ~ marol
in poetry, te other in music; and both of these men did Mr. John Zahm, one fof our rja
what few chers would do. They created a Switzerland so ifrge delivery carriers, was removed
like the re{ that the Switzer might have been proud of it,
Schiller’'s pem of “William Tell” brings the mountains,
the air andthe people of Switzerland before us so vividly
ag if he ha known them all his life, and Rossini’s opera
Ito the Hospital at Lancaster on Mon-
{day for an operation. Hig substi-
{tute carrier Mr. F. E. Hershey is go-
ling over his route.
Gone to Leinbach’s on Saturday
It's Going to be a Great Day

001 0

Th Great “May Our Best June
shoppers arehuying for the future, they are
reaping big bdney-savings.

gloves, etc., broad assortments sterling qual-
ities and many lots attractively low in price.
. Banai ival” i
. arain Carniva White Sale
. ‘loses Saturday Opens Saturday
| It will be bur last opportunity to buy It is going to be a “star” event, taking in
. summer need for the family, at the ridicu- every department of the store where white
1 lously low ptes which now prevail. Wise merchandise is carried. Men's women’s and
- children’s wear, piece goods, trimmings,
Double“S. & H.” Green Stamps Saturday
With All Purchases--In All Departments
Lenbach & Company
Lancaster, Penna.

mmm m


sylvania Today
— ( Said
roads of Pennsyl-!
140. consisting of

Experimental Tobacco Farm to be
Started in This Community 'Tis

Mr. and Mrs.
Mount Joy, were
this place.
Mr. Isaac Kupp
John Kesselring of
Sunday visitors at
purchased a new
Self Binder from H. S.. Newcomer
of Mount Joy,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter 8. Kraybill
were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. W.
Kraybill last Sunday evening.
Frank Pierce unloaded a car load
of Bituminous coal last Saturday to
be used at his stone crushing plant.
Harry Brandt plowed the John
Enterline lot size 50 feet
which they made 24 gweet
Mrs. Reuben Baker of near Eliza-
bethtown, spent last Sunday with her
daughter, Mrs. Hassinger and
Mr. Hiram Woigemuth of near
Marietta transacted business with
the Landis Brothers last Monday
Mrs. George Falk and daughter
Ruth of ‘Royalston, Pa., were guests
at the Rheems hot house one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs.
near Mountville,
and Mrs.
cn Heisey
|. Mr,
of the
Benjamin Lefever of
were guests of Mr.
Cyrus Evans last Sunday
H. S.
Farmer, representative
Newcomer supply store
was in this
place one day last
The Amos Garber, Milton
Paules, Elmer Barnhart and W. L.
Heisey attended the Keller & Bro.
cattle sale at Mount Joy on Friday.
der and Gish,
Martin Gish
wholesale dealers in


leaf tobacco transacted business in
this place one evening last week,
Mr. and Mrs, lev. Peter Nissley
Mi and Mrs. Abram Lutz were
1estg of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Kray-
ill a few hours last Saturday after-
noon |
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis daughter |
son William and Miss
andt from Donegal Springs
> Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Schroll.
Ir, and Mrs. Frank Gainer, Mr.
ind Mrs. Enos Miller spent last Sun-
day at Quarryville, visiting relatives
here Enos claims they hold the
record for good eats.
Mr. David Brubaker, the famous
adult nurse of this place now holding
a position near Ephrata, spent last
with his daughter, Mrs. J. C.
Smith and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gall of near
Bachmansville, Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Oberholtzer of near Bellaire, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wea-
ver and Henry Weaver, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Landis en-
tertained the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Stehman of Mt. Joy
and their sons and daughters and
grandchildren last Saturday evening.
The Jacob G. Snyder new barn is
fast nearing completion as there are
only about three weeks until hay
making time. Prospects are favor-
able that the structure will be ready
to house the new made hay.
Mr. and Mrs H.
boarded the 10:18 train Monday
M. bound for the summer residence
on the mountaing near Hyner,
Pa., where they contemplate spend-
ing the summer,
There are rumors
an experimental tobacco station on
the C. L. Nissly farm tenanted by
Harry Brandt. one mile east of this
place. They contemplate planting EA
acre to compare with 14 acre culti-
vated by Mr. Brandt.
A puzzle for the fruit growers,
Whole apple orchards in this section
are effected with a blight called the
fire blight affecting only the twig
where the blossomsg appeared caus-
ing the blossom and leafs to turn al-
most black, destroying the apple crop
in this section.
Mrs, Loyd
Pleasant Hill.
Jacob Heisey
of establishing
A. Murphy of near
received a pleasant
surprise upon her 36th birthday.
when she got in the midst of a
shower of packages to the number of
valuable articles
such as shoes. stockings. dresses 4nd
The Landis Bros stone meal fac-
tory has been adjusted into a stone |
crushing plant
order to fill
present in
orders for
wide upon |
of the firm Sny- |
g —
stone for 2
time. They
until the
have orders
their stone meal.
Considering the rapid movement of
all sorts of transportation the trust-
worthy old horse Bill attached to a
vehicle is not a very safe way of
traveling the main thoroughfare as
it required too much time to travel
five miles. The family with the auto
can keep ahead of danger and dodge
the approach,
Cyrus Evang has accepted the con-
tract to drill the Red hill road full
of holes ranging from 2 to six feet
in depth which were blasted on Good
Road day where they had over 100
volunteers upon the scene who ap-
peared with shovels, picks and
teams displaying a charitable spirit
for Conoy township.
tn QA
fall se®ding
Little Talks on Health and Hygiene
by 8. G. Dixon, M. D. tL. D,
The scratch of a poisoned “ring
was often sufficient to effectually
dispose of an enemy during the Mid-
dle Ages. Such procedure is no
longer fashionable and many people
are careless in neglecting slight
wounds, not thinking
of consideration.
It is easily possible for any cut
or abrasion which is sufficient to
draw blood to become infected with
possible serious results. Not that
one should worry over a cut finger
or the like, but there are certain
precautions which should be given
to even the slightest wounds.
This is because through puncture,
scratch or cut some of the many
micro-organisms may find entrance
and result in infection, As
little trouble makers are found ev-
erywhere and are to be on al-
anything we touch it is obvi-
some protection should be
them worthy
ous that
| given any open wound,
First, however, the wound should
be cleansed. preferably with water
thrive when the
Among these is
those which only
| air is shut away.

| the germ of the dreaded tetanus Or|friendg in town.
lock-jaw. For this court
plaster should not be
| It is wise for travelers, campers | ij
them- |
bandages be | Tyesd
These are |i; a convention
|and vacationists to
| selves with sterilized
fore starting on a trip.
{put up in convenient form and are
can be sterilized by]
on both
{hand linen
| pressing
iron or by dipping
tiseptic solution.
of a more
nature should


by a
{ “The Return of the Soul”
As soon as purposive psychology is
acknowledged as a full-fledged science |
we cannot go very far without dis-
covering that it leads us straight to
the old idea of the soul. We under-
stand the meaning of a thought or
memory or will act by linking it with
the aim toward which it points, and
this inner forward movement is under-
stood as the act of a self. What do
we know of this self? One thing
above all—it is perfectly free. We
saw that in this whole world of mean-
ing everything is completely under-
stood as soon as every act is linked
with its purpose, hence we have no
right at all to ask for causes. It has
no subconscious causes, and it has no
brain causes. The mere inquiry after
its cause would falsify its status.
It has not causes any more than it
has weight or color. Its whole reality
lies in its purposiveness, and this de-
tachment from any possible cause,
thus completeness in itself, is the
fundamental freedom of the self which
stamps it as a soul.
Moreover, for the causal psycholo-
gist, whether he be of the subcon-
scious or of the physiological temper,
mental life is a multitude of elements.
The parts of the mind are externally
linked, but they remain separate men-
tal atoms. In the world with which
the purposive psychologist is concern-
ed one act is internally bound up with
another, one idea means another, one
thought refers to another, and every
single act points backward to the self
which expresses its meaning in its
pruposive deeds. This is a self whic.
is not a mere pile of psychical doings,
but which really asserts itself as the
same in 8Very new act. isswesesss.
This soul, finally, cannot be depend-
ent upon the beginning and the end,
upon the days and the hours of the
physical body. It expresses itself
through the body, and the sense organs
determine the selection of objects to-
ward which it takes its attitudes, but
the soul is neither in the time nor in
the space of the physical molecules.
| If we graciously ask, “How can we de-
| scribe the soul?” we must learn to
recognize the absurdity of the very
question. Every description refers to
an object, but the essential meaning
of the soul is that it is never an object,
but always a subject, always a self,
always an action.—Hugo Munsterberg,
in the North American Review.


A man’s feet are what enable a gas
bill to run up so rapidly.


Our Ads Bring Results—Try ¥
| Advertise im the Mt. Jov Bulletin
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.

for a large .amount of
these |
most dangerous infecting agents are|yesterday.
a material aid in caring for wounds.|B, Shearin of Philadelphia, was very |this office,
{In case sterile bandages are not at|ngticeable about
with a very | Florin
In some an: qaughter, Dorothy Anna Risser.
|a number of friends at her home on|
el :
“|Mount Joy street. Friday evening.
| Mrs.
| street.
| Bdna Hummer of ql
{the weekend

FINngs of Our Many Re-
porters Ihe Past Week
What Our Able Corps of Reporters
Found in the Card Basket About
Yourself Your Friends and Your

“l Never
_ Bellefontaine, Ohio.—*“I wish ev
tired, weak, nervous woman could Ne
Vinol for I never spent any money in
my life that did me so much as
in 1: very bad condition,
weak, tired, and worn out and
drowsy headaches.
preparations without benefit.
“One day a friend asked :
Vinol. I i and soon my Ey
creased, I slept better and now I am
strong, vigorous and well and ean do
that I spent for Vinol. My nerves were
making me very -
housework with pleasure.’”’—Mrs, J. F.
LAMBORN, Belle Dr Ohio. ¥
Nervous, weak, tired, worn-ou
men should take Mrs. Lamborn’s rr
ard try Vinol for there are literally
thousands of men and women who were
formerly run-down, weak and nervous,
who owe their good health to Vinol.
Itis the medicinal, tissue building ele-
ments of the cod’s livers, aided 1d the
blood making,

Mr. A. P. Louck of York,
Monday in town,
Mr. John Shelly of Manheim, was
in town yesterday.
Mr. J. J. Daly of Philadelphia, was
a Thursday visitor here.
Mr. C. Brobst of West Chester, | Jr °% makin SHengiyaning infuetes
i : ip , contained in Vinol, wi
was in town on Thursday. makes it so effici : »
cient in all cases,
Mr. John Theis of Philadelphia, sl such
spent last Friday in the boro. W. Bb. CHANDLER & Co.

Mr. W. G. M. Cater of Scranton,
called on friends here Thursday. LOCAL DOINGS !
Mr. Geo. H. Hewitt of Camden,
N. J, was a Monday visitor here, | Brief News That Happened Within

Mr, E. Renninger of Lancaster, the Past Week
| was seen on our streets Thursday.
| Mr. R. Schwenck of New York| Don't forget the festival in the
| City, was sojourning here this week. | Park on Saturday evening for the

| Mr. Ed. Ream wag looking up the | benefit of the Boy Scouts,
|horse market at Lebanon yesterday. Mr. Elmer Givens and his force
| Mr. BE. L. Lefevre of Littlestown |are painting the residence of Mrs.
|Pa., called on friends here yester-|Abram Stauffer on East Main street.
day, EY
David Hoffman Esq., of Philadel- iFBest paper in town——Bulletin.
phia, was in town several days this Advertise in the Mt Joy Bulletin
week, | &#The people’s paper— Bulletin.’
Mr. John Murray of Lancaster,
spent a few hours here last Wed-

which has been boiled, After this | nesday. Wanied HI IG il Rel
is done some antiseptic should be | Mr. Simon Menaugh is confined to|_ ~~) :
applied. A 20 per cent solution of | the house with an attack of sick-| FOR SALE—A 1914 Twin ‘2-speed
carbolic acid or tincture of iodine | pagy. {9 to 13 horsepower Dayton motorcycle,
applied around the edge and di-| Miss Viola Baker spent from fully equipped, speedometer, presto-
rectly in the cut will satisfactorily | Thursday to Sunday with friends at |lite tank, big lamp, good as new.
disinfect smaller wounds and can | Herghey., First come, first served, Apply to C.
be easily obtained, A piece of ster; nr ang Mrs. James Bishop and |O. Brandt, Mount Joy. 2t.
hg or linen should then bootie sven Sunday with friends FOR SALE—A 25-60 Faultless Hot
The. ‘wound . sponld nok. be her. 5 x lloWauch Bs So Fo ee excepgionally cheap;
melt ally, sowed. os mts of the “ | ition quaranteed. Am installing
acted business in the Lebanon courts [larger system. Call on C. O. Brandt,
Mount Joy, may 26-4t.
vy Visiting among FOR SALE—A Steel Tank of 42-
° bbl. capacity; price very reasonable,
[Can be seen on my farm tenanted by
[Wm, Wintermoyer. Call on Eli Hel-
Iman, Mount Joy. may 26-4t.
Frank Dissinger of Elizabeth-
, spent Sunda
Mr. and Mrs.’ S. N. Eby left on
Monday for Mt. Gretna, where they
spend the summer. mes ee
Mrs. H. N. Nissly is spending from FOR SALE—A good as new 3-burn-
Thursday as a delegate | ©T gasoline stove in Al condition.
| Cost $15 but will sell very cheap
no further use. Call
{kinds at very reasonable prices. Ant
of 3| que Work a specialty, Also new
| work. H. C. Myers, Mount Joy Pa.
Zerphey entertained | may19-2t
| Day Old Chicks—S. C. White Leg
{hors for sale, 10c a ch. Also Cus
tom Hatching at 4c a ch. Newpher
and | orneltzer, Mount Joy. tf
Haven or :
NOTICE—I am prepared to do ali
Misses Elizabeth Graybill and |sinds of hauling, plowing lots, and
destown, were work of that kind. Charges very
guests of ’ Miss, Sara reasonable. Jacob Brown, Mt. Joy. tt
ay to
at Columbia,
The smiling countenance of Mr, 1. |as have
town Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Risser, west of |
announce the birth
Miss Kathryn
Mrs, Jane
Roath is
of Enola,
with Mr.
George Myers,

Dr. EE. W. Garber
Philadelphia tomorrow

vil | LOSTBetween Florin Arch and
where he will (the Colebrook road, a lady's open
|face gold watch with initials B. C.
leave for

attend the Rexal] convention for a
few days. > |G. on back. Return . to Bessie CG.
Messrs. C. Wilkinson and Harvey Gainer, Rieens, Pa.
T. Hauer. of the City of Brotherly FOR SALE—A good bedr silts
Love, spent a few days in the boro | complete with mattress, bedding, ete.
last week. | Also feather tick and pillows, a Do
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gingrich and|mestic Sewing Machine, 2-burner gas
daughter ‘Sarah of Reading, spent plate, a good stove. For particulars
Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. call on Miss Nettie Culp, Mt. Joy. tf
C. S. Gingrich. |
Miss Geneva Sharp of Marietta, |
was the guest of her friend Mr. Roy |
Sheaffer. at his country
north of town on Sunday.
Mrs. S. R. Snyder and son Frank,

home just |late of East Donegal Township, Lan-
| caster County. Pa., deceased.
Letters of Administration on said
. |estate having bee t
wife and two children spent Satur | undersigned, © all Rane 0 he
day ‘and Sunday at Millersville, as thereto are requested to make im-
guests of Mrs. Alice Kieffer. (mediate payment, and those having
{claims Ss s
Mrs. J. H. Stoll and Master TOS O0 Seriads agin Ho ng
Bruce Stoll were guests of the for-|gettlement to the undersigned.
mer’s daughter, Mrs. J. A. MacNie- HENRY H. EBY.
| holl at Merchantville, N. J, Thurs-| HARRY M. FLORY,
! day. | Mount Joy, R.D §
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe, |p p.oiy Kready, Atty Adminisiraio.

son Ward and daughter Lillian and |
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Sheaffer spent |
Sunday at Linglestown as guests of

| y &
Mrs. Backenstoe’s parents, Mr. wm [ Cream Nola
Mrs. H. D. Koons. IU U1 W( K
ar w |
Advertising Sure Pays : \!
Especially if it is inserted in a! 0p Teall I d08
medium that is read. Here is one of
many examples, At a recent funeral
The season is here and we are
two gentlemen unintentionally ex-
changed umbrellas. Last week Mr. |prepared to serve you with the ward
Jacob H. Zeller put a small ad ip the |ous drinkg and pure delicious
Bulletin and within half an hour
after the paper was off the press,
Mr. Isaac Longenecker nl the Ice Cream
umbrella and received his own in re
turn. ’'Nuf said. This we can furnish you by the
a A — ie plate, cone, pint or quart. If you are
Where, O Where Can He Be? particular about what you drink e®
Clayton Gantz, a well known eat along these lines this is the
farmer living near the Dunkard :
place to come when yeu are tired,
h he fisville, i iss
ome, Neffsville, is among the miss- hungry or thirsty.
ing since last Monday. The last

seen of him was that morning
when he left home, saying he was
wnt oe WD, Chandler
Our Ads Bring Results—Try ft. |Sunday Hours West Main St
tur Ads Bring Results—Try it. [8 to 9—5 te 7 MT. JOY, PA.
\ ;
\ of
Spent Any Money
That Did Me So Much
Good as That | Spent for
i 7 I had tried cod ©
liver oil, doctor’s medicines, and other